The Unified Klingon
06-08-2008, 07:25
(Translated from Kilingon to Human languages- a literal translation)
Greetings, humans! I am First Counselor to the Transcendent and Invincible Emperor, Tor'kah, long may he prosper!
The Emperor has commanded me to seek out trade partners amoung the humans of the Sol System. Scans by our scout Birds of Prey have shown that some of you have arisen to a level where you would have something to offer the Omnipotent Unified Klingon Empire.
Mostly we seek technology as some humans sometimes actually have a good strange as it is for such a weak race of cowards. Neveretheless, the Transcendent and Invincible Emperor has commanded me to open trade with such humans and nations, for the benefit and glory of the Omnipotent Unified Klingon Empire.
In return we will offer you luxuries that we, as Klingon warriors, spurn and would be ashamed to possess. We are sure that your race of weak willed, spineless targs will enjoy these superfilous and disgusting luxuries. I myself would gladly commit ritual suicide before ever sleeping on those torture devices you call beds. All one needs to sleep is a flat board..go figure, humans?!
Humans who desire our luxury goods in exchange for their trifles may contact the Omipotent Unified Klingon Empire via transmission from satelites. Our cloaked scoutship is awaiting to relay your groveling for trade with the Omnipotent Unified Klingon Empire and I shall receive your pleas and if they please us and yo have something that would satisfy His Lordship, we shall establish trade.
Now, leave me alone, I tire of you. Goodbye!
Greetings, humans! I am First Counselor to the Transcendent and Invincible Emperor, Tor'kah, long may he prosper!
The Emperor has commanded me to seek out trade partners amoung the humans of the Sol System. Scans by our scout Birds of Prey have shown that some of you have arisen to a level where you would have something to offer the Omnipotent Unified Klingon Empire.
Mostly we seek technology as some humans sometimes actually have a good strange as it is for such a weak race of cowards. Neveretheless, the Transcendent and Invincible Emperor has commanded me to open trade with such humans and nations, for the benefit and glory of the Omnipotent Unified Klingon Empire.
In return we will offer you luxuries that we, as Klingon warriors, spurn and would be ashamed to possess. We are sure that your race of weak willed, spineless targs will enjoy these superfilous and disgusting luxuries. I myself would gladly commit ritual suicide before ever sleeping on those torture devices you call beds. All one needs to sleep is a flat board..go figure, humans?!
Humans who desire our luxury goods in exchange for their trifles may contact the Omipotent Unified Klingon Empire via transmission from satelites. Our cloaked scoutship is awaiting to relay your groveling for trade with the Omnipotent Unified Klingon Empire and I shall receive your pleas and if they please us and yo have something that would satisfy His Lordship, we shall establish trade.
Now, leave me alone, I tire of you. Goodbye!