An Experiment in Perdition {Heg. LION}
Waldenburg 2
04-08-2008, 01:16
OOC After the attacking of our ally, and the resigning of at least two MU members Waldenburg will take the next step. As the MUIZ has generally been considered neutral territory, and the former Vice Secretary was the only one to Rp the arrival of any forces, all loyal to himself, I shall continue without immediate. And considering the Ministry of Defense is somewhat.. vacant.. If something of note is brought up I will edit. Yallak and ash you both have Tg's.
EDIT: LS, has approved entry, and I assume Greston will as well. And now as per Greston's request in separate thread variety.
Die Zauberfloete: Overture (
After the debacle of the morning things had moved quickly, forces had shifted powers moved and the apparent and expedient end became clear, one of disunion, and one of disassembly. The Imperial offices had acted quickly and under the principles of previous assertions acted. It was a simple word one which implied such a long and inordinate stream of command and quiet movement.
The zenith had been passed and the pinnacle of Waldenburger power was on the rise, at least two parties had departed the MUIZ since the morning and without doubt the MU was in disarray, a disarray most precipitated and anticipated by the Imperial Throne in far off Blünderburg.
The International Zone was a beautiful piece of architecture and towards the end the architects and laborers had simply run out of items to add the already glittering city. Noble families, or simply those who had much to gain from the aggrandizement of an international organization had thrown money at the Premier to the point where there hand simply been nothing left to spend it on. All streets were cobbled; all buildings were with tiles roves and copper plates. In contrast however hardly anyone was on the streets, and indeed very few windows boasted lights, the one factory had closed at three, and no one had gone in since. Only occasion a policeman would walk by, his boots glinting off the regular iron wrought lampposts.
A few motorcars were parked on the curb, but other than a few servicemen the streets were entirely devoid of life or activity. Therefore it was only a sparrow, which saw the mass of men moving down the grand alley leading to the Union buildings. Founder’s Avenue it was called for the three-meter tall statues of the original founders of the alliance, cast of Waldenburger silver and now shadows flickered through the stoic faces.
It was perhaps a flaw in general security that only the former Vice Secretary had provided guards for one thousand square kilometers, and had so far remained the only militarized sector within the International Zone. Two hundred of them, in Waldenburg uniform with the blue cockade of the MU rushed down the street flitting from shadow to shadow, and staying low to the ground.
Earlier this morning a plane had arrived, according to the foreign office to collect the Waldenburger ministers and diplomats, however it had delivered a second platoon of the Divine Legion to the city and now they were rushing down the kilometer jog to the palace. When they hit the fine marble steps, two halberdiers on the door, keyed it open in the security pad and flung open the two massive doors right as the guard detachment pounded through. Two valets in the foyer were clubbed down by rifle butts.
A long marble staircase lead, hung with the flags of various members opened, through a set of etched bronze doors to the grand council chambers where a few voices could be heard drifting down to the main floor. Squad after squad fanned out over the main floor as another be caped platoon took the stairs, it’s members the usual two meter tall behemoths in knee length jackboots. The doors banged open under the push of Colonel von Dench, whose cavalry cloak billowed behind him and medals jingle.
“What is the meaning of this colonel?” The Vice Secretary, the geriatrically good-natured Marie LaMariée, snapped from beside the door where she had been fiddling with a laptop. One gloved fist came up and smacked across her the jaw and sent her flying across the slick floor. Blood was spattered across the wall, and the rest of the council was on their feet, silent for once.
“It is only lucky for you we have orders to take you all alive.” Dench strode to the center of the council of chambers, which sat under a massive dome and displayed, in silver filigree a great compass rose.
“So it’s treason then,” Archduke Leopold von Waldenburg II, recently named Minister of the Economy to satiate after a rather poor turn out at the voting poll. He was nearly five hundred pounds and when he stood it was with a lumber of chains and an almost perceptible shift of air. “Entering the council chamber under pretense of violence is an offense, it is treason, against the MU and against your Emperor, Dench.”
“Treason,” the colonel seemed to ponder this for awhile, “Yes, it is, but not against His Majesty these are his orders, these are his directives. And this is a new world order, one which will wipe vermin like you away. A new order which has no place for this silly Union, or it’s little council.” A Glock was produced form a side holster and fired neatly into the Archduke’s thigh were a spat of red began to puddle. Von Waldenburg simply nodded and returned to his seat; he had been shot several times before and what people failed to realize was that you could stick a knife right to the hilt in the man and it’s blade would never strike home.
“There is a plane outside,” Dench continued, “It will take you back to Waldenburg where you will be deposited for safe keeping until such a time as our plans become apparent. No harm, “ he nodded his head and waved his hands about, still gripping the pistol, “no further harm shall befall any of you, unless of course you do something… stupid.” Now he turned to his own men, “take them to the plane and then detonate the charges in the Palace of Justice.” Troops began to rush about taking in their hands, rather gently as if they were fragile China dolls, the mostly elderly leadership of the MU out the door. Eventually, after quite a large amount of bother, the room was empty echoing with the complaints of the ambassadors, executives and ministers of state as they were dragged below. It was eerily peaceful and the room spoke of unfulfilled power and a desire for the same.
“Colonel?” the prisoners are aboard and we are withdrawing our men to the wharf.” A trooper stuck his head around the door and whispered anxiously.
“Yes… All right let’s move, the charges are set? Good. I’m right behind.” The last of the soldiers moved out of the Council Chambers, it had been too easy, the ministry of defense only a few days old, and mostly considered with Colono, had not provided a single guard, beyond those hailing from Waldenburg, to defend the MUIZ. Of course they were almost directly inside The Empire of Yallak, but the Colonel was willing to bet they had at least two days before the stolid Waldenburger captain at the Palace of Defense would reveal that security had not in fact detained the MU leadership in the bomb shelter, but had spirited them out of the country in a heavy transport plane intended for the Waldenburgers. By that time they would be well away and to Chukacon at least. At any rate in the political tension no Air Captain with half a brain would shoot down a Waldenburger transport with diplomatic immunity. It was hoped, and expected that none would find it before the council had been whisked away.
Waldenburg 2
04-08-2008, 01:18
OOC Equally discussed with LS and somewhat in explanation of the last post. Waldenburg will be presenting it's compliments, more than it expected perhaps, to LION and hopefully a peace can be worked out and if not... Well.
Der Vogelfaenger Bin Ich Ja (
White knuckles rapped gently on the fine wooden door. For weeks the Waldenburgers had switched from rusty cargo container, to bulk freighter, to jet, and back again in a myriad of confusing directions. First they had been ordered to the Hegemony, long before the troubles began, and then when hostilities broke out they had been ordered to meet with the LION, unannounced, and then were once again sent home. Then the moves Gataway and Aschenhyrst had started their ordeals. And that begged a question, a question which had already been answered but none the less one. Within a few weeks of conception, and certain facts coming to light only in the confines of the MU, the information had been acted upon.
Perhaps it was with some haste then that these men had been dispatched with revised orders, but in truth the plan had been in motion since long before the entire Albemeir affair, long before the current, war and even before a hand full of men walked into a desert with the intent to kill. It was on one summer night, in the oddest of places Victoria, were the Cenobiarch had first drawn his plans and started setting the pieces for the greatest game played by the Church. It had been planned then to wipe out the Abrahamic League, burn them by the thousands, all plotted over British drinks,; those early attempts had been rebuffed and then the second phase had started. With Albemier and his terrible blight, and his whole Sons of Sagacity, which after months of torture the Inquisition had spooled out of him; who and what they were. Ever since that point the Church had been, in little ways, in the same familiar manner grown close to the Hegemon and his fraternal organization. So it was with little aplomb that Waldenburgers had slowly slipped into the League. With dedication and ruthlessness that was sometimes required; they climbed the ladder of God.
Fiercely devoted and armed by Church, which in it’s good-natured blindness signed any bill that was passed over it’s desk and gave a bright twinkly eyed smile as pallet after pallet of flamethrowers were delivered to the Holy Basilica. In a round about way they wound up in the clandestine operation, or as more often as not, on guard duty. Though Lord Sumguy had long ago abandoned his affiliation, little scraps of information had flown across the oceans and reached the ears of the Cenobiarch.
Bishop Throm of the Holy Church straightened his modest collar and knocked again, this time before pushing the door open and walking in with his retinue on Lord Sumguy, and as it turned out a small group of others.
“Apologies your Excellency. Security waved me up, I did not know you had company.” The Waldenburger was sweating slightly, this had not been apart of the plan, but it was far too late to turn back now. “I represent the Waldenburg Empire in talks which, we must sadly say were cancelled due to the outbreak of war, perhaps in these sad times it is best we restart them, and rebuild the fraternal bonds of friendship. The MU has also authorized these talks, and you probably have much greater sentiment for them as for my own country of origin.” A large stack of papers was drawn from a briefcase beside the Bishop. “My credentials.” If anyone had ever bothered to read them they would have found that Bishop Throm was the Archduke of Marmalade, three hundred and nine years old, and a world class cellist and five time winner of the Apsley baking competition. As it happened most of it was simply for clang.
With a gentle wrist movement the stack of nearly three hundred heavily bound papers flew through the air heading for the desk. In midair Throm clicked down one lock on the briefcase and caught the blade in midair as it shot up on oiled springs. He was moderately amazed at this feat; it had been two years since the Serene Legion had taught him to kill, and he still marveled at his own grace.
From another sleeve a small pistol was flung and level at Lord Sumguy’s head. From behind the Bishop the sounds of pistols sliding into place and the click of hammers home was a reassuring sound.
“Your Excellency I regret to inform you; our talks have been cancelled again. Under Canonical law, you have been found guilty on over three hundred thousand charges harboring enemies of the Church, and it is my duty to inform you that the Hegemony, and it’s filthy League, it’s association with vice has come to an end. I promise no harm shall come to you, or your guests,” the Bishop waved another two men through the door, each holding two pistols and grinning faintly, bring it to a total of seven, “at least if you cooperate and recant, but that is another matter. Do we have your consent or must we find your daughter, and find out her views on the matter?”
Lord Sumguy
04-08-2008, 01:26
For a moment the room was silent, the Sumguaians present having each drawn a handgun. They sat, suprise and outrage evident upon their features.
"They outnumber us." Claxton said in his native language, looking at the security camera in the room for a moment before turning his gaze to the Hegemon. "We would not win a frefight here, and it would not do for the Hegemon, his top cabinet members, and the Head of the League's high council to die at the same time."
"True enough, George." Lord Sumguy replied, lowering his own weapon and standing up. "Mary, you are to remain here and take over my duties whle I am away."
"Well, this is all rather suprising." He said, now addressing the bishop in english. "I would never had thought that I needed to worry about my 'crimes agaisnt the church of Waldenburg' at a time such as this. Very well, since you appear to have the advantage in numbers and it would no doubt cause more chaos in this nation were we to die here than would be caused in your nation should you be killed, you have my consent. We will go along quietly."
As he spoke, each of them dropped their guns.
Waldenburg 2
04-08-2008, 01:28
OOC EDit: Okayed before hand of course.
“Quite assuredly Your Excellency.” A priest scooted about the floor grabbing fallen weapons and at one point elbowing the Bishop roughly in the stomach. “Quite on the contrary your Excellency we would hate to kill you; it is in the best wishes of the Church for you to stay alive for a very very long time, in the loving embrace of the Church. All must pay for their sins sooner or later; some by fire, some by service, and others with their every living breath in their body. You are of the later category; your friends are however not. So should you slip up, or step out we will start with the eyes and move down to the fingers.” The priests scattered around the room restraining their prisoners lightly, enough to restrict sudden movements but enough to maneuver swiftly.
“And if the subject needs broaching, we will have men still in the country, loyal men faithful men, in every facet and level of your retched administration. You will never sleep again; your government will ever shut its eyes for fear of what is in the darkness; that is unless you cooperate. There is no ill will between nations; but you have a special task. Think not of your misfortune, your country may just survive.” Throm nodded as all the room was put in order. “Little miss.” He turned to the secretary, “I’m going to need you to be unconscious for awhile.” A deacon brought his pistol down hard on the woman’s head and blood spattered across her papers which in turn showered to the ground. “Shall we?”
The office door was pushed open and the small group pulled its prisoners out with Throm in the lead. The stairs were devoid of life, but the front office was too devoid of sound to be devoid of life. Delicately, the bishop stepped around the staircase and caught the first guard right in the neck, and sent him spinning to the floor. Three others around the room jumped at the sudden appearance of the Bishop and tried to raise their rifles. However this was a rather poor choice in action as the Waldenburger had already fired his pistol twice and crumpled one man to the floor, and was already diving behind a heavy wooden desk. Assault rifles kicked and roared as the heavy desk and its burden of papers was launched into the air.
From the staircase another few spates of fire and the two guards were down. And the prisoners were being shuffled down into the office. Another door slammed open and the priests sent a hail of fire screaming towards it knocking down three more men.
“There’s a garage to the left of the building, though that door the League tells us.” One priest, between firing, had opened a map and was studying it in a rather flustered fashion; “The airport is to the west, where His Excellency has a plane. If we steal a staff car.” Another door burst open and a shotgun retort sent the Waldenburgers diving to the ground and another hail of fire to send the guard down. “Claxton should have a set of keys find them.” A hasty search of Claxton’s pockets yielded a set of dull keys, and a cut lip for one of the priests. Lord Sumguy also had a set.
“Through that door” The party of eleven dashed through a door-leading west, as another guard was dropped coming from the rear. It was only a short jog to the garage where two dull black SUVs were soon piled full or guards and prisoners, Claxton and General McAlpin in one car, and Dr. Booker and the Hegemon and another each with a compliment of guards.
According to the map it was only four blocks to the airport, only four blocks, which seemed like thousands of miles. On every turn it appeared the city was ready for war, through dark tinted windows citizens passed in what seemed a darker shade of fear. The war was nearly upon them; they had yet to realize though it had been amongst them for some time.
In a feat of public planning a small paved road lead directly to the Hegemon’s plane a sleek, private jet guarded by at least three men that could be seen. As the two vehicles swung heavily onto the tarmac they increased speed heading for the plane, pounding down the tarmac. As they approached the guards at nearly sixty kilometers to the hour the lead SUV braked skidding sideways towards a pair of guards on the boarding ramp who wisely took the initiative and flung themselves under the plane. Once the forward action had been stopped Throm flung open the passenger door and fired twice onto the ground where the dazed guards were just getting to their feet. Another window rolled down and a sub machine gun was popped out which raked the other visible guard and sent him down.
With a clanking of doors the hostages were hustled out four lead priests grabber them, and using them as bullet shields hustled up into the plane. Two guards, taking cover behind the first row of seats raised their pistols and hesitated, which ultimately turned to be a flaw; both were put down swiftly. The pilot himself, apparently kept at his post at night in day in case there was such an event which necessitated the escape of the Hegemon, was no problem and was quickly subdued with a thump to the back of the head.
Bishop Throm was the last into the plane and pulled up the boarding ramp behind him. The prisoners, the bodies had been thrown out, were already securely attached into their seats. “Martin, take the controls give us as much altitude as possible. Keep us high, and for God’s sakes fast.”
Lord Sumguy
04-08-2008, 01:38
As the plane reached a cruising altitude Lord Sumguy sighed. "By the time anyone is able to pursue us we will be halfway to Waldenburg." He leaned forward, rubbing his temples. "Today has been most stressful."
McAlpin scoffed irritatedly, turing to a preist. "I dont suppose there are peanuts or anything aboard this flight? I didnt get a chance to eat lunch today and I'm very hungry."
"You would think of your stomach at a time like this." Booker said, unable to resist a laugh. "Here we are having been abducted by a government that tortures any who disagree with either it or it's religious policies, and you are focusing on your own hunger."
"An army marches on it's stomach, a general operates in much the same manner." McAlpin growled. "Now that's enough lip from you, Frank."
"Now, I have always wondered," The Hegemon said, steepling his fingers as he addressed the bishop. "What is the stance of the Church of Waldenburg on the book of Revelations? We in the Holy Empire, at least within the episcopalian church, have always maintained that it is symbolic rather than literal truth, and there is much debate as to wether the author was truly divinely inspired."
A theological debate ensued that lasted for several hours. It stopped as the plane began to descend. Booker looked out the window, dread upon his face. "So that is Waldenburg..."
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters 10 Miles South of the Predicted Flight path of the Waldenburg seized Hegemon Plane:
“Where is the jet?” enquired Admiral Jamie Meakin
“17 Minutes till position. We have Confirmation from AWAC Zulu-Papa. We are in place and ready to engage Sir” replied the XO from across the Operations Room of Aircraft Carrier
“Good, Final Authorization Granted Rose Petal Echo-Tango-Alpha-Five” replied the Admiral
Whilst Lord Sumguy didn’t know ever since he and his nation had formed the Hegemony an Alliance that had great influence on Nova and numerous Vetakan Allies. His Lordship had come under continued surveillance by Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service (VSIS) and more specifically VSIS Political Intelligence Unit (VSISPIU) the units job was to monitor, protect and if required neutralise certain identified individuals that VSIS considered either a threat or an ally to Vetaka by doing so it was hoped Vetaka could potentially stop unwanted situations before they happened. The Hegemony’s current conflict with LION was something that Vetaka was growing increasingly alarmed about and now with LION’s kidnapping of Lord Sumguy it was decided that in order to best protect Nova and her own assets Vetaka would have to intervene.
Ever since the Waldenburg Church had seized his Lordship their journey had been tracked by VSIS Operatives and the Vetakan Military and now the time had come to act. The Hegemon’s sleek and stylish jet like those used by High Powered business man had been recently fitted with a tracker as a result its position was now been constantly tracked and subsequently confirmed by numerous Vetakan AWAC, Ships and Tracking Stations with data being fed to the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group whom had been tasked with intervening and either killing or securing Lord Sumguy preferably the latter. As a result as the Hegemon’s plane continued its journey 2 FA-15D Cardinals began to pursue it from a low altitude making it seem they where merely patrolling when they drew close to it they suddenly roared upwards towards the jet. Locking to it with Air to Air Missiles each jet launched one and continued to harass the Jet until it went down.
Once down Vetakan Marine Units in Chinooks and Vessels would swam the site to either recover survivors or to recover bodies. Either Lord Sumguy was wanted either dead or alive preferably the latter.
OOC: Haven't much time to post but in essence my Intel Service has been monitoring LS for some time due to his influence in Nova and subsequently his influence on my nation. As such my Intel Service has now decided to take action to not only defend Vetaka and Nova but also Lord Sumguy Personally. Additional Post at 20:00 BST.
04-08-2008, 15:38
OOC: I hope you're aware, Vetaka, that we didn't actually kidnap him. Waldenburg did.
The liftoff by Lord Sumguy's plane may have escaped the RADAR of the Faxanavian fleet off his coast, but not the eyes of Faxanavian satellites. Now, a meeting had been called by General John Lewis Clarksmith, commander of the Faxanavian Satellite Reconnaissance Division, or SRD. In the room were a small contingent of generals, admirals, and the Prime Minister himself, Garret Linsares. The amassed men in the room were looking grim, only partially because of the close proximity and heat. General Clarksmith stood, indicating an image projected onto the dark wall. "Some hours ago, our satellites picked up Lord Sumguy's private jet leaving across the east coast, although we don't know where. It is unlikely that Lord Sumguy has chosen to flee- he believes in things like honor, and courage, and not saving yourself." Derisive chuckles from all about the room. "As is, we must assume he left the country against his own will." "Very good, general, but what do we do from here?" said Garret Linsares, rising from his seat. "We can't very well go knocking on their door, 'excuse me, but what happened to your leader that we're trying to kill?' That would go over splendidly." The general rolled his eyes internally. "Well, we were intending to follow it." Suddenly, a tiny buzzer went off as the Generals cell phone began to ring. Lifting it to his ear, he spoke quickly. "Yes? Uh huh. Uh huh. oh shi-" He put the phone down, and looked up at the Prime Minister. "Someone just shot down Lord Sumguy's jet."
A small contingent had been broken off of the main fleet near Lord Sumguy and been sent to investigate. Now, several helicopters and ships closed in on the crash site. It had been several hours, and now all that remained was the great carcass of the plane, half submerged beneath the waves. Of whoever had struck the plane, there was no sign.
Lord Sumguy
04-08-2008, 16:32
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters 10 Miles South of the Predicted Flight path of the Waldenburg seized Hegemon Plane:
“Where is the jet?” enquired Admiral Jamie Meakin
“17 Minutes till position. We have Confirmation from AWAC Zulu-Papa. We are in place and ready to engage Sir” replied the XO from across the Operations Room of Aircraft Carrier
“Good, Final Authorization Granted Rose Petal Echo-Tango-Alpha-Five” replied the Admiral
Whilst Lord Sumguy didn’t know ever since he and his nation had formed the Hegemony an Alliance that had great influence on Nova and numerous Vetakan Allies. His Lordship had come under continued surveillance by Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service (VSIS) and more specifically VSIS Political Intelligence Unit (VSISPIU) the units job was to monitor, protect and if required neutralise certain identified individuals that VSIS considered either a threat or an ally to Vetaka by doing so it was hoped Vetaka could potentially stop unwanted situations before they happened. The Hegemony’s current conflict with LION was something that Vetaka was growing increasingly alarmed about and now with LION’s kidnapping of Lord Sumguy it was decided that in order to best protect Nova and her own assets Vetaka would have to intervene.
Ever since the Waldenburg Church had seized his Lordship their journey had been tracked by VSIS Operatives and the Vetakan Military and now the time had come to act. The Hegemon’s sleek and stylish jet like those used by High Powered business man had been recently fitted with a tracker as a result its position was now been constantly tracked and subsequently confirmed by numerous Vetakan AWAC, Ships and Tracking Stations with data being fed to the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group whom had been tasked with intervening and either killing or securing Lord Sumguy preferably the latter. As a result as the Hegemon’s plane continued its journey 2 FA-15D Cardinals began to pursue it from a low altitude making it seem they where merely patrolling when they drew close to it they suddenly roared upwards towards the jet. Locking to it with Air to Air Missiles each jet launched one and continued to harass the Jet until it went down.
Once down Vetakan Marine Units in Chinooks and Vessels would swam the site to either recover survivors or to recover bodies. Either Lord Sumguy was wanted either dead or alive preferably the latter.
OOC: Haven't much time to post but in essence my Intel Service has been monitoring LS for some time due to his influence in Nova and subsequently his influence on my nation. As such my Intel Service has now decided to take action to not only defend Vetaka and Nova but also Lord Sumguy Personally. Additional Post at 20:00 BST.
you have a TG.
and faxanavia, the plane went down on the coast of waldenburg (I think, its really up to him)
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) Challenger, Command Ship of the Search & Rescue Fleet assigned to secure Lord Sumguy, 18 Miles South of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters:
"Mobile 7 confirmation of the Plane requested?" spoke Captain Alexia Densford from the Bridge of the Sandanken Class Battlecruiser VDFNS Challenger a pair of Binoculars at her eyes.
"Confirmation of Aircraft its in tact Ma'am. Beginning Operation Rose Petal." came a voice over the din of an engine.
Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) "Mobile 7" attached to the Vetakan Naval Defence 28th Marine Infantry Division, Crash Site:
"Move! Move!" roared a Marine Sergeant into his noise cancelling headset.
In total seven RIB's roared towards the plane by sheer luck and impressive piloting the aircraft had managed to make an emergency landing in the ocean. As the RIB's of the 28th Marine Infantry Division approached supported by numerous Helicopters above they all surrounded the floating aircraft. The Marine Sergeant of Mobile 7 ordered the Choppers ascend so that the scene would quieten allowing him to bark through his mega-phone:
"Attention! This is Marine Sergeant Shaun Dale of the Vetakan Naval Defence Forces 28th Marine Infantry Division. Co-operate and you will not be harmed"
Without waiting for a reply the order was given to advance approaching the aircraft with rifles raised. The marines carefully approached the Jets doors using its external handles they opened them and proceeded to board the aircraft from both sides their weapons raised they checked the bodies as they went the majority where alive if not conscious all had survived. Manhandling them onto stretchers they where winched from the aircraft to the hovering choppers or the waiting RIB's. In all the whole operation took less than 20 minutes before the Vetakans where evacuating. As they did so Sergeant Shaun Dale spoke:
"Mobile 7 to Challenger, Mission Complete, Do it"
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) Challenger, Command Ship of the Search & Rescue Fleet assigned to secure Lord Sumguy, 18 Miles South of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters:
"Roger Mobile 7" replied the Captain
Turning to the XO she smiled and spoke:
"Officer at Arms. Fire"
"Aye Aye. Missile Away" came a reply from a distant officer.
With that the Challenger launched a single Fenix Class Anti Shipping missile guided to its target by a OBSAT Targeting Satellite. The missile streaked towards the Jet and hit directly hopefully destroying the aircraft and any evidence the Vetakan Marines had been their. Back aboard the bridge the XO smiled and spoke:
"Target Destroyed"
The Admiral smiled and spoke:
"Good Helm get us the fuck out of here. Mission Complete Good Job"
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters 10 Miles South of the Predicted Flight path of the Waldenburg seized Hegemon Plane:
The survivors of the crash landed aboard the George Hammond quite quickly under armed guard they where quickly segregated. The Lordship and his people where taken to the South Infirmary where as the Waldenburg Entourage where secured in the North Infirmary. Under considerable Marine Guard armed with the standard P90 Assault Rifle doctors of the Vetakan Medical Support Regiment worked to revive Lord Sumguy. As he stirred within his bed Supreme Admiral Jamie Meakin entered flanked by a man dressed in a black suit and a Asian women dressed in casual jeans and tank top. They stood at the foot of the Lordships bed when he eventually came to the three smiled and Admiral Meakin began:
"Greetings your Lordship, I am Supreme Admiral Jamie Meakin Commanding Officer of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group. You are aboard the Nexus Class Hyper Carrier Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond. Operational Flagship of the Assualt Group. The gent to my left his David Farley of the Vetakan Foreign Affairs Directorate. The Lady to my right is Benazir Akem of Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service".
The Admiral allowed his words to register before continuing:
"My compliments to your pilots they managed to land the aircraft all be it roughly. I am pleased to inform you all survived. Before you consider it escape is quite impossible. My governments apologies I assure you Chieftain Quicksilver is extremely concerned for your safety. I am sure you have a lot of questions before you continue may I ask one, what on earth is going on your Lordship?"
As the Admiral began his light hearted interrogation little did Lord Sumguy know but his conversation was being watched via live encrypted stream by the entire Tribal Council of Vetaka back in New Theeb. Within the other infimary equally under Armed Guard a burly young man in loose fitting combats appeared he smiled at the Waldenburg delegation:
"Welcome I am Andrew Hampton of Vetakan Intelligence You are aboard the Nexus Class Hyper Carrier Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Strategic Assualt Group. Before you try anything escape is impossible and you will be shot on sight by the guys behind me. Now tell me why are you transporting Lord Sumguy seemingly without the knowledge of his nation?"
OOC: Waldy I am honourable both IC & OOC seeing as you are the threads owner and I havent been able to talk to you I am proceeding as I see fit. However should you desire me to delete my posts and withdraw ill do so at your instruction. But chat to LS and come to a mutual decsion please.
Waldenburg 2
04-08-2008, 19:14
OOC Well it's a little vexatious that all this was done while I was off, and without great deals of communication, but that's fine.
“You damn fool.” Bishop Throm had lost two of his priests in the action, and he himself had broken two fingers and was clutching a freshly bandaged shoulder. “We were taking him and his staff to peace conference in Waldenburg. We left so swiftly, well there are war hawks in every parliament, men who will demand a war at all costs. The Hegemon is a pacifist, as is his foreign minister. Look at those we have brought with us? Chief of staff, head of state, foreign minister, the wealthiest man in the Hegemony? They are all vested in the realistic and practical survival of the Hegemony. It was a quick and silent maneuver, or at least we believed it was. “ The rest of his men looked sullenly at the guards and their automatic weapons.
“Were we hailed, were we giving you just cause for attack? We were an unarmed civilian jet, which carried diplomatic immunity and the head of state of one of your allies. The Hegemon can confirm our story; our intent is justified. We need a peace to spare our children’s generation, well the Hegemon’s children.” There was a suggestion in the bishop’s voice of malice but it was well hidden by an equally suggestive comment on the lines of his lack of progeny.”
“Now I need not tell you of the Waldenburger Church, and it’s influence. It has few divisions and comparatively little money. But it has followers, everywhere, in every nation and they are fanatical in the defense of the Church, and her interests. So if we are not out of this room, in say an hour, I can personally promise that every hour on the hour the Vetakan homeland will suffer attack, by Imperial bombers or other venues. This is just cause for war, not only with the Waldenburg Empire but with the Hegemony. You could have cost millions of lives in Sumgaia, right now the landings are probably taking place because of you. Could you not have waited a few minutes, enough to hail us and confirm our story? Release us and find us another plane, by tomorrow or the Emperor will personally issue the commands.”
By this time the bishop looked completely drained. His damp clothes, his tussled hair and sallow face added only to the image. “Set a course now admiral, you have already injured our cause well enough. Maneuver us as close as possible, and we shall proceed as best we can.” Throm leaned back on the pillow suggesting as much as possible via body language that the admiral was dismissed from the room. Hopefully the fool would go and remind Sumguy of his daughter, and hopefully, with just a little bit of luck, he could be there when the treaty was signed, and if his star was shining, he might even push the button.
Lord Sumguy
04-08-2008, 20:03
"My compliments to your pilots they managed to land the aircraft all be it roughly. I am pleased to inform you all survived. Before you consider it escape is quite impossible. My governments apologies I assure you Chieftain Quicksilver is extremely concerned for your safety. I am sure you have a lot of questions before you continue may I ask one, what on earth is going on your Lordship?"
The Hegemon sighed, leaning his head back against the room's wall. "I must get to Waldenburg, Admiral." He said simply. "Far more than my life is at stake here. The church of waldenburg has refrained thus far from attacking my nation only because I agreed to be taken into their custody. As you are no doubt well aware, my nation cannot afford more enemies at the moment, and the nation of Waldenburg is not a power I wish to cross. I know what will likely happen to me upon arrival at whatever destination we were headed to, I am not unaware of the practices their church uses upon those who oppose them or disagree with their extremist doctrine. Yet I must go, admiral, for my nation's sake."
North Infirmary, Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters 10 Miles South of the Predicted Flight path of the Waldenburg seized Hegemon Plane:
Hampton smiled, giggled and eventually burst into laughter at the Waldenburg Bishop before him. After his laughter subsided he once again composed himself and spoke seriously:
“My apologies but if you think elements of the Waldenburg church exists in Vetaka your intelligence seriously needs to go back to its training school Vetaka and the Vetakan People are not known as the Race of Loyalty for nothing. As for your threats regarding an Imperial Attack on mainland Vetaka all ill say is yeah good luck with that. You might drop the odd bomb but you would seriously lose a lot of planes and a lot of ships. Furthermore for a supposed man of the cloth you really are an aggressive mother fucker”
Hampton sighed, reached into his pocket and produced a Diary Milk chocolate bar tossing into the Bishops lap he continued:
“Eat it you need food. Vetaka has no intent of hindering your cause if your cause is an honourable and ethical one. As for diplomatic immunity such immunity went out of the window when you kidnapped his Lordship at gun point. As you used force so did we to secure the objective at hand. Until I am ordered otherwise ill be nothing that you demand, now tell me why did you kidnap him what does the church have to gain? Truly have to gain from this? Your reason of peace is an honourable but forgive when I say I don’t believe you?”
Meanwhile in the Southern Infirmary……..
“Your intent is honourable Sir but are you sure this is the best course of action?” spoke Dave Farley of the Foreign Directorate
“I agree, I to am well aware of the Church’s ways regarding disagreement but personally id rather die fighting. However…..”
Before the Admiral could continue he stopped and reached into a pocket producing a small sleek mobile answering it he listened to the caller before saying
“I see, Of Course Sir”
Putting the phone down and replacing it in his pocket he smiled at the Hegemon and spoke:
“It seems you have friends within Vetaka, I am to render any support and assistance I can. I am to do as you ask Sir, I can have transport ready within the hour that is if you seriously wish to go to Waldenburg if you don’t I am to transfer you to Vetaka and eventually home the choice is yours?”
The Admiral smiled and sighed before continuing:
“I am however ordered to inform you that if you intend to go to Waldenburg you are to be accompanied by a Vetakan Counsel and that is none negotiable. What is your decision Sir?”
Lord Sumguy
04-08-2008, 23:30
"I am sure of it." Lord Sumguy said, standing up. "I am sorry, Admiral, but I do not think that Vetaka can defend us from a nation such as Waldenburg, and I will not subject my people to suffering at the hands of their church for my own sake or that of any ideaology. You will take us to Waldenburg."
South Infirmary, Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters 10 Miles South of the Predicted Flight path of the Waldenburg seized Hegemon Plane:
“Then it will be done” spoke the Admiral
He moved from to a nearby wall mounted phone picking it up he hit speed dial number 1 and held it to his ear and waited. Once it answered he swiftly barked to the reciever:
“Its Meakin, Alter Course to 280 approach Waldenburg 19 Knots, Prepare an Osprey and wake Counsel Many Wounds”
Replacing the phone back in its stand he turned to Lord Sumguy and smiled:
“Vetaka may not be able to protect you personally but it can protect your virtues. Clean yourself up and change your clothes your carriage shall be ready in 30 minutes, I shall return soon”
The Admiral smiled turned on his heel and promptly left the room.
North Infirmary…..
Hampton whom seemed to be enjoying the interrogation of the Waldenburg bishops a little to much groaned as his phone buzzed at his pocket. Sighing he withdrew it and answered it listening intently he smiled and put the phone down. Looking up at the bishop he bowed his head and spoke:
“I am happy to say that you have got your way, You will be in Waldenburg by dusk and your transport shall be ready within the next 30 minutes or so. I suggest you smarten yourself up”
25 Minutes Later Briefing Room of VDFNS George Hammond…..
After both Lord Sumguy and the Waldenburg Entourage had washed and been provided with a change of clothes they where led again under Armed Guard through the massive Carrier into a briefing room where Admiral Meakin and 4 Robbed People sat waiting for them. Once everybody was seated comfortably the Admiral stood and began:
“Your Transport awaits you a PWi MK II V-22 Osprey flown by the finest pilots I have. The Vetakan Foreign Affairs Directorate has informed the Waldenburg Church about its flight path so I doubt you will be shot down or get into further trouble”
The Admiral fell silent and allowed his words to register before continuing:
“Bishop Throm as part of the agreement Lord Sumguy will be accompanied by a Vetakan Legal Counsel that shall render legal advice and aid to Lord Sumguy independent of your Church”
The Admiral motioned to a Robbed man behind him, he was a man of around 48 whom short brown hair and hazel eyes he smiled at the Bishop. A sword pertruded from his back and a rifle was slung across him covered slightly by his robes. The Admiral again allowed his words to register before continuing:
“This is Many Wounds he is a White Phoenix Tribal Shaman under the personal protection of the Tribal Chieftain of Vetaka the honoured Quicksilver. He is a man of peace, a warrior of courage and honour should any harm come to him you will be seriously harming your cause in the eyes of Vetaka and we will subsequently act accordingly. These men and women are monks of the White Phoenix Tribe I beg of you to treat them with respect and dignity as we have treated you”
Without waiting for a reply the Admiral smiled and stepped back:
“Go with Honour, I bow to no man but I bow to you”
With that led again under armed guard the group made its away out of the room and up to the noisy flight deck of the Carrier. Boarding the Osprey Aircraft as it started its engines the aircraft lifted gently from the moving carrier as it did so the Admiral smiled, bowed and eventually saluted. His Lordship was on his way.
Waldenburg 2
05-08-2008, 01:23
OOC Apologies if some of this doesn't make sense a portion of it was written before the party was captured. The letter starting the conference will be posted as soon as I can write it.
As the Osprey begins to lose altitude the smog of Waldenburg came into view; wrapped around mountains and rolling up from the plains in enveloped everything. The land of churches and foundries, smoke and opulence. Throm felt no more comfortable, he had been privy to the entire plan. The Hegemon was not a terrible problem; he was ultimately and infidel, a highly read and intelligent infidel, but none the less one. The MU council however was another thing entirely, most of them had been allies of the Church and most had consented at least to hear the word of the Cenobiarch and a few had come to if not cherish it then at least heed it.
Vetaka seemed not to share such a few, and there had been several times when he had almost snapped, and though he and his men would not have survived the engagement, he had hoped to throttle Hampton at least once, but in the interests of diplomacy, had restrained himself to snide remarks about Vetakan culture. A Vetakan consul was now accompanying them as well, it would make little difference, and Bishop Throm may indulge in one sin there at least. It was a slight comfort a little appeasement.
None could however argue it was for the betterment of the Church; although in specifics Throm could never understand that particular directive, but followed as best he could the arcane orders from the Holy Basilica. Though by far not the oddest, it boded nothing good, and it seemed to dance on the edge of wanton abandon.
“Your Excellency,” the thoughts were pushed aside, even they were not private, “This is Bad Amberg, a summer home of the Crown Prince, and for the moment the temporary home of yourself. There are thirteen hundred Divine Legionaries and artillery batteries, along with a full air squadron in the next valley. Escape is impossible.” The boarding ramp fell open and Waldenburgers streamed in with rifles aimed most effectively. “Take them inside and find them some food. Put them in the Prince’s bedroom for the moment, they are to be treated as our honored guests, at least until out other honored guests arrive.” The prisoners departed on stiff legs, and across a small landing field into the small and above all fortified doors of the castle. For the moment it was one of the most secure locations in the Empire, secluded by smog, covered in hundreds of directions by fire, and naturally shielded by a chain of mountains which in themselves wee fortresses.
And if a bomb were to strike it within the next two days, quite a few problems, for quite a few people would vanish in puff of smoke. Hopefully secrecy, on the exact location had been maintained however, and this would not be a problem. “Sir, the Osprey?”
Throm turned on his heel a manic grin coming to his face, “Get the pilot out, nobody knows this location, if he makes a move to the communications shoot him.” He began to stride towards the castle with a steel grip, on his arm without the broken fingers, and as he walked turned his head slightly, “We’re keeping the damn Osprey!”
Several minutes later Lord Sumguy was in the Solarium with, and this may have come as shock, a pleasant Waldenburger valet folding his old pants into a neat square and pressing tea into everyone’s hands. Throm had departed in a cloud of gloom to report to the senior officer, and left the valet alone with the cabinet of the Hegemony.
“I am Walter, and I will have the pleasure,” he smiled in a dim and aloof fashion, “of looking after you; that is until your stay in the dungeon, in which I am sad to say will not have a laundry press. I am also told to inform you if you attempt to communicate with the outside world, or escape in any way I shall have to inconvenience you with the toasting fork. I am told it is quite unpleasant. For the moment I shall leave you, if you need anything, do not yell.” He bustled out closing the door behind him, and not even trying to conceal the listening device he placed on a sideboard.
Within a few hours the letters would be sent, and hopefully the great game, the secluded war between the Hegemony and the Holy Church could come to a close. That or peace; but there were only so many ways out of a castle.
Waldenburg 2
05-08-2008, 01:44
Gentlemen of the League of Ocean Faring Nations:
Heavily Encrypted
It brings me great pleasure to announce to you, and though I believe since the events of last night and in days past has become, most likely, known to you, it is non the less a joy to announce the dissolution of the MU as we know it, and the capture of an enemy of the Church and of the LION herself. We are however not cruel men; and we shall not see innocents suffer for the stupidity of one man. So, we have taken it upon ourselves, and with the assistance of several organizations to bring to heel these criminals. The Hegemon at this moment, along with his staff is captured in Waldenburg, and is being held at a secure location.
It is therefore my intent to end this affair before it claims lives, or at least more than it has already. I, His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV, do invite the leadership of LION, her admirals, her generals, her president and her secretaries to witness the downfall of the Hegemony and the rising of a new order. An order, which has long been in the works, an order if I may hope will include Waldenburg. In two days a peace conference will begin here in Waldenburg, the exact location will be given once each attendant passed rigorous security checks of course, and I promise a most glorious end to the Leagues trouble. There shall be peace or, well let us just say we did not only inherit sun burn from our British friends, but an inherent need to serve something cool with lunch.
There shall be peace I our times, whether it be attained by diplomacy or via bloodshed; it shall be done. We invite all those who have something to gain, and indeed we wish these talks to be the end of this vibrant threat, and if we may discuss such things with the President of LION himself, perhaps some Waldenburger aggrandizment. However I digress.
If a secure crossing is an issue, from threats with the MU, Waldenburger subsidiaries can arrange transport. We hope dearly this brings an end to the war; The Hegemon most certainly wishes the same thing.
Two days gentlemen; the world turns in two days.
His Most Gracious Imperial majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
OOC No need to go through the troubles of a diplomatic arrival; just post coming in and being driven to the castle or something similar, after rigorous security of course.
05-08-2008, 02:24
Gentlemen of the League of Ocean Faring Nations:
Heavily Encrypted
It brings me great pleasure to announce to you, and though I believe since the events of last night and in days past has become, most likely, known to you, it is non the less a joy to announce the dissolution of the MU as we know it, and the capture of an enemy of the Church and of the LION herself. We are however not cruel men; and we shall not see innocents suffer for the stupidity of one man. So, we have taken it upon ourselves, and with the assistance of several organizations to bring to heel these criminals. The Hegemon at this moment, along with his staff is captured in Waldenburg, and is being held at a secure location.
It is therefore my intent to end this affair before it claims lives, or at least more than it has already. I, His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV, do invite the leadership of LION, her admirals, her generals, her president and her secretaries to witness the downfall of the Hegemony and the rising of a new order. An order, which has long been in the works, an order if I may hope will include Waldenburg. In two days a peace conference will begin here in Waldenburg, the exact location will be given once each attendant passed rigorous security checks of course, and I promise a most glorious end to the Leagues trouble. There shall be peace or, well let us just say we did not only inherit sun burn from our British friends, but an inherent need to serve something cool with lunch.
There shall be peace I our times, whether it be attained by diplomacy or via bloodshed; it shall be done. We invite all those who have something to gain, and indeed we wish these talks to be the end of this vibrant threat, and if we may discuss such things with the President of LION himself, perhaps some Waldenburger aggrandizment. However I digress.
If a secure crossing is an issue, from threats with the MU, Waldenburger subsidiaries can arrange transport. We hope dearly this brings an end to the war; The Hegemon most certainly wishes the same thing.
Two days gentlemen; the world turns in two days.
His Most Gracious Imperial majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
OOC No need to go through the troubles of a diplomatic arrival; just post coming in and being driven to the castle or something similar, after rigorous security of course.
"Are you entirely sure about this, Garret? Can we trust the Waldenburgers to help us? What if this is all some double cross?" "Of course I'm not sure, Ivan. That's why I'm sending you." The two men struck a surprising counter-image of each other. One was, tall, think with greying hair and glasses. The other was shorter, with dark, thick hair and a smile so bright that it lit up a room. They represented the future and the past of Faxanavia, two men who had held the most powerful position in the nation. One was Garret Linsares, Prime Minister of the Promethian Republic and President of LION. The other was Ivansky Bochick, affectionately called Ivan by Garret, who had been the Prime Minister and was now the "special representative of the Prime Minister"- it would be he attending this conference in the stead of Garret. The nation could not risk the loss of a Prime Minister, and besides, Ivansky had a new suit which he had been just dying to wear. The two were seated in the office of the Prime Minister, where Garret had just briefed Ivansky on the matter at hand. "Alright. So, I am to attend in your stead- the story being that you are regretfully unable to attend due to the demands of your position and the war." Garret nodded. "You shall remain in a observatory capacity only. If you can, you are to negotiate the passage of Lord Sumguy into the hands of the League for us to handle him." Ivansky nodded in recognition. "When do I leave?" "Tonight. 7 P.M." Ivansky rose from the plush chair. "Are we really doing this, Garret? Are we really bringing an end to the Hegemony?" Garret turned to his desk, shuffling papers. "It would appear so, Ivan. It would appear so."
|From the Desk of Garret Linsares, President of the League|
Your Majesty,
I will, most regretfully, be unable to attend this conference, due to the demands of my position and the war at hand. As a fellow leader, you must understand. However, I have sent in my stead Ivansky Bochick, Special Representative of the Prime Minister of the Promethian Republic of Faxanavia, who shall act as a representative in my stead. Mr. Bochick, as a previous Prime Minister of the Promethian Republic, is a most capable diplomat and a man of dignity and honor. I expect that he shall act in his fullest capacity to represent his country. I wish you luck in your venture, and hope to join you in this new world.
Respectfully yours,
Garret Linsares
President of the League of Imperial Ocean-faring Nations and Prime Minister of the Promethian Republic of Faxanavia
The blue lights of the dark Waldenburgian landing strip lit the way for Ivansky Bochick as he stumbled, still groggy from his impromptu nap on the flight over, into the terminal. As he passed through the airport, he wondered if this was how dignitaries were supposed to travel- red eye chartered flights, bright air ports with strange smells, too many lights to see. He made a mental note to tell Garret to put funding into making Vallingard International friendly to the traveling dignitary. As he entered the main lobby, he noted a smartly dressed man holding up a card with the words, "Ivan Boychick." He shook his head. Foreigners never spelled in right. How was it his fault if Ivansky was a Faxanavian name? He approached the man, introduced himself, and was shuffled into a long black limo with the Faxanavian flag hanging from it. Reaching into a cooler, he withdrew a bottle of water and took a long swig. That was more like it. As he relaxed against the seats, he turned to look out the window. The Waldenburger skyline, so clouded with smog, was none the less beautiful. As the car made its way along the winding roads, he watched for wherever this secret meeting place was- Garret had known, but refused to tell him, saying he would know when he got there. Slowly, the car crested a hill. There, out before them, was a great castle, lit up by the light of a dozen spotlights. As the car slid forward down the road, Ivansky stared up in awe at the architectural behemoth.
Stepping lightly from the car, Ivansky stared about himself. He lifted down his suitcase and walked forward towards the great stone castle. As he approached, he saw many well armed guards, menacing looking rifles clutched in their hands. He approached the main door, and was frisked, had his bag searched, and finally was jostled through a metal detector by two burly guards. Finally passing through the great doors into the castle, he took a moment to take it all in before glancing about for someone who could tell him what he was to do, or, more importantly, where he could find a hot shower and a very comfortable pillow to rest his head on.
05-08-2008, 03:47
Encryption Level: 0
To: His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
From: G(5S) Thomas F. Goodwin
Subject: Capture of the Hegemon
We applaud the actions of the Waldenburg government and military forces, leading to the capture of the Hegemon, Lord Sumguy.
However, we will not rescind our forces deployed to the Sumgian Theater, as the security of the area is critical.
We will not be attending the conferences, as we will be preoccupied with peace conferences regarding the matter in the People's Republic of Mokastana.
We thank the Waldenburg people, government officials, and soldiers for their efforts, and are truly gracious.
Thomas F. Goodwin
Five-Star General of the Asgarnian Armed Forces Command
United Democratic Empire of Asgarnieu
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters, Approaching Waldenburg:
“Report?” enquired Admiral Meakin as he strode into the Operations Room
“The Osprey has failed to depart sir and its tracker along with that of its crew show that they have been separated and segregated in essense they have secured the aircraft” spoke Hampton who had now changed into Naval Uniform
“They have seized the aircraft eh? Well we predicted as much and briefed the staff accordingly they will assume we are going to Plan B” spoke the Admiral slowly as he moved towards a nearby microphone.
Bending over it he smiled as he pressed a button and spoke into it:
“This is the Hammond initiate Plan B. I repeat Initate Plan B”
Without waiting for further orders the XO roared:
“Helm adjust course to 301, slow to 12 knots and come to a full stop in 10 minutes. Comms inform the Admiralty of the situation and of our intent to begin plan B”
“Aye Aye” came a number of replies
As the bridge staff executed various pre-defined orders the Admiral motioned towards Hampton whom showed him the HD monitor before him it showed a map of Waldenburg along with a number of small pulsating red dots. Hampton looked up the young Admiral and softly spoke:
“We are tracking them via their internal trackers I just hope those twats don’t try and remove them as without a operating theatre that’s pratically torture”
Operations Room 1, Vetakan Defence Force High Command, Old City, New Theeb, Vetaka:
“Sir the Strategic Assualt Group reports the Osprey has been seized and that they are going to plan B” shouted a Communications Officer from his station across the massive Ops Room.
Supreme Operational Commander Jack O’Neil nodded and turned to Supreme Honoured Parceltongue Rising Tiger whom sighed and spoke as he exhaled breath:
“As we expected and predicted, Do we have OBSAT on the location yet?”
O’Neil shrugged and nodded at a nearby aide whom pressed a button on a remote. The massive HD Operations Screen at the head of the room flicked from a map to show a live image of what seemed to jus be fog it was in actual fact a live OBSAT Spy Satellite Feed that was looking down on the location of Lord Sumguy and the Vetakan Osprey. Turning to Rising Tiger O’Neil spoke:
“Smog we didn’t account for it my apologies, OBSAT Space Command are attempting to attain if it will clear or we can get around it somehow, However it is not all bad news as we have been able to using maps and acquired still images been able to construct a imprint of how we believe the complex is laid out, Combining it with the Tracking data we are receiving from the Osprey, its Crew and our Counsel I can show where we believe they are”
Without waiting for a reply Rising Tiger nodded and O’Neil subsequently to the same aide who hit a few keys on a nearby open laptop. As the aide did so the image flicked and the outline of a castle and other buildings appeared imprinted on the smog furthermore several red pulsating dots appeared imprinted on it in various different buildings. These dots where the encrypted OBSAT GPS Trackers the Osprey had been fitted with and the PWI MK IIIi internal biological OBSAT GPS Trackers each member of the Counsel and the Pilots had been fitted with.
With the Strategic Assualt Group now coming to a “All Stop” some 200 Nautical Miles from Waldenburg and assuming a stationary defensive status. It wouldn’t be long before Waldenburg relaised it and started to ask questions it was just hoped by many aboard the fleet and in New Theeb that the situation would of resolved itself by then.
Waldenburg 2
05-08-2008, 13:00
Bad Amberg
"I thought all electronic communication was to be blocked for the conference colonel?” Throm paced across his study floor; it had not been his day, and it continually became worse. “Can you not do anything colonel?
“We thought it was Your Grace, the stations at Bad Schlossburg must not be in tune properly to their frequency or style. It could take sometime to determine from where it came, and learns how to jam it. We did not expect an hostile Osprey to be brining in our prisoners.”
“That was rather unavoidable, and you agree we simply could not have let it go? That would have considerably worse. The smog and mountain range shield us, their silly fleet is of no concern, and should they do anything to preempt this meeting their precious Hegemon will be burned alive. In any case I think it prudent to move the visiting delegate to the lower bedrooms, apologize for the inconvenience but thirty feet of stone above their head.” Throm waved his hands at Colonel Dench who saluted wearily, “Move the osprey to Bad Letzburg as well, do not damage it, we may still have a use for it.” The Colonel departed the room as quickly as possible, shutting the wooden door to leave the Bishop in peace with his tormented mind.
He had met with the Faxnavian earlier today and feigned interest; in his opinion they were no better than the Hegemony and their creed, and yet here they were about to join them, or at least assist them. It had also been vexing that the president had not turned up, but the Bishop had waved it away, some other time. He wondered, as he felt his fingers again, which seemed not to be setting properly, if they were taking this war as seriously as they should. The Hegemony and her allies were wounded tigers, wounded tigers with firm resolve and backers growing by the day.
Revenue Cutter and Squadron WISS Liberal Demise, Approaching Vetakan Fleet Group
Commodore Mend peered over the command consul at the Vetakan fleet; his squadron had been the closest thing, and had been performing anti piracy duty around the tiny island of Sletch when an armada had homed into view. His own force, consisting of two cutters, and armed transport and two missile boats now were plowing at head speed towards the armada, colors flying, guns run out.
“We’re not even going to make the fleet,” the Vetakan fleet seemed to pull to a halt, the massive bulk of the carrier throwing up white-capped waves, which nearly did away with the squadron. After a small amount of maneuvering the flagship was back in the lead and began to deploy in the standard naval approach to dissuade unwanted shipping, which was to circle around them at top speed while shouting, and considering it may have taken anywhere up to an hour to make a pass, they chose to merely circle the flagship at a respectful distance.
On the color deck sea spray and laughing sailors turned the commodore’s face red, but he had the good grace not to hear this. A megaphone was put to his lips, and then pulled back as the commodore mopped his brow, then replaced. “This is Commodore Mend of the Waldenburger Maritime Service, we have reason to believe you may be interdicting shipping in the area under Article Seven of the Maritime Transit Law,” the megaphone was clicked off for the man to sob a bit, “we demand to search your ship, for any suggestion that a crime has been committed. Should you not allow such an action Article Eight of he Maritime Transit Law gives me full legal jurisdiction to fire on your ship.” He was sure from somewhere within the enemy armada he could hear a battery of guns turning on their axis.
“Prepare to be boarded… Could you lower a lift perhaps?”
05-08-2008, 14:51
OOC: My involvement is pre-approved by Waldenburg and continued from the main thread.
Near Bad Amburg
Since the capture of the MU leadership by the Waldenburgers, Aschenhyrst Intelligence Services had been tracking the movements of the hostages. The AIS had contacts within the Waldenburg Serene Legions, friendships that had been estalished when the Aschenhyrst Government help arm and equip the Legions. As the Legions were partially made up of and led by foreigners, their absolute loyalty was in doubt. These foreign volunteers were susceptible to sin, the sin of greed. More than one Legion Commander was on the payroll of the AIS. One of the 'payed assets' contacted AIS about the location of the MU hostages. A deal was made for his forces to overlook a force of 100 Aschenhyrst Commandos as they made a late-night landing on Waldenburg lands and to ignore this force as it moved into postion to observe the hostages. Once the location of the hostages was confirmed and the moment was right, the commandos were to attempt a rescue mission. Over the horizion, a flotilla of Aschenhyrst Warships awaited orders. Once the hostages were rescued, fighter aircraft would sweep in to hold off resistance while a small detachment of Seahawk helocopters would land to spirit away the hostages.
Outside the compound where the hostages were being held, the commando teams had set up ten hidden observation posts. The commandos worked in shifts at each post: two men observed the compound, two provided security, one worked the radio and monitored Waldenburg communications while the other five took turns sleeping. Reports were sent every two hours via encrypted radio to the Aschenhyrst Ministry of Defense. The MoD would have the final say on when the "Green Light" for the rescue mission would take place. In the meantime it was just repetition, observe and report.
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters, Holding 235 Nautical Miles From Waldenburg:
“Admiral, The Outer Perimeter reports a fleet of small ships is approaching. ETA to firing range 3 minutes” spoke the XO a phone at his ear.
“Do we have a visual?” replied the Admiral.
The XO nodded and clicked his fingers whilst pointing to a screen mounted on the wall which flickered to show a live CCTV video stream of the Waldenburg ships. The XO spoke as the bridge staff gazed it:
“It’s a live feed from the Carrier Blue-Ocean”
The Admiral gazed at it before speaking his mind racing awash with thoughts:
“Hmm now this is not something I anticipated. Are we sure they are of the Waldenburg Imperial Navy?”
Before anybody could speak the CCTV’s accompanying sound announced the small fleets identity, Commodore Mend’s words echoed around the Operations Room:
“This is Commodore Mend of the Waldenburger Maritime Service… we demand to search your ship, for any suggestion that a crime has been committed. Should you not allow such an action Article Eight of he Maritime Transit Law gives me full legal jurisdiction to fire on your ship.”
The Admiral sighed and paced the room with him the Operations Room fell silent, Eventually the Admiral sighed yet again and spoke:
“Amber Alert, General Quarters, Scramble Alpha Flight, Lock Up”
With that the Vetakan Fleet once again went to a Amber Alert, Defensive Condition across the fleet men and women moved at pace to their posts and awaited further orders. From the fleets various carriers FA-15D Cardinals roared into the skyline a standard response to a demand such as Commondore Mends. After a few minutes back in the Operations Room of the George Hammond, Admiral Meakin put himself live on all short range frequencies and live through the Fleets various loud speakers:
“Attention Commondore Mend of the Waldenburger Maritime Service this is Admiral Jamie Meakin of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group I am afraid I must refuse your request in its current form. However I will authorise you and 1 accomplice to board this vessel to discuss your concerns in greater detail. Might I also recommend you contact the Waldenburg Church and specifically a Bishop Throm for further details on this fleets current position and deployment. Military Force used against this fleet will be responded to with an equal or greater amount of Force. What say you Sir?”
The Admiral took his finger off the small button marked “Open Communication” turned to face his Staff and sighed whilst speaking:
“XO keep them locked up if they fire upon us, You have authorization to respond”
Bad Amberg, Waldenberg:
Many Wounds and his team had so far co-operated fully with the Waldenburg authorities whilst they had refused the order to relinquish their weapons fully they did place them in view of a Waldenberg guard assigned to “aid and make their visit a pleasant one”. However such co-operation was wearing thin especially now that it had become clear the transporting Osprey and its subsequent crew had been taken prisoner. After conversing with his team all 3 of them men and all 3 from the same tribal village that Many Wounds had come from back in Vetaka. It was decided that Many Wounds would seek an audience with somebody in authority rising from his chair his arms apart he approached the guard bowing to one knee lowering his head he spoke:
“I request an audience with Bishop Thorm or some person or persons in subsequent authority, I request such audience on behalf of the Tribal Chieftain Quicksilver of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka?”
OOC: gotta rush ill post an ORBAT soon
05-08-2008, 22:12
TO: Wyatt von Waldenburg IV of Waldenburg
FROM: President Nicolas Villa of Mokastana
We understand you have captured the hegemon, and will now have a meeting about possible peace, if this is true then we would like to send a delegate to this meeting to settle peace between factions.
Thank you
Waldenburg 2
06-08-2008, 01:52
OOC LS will now be in control of the conference itself, when he is ready it begins. I suppose I put you now on the honor system, move yourself to the dungeon ^^ I'll keep up with any defense that need be made though and related items
When Throm was informed, through a chain of out of breath messengers that the Vetakan, the most inconsequential person he had met all day wished, no demanded an audience he sat very silently and watched the wall for a time before quietly standing and nodding. The day had been too pressing; he had been shot down, security broken on a few occasions, and he had to deal with multiple parties with war ever hanging over his head.
It was on silent feet that he approached the Vetakan consul and pushed open the door to a suite so lavishly furnished he nearly failed to spot the man amongst the antique furniture. “Yes?” It was quiet but held all the power of a rumbling volcano waiting to burst. ‘One pompous remark, one demand of the Empire and the blenders go on early I swear!’ “Is there anything I can do for you consul, only I am a very busy man?”
WISS Liberal Demise
The commodore mumbled a psalm under his breath as he heard the admiral respond, whatever he said they had not fired. “Agreed admiral, I and my Captain will put out in craft soon, um prepare to be boarded, I suppose.” He switched the megaphone off and turned to his subordinate officer, “fetch the saber we are doing this by the books. And speaking of the books, this is going in as a boarding action, put that one down; I’m sure it will impress the grand admiral. And again speaking of that wire that through to the admiralty, we request a submarine pack at their nearest convenience.” Sailors rushed about the decks grabbing objects and preparing an inflatable raft for the ‘boarding action.’
Within a few minutes the craft was prepared and the two men were pressed into their battle dress uniforms, as both custom and regulations demanded. “Alright admiral!” With a small purr and a band the elderly trawling motor came to life, propelling the two men in a nearly random course which took some time to correct and steer towards the massive, and considerably unstable bulk of the carrier.
Letter To: President Nicolas Villa of Mokastana
It would seem if the world is to know of our intent then you might as well. I must however inform you, that do to your nature as what we consider an unwelcome visitor, at least at the time being, at the conference you shall only be able to contact home though monitored installations and. Your delegate will be flown through Imperial Air to the capital at Blünderburg and then moved to the destination. Your safety is insured within our country from our own citizens we cannot however, extend full diplomatic immunity, as defined by protection from the law.
His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
OOC EDIT: Vetaka you have a telegram! An old one actually; may be irrelevant now.
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters, Holding 235 Nautical Miles From Waldenburg:
"Boat is with the lift, Sir" spoke Lieutenant Baddeley a pair of binoculars at his eyes.
As the Lieutenant replaced the Binoculars at his utility belt the lift roared into lift and proceeded to ascend. After 30 seconds or so the Commodores head became visible just under the safety rails and consequently the Marine Captain shouted:
In perfect precision the 10 Marines standing in line in front of the lifts entrance snapped to attention. The Captain before them stepped forward and opened the lifts doors stepping back he saluted the Commodore and the Captain and subsequently stepped back allowing the two Waldenburg officers to formally board the Carrier. As they did so Admiral Meakin stepped forward, he hadn't bothered to dress in his formal uniform he still wore his usual Operational Combats the only difference being that he had attached his Marine Sabre to his belt, the sword wasn't one of jewels or platinum it was a simple sword that had clearly been used many times before. Saluting the Commodore he smiled:
"Commodore Mend of the Waldenburger Maritime Service, It is an Honour"
Stepping back Meakin knelt to one knee and bowed his head in respectfully before chanting the words:
"I bow to no man but I bow to you"
He let his words register for a few seconds before rising again to his full height and smiling:
"Welcome to the Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship George Hammond, I am Supreme Grand Admiral Jamie Meakin, So how may the Vetakan Naval Defence Forces be of service to their Waldenburg Counterparts?"
Bad Amberg, Waldenberg:
Many Wounds stepped forward and smiled warmly at the bishop, he knelt on one knee before the Bishop and spoke some what loudly and much more sternly than normal:
"I bow to no man but I bow to you"
Rising to meet the Bishops eye level he again smiled and spoke:
"Honoured Bishop Thorm I wish to request a copy of the statutory laws that his Lordship shall be prosecuted under? I also wish to request that the Vetakan Air Crew that brought you here that you have subsequently took as prisoners be released or at least brought before us and allowed to join my team
08-08-2008, 01:36
Ivansky was still somewhat perplexed. It was, to his knowledge, the day of the conference. He was still at the great castle- he had met briefly with some higher up within the Waldenburg hierarchy- Ivansky had not much liked him, and it seemed the man felt likewise. Still, he was not here for these Waldenburgers, but for the League and for Lord Sumguy.
OOC: Glorified BUMP for other people to get a move on *cough* League *cough*
Waldenburg 2
08-08-2008, 02:15
It was something of a relief to Throm that the consul had not demanded their immediate release under threat of nuclear destruction, and at least the man seemed to have been cowed into a general sense of fear or if not fear, then at least realization of his surroundings. “You misunderstand consul this is not a trial, this is a peace conference, and indications of otherwise are completely misleading and entirely false. However should such conference fail that situation shall be somewhat null. Should His Excellency come under trial the ultimate arbiter will, or course, be God.” The Bishop, who had sentenced his fair share to the auto de fe over the years nodded solemnly. “By international will which can ultimately come under the jurisdiction of one force.” Throm had lost some of the anger of the days past, and the Vetakan had moderated slightly. “As for your other request your crew have been detained at Bad Letzburg, they like you are not prisoners, but have been detained for security purposes. It would be highly vexing should this location be struck with any form of attack, for all parties interested, so for the moment we must keep this in mind. However they may be transferred back here provided they swear as officers and gentlemen, along with yourself that they will not attempt in any way to upset the proceedings or dissuade a peaceful situation and barring that, interrupt justice. If I have your word they shall be here within two hours?”
WISS Liberal Demise and Squadron
Mend slowly took the deck, it had generally been an unpleasant day; many millions of tons of armed steel had interrupted his lunch and now his ad hock boarding party was missing lunch. It was equally off putting to see an admiral fall to their knees, one which not even the Emperor received from the more weedy variety of his subjects. Mend settled wit a short bow from the waist and a salute.
“Admiral,” he began in confusion, “you are in command of quite the fleet group one of impressive proportions which is violating the territorial sovereignty of the island of Sletch, you may not have seen it though. We must request why such a large force has been moved considerably from it’s base of operations, why a plane carrying a member of the Holy Church was shot down, and why you object to being boarded by a revenue cutter? Although, having met His Grace the Bishop before, I cannot hold that against you. However with the current events I must conclude that you are in fact outside of your legal jurisdiction, and indeed without reason or cause to be here. Therefore I must ask you to vacate this area, abandon and pretensions in the area and move outside an exclusion zone of one thousand kilometers. Unless there is a valid reason for this occupation I will have no choice but to arrests you and your crew on conspiracy of piracy.”
OOC Vetaka you have another TG.
08-08-2008, 03:45
Official Piccavian Communiqué
Federal Piccavian Parliament
Office of the Chancellor
01 Regierungplatz
Helvetia, Piccavia A113 HV0
To His Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV:
Due to poor health, I will be unable to attend your talks, regretfully. In my stead, the Parliament has decided to dispatch Minister of Foreign Affairs Martin Accardi, as well as Undersecretary of War Freidrich Gladney, as our plenipotentaries.
Hail victory!
The Rt. Hon. Richard H. Adenauer
Chancellor of the Federal Piccavian Commonwealth
Night was beginning to set as a solitary Mercedes-Benz pulled up towards the castle. It was an unremarkable car, distinguished solely by the Piccavian ensign flapping wildly in the wind. Two men stepped out of the car, hastily pulling out umbrellas as the rain pelted them, hurrying inside past the rows of armed guards.
"Undersecretary of War Gladney," one of the men said to a guard, handing over some rather wet documents. "And Foreign Minister Accardi. The Piccavian representatives at the talks."
The guard said nothing, simply checked their IDs, searched their bags, and patted them down; he proceeded to wave the men through into the castle.
OOC: Just assume the Piccavian representatives end up where they need to be.
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters, Holding 235 Nautical Miles From Waldenburg:
Admiral Meakin nodded as he listened to the Waldenburg Officer before him as the Commodore fell silent the Admiral deliberately allowed a silence to fall across them during which the Admiral surveyed the man before him after 30 seconds or so he spoke:
“This Fleet is here to represent the interests of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka, Vetaka is extremely concerned regarding the current situation between the League of Imperial Ocean Faring Nations and the Hegemony furthermore Vetaka grows ever more concerned with the illegal detainment of Lord Sumguy by Waldenburg. Vetaka however shall allow fate and life to take its course I and my fleet however are here to promote Vetaka but also and above all else to promote Honour, Respect and Moral Ethics. As such this fleet shall hold its current position to further that agenda any attempt to force our withdrawal shall be responded to with force and may be considered a declaration of War.”
The Admiral whom had taken on a stern and commanding tone mellowed slightly, smiled and continued:
“However we have no desire to cause argument or conflict as such you have my word that this fleet is not engaged in piracy and shall not disrupt civilian shipping, I shall also allow one person and one person alone to remain aboard this Ship to act as liaison between our to navies, do we have agreement?”
Admiral Meakin, had instructed his Marine Guard to present arms and detain the Commodore on the simple command of “Marines”. As he awaited his guests response he hoped to the gods he would not have to escalate the already volatile situation.
Bad Amberg, Waldenberg:
Many Wounds nodded as the Bishop spoke before replying:
“I see, Then I request I be allowed to sit at this Conference in representation of Vetaka as an observer and as Consul to his Lordship. You have my honour and loyalty that I and the Officers shall not upset the proceedings or dissuade the peace that you are attempting to broker here. What say you?”
New Greston
08-08-2008, 19:39
OOC: At a concert: saw Styx and Boston. Think of this as tag/bump.
Waldenburg 2
09-08-2008, 00:30
WISS Liberal Demise and Squadron
The statement made by Lyras and her allies had not reached Mend as he dithered on the deck of the Vetakan carrier. It would shift the forces of battle, not dramatically at least by numbers but in essence and in ideal it was a blow. The information was however not available to Mend as he placed his hand on roughly on the hilt of his saber and inflated his chest. “Admiral you misunderstand; you are interrupting civilian shipping, and violating our sovereignty. Your assurances mean nothing, it is being done, you have fleet directly over a fishery, and the economic livelihood of the maritime community is being damaged. By regulations set down under the Imperial Maritime Acts I must, due to your recalcitrant attitude arrest you and your crew for commissioning piracy against the Empire. Captain,” the commodore turned to his adjutant, “arrest these men.”
“You need not say anything, however anything which you fail to mention now and later rely on in court can harm your defense. If you are not capable of supplying an attorney the Civil Authority shall provide one for you. Now where’s the brig?” As the commodore finished he sentence he was quivering; there was a great many men on the decks and quite a few of them seemed to be armed. “We will not negotiate with criminals. We will not stay as liaison, and we will not tolerate this presence. You are under arrest and your vehicle… and vehicles will be impounded until such a time as they may be collected by a consul of the Vetakan state, and all fines are paid. You will throw down your arms now and subjugate to a full inspection and arrest or we will have no choice but turn to overwhelming force in the detention of your crew.”
Bad Amberg
“Then it is agreed. However we must note that your standing within the conference shall not be one of representative and you shall receive no such status. Your crew are being flown here as we speak. “ A polite knocking sounded on the bishop’s door which was opened a few seconds later.
“Your Grace, if I may have a word?”
“Of course, corporal will you escort the consul out?” Within a few moments the two were alone, Colonel Dench and Bishop Throm eyed each other across the desk. They eyed each other, not so much like cats as that did not begin to cover the distrust and bad feelings between the Church and the Empire. “What can I do for you?”
“We picked up a Serene Legion colonel this morning, his regiment was reporting a large movement of men at least of company strength. None Waldenburger, and towards the mountains.”
Throm collapsed into his chair, still tense with the thought of backroom murder, “You believe we have a security breech?”
“We have spotted movement in the nearby valley, however on thermal scans we found nothing. Patrols equally reported nothing. From Aschenhyrst if our sources are accurate, and after the attentions of Experimental Theology we believe they are. However the colonel passed this morning.”
“What do you suggest colonel? You are the head of security?
“Saturation bombing. With napalm in the early morning in the nearby valley. The guests hopefully won’t hear much of it underground, and it should be the most effective against the suspected forces. We will be covering a grid of approximately three square miles and should burn out all observation posts. However your Grace the mountains are riddled with holes and hiding places; I cannot promise success in their elimination but I can assure their cover will be somewhat denied.”
“Of course of course,” Throm waved a tired hand, “Do what you must, start no later than three, the smoke should hardly be a surprise.”
Waldenburg 2
10-08-2008, 22:09
OOC Well I guess.... I suppose anyone else who feels like attending can materialize in the room with all the previous assumptions in place.
With bombers pelting the lower valleys with fire the guests and prisoners had been moved further underground as a precaution in the fields of security and to cover up the now required firebombings. From padded rooms above the delegates and prisoners had been herded to tight cellars, and the Hegemon himself was being shackled to a plain wooden table amongst the slightly archaic torture chamber. The room had not been used in living memory, and most of the implements were simply collections of rust and only a gentle reminder of what once the room had been for. Several robed figures on the fringes of the room and hidden in the shadows monitored the Hegemon’s pulse and breathing. These were members of the new Experimental Theology department, much more palatable to modern society and so much more frightening than their cousins of the Inquisition.
“Your Excellency,” Colonel Dench nodded to the Hegemon, “They should be here in a few minutes.” In the few days of captivity Dench, who perhaps only to spite the bishop had come to enjoy the Hegemon who’s refreshing views on theology did not relate directly to flammable objects and the uses there off. “Your staff is behind you, however are orders under not to speak unless spoken directly too, or are instructed to do so. These negociations are for you alone and we do not wish to have said opinions swayed by the perhaps belligerent attitudes of the good general.”
The three men to the rear were equally restrained, however their hands were bolted via a loop of steel to the table and they seemed to be sitting a little straighter than was comfortable. There were only some comparatively loose chains restraining the Hegemon, and the valet, Walter, was standing directly beside him with a look of almost matronly concern on his face. All of their lives had been granted special protection by the Emperor, and until the peace conference was over all positions revolved on their well being and the well being of their guests.
“His Excellency the Special Representative of the Promethean Republic of Faxnavia and the League of Ocean Faring Nations, Ivan Ivansky.” A Divine Legionarie by the door fell to impeccable attention as the first of the representatives were hustled into the room by the Bishop Throm.
“Gentlemen,” Throm nodded at the Hegemon as he spoke, a little more smugly than was called for, “despite the unbelievably feeble turnout, the conference will now begin at your leisure. If you have need of anything I shall be in the next room. Anything that is said in this room is confidential until we are finished of course.” With a slight bow from the waist the long awaited two days was over.
Red Tide2
10-08-2008, 22:30
OOC: Sorry for the lateness, I'll just post my statement of attendance and materialize in the room.
Official Statement from TSRT Government
"The Totalitarian State, in the interest of peace and prosperity, will send Foreign Ministry Official Igor Tayrisov as our official representative at the peace conference, along with assorted staff."
End Statement
Igor Tayrisov was just like all the other mid-high level members of the Red Tidean Foreign Ministry who were not actually members of the Council of Ministers. Any dossier would describe him as 'Just another faceless Red Tidean Government Bureaucrat.' Like most Red Tideans who operated as close to the center of the Totalitarian State as he did, he never showed a whit of expression as he was led through the underground labryinth the Waldenburgers had constructed.
Trailing him were two aides, one (or both) of whom were undoubtly (a) member(s) of the Intelligence Commissariat and was there to keep tabs on him and to report any 'disloyalty' or 'treason' to the State. Tayrisov's face remained impassive, but secretly he was impressed with the complexity and forethought put into the construction of this bunker.
For now, he simply sat down at his place around the conference table, his aides taking up position on either side of him, one pulling a sheet of paper and a pen out to record anything said while the other simply stood there, scanning the room. Tayrisov ignored them and simply awaited for either the Faxanavians or the Hegemon to start.
10-08-2008, 22:32
OOC: sorry I have been gone a few days, should i assume my delegate is also chained and in the meeting room?
Waldenburg 2
10-08-2008, 22:35
OOC: sorry I have been gone a few days, should i assume my delegate is also chained and in the meeting room?
OOC Oh, right Hegemony man. No, just assume you are squeezed between two burly marines or something; they're of course only for show anyway.
New Greston
10-08-2008, 22:47
Official Grestonian Communiqué
To: His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
From: President and Imperial Parliamentarian The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
Subject: RE: Peace Talks in Bad Amberg
Dear His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV,
It has come to my attention that you wish to hold peacetalks in your capital to resolve the on going conflicts between ourselves and the wretched Hegemony. I shall not be in attendence of said conference but Foreign Affairs Minister Michael Richardson shall be. He will be accompanied by Deputy Attorney General Charles Winston Morgan.
President and Imperial Parliamentarian The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
10-08-2008, 23:52
OOC: ohh show of course.....umm, what about my own security staff?
Charles Villa felt very uncomfortable in this position, looking over at the Hegemon he noticed it could of been worse. This was definitely the most peaceful way to meet with such enemies, but of course he doubted the Waldenburg government could be trusted. Who knew where the nearest blender was.....
Looking at his PDA he accessed the Mokastana Foreign Ministry and began recording the discussion with the microphone on it. No doubt he would not be able to say much in this "peace" conference, but hopefully his brother was having a better time with the Lyran allies.
He looked over to the hegmon, nodding silently to Lord Sumguy, hoping this would be easier then it looked.
Waldenburg 2
11-08-2008, 00:05
OOC What security force? If anything maybe a few attaches who would have been disarmed along with all the delegates, also stripped of all electronic devices especially if they are with the Hegemony. I did make reference to tight security a few times, weapons, recording devices and ect. would have been noticed.
11-08-2008, 00:35
Ivansky sighed. Nobody got his name right. Ever. All these people, dignitaries, politicians, and they couldn't remember his name. He knew the thick, slavic tones of the Faxanavian language were hard for many to manage, but, really. Still, that was not why he was here. "Gentleman, I apologize for the poor turn out so far. I am sure there shall be more coming- I have been assured by many of my fellows in the League that they shall be in attendance." He glanced about the small room- it looked grim, with the chained Hegemon looking much the worse for ware after his short stay in Waldenburg. "I am here, Gentleman, to represent the League. We are interested in two things- the dissolution of the Hegemony, and to be given certain members of the Hegemony's leadership to try for their crimes." He glanced about at the stolid faces around him, avoiding the gaze of Lord Sumguy. "You have all heard the Lyran and TPFian ultimatum. We must act quickly,to avoid unnecessary losses. This assault by the people of TPF an Lyras is not a matter to trifle about- we could overcome them, but at what cost to the war effort?" He sat back in his chair, tensing subconsciously, awaiting a response.
Lord Sumguy
11-08-2008, 02:03
Lord Sumguy sat, looking steadily at the LION delegates assembled at the table, his expression blank. "Must you continue your charade of moral superiority even now?" He asked, shifting in his chair slightly as the chains restraining him clanked loudly. "Just get on with what you are saying, there is no need to pander to public opinion here, and slander will not help us reach an agreement." He sighed, running his hands through his hair and causing the chains to make even more noise. He looked completely exhausted, as though all energy had been drained from him.
11-08-2008, 02:25
Undersecretary of War Freidrich Gladney sighed heavily, exasperated at the continued defiance of a man who ought to be broken by this point.
"Mr. Sumguy," the undersecretary said wearily. "I fail to see-" He was interrupted by a sharp jab to the rib by the Foreign Minister.
"Lord Sumguy," the minister hissed to his counterpart. "Lord Sumguy. There's no need to be rude."
"Excuse me," Gladney whispered, sarcasm dripping from his lips. "I'll try to be more polite to the incarcerated blendees-to-be from now on." He turned back to the manacled figure before him. "The Piccavian government fails to see why you make such an issue of the Hegemony treaty organization. It seems to be more of a liability than an asset to your national security. Allow me to frame it for you properly. You are a Christian man, are you not?"
Lord Sumguy
11-08-2008, 02:33
Undersecretary of War Freidrich Gladney sighed heavily, exasperated at the continued defiance of a man who ought to be broken by this point.
"Mr. Sumguy," the undersecretary said wearily. "I fail to see-" He was interrupted by a sharp jab to the rib by the Foreign Minister.
"Lord Sumguy," the minister hissed to his counterpart. "Lord Sumguy. There's no need to be rude."
"Excuse me," Gladney whispered, sarcasm dripping from his lips. "I'll try to be more polite to the incarcerated blendees-to-be from now on." He turned back to the manacled figure before him. "The Piccavian government fails to see why you make such an issue of the Hegemony treaty organization. It seems to be more of a liability than an asset to your national security. Allow me to frame it for you properly. You are a Christian man, are you not?"
"I would think that would be readily apparent, given the collar and pendant that I generally wear, Mr. Gladney." The Hegemon replied, smiling. "And I should think that by now your government would know better than to assume that my first priority is my nation's security. Self-protection has not been cheif among my concerns, as you can see given my current situation. No, my goals and priorities exist upon a far greater scale."
New Greston
11-08-2008, 02:34
The relatively small, private plane pulled down the run way; Michael Richardson and his entourage were met with bright, blue, neon lights from the run strip. Michael took no notice of it as he took a swig of some water to wash down the pugnet smell, on his breath, from the two bottles of vodka he had guzzled down during the flight. Michael placed the dry glass onto a coaster and then picked up a much more ideal liquid- a flask of William Jack's whisky. William Jack was an infamous Grestonian rebel back in the 1800's who had pushed for the Act of the Union. Michael dreamed of doing something so important that people would name a liquor after him some day.
The swaying plane jolted to a stop as Richardson quickly tightened the cap on his flask. He put the flask in his right vest pocket as he threw his jacket on. He was in a rush, his delegation was late for the conference so he had to push things along. As Deputy Attorney General and staff were gathering their things Michael was halfway down the stairs out of the plane, entering the terminal.
Michael stumbled through the air port and out the front entrance where a limosuine with a smartly dressed bellhop was standing in front of. The bellhop boasted a pin of the Grestonian flag, the car doing the same by flying two small flags, one on each side of the front window. The group filed into the cab, the Foreign Minister taking no time to get comfortable. He took his flask back out and held it at eye level.
"Crap, it's below the label," he was able to mutter. He swallowed the remaining bit then opened his breifcase. Ontop, as always, was two spare bottles of rum. He took one bottle out then placed the empty one in its place. He took a big gulp then gently placed the precious drink back in his vest pocket. Michael looked out the tinted window as the wound around another corner; the building, where ever it was, was extremely far from the rest of the city. The limo stopped in front of a bouldering, stone castle; one that dwarfed most buildings back in Greston and Central Easen.
Michael almost fell out of the car and into the arms of many well trained, burly guards with ominous looking weapons. He was push up to a metal detector, once through he ripped off all electronics and placed them on a tray. One soldier pat him down for anything else as another opened his breif case to search it. The soldier spotted the liquor and attempted to confiscate it. Michael closed the case on the soldeir's hand and briskly glided in.
He entered to hear the end of Ivansky Bochick's little speech. Michael thrust his breif case on the table, open it up and took out a cup and his last bottle, he placed each on the table then took the bottle out of his vest and put it on the table as well. All the while he never looked up, even when he said, in his most grim tone, "And I am here to enforce exactly what he just said. Hello, I am Michael Richardson of the Imperial Republic of Greston, this is no time for pleasantries so please shut the hell up and don't introduce yourself."
John unwrapped his lips around his half empty bottle of vodka, gracious of how nuturing the Waldenburger Holy Church was. Not only was his heavy drinking problem overlooked but the Church embraced his brash violence and allowed him to kill some heretic whenever he wanted for whatever reason he could think of. He then looked down at it with disgust- it was the same liquid that he had been drinking when he tussled with a Partian General and the same drink that had caused him to lose his job and declare bankruptcy.
But he quickly forgot his troubles, he would get to handle the person who had caused most of it for it later that week. He was ranked as a Feild Marshal and was the head of over 30,000 Waldenburger soldiers grouped into around two different divisions from the Serene League. His men were poorly equipt and horribly unorganized, partially the reason he was called in. He had spiffed up the measely 30,000 men into deranged fighting machines. But that was something John was used to doing.
11-08-2008, 02:49
"I would think that would be readily apparent, given the collar and pendant that I generally wear, Mr. Gladney." The Hegemon replied, smiling. "And I should think that by now your government would know better than to assume that my first priority is my nation's security. Self-protection has not been cheif among my concerns, as you can see given my current situation. No, my goals and priorities exist upon a far greater scale."
"Surprisingly enough, I too am a Christian man," Gladney said, leaning in. "Roman Catholic for twenty generations. Sometimes the Christian faith dictates that which seems...counterintuitive. Turning the other cheek, for example - it runs contrary to human nature. Extreme charity - fundamentally opposed to the innate drive for self-preservation. It is, indeed, a high minded faith. But every now and then, it comes up with something basic, that everyone can rally behind, no? Concern for your fellow man, for instance - keeping an eye out for your brothers. Doing what you can to prevent a slaughter. You, sir, have the ability to do that, right here, right now. Millions of lives - Sumgaian lives, lives who have looked to you for their protection and well being - hang in the balance. They can spared infinite amounts of pain and suffering, and all it requires is the abrogation of a treaty. Haven't you ever heard of the phrase 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?'"
Lord Sumguy
11-08-2008, 03:01
"Surprisingly enough, I too am a Christian man," Gladney said, leaning in. "Roman Catholic for twenty generations. Sometimes the Christian faith dictates that which seems...counterintuitive. Turning the other cheek, for example - it runs contrary to human nature. Extreme charity - fundamentally opposed to the innate drive for self-preservation. It is, indeed, a high minded faith. But every now and then, it comes up with something basic, that everyone can rally behind, no? Concern for your fellow man, for instance - keeping an eye out for your brothers. Doing what you can to prevent a slaughter. You, sir, have the ability to do that, right here, right now. Millions of lives - Sumgaian lives, lives who have looked to you for their protection and well being - hang in the balance. They can spared infinite amounts of pain and suffering, and all it requires is the abrogation of a treaty. Haven't you ever heard of the phrase 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?'"
'I have, my good sir." The Hegemon replied. "The problem I see is that if my countrymen will be slaughtered, then they will be killed by soldiers of LION. Do you not think it rather ridiculous to urge me to do what you claim to be the "christian thing" in order to keep you and your militaries from doing things which no good christian would ever consider? If any millions of my people's lives are to be lost, It will be due to the actions of your government, and the blood will be on the hands of your government, not mine. Your heads-of-state also have the ability to prevent the deaths of millions, yet I greatly doubt any of them wish to."
The Hegemon rubbed his eyes for a moment. "You see, I have been entrusted with a great deal of power. Not only to protect, but to lead. I consider what LION is attempting to do to be nothing more than a great work of greed and malice. As a christian and as the Hegemon, it is my duty and priviledge to resist such disgusting acts with all the power at my disposal, no matter the cost."
11-08-2008, 03:08
OOC: well then, that doesn't give me much to work with, no access to the embassy, security staff left at the airport...
I will just say anything important was left at the plane then...
Charles noticed how Lord Sumguy wasn't at his best, if anything he looked like a prisoner of war in this torture room, even if the tools around here were just rusty relics. What a perfect scenery to discuss such things as Christianity and saving lives, how hypocritical these LION men were. Waging war in the name of...what, international stability? telling the enemy to surrender because of, humanity....
"As a Christian how can you order the slaughter of millions? All because you don't like what their leaders do, how can you even believe what you say with such hypocrisy in it? If we can all agree that Christians believe in keeping an eye out for your brothers then how can you even allow yourself to ask a man to give up his honor or you will kill his brothers?"
New Greston
11-08-2008, 03:13
'I have, my good sir." The Hegemon replied. "The problem I see is that if my countrymen will eb slaughtered, it will be by soldiers of LION. Do you not think it rather ridiculous to urge me to do what you claim to be the "christian thing" in order to keep you and your militaries from doing things which no good christian would ever consider? If any millions of my people's lives are to be lost, It will be due to the actions of your government, and the blood will be on the hands of your government, not mine. Your heads-of-state also have the ability to prevent the deaths of millions, yet I greatly doubt any of them wish to."
The Hegemon rubbed his eyes for a moment. "You see, I have been entrusted with a great deal of power. Not only to protect, but to lead. I consider what LION is attempting to do to be nothing more than a great work of greed and malice. As a christian and as the Hegemon, it is my duty and priviledge to resist such disgusting acts with all the power at my disposal, no matter the cost."
Michael swallowed from his whisky and turned his head towards the criminal, "Mr. Sumguy, I'll have you know that it is not only Sumgaians that will be die, but Grealites, Cazelians, and so on," Michael store Lord Sumguy in the eye as he spoke, "I too, sir, am entrusted with a job, that job being to urge you to disembowel your alliance. You speak about resisting this ultimatum no matter the cost, I don't think you can handle what the cost will be."
He grimaced and then started to chuckle uncontrollably.
"Mr. Sumguy, if you can't even go by a real, respectable name how can you possibly hold back as your nation and your allys' nations are destroyed?! Please answer me this, Mr," he started to chuckle a little, "Sumguy."
Lord Sumguy
11-08-2008, 03:21
Michael swallowed from his whisky and turned his head towards the criminal, "Mr. Sumguy, I'll have you know that it is not only Sumgaians that will be die, but Grealites, Cazelians, and so on," Michael store Lord Sumguy in the eye as he spoke, "I too, sir, am entrusted with a job, that job being to urge you to disembowel your alliance. You speak about resisting this ultimatum no matter the cost, I don't think you can handle what the cost will be."
He grimaced and then started to chuckle uncontrollably.
"Mr. Sumguy, if you can't even go by a real, respectable name how can you possibly hold back as your nation and your allys' nations are destroyed?! Please answer me this, Mr," he started to chuckle a little, "Sumguy."
"Resorting to mocking our opponent's titles I see, Mr. Richardson, how very like a diplomat." The Hegemon replied, smiling again. "I ask that you not insult my nation's native language while you are speaking with me, surely you are capapable of being polite even on a basic level? If it concerns you so, you may refer to me as Hegemon." He continued smiling, crossing one leg over the other as the chains binding him clattered loudly. "As for my putting the nations you speak of in danger, I did not prevent any from leaving the Hegemony. Those who did not wish to fight either left the organization or issued statements of neutrality, those that remain are the nations that chose to resist."
11-08-2008, 03:29
OOC: Just wondering if I can join on the side of LION. I could send one of my fleets.
New Greston
11-08-2008, 03:35
Michael started laughing even more so. He started to sip from his bottle of whisky and looked Lord Sumguy dead in the eye. Michael's eyes seem to be one fire, he was filled with rage but didn't show one bit of it. He was unnervingly calm.
"Why would I refer to you, sir, as the title given to you for running an alliance that we seek to destroy? The only time I would call you 'Hegemon' is when I have my grip wrapped around wrist as I thurst you into a blender. You do not deserve a title more than 'Filthy Heretical Lawbreaking Scoundrel'. It comes as a surprise to me that you are in chains, I personally keep my dogs in a kennel. But back to a more diplomatic conversation. Why are you here if you are just going to defy us? You have everything to lose by not giving into our ultimatum, if you were to dissolve your Hegemony millions of lives would be saved. Without the Hypocracy of the Hegemony you are just as well off as before, only without a puppet alliance."
Lord Sumguy
11-08-2008, 03:42
Michael started laughing even more so. He started to sip from his bottle of whisky and looked Lord Sumguy dead in the eye. Michael's eyes seem to be one fire, he was filled with rage but didn't show one bit of it. He was unnervingly calm.
"Why would I refer to you, sir, as the title given to you for running an alliance that we seek to destroy? The only time I would call you 'Hegemon' is when I have my grip wrapped around wrist as I thurst you into a blender. You do not deserve a title more than 'Filthy Heretical Lawbreaking Scoundrel'. It comes as a surprise to me that you are in chains, I personally keep my dogs in a kennel. But back to a more diplomatic conversation. Why are you here if you are just going to defy us? You have everything to lose by not giving into our ultimatum, if you were to dissolve your Hegemony millions of lives would be saved. Without the Hypocracy of the Hegemony you are just as well off as before, only without a puppet alliance."
"My, what colorful insults." The Hegemon replied, looking amused. "Heretic, eh? I wouldn't have expected that from anyone outside of Waldenburg. As for why I am here..." He lifted his hands, showing the chains around his wrists. "I would think it to be clear that I did not come to Waldenburg of my own will. And my good minister, there are things upon this earth more valuable than life. It is for the sake of such things that I have chosen to resist thus far." As he spoke, he matched the man's gaze, laughter in his eyes.
New Greston
11-08-2008, 03:53
"See, Mr. Sumguy, you, even when in chains, are the biggest hypocrit I know. You say there are more valueable things on this Earth then life, I say how is that possible when you must be alive to be on this earth? I am going to ask you three more things before I relinquish my turn to question you," Michael kept a calm and smug, grim but smug, look on while inside Lord Sumguy was extremely infuriating. But Michael was used to such behavior from Hegemony delegates James Hogart, Ingram Hasley, A Daril and others dwarfed how annoying the Hegemon was acting, "What is so important to you about the Hegemony? It has cost more for you to run and upkeep and stabilize in one year then it has to run Greston for the past half a decade."
Lord Sumguy
11-08-2008, 04:16
"See, Mr. Sumguy, you, even when in chains, are the biggest hypocrit I know. You say there are more valueable things on this Earth then life, I say how is that possible when you must be alive to be on this earth? I am going to ask you three more things before I relinquish my turn to question you," Michael kept a calm and smug, grim but smug, look on while inside Lord Sumguy was extremely infuriating. But Michael was used to such behavior from Hegemony delegates James Hogart, Ingram Hasley, A Daril and others dwarfed how annoying the Hegemon was acting, "What is so important to you about the Hegemony? It has cost more for you to run and upkeep and stabilize in one year then it has to run Greston for the past half a decade."
"I know the concept of having ideals may be alien to you, Mr. Richardson, but it is not to me. And as for your claim that one must be alive to be upon the earth, this is false. I will remain upon this earth long after I die, as a historical figure, as a symbol of that which I beleive." Lord Sumguy was still smiling. "Though I am not here to teach you about life and what truly matters, despite your apparent ingorance regarding it, so I will not. As for your claim of cost, that is utterly ridiculous. I don't know where you got such figures, Mr. Richardson, but I assure you they have no resemblance to reality."
He sighed again. "I could answer you as to why the Hegemony is important to me, but I'm afraid it would be a rather lengthy explanation involving many ideals and moral beleifs, and it is rather obvious that your governments are not concerned with any ideals or morals."
Red Tide2
11-08-2008, 04:28
Tayrisov wanted to frown, to roll his eyes, but that would be showing emotion and it ran against the nature he had had to learn being so far up the ladder in the TSRT's Foreign Ministry.
"Lord Sumguy." Tayrisov said in a polite tone, "I am curious as to one thing. What ever gave you the impression that if the Hegemony was disbanded, regardless of whether you are tried, incarcerated, or liquidated... or not, your people would be slaughtered? I can see you fearing for your advisors safety, for your own safety, but for your people's safety? I see no indication that your nation will even be occupied should the Hegemony be disbanded, and if that assumption is wrong, then only those who resist will be punished. I do not see the 'slaughter of millions of my people' you are talking about."
11-08-2008, 13:49
Ivansky sighed, mentally. The leader of Greston was certainly... colorful. Still, he was getting his job done. "Gentleman, we are not here to make small talk with Lord Sumguy. We are not here to talk of dreams, or morals, or ideals. We are here to talk of business. Lord Sumguy," He turned to address the beleaguered figure, "Here is our deal. You shall turn yourself, along with several other leaders of the Hegemony, over to the League for trial. You shall disband your Hegemony, and all of its constituents. In return," He smiled a dark smile, "The League will not destroy your nation from the ground up. We could, of course, take you by force, "He indicated the chains which bound Lord Sumguy, "But, we would prefer if you came quieter- much cleaner, for us and for the body count in your nation."
OOC: Theoreshia, should more fighting break out we would be glad to have you on our side.
11-08-2008, 14:59
OOC: I'll have my fleet moved.
2nd Fleet of the Red Navy - Aboard the TNS Covenant
Admiral of the Fleet Borisov Nanchuck watched as 2nd Fleet - consisting of eighteen battle corvettes, eleven frigates, nine cruisers, eight battle cruisers, six air craft carriers, and fourteen attack submarines flew towards the LION fleet.
He stirred his White Russian drink, took a sip, and smiled. It was a good day.
Lord Sumguy
11-08-2008, 15:58
The Hegemon laughed. "I may be in many ways a fool, Mr. Ivansky, but do not think me so gullible as to trust that LION will cease all aggresion should the Hegemony disband. I have great trouble believing that LION will cease it's attacks upon Cazelia or Greal, or perhaps even my homeland once the Hegemony is disbanded. No, such would be an even more oppurtune time for you to strike, as we will be scattered, un-unified. If I disband the Hegemony, such would only seal the fate of my nation. To disband the Hegemony at this point would be to abandon those who wish to defend it and what it stands for."
He smiled again. "I apologize my good sirs, but the many betrayals over my time as Hegemon have left me a much less trusting man than I once was."
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) George Hammond, Operational Flagship of the Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters, Holding 235 Nautical Miles From Waldenburg:
Admiral Jamie Meakin’s heart sank as the Commodore before him began to read him his rights, he closed his eyes and placed his right hand on his sword to his left. He looked at the Commodore and softly spoke:
The Marine guard suddenly and without warning snapped into action they surrounded the two Waldenburg officers and clicked their M56 Rifles from safety to semi automatic and proceeded to train them upon the two men . Almost simultaneously Admiral Meakin drew his sword and trained it upon the Commodore at his throat. He sighed and spoke:
“I am sorry, Under Article 28, Sub Section 8 of Vetakan Naval Military Law, I am authorised to detain you to protect the integrity of this ship and fleet.”
Before the Admiral could continue the lieutenant interrupted stepping forward as he did so and showing him a PDA:
The Admiral gazed at and blinked, looking at it again he suddenly replaced his sword in his sheath and looked at the Commodore:
“Return to your vessel and contact your admiralty. Id take the lift or ill throw you over board, lieutenant if the Commodore has failed to leave in 45 seconds. Shoot Him”
“Sir” replied Lieutenant Baddely
The Admiral bowed his head respectfully to Mend and spoke:
“I bow to no man but I bow to you, Go with Respect and Honour, May the Phoenix light your way”
Without waiting for a reply the Admiral turned on his heel and left flanked by a number of Marines and Officers. Baddely however sighed and spoke:
“My apologies, Marines Pre-Se-Ent”
The Marines moved into a death squad formation before the Commodore and his Captain training their rifles upon the men. All they waited was the order to fire.
Bridge, VDFNS George Hammond:
“Red Alert, All Hands, Action Alert” boomed the Admiral as he burst into the Bridge.
Suddenly the Ops Lights that had been flashing a steady pulsating amber turned a slow blood red at the same time Klaxons proceeded to sound. With this across the massive fleet men and women ran around and awaited orders to act in response to the red alert that had taken hold of the fleet. Back on the Bridge of the Hammond the Admiral proceeded to bark orders:
“Helm withdraw to 400 Nautical Miles, Bring us to full power, now right now!”
The Admiral paced the bridge somewhat violently it was only broken when the XO appeared and spoke somewhat panic stricken:
“Admiral Sir?”
“The Peoples Freedom & Lyras have delivered an ultimatium to LION, The Admiralty has ordered us to withdraw to 400 miles and await instruction. However they have ordered me to prepare a Rescue Mission to pull Many Wounds and potentially Lord Sumguy from Waldenburg. As such inform the Special Ops guys to prepare troops and a plan of attack to assualt that mothering fucking castle” replied the Admiral.
“Aye Sir” was the XO’s frank but swift reply.
As the bridge broke into a hive of co-ordinated chaos, the Admiral swiftly headed for his ready room sealing himself within it he proceeded to send a number of highly encrypted messages to various people and agencies not just in Vetaka but around the world.
Bad Amberg:
“Thank you” spoke Many Wounds as he left the room shortly accompanied by the Corporal.
As he made the short journey back to his and Lord Sumguys quarters he felt a slight buzzing at his belt. Ignoring it until he returned to his room of detention as he entered the room and collapsed into a chair he withdrew a small PDA like device opening it he hit a few buttons and proceeding to read. Sighing at the contents he looked around the rooms contents and its occupants smiling at his team he merely spoke in his own Tribal Tongue:
“Their destiny dawns”
Operations Room 1, Supreme Operational High Command of the Vetakan Defence Forces, Old City, New Theeb, Southern Vetaka:
After the activation of all Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service (VSIS) assets within Waldenburg and with the subsequent deployment of further VSIS assets to gather additional intel on the volatile situation that currently existed within Waldenburg. The amount of intelligence that was streaming into VDF High Command had almost tripled giving the Tribal Council a lot more information to go on in making decsions. The massive Operations Room was a hive of activity as various aides moved about the place under taking various different tasks. In the centre of the room Supreme Operational Jack O’Neil gazed the massive Operations Screen before him which displayed a continuous live satellite image of the Bad Amberg Castle that was playing host to a fast developing international conference of two alliances and thrown into this was a very respected tribal diplomat and warrior.
As O’Neil gazed the operations screen an nearby Sargeant shouted up:
“Sir, You should see this”
The aide didn’t wait for a reply before he hit a few buttons on his screen which in turn caused the Ops Screen to flicker displaying a Valley coming under extensive bombardment. O’Neil turned to the Sargeant and barked:
“What the fuck?”
The Sergeant looked somewhat disgusted:
“Saturation Bombing within 25 kilometres of the Castle”
O’Neil looked saddened:
“Inform Meakin to prepare Plan Delta for immediate activation”
The Sergeant merely nodded and motioned towards a nearby phone which he picked up and proceeded to dial.
Conference of LION-Lord Sumguy, Bad Amberg Castle:
Many Wounds and his team moved into the conference practically unnoticed moving across the crowded room they eventually pushed their way through the circle of people that had surrounded Lord Sumguy. Standing in front of Lord Sumguy with his men standing around the Lord. Many Wounds looked around the LION leadership that where acting like dogs as opposed to leaders. He fixed his eye upon Ivansky of Faxanavia and spoke:
“You will all stand down, You all speak of honour, ethics and respect yet you no nothing them. You shall all provide his Lordship with details of your demands and details of the laws surrounding a potential trial.”
Many Wounds then turned and glared at Michael Richardson of Greston:
“Might I add also that I shall be thrust into a blender before his Lordship does, an act that many of my people will die to prevent even my nation does not agree”.
Many Wounds then stepped forward and spoke more sternly and somewhat louder than before:
“Leaders of the Honoured League of the Imperial Ocean Faring Nations, I am Many Wounds of the White Phoenix Tribe, the ruling Tribe of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka. I am not your enemy yet alas I am not your Ally and until you have all acted with honour and treated Lord Sumguy with respect. I shall defend him as his protector and guide him as his Consul. Until that day I and my men shall stand in your way and defend him with or without the support of Vetaka. You should all be aware that threats of blending me and my men shall not sway our decision to defend this man”
OOC: wooo rush 13 minute post!
11-08-2008, 16:02
OOC: Sorry for the tardiness, I`ve been gone for a few days
Near Bad Amburg
The Waldenburg Air Force had dropped napalm near the positions of the rescue team. Most members had fled to safety in the nearby caves. Ten commandos had suffered injuries during the attack, one listening post with ten men took a dircet hit and they were missing, presumed dead.
Captain Wallace, Commander of the rescue team, called for his radioman.
" I want a secure SatCom up and running and I want it yesterday."
"Aye, boss" Replied Cpl. Smyth, the team radioman. " Got `er up now boss!"
Wallace radioed to MoD HQ. "Eagle-One to Eagles Nest, Over"
"Eagles Nest. Go ahead Eagle-One, Over."
"Eagle-One taking casulties, Vultures are shitting on us. Need immediate EVAC for 10.Over"
"Copy Eagle-One, Angel of mercy on the way, Over."
"Eagle-One requests re-crew and Big Stick, Over"
"Affirmitave Eagle-One, Re-crew with ten Eaglets and Big Sticks. Eagles Nest , Over and OUT"
"Eagle-One out"
Under the cover of darkness, five Seahawk helocopters penetrated Waldenburg airspace destined for the rescue team. As they arrived near the teams position, Two Seahawks provided overwatch while the Medical-helo landed to retrive the wounded. After the wounded had been loaded up, two more helos touched down. The first carrying replacement troops and supplies, the second carrying the 'Big Sticks' (Shoulder-fired STINGER Missiles).
Wallace looked over his special order, "Let those Waldo`s shit fire on me now!"
"Alright, I want three of the listening posts re-established. Every post will have Stingers, the rest of us will stay up here and be able to reach tagets with our Stingers. We`ll even the odds a bit, boys."
As the Seahawks made their way back out to sea, A flight medic talked to the pilot. "Better move it or some of these boys won`t live to see sun-up."
Waldenburg 2
11-08-2008, 17:04
OOC Veteka anyone we would consider a prisoner, everyone in fact, is stripped of weapons and any form of communication.
It was quite possibly the most entertaining thing the Bishop, who watched through a tiny slit of stone in the wall arms folded. He didn’t care much for any of the attendants; it was an issue of piety and frankly the Grestonian was simply repulsive. If looks could kill however there would be several large holes in the wall, and the Hegemon would be quietly pooling on the floor. If it had been allowed Throm would have taken notes on the actions but sadly all he was able to do was watch through a tiny grate in the wall.
“Your Grace?” A captain of the Divine Legion had snuck into the room, hat doffed respectively and his voice dulled to a whisper. “May I have a word?”
“There’s no need to whisper, this is a torture chamber, it is nominally sound proof. They seem to be quite diverted at any rate. What is it?”
“A message was just pulled off the wire at Bad Schlossburg, from a Commodore Mend of the Special Marine Service, apparently he arrested an entire fleet group from Veteka however was repulsed from the deck sir. None of his crew were harmed and it seems the Fleet Group is pulling away from Waldenburg.”
“Fine, good, give the man a big medal and slap him on the back.” Throm did not wish to miss a moment of the conference, it had in very large ways been his own creation, and he very much wished to see it through to the end.
“Yes sir, he has already been knighted, however the Emperor has heard of the news as well. Armed Vetekans threatened one of our officers, shot down your plane, and have infringed upon our territorial sovereignty. It’s official now, the Imperial Fourth Service Fleet has been activated and will putting to sea with LION forces. Though nothing has been signed, we will be at war with Veteka unless something changes very soon.”
“And of the Hegemony?”
“No news yet, but it is safe to assume that they won’t be far behind. Also one of our jets has been shot down by stingers whilst bombing. We have confirmed hits, and confirmed casualties. We are now estimating that there are upward of three hundred infiltrators in the valley. With helicopter support apparently, although I might have missed that one.”
With a sigh the Bishop finally turned from the wall, “Have Colonel Dench radio,” he paused, “send a runner to Field Marshall Bather, his divisions will sweep the valley for these infiltrators and wipe them out. Meanwhile he is to report here with an appropriate guard for another task. I have the oddest feeling the Hegemon will not be surrendering on his own free will. Mr. Bather will also form the guard detachment for the return of the dignitaries when ever the need be. It’ll be homecoming for him. Give him free range in the valley, but make provisions, we need at least a few prisoners.” With a salute the captain left the room, and gathered a few guards to him as he jogged down the corridors and winding maze that was the castle interior. The day was turning hot, and not just in the valley below where the last of the napalm was crackling out, it seemed the world was indeed turning to a new world order.
Pan-Arab Barronia
11-08-2008, 22:27
"Oh, these peace conferences are the most fun!"
"Quite so, my dear, quite so. Always a glorious opportunity to see how the losing side squirms..."
The YND Albatross screeched as the tyres made contact with the tarmac, the nose tilting to the floor as reverse thrust hit and the brakes made good their effort to bring the small aircraft to a halt, before it's taxiing and final shutdown.
On board, Ambassador-Magistrate Samuel O. K. Kirk-Sevenson, his military attaché Lt. Louise Harvey-Moors, and his secretary Miss Amelia Lovensey-Moon, prepared to alight and make their way to the conference. They were aware, through VSIS and ObServ, of the Vetakan situation, and were on a moment's notice to immediately depart the meeting.
Obeying the usual protocols through arrivals, including metal detectors and a basic luggage search (Crown Government materiel being held in a marked briefcase which was not to leave the Ambassador-Magistrate, and was, despite a brief explosives scan, not searched), the Ambassador-Magistrate and delegation were ushered to their cars and sent swiftly and politely to the conference.
Until now, the Ambassador-Magistrate had sat silent throughout the proceedings. He had watched in admiration as the calm but gently mocking tones of the Piccavian had echoed about the room - for a nation of youngsters, their skill with words was beyond their years. He had observed with amusement as the Grestonian near lost his rag with the Hegemon, his obviously drunken demeanor a source of silent giggles from his secretary.
The Faxanavian, Ivansky, was a businessman, quite evidently. Straight to the point, "cards on the table" sort of chap. Quite excellent. Showing all the sides of LION, a dangerous tactic, but one that could show the Hegemon just what his people may be dealing with if he made the wrong decision.
"Gentlemen, I believe we veering. Sir," he began, addressing the Hegemon. "I am no christian. I am not a man of any religion, of any compunction to serve a higher purpose, save that of humanity, yet I sit here before you, making a heartfelt request to save billions of lives. Your alliance fights between itself, causing it's own citizens, and thereby you, irreversible harm. Why do you insist upon continuing the folly that is the Hegemony? I'm sure you are a reasonable man, sir, you have agreed to speak with us today, after all! It would have been easy to sit in silence; instead you have done the honourable thing and addressed us as representatives of our respective administrations. Pray, sir, why not continue this trend - I state again, billions of lives - Barronian, Sumgaian, Greali, Faxanavian - are at stake. I, no more than anybody else, wants to see the carnage that comes with war - but war will come to you if you do not disband the Hegemony!
I ask you, as a man of religion and one, apparently, of concern for his citizens and allies, what have they done to deserve this? To deserve your signing away of their lives?"
11-08-2008, 23:40
Ivansky rolled his eyes mentally. The Vetakans were always ones for theatrics. He nodded in recognition of their arrival, and that of the Barronians. But, there were more pressing matters at hand. "Lord Sumguy, you say that you have no reason to trust us. That why should we not strike down your nations when you are weak and divided? I cannot offer you any proof otherwise, save for my word as a man, and as a Faxanavian, that if you should comply with our wishes, no harm shall come to your people." Before Lord Sumguy could scoff or dismiss Ivansky's statement, he continued. "But, I'm sure you do not trust my word entirely. I am, after all, an enemy. One who would kill your people, sully your land. Therefore, let me assure by telling you about myself." He reclined, a slow, hard smile spreading across his face. "I was elected Prime Minister by my people because I was to serve the highest order- protecting the freedom of Faxanavia. Several years later, a man named Hephaestus Blackforge rose to power. He was an evil dictator, a megalomaniacal killer who enslaved his people and my nation. I..." He paused, glancing about. "This is not well known, but I trust it shall not be repeated. It was I who killed the Imperator, Hephaestus. In the name of freeing my nation, I slew a man who would slay thousands. As a man who made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom and independence, I give you my word that if you comply with us, your nations shall be unharmed." He sat back, his part said. It was up to Lord Sumguy to see right from wrong, and make the right choice.
New Greston
12-08-2008, 01:10
9:13 AM, Bad Amberg Castle
Bad Amberg, Waldenburg
Michael's kept his calm attitude but his stern, grim, assertive look started to wear away into a displeased frown. Michael lifted his hand as if to quiet Ivansky and turned his body to address the chained convict, "Please, please now, Mr. Ivansky, let me be done with Lord Sumguy and you can have you turn throwing threats. As for you, Mr. Sumguy," he was disturbing calm and collective despite the raging fire inside of him, "those numbers come from an exaggeration and I am surpised with you, Lordship, for not noticing so, when your entire government and policies are based on it. Mr. 'Liberator," he said it in a mocking tone, "if you will, I would love to hear your lengthy explanation of morals and ideals on why you wish to keep the Hegemony; you have the time to do so. I have nothing to do, with the exception of destroying your alliance, so use as much time at this conference as you please because it is bound to be some of the last few hours of your life."
Michael looked down to shuffle some papers from his breif case then looked up, to be met with a glare. He chuckled at the comment but silenced himself.
"Oh, Mr. Wounds? You would die for a man you have never met in your life before? Mr. Sumguy, or your Lordship as you call him, has earned his fate. He knows it well and he shall meet it. It is not within my authority so say if you will, or will not, be trialed, and if so convicted, but I can tell you that you do not have to."
The world was definitely changing, and in more ways than one.
9:20 AM, Point of Importance
Bad Letzburg, Waldenburg
John paced back and forth, churning the dirt from under him, pondering on how to take care of the task at hand. Only ten minutes before a messenger from the Divine League had hurriedly delivered to Batther and his divisions their two tasks. He was vexed on what to do; the Serene League had given him no missions what so ever since the offer to attack East Partha.
If John was to fail his task of scattering the blood of three hundred infiltraitors he would be shunned and possibly excommunicated from the Holy Waldenburger Church. The Field Marhsal's pacing was stopped as an arm of Lt. General John Wesley Wrighton's was placed in front of him. John lowered his right arm from his brow to glare the Lt. General in the eye.
"Sir, the divisions are supplied and ready for their orders. All they need is some guidence from their Field Marshal."
Batther sighed, "Wrighton," he paused, "I'll get into my battle uniform, prepare the troops."
"Yes, my liege. I will be ontop of it."
The Lt. General, who was more of an aid to Batther, ran off to gather the troops. Batther turned his head and went to his tent. He dropped the tent flaps long enough to change into his uniform and come out.
He looked extremely regal with his puffy, double breasted, dark blue tunic caparison, adorned with medals from both his service in Greston and in Waldenburg. He wore black trousers, fitted over his dark, led boots; boots he had used to crush the skulls of enemy soldiers many times before, back in Greston. On top of his head was a shortened, silver embossed bearskin with a red cockade on the side of it. Standing to his full height he looked like a chapman.
Mounted to his left hip was a sheathed ceremonial sword with a golden embroided handle, it was given to him as a gift while in service as the President of the Imperial Republic.
He walked in front of his first division, lined up in rows for inspection. The first row, as always, was ornamented with dark green tunics, double breasted buttons, black trousers, and silver embossed pickelhaube; the Imperial Waldenburger standard. But not the Serene League's standard, the rest of the rows were dressed in their rag tag clothing that they could gather with such small funding.
Due to the economic divide, not only were the soldiers poorly dressed but they were poorly armed. Only Lt. General Wrighton's division had close to modern weaponry, but only because Batther favoured them. Lt. General John Wesley Wrighton and his division were armed with AR-550 Conscript Assualt Rifles, stolen from an order of weapons from the Leafanistani Integrated Storefront, as their main armamant. To their side was a variety of pistols, mainly Colts, Glocks, and for a lucky few the M12 Venom Pistol of the AntiKraven line. The other division was armed with AK-47's as their main gun and WWII era pistols.
Field Marshal John Batther had his 30,000 plus soldiers of the Serene League pile into the APCs given to them, the only equipment that wasn't stolen or WWII esque equipment.
The APCs provided enough protection to get them to the valley, outside of Bad Amber Castle, which was thirteen miles away, relatively quickly and unscratched. Batther kept calm, he didn't like knowing what was currently unfolding. When Serstabele and Corslak were destroyed by Gatawayan and Aschenthrystian forces, John immediately found out. And now that the MU Security Council was kidnapped the infiltraitors were bound to be fellow Mediterranicans. The APCs came to a halted stop on the top of a slight knoll beside the target valley.
John exited his leading APC, AR-550 in one hand and a set of binoculars in the other, placing his foot on some of the only grass in the area. Close behind him was the Lt. General and one of Wrighton's Colonels, Colonel Felix Wenchnzi. Wenchzi had his AR roughly slung across his back, but had his pistol, a beautiful, rusty Glock 17, drawn, in his right hand. Wrighton placed his AR-550 on the ground so he could scour the valley below.
Batther raised the binoculars to eye level and scanned the feild. It was still burning from the fresh bacth of napalm dropped on it earlier in the morning. At the time of the bombing the sun was only rising, when Batther was standing in the field the sun was almost hung perfectly in the centre of the sky.
The fire was still crakling, the dried grass and hay feeding it and keeping it going. The flames were much smalled then when the napalm was first dropped, all that was left was some of the hay slowly burning away. John once again searched the area then found his target. A slow moving bunched up group of men, around three hundred, swept through the valley. He moved the view of the binoculars a bit until the lens showed one of the soldiers shoulder patch. The helicopters above the men only proved Batther's theory.
He loathed the surviving colonial soldiers from Corslak that had the honours to fight off some intruding Aschenthrystians.
"Wrighton," he folded the binoclurs and put them with his ammo, "prepare your men."
"Yes, Field Marshal?"
"I want Colonel Tristan Montholon to take 7,500 of your men on that ridge in ten minutes from now. The other half, with Colonel Felix Wenchnzi and yourself, will stay here by my side."
"Yes, my liege. As for the other 15,000, of Lt. General Jacob Gourbesten's division?"
"Have them ready on the same postion directly on the other side. Twenty minutes from now I want to charge down this hills and slaughter the infiltraitors."
"On my way sir."
The soldiers were gathered and dispersed, ten minutes later Field Marshal John Batther, Lt. General John Wesley Wrighton, and Colonel Felix Wenchnzi stood at their full height, ordered by rank, in front of their coloumns of soldiers from the Serene League.
"ATTEN-SHUN! Serene League Division One at arms!" barked the Field Marshal. Batther whipped out his sword, the blade whispering in the breeze, and held it erect foward, aimed at the enemies.
"Serene League Division One foward read! Division One, foward onslaught!" The rows of men started marching foward, following their leader. Batther was perfect for the job, by attacking the infiltraitors he was being loyal to both his homeland, Greston, and his home giving, Waldenburg.
Batther halted his men at the base of knoll then whispere to himself, "One..two...three," the words danced on his lips as his plan played out and the rest of Division One and all of Division Two unleashed their weapons on the intruding soldiers.
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2008, 01:13
"I am afraid that you gentlemen don't quite understand what I have been saying." Lord Sumguy said, leaning forward as he continued to smile, a zealous glint in his eyes. "Any blood that shall be spilled shall be due to your actions and be upon your hands, not mine. I am a servant of my people's will, and it is their wish to resist this aggresion."
He chuckled softly as Ivansky spoke of killing the Faxanavian dictator. "I am no stranger to fighting tyranny, I led the revolution that was the end of the Dominion, a communist regime that had ruled our nation for more than a decade. The man directly responsible for the death of the tyrant who had ruled us was a Colonel by the name of John Bridson, a ruthless fascist who's organization then attempted to take control of the nation and create an imperial dictatorship. The fact that you killed a tyrant means nothing."
He turned to the Barronian. "If you wish to prevent the death of millions sir, you have the power to do so. I will not bow to tyranny or senseless aggresion merely to keep my people from danger. If we are to fall fighting against this monstrous greed, so be it, but I shall not surrender."
New Greston
12-08-2008, 01:25
9:17 AM, Bad Amberg Castle
Bad Amberg, Waldenburg
"Well then, Mr. Sumguy, I believe I am done asking you questions. I'll have you know that I, too, have known what it is like to fight tyranny; two years ago a nation, know whom resides in LION, breached our sovereignty and built a military base in our far east. He then threatened to destroy our nation and we retaliated. We took care of the problem, and if I remember correctly during that time we were in the Hegemony. You men did nothing, you let us nearly die. So I know what it is like fighting tyranny for not only that but because I am fighting you." Michael waited for Lord Sumguy's response. It was time for him to get what was coming to him, Michael had remained calm and grim the entire time but he was wearing thin.
Mr. Sumguy was annoying in a different way than Ingram Hasley. Ingram Hasley would stick a gun to your head then yell and scream and curse like a spoiled infant. President A. Daril of Alfegos was infuriating the way of accusing a person constantly without cause. But Mr. Sumguy ate away at your patience by actually answering you.
OOC: Can I assume I already have a delegate there? Raul Riddle, Greal Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2008, 01:44
9:17 AM, Bad Amberg Castle
Bad Amberg, Waldenburg
"Well then, Mr. Sumguy, I believe I am done asking you questions. I'll have you know that I, too, have known what it is like to fight tyranny; two years ago a nation, know whom resides in LION, breached our sovereignty and built a military base in our far east. He then threatened to destroy our nation and we retaliated. We took care of the problem, and if I remember correctly during that time we were in the Hegemony. You men did nothing, you let us nearly die. So I know what it is like fighting tyranny for not only that but because I am fighting you." Michael waited for Lord Sumguy's response. It was time for him to get what was coming to him, Michael had remained calm and grim the entire time but he was wearing thin.
Mr. Sumguy was annoying in a different way than Ingram Hasley. Ingram Hasley would stick a gun to your head then yell and scream and curse like a spoiled infant. President A. Daril of Alfegos was infuriating the way of accusing a person constantly without cause. But Mr. Sumguy ate away at your patience by actually answering you.
The Hegemon could not contain himself, he threw his head back and laughed loudly. "You never cease to amuse, Mr. Richardson." He said after several moments, wiping an eye. "Please, enlighten me as to how I am in any way a tyrant."
New Greston
12-08-2008, 02:04
He started laugh, he couldn't control it. The chuckles trickled from his mouth, he had a nice hardy outburst of laughing before containing him self and looking, sternly, into Mr. Sumguy's eyes.
"Must I? Mr. Sumguy you are a tyrant to freedom. Yes that may sound odd but it is true. You are tyranny's enforcer. Greal for instance. They had the choice to have whatever type of government the liked. You went in and destroyed them into your own model of a republic. If you were really for liberty you would have allowed them to be themselves."
Michael took a drink, he had stopped himself from doing so for most of the conference but Lord Sumguy was getting to him.
"Who are you to say what type of government others should have? It was only a matter of time before you went to Ixania to tell them to sharpen up and get rid of that monarchy of theirs. You are, in the meaning of the term, a 'cheeky bastard'," Michael examined the shackled man, from his feet, past his chains, all the way up to head. He just could not explain him.
New Greston
12-08-2008, 02:44
OOC: Greal, Cazelia, other Hegemony guys: you can assume your delegation has arrived. They would be stripped of weapons and electronics though.
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2008, 04:41
He started laugh, he couldn't control it. The chuckles trickled from his mouth, he had a nice hardy outburst of laughing before containing him self and looking, sternly, into Mr. Sumguy's eyes.
"Must I? Mr. Sumguy you are a tyrant to freedom. Yes that may sound odd but it is true. You are tyranny's enforcer. Greal for instance. They had the choice to have whatever type of government the liked. You went in and destroyed them into your own model of a republic. If you were really for liberty you would have allowed them to be themselves."
Michael took a drink, he had stopped himself from doing so for most of the conference but Lord Sumguy was getting to him.
"Who are you to say what type of government others should have? It was only a matter of time before you went to Ixania to tell them to sharpen up and get rid of that monarchy of theirs. You are, in the meaning of the term, a 'cheeky bastard'," Michael examined the shackled man, from his feet, past his chains, all the way up to head. He just could not explain him.
"Allow the grealian people to be themselves?" The Hegemon was still smiling, though his amusement was now mixed with pity as he beheld the Grestonian. "They were under the rule of an oppresive dictator, who killed anyone that dared to speak out agaisnt the government. Hegemonic forces entered Greal to stop a civil war and to liberate Greal from a tyrant, a true tyrant, not the "tyrant of freedom" nonsense you are accusing me of. I did not set up the republic, I did not write any constitution, the Greal people chose the system themselves. I am afraid, Mr. Richardson, that you are confused both as to what constitutes a tyrant and to what the Hegemony's role was in the creation of the current Greali government. Please sir, do some research before you slander me the next time, so that your accusations, false as they may be, may at least be somewhat believable and make some sense"
Room of Truth, Temple of Truth, The Citadel, The Tribal Nation of the White Phoenix, Rogers Mountain Range, Southern Vetaka:
The essence burned softly at the centre of the silent room a silence only broken by the distant trickle of running water and the rhythmic chanting of the oath being recited by the rooms occupants. It was the essence of Vetakan Lavender that grew naturally within the foothills of the Rogers Mountains. The Temple of Truth served as the chambers of the White Phoenix “Tribal Council” often wrongly referred to as the “Council of War” by the outside world. Whilst the Tribal Council did indeed deliberate and decide upon on the Tribal and the Vetakan Nations ability to declare the war. It was not the only thing the Council did it also directed and administered just about every possible policy Vetaka or the Tribe currently manifested.
The Council was made up of in total 17 people from various different walks of life across the Tribe all of whom had adopted command or leadership of a Vetakan Civil Directorate, their where also those whom represented the Tribal Armies, the Vetakan Defence Forces and the Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service. All of them together where the most powerful people in the White Phoenix Tribe and of Vetaka. Naturally even the leadership had a leader he was Supreme Honoured Chieftain Quicksilver a man of 75 whom didn’t look a day over 55 he had led the Tribe since the age of 16, inheriting it from his father on his death bed a man whom was murdered at the hands of the Swanists during the Vetakan Civil War. Since that day he had fought to avenge his fathers death by advancing respect and honour not just in Vetaka but around the world.
As the various council members sat deep in a meditative chanting state all of them reciting the Tribal Oath of Loyalty. The oak door of the room swung open and the Chieftain Quicksilver swept into the room his white robes flowing majestically behind him, moving around the seated council members he took his place at his pillow seat and joined them in reciting the oath. After 5 minutes or so the oath ended with the simple words “I bow to no man but I bow to you” as they all fell silent and re opened their eyes they all fixated on the Chieftain whom bowed his head respectfully and spoke:
“Greetings my honoured equals, We have a lot to discuss I am extremely concerned as I know are you regarding the growing LION-Hegemony. I fear for my brother and my people. Mr Campbell what do our eyes and ears tell us?”
Director of Intelligence, Mr Campbell spoke as loudly as he dared within the silent room:
“Whilst we are respected the Waldenburg are mobilising and I deduce that such mobilization is to combat the honoured Strategic Assault Group that sits within a feather of their nation. My sources in places far and wide bring to me most disturbing news of continued aggression from the LION and its intent”
The Chieftain nodded, as Parceltongue Crouching Tiger spoke his voice hoarse and strained possibly from the warrior training he had participated prior to the meeting, spluttering slightly he stopped and took some water:
“What of Many Wounds, I fear that his passion and loyalty to the cause my cloud his judgement and earn him a shallow grave?”
The group became uneasy, Many Wounds was a deeply respected member of the Council, brother of the Chieftain, Many Wounds was Warrior at Arms of the Tribal Armies and Shaman of the Bear. He was a man of passion and loyalty and would gladly walk into his death if he truly believed it was a course of honour, respect and peace. It was such fanatics that greatly worried his brother and the Council. As an uneasy silence fell across them Honoured Sarah Wainwright, Director of Foreign Affairs spoke:
“The Waldenburg we deduce have taken the electronics of the Consul as their trackers have stopped transporting and alas because of the underground venue of this conference their body trackers to have stopped transmitting. Furthermore I to here the whispers from my sources of war and with the mobilization within Delos. I am concerned for our position”.
The Chieftain again nodded and stroked his beard before clearing his throat and speaking:
“I have ordered the Honoured Strategic Assault Group and equally Honoured Hammond to prepare for a possible insertion to rescue my brother, Lord Sumguy and potentially the Barronian Delegation in order to fulfil our oath. Furthermore because we are unable to contact our people I have instructed that if the situation remains unchanged we will mount our rescue after the descent of 3 moons. Now Parceltongue Rising Tiger, what news of Delos?”
9:31, Bad Amberg Castle, Bad Amberg, Waldenburg:
Many Wounds and his companions maintained their positions around the Hegemon ensuring that whilst they where outnumbered and unarmed they would do what they could to support him in his hour of darkness. The words of Micheal bounced off him like rain bounces off metal, Many Wounds merely looked deep into the eyes of the drunken leader before him, after a few minutes of interaction amongst the group a short silence occurred, to which Many Wounds filled, his voice whilst one of calmness and peace was etched in a commanding tone, that he had clearly perfected over many years of meditation and training:
“Your state of health concerns me Sir, it also does nothing for you, your nations or this leagues position. Might I ask how you can stand before us, preach to us, threaten a shackled and outnumbered man whilst drunk? From what I have seen and from what I have heard the political leadership of the Hegemony whilst pursuing policies I and Vetaka may disagree upon do not actively genocide like you, and they most certainly do not attend a diplomatic conference whilst under the influence of alcohol. One must ask what weakness and inadequacy you are attempting to balance in your life? Name your reason? Did your honoured mother hold you to much or simply not enough?”
Many Wounds then stepped forward his calm and centred exterior not one of anger, discrimination or hate but one of passion. He moved forward to within a mere foot of the Grestonian before him:
“To be a man of honour, a man of respect and a man of ethics you must attain enlightenment in whatever form you choose. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Wiccan, Pagan, Tribal or whatever each person chooses their own spiritual path, each path is right and each is one of peace. However men such as you have lost that path, lost their enlightenment and thus lost their ethics, you believe honour is derived from colonization, occupation and enslavement. You believe respect comes from land and the size of ones armies and you believe ethics are simply defined as defending the planet from the evil of difference. Quite simply the Hegemon and the Hegemony are different from you, they have a different life style, different beliefs and you cannot stand it and fear it thus you etch your hatred and discrimination in a forged web of Respect, Honour and Ethics. You are correct I have never met his Lordship but I and my men shall die in defence of honour and respect as you have none sir and at least my death would at least force you to confront your self and thus possibly choose the right path, whether the rest of the League of Imperial Ocean Faring Nations goes with true honour remains to be seen”
Falling silent Many Wounds stepped back and retook his position he half expected to be felled where he stood or dragged away for torture and blender. Either way he had silenced the voices in his head and done what his honour and spirit believed to be best, if he was to die he would die honoured and ascend to true salvation.
12-08-2008, 17:00
near Bad Amburg
"Cap`n, Cap`n !" Cpl. Smyth said while waking his CO.
"What is it, Smyth."
"Sir, the smoke has cleared from the bombing. Forward outposts have sighted Forces heading up the valley, their count puts it well over division strength. Infantry and APC`s mostly."
"Christsake! Over division strength. Call all units, we`re headed for higher ground. We`ve got to use the terrain to help overcome our being outnumbered."
"Aye, Cap`n"
Within fifteen minutes the lightly equiped commandos had broke from their posisions and began heading for higher ground. After thirty minutes of advancing at a full run, Captain Wallace ordered his men to stop.
"Lemme see that map. Ok, the right fork of this canyon is a wide expanse and goes back several more kilometers. The left fork has a narrow gap in it about 2km from our current position and opens up again. As one travels deeper up the canyon, there are more narrows and the elevation increases sharply. Alright, listen up men. We`re going up the left fork. I want some of the C-4 we brought along placed somewhere near the narrows of this canyon. When we get there, find places that will choke that narrows up. We`ll leave a limited number of men behind to blow the gap. If we stop the advance of the APC`s, that will buy us more time. After the team blows the C-4, high-tail it up the canyon to catch-up with the rest of the squad. We`ll use the Stingers we got to keep any aircraft at bay. We`ll continue up the canyon as far as we can and that`s where we`ll make our stand, I hope the Cavalry shows up in time. Smyth, get on the horn! Tell HQ we`ve got big trouble and if somethings not done, there`ll be a hundred body bags to fill by morning"
"Aye, Cap`n. I`ll ring `em up now."
"OK men, Move out."
MoD Headquarters-The Citidel; Aschton, Aschenhyrst
"Incoming transmission on the secure SatCom. It`s Eagle-One"
"Put it on speaker" ordered the Officer-In-Charge
"Eagle-One to Eagles Nest. Eaglets have flown the coop. Heading for Rally Point Sierra Niner Fi-yiv. Have encountered numerically superior force. Boots and Armadillos. Request air support on stand-by along with EVAC. Awaiting further instructions. Eagle-One, OUT."
"Forward this message to the Supreme Commander, I hope he and his friends at the Ministry of Intelligence have something up their sleeves. Meanwhile, keep monitoring this channel. If Eagle-one needs anything and I mean anything, expidite it to their location on the double-quick."
"Yes, Colonel"
12-08-2008, 17:22
MNS Retribution, Ohio Class Submarine, Off the Coast of Waldenburg
The Captain of the Retribution had received orders to get to Waldenburg a few days back. Leaving the Wolf pack and heading out into uncharted waters with two other subs, both miles away by now. While the intent of the Retribution was unknown to most on board, they new it had something to do with Lord Sumguy, the Hegemony, and the chaos that has been LION. Armed with Nuclear, Non-Nuclear and EMP tipped Cruise Missiles they had about 154 of them on board. Plus two older Trident II Nuclear tipped missiles.
Only today they came to the surface to receive a message, what was inside was only for the Captain, which looked at with a grim look on his face, it was an explanation of the situation and what exactly satellite info and fellow intelligence agencies had produced.
TO: Director of Intelligence, Mr Campbell
FROM: Director of Bureau of Secret Actions, Steven Fransico
While I must say that I am not sure what is going on in the Waldenburg countryside I must say that i am seeing a large force forming to combat an enemy I cannot find. However I do have an ace in the area if you are interested.
New Greston
12-08-2008, 17:54
9:31, Bad Amberg Castle
Bad Amberg, Waldenburg
The Vetakan turned his body around and retreated back to Lord Sumguy. Michael Richardson was awe struck of bravery, passion, and clear obliviousness of the member of Many Wounds. Michael recoiled to curse at the man, or rather sock him, but the Deputy Attorney General flew from his seat and pushed Michael back into his chair. He turned and addressed the man.
"I, sir, am a Christian man. I hope this will suffice, but I have sat here and listened to this man rage on, his ideals and morals destroyed by the liquid he chugs by the gallons. He is no man of importance, nor respect; much of the reason why he is nothing more then a diplomat sent out to meaningless conferences and meetings. He does not represent what Greston truly is, I represent it, our President, Jerry Striker, represents Greston. Any Grestonian with their morals and does not resemble this man's demenor represents Greston."
Charles W. Morgan stepped foward, a fire in his eyes, but a fire of passion not that of hate much like that of Michael Richardson's, "Please, Mr. Sumguy, as a man, as a Christian, as a follower of God I ask you to please disolve the Hegemony. I do not wish to see you die, Mr. Sumguy, Mr. Liberator, but I cannot stop it from happening if you don't dissolve the Hegemony. You never caused us the problem, it was those of Cazelia and of Greal, who can put a gun to an unarmed delegates head and call it honour, but you embraced them. Let the Hegemony go, let us end their terror and you may do as you wish. Please, Mr. Sumguy, please disolve it."
9:35 AM, Bad Letzburg Valley
Bad Letzburg, Waldenburg
The valley was ready for fighting, the fields were fresh and new, the smoke from the firecombing gone. The divisions had already found their places, the strongest number had been postinioned on either end of a tunnel type gap between two knolls. On the left side of the fork was a large number of knolls and hills and half of Division One was stationed over there.
The rest of Division One, with Field Marshal John Batther at the head, would stay behind the knolls until the infiltraitors climbed into their hiding places and started engaging the rest of the soldiers. At that point the men would rush them from behind and cut off their ranks. The tunnel would turn into an accordian, with each side made of Grestonian pushing the infiltraitors futher in.
Batther had taken his place, once again, fiddling with his binoculars, combing the area to see what was coming towards them and where the enemies were.
"Sir! Field Marshal I need to speak with you," Wrighton was frantic, he had a look of surprise on his face, "They are already through the gap, a plan is useless! If Division Two was to go down there they would be in the open."
"What? How did this happen? No, I don't care how this happened get them back over here now. We can border up this area and give them a fight of their alives once they advance this far. However, send our men in the hills down to stop any more reinforcements for the enemy."
"Yes sir, Mr. Batther."
As the Lt. General ran off Batther folded his binoculars and started rolling a rock over a bit. Other soldiers came to his aid and small barricades were made with the dirt, land scape, APCs, and rocks. Batther was busy shuffling a rock over to one of the barricades he was working on when he heard shots fired. A worried Wrighton, an injured Colonel on his shoulders, appeared in front of John. He placed the man, who was bleeding heavily from his forehead, next to an APC and looked up at John.
"They didn't get the message quick enough. The rest of them are clambering behind our defences but a squad or so is still stuck down there."
"To hell with the squad! Grab your rifle and come with me."
John ran over behind one of the first barricades, he stood to his full height and aimed his gun foward. He had Lt. General Wrighton stand to his right, and to Wrighton's right, Captain Wenchzi. They stood at their full height with four more soldiers kneeling down in front of them, aiming at the same direction.
The rest of the soldiers started to take cover behind the bigs rocks, little bumps in the land, and the vehichles that had taken them there. John was tensed, he did not let up. He was looking foward to getting a kill.
"On my mark of fire, you start shooting. As I go."
Pan-Arab Barronia
12-08-2008, 19:05
He turned to the Barronian. "If you wish to prevent the death of millions sir, you have the power to do so. I will not bow to tyranny or senseless aggresion merely to keep my people from danger. If we are to fall fighting against this monstrous greed, so be it, but I shall not surrender."
"Were it but that I did, sir, were it but that I did. I am a diplomat, an ambassador. It is not my purpose to dictate to the Magistracy why and wherefore upon it should go to war! You, sir, however, do have that power. You claim that you obey the will of your people - obey it now. Disband the Hegemony, and this will all disappear. You say you do not trust LION - would you trust a man who has campaigned vehemently against this war from it's conception?"
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2008, 19:05
9:31, Bad Amberg Castle
Bad Amberg, Waldenburg
The Vetakan turned his body around and retreated back to Lord Sumguy. Michael Richardson was awe struck of bravery, passion, and clear obliviousness of the member of Many Wounds. Michael recoiled to curse at the man, or rather sock him, but the Deputy Attorney General flew from his seat and pushed Michael back into his chair. He turned and addressed the man.
"I, sir, am a Christian man. I hope this will suffice, but I have sat here and listened to this man rage on, his ideals and morals destroyed by the liquid he chugs by the gallons. He is no man of importance, nor respect; much of the reason why he is nothing more then a diplomat sent out to meaningless conferences and meetings. He does not represent what Greston truly is, I represent it, our President, Jerry Striker, represents Greston. Any Grestonian with their morals and does not resemble this man's demenor represents Greston."
Charles W. Morgan stepped foward, a fire in his eyes, but a fire of passion not that of hate much like that of Michael Richardson's, "Please, Mr. Sumguy, as a man, as a Christian, as a follower of God I ask you to please disolve the Hegemony. I do not wish to see you die, Mr. Sumguy, Mr. Liberator, but I cannot stop it from happening if you don't dissolve the Hegemony. You never caused us the problem, it was those of Cazelia and of Greal, who can put a gun to an unarmed delegates head and call it honour, but you embraced them. Let the Hegemony go, let us end their terror and you may do as you wish. Please, Mr. Sumguy, please disolve it."
9:35 AM, Bad Letzburg Valley
Bad Letzburg, Waldenburg
The valley was ready for fighting, the fields were fresh and new, the smoke from the firecombing gone. The divisions had already found their places, the strongest number had been postinioned on either end of a tunnel type gap between two knolls. On the left side of the fork was a large number of knolls and hills and half of Division One was stationed over there.
The rest of Division One, with Field Marshal John Batther at the head, would stay behind the knolls until the infiltraitors climbed into their hiding places and started engaging the rest of the soldiers. At that point the men would rush them from behind and cut off their ranks. The tunnel would turn into an accordian, with each side made of Grestonian pushing the infiltraitors futher in.
Batther had taken his place, once again, fiddling with his binoculars, combing the area to see what was coming towards them and where the enemies were.
"Sir! Field Marshal I need to speak with you," Wrighton was frantic, he had a look of surprise on his face, "They are already through the gap, a plan is useless! If Division Two was to go down there they would be in the open."
"What? How did this happen? No, I don't care how this happened get them back over here now. We can border up this area and give them a fight of their alives once they advance this far. However, send our men in the hills down to stop any more reinforcements for the enemy."
"Yes sir, Mr. Batther."
As the Lt. General ran off Batther folded his binoculars and started rolling a rock over a bit. Other soldiers came to his aid and small barricades were made with the dirt, land scape, APCs, and rocks. Batther was busy shuffling a rock over to one of the barricades he was working on when he heard shots fired. A worried Wrighton, an injured Colonel on his shoulders, appeared in front of John. He placed the man, who was bleeding heavily from his forehead, next to an APC and looked up at John.
"They didn't get the message quick enough. The rest of them are clambering behind our defences but a squad or so is still stuck down there."
"To hell with the squad! Grab your rifle and come with me."
John ran over behind one of the first barricades, he stood to his full height and aimed his gun foward. He had Lt. General Wrighton stand to his right, and to Wrighton's right, Captain Wenchzi. They stood at their full height with four more soldiers kneeling down in front of them, aiming at the same direction.
The rest of the soldiers started to take cover behind the bigs rocks, little bumps in the land, and the vehichles that had taken them there. John was tensed, he did not let up. He was looking foward to getting a kill.
"On my mark of fire, you start shooting. As I go."
"I do not deny that hotheadedness and a lack of aversion to violence are faults that many Cazelian diplomats seem to share, and that Greal is not the most stable country within this world, yet to destroy them is not a solution. I was beginning to take measures with these shortcomings just before this conflict started. I was prevented from actually taking any corrective measures by a ridiculous demand that I disband the Hegemony and several hostile fleets appearing off the coast of my homeland." The Hegemon said, no longer smiling. "Do not think for a moment that I am not glad to die for the sake of liberty and to protect the people of the Hegemony from tyranny. My life matters little, and whether I live or die after these talks finish is of little consequence."
He leaned forward, placing his hands on the table. "If you want the nations of Greal and Cazelia to be controlled and contained, then withdraw, and I shall ensure they trouble Greston no further. They will follow my lead willingly enough, they will not be near so obedient with you."
"Were it but that I did, sir, were it but that I did. I am a diplomat, an ambassador. It is not my purpose to dictate to the Magistracy why and wherefore upon it should go to war! You, sir, however, do have that power. You claim that you obey the will of your people - obey it now. Disband the Hegemony, and this will all disappear. You say you do not trust LION - would you trust a man who has campaigned vehemently against this war from it's conception?"
"I think, my good sir, that I am more aware as to what my people's will is than you are." The Hegemon said. "When I said you had the power, I was reffering to your nation as a whole, to take itself out of this monstrous affair. Your government makes no attempts to save any of my people's lives, to prevent any bloodshed, and yet you dare to ask my government to surrender, as if it is I that will be causing destruction, as if it was I that started this war?"
Pan-Arab Barronia
12-08-2008, 19:26
"I think, my good sir, that I am more aware as to what my people's will is than you are." The Hegemon said. "When I said you had the power, I was reffering to your nation as a whole, to take itself out of this monstrous affair. Your government makes no attempts to save any of my people's lives, to prevent any bloodshed, and yet you dare to ask my government to surrender, as if it is I that will be causing destruction, as if it was I that started this war?"
"Interesting, of course, that you accuse me of believing I know of your peoples will, then you claim to know my administration's!
Barronia is tied to the good of humanity as a whole, a humanity we feel- nay, we know would be much advantaged by the removal of the Hegemony. In that, we have not, at any point, asked the government of Sumgaia to surrender! You are welcome to your administration, as far as Barronia is concerned, welcome to your lands and your peoples. Barronia wishes for naught of it! We have all the land and people that we should ever require. What we are asking for is that the Hegemony be dissolved. A perfectly reasonable request, considering the insolence of the Cazelians, who deservedly require a sound thrashing for their purile comments.
As for the actions of the Barronian administration in the preventions of civilian death...well, your stay in Waldenburg has rather prevented you from ascertaining such details has it not? The Barronian government, for your esteemed information, has not yet even given clearance for the task force to pass into Sumgaian waters, let alone launched an attack! The air service is preparing leaflet drops, and Barronian War Administrator Regulations prevent the bombing or shelling of civilian-dense areas. Perhaps you would like to rethink your claim?"
Lord Sumguy
12-08-2008, 21:03
"Interesting, of course, that you accuse me of believing I know of your peoples will, then you claim to know my administration's!
Barronia is tied to the good of humanity as a whole, a humanity we feel- nay, we know would be much advantaged by the removal of the Hegemony. In that, we have not, at any point, asked the government of Sumgaia to surrender! You are welcome to your administration, as far as Barronia is concerned, welcome to your lands and your peoples. Barronia wishes for naught of it! We have all the land and people that we should ever require. What we are asking for is that the Hegemony be dissolved. A perfectly reasonable request, considering the insolence of the Cazelians, who deservedly require a sound thrashing for their purile comments.
As for the actions of the Barronian administration in the preventions of civilian death...well, your stay in Waldenburg has rather prevented you from ascertaining such details has it not? The Barronian government, for your esteemed information, has not yet even given clearance for the task force to pass into Sumgaian waters, let alone launched an attack! The air service is preparing leaflet drops, and Barronian War Administrator Regulations prevent the bombing or shelling of civilian-dense areas. Perhaps you would like to rethink your claim?"
"A governemnt's actions are far more transparent than a people's will, sir." The Hegemon said. "And as for your nation's lack of any move against my homeland as of yet, a lack of action to cause bloodshed does not equate to acting in order to prevent bloodshed." He chuckled. "And what is the disbandement of the Hegemony, but a surrender? It is I and my government that head the Hegemony, its disbandment is a surrender in all but name."
The Hegemon yawned, leaning back in his chair and momentarily closing his eyes. After a moment he stood up and stretched, the shackles holding his wrists and legs falling away. "I feel that there is little chance of further progress here, and these past two days have been rather stressful. Therefore must bid you all good day. I apologize in advance for your inconvenience." He smiled and turned, walking out of the room.
Waldenburg 2
13-08-2008, 02:53
Kyrie Eleison
Up and down the Empire little lives continued to expire, as the citizens of a new world were just beginning the work day a plan formulated over years was finally coming to fruition. All the meticulous planning of years, of hundred of little hands scribbling away of hundreds of candid messages passed from consulate to embassy and back again so the culmination of every aspiration could finally be realized. And in such a little action the Hegemon had changed the world, but sometimes the only thing that was needed was to stand, to stand somewhere.
As the Hegemon’s chains clanked to the floor Divine Legionaries burst from hidden doorways and from every entrance and exit, rifle muzzles even poked through the ancient arrow slits. Robed figures once manning monitoring equipment and cloaked in shadows drew revolvers from their folds and hustled in front of the Hegemon and his cabinet. Even Walter, the valet whose only contribution to the conversation had been to nod occasionally, drew from his waistcoat an eighteen-inch carving knife and placed it lovingly on the table in front of the Hegemon.
Though he was not one to admit, the valet would be kept warm on winter nights with some of the expressions around the room. His family had been amongst those exterminated in Thule, and though LION was not directly responsible the roster was frighteningly familiar. With a slight tremor the valet was prepared to launch himself across the table and lodge his oyster knife, hidden in his sleeve in the Grestonian; that however would be a very slight blandishment when it was taken into consideration that nearly fifty of the Divine Legion were in the room and more were funneling in.
When the thunder of boots had died away and there was silence, which in turn was only broken by the tap of slippered feet on stone and of a small clucking of Bishop Throm who entered the room flanked by two additional guards. He looked terribly dismal, as if his faith, or trust in something had been terribly shattered.
“There are no courts for men of your creed,” He signaled for guards to begin to restrain the various dignitaries, “no judge who can aptly perform his duties without the fear of blender or such rash ultimatums. There is no jury who can be swayed; but there is always one man who may act with impunity and that is the executioner. When no court will try you, and no consul defend you someone must pick up the axe and do what humanity demands.
We invited all here present in the hope of mediating and arranging some peace but it has become painfully transparent that the views of the League are unflinching it’s resolve undaunted. We promised peace or the Pax Catamino, and it seems our hand is now forced. As the Colonel Dench reminds me, there is a new world order coming, one which will sweep vermin like you, like your league, away. It is no order of the fasces or of the jackboot but of the silent, and righteous strike to the very heart of wickedness. His Excellency the Hegemon, for all the differences between our associations, believes in the one fundamental value of the Church and the genesis of all theology; the wicked shall be winnowed and the righteous rewarded. So, here at the end of the old world, we will find out what you really believe and your heart will be weighed.
No crime is greater than which you propagate there is no more vile act to strike without preface or authority. So readily to judge is but an auger of more heinous vices and it is the expedient view of the Hegemon, and his network of allies only strengthened and reinforced by this most unfortunate kidnapping is determined to set right. For how can the ignorant teach others? How can the licentious make others modest? And how can the impure make others pure? If anyone hates peace, how can he make others peaceable? Or if anyone has soiled his hands with baseness, how can he cleanse the impurities of another? Your League is the hypocrisy of hierophants; however we shall not deliver such terrible demands; we make no assumptions of superiority but will negotiate a truce when the time is appropriate.
Now however is not that time, now it is the time of the silent majority, which have for so long been mired in unease and discomfort brought upon them by your impertinent, and malignant kind. Before justice is meted out, before the final blow let me ask you one thing. Does it taste good?” One hand waved at the wrist dismissing the room in general, “Dench!” Throm yelled as the man stuck his head into the room, “Bring me Batther. Signal Bad Schlossburg, and I’ll go out and meet them.” Dench nodded and scurried off, as the bishop turned back to the room in general.
“Gentlemen your government’s are out of contact, we are thirty feet underground, in a soundproofed dungeon, which happens to be lined with lead, and electrified copper. Equally no communication is suspected, your governments are perfectly aware of the stipulations of secrecy, and perhaps will not be expecting such communications for another three days? Maybe, perhaps, we shall have to see. So, now that we are alone, perhaps you wish to discuss a new treaty? But no, I doubt it very much; there was never a commitment to diplomacy, never any interest in peace. I know you, I’ve faced you everyday, and you are the same the world over. We are all violent men, but luckily for you the Hegemon does not share that philosophy. You shall receive a trial, in the Holy Basilica, for crimes against humanity, and propagating violence against the Holy Church and allies of the MU. Within this room and with the intents of the represented governments we have tallied a total of 63 violations of the Supreme Territorial Authority Act. If Many Wounds would consent he will act as your consul, however there are many other Vetekans in the sea. Which is very apt eh?”
It was a much longer walk to the lip of the castle, one which colonel Dench had run and arrived out of breath to the large signaling light which doubled as an aircraft deterrent when needed. The Colonel nodded to two men who snapped to attention and clicked on three short bursts which was answered from Bad Schlossburg, about eight miles away. From there radio operators clicked out the simple message “Ides of March” on low encryption.
Bad Amberg Valley 9:33 AM
Colonel Felix Wenchzi stood on at the front of his brigade saber in hand as they followed Batther up the incline. Though he had graduated the from the Imperial War college the tactic seemed perhaps a little outdated and certainly a pointless disposal of manpower. It was no matter however, when there were two divisions to be had and the opponent was composed of what seemed to be company strength the tactic mattered little.
It came as a slight shock to him however when his senior, in the Church, and the Imperial Commander in the area Dench sent the order he had hoped would never arrive. The one order which he dreaded. It was a needed one when a man of such important and indeed random violence was your commanding officer. Still he was bound by honor and God to obey. “Waldenburgers Halt!” he screamed and fell to a halt which caused the rank behind him to crash into him and in turn caused several men within the brigade to be pushed to the ground. “Send a runner to Captain Finch in the main assault main assault. Tell him the 'Ides of March.” Over the years various units had grown quite fond of the Field Marshall who had been a charismatic leader and indeed a brave one. It would be difficult for the Divisions to turn against their commander, especially the first division.
A flicker of light though pulled his eye to the castle at Amberg, where the spot light was flashing again and illuminating, though the smog which was quite light at this time of morning, a robe and miter poking though the mist.
Far separated from the affairs in the valley the Bishop nodded to himself, as the brigade of choice ceased to move and messengers were detached from the ranks. It was beginning.
OOC If there are any OOC remarks not pertinant to everyone they may be directed via TG or MSN.
13-08-2008, 12:32
Ivansky settled backwards, a grim smile crossing his lips. What a surprise. Garret had said, as the two prepared for this, quite probably Ivansky's last diplomatic mission, that they could not trust the Waldenburgers. What a surprise that he had been right. There was no reason to resist- his fate was all but sealed. Still, he could have his last laugh. He smiled up at the bishop. "And in what fair court do you intend to try us? For what crimes have we committed, save for that against a god that you worship? The forces of the League have sought a fair war against the Hegemony, and though you may kill us, we are but agents in a higher calling. Of course, you shall think no higher calling then your church." His grim smile was that of a man laughing in the face of death. "I hold no interest in your church, or in your false courts. You may try us, you may kill us, but you may never destroy the League or her nations."
Waldenburg 2
13-08-2008, 15:04
“Mr. Ivanski,” It was pronounced poorly and still a flicker of annoyance flashed across the almost serene face, “You do not understand, so let me tell you a story, perhaps two. It is of the Right, the impermeable force which indoctrinates itself to all forms of government to greater or lesser extents. It is the first obligation of any administration to fulfill this right and maintain it’s own standing. The status quo is always preferable to the unknown, Absoltom Dominium, any power would rather see itself destroyed than threatened and enslave to a greater entity. If the Hegemony, if not a powerful alliance of the world is then at least a persistent one, to see it fall would greatly move the Right. For you see there is a tide component to the affairs of men, it ebbs and it flows around one central doctrine not of power, but the status inherent in power. One does not wish to use it, one wishes only to have it. Till this very recent moment the Right, the status of power, has been with the Hegemony, and to change such a variable means an unsure future. No alliance, so large and so ready to wield it’s power without constraint will not be satisfied with the abolition of only one of it’s potential enemies. And to combat this alliance?” Throm paused smiling slightly, “We made a bigger one. You are the first to know but you will not be the last.”
“And this leads me to our second story, not of morale implications for it is a gritty story. It is of the horse you road in on, which is of Waldenburger stock. And on it you shall return home. Were you so arrogant to think we could not destroy you? In Barronia, in Greston in half the nations of the planet there are Waldenburger cathedrals, Waldenburger saints, and all those dressed as monks should not be considered pious men. You may be Christian men but you if we decide to prick you; you will bleed, and bleed hard. And if wronged we will, all of us, as one nation, as one alliance, revenge ourselves. If we are so different from you, we resemble you in this.” The non LION delegates were mostly out of the room with the only remaining being Claxton who looked rather cramped as he was pulled to his feet.
“Outside there are several enemies, the MU, Vetekan, and now I am told the Hegemony whatever happens gentlemen I wish you the best; so much potential and now it is wasted, alas perhaps there is yet solace. But first It is time for you to go to sleep for the moment, doctor when you are ready, inject them.”
The Holy and Apostolic Basilica of St. Michael, Streinlikstern
For once it was raining. That in itself was an oddity worthy of some note, and the Cenobiarch had to admit the little plinks on the great silver dome of the roof took him quite away from himself. As choral music drifted from the great balcony in the main nave, there was always a service going on, at any given moment at least ten thousand prostrate bodies crowded anyone of the naves. For the Cenobiarch it was better than the cranes and blast of furnaces, and of the mines, it was true progress.
“Your Imminence?” A small voice, which seemed entirely unused to speaking trilled gruffly.
The Cenobiarch, dressed in his simply white robe only nodded slightly to acknowledge the voice, but continued to stare out one of the bay windows.
“It is the Ides of March.”
“And so we must take the first plunge.” There was silence for quite some time, in which the voice, a deacon of the Inquisition and personal secretary to the Cenobiarch felt he could not leave. “Arrange five planes for transport, Barronian Air if possible any neutral charter flight will be fine, and wire back to all LION governments that due to continued security risks, when the conference is over they will be flown home by non Waldenburg affiliated planes, with a candid fighter screen. Apologize for the inconvenience and assure them the conference has started. And remind our bishops in Greston, and the fleets arranged there by the AIMN pact that, we must all be prepared to do our duty.”
“It is done your imminence.”
“And when the hour comes the shipyard at Leistung will also be hit. How long it is until the sailors arrive?”
“Two days your imminence at current speed. Eighteen weeks ahead of schedule, but nonetheless, on course and due to arrive in time for action. I have assurances from Admiral Ipstider that the convoy is sufficiently armed and escorted to cause serious damage before it is discovered and destroyed.”
“Fine see to it, coordinate things around that strike,” With a bow the deacon was gone leaving the Cenobiarch once again to watch the rain. It was so odd at this time of year, perhaps they could halt this years importation of water. That would be a novel change. Hopefully at the end of this year, there would be no more need, hopefully at the end they would find their own.
Pan-Arab Barronia
13-08-2008, 19:37
"Oh dear, Bishop. Oh dear, oh dearie dear."
As the "Divine" Legionaries marched into the room, the Ambassador leant back and smiled. ObServ had already suspected this would happen, and he was suitably briefed on it - every 12 hours a report was expected to be filed, and the next instalment was due in approximately 2.
Willingly accepting the restraints, he merely gave an amused glance at the Legionary, and turned back to the Bishop.
"So, you've taken hostage a series of diplomats, a Barronian citizen, and a military official. A rather unorthodox way to commit suicide, I have to say, but really, so much effort for my sake. Lieutenant, remember the bishop's face. Firing squad indeed. We're far too civilised to these people.
As for you, sir, I hope your superiors realise what you've signed away. You, by this simple action, have condemned billions upon billions of lives to ruin. Still, another face for the tribunal. I look forward to seeing you there Bishop."
Motioning the doctor to his right arm, he spoke one last time to the bishop.
"Now, I'm perfectly aware you're not ones for hospitality, morals, or honour, and, bearing in mind that as soon as my government is aware of the situation here, you are liable to face a hellstorm of fire, I must make clear that if anything - anything - happens to my female colleagues, the Crown Government will haul you before the highest court in our lands.
Amelia, my dear, and Lieutenant - this will no doubt be over shortly. The Vetakan battlefleet is stationed offshore, and this country is but rubble. Be vigilant, my dears, their time is soon at hand."
And with a wink at the bishop, he took the injection. Amelia and the Lieutenant, remaining silent and grim-faced, were next.
"Sir, ObServ are on the line. They claim there's been no update from WALDAM. ObServ say they told you so, Sir. I think he's laughing..."
"Bloody spooks. Get a message through to the Vetakan High Council, have them on preparation. Sevenson knows punctuality, and if he wasn't able to make, we'd have gotten a secondary from the Lieutenant. I want a message to the Waldenburg scum. As follows..."
Office of Telegraphics
52nd Floor
Diplomitas Building
New Misenae
It has come to our attention that the half-daily report by our ambassador to the conference has not yet been filed. Nor, and more concerningly, has the provisional report intended to be filed in case the ambassador is incapable of doing so.
We must immediately request that the status of our ambassadors is revealed, and we remind the Waldenburger government that forcefully holding a Representative of the Crown Government is casus belli under the Representation and Diplomacy Act 1844.
Magistrate-General Conrad Strom
Commander-in-Chief, Barronian Royal Armed Services
Magistracy of War and Administration of Conflict
Barronian Airways
Charter Flights and Business Customer Accounts
Hanover Complex
New Misenae
It has come to my attention that a request has been made to charter Barronian Airways craft for personal use. Naturally, requests made by such high-ranking organisations are an honour to our company, and we should request further details to cater entirely to your needs.
Camilla Hamilton-Rogers
Customer Service Agent
14-08-2008, 02:10
"Ohshi-," Foreign Minister Accardi mouthed silently to himself. "Mr. Gladney, this is why we like to be polite to people, no matter what. We never know when the tables will turn."
"That is an excellent enough point," the Ministry of War Undersecretary whispered back. "But I would like to counter that you sometimes underestimate the foresight and preparations of the Piccische Staatenbund. You at the Außenministerium may be inundated with idealism and belief in the triumph of diplomacy, but we at the War Ministry prefer to keep a pragmatic view of the world - besides, do you really think that Foyle would just send a member of the General Staff into such a primitive land without any precautions?"
"Well, no, I suppose," the foreign minister replied.
"Exactly," the undersecretary replied, smiling to himself. A dispatch was to be sent back to Helvetia at three intervals throughout the day - the second of which was in about fifteen minutes. When the plenipotentaries failed to make contact, and when Piccavia conferred with other nations, who similarly would be concerned about missing citizens, the worst would be assumed.
"I suppose you figure you have the moral high ground," the undersecretary said to the Waldenburgers, infusing each word with sarcasm and disdain. "Simply because we attack a particular country. Because it certainly isn't as if trying foreign citizens under laws to which they aren't accountable is somehow better." He shook his head. "Du Scheißkerl," he spat.
Waldenburg 2
14-08-2008, 13:37
Captain Bernhard “Vogelfanger” Etheim Third Air-Wing WIS Thousis
Only twenty miles from Bad Amberg the three F-35’s had the to themselves and flew in a lose vanguard. Though they themselves could not see it smog was whisking around them, leaving a tunnel amongst the pollution that would slowly, inexorably swim back into place.
“Captain,” one plane nodded it’s wing gently, “Waldenburger force at Bad Letzburg is mobilizing they already have one plane in the air. ETA two minutes twenty seconds.”
“Approaching firing range…” The other plane chimed in, “Bad Amberg …. Is locked, coordinates verifying… Verified. On three, two one.” Three triggers squeezed simultaneously and a hailstorm of rockets spat from beneath the wings and hard points of the aircraft. For the rockets it was only a thirty second flight to the castle before the warheads began to strike the ancient brick walls throwing towers downs, cracking walls, and turning the keep into so much ash. The great and defining pinnacle of the castle, the Imperial Solarium, gave a grown and began to collapse in on itself.
“With the cannons,” Slowing considerably the three fighters pulled towards themselves and strafed the building and more importantly the Divine Legion which seemed to be gathering at the gatehouse round a set of rather poorly placed flak batteries. As if some sort of communal agreement was reached the three took graceful loops to either side, dodging in between crests of the taller mountains and reform in he same loose vanguard they had flown in with.
Serene Legion 8th Army Group Head Quarters Bad Letzburg
“Sir!” A ensign screamed from his monitoring station amongst the rag tag of equipment the Serene Legion could afford. It was one among a room full of others all manned by officer cadets putting in their hours before graduation. “Three aircraft hit Amberg, not ours, can’t confirm transponder signal, it’s completely unknown. Divine Legion is reporting heavy casualties including most of their command staff. Lieutenant,” the ensign nearly snapped his neck at the speed, which he dove for the notes, “Aphlfed is now commanding. His anti air guns are down, but stingers are being fired, to little effect I imagine.”
“Where’s Dench?” Captain Whitman had the unfortunate tendency to choose the watch on which either enemy Spec Ops forces had entered the valley and he had to order firebombings or now when the castle, which he was supposed to be guarding, was hit with around forty rockets.
“Inside the castle apparently.”
“Hmmm…. And you cross-referenced the transponder signals against the Osprey?” The captain was cut short as a cheer rose round the room.
“We took one down, just over the sea, parachute did activate I’m afraid. What was that sir?”
“The transponder signal, if the Osprey came from the same fleet group of the same nation…” the question was left hanging and by the ensigns face the answer was not the more traditional and expected one. After a flurry of activity in which another cheer rose, there as a slight clearing of the throat and a terrified look from the Ensign/
“Captain,” he began slowly, it was quite customary for such mistakes to be punishable by modest amounts of dental torture, “it is confirmed at binary and cctal levels. Vetekans, must have been dispatched this morning as the firebombing and battle were raging in the valley.”
“You know,” the captain smiled grimly, “I had a feeling it was them. Wire me into the Cenobiarch; he shall be most interested.
Maximum Encryption
All LION Nations, Security at Conference Breeched.
Location, Bad Amberg.
Pertinent Security Files on Attacks Being Dispatched to Valingrad.
Vetekan Transponders Identified.
Action Amongst Vetekan Fleet Group Confirmed.
Two Enemy Aircraft Shot Down, One Confirmed Survivor.
Serene Legion in Combat With Enemy Infiltration Teams.
No Delegates Injured.
Except For Mr. Richardson Who Looked Like That Beforehand.
Security Breech Unmaintainable Conference is Over.
Barronian Air Will be Charted to Deliver Delegates Home.
Hegemon Will Be in Mr. Batther's Custody By Night Fall.
Waldenburg Has Joined the War.
Noblis Pax Pacis! Hail Victory!
His Imminence Harold the Cardinal Thousis Cenobiarch of the Holy Church
Camilla Hamilton-Rogers:
I am sure in the past, as in any organization there have been several moments in which security and indeed secrecy are of the outmost concern. And though it is perhaps unwise to even mention such a thing, the need for these airliners, I'm afraid Waldenburger craft no longer carry the neutrality needed in such an operation. It is our understanding that of the LION allies Barronia is one of the few who has not, mobilized to the full extent of her reach. It is this neutrality, and deception which is needed to fly LION delegates home from a recent peace conference. I believe there is a Barronian delegation here as well.
If Six fueled jets may be left at Blünderburg International airport in gates 65-71, Barronian air shall be compensated for it's troubles, and indeed assist the efforts of her government and allies. Pilots can be provided if the risk is too great for more nominal men. I do not feel, without the express permission of the League or indeed of any involved government it would be appropriate to say more. However if needed there are most likely a few within the Barronian administration which may confirm out plight. It has been a pleasure, and we look forward, despite these awful times, to doing business with you.
His Imminence Harold the Cardinal Thousis Cenobiarch of the Holy church
OOC I'll consider all delegate sedated, though if they wish to make a comment then the stipulation not need be in place.
15-08-2008, 01:24
OOC disclaimer: The below paragraph is for the lulz
The tiny, cold, somewhat desolate town of Valingrad, in the state of Western Faxanavia very rarely received communication from the outside world. It was barren town, with no production, and a population of just a few thousand people. Thus, it was a surprise to a radio operator in the town's sole radio station when he received the security files from Bad Amberg. They were, of course (OOC: I'm making an assumption here, Waldenburg) fake, but with no haste he sent them north to the capital, Vallingard. This was, perhaps, the most exciting thing the town had seen in a while, ever since Young Tim had found a lamb with two heads (although it was later proved that he had sewn it on himself.)
Adolphus Williams was worried about the Prime Minister. He had been acting very...strangely as of late. It had begun with a slight tick in his eye, and now he had added incoherent mumbling to his list of strangenesses. Still, besides the deep circles under his eyes, the Prime Minister looked as chipper as ever. As young Williams delivered the communique from Valingrad, he was thanked with a smile. "You know, Adolphus, I have not seen enough of this country." Adolphus nodded respectfully. "Sure enough, indeed, sir. Perhaps, after this bloody war is over..." "Well, yes. Perhaps when it is over." The Prime Minister rubbed his temples for a moment. "This whole bloody affair has gone on too long. But, still, Rasputin and I have a plan." Adolphus blinked. "I'm sorry, sir? Rasputin?" Garret shook his head, as though dislodging something. "I've no idea, Adolphus. The stress must be getting to me... go run along. Get some fresh air." The aid scurried from the room, still somewhat confused. Garret placed his head in his hands for a moment. Perhaps the stress was getting to him. He and Rasputin should take a holiday...
As Ivansky slipped under from the sedative seeping through his blood stream, he wondered where it was he was to be taken. The crazy bishop had claimed that he would be "tried before a court." Ivansky laughed, and it came out as sort of a half yawn. They would try him. It would be a "fair" court. Almost as fair as those of the Imperator. These fools would never get their ruse across...
OOC: This is mainly a very long BUMP, but I'll wait for whatever is to happen to Ivansky.
15-08-2008, 05:20
Official Piccavian Communiqué
Federal Parliament of Piccavia
Office of the Chancellor
01 Regierungplatz
Helvetia, Piccavia A113 HV0
To His Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV:
The Piccavian Government has noticed that neither Kriegsuntersekretär Gladney nor Außenminister Accardi have filed their tri-daily communiqués with the Office of Strategic Services and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and their associated support staff at the Piccavian embassy have been unable to make any contact with these plenipotentiaries.
Piccavia finds it most distressing that its ambassadors would go missing whilst within the ægis of not only the Waldenburger government, but the sovereign himself. I request that the status of our representatives be released forthwith; allow me to remind you the maltreatment or the detainment of Mssrs. Gladney and Accardi is tantamount to a declaration of war on your behalf.
The Rt. Hon. Richard L. Adenauer
Chancellor of the Federal Piccavian Commonwealth
Waldenburg 2
15-08-2008, 05:50
OOC An IC Place holder, not at my computer now. Just as a note the documents of the attacks are essentially true. Our planes, with stolen Vetekan transponders bombed the castle and we shot them down. For all given intents in purposes it is 'true' but depending on the disposition of the government, rather transparent, although the battle in the valley and the body count at the castle would certainly give weight to the story. The situation is certainly in favor of an attack especially because of earlier attacks but again. What you prefer.
From: His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
To: His Excellency The Rt. Hon. Richard L. Adenauer
Chancellor, I do not know, I cannot adequately fulfill your request. Your legates have been without contact for some time. Certain information is currently in the hands of Faxnavian delegates which explain the situation; perhaps wrongly we assumed these documents would be distributed and their contents examined by all parties represented. I will tell you now that the location of the conference has been stricken by aerial attack. The castle at Bad Amberg is in ruins, and though the last words I had with His Grace the Bishop Throm who was at the time presiding all delegates are intact, I cannot vouch for the safety of any person or property beyond this point.
It is known however that the conference was taking place in the palace dungeons due to continued security risks, and the delegates may indeed be incapaciated below. At this time it is too early to predict or ascertain the damage to an person or government. His Excellency the Prime Minister of Faxnavia should be, at this time, in full possession of all known circumstances surrounding the attack. We shall keep you informed however, this may bring but sad tidings. If the Piccavian government wishes to send a team to assist than it is welcome to do so. However there is still considerable violent action in the area and we advise caution is such affairs. Information shall be passed along as it arrives.
His Most Gracious Imperial Majesty Wyatt von Waldenburg IV
Waldenburg 2
15-08-2008, 21:34
Dies Irae (
“Day of wrath! O day of mourning! See fulfilled the prophets' warning, Heaven and earth in ashes burning!”
Before the last brick had fallen amongst the burnt out shell that had once been the castle the prisoners were being hustled along what was once known as the blood works. There had been a time when the Church could not be so open in it’s domination, or at least it’s attempted domination. The castle, a relic of the twelfth century, had once been the central hub of the Inquisition within this particular mountain chain and over the course of history thousands had met their death in the catacombs, and pits of the castle. It was lucky that none of the LION delegates were awake to watch as thousands of skulls piled carelessly in the wall whisked by.
Throm had seen larger and more terrifying monuments to the Inquisition, the Chapel of Bones at Granzimmerburg put this alcove to shame, but there was always something uncomfortable about passing under them, to know he walking in the path of his predecessors and dragging only a slightly different body.
“Where does this come out corporal?” The bishop, who had thrust in his hands Miss Amelia of Barronia and was carrying her bulk as far from his own body as musculature allowed.
“In a small natural cave, where the Inquisitors used to heap the heretical works and possessions that were considered to valuable, for some reason or another to burn, but not enough to keep.” The corporal, was of the mountain variety, leather skinned and speaking as if unaccustomed to it.
“The caves were carved when this valley used to flood, back before the early damming. Entire villages would be swept away, we survived.” He nodded happily and kicked a human pelvis out of the way of the party behind. “When we were young we’d climb down through the ceiling and reenact the sagas.” He didn’t mention stealing everything that wasn’t nailed down but felt that would generally put a dampener on his career.
There was no ominous portal to the cavern, just a few shallow steps hacked out of the soft limestone, and slightly wet. The first thing anyone would notice of the room was the terrible stench of mold; thousands of books were stacked along every wall, and paper littered the floor and crackled under foot. On occasion there could be seen a few more interesting pieces of history, obviously to large to be carried away by the average hooligan. Ancient stone idols, and after Throm had gazed at it for a moment a globe, a circular Earth were resting and slowly returning to the wall. Throm could see clearly where sapphires had been pried from the frame, and where the bronze had begun to rust together.
Amelia stirred in the Throm’s arms and the man panicked nearly smashing the woman’s head in with what turned out to be a human skull. “How far is it?” It was clearly weighing on the bishop; the dead religions in this room sat darkly upon him, it was the same feeling he had when he entered the Holy Basilica; ‘this is grandeur, this is power, this is all you will need for your entire life.’
“Through that door over there, not too far,” the others in the party were beginning to pick up on the man’s nervousness, and march just that little bit faster.
“I want this burned, the idols smashed and the cave blocked up; collapse the tunnel.” No one said anything but all marched a little faster yet. The cave entrance was secluded and tight, so much so that the party squeezed through two by two. Outside, under camouflage tarps were six military grade trucks with keys already set in the ignition, and shackles bolted to the side of the bed for the eventuality that any of the prisoners would awake at any point. Divine Legion drivers hustled to the front as further men squeezed into the back with rifles pointed directly at the temples of various prisoners. Overhead the frantic whine of aircraft engines could be heard. From this point it was only seventeen miles to the nearest city, and more importantly the nearest cathedral.
"Oh ,what fear man's bosom rendeth,when from heaven the Judge descendeth,on whose sentence all dependeth."
“Ah, Mr. Ivansky, Miss Amelia, I could not have asked for better company.” A thin but smiling face was poked over the two who seemed to be gently coming to. “I am Dr. Retirun and I will be performing the preliminary examinations. It will be a few minutes. I do hope the straps aren’t too tight but the Divine Legion is rather enthusiastic about that sort of thing.” The face bustled off but a few clanking noises and general movement could be heard although the prisoners could not in fact move their faces. “I once traveled to Barronia, before the Church banned travel, and I must say there was not a more beautiful country. Although perhaps that is only my inexperience in such matters speaking, but I spent hours in the parks, and in libraries reading.” The memories seemed slightly scandalous yet pleasing to the man. “And I could take a book from the library and read on my own for weeks.”
A few padded footsteps signaled that the doctor was ready to begin as he moved to he chair, “Now you will feel a slight pain, I am putting an IV into your neck, it will feed into the lower brain, if you exhale now it won’t hurt so much.” There was a sickly sliding of metal into flesh and a few groans. “Your comrades are still asleep but within the next hour they will be n the same position. It seems both of you were improperly dosed, but I will spare you the medical conjecture.”
Wood scrapped on stone and the same face could be seen poking over Ivansky. “I will not ask you questions as that only, I find, muddles the answer session so I shall only give you a slight preface. And though it may seem off topic I wish to speak of dreams. Most people have terrible misconceptions of dreams, they are the visions of God, they are messages only our subconscious can see, they are the arcane workings of the usually sleeping brain. There is in truth only one thing, which separates the sleeping world from the waking one, and that is external stimulus, usually, and actual action. How many times have you woken in the night sweating or screaming, or walking, or mumbling? In this room if I stuck a knife into you, you would bleed. If, in your bed, you dreamt of being stabbed the effect is actually the same, the only difference is the lack of consciousness; the senses cannot register it. Your nerves, your neurons all feel as if they are struck but while unconscious you are spared most of this.
If you were awake, more awake than normal perhaps, this pain becomes evident. I do not proposes to ask you questions Mr. Ivansky because you will tell me everything, in decibels ranging from he incoherent scream to the gibbering, but none the less you will tell me everything. In the IV, currently switched off, is an alkaline steroid meant to stimulate certain areas of the central nervous system to register and create the hormones for any range of emotions. I can create serotonin, epinephrine, dopamine, I can make you laugh, cry, scream, love, fight, flee, die any of them. Do you have a family Mr. Ivansky? Would you like to see, to feel them die a hundred thousands times in your head? I will assume you are the gentlemen, and because I am as well we shall only start you with pain.”
A long silver needle was waved in front of Ivansky its tip reflecting the sterile white light of what appeared to be a cellar. On the opposite wall a few glowing screens hinted at monitoring equipment. “With a tiny spark of stimuli to start the only synapses firing it will slowly be wound up. Of course if you are overdosed your mind will simply burn. Don’t hold out too long Mr. Ivansky, it is the most painful death there is. Heidi, on ten percent, keep it slow, in increments every five minutes open it up a bit more.”
Ivansky flinched slightly as the needle poked into his arm, which was strapped thickly to an armrest. It was only a tiny drop of blood but it was all that was needed to start the process.
“We have at least a minute before he even begins to talk, it’s usually only a migraine with most people, and perhaps he is a strong man. For his sake I hope not.” Amelia was now being subjected to a watery smile, as Retirun looked her over. “I once spoke to a Barronian about honor; did you know? There was some little situation, some Muslims scrapping or something similar. I spoke to a Barronian about honor, about defending what is right, upholding the weak and speaking for those without a voice. Age does such terrible things to the mind; I can’t remember exactly what was said. For all the progress I’ve made I still can’t remember, still can’t pluck was in needed from the mind. There are some things, which are difficult to expunge from the mind however, I remember Barronia. When I at last took the plunge to lecture they stood in the audience and called me a monster for my theories. Here they made me a bishop.”
"Wondrous sound the trumpet flingeth; through earth's sepulchers it ringeth; all before the throne it bringeth."
“Damn cold sir,” Captain Azel wore his fur lined Artic campaign coat buckled tightly around himself and his hands were shoved deeply into his pockets. “Who creates a nation here? The at the edge of the earth?”
“Leistung apparently, and they seem to prosper. I suppose they get used to the temperatures after some time. I’ve seen worse.” Vice Admiral Eugene Thousis, a distant cousin of the Cenobiarch, was feeling quite braced with the cool climate and brisk breeze, and quite refreshed with the whole idea. He had been a commodore not two weeks ago until he Cenobiarch himself had personally suggested to the Emperor that he undertake this mission. Although he himself has always thought his older cousin disliked him was quite appreciative of the position. It wasn’t what you’d normally call a battle group, three light cruisers, eight destroyers, his flagship the WIS Baden, a light assault ship of limited fighter capacity and a swarm of transports supposedly carrying sailors for the new fleets being constructed in Hafenstadt. Of course the fleet ships in Leistung did not require thirty thousands well equipped marines but this was a point which he happily overlooked.
“We’ll be leaving international waters in oh, about forty five minutes, ETA Two hours. The Baden and the cruiser screen, according to the Admiralty will remain here in intercept for any approaching security forces and to allay suspicion. Destroyers will see the freighters into harbor. Shall I transfer your flag sir?”
“Please.” Thousis nodded out to sea where he thought he could make out cloud formations that suggested land quite some distance away. “Let us do them a favor and warm the place up shall we? Tell Captain Georgi to keep the fighters warm on the deck. “
"Death is struck, and nature quaking, all creation is awaking, to its Judge an answer making."
OOC It's a long one so new post and a bit of a bump. If anyone is questioning the torture method is the experimental Neuromodulation, and some logical extensions.
Brittanican Adenia
15-08-2008, 23:01
OOC: Damn, I actually flinched at that. Kudos. IC post to come.
EDIT: Goddamnit, this is Barronia!
16-08-2008, 05:06
1:03 PM, BMS Protector
Alpine Sea, Leistung
Captain Amsel rested his head in his hands, bored and slightly seasick from the churning seas of the North Atlantic. Only two months ago he was reassigned to the Küstenwache from active combat duty, and there was absolutely nothing he wouldn't rather be doing. The crew of his Bauernfänger ( was just as bored, and checking the Waldenburg transports for illicit drugs was not their idea of excitement.
Amsel's radar officer looked at his radar screen strangely enough to make him suspicious. "Officer, is something wrong?" he asked, getting excited, almost hoping that there was a Uir spy ship or some other threat on the screen.
"Ah, yes sir," he said, tapping the display to make sure nothing was malfunctioning. "Our radar is showing an enormous group of ships, mostly small, going full speed ahead towards Alpine Island. It seems too big to be the Waldenburg fleet, and they haven't sent out any warnings..." he said, trailing off and looking up to Amsel for guidance. In the two months on this job, the Captain had learned one thing--expect the unexciting.
"Don't worry about it, officer. We've just stumbled upon them unexpectedly, and they probably haven't been able to send out a transmission to the other OPV's in the area," he said, buttoning up his peacoat and slipping on his gloves. "Our orders are to board and search the holds for illicit materials. Tell the boarding team to meet me topside," he said, opening the bulkhead door to the pouring freezing rains and winds outside. Before he stepped out, he turned back and faced the officer again. "Send up flares first and dock with the largest ships--I want to meet with their captain personally."
The ship shot off three red flares in quick succession and raised the Leistungi Bundesmarine flag on the bow flagpost. With a roar of the engines, the ship lurched forwards, the boarding party of thirty holding on to the railings to keep their balance. Coming up sideways to the flattop ship leading the formation, the Protector shot up another red flare and waited for ropes to be dropped so that the ship could be inspected.
OOC: Waldenburg and I discussed this beforehand. Basically, he placed an order at my storefront for a number of ships (back when he was neutral in the conflict) and asked that his men be able to crew them because of military actions being undertaken in his waters. That's why my Coast Guard is treating this as routine.
OOC2: @Waldenburg: I fully expect these guys to die, so don't worry about them alerting anyone in Hafenstadt.
16-08-2008, 13:56
OOC: Damn nice post, Waldenburg. Made me shudder. I have to say that I am proud to have been let into the fraternity of IIers who have had their leaders tortured in grotesque, multi-paragraph descriptions.
IC post to come- I'm waiting for word to get out about the double-cross, probably from Leistung. Also, I need to develop Garret's...oddness.
OOC: Just a quick update I haven't died or anything. Just on a 3 day Paintball Adventure it ends today. I shall have a post up tonight. My Apologies. Just to inform all players I will be assualting the castle with the intent to secure My People, Barronia's and with the ways things are going all of the delegates dead or alive. Waldy I am fine with stolen transponders but it will invoke the "Jericho Protocol" which is basically my people hunting down the Transponders and destroying them.
Waldenburg 2
16-08-2008, 15:15
OOC Any time Fax anytime ^^. Anyway I was hoping to betray LION all in one grand sweep. Attacks in Greston, Barronia and then those Barronian jets should be doing some limited damage to the rest if all goes well.
“Admiral sir, we have a patrol ship nipping at our heels. Leistung, we’re pretty sure showing her colors. What are your orders?” Admiral Thousis had just sat down at his rickety naval desk and begun shuffling papers when his aide poked his head around the door.
“How long can we politely ignore them?” The Admiral turned slightly from his paperwork but keeping one eye on the dancing figures.
“Perhaps another two minutes before they get ornery. This is expected. However the admiralty suggested we allow them to board, then counter board and take the ship for an escort into the harbor. Without the equipment aboard the Baden however I’m not sure we can jam any signal that they intend to send once we attempt such an attack. It would make logical sense for them to board with a majority of the crew, on ships of this size, however they will undoubtedly leave some behind, a radio man for certain.”
“Could we block any help signal?” Thousis had set down his paper work entirely this endeavor would not be one which the Office of Records would ever hear of.
“Possible sir, a wave of higher frequency or series of waves or indeed an electric discharge would certainly confuse matters. On looking over the various catalogues sent out by Eisenseite we have most of the physical dimensions and if were right we could take out the conning tower with a shell from the Anaxious and the pom pom on the deck could deal with any enemies on the bridge. It’s risky sir but if they find the marines….” Captain Azel left the statement hanging.
“Very well, we’ll take the ship. Bring us to a crawl and signal that we are prepared to be boarded. What exactly were you suggesting Captain?”
“All radios on, any, every channel come on,” within the fleet tiny personal transponders were being flicked on to a myriad of Waldenburger and foreign channels. Televisions too were being flicked on and every single appliance that could draw power was being switched frantically by a crew of junior officers who had already made their was through the mess and switched on the industrial grade microwaves and the conduction stoves. It would probably not be enough.
“Marines present arms!” Thousis stood in his battle dress for receiving foreign dignitaries, and fiddled with the blade beneath his sleeve. It was a small stiletto, his first weapon given to him by his father, and now he had to use it. As the boatswains whistle sounded it’s shrill the clank of metal suggested that a ladder had been raised. Men began to climb aboard, along with, due to a certain stance and deference what he assumed was the captain of the patrol vessel. Now was the time.
“Captain, it is a pleasure.” Thousis began striding forward right hand extend as if to shake the tiny stiletto poking through a snap in his gloves. “I’m in overall command. Well you best come inside don’t want you to freeze. The holds are opened amongst the fleet and,” the two men met near the gun rail and Thousis took his extend hand and shot it upwards towards the man’s throat. The stilleto found it’s mark and stuck, “Marines!”
Assault rifles dropped from present and into fire at will. Bullets caught the tiny delegation of foreigners and sent they flying back against the rails. There was still a small group on the deck of the patrol ship and they were quickly diving for cover; their weapons being aimed up and some firing. Three sailors who had been casually lazing along the deck withdrew percussion grenades from their winter coats and dropped them to the deck below, before diving for cover as they exploded.
“Alright my lads,” Thousis screamed as he drew his sword, “Up and over. No prisoners.” A light machine gun and a pom pom gun on the deck strafed what could be seen of the bridge as elsewhere in the squadron the grinding of a revolving deck gun could be heard. Slightly later one Waldenburger was killed as the forty-five millimeter shell slammed into the base of the conning tower hopefully crippling it. “Take the ship!”
OOC I hate to take control in such a way Leistung, I hope this was what you meant. Anyway hopefully we can have a war today. Feel free to take casulaties on my end as well as the ship is taken. Or if this is not what you had in mind, I can edit it up.
16-08-2008, 15:22
((OOC: No, that's almost exactly what I meant))
1:06 PM, BMS Protector
Alpine Sea, Leistung
Captain Amsel lay in a pool of his own blood, his eyes dimming. He looked up at the group of heavily armed soldiers shooting down at his ship with assault rifles and grenade launchers. An eight-barrel 45mm pom-pom gun on the Waldenburger ship's deck fired down, raining hot lead all over the bridge, killing anyone left inside and eliminating the possibility of sending out a distress signal. The barrel of a pistol pointing between his eyes was the last thing he saw before his world went black.
Back on the deck of the Protector, the crew scrambled to action stations, the chain of command all but destroyed. The ship's main 20mm gun swiveled quickly towards the deck of the assault ship, firing in rapid succession at the marines massing on the railings before the pom-pom gun sprayed over the patrol boat, obliterating the 20mm and its gunnery crew as well.
The Exocet launchers were rendered useless by the loss of the bridge crew, and the only defense the ship had at this point was the remaining crew and boarders who hadn't been ripped to shreds by the pom-pom. A small group of sailors cowered behind the smoking remains of the superstructure, occasionally poking their heads out to fire their assault rifles wildly. More and more Waldenburger soldiers slid down the ropes, laying down fields of fire and pinning down the surviving men.
After a few minutes of combat on the deck of the tiny vessel, the only Bundesmarine sailors left onboard were either trapped in the twisted heaps of steel below deck or lying facedown in pools of blood and seawater.
((OOC2: Sorry for the short-ish post, but there wasn't really much for my men to do. I think this is the first post I've ever done without a conversation.))
Waldenburg 2
17-08-2008, 03:16
OOC Assume dated some time ahead of the attacks, when there can be no confusion as to the the origin of the attacks.
Some thought had been put into the Cenobiarch’s throne it had, over the years gone through hundreds of manifestations. Every century or so it had changed from the elaborate, constructs themselves weighing tons, in silver and picked with sapphires to once in the darker times a pile of skulls. Then it had become wood, well worn and heavily used, but only hard wood. Admittedly it occupied a dais constructed almost entirely of silver and so filigreed to make even the most ardent silversmith scratched his head in confusion. So it was in terrible contrast with the rest of the cathedral that the little chair perched lightly upon the alter, and in it, folded even more simply the Cenobiarch, tiny half moon spectacle pulled down on his nose and a few sheets of paper in his hands.
“In three, two, one…” A hand came down and the Cenobiarch glanced casually at the camera.
“In the past days and nights it has become apparent across the world of Walden burger sentiment; a sentiment now cemented within the hearts of our enemies and all thinking men of the world. Those in Greston now cower in fear of God and his chosen races, of his wrath and his sword. Let thy hand be strengthened Waldeburgers, let thy fingers remember the sword and grip it. This however is not a message to only those within the confines of our physical borders; it is a call to all men everywhere to realize the crimes and infamies imposed upon us by the hands and minds of the LION. They so confidently took the path to war; they confidently strode to war, and now they must face their obliteration in the face of this Holy Alliance.
When a wolf strides the hills it can devour a lone lamb without care, and with wanton abandon, however the sheep have united and thrown their skins aside to reveal the heart and resolve of the wolf. The weak, the unheard, the downtrodden, the indebted, the long oppressed must open their eyes and find their true nature. For the longest time our psalms were but a whisper, but they are the whispers on which the world will rejoice. An alliance of nations, a grand alliance of commonwealths, empires, republic, theocracies rise today in the name of the oppressed. Now it is the time of our ascension, now is the hour of the old powers to arise to the defense and liberation of the new. Awake ye sons of the earth, in the defense of the Hegemony, in the defense of God awake and your fate renew. Unite in thought; unite in feeling; unite in defense.
Our enemy is numerous but in balance and soul wicked; they are naught but dust, we shall winnow them and cast their ashes to the wind. Let the widowed mother recall her son, let the orphaned son rise in the name of his father, let the powers of the world sweep from the earth this blight. It shall be banished, on my word it shall be banished.
But, in this hour, we must recall the blight is human in component, no more fragile or depraved than what can be dreamed and in heart our own.
I once spoke to a Barronian of honor; how across even the most terrible war there is a camaraderie unshakable by steel and inherent to our hearts. It was to them I plea recall your words, recall your action, rise to your honor and join those who defend those who cannot stand. Will you allow the tyranny of majority to sway you? No, you are Barronians and before the end you will realize that. Before the bodies pile on the ground I pray the Magistrates will remember their oaths; I pray they will remember their honor.
I once spoke to a Grestonian on defense; before the storm that would envelope and change it, I spoke to a Grestonian. Their homeland was sacrosanct, their hearts amenable to nothing but it’s defense and safety. Such winds have buffeted those people, such trials have they overcome, and I hope they will remember the wars before the end. I pray before the end they will feel the assaults upon their heart before their hearts are assaulted.
I once spoke to a Piccavian on piety, though within their beliefs there is no such dedication as our own, there however is an inalienable belief. Deo Vendice, God vindicates, and smiles upon those who act in accordance with his wishes. It is the first undeniable truth, and universal amongst nations; there are greater powers prepared to elevate or make low any nation or people who destroy the harmony of God. I pray they remember before the end and recall their God.
I once spoke to a Faxnavian on destruction. When nations squabble there are those that must triumph, and those that must fall, I remind them on only one thing, one simple matter; no people can ever be destroyed. They may be wronged and oppressed, and beaten till they are but a sliver of what they once were but their anger is righteous and compelling. Though, in the fullness of time, the Hegemony may be subdued; it’s people will continue and prosper, be it in secret or in their souls alone as the whip strikes their back they will prosper. I pray you remember this before your end.
Alas I am but one man alone against the torrent of humanity and its whiles however I call all Christians across the world, awaken in defense of the old, awaken in defense of the future, and awaken in the defense of the Holy Spirit. Though some of you may not find it as enveloping and potent as I, it beguiles one emotion, one of overwhelming testament to an ideal. The wicked are punished. Arise nations of the world, awaken and arise, there is much work to be done in the name of Christ in the name of peace. Let at long last unite, let us at long last destroy the menace which has so long held us in fear. Though the League of Ocean Faring Nations is a new power; it is an old face, one, which we have walked and fought with every day, one which is about to be obliterated.” The camera cut and somewhere in the editing booth a technician held up a clearing hand.
“Gentlemen,” The Cenobiarch stood which was a universal sign of completion, “Let us do unto our neighbor before they can do unto us.”
Waldenburg 2
17-08-2008, 15:44
By Thee With Grace (
A few lucky shots was all it had taken and nineteen of Thousis’ men were killed, just bloody rags upon the deck. The last of the enemy had just given in to bullet wounds and it seemed the much mauled patrol craft was theirs. The naval engineers and crew that had come over to man it, which involved scraping dead bodies and blood from the consuls, agreed it was a thing of beauty. It was the size of most frigates and the smell of fresh paint and the feel of new metal was still present.
“Admiral the ship is in our hands,” A Lieutenant who was nursing a large welt to the head reported a little shakily. “Most of the needed systems are intact although communications is down. Hopefully it will just be enough to get us to port.” Thousis nodded and continued to buff his sword; the man was slightly shaken, he had killed three men, none of them had been fighting back. “Captain Azel is to order the fleet to move again, we are,” he checked his watch., “twelve minutes behind schedule. Put some speed on.” Men began clambering over various ships and pushing them apart, as engines once again purred to life.
It took a further forty-two minutes to reach Hafenstadt, which to the desert dwellers of Waldenburg looked to be some sort of hell for the more violent brand of Norse warrior. Ships, cold winds, and Admiral Thousis was expecting at least a few longhouses tucked in the thick of the city. The shipyards were impressive though and hulks and superstructures were lined along the shore with men scurrying over them. Vast and ultimately fragile works. The radio crackled from within the bridge and he poked his head around the door, “What was that?”
“Lux Aeterna sir,” The radioman was quite pale either from cold or fear was not quite certain, but Thousis gave him a wan smile and opened his mouth to reassure him, but before that he needed someone to reassure him.
Most of the vessels in the fleet already had their weapons aimed towards shore as the default, and the slight whine of missile launchers would probably go unnoticed by the hammering foundry men. “Take down the coastal defenses first, then turn to the ships.” The small transport craft began to weave their way towards shore, their marines now unveiling smashing open crates and removing from hiding places heavy weaponry, cannons, automatic weapons, and RPG’s. Still low to the deck and hopefully drawing little attention to squadron solidified with all eyes watching the signaling light on the Anaxious which after a few moments clicked three times. A scream went up, and fire began to rain upon the shore. Marine transports shoved the throttle down and galloped towards shore.
Miseanae, Barronia 1:58 PM
“Let the false gods gibber error.” Splash, splash, “Still the Church moves it’s pace,” the figure waded through the sewer water his boots sliding in and out of things best left unmentioned. “Worthy of endless exaltation.” Barronia, which had so casually cast it’s bond asunder was to receive the ultimate punishment, and was to be made an example of. “To the children of God’s grace.” For some this would have meant an army, or destruction from the sky, but Barronia was to have a new sort of fear. There was only so much a nation could do against one man, alone in the dark, and with the endless pockets of the Church at his disposal.
“When I tread the desert wasteland bid my anxious fears subside.” Felix Albemier sloshed through the sewer. He enjoyed the atmosphere in what remained on his soul, the quiet dark. No one bothered him until yesterday when a message had been left for him recalling him to duty. The Church had exiled him quite some time ago to the Archdiocese of Barronia and left him be. Now they needed him
“Cudgel of the loathsome heathens, be my shadow and my guide.” His hair was frizzled his face unwashed, and his once white robe was stained a dark green color. With an arm outstretched he placed the last charge of C4. There were ninety of them, hiding under old burger wrappers, stuck to the ceiling or shoved in corners. His hands shook as he went through the motions of priming the charge. For two years he had seen no heard from anyone, had survived in the sewers and the trash heaps for years, and through the frazzled remnants of his mind recalled twitching when the polite figure had lowered himself through the sewer grate, and pressed the piece of paper into his knotted scarred hand.
Then items, which he had not seen for years, were lowered to him, including his old sword, nicked and chipped across the blade but his. He remembered his father giving it to him, and the pride felt, not for what, but only the pride. Instinctively he reached for it, then recalled he was right handed and searched his other hip. Shoulders hunched and dropping he clasp the pommel tightly enough to cause a faint trickle of blood to ooze out between his fingers. “We will ever smite for thee, we will ever smite for thee.”
There were the bells, he was told to wait for bells. Felix began to run from his charges. In comparison to the city above he was not sure where they were, but he knew he had placed them well. At three thousand steps and still running the trigger was depressed on the firing switch and ground rocked.
Easen, Greston 1: 58 PM
The cathedral was rising nicely, and workmen were even now hurrying over the great steeple hammering copper into place, or gently handling stained glass into it’s windows. From the ground various members of the clergy watched. Five years in the making and it was only a few days from completion and then the message had come in Greston was to be struck. Here of course they did not have Albemier or such a wide variety of equipment this was an unexpected move but the Cardinal Memsi had improvised as best he could.
Six cars had been parked in city parking ramps across the city, packed with primary explosives in the trunks and left on a timer. The body count scarcely mattered, the fear was the important component fear made men turn to extreme things, and when the ultimate power is God it is only a matter of time till man sought security.
Covering their eyes from the glare of the sun, the clergy looked up as if the hammering of copper unto frames was in the least bit interesting. “Lux Aeterna Your Grace.” One deacon looked up from his watch and nodded. Though the archbishop was an elderly man he had seen the massacres before he had seen the violence all over the world and had, though all his life tried to love without love. It was however an order, and his wrinkly hand was raised to the sky in salute. Bells began to ring, in great thundering to signal two a clock.
Workers on the tower covered their ears, up there the bells were probably deafening. But it could be seen even from the ground four of the men did not have their ears covered and in fact were running along the great roof of the cathedral in four different directions. At nearly the same moment all four leapt off the copper dome, arms out flung and chests pushed down. There were screams from passersby’s as the bodies hurdled to four different buildings, almost gliding through the air. When they hit with a sickening smack the fifteen kilograms of explosives and incendiary materials mushroomed back instantly incinerating the bombers.
“Lux Aeterna Your Grace,”
Heads turned in the pulpit as explosion after explosion tore across the city. Poultry masses had been turning up for the last five years, and on a mundane day such as this the pews barely had the dust removed. At the chapel of St. Stephen only around twenty, mostly elderly women had turned up and most of them had been asleep till the explosions jolted them awake. “Father what is it? What was that?” One women hobbled to the alter, and tugged at the priest’s robe hurriedly, “My son is in the airforce! Please Father, please.” The priest smiled down at her, but said nothing instead simply wrapping his arms around. In his hands a little gas mask was clenched, and with some difficulty he stuck it to his face. He then nodded at an alter boy, who was also wearing a gas mask, and clenching a thurible to his chest. Strangely the thurible seemed to be sealed down rather tightly and the lid could only be removed by flipping two latches and prying up. Smoke billowed from the device as it was meant to.
Bodies began to hit the floor and from the priest’s grip the woman began to sink to the floor; her eyes went vacant with a slight sigh and her bulk hit the floor. Sadly the priest closed the woman’s eyes and tucked a loose strand of hair back into place amongst her grey bun. “Help me get them to the cellar.”
It was like that all over the city, anywhere a Waldenburger could become a priest an alter boy, a nun, a choir member, the thurible swung amongst the congregation and bodies went limp. Any religion, every religion was struck without consideration for those within. Masked monks and priests chanted their laments over the bodies of former parishioners and the noble heathens of the various other Christian religions.
Twelve Miles off Greston, Battle Group Vengeful Son 1:46 PM
Pilots hurried to their planes amongst the great flight decks of the carrier air groups. Three additional carrier groups had been moved since the Hegemonic Wars which complimented the several already in position from the Pictish Wars and through the AIMN pact signed some time ago. Pilots were scattering to their planes they would launch five minutes from the universal strike time, but they needed as much flight time as possible. Cruisers, battleships and the great arsenal vessels also maintained position; their guns turned serenely out to sea. Most of them could lob shells at least twenty miles and fire missiles some distance further. Most of them could hit costal cities from their positions, and had orders to do so. Military targets were of course the priority, but the attacks were to be indiscriminate in general. Information from various clergy members who had been in place for in some cases decades, would greatly assist the striking power of the fleet.
It was doubted the flights would ultimately survive, though squadron leaders felt confident that they could make their target before Greston could put enough planes in the air to stop the attacks, it was generally believed that those fitting their helmets at the moment would be the first Walden burger casualties of the war and to an exhaustive point. This was reflected in the armaments on the planes, which were quite scare in the manner of air to air missiles but did enjoy fuel air bombs, and other such heavy ordinance.
“Sir,” on the bridge of the WIS Implacable an ensign gave a curt nod, launching time. “Five minutes!” the on board speaker roared, and launch lights flicked to green, “Five minutes till Lux Aeterna, God bless you all. Strike deep, strike hard. Squadron leaders launch in formation!”
Blünderburg International Airport. 2:14 AM
“Gentlemen, I have no comforting words, you know the danger you know the cost. You are the Spears of God, to strike the wicked heart of the enemy. There shall be eternal light, Lux Aeterna, forever and ever. Yours shall become the martyrs of the Church, the heroes of the Empire, and our solace in dark times. Yours is the greatest sacrifice.” Six pilots stood to attention in an empty boarding lounge, as the Cenobiarch spoke to them quietly.
“The operations manual is in the plane, and the explosives are packed. Just keep taxiing into the terminal. Fire the charges when your in at least ten meters. Other than that I have no words, our fate is in your hands.” Six planes for five airports. Faxnavia was to have a special target, the Aquatics building, where thousands of tons of screaming metal and explosives would hopefully cut of the leadership and leave the organization ready for destruction. Even if the aircraft did not make their mark, which for five of them was difficult to believe, they were stuffed to the rafters with Sarin and primary explosives. “Bombardier Global Express of Barronia has been kind enough to provide the planes, now we must give them back. Under the guise of flying their diplomats home. Good luck.” The six men saluted, shook the Cenobiarch by the hand, and trotted off to various boarding ramps.
As the great planes began to taxi down away from Blünderburg, their lights glowing eerily in the predawn gloom, the Cenobiarch clutched himself and rocked slightly. “Such brave men. Such very brave men.”
OOC All of this should take place within a few minutes of each other, but if someone does not wish to be hit in such a way, they can be alerted to it by a bungled attack elsewhere or a gut feeling ect., and I won't feel robbed. The suicide aircraft are entirely everyone's else problem now, I cannot Rp six fronts+ at once so if they are shot down succeed it's your's entirely now. The last post will be eidted into the Cenobiarch's speech in the subject once it become relevant, and general call to arms.
Operations Room 1, Supreme Operational High Command of the Vetakan Defence Forces, Old City, New Theeb, Southern Vetaka:
The sealed “Operational” doors of Operations Room 1 alarmed out slightly signalling they where about to open. Disengaging the Air Seal Lock around them the rush of air was the true signal that the heavy doors where opening as they swung on their hinge and opened a man swept into the room into his hand he held a small tablet PC. He was Director of Intelligence Campbell swooping across the busy operations room he approached Supreme Operational Commander O’Neil and thrust the tablet into his hands. O’Neil took it, inputted his fingerprint and read its contents. Looking up at the Director he nodded and moved off towards a nearby phone lifting the receiver he dialled a number and awaited for the connection:
“Phoenix Bravo to White Night, Initiate Operation: Colditz Rising”
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) Stafford, Headquarters of General Holly Short Vetakan Defence Force Joint Strategic Assault Group, International Waters, Holding 400 Nautical Miles From Waldenburg:
It had been a few hours now since the Admiral had given the order to withdraw to 400 miles from Waldenburg and it had also been a few hours since General Holly Short had received the instructions to potentially prepare for an assault on Bad Amberg Castle in order to rescue Many Wounds, The Hegemon, The detained Osprey Air Crew and potentially the Barronian Delegation which was in order to fulfil the Oath Vetaka had towards Barronia. Short was concerned the potential mission was a long shot and surrounded in danger and destruction. Whilst she had at her disposal considerable Special Forces from Tribal Scouts to Long Range Ground Assault Vehicles not to mention a long range bomber squadron now based at Flanders Joint Military Base and her own dedicated Space Based Thor Platfom. However she was still concerned not only was Waldenburg a formidable place, Bad Amberg castle was a modern day Colditz castle with defences both natural and man made that would send many a man to his death.
General Short pleaded with the gods and prayed to the spirits that she would not have to mount her plan and send many a honoured man and women to their deaths. Suddenly and without warning the phone on the desk of her spacious cabin proceeded to ring a piecing screech from the phone. She gazed at it for a few seconds dreading the callers identify and their message, she sighed and lifted the phone placing it at her ear:
“General Short” spoke Holly her voice soft, peaceful yet one of clear authority.
She listened to the caller it was the Supreme Admiral, her heart sank with the news and message that he delivered. Sighing her voice became more stern and military in nature:
“No, No. I understand Sir”
The phone clicked and the Admiral departed the conversation. General Short put the phone down and sighed looking at a table top picture of her daughter sighing she drew up her hat, turned on her heel and promptly exited the room.
1 Hours Later…..
The green light on the rescue mission had been given some two hours ago now and the operation was almost ready to be initiated. The Strategic Assault Group was tense, aboard the Helicopter Assault Carriers VDFNS Stafford and her sister the VDFNS Cannock men and women clutched various items of kit all of them either held on tightly to or had slung over their shoulders the standard VDF Special Operations Rifle the Polaris Arms Inc produced M56 whilst they where all issued with the M56 and its numerous variants some of them also carried secondary weapons such as shotguns and sub machine guns. URL] Furthermore each man and women wore the standard VDF Special Operations [URL=""]"Tactical Battlearmour" ( which was the Hinata Battlearmour Inc designed Mokuken ("Silent Sword") Battlearmour. They all awaited the Flight Deck Controllers instruction to board the waiting Aequatian designed MH-105D "Black Storm" Special Operations Support Helicopters ( would transport them to the battle and hopefully extract all of them safely with the hostages.
The plan of attack was simply "To Attack, Seize, Search and Abandon the Castle" in that order. The Troops would handle the operation within the castles walls but it would be Navy and Air Forces job to ensure no unwanted Waldenburg Ground, Air or Naval forces arrived to compromise the operation. General Short was aware that in the area surrounding the castle a battle was being waged between Waldenburgers and forces unknown and as such through Air Support it was hoped that the Vetakan Air Defence Forces could support their unknown allies. As the order was given for the troops to begin boarding the Helicopters high above them in the sky half of the Strategic Assualt Groups Air Compliment was advancing inland to secure air superiority, engage any indentifiable ground defences and support the battle that was being waged in the valley below. As the FA-15D Cardinals ( the FA-16E Priests ( inward two of the fleets Svarog Class Ampibhious Assualt Support Monitors ( launched their missiles such missiles where targetted upon the VSIS pre-identified air and ground defences in and the castle and is grounds. 5 Minutes after the missile launch the boarding process of the troops was complete as a result the massive floatillia of Black Storm Transports, AH-72 "Viper" Attack Helicopters ( and AH-196B "Nike" Anti Tank Helicopters ( lifted off from the wind and rain swept carriers and advanced inland towards the castle. At the same time the ships of the fleet brought power to their engines and proceeded to approach the mainland slowly this was mainly so the helicopters would not have as far to go on the return vovage however it was also done so any arriving Waldenburg ships could be intercepted before they had a chance to cause the mission any problems.
With opening stages of the mission proceeding according to plan with no advancing Waldenburg Forces detected to be concerned about the Commanders where somewhat confused when 3 Vetakan Transponders where suddenly detcted on Radar confirming the OBSAT Transponders with OBSAT Space Command back in Vetaka the mood of confusion became one of anger and rage when it was reported the Transponders where registered as stolen as a result Admiral Meakin roared across the bridge at his Air Commanders "Initate Jericho". The "Jericho Protocol" as it was widely known came into exsistance in the summer of 2002 in the aftermath of the Vetakan Pirate Wars which saw a pirate destroyer use a stolen transponder to successfuly evade detection and sink 5 Cruise Liners at a cost of over 7,000 people. As such the "Jericho Protocol" was forged to prevent Vetakan Transponders from falling into the wrong hands the Protocol authorised Command Staff above the rank of "Lt Commander" to use whatever force deemed required to destroy the Transponders and thus neutralise the threat. As a result with Protocol now in affect a total of 6 Fighters where diverted from their original objectives of securing Air superiority and instructed to neutralise the transponder emitting signals using any and all force.
The 6 FA-15D's known as the Flight A of the 1st Strategic Assualt Group "Eagles" Tactical Fighter Squardon arced away from the battlezone at a steep angle, opened up their afterburners to full and roared away in pursuit of what was now considered the ultimate enemy led by Squardon Leader "Ace" Victoria Kimble the 6 Aircraft split off into 3 pairs of 2 and proceeded to give chase as the the F-35 had a maximum speed of 1.6 Mach whilst the FA-15D had an absolute maximum of 2.8 Mach it wasn't long before the Eagles had the enemy insight, Kimble in the lead Attack Formation switched her OBSAT Encrypted Radio to the Open Channel and snarled:
"Attention OBSAT Transponder Echo-Alpha-Delta-Zulu-98674 through 98676 . You are not under the Command of the Vetakan Air Defence Forces. Your Transponder is registered as Stolen by OBSAT Space Command. Thus the Jericho Protocol has been engaged. Alter course to Vector 167 and land upon the Carrier VDFNS Katrina Fielding in surrender you have 30 seconds to respond this is your first and only warning”
Waiting a mere 32 seconds, Kimble returned her radio to the standard encrypted band, simultaneiously she locked up the lead plane with her target systems and spat:
"Take em down, Eagle 1 Fox Four"
With that she released one of her aircrafts Air to Air Missiles an Aequatian designed AIM-133A "Star Seeker" Advanced Medium-Range Air to Air Missile ( the missile sped away from her aircraft she followed its trail of exhust like a guide keeping pace with the F35 as it attempted to evade every now and again she would attempt to strafe the plane with her Machine Cannons. Her comrades did the same they would not allow these F35's to escape so lightly as a dog fight ensuded it wasn't long before the gloves came off and the Eagles brought to bear their Dog Fighters the AIM-360A "Star Blade" Advanced Close Engagement Air-to-Air Missile again an Aequatian designed Close Enagement Missile that had proformed admiralbly for the VADF before.
5 Miles from Bad Amberg Castle, Holding Zone Papa-Echo-Two of Operation Colditz Rising:
As Bad Amberg Castle came into view of the helicopters they where forced to come to a hovering halt. Awaiting authorisation to do so from Command whom where in turn awaiting the all clear from the Air Commanders regarding the air bombardment and securing air superiority. As the Helicopters held in position the radio waves became a hive of ideal chatter which was firmly brought under control by Lt Colonel Daniel Tasker, Commander of the Operation and Second in Charge of the 202 Commando Regiment. Tasker was some 6 foot 8 in height with a shaven head and huge brown eyes he was a trully menacing figure and an equally menacing leader:
"Cut the chatter you bunch of fucking ladies. Your Special Operatives not Cannon Fodder".
Eventually after some 5 minutes or so the all clear was given and the Lt Colonel grinned cheekly before continuing:
"Right Ladies lets go to work, Lock and Load"
With that the helicopters advanced moving forward the attack choppers moved first and proceeded to strafe the battlements and towers with their machine cannons behind them the Transports moved forward, the majority of them hovered above the smoking battlements and deployed fast ropes. The Marines, Commando's and VSAS Operatives shot to the floor and proceeded to engage the defenders of Walenburg Castle taking up defensive positions in whatever cover they could find they proceeded to move into the castle itself and buildings within the courtyard. Lt Colonel Tasker thundered into his headset as he took cover behind some fallen masonry:
“Blue Troop secure the guardhouse, Red Troop find me a fucking entrance to that ruddy underground complex”.
Tasker popped his head up slightly above the masonry taking aim he fired, taking down his target a young male, makings sure he was dead he darted forward shortly followed by his team stacking up on either side of a large oak door that would hopefully lead down into the castles inner sanctum. Tasker tried the door it was unlocked, nodding to the Sergeant opposite him. The Commando drew a flash bag armed it, opened the door slightly and tossed it in closing the door. The team waited after a few seconds the flash bang exploded and the team opened the massive oak door roaring and firing upon the rooms occupants as they went:
“Breeching, Breeching”
Back out upon the castles battlements a stingers where fired which resulted in the loss of 3 Transport Helicopters and 1 Attack Helicopter. However such resistance was valiantly engaged by the Air Support, It was then that Tasker was informed with some good news:
“Sir, This is Red Troop on West Side, We have located a Lift”
Tasker smiled, reloaded his rifle and replied:
“Roger, Red & Blue Troops converge on the Lift and prepare to descend. Delta Force secure the upper levels. JamJar take up defensive points at the gatehouse, All other signs I want R & D. Keep a clear head”
With that the troops advanced on the dark and dull lift taking up defensive positions around the door they awaited its arrival.
OOC: Never really had to RP anything like this, Apologies if I screw up. Might I say Waldy you an extremely good RP'er. Congratulations.
17-08-2008, 18:58
OOC: Sorry again about the lateness of my post, been away at work the past 4-5 days.
Bad Amburg Valley
Recon Patrol approximately 1.5 km ahead of the main force at Bad Amburg
The small recon patrol (10 men) were around a bend in the canyon ahead of the main force. As the patrol rounded a bend, they were surprised by the presence of a company of Serene Legionaires and a weapons depot carved into the canyon walls.
"Intruders, Halt!" Shouted what appeared to be the garrisons leader.
"Lay down your arms and identify yourselves!"
With the desperate situation appearing to worsen, Lt. Higgins orders his men to obey the instructions and advances to meet the garrison leader.
"I am Lt. Robert Higgins. XO of 22 Commando, Aschenhyrst Royal Army and I....." Higgins stops speaking as he observes the garrison commander "William?"
"It is I, little brother." Stated the garrison commander "Why are Aschenhyrst troops here?"
"William, what are you doing here?"
"Robert, I volunteered for the Serene Legions back when the Waldenburgers were on their military build-up before the Pictish War. I came over as a military advisor and decided to volunteer my services to them in order to get the Legions whipped into fighting shape. As the Legions are manned by foreigners, the Waldenburgers choose to keep units made up of men from the same ethnic background. My Command is mainly Aschenhyrstians and Anirtakians. Now I ask again, little brother, why are you here?"
"William, the Waldenburg guards at the MUIZ abducted the MU leadership and are holding them at Bad Amburg Castle. A company of 22 Commando was infilitrated into Waldenburg to rescue the MU leadership, our government bribed some high-level regional Legion Commander. Someone else must have offered him more, for our presence was revealed and our company is being pursued by at least a division of Legionaires, mostly of Grestonian origin. As Aschenhyrst and Gataway were wise to the Grestonians plans to get LION to attack the Hegemony and other covert activity they`ve been doing in the region, our nations launched a suprise attack on Greston`s southern colonies to prevent their use as a base for other activities in Mediterranica. Our preimptive strike divided the MU and led to the abduction of the leadership. Gataway`s government dissolved after the public backlash against the attacks, we stand alone against the forces of LION and our MU brothers who have sided with them. The main body of our company is about 1-2 km down the canyon from us. We were scouting in advance of the main body, looking for a suitible location to make our stand. Now, I`m not sure what our next move is."
"Robert, as commanding officer of Serene Legion Depot-Condor`s Nest, I present to you the men and equipment of Condor`s Nest. We will not stand by as our countrymen are slaughtered by the forces of evil. My compliment of men is small but we`ve got quite a assortment of weapons here. When the Waldenburgers began equiping the Serene Legions, they scoured the globe for weapons. New weapons, old weapons, whatever was for sale they bought."
"Have you any artillary, William? We`re talking about 2 companies trying to hold off over a division. If all we`ve got are rifles and MG`s, it won`t be pretty."
"I have several 88mm FLaK Cannons and thousands of rounds for them. As the FLaK has been used with devestating results on infantry in the past, I think they will suffice. They are archaic by todays standards but still highly effective. My troops are fully qualified in their use, I can have six operational and putting rounds on target within ten minutes."
"Thank you my brother, I must send a messanger to the main body."
"Do as you must, for that is why we support you. The Serene Legions are highly corrupt and morally bankrupt. When I spoke out about these facts, my men and I were sent to this backwater to keep us from bringing any attention to the operations of the Legions."
"No brother. I think because the Legions are corrupt, you and your men were sent here for a reason. Jones, Miller, Taylor! You men link up with Captain Wallace. Tell him to get up here in a hurry. We`ve got a little suprise for our pursuers!"
"Aye, sir."
As the runners headed towards the main force, the Higgins brothers planned their defense of the Condor`s Nest. 200 Aschenhyrstians and Anirtakians against the hordes of LION.
17-08-2008, 19:20
((OOC: Sorry for having to link to my ships, but I thought you should know what I was going to counterattack with))
2:03 PM, Bundesmarine Headquarters
Hafenstadt, Leistung
Großadmiral Jonas Beckenbauer sat at his red mahogany desk, signing off on yet another set of new shipping orders. Ever since the Bundesmarine had begun replacing their old ships with newer ones designed exclusively by Eisenseite Naval Industries, he hadn’t had a dull moment, and today was no exception. He lifted his head up from the stack of papers to see his colleague, Großadmiral Gottlieb, walk in to the office, his shoes smeared with dirt and his peacoat hanging in a haphazard manner—never a good sign in a society which placed a good deal of importance on neatness and order.
“Jonas,” he sputtered, trying to catch his breath. “Hafenstadt is under attack! Waldenburger ships are firing on the vessels in dry dock and our coastal defense batteries!” Jonas bolted upright, sliding his chair backwards with a forceful motion and running to the window overlooking the harbor. The Bundesmarine Offices were perched on the outskirts of Hafenstadt on the very edge of the set of cliffs surrounding the harbor, and the windows gave him a prime view of the events unfolding below.
A number of smaller vessels, probably cruisers or destroyers, were stalled in the entrance to the harbor—a tiny opening in countryside no more than three-hundred meters wide—and raining wanton destruction on the builders and half-completed hulks in the dockyards. Closer to the center of the harbor, hundreds of smaller ships were making a sprint for shore, virtually unmolested by any Leistungi forces. Jonas picked up the red phone sitting in front of him and dialed the 300 extension for a direct line to the Chancellor’s office, tapping his fingers nervously on the table.
“Yes, Chancellor Ringkampf?” he started. “We have a situation, sir.”
Coastal Battery 07
Orders came fast and frantic through the communications system mounted on the bunker wall in the fortified gun position, the men of Battery 07 just as confused as the sailors being fired upon in the harbor. Battery 07 was mounted on top of the cliffs overlooking the harbor, and from that position the gun crews had excellent overlapping fields of fire, but they couldn’t make a move until a definitive order came through.
“Attention all forces in the vicinity of Hafenstadt harbor, this is Großadmiral Beckenbauer speaking,” a disembodied voice from the intercom system said. “We are currently under fire from hostile ships flying Waldenburger flags. You have express permission to engage and destroy all ships engaging in hostile actions against Leistung. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill. Keep our city safe.” The intercom cut out with a burst of static. Sergeant Thalberg nodded to the six other men in the bunker, and they pulled back the camouflaged netting covering the four 155mm guns jutting out of the bunker slits and dug into the side of the cliff.
With four thunderous explosions, the guns fired their high-explosive ammunition in quick succession, taking aim at the flotilla floating outside the harbor entrance. All along the cliffs the other batteries did the same, firing quickly and not wasting a shot. The same voice came over the intercom again, this time more frantic.
“Attention citizens of Hafenstadt, this is Großadmiral Beckenbauer. All Volkssturm regiments should begin mobilization and report to their nearest National Defense Center for emergency equipping. The 76th and 4th infantry divisions will be moving in from the north to repel invasion, and all non-combat personnel currently in the Hafenstadt area should remain indoors for the duration of hostilities. Be strong and have faith in our military.” The city of Hafenstadt had nearly 10,000 male members in the compulsory “Volksturm” program, aimed at protecting the country from these exact sorts of situations, though their combat effectiveness was up for debate. They would be the first line of defense against invasion regardless.
Most of the ships in the harbor were uncompleted hulks, but Hafenstadt was also a military and civilian port, meaning that a small number of ships were fully armed and loaded, and the remaining military vessels at least had their main gun ammunition intact and onboard. The crews of these ships were caught off-guard however, and though a few Reich ( were just about to set off on a patrol mission (and began firing with their oversized 5-inch guns on the transports almost at once), most of the ships would have little effect on the battle until their crews could find their bearings.
Seebrise Naval Base
Several dozen kilometers SW of Hafenstadt
Admiral von Baum read off the orders coming in from Bundesmarine Headquarters with wide eyes and his mouth open in shock. An attack on Leistung itself? It was unthinkable! He slammed his palm down on the intercom button, speaking frantically.
“All forces, code red. Hostile fleet sighted off Hafenstadt. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill.” He sank down into the chair, watching through the large glass windows as his men scrambled to their F/A-15 Cardinal fighter planes, already fueled and armed as a precautionary measure. There was only one naval squadron currently based in Seebrise, and it consisted solely of Wirbelsturm (, Blitzschnell (, and Amboß ( vessels—not a very impressive flotilla under any circumstances. The nine vessels (OOC: 2 Amboß, 3 Wirbelsturm, 4 Blitzschnell) set off at full speed out of the harbor, making a beeline for Hafenstadt.
He only prayed that they would arrive in time.
Pan-Arab Barronia
17-08-2008, 21:46
The Cellar
Amelia woke to dingy light, her head pounding from the anaesthetic. To her side, she could here a man talking. Retirun, his name was, or so he claimed. He drivelled on about being a visitor to Barronia, though, had he learnt anything from his visit, it should have been the reach and determination of the government.
He began talking, medical, psychological ramblings, as he entered the feed into her next. A sharp exhalation and a whimper expressed her pain. The man next to her, the one she heard called...Ivan, was it? Ivansky? Perhaps...considering the situation, it didn't matter. He took the IV with a steely look, the obvious pain not showing.
He continued his strange, gruesome lecture about the procedure he was soon to inflict upon them both, talking about emotions, hormones he could create, a Dr Frankenstein of the mind. A mad scientist, twisted and warped. How he was let into Barronia was a mystery in itself, considering the evident mental issues he had.
He continued - Ivansky, that was his name - pacing between them, before telling a Heidi to to "open it up", an ominous warning if there ever was one. Amelie decided she had to act.
"Please...please. I'm just a secretary, a civil servant! I don't know what they wanted, I was just here to take notes and deal with the itinerary! I have a partner, a officer in the hydrography division, children! Why, why are you doing this?"
ObServ Station Theeb
"Ah, excellent. The documents from DefenceNet and VSIS. Operation...diplomats compromised...Sara? Get me the Director. We have a situation."
5 minutes later
"Yes, Director, the Vetakans are heading up an operation to retrieve WALDAM. Yes ma'am, that would indicate that the Waldenburg administration is a direct threat. I've also got a request from the Vetakans to deploy forces to our station here. I suggest the Magisteriate deal with that, although the base is wholly capable of dealing with a decent portion of the fleet..."
Monument Square, Central New Misenae
Monument Square was a public place next to the canal, a shining example of pristine cream paving, wooden benchs, manicured grass, and a monument of remembrance to the soldiers that have died in previous wars.
Women, children, men on late lunch breaks - all were gathered at this green space in the centre of New Misenae. An ice cream vendor, balloon hawkers, across the road, a church.
When the explosion hit, the immediate aftermoment was filled with silence. Slowly, it was filled with the wailing of sirens as emergency services acrossed the city dropped whatever they were doing and made their way across the traffic.
The first vehicles on the scene were civil protection, immediately creating blockades and setting up triage zones for when the ambulances arrived. What awaited them was carnage; a once gleaming plaza transformed to rubble, dirt, a section of the canal wall collapsing, spilling sewage and mud into the previously pristine waters, the surrounding buildings covered in dust. A column of smoke rose to the sky, revealing to all what had just happened, of the atrocity committed.
Within hours, the source and nature of the explosion would be determined - C4 from the sewers. This would undoubtedly be a response to the Hegemony War, but the side was unknown...recent action by Waldenburg put them securely in the frame, but what's to say that it wasn't a disgruntled citizen or member of another nation? Chances could not be taken.
"...and in today's news, all Waldenburg Operation managers and CEO's were requested to report immediately to the BSCC headquarters for briefing about yesterday's explosion. Civil Protection has been instructed by the highest echelons to ensure that all Waldenburg, or citizens of the Hegemony, report immediately to the local Immigration Office for instructions on what to do in the following weeks. Failure to follow these orders has been threatened with transportation. Police Chief Constable Andrew Sampson..."
What many citizens did not realize was that arrival at the Immigration Office was met with immediate transportation - secure facilities in the midst of the countryside, comfortable yet minimal, had been waiting for this precise purpose. Hidden in the countryside, under hills, man-made hollow mounds of earth and steel, the Waldenburgers and other peoples would be housed until the authorities had determined who was responsible - C4 was not an easy thing to come by, even on the black market - an organisation had to be involved.
Across the nation, ObServ agents throughout the Waldenburg Church were activated. Many were Waldenburg citizens bought off, others were Barronian citizens, agents of ObServ proper. Nonetheless, if the Waldenburg church was at the bottom of it, they would soon be found out.
Barronian Territorial Waters
"Barronian Airways flight, type Global Express, this is Goldenwings. You are instructed to land at RNB Port Phaleron. I repeat, you are instructed to land at RNB Port Phaleron. Our ambassador will disembark there, and you will be provided with an aircraft to return to Waldenburg. I repeat, land at RNB Port Phaleron."
On the starboard wing, an F15/A would appear, the pilot motioning to the men inside. With all the shutters drawn, they couldn't see the ambassador, although they had been instructed to act as if the ambassador was not aboard - and that meant taking the plane out if it didn't follow instructions.
Simultaneously With the Assualt Upon the Castle....
Operations Room, OBSAT Space Command, Restricted Location, Southern Vetaka, Vetaka, Nova:
The Operations, Command and Control Rooms of OBSAT Space Command were the nerve centres of the Vetakan Defence Forces Space Based Assets. Space Command which was set deep within the impregnable and tribal guarded rogers mountain range was originally constructed to control and administer the Vetakan nuclear deterrent and the OBSAT System. Today however it controlled and administered the OBSAT System and all subsequent space based weapon systems in conjunction with Defence Command which controlled the DefenceNet Network and the Nuclear Deterrent. Both commands provided the Vetakan Military with not only clear support in terms of intelligence, communication and targetting upon the battlefield but they also provided a unified defensive-offensive capability from the upper atmosphere and space itself.
The current operation within Waldenburg was no different whilst the mainstream Vetakan Defence Forces where performing admirably OBSAT Space Command was ensuring such Valiant efforts would not be destroyed. Firstly whilst the Strategic Assualt Group was doing everything it could to protect itself from attack OBSAT Space Command had moved a total of 6 Spy Satellites into various positions around the castle and fleet the live images where being streamed in real time via the Griffin Encrypted Network to Lt Colonel Tasker on the ground and to Admiral Meakin aboard the VDFNS Hammond. Secondly OBSAT Space Command had moved 3 "Brilliant Pebble" ( Systems where moved into position directly above and around the fleet to provide added protection to the Strategic Assualt Group which was now at full Defensive Red and acting within a considerably hostile environment. Thirdly and finally OBSAT Space Command had deployed an OBSAT MKIIIi Multipurpose Targeting Satellite and a Thor Weapons Platform ( position to provide an offensive capability if it was required. Such destructive power would only be utilised if it was absolutely required or if the Strategic Assualt Group had been lost and the Jericho Protocol had been brought into affect. Of course with such considerable space based assets being deployed a number of OBSAT Defence Satellites and Aries Anti-Ballistic Missile Satellites ( accompanied the already large amount of Satellites that now supporting the Attack upon Bad Amberg Castle.
The attack upon the castle was been broadcast live to VDF Special Operations Command, VDF High Command and VSIS General Headquarters whereby decisions were made and advice given on the subsequent operation as and when various factors came into play. The Operation was now quite truly a top priority for the Vetakan Military.
OOC: Mainly to justify parts of previous and potential future posts!
17-08-2008, 23:35
((OOC: I meant to do this in my previous post but it sort of slipped my mind. I would normally edit my last one, but no one would read it :rolleyes:))
Urgent Message to all LION Nations
Encryption level: AES-256 bit
Attention all LION members:
Our homeland is currently under attack by forces flying the Waldenburger flag. At 5:00 PM today, I will issue a decree creating a state of war between the nations of Leistung and Waldenburg, and I urge you to immediately take action against Waldenburg's forces, especially those holding your leaders captive, before further suffering is brought to our alliance.
Waldenburg appears to have double-crossed us, and I only pray that this message reaches you in time to avert the sort of hell that has been brought upon our nation.
-Chancellor Ringkampf
18-08-2008, 01:55
Condor`s Nest, Bad Amburg Valley
The three man message group arrive at the main force`s location.
"Captain Wallace," panted Cpl Jones " Lt. Higgins says advance up the valley as quickly as possible."
"Advance...up the valley? What is he talking about?"
"You`ve got to see it to believe it, Sir."
The main body of The team advanced up the steep cnayon floor around the bend 1.5 km from their previous position, the Serene Legions in close pursuit. As they rounded the last bend in the canyon, Wallace exclaimed "What the hell?"
"Captain, may I present to you Firebase-Condor`s Nest, the Serene Legion commander was so kind as to donate it and his men. I`d like to introduce you to Sub-Commander William Higgins of the Serene Legion, my Brother."
"I`ll be damned!" exclaimed Wallace
"Captain, the arms and men of Condor`s Nest hereby request your permission to join forces with our countrymen in repelling the foe in pursuit of them."
"Permission granted and welcome aboard, Mister Higgins."
"Excellent, Captain. I have five 88mm FLak Guns awaiting your command."
"Tell your gunners to make ready and fire only on my command."
Waldenburg 2
18-08-2008, 17:50
Dr. Retirun
“A secretary Miss Amelia? A most interesting turn of words, “Retirun sat down on the arm rest of the chair just shy of the woman, “In Latin and old English it means one entrusted with secrets. So you know itineraries, dates, times? How many papers have passed across your desk? What is in fact locked in your mind? You may not even know the secrets you have within your head,” he tapped her temple gently with a bony finger. “It is not by custom or choice I have ever had a woman amongst my patients, it is a most… refreshing experience.”
Retirun turned his head as the sound of footsteps on the stone floor came into hearing distance. The Doctor nodded and then turned back to the Barronian, “So you have a family? Tell me about them first. Then tell me what I want to know.”
Bad Amberg
Smoke continued to billow from the ruins of the castle and those guards still on the ramparts and towers were to far concussed to give more than a token fight. In most of occasions a Vetekan could simply snatch the rifle from there hands and smack them across the head. In the gatehouse there was however quite a large contingent of Divine Legionaries still upright and manning one of the anti aircraft batteries. A cheer rose up as two of the transports were sent flaming down the mountainside dangling screaming Vetekans. The shot was awarded with a burst of machine gun fire that cut down several defenders. Though the Legion was putting up a spirited fight in some locations Colonel Dench, who had been ordered down to the valley slightly before the second attack began and was now pinned in the gatehouse, was ready to admit that defeat was the more likely option.
Inside the castle the situation was varying slightly, the Vetekans held the upper hand as they stormed the ground floor levels, only single guards had been left at doorways and most of those were separated from other units and were easily dispatched. However when a few Vetekan squads managed to find their way to the twisting halls of the lower basements Divine Legionaries, clad in shadows loomed from alcoves and silently dropped Vetekans. In a dungeon such as the Waldenburgers there were thousands of places to hide and a million ways to kill. Unfortunately the darkness worked both ways, infrared could only do so much, and at least four Waldenburgers retreating to the cellars had been beheaded.
“Sir,” a corporal whispered to the senior officer within the basement, a Captain Lubjeck, “We have reports of Vetekans en mass near the freight lift.”
“Fine,” the Captain held a finger to his lips and whispered even softer, “It’s on a treadmill, and the only way to operate is for them to come down here and push it themselves. They’ll have to take the stairs like everyone else.”
“Yes, sir but they probably only want the Hegemon and their delegate back. Let’s just shove them up there. The least we’ll get is them shot, which isn’t so bad. We don’t need them any more.” The captain seemed to wrestle with his conscious for some time, to do such a thing might violate the arbitrary and shifting wishes of the Church and that was not a wise career move. Of course being stormed by Spec Ops was an equally poor choice. “
“Into the treadmill corporal!” When an appropriate squad could be rounded up and set in the great rusted wheel Lubjeck placed his lips to an ancient arrow slot and spoke clearly, “We’re sending the Hegemon, his staff, Many Wounds and your lot back up on the lift, if you would not shoot them I am sure they would be obliged.” Lubjeck pulled back and extended a hand to the Hegemon, “The Empire has much to thank you for. In you go.” The delegates were man handled into the freight elevator and with a nod it began to clank upward.
Thousis watched contently as the first barrage opened on the city, the shells pouring down as quickly as they could be fired from the deck guns of the squadron. His smile quickly crystallized as batteries opened up from the shore and knocked off three transport craft where hit directly and their crews killed in a ball of fire. “Missiles, on that fire use as many cells as needed until their silenced.” A destroyer, pouring into the city also received a hit knocking out the deck gun and removing a considerable section of the forward deck.
On the beach and launching yards the first of the marine craft were ramming up onto the shore, metal hulls screeching as their speed took them right up unto empty berths or into the nearby beech. At one point a nearly completed destroyed, identified by Thousis as one of the ordered Waldenburger vessels slipped its moorings and on well oiled tracks slid into the water swamping several landing craft.
From across the shore line the first ships were disgorging their marines who were indiscriminate in the dockhands they shot and were entirely to liberal with the grenades. They had explicit orders to knock out as much of the shipyard as possible, and then take the town if possible.
“Sir, WIS Baden is reporting relief column heading here, it and it’s squadron are on intercept. Baden is launching it’s air wing.”
“Fine, request three heavy ordinance fighters to strike the defensive bunkers and strafe the town at will.”
OOC Sorry about parts I didn't get to but I have little time today.
18-08-2008, 18:19
Bad Amburg Valley
As Captain Wallace and his roughly 200 men prepared for the advance of over a division of Serene Legion Troops, led by General Batther of Greston, his mind raced. He had done everything he could to save his men. Now they were backed up against a wall, facing overwhelming odds. He radioed to MoD HQ one final time.
"Eagle-One to Eagle`s Nest, Over"
Eagle`s Nest, go ahead Eagle-One, Over."
"Eagle-One is in the coop, location Sierra Niner Fi-yiv. Ready to engage the enemy. Requesting close air support, Over."
"Eagle-One, can only get big birds on your location. It`s not safe enough for 'Puff the Magic Dragon', Over"
"Understand, big birds only. Have them drop their eggs on my position, Over."
"Say again, Eagle-One. Over."
"Eagle-One says have big birds drop their eggs on my postion. Quarters are close and we`re outnumbered. I take full responsiblity for this. Over."
"Understand Eagle-One, eggs on your position in fifteen minutes. Good Luck Eagle-One, Over."
"Thanks. Eagle-One, Over and Out."
Wallace hung up the SecureCom Radio and turned to address his troops.
"Men. We stand here facing a ruthless enemy, who outnumber us more than 20 to 1. Some might say this is an exersize in futility but if we do not stand our ground here, today, countless others may be crushed under our foe`s jackboots. 200 free men facing tyranical minions. We may not be able to send them all to hell but we`ll send as many as we can. Let`s do what we can to make our enemies lose their taste for battle, let them taste their own blood for a change. No surrender, No retreat. Victory or Death, it`s that simple. We go home after this one, with our shields or on them. Put up such a fight boys, that we will be remebered for all time. Carry forth and do our duty to our King, Our Country and our Cause. Remember our creed 'Deo Vindice', God Vindicates. TO ARMS. Aschen Gu Braugh."
"Gunners, make ready."
"Commence Fire!"
The 88mm FLak`s opened fire on the advancing Serene Legions.
New Greston
19-08-2008, 02:51
OOC: Oh crap. I abruptly went camping and now I am lost. Can I have a summary/guidance/what the hell is going on?
20-08-2008, 04:14
OOC: Hope you don't mind me just poking my head in. I may or may not support decide to get involved; we'll see, I suppose.
Official Mandalorian Statement
IndentThe Mandalorian Empire scoffs the dishonorable actions committed by the Waldenburg state. Such acts of blatant betrayal and disloyalty against LION member-states will not go unpunished. The people of Waldenburg are naught but hypotrical treasoners. Do not think we have forgotten our 'ordeal' with your scum a few year back. Your imperialist invasion of Mandalorian-occupied Nova Cyprus was such an act of treachery. Your suicidal admiral's terrorist attack resulted in the death of thousands of Maldorians and Waldenburgers* alike. We will do all in our ability and capabilities to wipe this terrorist-supporting state off the map.
IndentAs this message is being read, all Mandalorian military assets, colonial and Homeland, are being prepped for possible engagement. The 1st Mandalorian Expeditionary Force has been deployed overseas to support LION operations in the Waldenburg Theater.
IndentMay LION prevail in this conflict and Allahu Ackbar.
~Dark General Jaster Mereel
-Chief of Mandalorian Foreign Affairs.
--Directly Reporting to: The Mandalore
OOC: *ROFL. Waldenburgers? XDD
20-08-2008, 13:40
Official Dominion Communique
To:HM Wyatt Von Waldenburg IV
From: HM Mark II, Aschenhyrst De Aschenhyrst
Subject: Eradication of LION
Your Majesty,
In the recent past our nations have differed on how to deal with the phantom menace within our region, this difference of opinion led to a falling out between two powerful allies and compromised the stability of the region. It has come to our attention that the Waldenburger`s now realise that this menace only understands the 'stick', we are willing to put behind our past differences and pick up the 'stick' with you and beat this 'beast' back into it`s cage. Both our nations are on a great crusade to restore peace and tranquility to our region. Although we may have taken different paths to get here, the last leg of this journey puts us side by side. I extend the hand of friendship to you once again and pledge my nations armed forces will stand shoulder to shoulder with your troops until we have defeated our common foe. Let our united front set an example for the rest of the Mediterranicans to aspire for. United we shall put the LION in it`s cage.
His Majesty Mark II, Aschenhyrst De Aschenhyrst
King of all Aschenhyrst by the grace of God, Defender of the faith, Emperor of Anirtakia and all Aschenhyrst Lands
[ooc: Just a heads up that since the attacks have now begun I shall be joining in. Apologies that I couldn't take part in the pre-attack stage of the RP but between my future involvement being secret and me being very busy it didnt happen. I will get a post up tomorrow]
Pan-Arab Barronia
21-08-2008, 22:51
OOC: reserved for IC post (I have relatives over, so I haven't gotten a chance lately). Also, who is Yallak supporting?
OOC: He's MU.
21-08-2008, 22:53
OOC: Are there any non-LION people supporting our side?
Pan-Arab Barronia
21-08-2008, 23:11
OOC: Are there any non-LION people supporting our side?
OOC: Red Tide is on our side, and I daresay if it turns properly sour some of us have some allies we can make requests to.
21-08-2008, 23:50
The communique from Leistung arrived on Garret's desk at 12:20 PM, and within 5 minutes, an emergency meeting had convened within his office. The assembled cabinet of the Faxanavian government drifted about, shuffling nervously about and staring at the Prime Minister. The tick had grown worse over the past couple of days, and his eyes had a strange habit of rolling to the left when he was talking, giving the impression that he was looking at something over your shoulder. Still, he seemed lucid enough as, with a grim look of determination (or possibly gastrointestinal discomfort) he spoke to his assembled men. "Gentleman, we are, as the saying goes, 'in deep shit'." A smattering of nervous laughter echoed across the room. "Not only have the Waldenburgers double-crossed us, but the Pictlanders have left the League and declared our base their null and void. The situation in Lord Sumguy has been on standby, but our boats are awaiting something. The question, gentleman, is what do we do from here?" A murmuring permeated the room- for once, these men were unsure, something not in their job description. Garret rolled his eyes. He didn't need these idiots. Why were they even here? "Gentleman, what we must do is go on and crush those who stand in our way. We don't let a nation like Pictlands or Waldenburg defeat us. We set out to destroy the Hegemony, and we have lost our way. It is time, now, to find it again, and do what we were to do long ago."
To: The leader of the state of Waldenburg
From: Garret Linsares, Prime Minister of the Promethian Republic of Faxanavia
Dear sirs,
It is needless to say that, with your recent transgressions, a state of war now exists between the state of Waldenburg and the League of Imperial Ocean-faring Nations. We request the return of Ambassador Ivansky Bochick to our hands immediately, and warn you that any harm that should come to him shall be treated as an offense against the Faxanavian state.
Respectfully yours,
Garret Linsares
Prime Minister of the Promethian Republic of Faxanavia
Waldenburg 2
22-08-2008, 01:58
OOC: I was going to wait for Greston et all to respond but I suppose I could get this moving again. Also the post designated for the speech on the last page will be edited is an soon as possible. It won't impact anything unless you have radical Christians of your own, mostly a call to war.
OOC 2: All MU forces the attack is set offensive three.
Retirun had for the moment turned back to Ivansky, “Your government as sent an inquest for your release, one which is being replied to rather stiffly. It was considered that we should perhaps send, in accordance with ancient tradition send a bodily organ home to Faxnavia. There is however and older tradition, a purely Waldenburger one, which is quite the opposite of saving face Mr. Ivansky. You see,” he held in his hand what appeared, although in all likelihood the Faxnavian could see nothing but a silver haze, to be a fruit knife, “we take this and start at the scalp and then pull down.” The silver blade was pressed gently on Ivansky’s cheek, “We pull around the nose here and end down by the neck.”
With a gentle flick the knife away into the robe, “But I delayed, it is not my custom to give this process… undue advantage by such common means. One must consider the science of it. However if you do not tell me what I wish to know it is a decided end, and we will preserve your face, stretch it between a hoop and send it to Garret, if he is still alive. It will be a memento for all of your services, all that you did and could have done. Now, where are the six largest Faxnavian aircraft bases, where is the President of LION going in the next six months, where are your missile silos, how many men does LION have, where is the President’s family? Tell me or you lose your face. Then your eyes, and then, then Mr. Ivansky I will break so any mere physical pain will be lost entirely to the blinding vegetation that will be your mind.” His composure never broke and he spoke the whole thing rather sadly, as if this was never what he had planned for his life.
Another set of clumping feet stamped into the room and held a whispered conversation with Doctor Retirun, “Send the guards then there is nothing I can do.” Ivansky was rewarded with the stare again, “My name is Albin by the way, I don’t think I ever caught yours but no matter. Just yell your answers out” With a little smile the man was once again across the room to where Miss Amelia was now fully awake.
“Apparently,” a thumb was pointed back to the door, “Mr. Richardson of Greston has taken a bit of a bad sedative, apparently his blood alcohol was quite sufficient to fall quite a few of the larger and considerably cuddly forest animals known to man, and then we gave him the penultimate aspirin. It is of no matter, he is of no use anyway; I highly suspect Greston will be but a pile of wreckage before the day is done. You my dear are so much more interesting.” Two fingers were gently pushed though her hair and another around her arm.
“You may not have heard but your government has ordered the transportation of Waldenburgers to camps within Barronia. Is not the tyrant one who will, at the slightest provocation deny someone his or her freedom? It is far worse a crime than simple murder, and far more heinous than the altering of minds would you not say? So, I believe you, you are just a secretary, your cotemporaries will take your place in the interrogation. There are so much more vital tasks for you. It is not within my power alone to make those I choose to suffer; would you like to reach euphoria? Because there is a different task for you; one which comes from the Cenobiarch himself.” The bishop beamed and threw open his arms, “You will be the Fifth Spear!” He said it as if it were to be the ultimate blessing or that she should at least understand.
“Imagine a woman, a lowly and sinful woman, who breaks free from the clutches of the Waldenburger enemy, travels across three thousand miles of desert, loses a hand, and hides in cargo containers till she arrives home in Barronia. Would she not meet the Magistrate (OOC Barronia I assume because of other Magistrate sightings and the whole Golden Compass theme that your head of state is the Magister\Magistrate, or at least the Magistirium (SP)) and crush his wicked heart? If not you will in about thirty-six hours, I can make it the only thing you want, the only thing you have aspired to. I can if fact make it a disease, or addiction. Compulsive strangling disorder it could become a pandemic in Barronia. You’re such an excellent vessel such a shame to let it go to waste like this, but again we all have our duties.”
Mostly the lines were crowded with elderly couples clutching only a few personal items between them. Most who had not been born in Barronia had emigrated only for the extended life expectancy, which was around fifty-eight in Waldenburg. There were however a few variants and a handful of young men talked loudly in the middle of the line occasionally garnishing a vexed look from one of their more elderly compatriots. The sun was high and though there was an excitement in the air no attacks had occurred since the bombing and the sun was pleasantly shining. It took a few hours for the line to wind to Thomas Ferson, who nervously stood with another man.
“Excuse me,” his fellow nodded solemnly, “Hold my place I’ll get us some ice creams, be back in a minute.” With one firm hand on the shoulder and a fierce look they exchanged glances, and the one man slipped out of the line. It was only two place until Thomas stood before an obviously overworked Barronian civil servant who made the universal gesture for, ‘paperwork, and let’s get this over with.’
One clammy hand was extended and pressed into hers, “Thy will be done,” He pressed his hand tightly against hers. The bomb detonated just as it was intended to, the packed marbles fragmenting in mid-flight, just as they had been packed to do. The same would happen wherever there Church could find the munitions.
OOC: Hope this is ok for my intro post.
Imperial Palace of the Infinite Empire
City of Arrandin, Yallak
2:28 PM
The demons stood ever vigilant as always, one rank down each side of the dim hallway that led to the High Council chambers. They were much taller and broader than even the most powerful of Yallakian soldiers and they grasped man-sized battleaxes before their winged bodies. A splendour to behold each and every time one walked the significant length of that hallway noted the Imperial Chancellor, Lord Merrech as he glided between the two rows of obsidian statues, his feet concealed beneath the dark Council robes he wore. Fist sized ruby eyes glared at him from the snarling faces of the beasts until he disappeared behind the great double doors at the end of the hall which bore the Golden Dragon Emblem of the Empire emblazed across its surface.
The Council Chambers themselves were much like a formal dining room, with an enormous mahogany table sitting in the middle of the polished floor. Only this room was outfitted for much more important purposes than eating. The most supple high-backed leather chairs were provided for the councillors and all manner of devices were installed in concealable compartments in the walls, roof and even the table, ranging from a large TV to communication consoles and even one of the Empire’s TACOPS systems which could display a 3D holographic representation of any battlefield where the Empire could get satellites or radar and simultaneously track imperial assets, enemies and other objects of importance down to the size of a missile. There was no better way for a commander to stay on top and in control of a war zone than with access to one of these systems.
As Merrech crossed the room he also noted that with his presence every High Councillor was now in attendance for this urgent gathering. It had been a long time since this had happened, a result of the increase of the Empires interaction with foreigners over the last few years – a fact which displeased Merrech greatly and had so far in his opinion led to nothing but trouble and expenses, often of more than just money as the current situation showed.
The sound of laughter caught his attention at the far end of the table as Merrech reached his seat and he recognised the Emperors voice reading out a familiar statement off a piece of paper, parts of the recent communiqué between Aschenhyrst and Waldenburg.
‘this difference of opinion led to a falling out between two powerful allies and compromised the stability of the region.’ More laughter echoed in the room.
‘So you received my message then?’ the Imperial Chancellor interjected.
‘We did Merrech,’ answered the Emperor placing the paper on the table, ‘and it was an enjoyable way to pass the time until you arrived. To think these fools in LION didn’t see this coming. If Waldenburg had actually turned against the MU we would have wiped their nation out in a matter of days.’
‘I would have thought within hours,’ commented Lord Caracas, a General of the Imperial army and High Lord of one of the greatest cities in the Empire. ‘After all it’s a fairly short trip for our missiles to cross that tiny patch of ocean.’
‘Too true.’
‘But anyway, these LION nations are foreigners after all so we cannot expect much more of them, so if you are ready my Lord I shall begin the briefing on our current deployments and then we can decide how to proceed from there.’
‘Fire away, General.’
Taskforce Isterus
Neuvan Sea, Northern Mediterranica
2:55 PM
It had been countless weeks since the taskforce had been posted to this forsaken expanse of water to ‘maintain security and patrol the region’ and for the taskforces CO, Fleet Commander Minaith, the whole ordeal was becoming irritable and he knew his men would be feeling the same way. As far as they knew Waldenburg, Gataway and Aschenhyrst had gone to war when they were deployed to this region and Minaith had been expecting the order to engage every morning when he woke, but it had never come and he had given waiting, resigned to the fact that he was to sit at this location in the event an hostiles tried to penetrate the region.
When his XO informed him of a message from Fleet Command he took it with an unusual hint of annoyance that caused a puzzled look to spread over his XO face. The last four major wars that Minaith had been sent too had all ended the same way, either with a recall from command or a peace agreement being reached before he could engage, and he fully expected this message to inform him of his recall to Imperial waters. When it did not he carefully read it a second time to make sure he had not mistaken its contents.
“……ordered to proceed to mission sector C2-05 and join with Waldenburger forces in that area and begin combat operations. The following ……”
Well I’ll be damned. With a renewed vigor Minaith leapt to action, issuing orders and addressing the fleet over the intercom, all trace of his misgivings gone.
‘All hands prepare for combat, all pilots to your stations. Bring all weapons systems to ready and launch the alert fighters.’
Similar activity was happening across the Empire. Imperial forces had been mobilised at the begining of the 'Waldenburg betrayal of the MU' and now they were receiving their orders to move out and destroy all opposing forces.
22-08-2008, 14:50
OOC: I`ll get back to the land forces battle when Greston replies.
Aschenhyrst Colony of Pasha
With His Majesty`s support of the Waldenburger attacks against LION, The armed forces were once again ready to strike at Grestonian interests. Three carrier strike groups lead by the Dominion Flagship, HRMS Defiant, headed towards Oickoidia in eastern Greston. Close behind were two amphibious assault groups. The two submarine squadrons based at Farpoint Military Reservation had deployed towards the Aliquantian Sea. B-2 Stealth Bombers were observed taking off from Farpoint towards targets on the Grestonian homeland. Once again Grestonian`s would be in their crosshairs.
Aschenhyrst Colony of Isthmatia
The Davidson-class battleships , HRMS Prince Robert and HRMS Revenge, had taken positions on opposite ends of the Isthmatian Canal. Dominon minesweepers and destroyers patrolled the eastern and western approaches to the canal. Ground forces in the colony had been bolstered to 250,00 men in the days before the suprise attacks on Greston some three weeks ago. The canal was a vital lifeline connecting the eastern and western parts of Mediterranica. As, former MU-ally turned LION foe, Piccavia had colonies in the area an attack on the canal was not beyond imagination. The Aschenhyrst Dominion had spent countless billions building it, they were not about to let it fall into LION`s hands.
Northern Yallak
Aschenhyrst aircraft based in Yallak began launching for strikes against Greston. Men and equipment flowed into staging areas in Yallak via the Pan-Med Corridor, purposely built for such a crisis. If a full invasion of Greston was required, the forces would be in place. Western Mediterranica was essencially a fortress. Transportation networks and supply depots had been build by the western allies for such an event as what was unfolding. Within hours the western neighbors could have hundreds of thousands of their troops deployed accross the sub-continent. Two battlefleets headed by the Iowa-class battleship, HRMS Hibernia, headed for the waters off Greston at full speed. The MU allies had put aside their differences, it was now time to put the LION in it`s cage.
OOC: Should I be getting involved if this is an MU conflict?
Lord Sumguy
22-08-2008, 16:10
OOC: I apologize for my absence over the past few days, I have been rather busy with work. I shall make an IC post ether today or tomorrow
22-08-2008, 22:09
2:25 PM, Launcher 02
Hafenstadt, Leistung
Three men clothed in worker’s overalls huddled together behind a scrap of steel blown out of one of the ship launches onto the metal walkway, feeling the bullets impact, but not penetrate. The oldest of the three, a man of about forty, had been hit by shrapnel in the opening volley and was bleeding profusely from his stomach; it was unlikely that he would survive without immediate medical attention. Meanwhile, the three listened intently to the messages coming over the communications system, safe from their covered position.
“They kill our men, they kill our women, they kill our children! They kill any who resist! Citizens of Leistung, we will never surrender; we will never give up! We will make these heathens rue the day they betrayed our trust! Forward, citizens, forward unto victory!” The message had been playing on a loop for the last twenty minutes, trying to give confidence to the disheartened harbor defenders. The first elements of the Hafenstadt Volkssturm regiment were forming at the tops of the bluffs, making their way towards the only entrance or exit out of the harbor; a paved road only wide enough for a single military vehicle or two cars leading to the top of the cliffs at a steep angle, winding several times before it leveled off at the gates of the city.
Harbor Checkpoint
Officer Thomas of the Hafenstadt Police Department stood outside the checkpoint connecting the road leading into Hafenstadt to the one leading down to the harbor, watching the events unfolding below helplessly. Other members of the police department had been trying to block the road with everything from cars to the sandbags used to prevent flooding. Thomas looked towards the city, the sound of air raid sirens piercing the air as he craned his head skyward. Several Waldenburger aircraft soared overhead, guns chattering, firing at a line of cars packed with people trying to escape the warzone while there was still time.
Suddenly the officers heard something else—a similar sound, but somehow uplifting. He turned his head again to see a flight of what looked like about thirty FA-15 Cardinal jets rocketing towards the squadron of Waldenburger planes, the white trails of missile exhaust visible from the ground. A cheer went up among the police officers, and they went back to blocking the road.
Ten Minutes Later
The gravel shook under the men’s feet as a column of twelve Volkssturm M89 “Cerberus” armored vehicles rumbled past the barricade and down the winding road, trying to stem the tide of Waldenburger forces who had nearly secured the entire lower harbor complex. Although twenty thousand Volkssturm men could theoretically be mobilized in Hafenstadt, only half of that number had actually reported for duty, and those men were woefully unequipped. Most of them were being posted to try to block off Waldenburger forces from entering the city and creating more mayhem—the combat duties would be handled by Bundesheer elements operating out of a military base several kilometers upriver from Hafenstadt.
The men running alongside the vehicles looked scared, but determined. They had drilled for years to become a viable fighting force, but no amount of drilling could instill the courage in their hearts. They gripped their assault rifles tightly as they passed through the checkpoint and descended down the single road leading into or away from the harbor, knowing full well that they would be greeted by hundreds, if not thousands of highly-trained, hostile, and brutal soldiers.
BMS Oceanspray
Herman River, Leistung
Less than one kilometer upriver from Hafenstadt
“Set depth one hundred fifty meters, speed twenty knots. Preparing to form up with Wolf Pack Delta and proceed to support operations in the vicinity of the harbor,” the submarine captain said, inspecting the gauges to his right and making adjustments as necessary. His Tiefsee Class SSK had been just setting out from its berths on the Herman River when the captain had received a transmission many thought was some sort of joke.
All crews be advised [stop]
Hafenstadt harbor is under attack by Waldenburger vessels [stop]
Any ships in the vicinity should aid in the defense
[full stop]
He had read it with eyes wide in disbelief, before switching immediately to action stations and re-routing the transmission to the eleven other SSK’s of Wolf Pack Delta, instructing them to make for Hafenstadt at full speed and engage the hostile ships. Now, as he approached with the eleven others in tow, he saw for himself the full scope of the situation.
The launchers, cranes, and steel frames not yet completed lay as hulks, half submerged in oily water. At the mouth of the harbor, several ships were firing indiscriminately at the city and the coastal batteries who reciprocated by firing even more HE shells at the transports. Smoke rose up from every corner of the harbor, and the city on the cliffs was being completely evacuated, covered in the air by a flight of Leistungi jets. He pressed the button on the radio and spoke into the receiver, opening a channel to the rest of Wolf Pack Delta.
“Attention captains; our targets are the formations of destroyers at the mouth of the harbor. Torpedo the ships farthest back first to prevent escape for the others. Over and out.” The radio cut out with a burst of static, and he hung it back on the wall.
His weapons officer turned his head towards him and yelled, “Captain, tubes one, two, three, four, five, and six flooded! Firing solutions plotted!”
“Fire at will, Lieutenant.”
((OOC: If you need me to link to any of the aforementioned vehicles, just tell me))
23-08-2008, 14:31
Encrypted Transmission to Mediterranican Union Allied Fleets around Greston
Aschenhyrst warships approaching rally point ZULU. Wolfpacks deployed. Awaiting further instructions. Maintaining Operational Alert Status.
OOC: Just a short post for now, awaiting action from the LION side
Waldenburg 2
23-08-2008, 15:46
Thousands of marines had poured ashore as dozens of craft scrapped their way onto shore. Resistance had been stiff from certain areas and dock-workers were still on occasion holding out in the steels hulk and proving quite difficult to eradicate. Mostly they were ignored, the ships simply scuttled and whatever was left alive left to drown or burn.
Gunfire chattered over the docks as the Waldenburger marines carried out their orders to exterminate everything they came across, and indeed had set some fires within the offices and warehouses. Everywhere there were bodies and the smell of smoke.
“Captain!” Three platoons of the Third Heavy Naval Infantry Regiment had the misfortune of being chosen as the spearhead for the assault into the city, and though the Waldenburger government had gained substantial information about Leistung’s naval forces through her exportations, the layout of the shipyards had been a closed book till about three minutes ago. Therefore it was a terrible shock when two armored vehicles rolled through the shipyard gates and over a considerably amount of First Platoon as well. Waldenburgers dove for cover as fire began to spit around the tiny road and caught many soldiers off kilter as they were searching for something stable to hide behind. “Radio the fleet, and get us support!”
Behind a concrete barrier one of the marines nodded hurriedly and began shouting into his shoulder mounted radio.
“Sir we have a fire support request on….” An ensign scribbled madly on a scratch paper, “the gate house. It’s a heavy choke point, and we have about one hundred men pinned down just inside. Third Regiment also wants a hole opened in the wall on the southeast side, however they say it’s not so pressing.”
Thousis nodded; his eyes had not left the ridge where the artillery had been blasting away at his ships, and was prepared, at a moments notice to scream warning. “Rolling barrage forward, and stay on with them.” The cannon on deck ceased it’s endless barrage of the city and could be heard turning. The admiral believe all was going very nicely, casualties on the landing parties had been under the expected amount and though he had not planned to lose two of the three aircraft supporting the fleet to be vaporized so quickly, they had at least been at fourth story heights and had caused considerable damage when their flaming wreckage fell to the streets.
From behind him there was a dull watery thump and then an explosion which sent him forward from his chair. For the next few seconds there was a gentle tink tink of metal shards impacting the ship at various speeds.
“Sir, the Babel is… gone. Struck by torpedoes. Um… Leaking fuel. WIS Constance reports another hit and is taking on water through the aft. Active sonar hints at submarines, unfortunately our turning radius is completely blocked sir, we’re stuck here.”
Thousis gave it a moment before resignedly nodding, “Take us up onto shore; full speed and take the beech, they cannot torpedo what is not in the water. Push us forward, and all hands brace for impact.” The various deck crews had never practiced this maneuver and could only run to the nearest solid object and grip for dear life.
“Sir the squadron has two Seahawks, ETA four minutes, ASW prepped; they’re being routed here. If they wish to continue into the bay sir it’s there business but they won’t last long.”
“Fine, order all ships to find a hulk to hide behind or up unto the shore and dispatch to assist marines in,” he checked his watch, “two minutes; we will begin the final assault.”
New Greston
23-08-2008, 23:37
OOC: Oh crap, I'm lost again. When I finally get stuff set up to do this summer NS actually gets exciting..... What is happening?
24-08-2008, 02:03
OOC: Oh crap, I'm lost again. When I finally get stuff set up to do this summer NS actually gets exciting..... What is happening?
OOC: Waldenburg turned on us, and took our representatives captive. Then, the MU began their attack on us. Also, Waldenburg, TG for you. I apologize to everyone for the lack of IC post- I'll get one up as soon as Waldenburg and I sort things out.
24-08-2008, 14:32
OOC: Oh crap, I'm lost again. When I finally get stuff set up to do this summer NS actually gets exciting..... What is happening?
OOC: Waldenburg pulled the old switcheroo. The MU fall-out was a ruse and y`all walked into the trap. The MU has gone on the offensive against you.
My ground forces you were in pursuit of w/ Batther have fired the first shots and any naval moves by me are strictly positioning of forces until you got back in this. Everything has been left open-ended pending your return.
I`ve fallen in the opposite catagory of you: Started this this figuring on free time, ended up busy. Planned on being busy, ended up doing nothing this week.
24-08-2008, 18:10
2:28 PM, BMS Resolve
Alpine Sea, Leistung
Less than one kilometer south of Hafenstadt
Captain Fuhrmann checked his instruments a final time, his small battlegroup approaching the distance referred to in the Bundesmarine as the “zone of no return”—the distance where neither the enemy ship nor the captain’s could escape without damage. He was fully confident in the resolve and training of his men, though he was more than a little nervous about the prospect of encountering a combat situation so close to home.
He picked up the set of binoculars on the bridge control board and peered into them, observing the dark shapes of the Waldenburger vessels. Something struck him as odd about the way the ships were moving, and he turned to face his first mate, Commander Gibbs, to get his opinion.
“Commander, does something seem a bit off about how those ships are moving?” he asked, handing the binoculars to him. “As though they’re trying to ram the city…”
“Aye, captain,” Gibbs said. “It appears that they’re trying to avoid the submarines Command informed us of earlier by beaching themselves.”
Fuhrmann chuckled softly. “Beach themselves? This might be easier than I thought,” he said, the fire control officer moving behind him. “Fire control; prepare to open up on my orders. Navigation, full speed ahead into the harbor.” Commander Gibbs hesitated for a moment before picking up the radio. Before he pressed the commo button, he turned back to the captain.
“Captain, it appears that the harbor entrance is blocked by a multitude of life-rafts, no doubt launched by the two Waldenburg vessels sunk by our submarines. They’re preventing us from entering,” he said, pointing out a mass of small ships loaded with what looked like very cold and very wet sailors.
“Well, Mr. Gibbs, our vessel doubles as an icebreaker, does it not?” he asked with raised eyebrows.
“Aye, captain, that it does,” he responded, a look of steely determination in his eyes.
“We give no quarter, Mr. Gibbs,” Fuhrmann said coldly. “Plow the ice.”
Harbor Road
The column of armored vehicles which had expected to be destroyed almost instantly was experiencing a run of incredible luck. First, the platoons it had come across appeared to have no anti-tank weapons of any sort, or if they did, they were pinned down by the relentless fire of the autocannons and were unable to fire. Second, when the leading vehicles had plowed through the gate, they had also managed to accidentally plow through a sizable number of Waldenburger soldiers as well. Third, and most importantly to the people of Hafenstadt, they had been able to pin down an entire platoon (and any other men trying to approach the city in turn) which would have otherwise been free to kill and plunder at will.
Unfortunately, it appeared that their luck was about to change.
Like balls of fire from the gods, shells rained down on the tiny column of volunteers, bathing them in fire and destroying nine out of the twelve vehicles. The remaining soldiers and vehicles did an immediate about-face, taking cover behind the barricades erected by the police force at the very end of the road where the cliffs ended and the fields began. Behind them, however, more and more Volkssturm volunteers began to appear over the hilltops, armed and determined. They descended upon the valley like angry bees, knowing full well what they were up against, and knowing full well what was at stake.
The Waldenburger platoons appeared to be emboldened by the barrages, and resumed their advance (OOC: I just assumed this would happen, correct me if I’m wrong) towards the gates of the harbor, bullets ricocheting around them as they went. It was obvious now that the Volkssturm could not suppress the tide of men coming up the road, and the weakest among them turned tail and ran, while others knew the suffering the civilians of Hafenstadt would face if the Waldenburgers reached the streets of the city and held the line, battered but resolute.
Armored Column
Four kilometers NE of Hafenstadt
After the news came in to Herman Military Base about the assault on Hafenstadt, the men of the 2nd and 75th Infantry divisions immediately saddled up and set off at breakneck speed to the city. Because of the proximity of Herman to the city, many of them lived in Hafenstadt or had families there, and so the stakes were even higher than they would be in a normal military situation, and the speed at which the men were approaching the city was testament to that.
The spearhead of the nearly 30,000 men approaching Hafenstadt were the Panzer brigades attached to each infantry division. Four hundred M20A4 tanks advanced at a top speed of 42mph, and if it was possible for a vehicle to look furious, furious would be the ideal word to describe them descending from their mountain bases to the rolling hills of the Hafenstadt countryside. Not only did the tanks appear fearsome, but the crews inside had just been pulled off of their free leave and told that their families were being massacred by forces thought friendly to Leistung. Each any every man was itching for the blood of the foreigners, and by the end of the day no one, neither Chancellor nor General would be able to deny them, nor would they want to.
Waldenburg 2
28-08-2008, 19:15
Relatively few Waldenburgers had remained unmolested in the last few days, hundred had killed themselves in attacks of some nature or another, and many thousands had been detained by Barronian security forces, only a few dozen had escaped to the planed safe houses or locations beneath the city. Some of the most senior clergy were even now within the sewers, in a fortified bunker made up of telephone wire drums, and old cinder blocks speaking softly into satellite phones. Most of their parishioners were dead and a very few of them were already plotting a more conservative revenge; the first few hours had been the hammer blow, and now it was to be the aftershock within Barronia.
A little bell tinkled as the glass-paneled door was open and the heavy tread of footsteps clinked on the linoleum floor. Felix Albemier bolted from the backroom and slammed open the door to the tiny register area.
“Hail to thee!” Albemier’s voice was breathy as if he had just run a considerable distance, “though I do not intend to intrude upon you business, but martial law is in effect.”
The man who entered the shop looked a little affront by being spoken too by this man whose eyes ticked madly around his head and who speech came it in little huffs, “I am martial law. My squadron,” he waved a hand over his shoulder to generally indicate the street, “Was out looking for the God bothers, with some boys from the yard, going home now.” For a moment he too looked non-plussed, “Where’s the usual fellow?”
“Where,” Felix spoke quickly, “may in fact be the wrong examination of the current situation. ‘What’ is a more acute and far more accurate theme of inquiry as to the being of Mr. Shanine,” he had checked the name badge while buying a small ice cream cone earlier, and had tucked the body under the cigarette counter nearly two hours ago. He had picked this particular shop as on the other side was a restaurant of some acclaim, currently closed, but tomorrow would be packed with the well to do. “And what he is scattered across Monument Square. It was his misfortune to be in the square with his niece. I have the honor of being his lodger,” a finger was pointed upstairs to a loft apartment above the store.
“Yeah, fine.” The soldier yawned as he strolled through the store, occasionally picking out brightly packaged snack food from the various shelves, and studying some of the more risqué magazines. Felix waited impatiently as his customer picked up one last bag of crisps from a display rack and plopped them down on the counter.
With a swift hand Felix rung up the items, bagging them with a slightly trembling hand. “Your total is,” he checked the display screen, “thirteen o’ two.” A few bills were slid across. “A pleasant evening to you sir,” a few coins were dropped into the man’s free hand. “I am most contrite sir,” the soldier waved it off and bent down to pick up his change, which had slipped though his outstretched fingers.
A small trickle of blood leaked out from under the shelf and the soldier’s hand stopped a few inches from the floor; his face sprang back up, “Oshit-“ one palm caught him directly in the chest and lifted him bodily from the ground, sending him tumbling into a display of candy bars. Felix was quite a small man, hardly weighing one hundred sixty kilograms, but his arms were strung with sinew, and before the man had fallen, his tiny frame was over the counter and springing towards the man.
The two grappled on the floor for a moment until Felix, who seemed to have cracked one of the man’s ribs, came up on top holding the only weapon at hand, a small Barronian paper flag, usually bought with such enthusiasm before a parade and then forgotten about. With a little plastic point he brought the implement repeatedly down on the Barronian’s eyes while one of his other hands held tightly on the throat, and his knees pressed into the ribs. After almost a minute of struggle the body went limp, and Felix lifted himself off gently; wiping away small spats of blood from his face, and carried the body to a corner.
When he was confident no one would spot the mess till morning he flipped the sign on the door to closed and went back to his work in the backroom. After a considerable amount of chipping a hammering he had been able to crack a hole through the backroom wall and into the opposing restaurant. Before he had been interrupted he had been taking from his satchel three dozen incendiary grenades and wiring them into all the drawers that looked to be in common use. Should someone attempt to open the drawer they would pull out the pins on the grenades. To this he had cut the gas line in the shop adjacent, while he had struggled in the utility room.
As Felix departed he pushed a large refrigerator over the hole in the wall, and swept away all of the dust on the floor. It was not often he was allowed such autonomy; he had once been an enemy of the Church, had once attempted to kill the Cenobiarch, then of course... His mind went blank; he could not quite remember what happened after that. Still this was an improvement over whatever it was. Whistling a hymn between his teeth he switched off the lights and left through the loading bay.
Pan-Arab Barronia
29-08-2008, 00:19
New Misenae
Adams hadn't turned up for his late evening shift, and the Commandant was worried. Adams was one of his best, a model operative for the Civil Protection Unit he was stationed with. He hadn't returned home from his last shift, he was uncontactable, and with the number of reports of possible terrorist operations, he didn't have the manpower to look for him. It would be a matter for the police. Nonetheless, the patrol near his home would be told to look for him.
Civil Protection Patrol Units ( were soon scouring the cities after the many attacks against the capital. Smoke rose from all corners of New Misenae, the remnants of a black market binge by the Waldenburger Church showing it's physical manifestation in the form of thousands of decapitated souls and shattered buildings.
The sirens were constant in New Misenae these days; there was always one building ready to collapse, one false warning against another strike. The river ran dirty, her once pristine waters now flowing with waste from the sewers and walls of the canal, burst open by explosion after explosion. Once gleaming fire engines now dented, scratched, covered in dust. Fire crews ran 20-, 24-hour shifts, all pumps manned and fuelled. Time for cleaning didn't come cheap these days, and the city looked more and more like a horror film each day.
A major strike was planned that day, a sweep of some of the major sewers. Several people dressed in the uniform of the Greater Misenae Authority's maintenance department had been observed climbing out of sewers not due for maintenance. At 4am the next morning, over 300 of Civil Protection's finest would sweep the major pipelines through one section of the infinite network.
Bad Amberg
"What...? Fifth Spear? Are you...are you serious? You make it sound as if I have control over government policy, as if I were someone other than the woman who ensures the Ambassador knows about his dinner date with his mistress. You think that sending me back hypnotised will change anything? Taking my hand off? You will serve only to aggravate my masters further. The ambassador was right. Your time will come."
Waldenburg 2
29-08-2008, 17:39
Bad Amberg
“Yes my dear, the Fifth Spear, and you do have a choice of course, once you are in Barronia again it will be entirely at your digression; the choice will be entirely yours. However it will be all you desire, all you have ever wanted to do will be to wrap your hand,” Retirun smiled slightly and toyed with a set of spectacles he placed on his nose, “It’s an old story you know, the Fifth Spear. It was said that one of our old prophets made a covenant with God forever we would worship and be faithful, and in exchange we would have these spears.”
He swiveled away for a moment and returned tapping a syringe, “Barbiturate, a mild depressant, should actually be pleasant.” The syringe was injected into the IV bag and Retirun turned back down. “ The spears were supposed to be of solid silver, and six feet long. The first was given to Ceno, the great prophet, and he was told to take it and throw it. By ancient tradition he did, from a mountain, and though I cannot vouch for such stories, it is said it struck the heart of wickedness and burst into flame. It killed a bishop ironically; I always found the story rather ironic, however the Church claims he was a heretical cesspit. Whether this is true or not it started the first Pontifical War.”
Again the doctor swiveled away and returned with a second needle. “There have been a few more in our time, I am the fifth, you are the fifth, the new arrow to the heart, and I am told we cannot miss. I am open to the subject, and you shall be as well.” Retirun took the needle and smashed it down into the woman’s hand where in neatly cut through and punctured into the chair. “First we must make you look the part.” In the other hand he held a ball-peen hammer, which he brought around in a wide arc smashing Amelia’s face in a scientific manner.
“In two weeks you will be found in a small sailboat off the coast of Barronia, your nose will be broken your hand shattered, your skin burned, your memory destroyed but you will have escaped. And then you shall see it, it will swell within your chest the anger, the threat the addiction, and when you meet the Magistrate you will have a choice to make, for there is always free choice, you can either give into your addictions or resist. It will not be easy, you will remember little of this, at least in specific, and there will only be in the inexorable pull. So you must ask yourself Miss Amelia are you stronger than your nature? I however cannot disagree, my time is coming, and I will answer for my crimes. But for the moment Miss Amelia you have a job to do.”
New Misenae
It was incredibly gratifying to view the pillars of flame rising from the city at almost every hour, from almost every district, and with the panic inherent there only grew a sense of confusion and undoubtedly the human nature that Retirun studied so monotonously would start to show, and anyone with a crucifix would be beaten or shot, and from those atrocities would spring others.
Cardinal Ramsey Hallard took this approach; he had always view the commissioning of terrorism, as only the first event is a chain of dozens propagated by a human desire for violence and dominion. In his little alcove amongst the sewers twelve priests and laymen from the Grand Cathedral hid and occasionally made a sashay into the streets. Few attacks could be made now, at least on the scale that had occurred earlier, what ever the black market could supply eventually ran out and the extravagance of some of the attacks had withered the cardinal’s supply to four hand grenades, a few grams of ceasium, stolen from a university chemistry lab, quite a large amount of chlorine, all the shells that they could lay their hands on, and more perplexing a small, lavender hand bag left reverentially in a corner.
“Right so if I knock off,” a Barronian of the Waldenburger Church, one much furnished in the pulsing biceps but apparently rather deficient in the brain department sat on a wire drum and ticked off on his fingers, “two people, and bring back their right thumbs you will give me?” he left the question hanging.
The cardinal smiled and pressed forward, “ten pounds of silver per set,” he paused, “five pounds for one.”
“That’s a lot. So who is it?”
“Anyone you like, or more accurately dislike, anyone at all. Just their thumbs that’s all we want, and we’ll load you up on silver right, or if you prefer Reichmarks we have quite a few of those.” It could not be denied that the Church was incredibly wealthy, and entire nation fanatically followed their word and every convert to the faith attempted to purchase salvation. There is only a certain number of cathedrals one can build before the hillsides can no longer take the strain, and then the wise thing is to invest. So the Church had, for centuries carefully pruned it’s finances until they rivaled small nations in breath and scope.
“Right then off you go,” all morning he had been commissioning criminals, going through the rosters of known sex offenders, and through parish attendance to select as many as he could to send out in the streets and perform the Holy Work. Ramsey’s eyes scrolled down a page, “Jeffery take-“ one of the priests held up a cautioning finger to his lips and motioned down a bend in the sewer, an essential blind spot. The cardinal strained his ears but could hear nothing. Then there was something, someone walking as if they wished to make no noise.
Gently the cardinal motioned to a stack of assault rifles against one wall and made a ‘load it’ motion. It was done, and soon the twelve priests were all armed, and huddled against the sewer wall where they tended to stick most distressingly. “Jeffery,” he whispered to one of the priests, “Dump the chlorine, it’ll play hell with waste treatment. An you two,” he pointed to the two most junior members of the little cadre, “cover our retreat. There is an maintenance shaft two hundred meters from here. Cover us.” With cold and sweating skin the two nodded and took up defensive positions around the little dugout. The others crept silently along the wall, hopefully blending into the shadows. Chlorine sloshed around their feet and began a gentle halogenization with the inherent methane in the sewer. Within a few moments there was the sound of automatic fire.
OOC I'd probably be best if we just let Amelia go as quickly as possible, so if it's not too much trouble can we time warp ahead till her discovery or around there at least in that field?