War for the Black Blood(invite only, MT) - Page 2
Sophia broke out laughing. "i've got plenty of diamonds," she said between laughing "but only one sub."
22-08-2008, 21:54
"Vice-admiral you are excused, get the ballasts ready," Josh said. "Well I bet you will to hear this, do to the property of a necklogen ion on a sulfur ion, the necklogen destroys the adhesion in the water letting the sub literally glide through the water, this means little to no energy is needed to break through water, this gives the sub a maximum speed of a whopping 75 knots. This sub has 10 Black-power engines, Would you like to see what it runs on?"
"Vice-admiral you are excused, get the ballasts ready," Josh said. "Well I bet you will to hear this, do to the property of a necklogen ion on a sulfur ion, the necklogen destroys the adhesion in the water letting the sub literally glide through the water, this means less energy is needed to break through water, this gives the sub a maximum speed of a whopping 75 knots. This sub has 10 Black-power engines, Would you like to see what it runs on?"
OOC: no sulfur in water. Just hydrogen and oxygen.
"I'd love to," She replied
22-08-2008, 22:04
(no the necklogen is attached to the sulfur, the necklogen sulfur bond cuts through the water)
"This is pretty much the Emperor bomb on a small scale. This sub is made of about 80% of necklogen." He said pointing too 10 large blocks."Inside those chamber, two small necklogen positive cubes are smashing into each other and then pulling away creating enough energy to power a small city of about 100,000 people for 100 years. The energy is rerouted to stabilize the reactors and etc. so we don't overload on energy. The blocks are made of pure necklogen negative because the heat generated in there is hotter than any other metal can stand."
(no the necklogen is attached to the sulfur, the necklogen sulfur bond cuts through the water)
"This is pretty much the Emperor bomb on a small scale. This sub is made of about 80% of necklogen." He said pointing too 10 large blocks."Inside those chamber, two small necklogen positive cubes are smashing into each other and then pulling away creating enough energy to power a small city of about 100,000 people for 100 years. The energy is rerouted to stabilize the reactors and etc. so we don't overload on energy. The blocks are made of pure necklogen negative because the heat generated in there is hotter than any other metal can stand."
"fair enough. Seems like a pretty unstable way to power a ship though. why not go nuclear?"
22-08-2008, 22:16
"fair enough. Seems like a pretty unstable way to power a ship though. why not go nuclear?"
"Well necklogen provides a never ending power source, a necklogen battery only dies out after 100 years of constant use. Plus huge amounts of power are needed to maintain visual invisibility, enough to run a small city at any time. Now lets head to the bridge"
"Definitely sounds good to me."
22-08-2008, 23:16
Josh walked towards the bridge, Sophia behind him. Josh stopped and paused,"here is the armory stock....it is fully automated, the room where the torpedoes are held are in a room built from pure necklogen, when the hatch of the room is closed, the entire armory could go off and all we would feel is a bit of shaking..."
"Impressive. Wouldn't help you much if a round gets through the armor to this point but against saboteurs or mechanical problems it would help."
22-08-2008, 23:44
"Touch'e," Josh said."Okay lets go to the bridge..." He began walking down a long corridor and arrived at the end. He punched in a code,"The code is 121781," Josh said as the door opened revealing a busy command deck. Several men in the room turned to Sophia and saluted. On this sub there was a wide clear window. "This is necklogen tempered glass and can withstand ridiculous amounts of pressure it can also withstand 10 torpedoes hitting the glass on the same spot. This is the command deck"
she returned the salute. "At ease. Looks good Josh. But there's one question I have. What will happen. I mean if you are exiled do I retain control of this ship? am I still a part of the ASDN or does this make me a Ralkovian Sailor subject?"
23-08-2008, 00:06
"No this fleet was engineered by me, designated by me, and belongs to me, so while the men aboard belong to Ralkovia, they also support me fanatically, and as I said before this is not a routine trial...we have something planned.....Now we have one last place to go..."
"fair enough," Replied Sophia. "So now you've got your own fleet. The prince's own perhaps?"
23-08-2008, 00:15
"Its my fleet...I will soon field an army, Ship Admiral Hawk, do you know of the Ferod Island Chain(Hawaii)?"
"know of it, yes. Know much about it, no"
23-08-2008, 00:43
"can you plot a course to them ship admiral"
23-08-2008, 22:04
ooc: Do you want to continue with a war in Ralkovia? Or should I make another thread?
OOC:I'm up for a war in Ralkovia but if you want to open it up to others then create a new thread
IC: "aye, Sir." She replied. then turning to the Sailor manning the Ships steering she said "Plot a course boatswain, Bearings 70 degrees south by west. Speed 90% of maximum safe power."
24-08-2008, 15:06
ooc: kay
"Well then nothing to do but wait, do you want to see the admirals quarters?"
OOC: awesome. So did you want to create a new thread? be warned if you do people might jump in on both sides making it a little more complicated.
IC: "Of course. Care to join me?"
25-08-2008, 00:26
(Yeah, I'm thinking about that right now)
IC: "I would love too, my admiral," he said smiling. He gave her a slight kiss before showing her to the admirals quarters.
OOC:and that seems a pretty good place to finish off. TG/message/write ooc in this thread when you decide what to do about that civil war.
25-08-2008, 00:48
ooc: Well I sort of want to continue it like this. I mean it would get confusing and perhaps annoying if more people joined
25-08-2008, 02:05
ooc: Well we are going to land and I am going to gain support, so lets stop somewhere after I get the support of some ralkovian factions and the DaWoads
OOC: i like the sounds of that
25-08-2008, 20:41
OOC: Okay, lets fast foward to the next morning...obviously we won't get graphic...
ooc:ya for sure u wanna lead off
25-08-2008, 22:55
Josh woke up laying next to sophia. He was happy, for the first time truely happy. Politics, war, his country it didn't matter as much to him anymore. He would gladly give up his title to stay with her.
Josh realized that he was in love with her,"I love you." He whispered before kissing her.
"She rolled over next to him and replied "I love you too."
25-08-2008, 23:02
Josh cuddled with her for a few minutes,"Maybe we should get dressed," he said smiling wickedly.
"What got somewhere important to go?" She replied coyly
25-08-2008, 23:34
"No but you do ship-admiral, but of course since your with me I think I can allow you to be a little late to work..." he said grinning widely now. He planted a kiss on her lips before stretching out.
"mmmmm sounds good" she replied.
Three hours later on the command deck
"so what exactly are you trying to do here Josh?" Sophia asked
25-08-2008, 23:46
"I am having myself a little exile party. Going to visit ralkovia, go to my trial, have a little rebellion, then kill my uncle." Some of the men laughed at this, many admirals helped Josh since he was a baby and many talked about him as if Josh was there child.
Josh looked at a map in front of him, it was of the hawaiian islands, a little island named Ferdun stuck out to the left of the chain. It was the smallest, but it was also a Ralkovian colony. It was important for his plans, extremely important.
"Sounds good" Replied Sophia. "That Fuck nearly killed both our countries. You want the help of the ASD you've got it."
26-08-2008, 00:11
Josh smiled,"Well then I can count on you. Ship-Admiral what time is our ETA?"
"ETA 10 minutes to the end of international waters sir."
26-08-2008, 03:48
"Good ship-admiral...you will be coming on land with me to a meeting...vice-ship admiral will be take care of the submarine until then...We will be arriving by helicopter"
"We still have the osprey in the hanger, josh, if you'd prefer to use that?"
26-08-2008, 04:34
"Fine we can use that...You will understand the importance of this meeting when we get there"
"sounds good. Ready to go?"
26-08-2008, 23:54
"Yes," he said opening the hatch of the sub and going out on deck. The huge vault doors opened wide to reveal an osprey being brought up on an inner elevator. The Osprey was brought onto deck and fueled, 4 ralkovian death guard followed behind Josh, they were coming with him to protect him.
the Osprey fueled up fully and the ASD personnel piled aboard. The ten diplomats, 2 ASDN tenth legion commandos and the ralkovian death guards. Sophia Jumped aboard as well and held out her hand to josh. "Good to go sir?" She asked, smiling.
29-08-2008, 00:02
Josh smiled as the plane took off. He took her hand into his and held it."Well then lets go take fate by the head..."
"Sounds good to me," She replied. "What should I set our IFF too?"
29-08-2008, 00:54
Ooc: Iff?
OOC:friend or foe identifier . . .essentially a broadcast to tell allies ur on their side.
29-08-2008, 02:29
"None, this meeting is so top secret that if anyone knew of it before hand we would all be screwed," Josh said.
As they approached another plane had landed this one was painted Blue, Red, and Black the colors of the tradankan House.
"Fair enough, Exactly how dangerous is this situation?"
29-08-2008, 02:57
"Seeing as we are going to do something that has never been done before...extremely dangerous...thats why I didn't want you to come"
"heheheh here is absolutely nothing that coulda kept me from coming. So care to explain exactly what were doing here? trying to gain support?"
29-08-2008, 03:25
"Something along those lines," he said, his body was very tense, he looked slightly nervous.
The plane finally landed. Josh got off and waited for sophia. He looked at her and smiled, visibly losing some of the stress. I love this woman more than anything in the world. he said in his mind. Josh kissed her as he took her hand."May I escort the lady to the proceedings?"
"of course, My liege." She replied then kissed him back.
29-08-2008, 03:48
Josh walked up to the gate, 2 men stood in front."You know the procedure, sir" Josh took a small bottle from them a drank it. He put it down and sat, after a few minutes they opened the gate.
"Sorry, Its a procedure"
"fair enough," she replied
29-08-2008, 03:59
"its a poison of sorts, if you're not of royal blood, well you would die within a minute."
"that's . .. interesting," She replied. "A good test to prove who you are I guess."
29-08-2008, 23:15
Josh entered the room. It was white-walled and barren except for a steel frame which held an elevator. There was a door on the right side that said,"Stairs." Josh looked at both for a second before he chose to take the elevator. "Elevator for milady?"
"My thanks," she replied adding "my love" under her breath too him.
30-08-2008, 19:09
Josh pressed a button and the elevator doors opened. Josh smiled and took her hand before kissing her lightly. The elevator finally made it to the lowest level, 40 floors below ground, about 600 ft below ground. The room they stepped out in was a large conference room with a huge circular table in the middle of the room. It had a little out cut in the middle for someone to get into the middle.
There were 30 people around the table, each wore a different color and designed armor with a crest of their house on their back. All had a stern and serious face as they turned to face Joshua and Sophia.
Josh showed sophia her seat,"You shall stay here my beautiful." The seat was closest to where Josh was sitting showing everyone that she was an important and influential woman.
Josh walked to the middle and began to speak,"You all know why you are here Ralkovian House Leaders. Many, if not all of you despise Maximillian for getting the council to pass the unity laws taking away your political power to address legislature."
Many shouted yes or snarled at the name of the devil.
"He will destroy the houses altogether once he is emperor, he will make sure we are all killed, and he can once he is Emperor. We will not and can not allow him the title and power of emperor. Each of you has your own personal army, though each of them are small and not a threat to the ralkovian military alone, together we can bring the monster down. Would you lead your armies with me to put down this threat?"
Many of the member so eager to shout threats to Max quieted down at Josh's proposal. He had lost against quite a few enemies, but he was right Max would make sure that house leaders would have no power. No one was willing to pledge there armies until someone else did first.
"Many of you would like to know who this woman who is sitting at my honorary right is, this is miss Sophia Hawk of the DaWoadians. I would like you all to know that the DaWoadians will also help us get rid of max."
Rizzack Errin, leader of the house of Cerebrus spoke up,"My brother and my friend, I can pledge to you 500,000 Cerebrus Legion Guards. I will not allow the monster that has brutalized traditional ralkovia to take and mutilate a prestigious and honorable position."
Jona Derreas, leader of the house of sorrin spoke with confidence now,"My Liege, Sorrin will pledge to you 600,000 Black Guard and 2000 Sorrow Tanks."
Berrin Doges, leader of the Banking Guild spoke up,"The Banking Guild has lost finances in many of max's ventures, he has refused to pay up. You have always had great credit and that is why we pledge 1 million Loan Wolves and 40,000 Armored trucks."
Barnesman Lorid, leader of the trade guild spoke,"The trade & commerce guild has had enough of Maximillians tariffs. We will pledge 2 million Trades Marines, 20,000 ships, and 75,000 Guild Tanks to your endeavor."
Finally Elizabeth Blackman spoke up, she was leader of the Colonial Vanguard, the largest house in Ralkovia, it was also the oldest and strongest,"The Colonial Vanguard will donate 4 million Droid Soldiers, 3 million Guardsmen, 1 million Colonial Militia, 800,000 Provincial Soldiers, and 100,000 Soveriegn Tanks, and we will see if we cannot convince a few more of the colonies to donate troops."
The 3 largest houses had all spoken and there support generated a flurry of pledges from the smaller houses. As the house leaders had finished talking Josh grinned."Since many of you would like to know the amount of our forces, we have a combined army of 16 million plus how many the DaWoadian forces will add. 20% of the Ralkovian National Army, 40% of the Ralkovian National Marines, 50% of the Ralkovian National Air Force and 90% of the Ralkovian National Navy are also loyal to us and many of the generals and admirals will pledge there support once we get some ground forces down. That means that we will have 20 million soldiers on top of whatever the dawoadians will help us, and the 16 million combined forces. This gives us more than half of the entire Ralkovian military strength which will even it out, meaning that we will have a small troop advantage even without the help of the DaWoadians. Though this does not count much seeing as we will be fighting more advanced weapons, but we can make sure that we will be more than enough of a threat to make Maximillians supporters think about who there loyalties should lie with."
Many of the leaders of the house clapped. Even though this could be a celebratory moment where everyone would smile, no one did. Everyone knew that what they were doing would lead to deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions of deaths. It also went against every traditional rule that the House leaders were trying to keep to try and kill an emperor-in-waiting. These men and women were always loyal to the royal family unlike the ministers. These leaders prided themselves on this loyalty and honor, but they also knew that this needed to be done.
Then one of the house leaders spoke up,"What about the death guard and the special assassin group, if we should die are houses would collapse without are armies. The entire Death guard are not under your command and we all know that we cannot stop there assassins once they begin."
Josh smiled,"Trust me, the death guard will not be after you."
The man shouted back furiously,"Not after us!!!!!!, they would want us dead most certainly. Why would they not be after us?!?!!" The house leaders began to shout and holler at Josh. It looked as if they would take back there pledges.
"Please, silence..." The house leaders went dead quiet. Josh felt the heat of the gazes he was getting. If they had heat vision he would burst into flames, the heat dwarfing the temperature of the Emperor Bombs heat storm. Josh spoke up,"The reason why they would not be going after the house leaders is that they would all be going after me. My uncle only sees me as a threat and would send the entire ralkovian military after me if he could. He wants me dead more than he wants the throne, I have made a fool of him, disgraced him, forced him to look unpatriotic. I am his personal enemy, when I get back home the only reason my plane will make it will be because he knows that I am going to be sentenced to death and assigned the title of being a coward, rather than die on a plane and become an honorable martyr struck down by terrorist. I am not after the throne, in fact I will make a pledge right now that I will not take the throne as long as you keep your pledges to take maximillian out of power."
The house leaders stayed quiet, they thought over what Josh had said and believed it to be true. Many of them still planned on leaving the country and hide but they would still keep there pledge. The man before them was honorable, he would keep his word, he would sacrifice himself to protect his country. He was not after power, he was after the safety of ralkovia. The leader of the colonial vanguard spoke up,"There is no need for that pledge. There is no one here or anywhere in the world more deserving and ready for the throne than you. I had the pleasure of loving your father, when I was about the same age as the DaWoadian woman beside you and your father the same age as you. I remember the day I gave birth to you I received the official title of Vanguard House Leader. While I miss your father and the fact that we had to split up because of politics, he was not fully ready for the position. You my son are ready."
Josh nodded,"Well then have your armies ready in 4 days, we shall attack on the 8th day. Each of you will be given an objective that I will send on the 5th day. My court date is set in 6 days and my sentencing on the 8th."
The room quickly emptied of the house leaders. None of them asked Josh any more questions. Once Josh and Sophia were alone, Josh smiled,"How did I do?"
31-08-2008, 02:15
(Long ass post courtesy of ralkovia)
ooc: nice! :D sorry about the response time
"jesus josh!" she replied. "that's a hell of a plan. I like it and you have my full support. The ASD, or essentially my dad, has assigned the rebuilt 1st fleet along with all the Ralkovian ships to himself. Commander Honor will be skulking around with eighth fleet as well and we've been given the entirety of the ASDS marine Corps. Finally my dad's been hinting about something called the protectorates own. Apparently he designed and built A fleet specifically for the protection of important nationals both foreign and national and he's been raring for a chance to test it out."
04-09-2008, 20:17
"Well we have 2 days to do whatever we want, I will show you some of the ralkovian culture." He said beginning to smile, he began to kiss Sophia,"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are? or how much I love you?"
"only once or twice," she replied kissing him back. "So lets get to that . . .culture"
04-09-2008, 22:37
Josh smiled,"Well we got the Raskov Royal Lineage Sculpture, it has a stone figure of every royal family member from when they are 18," He said smiling. He then sat next to her,"Then we have the Rarokov Von Dug Royal Art Museum where hundreds of painting are, my favorite is the New Art of War and Peace Museum commisioned by me"
OOC: skip ahead a little? or is this going somewhere?
IC: "So you founded it yourself?"
08-09-2008, 01:18
Josh smiled,"Yes yes I did."
(Fast forward)
Josh lay in his room thinking of the battle that would soon be at his doorstep. Ralkovian battle tactics played in his mind, he was alone but he knew that sophia should be coming in soon.
They were leaving for ralkovia tomorrow, his court day just a couple of days away.
She knocked on the door then came in. "Hey Josh," She said. As the two Legionnaires scanned the room then went outside. "We should probably talk business. I've got a Fleet under my command and my father's got another two and Commander Honor has another one actually ghosting in Ralkovian waters now. So what do you want us to do with them?"
08-09-2008, 01:49
Joshs mind came back to Earth even though it was beckoned by the voice of an angel. Josh slowly spoke,"Come in."
"Hey " she smiled, "Welcome back. You catch any of that?"
08-09-2008, 01:54
"No not really," he said smiling. On the desk to the side were blue prints for some sort of Helicopter (http://s160.photobucket.com/albums/t180/arrondock/?action=view¤t=helicopter.jpg). It looked futuristic, there were a few pencil shaving on it and it looked as if it had just been completed moments ago.
"no worries I was just saying that, We should probably talk business. I've got a Fleet under my command and my father's got another two and Commander Honor has another one actually ghosting in Ralkovian waters now. So what do you want us to do with them?"
She paused and looked at the drawing. "and what, exactly is that?"
08-09-2008, 21:30
Josh sat up from the bed."A new type of helicopter, I like to call it the dragonfly. Come lay down first but yes business....they will lend missile support for the attack on Maxs compound. "
"I see," She replied lying down next to him "So do you have an overall battle plan or are me and my people gonna have to come up with one." SHe smiled again then kissed him. "what'll it be?"
08-09-2008, 22:06
"We will have about 80,000 soldiers in the capital. They will make the main assault on Maxs palace. Other soldiers will catch the national military bases by surprise and bring there system down." Josh said and then kissed back.
"Sounds good," She replied. "Our forces can mop up fleet elements, provide air cover and give you a "gone to Hell plan" if it all goes sour. By the way, I'm coming with you too the trial. My father already forced that concession on Max along with the two bodyguards and about 20 diplomats."
08-09-2008, 22:12
"I don't know how you got that asshole to agree to anything," he said smiling.
"I believe that my father might have mentioned the fact that a peace settlement wasn't actually in process yet and that he could, legally, at any time resume out an out war. The look on Max's face was priceless from what I hear and I suspect he might want me and the "diplo's" for hostages for my father's good behavior."
08-09-2008, 22:22
"Well he will soon know that he will be the one who is the hostage"
"thats what we were hopping for" she said, now on to other things . . .
10-09-2008, 03:24
"Like what?" He said smiling.
"Oh I think you have some idea" she replied
Fast forward to flight into Ralkovia
"lock up boys." Said the legionnaire "this is gonna be a bitch."
12-09-2008, 00:05
As the plane landed Josh was greeted to the shouts of angry protestors. On two sides were angry citizens here to shout and throw a fit at Josh, the betrayer, on the other was a smaller side of retired veterans, patriots, and supprters of Josh here to shout back at the haters.
Reporters formed a third side trying to ask Josh questions of very little importances to him. One reporter asked Sophia what her status with Josh was before throughing her his phone number and asking her for an interview.
Josh walked in the middle as police surrounded him. Josh didn't smile, frown, cry, talk or anything, he just held the raskov glance, it was scary, two red ringed eyes staring back at you. That was what quickly the angry crowd of Haters up when he looked straight back at them. The "anguish of a million souls" that was the famous raskov stare, the one that raised morale, crushed enemy hopes, etc.
Josh then turned and entered into the private car waiting for Sophia to enter. After she did one of the death guard closed the door up."Ahh it feels good to be home," he said closing his eyes as they transformed from the killer look into the blue pools.
the four ASD'ian Legionnaires had piled in with Sophia and josh and they were scanning the area with finger's near the triggers of their "compact format" XM-28s. Sophia looked at josh happily, "Ya it must be." she said "could be better circumstances though."
12-09-2008, 22:20
"You could say that again, I'm gone for 3 months and suddenly I'm branded a traitor and I'm going to face a court, this is exactly how I expected my homecoming to be." After the long drive through the protestors Josh had fallen asleep laying his head on Sophia. He looked exhausted and stressed, he had come back home to take back what was rightfully his but the people were what counted to him and to see them cursing his name had made him sad inside.
"You could say that again, I'm gone for 3 months and suddenly I'm branded a traitor and I'm going to face a court, this is exactly how I expected my homecoming to be." After the long drive through the protestors Josh had fallen asleep laying his head on Sophia. He looked exhausted and stressed, he had come back home to take back what was rightfully his but the people were what counted to him and to see them cursing his name had made him sad inside.
Sophia watched the passing Scenery in sadness. It was beautiful, and that was the problem. It was soon to be war torn and all over an oil treaty. Oh well, she thought, not all this has been bad I've found Josh and . . .theres the other thing as well. I really should tell him but he's stressed as is and if we win it'll be a nice benefit.
14-09-2008, 20:25
( oh really!!! )
Josh woke up a bit later, they were at the Imperial Courtyard, several house leaders were waiting most of them had been to the meeting but they acted like they hadn't seen Josh for months. They then began to talk about sophia and who she was, it was all an act but still it was a needed one.
Josh smiled after one of them handed him a note."You are sure everything is ready?" Josh said not alluding to what was ready but implying the obvious. "Well when the trial is over and the verdict given, you'll have an army of angry men waiting right outside for you." The bald man said. He also was talking about the same thing.
Josh thanked him before turning to sophia and kissing her,"Do you want to see my old room?"
( oh really!!! )
Josh woke up a bit later, they were at the Imperial Courtyard, several house leaders were waiting most of them had been to the meeting but they acted like they hadn't seen Josh for months. They then began to talk about sophia and who she was, it was all an act but still it was a needed one.
Josh smiled after one of them handed him a note."You are sure everything is ready?" Josh said not alluding to what was ready but implying the obvious. "Well when the trial is over and the verdict given, you'll have an army of angry men waiting right outside for you." The bald man said. He also was talking about the same thing.
Josh thanked him before turning to sophia and kissing her,"Do you want to see my old room?"
OOC:lol why not
Ic: "I'd love too" She replied. "when is the trial?"
14-09-2008, 20:46
"Tomorrow morning, late about 11AM," he said before leading her to his room. The room was colored in red, gold, and black. It was at least the size of a small library with a large bed in the middle. It was a bedroom and office and had a small refrigerator and 5 computers at on end.
Josh kissed her before leading her to the bed.
Josh woke up as the alarm clock went off early in the morning. He quickly got dressed in a traditional ralkovian robe and headed to the swordsroom. He was practicing his Giazu Rasven, or Iron Emperor fighting technique with 4 death guard.
Sophia woke up and then went looking for Josh. She found him in the sword room with the Four death guards. One of the legionnaires turned to her and said, "Why don't we give them a show Sophia." She smiled and replied "Sure why not." she returned to the room carrying two long daggers. Beside her the legionnaire was carrying a Katanna. The two of them squared off in reactive "hit scoring armor." As the fighting went on it became obvious that Sophia was the better fighter. Wielding the two long knives she scored multiple hits on the Larger Katana wielding trooper and at the same time scored hit after hit. Stopping temporarily she turned to Josh. "wanna give it a shot? you against me? or me and my guy against all five of you? she smiled.
15-09-2008, 03:38
"I like your thinking, my 2 best men against your two men, while I defeat you, perhaps I teach you somethings and maybe I might learn something" he said with mock cockiness. Josh began to spin the two of his own light swords as he got ready for Sophia to come at him.
"I like your thinking, my 2 best men against your two men, while I defeat you, perhaps I teach you somethings and maybe I might learn something" he said with mock cockiness. Josh began to spin the two of his own light swords as he got ready for Sophia to come at him.
"Sounds good to me," she replied. One Blade held high in her left and covering head and chest with the other held trailing in her right hand. Beside Her the Two ASD legionaries wielding Katannas squared of against two of the death guards.
15-09-2008, 22:01
"The iron emperor is based on a heavy hitting technique, it is mostly attacking hard enough to catch your enemy..." Josh made a strike at Sophia with all his strength, keeping his back sword in an Emperor Katzoom guard."All great Emperors have a sword technique based on how they ruled, what wars they fought, and there skills.
"The iron emperor is based on a heavy hitting technique, it is mostly attacking hard enough to catch your enemy..." Josh made a strike at Sophia with all his strength, keeping his back sword in an Emperor Katzoom guard."All great Emperors have a sword technique based on how they ruled, what wars they fought, and there skills.
SHe easily deflected the strike with the leading blade. "Pure power huh?" She replied. "Not a very subtle guy" that saying she rolled to the right and moved in fast to the attack , leading hand snapping forward in a smiple thrust.
16-09-2008, 00:48
"You'll see what the point of this is pretty soon." He said bashing her sword out of the way, his other sword came to make a quick darting strike in the mean time, while Joshs leg came out for a sweep kick. It was an elegant art that the ralkovians had mastered a long time ago.
"You'll see what the point of this is pretty soon." He said bashing her sword out of the way, his other sword came to make a quick darting strike in the mean time, while Joshs leg came out for a sweep kick. It was an elegant art that the ralkovians had mastered a long time ago.
As he tried to strike her with the sword sophia threw herself back to the left under the sweeping blade and above the kick. In the air her trailing hand snapped forward and threw the Dirk under hand at Josh's back.
16-09-2008, 00:59
Josh quickly did his favorite move he took sophias hand that held the dagger and wrapped the arm around him. He then grabbed her other arm and spread them out eagle position,"Now I have you right where I want you," he said before kissing her.
Josh quickly did his favorite move he took sophias hand that held the dagger and wrapped the arm around him. He then grabbed her other arm and spread them out eagle position,"Now I have you right where I want you," he said before kissing her.
"heheheh she replied. "right where I want you too" and she tapped him on the back of the neck with a small sheath dagger held in the hand pinned against his back and then kissed him back.
16-09-2008, 01:15
"Well then I guess you win for now, your too good at seducing me." He said biting her upper lip playfully.
The death guard had finished there fights as well, of course they had won, not as easily as they had expected which was a significant victory for the legionairre as the death guard bowed to them.
16-09-2008, 01:28
The death guard began to speak to the legionairre as Josh acted as an interpreter. The voices of the death guard sounded like the whispers of the devil, noises only heard at the darkest of nights, it had a bone chilling quality to it."They say that you 'foreign soldiers' are very skilled and have the skill of a death guard youngling. That means that they think very highly of you, they also say that you even made Dea Gardsa break a sweat." The other death guard moved up and down, it took Josh a minute to realize he was laughing and stood wide faced,"Your men made a death guard nervous that he was going to lose, that is a first in my books."
"heheheh" Laughed the legionnaire. "I try hard but these guys are really damn good." Turning to sophia he said "I see you used some rather . . .unusual tactics." "hey if it works" she Replied with a smile and put her arm around Josh. "But I think its about time to get going.
16-09-2008, 21:09
Josh smiled,"Well even I can quickly lose to a beautiful women such as youself, if my swordsmaster was here he would have been hitting me with his Karuas whip and yelling at my idiocy."
Josh took off his traditional robe, his chest still had the scar from being impaled. One of the other deathguard spoke up, then Josh told the legionairre what he was saying,"They welcome you to use there facilities if you want to wash yourself. You should feel pretty honored, even leaders of other countries aren't allowed in death guard quarters."
"As for you my love you are more then welcome to use the royal washroom, though there is only one shower." He said smiling.
Josh smiled,"Well even I can quickly lose to a beautiful women such as youself, if my swordsmaster was here he would have been hitting me with his Karuas whip and yelling at my idiocy."
Josh took off his traditional robe, his chest still had the scar from being impaled. One of the other deathguard spoke up, then Josh told the legionairre what he was saying,"They welcome you to use there facilities if you want to wash yourself. You should feel pretty honored, even leaders of other countries aren't allowed in death guard quarters."
"As for you my love you are more then welcome to use the royal washroom, though there is only one shower." He said smiling.
The legionnaires both bowed to the death guard and said to josh "Please translate our thanks to them" before being led off. As they left Sophia said "I'll take you up on that offer Josh" and she smiled again as they walked out.
16-09-2008, 21:38
Josh walked out dressed in a traditional ralkovian garb. He was on his way to the trial, he was being barraged questions from journalist and reporters once again, but Josh ignored them all. He concentrated only on the broad wood doors, this was the point of no return. He entered into them gracefully, the entire hall way was a darkly lit, the only movement was of death guard, normally the death guard would be wearing a yellow coat of arms but instead they had Joshs coat of arms covered by the Justice Scrawls the normal death guard who guarded this area wore.
Of course this was Joshs plan in action, the death guard would keep their identities hidden. He entered into the courtroom, it as a giant oval in shape where 9 judges sat in the front and at least 400 people sat around the semi-circle. Dire was critically ill and had to give the throne up temporarily to maximillian so maximillian now sat above the judges watching the entire preceeding.
"So Josh who has been proclaimed a traitor? As for your cute little girl, don't worry I won't have her executed, she will just be sentenced to serve me for the rest of pretty little life.
Josh walked out dressed in a traditional ralkovian garb. He was on his way to the trial, he was being barraged questions from journalist and reporters once again, but Josh ignored them all. He concentrated only on the broad wood doors, this was the point of no return. He entered into them gracefully, the entire hall way was a darkly lit, the only movement was of death guard, normally the death guard would be wearing a yellow coat of arms but instead they had Joshs coat of arms covered by the Justice Scrawls the normal death guard who guarded this area wore.
Of course this was Joshs plan in action, the death guard would keep their identities hidden. He entered into the courtroom, it as a giant oval in shape where 9 judges sat in the front and at least 400 people sat around the semi-circle. Dire was critically ill and had to give the throne up temporarily to maximillian so maximillian now sat above the judges watching the entire preceeding.
"So Josh who has been proclaimed a traitor? As for your cute little girl, don't worry I won't have her executed, she will just be sentenced to serve me for the rest of pretty little life.
OOC: would sophia be with him at this point or in the crowd or what?
16-09-2008, 22:31
(She could be with him if she wants to be)
IC: Sophia just looked hard at the disgusting emperor on his stolen throne. With here were five ASD diplomats there to watch the proceedings at Admiral Owen Hawk's request. Four ASD legionnaires walked into the room along side her.
16-09-2008, 22:51
Josh lowered his head at being called a traitor. He then spoke up,"You are a vile pig you know that, you are no Emperor and you are no human. You killed my father and my mother and my sister, you are a fat f*cking monster."
One of the judges spoke up,"Josh you have been charged with treason, consorting with the enemy, helping the enemy, endangering the army, endangering the navy, endangering the airforce, endangering the military, endagering the homeland, disrespecting the most glorious Emperor, and perhaps worst of all tainting the royal bloodline by having love to this DaWoadian whore. How do you plead?"
"I swear if you call her a whore one more time, you will find yourselves hanging by the gallows next to me, I love her more than life itself, I would even break orders if it meant losing her, even if it was from the most glorious Emperor Dire. Now here is my response
Juras Def Resen Deref Keeal Floma Guita Guil Rasada Imper Tyeber Razul Fasta kipsal Freeg freist guil gone. The only thing I plead guilty to is loving the enemy, in addition I believe she would be a most wonderful addition to the bloodline." Josh said calmly.
(It means,"Look not to the books but to the men and you shall see the truth")
Sophia put her hand on his shoulder in comfort And turned to the diplomats. "any idea?" she Asked. "Nothing" one replied, "better to just sit it out and see what happens"
16-09-2008, 23:22
"Josh Gavan Gabrial Hazune Vasun Raskov III you have been found guilty, you are to be put to death today. You are granted no reprievement, special treatment, or last requests, we hope you reach the gates of the afterworld and to dot perish in the pits of Hemas." The head judge spoke, maxamillian meanwhile laughed his head off.
Josh walked down the long hallway towards the execution site, he simply ignored the jeering crowd that chanted traitor. Maxamillion watched from a close overview seat. He was laughing again as Josh was fitted with a noose, several house leaders watched ready for the signal. 3 Snipers watched Maxamillion and waited for the chance to fire.
"Prince Josh, may the Emperors past bless your soul." Josh smiled,"rasa dena haaasul." He said, the language was of the death guard who took that as the signal, they began to shoot into the crowd with Teff rifles men and women fell left and right as they were put into a paralyzed state as the teffs interrupted normal brain controls leaving only breathing and blinking available for the person. Maxamillian in the meanwhile escaped and Josh ran after him.
"Josh Gavan Gabrial Hazune Vasun Raskov III you have been found guilty, you are to be put to death today. You are granted no reprievement, special treatment, or last requests, we hope you reach the gates of the afterworld and to dot perish in the pits of Hemas." The head judge spoke, maxamillian meanwhile laughed his head off.
Josh walked down the long hallway towards the execution site, he simply ignored the jeering crowd that chanted traitor. Maxamillion watched from a close overview seat. He was laughing again as Josh was fitted with a noose, several house leaders watched ready for the signal. 3 Snipers watched Maxamillion and waited for the chance to fire.
"Prince Josh, may the Emperors past bless your soul." Josh smiled,"rasa dena haaasul." He said, the language was of the death guard who took that as the signal, they began to shoot into the crowd with Teff rifles men and women fell left and right as they were put into a paralyzed state as the teffs interrupted normal brain controls leaving only breathing and blinking available for the person. Maxamillian in the meanwhile escaped and Josh ran after him.
Execution Site
As the Death Guards Began to fire into the crowd sophia and her four body guards moved to the executioners stand. At the same time the five ASD "diplomats" drew hidden weapons and set up a perimeter around the entrance through which Josh had run and Sophia was now following. The four Legionnaires were running close behind her and the FASD (black operations ASD) forces who had been disguised as diplomats guarded their backs.
Offshore, Eighth Fleet
The eighth fleet was a "stealth fleet." Its purpose being to hide until it was needed and in keeping with Joshes' plan of attack now it was time to kick it off. 3 ASD fleets were moving to join the fleet including Sophia's Protectorates own and Owen Hawk's first and Second fleets but eighth fleet was gonna start the party itself. Stealth fighters and Bombers launched from Carrier decks and the SD and its ten battlecruiser escorts launched Cruise missiles at pre determined (pro Maximilian) targets across ralkovia. At the same time the DSAS was already on the move with troopers suited up and flying towards Ralokvia to act as the reaction team and to guard Sophia and Josh until reinforcements arrived.
16-09-2008, 23:47
Ralkovian armies were now fighting each other with the private armies and the national army killing each other.
Josh had thought he had cornered max when the man pulled out a pistol, he had several blackhelms men.(counterparts to the death guard but they are loyal to the laws of ralkovia and not the royal family, they are not as esteemed as the death guard but they play a vital role in enforcing most laws)
Josh quickly took aim at max, the blackhelms men took aim at Josh and the legionairre and Max took aim at Sophia, Max fired first but Josh jumped to protect her, he took the 2 .50 caliber bullet straight through the chest. Max was out of bullets on his dual shot pistol. The men behind the legionairre closed in and told sophia and the legionairre to halt.
Josh slumped to the ground and a thick stream of blood was let out from his wound. He was dying, Josh spoke up slowly,"You finally got me max, so before I die and since you are already the Emperor, it was you who killed my family wasn't it."
Maxamillion laughed in joy,"yes yes it was, I ordered them dead, I even helped set up the car bomb. And guess what you fool, there is nothing you can do about it. Absolutely nothing, becuase I am the Emperor, the one and only emperor, absolved from all legal actions. HAHAHAHAHA and theres nothing you can do about it."
Josh smiled, coughing a bit of blood he said,"I contest."
"Contest? what does that mean? Your on the floor, you can't contest for my position especially when you are lying dead on the floor." Max said confused.
The Blackhelmsmen, keepers of all laws, turned there weapons towards Max."Emperor Maxamillion under standards 1, Law 12-9, Paragraph Subset 8120004324, you are hereby stripped of the title Emperor, pending further investigation by the Blackhelm you shall be informed of several crimes you have committed making you illegible to be the legitimate throne holder and Emperor of Ralkovia."
Ralkovian armies were now fighting each other with the private armies and the national army killing each other.
Josh had thought he had cornered max when the man pulled out a pistol, he had several blackhelms men.(counterparts to the death guard but they are loyal to the laws of ralkovia and not the royal family, they are not as esteemed as the death guard but they play a vital role in enforcing most laws)
Josh quickly took aim at max, the blackhelms men took aim at Josh and the legionairre and Max took aim at Sophia, Max fired first but Josh jumped to protect her, he took the 2 .50 caliber bullet straight through the chest. Max was out of bullets on his dual shot pistol. The men behind the legionairre closed in and told sophia and the legionairre to halt.
Josh slumped to the ground and a thick stream of blood was let out from his wound. He was dying, Josh spoke up slowly,"You finally got me max, so before I die and since you are already the Emperor, it was you who killed my family wasn't it."
Maxamillion laughed in joy,"yes yes it was, I ordered them dead, I even helped set up the car bomb. And guess what you fool, there is nothing you can do about it. Absolutely nothing, becuase I am the Emperor, the one and only emperor, absolved from all legal actions. HAHAHAHAHA and theres nothing you can do about it."
Josh smiled, coughing a bit of blood he said,"I contest."
"Contest? what does that mean? Your on the floor, you can't contest for my position especially when you are lying dead on the floor." Max said confused.
The Blackhelmsmen, keepers of all laws, turned there weapons towards Max."Emperor Maxamillion under standards 1, Law 12-9, Paragraph Subset 8120004324, you are hereby stripped of the title Emperor, pending further investigation by the Blackhelm you shall be informed of several crimes you have committed making you illegible to be the legitimate throne holder and Emperor of Ralkovia."
"Oh you have got to be kidding me" Said one of the legionnaires as he bent down next to Josh. "Not this shit Again." The legionnaire, it turns out was the same one who had kept Josh alive on his way to the hospital ship, an actfor which he had been promoted. Out of his COmbat pack he drew an IV line from the back and had Blood Pumping into Joshes veins in under ten seconds. Then he drew the AUTO Defil and placed the ten cm square device over josh's heart. then he moved to the wound. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch." he warned. Then pulled a surgical device from his Back and pushed it roughly into the wound. Through all this Sophia just stood their. Entirely petrified as Josh lay on the floor. the three other legionnaires were now standing in front of the scene with Guns raised and aimed at pretty much everyone down the hallway as two of the five FASD troopers also rushed down the hall.
17-09-2008, 00:06
Joshs vitals had stopped. His heart had taken to much damage to actually work alone. Shrapnel from the bullet had also cut and broke some discs in his back paralyzing him.
Maximillion laughed,"Farewell you fucking brat"
Joshs vitals had stopped. His heart had taken to much damage to actually work alone. Shrapnel from the bullet had also cut and broke some discs in his back paralyzing him.
Maximillion laughed,"Farewell you fucking brat"
the Defib beep . . ."Clear!" Screamed the medic and yanked the surgical instrument our. With it came the bullet fragments and just as he got out of the way The defib hit josh's heart with a surge of electricity and started it up temporarily again. The legionnaire looked at Sophia, Her eyes red with tears, "his vitals are back but he's injured his back and it looks like his hearts going too and I can't move him like this. He needs a hospital right now or he's not going to make it." As he said that there was a dull thud over head and a part of the roof about thirty meters down the corridor caved in as DSAS troops rappelled in. "Shit!"said the legionnaire again, looking as josh. then too the radio "Hawk one Hawk one this is L2." "go ahead L2," replied the radio. "I need immediate EVAC for three, one badly injured and I mean right the fuck now!." "Aye sir replied the voice and through the opening in the roof the Landing skids of a helicopter appeared. The two FASD troopers had constructed a "good enough" device for immobilizing the guy as they moved him and he, Sophia and the legionnaire were in the air in less than a minute and heading back towards the ASD at the Osprey's max possible speed. Even so it would take them nearly half an hour to get there and Rhyme (the legionnaire) figured that might be about twenty minutes too long.
17-09-2008, 00:27
Joshs eyes began to dull as he quickly died. Max just kept laughing before on of the Blackhelms did what they did best, made someone dissappear. They whacked him across the head with a tianto pole making max go unconscious for at least 10 hours.
Joshs eyes began to dull as he quickly died. Max just kept laughing before on of the Blackhelms did what they did best, made someone dissappear. They whacked him across the head with a tianto pole making max go unconscious for at least 10 hours.
30 minutes later, Deep underground, ASD med Fac. One
the medical facility didn't exist and neither did most of its patients. It was beyond secret and only three or four citizen's of the entire ASD knew about the place. Fortunately Owen Hawk was one of them. This Facility specialized in some rather, unusual cases most involving dead or nearly dead operatives who had been shot, blown or Shrapneled to ribbons, literally. Josh Had been kept, nearly alive, by the automatic Defid on his chest the whole way and though his heart was entirely gone blood had been pumped through him entirely manually by the legionnaire for the last ten minutes of the flight. two Surgeons, literally the best in the ASD if not the world were working on him. One had already removed his heart and he was on a bypass machine that was pumping blood for him. The other was repairing the damage done to his spinal cord. In the background the Legionnaire, Covered in Josh's blood was pumping his system full of a number of rather . . . interesting . . .drugs designed to keep his brain alive. One doc spoke for about ten seconds "Hearts been flash cloned, it'll be in in 50 minutes, Spinal meninges will be ready in ten.
17-09-2008, 00:41
Josh saw thousands of war machines, all the designs, the weaponry, the greatest weapons in the world. Josh wouldn't die not while these machines lay unfinished.
Josh saw thousands of war machines, all the designs, the weaponry, the greatest weapons in the world. Josh wouldn't die not while these machines lay unfinished.
His new heart was replace dby the doctor and the spinal meniges in Solution were injected directly into his spine. Minor damage to other organs was repaired quickly and efficiently and one lung was repaired as well but soo the wound as well as the surgical incisions were closed up and the second doctor grabed a defib kit. He spoke for only the second time during the procedure. "Ryhme, Push Attropine and bolus Epinephrin." then "good clear." And Josh's heart began to beat again. He was still unconscious, kept that way by the drugs injected earlier but it looked like he'd be just fine. Ryhme walked out to the corridor in which Sophia was sitting. It looked as though she'd been crying hard and her expression was now just dead. "Good news," Said rhyme grinning hugely. "He's gonna make it, that SOB is hard as hell to kill." "what, but he was dead? I saw it and. . . ." She replied face lighting up. "Ya" replied the legionnaire but he really will be fine. "he's not gonna be able to walk for a while and he won't Be conscious for another few hours but he will be ok".
17-09-2008, 01:15
A few hours later Josh woke up slightly, his voice was shot and he couldn't speak.
A few hours later Josh woke up slightly, his voice was shot and he couldn't speak.
"Hey" Said Sophia as she noticed him open his eyes. "Don't try to talk for a little while. Your throats pretty beat up. So's the rest of you but they tell me you'll be good as new very soon"
17-09-2008, 01:25
Josh nodded, he was tired as hell. Josh was happy though he was now in line to be Emperor.
Two Hours Later
Sophia Shook Josh Slightly to wake him up "Want some food. They said you could have this." She Said. "Said you'd probably be able to talk too."
In Ralkovia
The civil war was going well, Drop troops had taken over without much resistance for Max's followers and offshore the fleets had combined and pummeled a small group of ships who apparently thought that their special armor would render them totally invisible.
17-09-2008, 01:46
Josh just coughed, he couldn't talk still.
The ralkovian supporters of max had stopped fighting after hearing of maxs crimes.
The Soviet System
17-09-2008, 01:48
OOC: I know its a closed thread so exuse me, but if possible, maybe since my nations leader Ernesto and Josh are friends think I could join in, you know coming to see an injured friend
"hmmmm." She said, "well here's the food and something to drink as well. God I'm tired though. Ill be here if you need me darling but I'm heading to bed for now," she said and walked across the room to a bunk that had been set up
17-09-2008, 01:54
(You haven't met Josh yet, he is not in power yet either)
17-09-2008, 01:54
Josh smiled and blew a kiss.
The Soviet System
17-09-2008, 01:55
(O ok, then sorry for entering, thought it might be a fun lil time to RP, you know)
(lol no worries .. . if you wanna join and Ralkovia's cool with it we could probably work you in?)
Josh smiled and blew a kiss.
she blew one back and made a heart with he hands the promptly collapsed into bed and fell asleep.
The Soviet System
17-09-2008, 02:05
(Well I thought this might have taken place before the big war in Ralkovia and after the first time I met Josh, maybe It could be a thing where the former leader of my Nation meets him, idk lol)
17-09-2008, 02:17
Josh woke up in the morning and shuffled over to Sophia and laid with her.
she rolled over next to him and just held him as she went back to sleep
17-09-2008, 02:20
Josh felt much better, in the afternoon he woke up,"How are you my love?"
"I'm good" she replied then, "wow how'd you and your? Impressive recovery Josh."
17-09-2008, 02:25
"Well I need to go to the coronation of myself if I want to be Emperor"
17-09-2008, 02:38
Josh started to get up but noticed something, your belly its expanding slightly!"
"heheheh " she laughed. "about that, there's two pieces of good news. First We won the little uprising with no problems what so ever. Second well . . .um" She Blushed "your going to have an heir."
17-09-2008, 02:41
Josh smiled,"THIS IS THE GREATEST NEWS I HAVE..." josh kissed her and held her,"I am so happy!!!!!!"
The Soviet System
17-09-2008, 02:41
(umm ok, now this is when Ernesto knows Josh, cause he was bragging about having a future heir at Ernesto and tara's wedding, I hate time line fluxes like that lol)
Josh smiled,"THIS IS THE GREATEST NEWS I HAVE..." josh kissed her and held her,"I am so happy!!!!!!"
"thats great she said with a huge smile." I was hoping you'd be happy.
17-09-2008, 22:27
ooc: End of thread or should it end with marriage?
Josh laid with her. He was truely in love with her. He groaned as he tried to get up, he kissed her gently, he was the happiest man alive.
ooc: End of thread or should it end with marriage?
Josh laid with her. He was truely in love with her. He groaned as he tried to get up, he kissed her gently, he was the happiest man alive.
OOC: /thread works for me . . .been good Ralk I enjoyed it :D. See you in 400 B.c. lmao
19-09-2008, 02:42
ooc: Do you want to start up a marriage thread?
OOC: sure I'm for that. less war based more just RP?
19-09-2008, 03:06
ooc: yeah it should be open to all as well.
ooc: yeah it should be open to all as well.
OOC: works for me. when you create the thread tg me
19-09-2008, 03:40
ooc: How about you, why don't you begin with the wedding preparations or something.
sounds good but prolly a little later .. . the real world she calls lol. (ill have it up by tomorrow then post here)
19-09-2008, 04:28
okay I'm fine with that good night