NationStates Jolt Archive

Civil War/ Elections in Juntastan

Juntastan Ascendacy
02-08-2008, 23:39
Juntastanese National News Association (J.N.N.A)

After the debacle caused by Arch Aristocra Melinda Vates, a new election has been called for by the the governmental branches of the Juntastanese Government in Aristocrapolis.
As such, all canidates from the various Major Leading Families and the Minor Houses are gathering their individual retainers for what looks like the typical infighting that decides whom wil sit in the Palace of Nobility in Aristocrapolis.
Two major political factions have declared their intentions to back various Major Leading Families and the Minor Houses: The Party For Cultural Purity and the more liberal Liberal Party for World Assimilation.
As per the rules of election in Juntastan, the 110th Olympics have been set to begin in seven days. The Olympics is to be participated in by all canidates, with a panel of judges from both Major Ruling Families and the Minor Houses judging. Only those who win Gold Medals will be allowed to participate in the electoral civil war afterwards.
At the end of the Olympics, their wil be geneal elections, with the people choosing who will participate in the third and final part of the election, the Electoral Civil War.
Whomever is left over unconquered in the Electoral Civil War will rule in the Palaceof Nobility in Aristocrapolis. Analyst suggest that the House of Vates and the Minor House of Homer are the most likely to be the leading canidates, as both Houses have many retainers and a large, private army.