NationStates Jolt Archive

In the Name of Science, and the Pursuit of Progress (Story/Closed)

27-07-2008, 07:07
((OOC: Previous RP: Shady Business Deals (

Location: Modular Facility beneath Reactor 8, Outer Ring of Power, Gnufasur
Time: Early Morning, 6AM. May 16th

Many years ago, when the first of the 12 Nuclear Reactors began construction, deep underneath three of them special facilities were built. One of them became the Secret Complex 314, where political and special maximum security prisoners are held. The other two sat unused since then, merely empty modular spaces open to user customization.

Professor Hodgson, with clearance from President Mew, the Head of the Department of the State, and the President of the Terkomai Arms Company, purchased one of these facilities. Already, he had the raw materials he needed to begin construction of his life's work, but first he had to wait for the facility to be constructed to his specifications.

Workers and materials moved into the secret space underneath the Nuclear Reactor number 8, hidden under the guise of routine maintenance. Within three month's time, the facility would have been completely reworked to what he needed, a place where he can begin his experiments without worrying about the prying eyes of outsiders.

All he need do now is wait...
28-07-2008, 01:47
Location: Port City Zihuh, Gnufasur

Just as promised, two freight containers full of Professor Hodgson's products were delivered to a Dock 13 in Zihuh. Flanked on both sides by armed Terkomai Guards, the good professor strode up to one of the containers, this one from the Red Tide mafia, although 'officially' it came from somewhere else entirely. He could tell because of the Red Tidean capo that accompanied it.

Two of his guards crack open the container, the doors swinging wide open to reveal the frightened and huddled children within. Another two guards enter, and begin to count the heads, confirming total numbers. Although the guards were specifically told not to injury the heads of the children, any who got out of line were given a thorough thwack with a baton in the gut.

This same process was being repeated with the other container, this one from the Sasha Mafia. Once both containers were confirmed to have the requested number of products, they were emptied and herded into a waiting transport, where waiting hands gagged and bound the children, before doors slammed shut, sealing the children within.

Professor Hodgson turned to each Capo, presenting two briefcases to each, one for their pay, the other for their bonus. "We'll see you again in nine years." He said to each after they confirmed the promised money was in each case.

As Professor Hodgson boarded a second transport, the Terkomai Arms Company logo boldly painted on the side of the large truck. "Mad'c suja. Dyga ic du dra Lusbmaq..." He spoke in his native tongue to the driver, who pulled out and lead the way through the city, the other transport following closely behind. Such big rigs bearing the company logo were a common sight, common enough that no one payed any mind to them.

As the trucks buzzed along, Prof. Hodgson calculated in his head how much this project had cost. The money for the children, the bonus pay, bribing Coast Guard and Custom officials, and now purchasing the modular facility and the customization to his exact specifications. The bill was certainly a high one, but if the project succeeded, the cost would be well worth it. He would be the most well known scientist on the planet, the most respected man in the International Science Community.

The trucks bump along the road, the good Professor dreaming already of his fame and status increase...
19-08-2008, 21:44
The trucks rumbled into a massive loading dock just outside the reactor, machinery whirring to life as the blast doors guarding the entrance to the facility rolled oh so slowly open. Cameras flanking the blast doors monitored the trucks as they crossed the threshold, confirming that they were alone.

Within the blast doors and guard inspection area lay the cargo elevator which would take the two trucks down into the depths of the earth, to where the special facility wait. The drivers killed the engines, conserving fuel as the machinery which powered the large elevator would do all of the work of getting them where they needed to be. Professor Hodgson waited, idly noting the depth markers as they passed, each marker counting off one kilometer. Ten such markers passed before the elevator finally came to a halt.

Starting up the engines again, the trucks drove a short distance through a large, paved tunnel carved out of the earth, braced with special alloy support beams. A final check booth waited for them, where guards would confirm the identities of the drivers and their passengers.

Two guards stepped from the booth, each armed with a GP-5 Sub-Machine Gun, each training their weapon on a single truck. Another two guards appeared from a door behind the checkpoint, each moving to the driver's side of the trucks. Prof. Hodgson admired the efficiency to which the Nekos carried out their tasks, and although the first two were armed only with SMGs, he didn't doubt that they had heavier weapons inside the barracks, which were doubtless just besides the guard booth from which the two stepped from.

Already prepared for this, the driver had both his and Professor Hodgson's ID ready, showing them to the guard as he asked for their identification. Prof. Hodgson imagined that the same scene was being repeated in the other truck. The guard ran their cards through a handheld machine, confirming that they were expected to be here today. As each card elected a chime from the machine, the guard made a hand signal, and Prof. Hodgson could see out of the corner of his eye that the guard checking the other truck made the same sign.

The two armed guards snapped their weapons up, and moved back into the booth, one operating a control device while the other tucked their weapons into a gun rack. The two guards checking their identities saluted and remained in place, waiting and watching the trucks as they passed the final checkpoint.

Beyond lay the garage, where the trucks would be parked. There were no other trucks or heavy equipment parked here, only small golf cart-esque guard carriers and bicycles, which doubtlessly made patrolling the corridors of the underground facility easier.

But the trucks did not park here, instead each backed into a special loading dock, a sealed chamber extended from the wall to connect against the side of the compartment where the children were being held. The chamber was wide enough for three fully armoured men to stand shoulder to shoulder, but for this purpose, only two lightly armoured guards waited inside the chamber. As the seals hissed and signaled that an airtight fit had been achieved, the first guard threw open the door, stepping inside and waving his baton over his head, clearing a path through the huddled children until he reached the other wall of the compartment.

For a second, nothing happened, the guard looked down at the children, the children huddled together and looked at him, unmoving, afraid and unsure what was about to happen. A few cried, some begged through theur gags to be let go, but the Neko did not understand their words. At a signal heard only by the guard, he pointed his finger at the open door and barked "GO!" loudly.

A few children moved quickly, leaving the crowded compartment and stepping into the chamber beyond, were they were roughly pushed along by the second guard. But most still didn't move. So the guard slammed his baton into the wall and shouted again. Still none moved. They didn't move until he started hitting whoever was closest to him with the baton. Then the children surged, screaming and crying, pressing through the tiny door, trying to get away from the Neko.

The guard outside pressed his back against the wall, staying out of the way of the wave of children, his job only to make sure they continued down until they reach the room just outside the chamber, where others . As the wave ended, the second guard took a peek inside the compartment, having not seen the other guard come out.

The first was inside picking up a child who had been trampled by the others. He didn't notice the lone child standing off in the corner, a young boy with blonde hair and bright green eyes. Extending his own baton, the second guard stepped in, yelling to the child, "Suja ed!" The child did not move, so the guard strode up to him, grabbed him by the shoulder, then brought the baton down into his side. But the boy did not cry out, he kept staring up into the face the Neko. Frowning, the guard shoved him roughly towards the door, eventually grabbing and dragging him down into the prep room.