NationStates Jolt Archive

New satellite shop

Canedian Army
01-08-2008, 18:33
Hi, i got 5 satellites for sale.
I want 500 million for each of them, they are worth (normaly) 600 million.
Because i builded them, it is less for me, so i sell for less.
Well, if you buy one now, and if somebody buy much, i will make more.
So i will stay selling if it go's good.


If you want a bit cheaper, just say so, and i will think about it.

The Dominion of Canedian army.
01-08-2008, 18:42
OOC: What satellites are you selling exactly? You might want to put out some statistics, as well as work on your grammar. I don't mean to be critical, just putting some advice out there so the larger nations don't yell at you.
Christopher Thompson
01-08-2008, 18:50
No stats on the satellites, no nothing. Also, this is VERY OOC speak.

I would tell you to GTFO, but then I'd remember that this isn't a secret internet website and that we tolerate noobs here. Please read the stickies in International Incidents, delete and re-make this thread to II standards.
The Wickit Puppet
01-08-2008, 19:14
OOC: Thinking of declaring war on you. kthxbai.
East Congaree
01-08-2008, 19:38
To: The Canedian Army Department of Foreign Affairs

From: East Congaree Executive Office

With no details on the satellites you are selling, we fear you have the intents of tricking a smaller nation out of their money to earn funds, and potentially to weaken their economy for an imperialist invasion. In this, we will halt all trade with you upon the delivery of our 1000 V-2 rockets from your nation.

East Congaree Freedom Party Chairman and East Congaree President- Reginald Deere
01-08-2008, 19:46
nevermind...not worth the effort
01-08-2008, 19:49
Did you read his sig?

Temporary Rep for The Wickit Klownz (Forum Bug)
Canedian Army
01-08-2008, 19:51
Wait a sec, i needed to leave when i posted this, i was planing to give information. Wait a sec, i will set some.
The Wickit Puppet
01-08-2008, 19:53
Did you read his sig?

Temporary Rep for The Wickit Klownz (Forum Bug)

OOC: Yeah, about 1.650B and growing. old-timer from about 3 years ago, decided i'd drop back in recently since i don't have shit to do... :P
01-08-2008, 19:55
To: The Canedian Army Department of Foreign Affairs

From: East Congaree Executive Office

With no details on the satellites you are selling, we fear you have the intents of tricking a smaller nation out of their money to earn funds, and potentially to weaken their economy for an imperialist invasion. In this, we will halt all trade with you upon the delivery of our 1000 V-2 rockets from your nation.

East Congaree Freedom Party Chairman and East Congaree President- Reginald Deere

Ah, Canada's oh so ancient military technology. So entirely laughable.
01-08-2008, 20:39
Canedain, I build and design satellites as my country's speciality. If you want any help, just send me a telegram, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.