Parilisan Ambassadors Meeting (Closed, attn countries with embassys in Parilisa)
01-08-2008, 18:48
OOC: This is my first RP thread, so here goes…
To: Nations with an Embassy in Parilisa
From: President Nathaniel Klein
In celebration of this milestone moment in Parilisan history, the founding of Embassies within the Republic and the birth of Parilisa as an international power, I invite you to a meeting at 21 Liberty Street. Here I will personally lead you to your embassies and discus future policies and plans.
Please write back so that my secretary knows how many will be coming.
Yours Sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
The meeting will be held on Sunday 3rd July 2008
The guest list so far is:
The Wicket Klownz- President Mooty, Colonel Parrot
Oseato-Ambassador Newort
Chernobl-President Goric Volgin
Viresia-Gregory Daniels, Minister Karl Karkov
The Wickit Puppet
01-08-2008, 19:11
President Mooty, after reading the transmission from the Parilisan Govt, notifies Colonel Parrott to ready his family and belongings.
"Well, I'll be joining you on this trip as a show of trust. I want Paralisa to know that we are serious about a possible future alliance, and also to see if they have women as beautiful as I've heard", the President said, a smile on his face.
"Mr. President, I'm honored to have you come with me. I'm sure you realize I sometimes lack a certain political charm, but I'm sure it won't be a problem after they've met me. First appearances can be a dangerous thing for a man like myself."
Colonel Parrott, a man well known in TWK, has many scars from his service in The Wickit Klownz Marine Corps. The left side of his face has one particularly nasty scar that is the result of a knife injury sustained whilst serving.
"I suppose so, but I know you well enough to see you're qualified in more ways than one. In any case, go pack your things and get your family ready for the trip. I'll send word to President Klein that we are en route", Mooty replied.
.:From The Desk of The President:.
President Klein,
I will be accompanying Colonel Parrott to visit your nation and hope to discuss with you future possibilities between our two nations. I will arrive within the next few days, accompanied by the Colonel, his staff and security force, and twenty of my most highly-trained men.
President Mooty
Leader of The Wickit Klownz
.:End of Letter:.
01-08-2008, 19:14
Dear President Mooty,
I was very pleased to read your letter, I was especialy glad that I would have the oppurtunity to meet the most respectable leader of The Wickit Klownz. I look forward to seeing you soon, I will have transport waiting at Prezdorf International Airport.
President Klein
01-08-2008, 19:22
OOC: When you coming? You said next few days but im presuming that was just RP talk lol.
The Wickit Puppet
01-08-2008, 19:50
OOC: Gonna give some of the others a chance to send word theyre coming... if no one by tomorrow, we'll continue... besides, ima be out gettin drunk tonight :) one of my buddies is comin back to town today and its been about a month since ive seen him..
01-08-2008, 19:51
OOC: lol, ok that sounds good. Happy boozing!
The Federation of Oseato
Office of the President
Dear President Klein,
I was most pleased to hear of your invitation to attend the meeting you are holding. Unfortunately, due to on going hostilities involving Oseaton Military forces, I cannot attend personally. Please accept my apologies. Ambassador Neworth will be representing Oseato at this meeting, along with the commercial attache and military attache from our embassy.
Again, my apologies.
General Zackary Hamilton, President of Oseato
01-08-2008, 20:39
Dear General Zackary Hamilton,
Do not fret, no apology is needed. I look forward to seeing Ambassador Neworth at our meeting.
Presidnet Klein
01-08-2008, 20:42
Dear President Klien
I am honored by your invitation to this meeting. I shall attend personally.
See you there,
From President Goric Volgin
01-08-2008, 20:43
Dear Presidnet Volgin,
I am delighted to hear that I will be meeting you at last. I look forward to our meeting.
President Klein
01-08-2008, 20:47
OOC: When is the meeting exactly?
01-08-2008, 20:49
OOC: Not sure yet. When do you want it? lol
01-08-2008, 20:52
OOC:well we should probably wait till more people RSVP but im gonna have alot of free time around 5 or 6 eastern.
01-08-2008, 20:54
OOC: I live in England so things may not be practical. However I have lots of free time late at (English) night on Sunday, when I would be posting during what is your day (i think). It's a long wait, but does that sound OK with you guys?
01-08-2008, 20:56
dont bother me. what time is it in england right now? its about 4pm here
01-08-2008, 20:58
It's 9:00pm here. So thats a difference of 5 hours.
01-08-2008, 20:59
ah so will you be on at 10? or 11?(your time) because its then or tommorow
01-08-2008, 21:01
10 or 11 English time? No I don't think so. Sunday is best with me, I'll be on about 9-12 English time, so thats pretty convenient in American time ain't it?
01-08-2008, 21:03
yea i would say. so thats cool then
01-08-2008, 21:04
KK, cya soon then!
Dear President Klein,
I am so happy that our two great nations could open close relations with each other! I look forward to a long and prosperous future! Thank you so much for inviting me to accompany Ambassador Miller and his family to your celebration! Unfortunately, I am terribly busy with matters of state, and with our country's recent selection as Regional World Assembly Delegate.
However, my oldest son Gregory has expressed a great wish to travel, and I thought this an excellent opportunity! At 22, he should see more of the world if he is going to rule in today’s modern age. Accompanying him is a friend of his, Under-Secretary of Trade Karl Karkov, grandson to our Foreign Minister. He is to begin negotiations to open our markets to Parilisan goods as well as contact local businesses to import Viresian goods.
I also am sending with them a small gift, to thank you for welcoming us. A few of my favorite books from our large publishing industry, several thousand credits worth of Viresian gems, and finally a pair of beautiful Viresian Lions, our national animals.
I hope you enjoy my gifts, and thank you again for your kindness. May we both live in prosperous and peaceful times.
Your friend,
Emperor Jason Daniels
Ruler of the Honorable People of Viresia
02-08-2008, 10:21
Dear Emperor Jason Daniels,
I was very pleased to hear that your son, Gregory, and Minister Karl Karkov will be attending our meeting. I look forward to greeting them there. As for your gifts, words cannot express my gratitude. I myself am an avid reader and my wife was delighted at the thought of such prestigous jewelrey. The lions, I am sure, will live a happy life in the specialy made pens I am currently having constructed for them.
I am sure our countries will prosper together with a long term trade agreement.
President Nathaniel Klein
03-08-2008, 19:04
OOC: The meeting starts whenever everyone feels like it lol.
03-08-2008, 19:31
President Volgin sat on his plane on the way to Paralisa enjoying a bottle of fine vodka. "Please fasten seatbelts and prepare to land." the pilot said over the intercom. Volgin clicked his seat belt and watched throught the window as the plane landed. Volgin stood, had his bodygaurds take his backs and moved towards the door.
03-08-2008, 19:35
Klein waited in the Roles Royce with a sense of anticipation growing in his stomach, this was his first meeting with the leader of another nation and a great leap forward in Parilisan history. As the plane's wheels hit the specialy prepared runway Klein got out of the car, brushed down his suit and strode out across the Red Carpet with his wife.
03-08-2008, 19:47
The door opened and Volgin began to walk down the stairs towardsPresident Klien "Greetings Comrade Klien!" Volgin extended his gloved hand and Klien took it.
03-08-2008, 19:53
Klein shook the hand with a smile. The term Comrade at once sent all the feelings of anticipation fleeing.
"It is a long time since anybody has called me Comrade, not since the revolution of '04. Welcome to Parilisa my comrade, my friend."
Amidst a bombard of camera flashes Klein lead Volgin down the steps and past a line of smartly uniformed soldiers. They stood to attention in the presence of the two powerful men.
"They look wonderful don't they? Sure, they're not quite so good at fighting as the militia groups I once fought in, but they make me proud to see them all dressed up like that. Anyway, let's not delay! Your transport is over there."
03-08-2008, 20:01
"This is quite the greeting you have prepared my friend, quite the greeting indeed." Volgin said as he stepped into the extravogent Roles Royce."So tell me comrade, Who else will be attending this meeting of ours?"
03-08-2008, 20:05
"The Wicket Klownz will be represneted by President Mooty and their ambassador;Colonel Parrot. Oseato are bringing Ambassador Newort and the Viresian Emperor has sne this son, Gregory Daniels, and Minister Karl Karkov." (OOC: None of these are online at the moment, do you think we should wait?)
The President pulled a packet of Parilisan cigars from his pocket and offered one to President Volgin.
03-08-2008, 20:09
OOC:maybe we can go to the seat of government or historical sight, get a tour etc.)"No thank you comrade i prefer cigarettes myself." Volgin said pulling a pack of marlboros out of his pocket. "Do you mind?"
03-08-2008, 20:12
"Of course not. I started in prison, my wife has been nagging me to give up for years!" said Klein, lighting the cigar that was wedged between his lips. He passed the lighter to Volgin. "Seeing as none of the others will be arriving for a while, I thought it might be a good idea to visit my house first. All my papers are there, you see, all the official stuff. There is much to discus, and though we could talk at Libert Street it would seem rude to begin the meeting without anyone else. Besides, I much prefer my office!" He paused for a while."Or I could show you the city! Which would you prefer?"
03-08-2008, 20:19
Volgin pulled out a diamond engraved zippo and lit up the smoke. "That sounds good." Volgin agreed. "Oh i nearly forgot." "I have a gift for you" Volgin reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a gun case. He opened it and presented it to the President. "Its a Colt Single Action Army model 1887."
The gun was made out of solid gold with an ivory handle and diamond engraving. "Made by the finest gunsmith in Chernobl."
03-08-2008, 20:24
"My gods!" Exclaimed the President, "What a wonderful weapon! I feel ashamed, my gift for you is by no means as valuable, nor as finely crafted!"
The President looked deeply at every fine detail on the gun, it was a truly spectacular device. He hadn't handled a revolver of such craftsmanship before in his entire life.
03-08-2008, 20:27
"You like it? Good." "The maker is a personal friend from the war." "Besides it matters not the gift, only the fact that a gift was given."
03-08-2008, 20:31
"You shall recieve your gift later Comrade, i do not have it on me now." said the President as he continued to adore the gun"A friend from the war? You to were a soldier? Please tell me more, talking to men who have been in the same situations as me is always refreshing."
03-08-2008, 20:34
"Ah yes I was a child soldier in the independence war." Volgin said. "Also When i was 20 I fought for the homeland in the Great Patriotic war." " I was essentialy born into war."
03-08-2008, 20:36
"War against whom? I fought to rid this nation of it's wicked monarchy, perhaps this Independance War was a similair situation?"
03-08-2008, 20:40
"Quite similar." "We won our independence from Siberania a Horrid dictatorship." Volgin explaned. "in The Great Patriotic War We fought to repell Germanic invaders and then push into thier country which is now our Western Province."
03-08-2008, 20:43
"It sounds like as just a cause as any. You are a brave man, President Volgin, I can see that you are a soldier born and bred." A great admiration filled Klein, he could relate to this man. He understood him.
The chauffeur turned round.
"To your office, sir? Or to the city?" he said, in a curt but polite monotone.
"It's your choice Volgin; you are, after all, the guest." The President chuckled.
03-08-2008, 20:47
"Hmm well i would enjoy seeing the city and your people so lets go into the city."
03-08-2008, 20:51
"Do you have any good war stories? Thats the best part of meeting a fellow veteran."
03-08-2008, 20:57
"Very well, you heard the man chauffer!"
The Roles Royce turned right, into the city. The car passed down a busy road and across a bridge. "Welcome to Prezdorf. It's a busy city, the centre of all Parilisan life. We've got everything you usualy find; libraries, universitys, schools, government buildings, hotels...the lot."
"Do you have any good war stories? Thats the best part of meeting a fellow veteran."said Volgin.
"In my experience there is little good about war. Only the outcome is ever worth anything. This country is only what it is today because of the Revolution, though. I was a youngster when the unrest started, I put up posters insulting the monarchy and was sent to a concentration camp for it. In 1999 a storm decimated the southern wall of the camp and me and a few others ran for it. I joined a militia brigade when the war started in 2004." Klein opened his wallet and took out a picture of a young man, his shirt looses and open, a beret on his head and an AK47 in his hand. He was sat on top of a wagon with the letters PRA painted on the side. "That's me, there. In late 2004 I was badly wounded and was put into a field hospital. It was there that I met the Revolutionary Army leader, Nicholas Faust. We became friends and I became his second in command. When he passed away, KIA in 2005, I vecame the head of the army. After the war I was elected as President."
Klein sighed, tucking the photograph back into his wallet.
"What about you, any tales to tell?"
03-08-2008, 21:06
"Well I grew up in poverty in a small Siberanian town of Kuzek." "I was thirteen when the war started. the Government troops came into my home one night." "They killed my father, and made off with my sister and mother. I watched as my father begged for mercy and the shot him through the head." When they left I sat in my empty house crying. Then the RUF found me." "They taught me how to be strong. How to Survive." "Those men and women were like my family." "But i saw them die to." "Our camp was decimated by a government helicopter one night and I was on my own." "I killed an entire government fireteam with my bare hands." "nothing could contain my rage and hate for them." "We won the war in 97' making us independent."
03-08-2008, 21:09
"My goodness, what a hard life you have lead. I cannot begin to understand how you feel, nothing so horrendous has ever happened to me. Although I faced pain and death every day in the Concentration Camp I could not imagine watching my own family die in such an awful way. My symapathys are with you, my friend."
03-08-2008, 21:13
"Well it is now in the past comrade." "What didn't kill me only made me stronger." Volgin regained his jolly mood again. "So what will we do in the city comrade?"
03-08-2008, 21:14
"You are a brave man." said Klein. "There is much to do, what would interest you?"
03-08-2008, 21:19
"You are the local and you must know the city better than I." "Where are your favorite places?"
03-08-2008, 21:21
"Wherever the people gather is my home, well it used to be. Now I cannot step outside without some stupid photographer taking pictures. Perhaps we should visit the museum, I can tell you a little about my nation's history? Or we could visit a factory and talk to some of the workers who make this country tick?"
03-08-2008, 21:22
'The museum certainly sounds interesting lets do that." "After words I would quite enjoy meeting your countries everyman."
03-08-2008, 21:28
"Very good."smiled Klein. The car pulled up outside an old building with a sign outside saying "Museum of Parilisa".
"This place details all of Parilisan history, from the first tribes to the present day. I'd love to show you some of the war memoribilia, I think that it is something you can associate with; a nation's desperate struggle for freedom."
Klein lead Volgin through a long corridor into a large exhibit. He strode across the room and pointed towards a glass cabinet against the wall whihc contained several devises which obviously had devious purposes.
"These shackles and thumbscrews, along with other stuff, are almost exactly like the ones used at the concentration camp I was put in. The monarchy tourtured thousands of people, socialists, communists, even so called "Heretics". We were a truly opressed people, but in the end it was we who were victorius."
03-08-2008, 21:33
"It reminds me so much of my childhood. I can certainly feel your nations pain."
03-08-2008, 21:36
"In the next case we have the rifle that was used by the hero of the Revolution, my friend Nicholas Faust. A good man, a noble man.
Perhaps you would rather look around on your own? I think one gets the full impact when you can read and look at your own pace, but then again you might like a guide!" laughed Klein.
03-08-2008, 21:37
"A guide who has experienced it all certainly helps." laughed Volgin.
03-08-2008, 21:41
"You make me sound so old, Mr Volgin!" Klein grinned, "The next case shows some photographs of Prezdorf after the war. In this picture here, you can see me standing behind Faust. To my left is Wilhelm Schprenger, who became my Prime Minister after the war. Unfortunately he was assasinated by monarchist terrorists after the war. A most regrettable incident."
"The next case is full of documents from the Inquistion, whihc lasted in Parilisa from the Middle Ages until the War. The Church of Parilisa took advantage of the King, they used him to take control over the state."
"Perhaps I should not be talking like this, are you a religous person?"
03-08-2008, 21:43
"Im jewish so it does not bother me at all." Volgin laughed.
03-08-2008, 21:45
"I have met many people who share your faith in my time, the Government strives to cater for all religions you see."
"Well, there is plenty more stuff here, but we do not have much time. Perhaps you would like to move on to the factory now?"
03-08-2008, 21:47
"Certainly. Lead the way."
03-08-2008, 21:52
They got back into the Roles Royce and sped of into the poorer area of town. Hre things became smokier, cloudier and more drab. The people looked dirtier and tired.
"These are the people most leaders forget." said Klein, solemnly. "But I make it my duty to come down here often, to talk to the people, to befriend them. Not even the newspapers follow me down here, they are scared of the criminals and the poor, but down here is where I belong. I was born to a poor family, and I have never lost sight of who I realy represent."
03-08-2008, 21:56
"I know the feeling I to was born to poverty which i why we are communist."
03-08-2008, 21:59
"Though I myself am more of a Socialist, I respect a lot of the Communist theory."
The Roles Royce sped on a bit further, finaly parking outside a dark, dank building.
"This is the foundation stone of the entire country," said Klein, looking up at the foreboding structure. He lead the other President inside to see thousands of workers toiling all around. "They're making weapons." explained Klein. "Ask them what you want, get to know them a little and you'll soon find out that they're some fo the friendliest people in the world."
03-08-2008, 22:05
"Excuse me sir?" "Yes?" the man said in a friendly voice. "How are you and your family doing right now?" Volgin asked. "Well times are tough... and i" Before he could fish Volgin reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of money "Here' Volgin said. "Wha why?" the man asked . "Becuase ive been there." Volgin said, then he just walked away.
03-08-2008, 22:07
Klein blushed. He didn't know why, perhaps it was just shock. Plain shock. He looked at the factory owner, bemused by the stack of money in histrembling hands. He looked at Klein, his President, and smiled a toothless smile.
"Bloody hell." was all the worker could say.
Klein caught up with Volgin.
"That was an incredibly kind thing to do." he said.
03-08-2008, 22:09
"When you have been in the same situation it just becomes an instinct."
03-08-2008, 22:10
"I've lived in poverty, but to give THAT much money? That was a lot, an awful lot." Klein looked at the kindly man's face and said, "You've taught me a lot today, Mr Volgin. A lot."
OOC:lol I used the word "lot" 4 times in that bit. Stupid Northern English dialect of mine...grrr...
03-08-2008, 22:12
"It wont hurt me but it certainly will help him. All I can hope is that he uses it well."
03-08-2008, 22:14
"Of course he will, he's got brains that one. I think his name is Ruhler. Well, I think it's time to get down to business. Let's talk politics! Shall we go back to my office?"
03-08-2008, 22:15
"Certainly comrade." Volgin said lighting up another smoke.
03-08-2008, 22:19
They got back in the car and drove back through the city, up into the northern part of the thriving metropolis. Passing through some tall gates patrolled by machine gun bearing sentrys, the car rolled to a comfortable stop outside the Offices of the Parilisan Government. Klein led Volgin up to his personal office and offered him a seat and a glass of whisky.
"Now then, let us discus the posibility of future agreements. Trade, Non-Agression and Alliance as was said on the embassy form, I believe you said yes for all of them?"
03-08-2008, 22:21
"indeed I did my friend, and after meeting you I certainly want to honor them." Volgin said throwing down the whisky.
03-08-2008, 22:22
The President smiled. "Well then, what have you got to trade?"
03-08-2008, 22:24
"Well we produce several types of firearms, tanks, planes. We also produce very large amounts of grain from our fields in the southern province." Volgin said taking a long puff. "What do you have?"
03-08-2008, 22:27
"For the most part we have agriculture, and a small arms market. However we do not have enough of an arms industry at this moment in time to trade anything. Coal and wood are our main exports. Tanks and planes intrigue me. We have a handful of tanks but nothing much, and we are working on the development of an air force."
03-08-2008, 22:29
"Well as a show of good faith I will send your nation a slew of MIGs fresh from the assembly line."
03-08-2008, 22:30
"MIGs have a good reputation, how much are you asking for them?"
03-08-2008, 22:31
"Nothing, we recently made the jump to F22s so these are worth nothing, take them." "You can have 20 free."
03-08-2008, 22:39
"I cannot thank you enough, kind Mr Volgin." said Klein, genuinly shocked. "My country is only small, it's population is very low, but whatever I can do to help you I will do. You are a most generous man, comrade. Most kind. I am ashamed that I have relatively little to give in return other than a promise of aid."
"Oh!" Klein said suddenly. "I almost forgot." He stood up and pulled a key from his pocket, with it he unlocked a cupboard behind him and pulled out a rag which seemed to be covering something. He set it down on the table and unwrapped it, lifting something from within.
"A gift for you..."
03-08-2008, 22:40
"What is it?" Volgin asked rather exited.
03-08-2008, 22:45
Klein lifted out a sword, rusty and battered.
"This sword was handed down through hundreds of generations of monarchs," he said, inspecting the blade, "and when we defeated the royal family in 2004 it was the only thing we didn't sell to give to the poor. After meeting you today I want to give you this historic artefact, as a symbol of our future prosperity together. It is nothing to look at, it is pretty worthless in all but sentimental value, but it is a part of our history. I want to give you this Volgin, it is not as good as your wonderful gift to me, but it is a symbol of our unity."
He handed Volgin the weapon. "Semper Fidelis," said Klein, "Always Faithful, your motto."
03-08-2008, 22:49
"Words simply cannot express my sheer gratitude. This sword shall have a place of honor in my home and shall be treusured forever." Volgin took the sword and examined it. It may have been old and rusty but under its humble skin it was a sign of friendship a gift better than any.
03-08-2008, 22:50
"The terms of our alliance? I suppose they're pretty general?" asked Klein.
03-08-2008, 22:53
"Well I would suppose that they should be to assist one another in times of need both military and economic.'
03-08-2008, 22:56
"That sounds suitable to me, comrade. It has been an enlightening evening. I cannot thank you enough for your gifts, for the wonderful revolver and the planes, which will be the foundation of our developing air force. Your generosity to not just me, but to the citizens also has been truly amazing. I have just one question, what type are the MIGs?"
03-08-2008, 23:07
"MIG-20's most likely." OOC:heres a pic
03-08-2008, 23:10
"Thank you ever so much, comrade. It is a shame that no other international representatives turned up, but I feel that I have got to know you a littlle better for it. I hope that our two countrys will have a prosperous future ahead of us."
03-08-2008, 23:16
OOC:Gotta go now, nearly midnight here in Blighty! lol...
03-08-2008, 23:18
OOC: KK cya
OOC: Sorry I was busy, I'll be back on tomorrow