NationStates Jolt Archive

Fact Book for Arandea

23-07-2008, 05:48
Area: 113,729 square km

National Anthem: Arandea Can Endure Anything

Official Language: English (100% speak it)

Main Religion: Christianity (28% practice it)

Capital City: Hellington (363,500)

President: Damion Larken (2000 - Present Day)

Prime Minister: Shannon Jones (2005 - Present Day)

23-07-2008, 06:19
Government: Parliamentary Democracy

Major Political Parties:

Arandean Right Party
Party President: Justin Williams. A 67 yearold conservative who has been Party President for over 10 years
Party Leader: Daniel Bars. A 56 yearold conservative hoping to become the next Prime Minister in the upcoming elections
Party Deputy: Samuel Lambert a 40 yearold specializing in economics and Daniels second in command

Green Party
Party President: Simon Dole. a 41 yearold environmentalist and party founded. served as party president for over 10 years
Party Leader: Jenny Marks. a 53 yearold vegetarian and environmentalist. she hopes to get her party enough votes to stay in Parliament
Party Deputy: Bob Dickson. a new party member but trusted friend or Jenny Marks and fellow vegetarian

Arandean Patriotic Party
Party President: Harrold Shanks. a 72 yearold party founder has served as party president for over 20 years
Party Leader: Liam Shaw. a 50 yearold nationalist and supporter of far right wing ideology
Party Deputy: Justin Clark. a 60 yearold right winger and second in command after Liam Shaw

Arandean Peoples Party
Party President: Hannah Frame. a 58 yearold who shares left wing ideology. served for over 5 years
Party Leader: Cameron Stymes. A 48 yearold who believes in democracy and socialism.
Party Deputy: Mitchell Brooks. a 47 yearold. who is center left

Arandean Party Of Labour
Party President: Alex Boreman. 60 years old. an old socialist
Party Leader: Shannon Jones. a 48 yearold who is currently in Power as prime minister. she hopes to win a second term in office in the upcoming elections
Party Deputy: David Cullen. has a degree in economics. He has been favouring free market economics despite his parties ideological line

Arandean Socialist Unity Party
Party President: Timothy Sims. 78 yearold communist and party founded. served as party president for over 30 years
Party Leader: Mathew Toms. a 60 yearold socialist who hopes to reform the system by useing the system
Party Deputy: Gavin Rowlings. a 56 yearold communist. quite hardline compared to the rest of the party
23-07-2008, 06:53
Government Functions:

President (head of state)

Is largely a figure head. They have little power. All thats required of the President is to work with the Prime minister. Prime Ministerial responsibilities can be split with the President should the Prime Minister choose too.
After every election the Parliament elects a President. they can be re-elected as many times as they like.

Prime Minister (Head of Government)

The true power of the country. They select or dismiss members of and can allocate posts to members in the government. They also manage over thier political parties and are usually the leader of a political party.

Party President: They are a powerful figure in a political party but not the most powerful they are number 3. after the party leader and deputy.
The party president is appointed by the Party Leader and usually stays in that position until they resign or the party votes to elect a new party president. The Party president helps the party leader manage the party and can divide responsibilities


Elections are held every 3 years. One term is 3 years long and a Prime Minister can stand for as many terms as they like.

All citizens aged 18 and over can vote in elections. Government not a "first past the post" situation It is a proportional system which can sometimes require political parties to ally together to get the majority to rule parliament

There are 130 seats in Parlaiment

Parliament or the Legislature can pass and vote on new laws to be passed.
All laws proposed needs approval and consent to be voted on and over 50% of the Legislatures vote to be passed

If a political Party gains more then 85% of the vote they have the right to make changes to the constitution
23-07-2008, 11:35
Population: 2,178,000

Arandea is an island nation located in west pacific.

The National Colours are white and blue.
The National flag is has two side blue columns representing the surrounding ocean as Arandea is an island nation
the middle white strip represents the purity and values of the people
The southern cross a star constelation seen at Arandean night time skies is also placed in the center of the flag.

Arandea is made up of 1 major island with 3 other smaller Islands

Main Island is called Arandea. Population: 2,118,000
Robert Island: 10,000
Hamilton Island: 30,000
Forest Island: 15,000
23-07-2008, 12:47
Colonized by an English speaking european power in 1880.

The country was involved in WW1 giving help and assistance to the mother country

Was given greater independence in 1931 with a govenor general as a head of state and a Parliamentary system of government ending its existence as a colony

In world war two the sentiment was that of nuetrality and loyalty and patriotism for the mother country in Europe was decaying. It officially remained nuetral but sent volunteers to help the Mother country and help fight for the side of the Allies in WW2

During the cold war is was mainly on the side of the west though mostly nuetral and many people favoured socialism but was scared of the lack of liberty in socialist nations.

Was given FULL independence in October 9th 1991 becoming a Republic. replacing the Govenor General with a President and removing all ties to the mother country in Europe

In the war on Terror Arandea had remained nuetral and chooses not to get involved though it has sent some volunteer engineers to some conflict zones to help get infrustructure up and running. It has no anti-terror laws in place at the moment

The Current sentiment and feeling of the people is change. a Left wing/socialist feeling of change. With a global recession on the way the people want to look to the socialists to help keep everyone Employed in the recession. They also feel they want a bigger more powerful friend in a search for security and alliance.
23-07-2008, 12:55
Recent Poll Results and Arandean Thinking

1000 volunteers were asked these questions

Do you think Prime Minister Shannon Jones has done a good job?
Yes: 25%
No: 60%
I Dont Know: 15%

Do you think Arandea needs to end its nuetral, non aligned foriegn policy?
Yes: 70%
No: 20%
I Dont Know: 10%

If we were to find an ally should they be left leaning of right leaning?
Left: 85%
Right: 10%
I Dont Know: 5%

Do you think Arandea is in any danger/threat?
Yes: 5%
No: 93%
I Dont Know: 2%

(This next Question was asked in January)
Are you aware there is an Election this year?
Yes: 65%
No: 45%