30-07-2008, 02:48
IC: It has taken 7 backbreaking years ,but the creation of two Obliteration Guns. They are the fruit of 10,000 of Repto's brightest minds to develop them. The weapon itself has an observation deck towards the middle of the the weapon. It's size is 160,000 meters long, this takes alot of crew right? Wrong! Almost 79% of the computers and weapon systems are run by RG-56 droids. The missiles that make the superweapon so fierce are about 1,600 meters long. They are run by computers. They are armed with small turbolasers in order to protect them on long range trips. They have hyperdrives and are capable of destroying large moons. However the one completed last has some defects in it and was stolen by space pirates.
OOC: Need someone to be pirates and a few to help me search and return the deficient Obliteration Gun. Remember I have the one that is completed.
OOC: Need someone to be pirates and a few to help me search and return the deficient Obliteration Gun. Remember I have the one that is completed.