Treaty Organization
The United Government
27-07-2008, 04:42
The Armed Republic of the United Government
The Euraisan Alliance
Dear Reader,
I President William R. Harvord is Proposing an Alliance treaty. I have seen what happened to a person who has proposed one aswell. But if this treaty is to pass we have an embassy thread posted. So I president William R. Harvord
sign the treaty but there are rules please don't sign it unless you are serious or you have an embassy in our country
Detail: Members agree to defend eachother in anyway possible
President William R. Harvord
Nikolai Zorbahechev II
Vasili Kavinkov
President James Burkley
Prime Minister Cohuitt Toccuilq
Chancellor Lucius Blackhelm
President Christopher
Prime Minister Geogre W. Nottingham
Ground Forces:
The Great Government
please inform us your joining the treaty we will be updating once every day
just type your leaders name
27-07-2008, 04:56
Nikolai Zorbahechev II
The United Government
27-07-2008, 05:07
Nikolai Zorbahechev II
your leaders name has been added
27-07-2008, 05:17
Vasili Kavinkov
The United Government
27-07-2008, 05:27
Vasili Kavinkov
your Leaders name has been added
27-07-2008, 05:31
What shall we call this alliance?
The Uprising Nation
27-07-2008, 05:34
Alliance are for chumps world domination are for badasses!
The United Government
27-07-2008, 05:36
please I wish not to have freakin mouths in here just sign your leaders name or leave
27-07-2008, 05:37
Some ideas:
The United Alliance
The United World Alliance
The Eurasian Commonwealth
The Eastern Commonwealth
The Eurasian Alliance
The United Government
27-07-2008, 05:39
I like
The Eurasian alliance
27-07-2008, 05:39
The Eurasian Alliance it is if Volzgrad agrees!
27-07-2008, 05:51
OOC: I do not know. Let's stop spamming this thread with posts though, I think it is turning people away.
Tucker Island
27-07-2008, 06:22
President James Burkley
The United Government
27-07-2008, 06:24
President James Burkley
Your leaders name has been added please look at your profile
27-07-2008, 12:31
To The Honourable President W. R. Harvord
From Kalaes Venetta B.K. for DFAIT
Dear President W. R. Harvord
As mutual international friends having recently established amicable relations between our two states the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade received information on the conditions for your county's proposed defence alliance. We fully support the right of all sovreign nations to utilise coalitions as a means of sustaining and promoting regional and international peace and co-operation.
Despite our initial interest in the affair I request clarification about the mission statement of the agreement; "members agree to defend each other in anyway possible." Specifically I seek answers on the conditions that enact/void this agreement (eg: are signatories required to provide assistence to a belligerent partner? Does this treaty apply only to acts of military action? [etc]) and what military limitatons (if any) apply (eg: does this agreement include/exclude weapons of mass destruction?)
in solidarity -
Kalaes Venetta
Basheem Kassam for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Relations
The United Government
27-07-2008, 15:27
No it weapons of mass destruction are not allowed I think we never thought of that
but for now no WMD you can keep'em just don't use them
so do you wish to sign?
27-07-2008, 16:08
Chancellor Gregor Ringkampf
The United Government
27-07-2008, 16:20
Chancellor Gregor Ringkampf
Your leaders name has been added
Trafica and Roen
27-07-2008, 17:31
Prime Minister Cohuitt Toccuilq
The United Government
27-07-2008, 17:40
Prime Minister Cohuitt Toccuilq
Your leaders name is added
The United Government
27-07-2008, 17:45
War Call
Members of the Treaty I have not tricked you in joining this treaty if your thinkng that while reading this but i'm issuing a War call
one of our member who just signed the treaty is being threatined by a Nation known as The Grand World Order I and Trafica and Roen consider his threats as Communist threats please join us in the battle!
27-07-2008, 18:18
Eh, what's the reason for war? Did he just randomly attack, or was he provoked by Trafica and Roen?
EDIT: Ok, I see the thread. That really isn't an offensive against Trafica and Roen, it's more of a defensive action against a nation Trafica and Roen is attacking. Not really grounds for intervention unless Trafica and Roen itself was being invaded, at least in my opinion.
The United Government
27-07-2008, 18:34
Well you might be right but we can't sit here and have Trafica and roen blown up by ICBM's by GWO
27-07-2008, 18:38
Actually, from past experience, I've learned to respect GWO and Ralkovia. I'm waiting for Volzgrad's response on the issue though--I'm interested to see what he thinks.
Trafica and Roen
27-07-2008, 18:38
Thank You Again, but what might you want in return to this favor you have given our nation, unless you just want us to help you take down the GWO, in that case, our nation is ready!
The United Government
27-07-2008, 19:21
We would'nt want much we are here to defend you!
28-07-2008, 01:14
We will defend T&R if we have to, since it is a member.
Blackhelm Confederacy
28-07-2008, 01:50
Chancellor Lucius Blackhelm
OOC: Uh...
All right.
Is 'Observer' Status available? I'm considering joining but would like to see how this 'Alliance' works first.
President, General Zackary Hamilton
The United Government
28-07-2008, 04:29
OOC: Uh...
All right.
Is 'Observer' Status available? I'm considering joining but would like to see how this 'Alliance' works first.
Well we haven't consider anything yet so far we are just forming alliances
if you have any ideas feel free to inform us!
The United Government
28-07-2008, 04:33
Chancellor Lucius Blackhelm
Your leaders name has been added
The United Government
28-07-2008, 04:36
President, General Zackary Hamilton
your leaders name has been added
29-07-2008, 02:43
(OOC: lack of Republican Seal and signature b/c I accidentally deleted them from my picture folder)
Because of the current level of hostility between our country and The United Government, as well TUG's refusal to pay war debts to a victorious power has led our Parliament to vote for leaving the Eurasian Alliance.
The results were 139-19 with 2 abstaining. We apologize, but cannot willingly support the Alliance any longer.
The Federation of Oseato
Ministry of Foreign Relations
The Eurasian Alliance
CC: Member States
The Federation of Oseato regrets to inform the Eurasian Alliance of its intentions of withdrawing from it's treaty commitments. Due to recent hostilities between several member nations, the Oseaton government feels that belonging to such an organization is no longer in the best interests of the nation.
Effective immediately, Oseato is released of all treaty obligations.
General C. Allen Gates, Foreign Minister
The United Government
29-07-2008, 20:21
Please help me The United Government nations have declared war on me!
29-07-2008, 20:29
because you have been deserving of it.
Ralkovia has asked for a small reparation for the hostilities that TUG has done me, it refused, Ralkovia brought it up diplomatically many times. TUG refused each time. TUG has put a nail its coffin over and over and over again.
TUG you have supported a foreign power that is hostile to Ralkovia
You have attack Ralkovian Peace-keeping troops
You have attack a Ralkovian peace-keeping fleet
And all we asked for was 800 million dollars for reparations and to be payed to the families whose sons and daughters were killed by TUG military.
because you have been deserving of it.
Ralkovia has asked for a small reparation for the hostilities that TUG has done me, it refused, Ralkovia brought it up diplomatically many times. TUG refused each time. TUG has put a nail its coffin over and over and over again.
TUG you have supported a foreign power that is hostile to Ralkovia
You have attack Ralkovian Peace-keeping troops
You have attack a Ralkovian peace-keeping fleet
And all we asked for was 800 million dollars for reparations and to be payed to the families whose sons and daughters were killed by TUG military.
Supported. He also attacked my peace keeping troops, even though he made a mistake.
The United Government
29-07-2008, 22:03
I shot at them and your linebackers shot the fighter down! I did not kill anybody!
exepct for rithian
The United Government
30-07-2008, 03:49
The United Government
18-08-2008, 23:15
Whats a bump!?
18-08-2008, 23:27
Ascelonia would like to apply for this alliance.
President Christopher He at your service.
18-08-2008, 23:51
OOC: I'd sign, but I don't know if I have a lot of time for Alliance RP (If there will be any.)
OOC: This is actually a thread TUG has been using to get nations to support him in a war against several nations that he attacked and have now beaten him.
19-08-2008, 00:06
OOC: This is being preserved for the sole reason of fighting me in an unjust and idiotic war, basically. So...if you count that as RPing...
19-08-2008, 00:08
OOC: lol. Guess not then. I don't want to make any enemies, so I don't think I'll be signing.
The United Government
19-08-2008, 17:56
Ascelonia would like to apply for this alliance.
President Christopher He at your service.
Welcome to the alliance!
The United Government
20-08-2008, 17:50
Prime Minister Cohuitt Toccuilq
We are sorry but We have no choice but to ban you from the Eurasian Alliance
The Great Government
21-08-2008, 05:08
We of the Great government would like to join this alliance and be apart of the ground forces!
Prime minister-George W. Notting
The United Government
21-08-2008, 05:11
We of the Great government would like to join this alliance
Prime minister-George W. Notting
Welcome to the alliance!