Volzgradien Military Reveals New Uniforms
24-07-2008, 03:18
OOC: Yes I have realized that they are somewhat crude. I made them with MS paint and a bit of photoshop so please don't be to critical. You may critique and give advice but no senseless ranting.
Channel 7, "Peoples News"
After a long debate about whether or not to replace the now archaic uniforms of our military, the Volzgradien Military has finally relented and agreed. Now, after a surprising press conference, the Volzgradien Military is happy to announce the creation of several new uniforms for our mighty soldiers. Despite much protest from non-Cossack units, the military has confirmed that the much loved ushanka and papakha fur hats will only be standard issue for designated Cossack and winter combat units.
Volzgradien Patriotic Army Trooper (Private 2nd class - Sergeant) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchTrooper.gif)
Patriotic Army NCO (Sergeant - Sergeant Major) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchNCO.gif)
Patriotic Army Officer (2nd Lieutenant - Captain) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchOfficer.gif)
Patriotic Army Commissar (Captain - Colonel) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchCommissar.gif)
Peoples Militia Borderguard (Private 2nd class - Captain) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchBorderguard.gif)
Imperial Guard (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchImperialGuard.gif)
Patriotic Army Commander (Colonel - Brigadier General) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchCommander.gif)
NVID Intelligence Officer (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchCounter-IntelligenceOffice.gif)
Patriotic Army Engineers (Private - Sergeant Major) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchEngineer.gif)
Peoples Militiaman (Private - Captain) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchPeacekeeper.gif)
OOC: Yes I have realized that they are somewhat crude. I made them with MS paint and a bit of photoshop so please don't be to critical. You may critique and give advice but no senseless ranting.
Volzgradien Patriotic Army Trooper (Private 2nd class - Sergeant) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchTrooper.gif)
Patriotic Army NCO (Sergeant - Sergeant Major) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchNCO.gif)
Patriotic Army Officer (2nd Lieutenant - Captain) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchOfficer.gif)
Patriotic Army Commissar (Captain - Colonel) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchCommissar.gif)
Peoples Militia Borderguard (Private 2nd class - Captain) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchBorderguard.gif)
Imperial Guard (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchImperialGuard.gif)
Patriotic Army Commander (Colonel - Brigadier General) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchCommander.gif)
NVID Intelligence Officer (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchCounter-IntelligenceOffice.gif)
Patriotic Army Engineers (Private - Sergeant Major) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchEngineer.gif)
Peoples Militiaman (Private - Captain) (http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll43/Vulture_77/OverwatchPeacekeeper.gif)
Nice Mordians. If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic.
24-07-2008, 03:24
Nice Mordians. If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic.
OOC: Oh Noes! I have been found out!
The Grand World Order
24-07-2008, 03:49
((OOC: What do your snipers wear?
Bright colored uniforms have always made me want to scream, I'm sorry.
BTW, Ushankas pwn, f00))
24-07-2008, 05:31
OOC: I only really "bright" uniform is the one worn by the Imperial Guard. All the rest are dark or subdued.
Imperial isa
24-07-2008, 05:38
ooc i so hope you don't wear those in battle
Third Spanish States
24-07-2008, 05:44
Now if they are purely for training, ceremonial or peacetime march purposes, then it's another history.
you should show the outfits during conflict. seriously most of those are like Imperial Officers from star wars. Its worse then HuffleFart from Harry Crackhead. YYESH tooooo muuuucccchhhh Immmmpppererrriaaalll Offfficcceeerrr.
The Grand World Order
24-07-2008, 06:35
Ok, this is my legit post about the uniforms.
During World War One, the French wore brightly colored uniforms that offered no real protection (Red pants, etc) because they believed in a ceremonial, grand war where honor is above everything else. They believed that pure patriotism and determination would be able to overcome the most advanced technology thrown at them.
The Germans, who wore steel helmets and gray clothing, beat France senseless. However, the Germans put too many forces on the East Frontier (even though they practically knew the Bolsheviks were about to overthrow the Russian Empire), thus severely damaging the Von Schlieffen Plan. In addition, the Allies/Entente came chiming in on France's side.
However, the Germans weren't insanely outnumbered. Thus, the French tactics were extremely inefficient for the strategic scenario.
From what I've drawn about Volzgrad's military, they too believe that patriotism and determination will overcome whatever is tossed at them. Thus, these uniforms fit better towards their form of combat. If they wore, say, MICH or Land Warrior Systems, their tactics and strategies would most likely be incompatible with such equipment, as they couldn't afford to issue an army the same size as their current one with such equipment.
Thus, while I wouldn't even think of issuing those uniforms to my troops (Who can be seen in my factbook, lolthreadtheftbutnotrlywtfbbq), those uniforms are much better for Volzgrad's general theme.
Ultimately, this boils down to style vs. efficiency and quantity vs. quality. If Volzgrad wants massive armies of grand looking soldiers, so be it, but he'll be expecting a lowered individual combat efficiency, which would be made up by massive amounts of troops.
If I have a massive army of inexpensive soldiers and can afford large number of casualties, why shouldn't I make them look good? If I have a small number of troops, then I want to preserve each one of them.
If I want to issue my forces with possibly some of the most advanced equipment I can, then I should, but I should expect my money to be depleted quickly and my military to be smaller than it can. However, I try to find comprimises between Quantity/Quality.))
Third Spanish States
24-07-2008, 06:50
OOC: Camouflage isn't expensive. And it can make a huge difference.
I have only 0.2% in the brass, yet they use only flak vests beneath their uniforms*. Because they prefer to carry less weight and be able to run, turn around, crouch or get under cover faster, than to have a bulky armor that will likely not stop a 6.5mm or 7.62mm and a FMJ is much more damagin against someone wearing a body armor it can pierce than against someone with no body armor at all.
*Nevermind that their expensive helmets come with communication sets that can receive messages even from a nearby AWACS, or the porta-potties that follow behind the front.
The Grand World Order
24-07-2008, 07:07
Camouflage doesn't help that much when your soldiers are hauling ass down the street screaming "FOR THE MOTHERLAND" or something like that, while also spraying AK-47s and PPShes. Remember; The method of fighting that I believe Volzgrad employs is based on huge masses of patriotic troops. The colorful uniforms help morale, and can intimidate some people (I know it sounds silly).
My troops wear counter-ballistics jel-filled undersuits that don't limit their actions much. Counter-ballistics jel has outperformed Dragon Skin, and, as said before, is ALOT less bulky. This is backed by their MOLLE vests with boron carbide plates in them. Their helmet systems are simply metal/kevlar/gel mixes. Their gas masks house their comms equipment.
Also, about armor not blocking bullets; Not true. There's a famous video of an Iraqi sniper shooting an American in the chest with a sniper rifle (You don't see it, it's an SVD I believe). The American falls before getting right back up and running behind his HUMVEE.
Dragon Skin is a rip off, at it's best conditions it is just about as effective as an Interceptor vest. Plus, it falls apart in hot weather.))
24-07-2008, 07:13
ooc: people forget that in battle people get covered in mud, ergo, it doesn't really matter what your uniform looks like once that happens.
The rifle that TGWO is talking about is the "tabuk" or something like that, I've been shot at with one. It's a Yugoslav RPK with a scope.
24-07-2008, 15:03
OOC: These uniforms are only used for parades and ceremonial forces. The only such uniform used in combat would be the militiaman's.
A military uniform could be anything, Imperial Isa. Hell, it could be t-shirt and jeans for fuck sake. All that really matters is your rig. All you really need is something to carry your ammo and a canteen. Other than that, it doesn't fucking matter how tacticool you are.
Imperial isa
25-07-2008, 02:30
ooc Auman go tell someone who cares and did not make only one post about the uniforms