Moleland 3
22-07-2008, 22:28
I'm Back (again)! I am Moleland! Remember me? No? Thought not. Anyway, I allowed Moleland to get deleted (foolishly) and being too Lazy to contact a mod, I made Moleland 2. Then I made Moleland 3 for the same reason.However, I consider us to be the same nation and have therefore copyed my old factbook (click Here ( to read it) into a form that I can edit etc. 1 more thing, before you say 'Your population isn't xxbillion, it's xxmillion.' I say this. Correct. However, I ask you accept that my population was once xxbillion. 1 day my nation will catch up, although not soon. Thank you
The Moleland Factbook
If you are very bored (or you have far too much time on your hands) feel free to read this and comment!
A brief history of Moleland (Yeah, right)
1200CE: A strange Mutation occurs in a female Mole on Earth. This Mutation gives her super intelligence, and she begins work on a space ship.
1202CE: The Mole becomes Pregnant, but completes the ship. She uses it to fly off into space, where she crash lands on a strange, Jungle planet. The Crash fatally injures her, but her 4 children survive to start a new race.
The Children are not as intelligent as their mother, because they have Genes from a normal Mole, as well as the mutated ones. These ’Super genes’ become refined through years of interbreeding.
Life is hard for Early Moles, the small Creatures (Only 1 ft tall) are easy prey for predators.
1224CE: The Mole has Grown to a height of 1ft, 6 inches. The population has reached 66. The First King is chosen!
1225CE: The King is Killed by a predator. A new King is named. Population reaches 78.
1229CE: The moles begin building settlements. Although only 2ft, 2inches high, they are developing fast!
1241CE: The 2nd King Dies of disease. The Mole is now 2ft, 8 inches high. Thanks to excellent farming techniques, discovery of their superb natural ability for mining metals and Hunting down their predators, the population reaches an amazing 11,000. King mole the 2nd’s son is named as King!
1245CE: The King is infected by a strange disease. Although he recovers, he becomes insane. Population reaches 15,000. The mole reaches a height of 3ft, 1 inch.
1246CE: The King Orders the construction of a Giant mountain. This will be his ’Royal palace’. However, in his insane state he doesn’t think it through, and this will become an expensive folly.
1250CE: The Mountain is complete (Now the Left hand side of Mole mountain). However, over 2,000 moles died of over work, and many moles are dieing of famine. This is because nobody was tending the crops for 4 years!
1251CE: The Third King dies, his people rejoice, despite their situation. The Kings son is made King. The population has shrunk to a tiny 6,000. The Forth King takes control of a rebellious nation. The mole has grown to a height of 3ft, 5 inches.
1252CE: Instead of trying to appease the population, this King angers them. After only a few months, and several wasteful uses of Mud coins, the King is murdered. A new King, from a different blood line is declared!
1253CE: It appears, however, that construction of Mole Mountain has paid off. They have attracted the attention of their neighbours with superior technology - The Lemmings. They are willing to trade mining and other ‘advance technology’ for precious metals form the forests of Moleland. The new King is a smart one. He uses this as a chance to develop Moleland’s technology.
As the years go by, more and more forest is cleared away, so mining can commence, and Moleland begins to resemble the Barren Wasteland of today. The price for the Mole's labour increases. Mole technology develops rapidly! Population has grown back up to 10,000, the mole is now standing 4ft, 3 inches off the Ground.
1367CE: King Mole the fifth dies. His son is named as the new king. Mole has grown to a height of 4ft, 6inches, and the population reaches 400,000
The new King continues to get better technology from the Lemmings, until…
1399CE: The Lemmings can not offer the moles any improved technology. Moles stop trading with the Lemmings. This angers them.
1456CE: King mole the 6th dies. The Seventh is named as King. Mole has grown to the height of 4ft, 11 inches. Population roughly 1,000,000.
1500CE: The King orders the Construction of a second Mountain, however, he is careful not to waste Mole life with this one.
1504CE: The new Mountain (The right hand side of today’s mountain) is complete.
1510CE: King Mole the 7th dies. His son named as King. Mole is now 5ft, 1 inch high. Population reaches 2,500,000
1525CE: Both races enter the Space age, and compete to build the best space vehicles.
1567CE: King Mole the 8th dies. His son is named as King. Mole reaches today’s height of 5ft, 6inches. Population now almost 5,000,000
1600CE: Both races able to build long-range manned spacecraft. MSC formed. The race to colonize the Galaxy begins!
1625CE: Tensions over planetary Control at all time high between the Moles and the Lemmings.
1630CE: King mole the 9th dies. Son named as King. Population numbers 15 million across many planets.
1632CE: Confrontation at Nogar 5 proves to be the spark. Lemmings Declare War on the moles.
1633CE: The Moles Win the battle for Nogar 5.
1634CE: The Lemmings begin to get the upper hand in the war.
1635CE: King Mole the 10th is killed by Lemming commandos. His Son is named as the new King. Population has dropped to 4,500,000.
1636CE: The MUSRUM has been invented! The tide of the war slips back in favour of the Moles.
1637CE: The Lemmings believe defeat is on the way as their forces are thrashed by the MUSRUM. The Moles cannot keep building the amount of MUSRUMs needed to win the war. Both sides reach an uneasy truce. Nogar 5 is returned to the Lemmings.
1638CE: The New King proves to be an incompetent fool! Discontent rises amongst the population, until…
1642CE: King Mole the 11th is murdered in wide-spread rioting. Moleland becomes a republic.
1700CE: Republic overthrown by another Riot. A new King is chosen. In future, Kings can not be Kings by birth right - Only by merit. Therefore, only Generals and Grand Admirals can be Kings.
Population has reached 55,000,000 across the galaxies!
1812CE: The King dies. He names a General as King! Population has reached an amazing 1,001,000,000!
1813-1964CE: The age of peace (Nothing much happens)
1965CE: The moles Team up with the Lemmings in an attempt to defeat their latest enemy… The Kernuts!
1981CE: Moles suffer several defeats during the War. This is blamed on the Elderly King. He abdicates, leaving a Grand Admiral (Today’s King) as the 14th King of Moleland!
1983CE: The Kernuts finish constructing their superweapon :- The Meganut. This moon-sized battlestation has enough power to destroy a large planet. The lemmings learn of this, and try and stop it... but with little success.
1984CE: The Meganut reaches Sad planet. It is a last ditch attempt by the best mole and lemming fighters to destroy the meganut by its only weakspot... A thermal exhaust port!
The first wave of lemmings fails to reach the target. they are wiped out. There is just time for one more attack, before the meganut is within range...
The mole attack wave is next, and fail to hit the target...
A brave lemming pilot makes a dash for the exhuast port, and destroys the meganut with seconds to spare!
1985CE: The Moles Experience several Victories, and the Lemmings finally defeat the Kernuts.
1987CE: The Mole Parliament is opened
1989CE: The Fuse AV is invented
1991CE: The Fuse GV is invented
1992-2004: Moles Defeat pirates in mole Space. Moleland joins the RWC. Moleland gives Bath 1 to Orange State. The hyper fighter is invented. Sephiroth is defeated at the battle of Waste of space 4. Moleland Allies with The Imperial Navy. Doctor Eggman steal the Chaos Emerald from frigate Flagship. Moles join forces with The Imperial Navy and -Bretonia- to engage the newest threat. Moleland meets the shadows for the first time.
2005: The inter-dimensionial incident. A last ditch battle to stop an evil version of The Imperial Navy from destroying everything pays off! Admiral striker is promoted to Grand Admiral for his work! The Mole super Destroyer is completed
King mole is murdered. Death Blamed on Chronosia! Stevens, Disobeying orders, attacks a Chronosian Space station. War could have occured, but the Chronosians did not react.
Stevens then tried to take power by destroying Striker's flagship. however, thanks to the Imperial 6th fleet, his plan was foiled. Stevens then got his top commander, Commander Katarn to assinate, and, act as Grand Admiral Stewert. He is successful. Stevens then buys his spy time to copy information about the 6th fleet from Moleland Sercurity, by allowing his arrest and trial.
However, in a bizarre twist of fate, the hyacombains Murder Katarn just as he finished copying the information. they also 'Rescue' Stevens from Execution. However, the disk is not lost. Commander P{eters keeps the disk for reasons unknown...
The Hyacombian ship that has captured Stevens is part of large attack force attacking Arcadia! In the confusion of battle, Stevens escapes in a cloaked shuttle, and heads for Moleland
He is able to recover the disk, and learn what the 6th fleet is. He returns to his rebellious crew to put their plan into action. However, again the hyacombians ruin things. His fleet is intercepted by the hyacombians. They try and get Stevens to join them in there paln to wipe out all Moles and Humans in the galaxy. Stevens refuses. The Hyacombains disable Stevens ship, and trying and kill him. However, he escapes in a fighter, having copyed the conversation with the hyacombinas.
Meanwhile, an attack on Moleland was also repelled. Stevens arrives with information about a 'Planet Killer', a creature that eat whole planets! Stevens help allows the Moles and TIN to take defensive position. Striker, having few experienced Grand Admirals, reluctently allows Stevens take control of 1/3 of the defence fleet.
The hyacombians launch a preliminary attack on the defence fleet, and are beaten back with ease. However the 'Planet Killer' arrives on the seen, and proves invulerable to conventional attacks.
With only minutes to spare, Stevens realises it's only weakness, and, in a noble act of sacrifice, charges his ship into the creatures mouth, destroying it, thus, saving Moleland.
Stevens sacrifice is honoured, and his name, and rank are reinstated. He dies a hero.
2006: Moleland Embarks on a policy of development, looking to be great once more. They discover a new chemical, named 'Glacial-conflo' after it's properties. It explodes at tempertures above -20 degrees. However, in small amounts, it is a very efficent and powerful fuel!
Work at once was started in an attempt to use this material. The new Giga Laser cannnon which is more powerful then the turbo laser cannon was made, and all ships upgraded with it. Also, all ships were generally upgraded with better sheilds.
The Giga fighter is made, although numbers are small at the moment, it is in active service. The Turbo laser fighter is to be retired. The Advanced missile boat prototype is completed. It has now entered production
2007: Moleland lacks faith with current alliances and attampts to open diplomatic relationships new nations. The King has strengthed its alliance with Balrogga
2008: Strange rumours begin of invisible ships lurking in Mole Space...
The History continues…
Government style
The King is all powerful. He has the ultimate say on all matters. He rarely uses his powers, as the population has rebelled a lot in the past. The King can create any law he likes!
There is a Mole parliament, or the Mole Representative Assembly Which can be compare to the Russian Duma. It has no power, but Freedom of speech exists inside the building. Also, the 300 members praise/Mock/Demand change to Government policy here. The King is meant to attend meetings every month, but does not have to, and can in fact ignore the Assembly altogether.
Voting for it is Optional, and happens every 2 years. At last count it consisted of 25% Nationalist party
20% Imperialist front
37% Conservative party
26% Liberal Party
7% Socialists for Moleland party
2% Communist.
It’s a hard life…
The Population is loyal to their King, and Mainly conservative. Liberals are tolerated, socialists are viewed with suspicion. Communists are regularly victims of violence and abuse.
Males are always conscripted to the armed forces. They must serve 2 years in active service and 3 years in the reserves in either the Army or The Mole Space Corps.
Women are treated in the tradition way. They stay at home and raise the Children.
The population is mainly law-abiding, however 3.5% are in the police force, with 0.5% in the Moleland secret police or the dreaded ‘Black Brigade’. this bunch will make people disappear at night, and find themselves hooked up to the infamous Mind Probe.
6% of the Population is in the military. 4% are in the reserves. Life expectancy is 123 years. Moles have been known to live up to 200 years.
Colonies and planets
This is a brief description of each of the planets owned by the Great Nation of Moleland.
Name: Sad Planet (not named by us!)
Population: 2,000,000,000
Mined resources: Uranium, Mud II
Planet uses: Housing, Construction, Mining
Additional: Homeworld
Size: The same as Earth
Name: The Chocolate Planet
Population: 150,000
Mined resources: Chocolate
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: None
Size: Same as the moon.
Name: Mud 1
Population: 250,000
Mined resources: Mud II, Iron
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: None
Size: Same as Mars
Name: Mud 2
Population: 350,000
Mined resources: Mud II, Iron, Precious Metals
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: None
Size: Slightly smaller than Earth
Name: Mud 3
Population: 250,000
Mined resources: Mud II, Iron
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: none
Size: Same as Mars
Name: Waste of space 1
Population: 0
Mined resources: N/A
Planet uses: None
Additional: Gas planet
Size: Slightly smaller than Saturn
Name: Waste of space 2
Population: 0
Mined resources: N/A
Planet uses: None
Additional: Gas planet
Size: Slightly Larger than Saturn
Name: Waste of space 3
Population: 1,000,000
Mined resources: Glacial-conflo
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: Polar world
Size: The same as Pluto
Name: Waste of space 4
Population: 5,000,000
Mined Resources: Iron
Planet uses: Prison Planet, Construction
Additional: Population only includes moles
Size: Smaller than earth
Name: Bath 2
Population: 2,409,900,000
Mined Resources: Uranium,
Planet uses: Housing, Mining
Additional: Moleland’s secondary world
Size: Slightly Smaller than Earth
Name: Bath 3
Population: 0
Mined Resources: n/a
Planet uses: 'Holding area' for Hyacombe survivers
Additional: Polar World, population includes moles only. Has a biosphere for survival.
Size: Smaller than the Earth
Name: Celeborne
Population: 100,000
Mined Resources: Precious metals, Mud II, Iron and nickel
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: Population includes moles only. Co-owned by The Imperal Navy
Size: Similar to Mars
Total population: 4,417,000,000
Current issues
1. Build up new Diplomatic ties
Moleland has agreed to mutual trade, protection and peaceful co-existence with Balrogga
Moleland is maintaining an uneasy truce with Chronosia
Moleland has hostile intent towards Sephiroth
In the name of the King, Moleland is at war with The Imperial Navy
Characters included in the next post!
I'm Back (again)! I am Moleland! Remember me? No? Thought not. Anyway, I allowed Moleland to get deleted (foolishly) and being too Lazy to contact a mod, I made Moleland 2. Then I made Moleland 3 for the same reason.However, I consider us to be the same nation and have therefore copyed my old factbook (click Here ( to read it) into a form that I can edit etc. 1 more thing, before you say 'Your population isn't xxbillion, it's xxmillion.' I say this. Correct. However, I ask you accept that my population was once xxbillion. 1 day my nation will catch up, although not soon. Thank you
The Moleland Factbook
If you are very bored (or you have far too much time on your hands) feel free to read this and comment!
A brief history of Moleland (Yeah, right)
1200CE: A strange Mutation occurs in a female Mole on Earth. This Mutation gives her super intelligence, and she begins work on a space ship.
1202CE: The Mole becomes Pregnant, but completes the ship. She uses it to fly off into space, where she crash lands on a strange, Jungle planet. The Crash fatally injures her, but her 4 children survive to start a new race.
The Children are not as intelligent as their mother, because they have Genes from a normal Mole, as well as the mutated ones. These ’Super genes’ become refined through years of interbreeding.
Life is hard for Early Moles, the small Creatures (Only 1 ft tall) are easy prey for predators.
1224CE: The Mole has Grown to a height of 1ft, 6 inches. The population has reached 66. The First King is chosen!
1225CE: The King is Killed by a predator. A new King is named. Population reaches 78.
1229CE: The moles begin building settlements. Although only 2ft, 2inches high, they are developing fast!
1241CE: The 2nd King Dies of disease. The Mole is now 2ft, 8 inches high. Thanks to excellent farming techniques, discovery of their superb natural ability for mining metals and Hunting down their predators, the population reaches an amazing 11,000. King mole the 2nd’s son is named as King!
1245CE: The King is infected by a strange disease. Although he recovers, he becomes insane. Population reaches 15,000. The mole reaches a height of 3ft, 1 inch.
1246CE: The King Orders the construction of a Giant mountain. This will be his ’Royal palace’. However, in his insane state he doesn’t think it through, and this will become an expensive folly.
1250CE: The Mountain is complete (Now the Left hand side of Mole mountain). However, over 2,000 moles died of over work, and many moles are dieing of famine. This is because nobody was tending the crops for 4 years!
1251CE: The Third King dies, his people rejoice, despite their situation. The Kings son is made King. The population has shrunk to a tiny 6,000. The Forth King takes control of a rebellious nation. The mole has grown to a height of 3ft, 5 inches.
1252CE: Instead of trying to appease the population, this King angers them. After only a few months, and several wasteful uses of Mud coins, the King is murdered. A new King, from a different blood line is declared!
1253CE: It appears, however, that construction of Mole Mountain has paid off. They have attracted the attention of their neighbours with superior technology - The Lemmings. They are willing to trade mining and other ‘advance technology’ for precious metals form the forests of Moleland. The new King is a smart one. He uses this as a chance to develop Moleland’s technology.
As the years go by, more and more forest is cleared away, so mining can commence, and Moleland begins to resemble the Barren Wasteland of today. The price for the Mole's labour increases. Mole technology develops rapidly! Population has grown back up to 10,000, the mole is now standing 4ft, 3 inches off the Ground.
1367CE: King Mole the fifth dies. His son is named as the new king. Mole has grown to a height of 4ft, 6inches, and the population reaches 400,000
The new King continues to get better technology from the Lemmings, until…
1399CE: The Lemmings can not offer the moles any improved technology. Moles stop trading with the Lemmings. This angers them.
1456CE: King mole the 6th dies. The Seventh is named as King. Mole has grown to the height of 4ft, 11 inches. Population roughly 1,000,000.
1500CE: The King orders the Construction of a second Mountain, however, he is careful not to waste Mole life with this one.
1504CE: The new Mountain (The right hand side of today’s mountain) is complete.
1510CE: King Mole the 7th dies. His son named as King. Mole is now 5ft, 1 inch high. Population reaches 2,500,000
1525CE: Both races enter the Space age, and compete to build the best space vehicles.
1567CE: King Mole the 8th dies. His son is named as King. Mole reaches today’s height of 5ft, 6inches. Population now almost 5,000,000
1600CE: Both races able to build long-range manned spacecraft. MSC formed. The race to colonize the Galaxy begins!
1625CE: Tensions over planetary Control at all time high between the Moles and the Lemmings.
1630CE: King mole the 9th dies. Son named as King. Population numbers 15 million across many planets.
1632CE: Confrontation at Nogar 5 proves to be the spark. Lemmings Declare War on the moles.
1633CE: The Moles Win the battle for Nogar 5.
1634CE: The Lemmings begin to get the upper hand in the war.
1635CE: King Mole the 10th is killed by Lemming commandos. His Son is named as the new King. Population has dropped to 4,500,000.
1636CE: The MUSRUM has been invented! The tide of the war slips back in favour of the Moles.
1637CE: The Lemmings believe defeat is on the way as their forces are thrashed by the MUSRUM. The Moles cannot keep building the amount of MUSRUMs needed to win the war. Both sides reach an uneasy truce. Nogar 5 is returned to the Lemmings.
1638CE: The New King proves to be an incompetent fool! Discontent rises amongst the population, until…
1642CE: King Mole the 11th is murdered in wide-spread rioting. Moleland becomes a republic.
1700CE: Republic overthrown by another Riot. A new King is chosen. In future, Kings can not be Kings by birth right - Only by merit. Therefore, only Generals and Grand Admirals can be Kings.
Population has reached 55,000,000 across the galaxies!
1812CE: The King dies. He names a General as King! Population has reached an amazing 1,001,000,000!
1813-1964CE: The age of peace (Nothing much happens)
1965CE: The moles Team up with the Lemmings in an attempt to defeat their latest enemy… The Kernuts!
1981CE: Moles suffer several defeats during the War. This is blamed on the Elderly King. He abdicates, leaving a Grand Admiral (Today’s King) as the 14th King of Moleland!
1983CE: The Kernuts finish constructing their superweapon :- The Meganut. This moon-sized battlestation has enough power to destroy a large planet. The lemmings learn of this, and try and stop it... but with little success.
1984CE: The Meganut reaches Sad planet. It is a last ditch attempt by the best mole and lemming fighters to destroy the meganut by its only weakspot... A thermal exhaust port!
The first wave of lemmings fails to reach the target. they are wiped out. There is just time for one more attack, before the meganut is within range...
The mole attack wave is next, and fail to hit the target...
A brave lemming pilot makes a dash for the exhuast port, and destroys the meganut with seconds to spare!
1985CE: The Moles Experience several Victories, and the Lemmings finally defeat the Kernuts.
1987CE: The Mole Parliament is opened
1989CE: The Fuse AV is invented
1991CE: The Fuse GV is invented
1992-2004: Moles Defeat pirates in mole Space. Moleland joins the RWC. Moleland gives Bath 1 to Orange State. The hyper fighter is invented. Sephiroth is defeated at the battle of Waste of space 4. Moleland Allies with The Imperial Navy. Doctor Eggman steal the Chaos Emerald from frigate Flagship. Moles join forces with The Imperial Navy and -Bretonia- to engage the newest threat. Moleland meets the shadows for the first time.
2005: The inter-dimensionial incident. A last ditch battle to stop an evil version of The Imperial Navy from destroying everything pays off! Admiral striker is promoted to Grand Admiral for his work! The Mole super Destroyer is completed
King mole is murdered. Death Blamed on Chronosia! Stevens, Disobeying orders, attacks a Chronosian Space station. War could have occured, but the Chronosians did not react.
Stevens then tried to take power by destroying Striker's flagship. however, thanks to the Imperial 6th fleet, his plan was foiled. Stevens then got his top commander, Commander Katarn to assinate, and, act as Grand Admiral Stewert. He is successful. Stevens then buys his spy time to copy information about the 6th fleet from Moleland Sercurity, by allowing his arrest and trial.
However, in a bizarre twist of fate, the hyacombains Murder Katarn just as he finished copying the information. they also 'Rescue' Stevens from Execution. However, the disk is not lost. Commander P{eters keeps the disk for reasons unknown...
The Hyacombian ship that has captured Stevens is part of large attack force attacking Arcadia! In the confusion of battle, Stevens escapes in a cloaked shuttle, and heads for Moleland
He is able to recover the disk, and learn what the 6th fleet is. He returns to his rebellious crew to put their plan into action. However, again the hyacombians ruin things. His fleet is intercepted by the hyacombians. They try and get Stevens to join them in there paln to wipe out all Moles and Humans in the galaxy. Stevens refuses. The Hyacombains disable Stevens ship, and trying and kill him. However, he escapes in a fighter, having copyed the conversation with the hyacombinas.
Meanwhile, an attack on Moleland was also repelled. Stevens arrives with information about a 'Planet Killer', a creature that eat whole planets! Stevens help allows the Moles and TIN to take defensive position. Striker, having few experienced Grand Admirals, reluctently allows Stevens take control of 1/3 of the defence fleet.
The hyacombians launch a preliminary attack on the defence fleet, and are beaten back with ease. However the 'Planet Killer' arrives on the seen, and proves invulerable to conventional attacks.
With only minutes to spare, Stevens realises it's only weakness, and, in a noble act of sacrifice, charges his ship into the creatures mouth, destroying it, thus, saving Moleland.
Stevens sacrifice is honoured, and his name, and rank are reinstated. He dies a hero.
2006: Moleland Embarks on a policy of development, looking to be great once more. They discover a new chemical, named 'Glacial-conflo' after it's properties. It explodes at tempertures above -20 degrees. However, in small amounts, it is a very efficent and powerful fuel!
Work at once was started in an attempt to use this material. The new Giga Laser cannnon which is more powerful then the turbo laser cannon was made, and all ships upgraded with it. Also, all ships were generally upgraded with better sheilds.
The Giga fighter is made, although numbers are small at the moment, it is in active service. The Turbo laser fighter is to be retired. The Advanced missile boat prototype is completed. It has now entered production
2007: Moleland lacks faith with current alliances and attampts to open diplomatic relationships new nations. The King has strengthed its alliance with Balrogga
2008: Strange rumours begin of invisible ships lurking in Mole Space...
The History continues…
Government style
The King is all powerful. He has the ultimate say on all matters. He rarely uses his powers, as the population has rebelled a lot in the past. The King can create any law he likes!
There is a Mole parliament, or the Mole Representative Assembly Which can be compare to the Russian Duma. It has no power, but Freedom of speech exists inside the building. Also, the 300 members praise/Mock/Demand change to Government policy here. The King is meant to attend meetings every month, but does not have to, and can in fact ignore the Assembly altogether.
Voting for it is Optional, and happens every 2 years. At last count it consisted of 25% Nationalist party
20% Imperialist front
37% Conservative party
26% Liberal Party
7% Socialists for Moleland party
2% Communist.
It’s a hard life…
The Population is loyal to their King, and Mainly conservative. Liberals are tolerated, socialists are viewed with suspicion. Communists are regularly victims of violence and abuse.
Males are always conscripted to the armed forces. They must serve 2 years in active service and 3 years in the reserves in either the Army or The Mole Space Corps.
Women are treated in the tradition way. They stay at home and raise the Children.
The population is mainly law-abiding, however 3.5% are in the police force, with 0.5% in the Moleland secret police or the dreaded ‘Black Brigade’. this bunch will make people disappear at night, and find themselves hooked up to the infamous Mind Probe.
6% of the Population is in the military. 4% are in the reserves. Life expectancy is 123 years. Moles have been known to live up to 200 years.
Colonies and planets
This is a brief description of each of the planets owned by the Great Nation of Moleland.
Name: Sad Planet (not named by us!)
Population: 2,000,000,000
Mined resources: Uranium, Mud II
Planet uses: Housing, Construction, Mining
Additional: Homeworld
Size: The same as Earth
Name: The Chocolate Planet
Population: 150,000
Mined resources: Chocolate
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: None
Size: Same as the moon.
Name: Mud 1
Population: 250,000
Mined resources: Mud II, Iron
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: None
Size: Same as Mars
Name: Mud 2
Population: 350,000
Mined resources: Mud II, Iron, Precious Metals
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: None
Size: Slightly smaller than Earth
Name: Mud 3
Population: 250,000
Mined resources: Mud II, Iron
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: none
Size: Same as Mars
Name: Waste of space 1
Population: 0
Mined resources: N/A
Planet uses: None
Additional: Gas planet
Size: Slightly smaller than Saturn
Name: Waste of space 2
Population: 0
Mined resources: N/A
Planet uses: None
Additional: Gas planet
Size: Slightly Larger than Saturn
Name: Waste of space 3
Population: 1,000,000
Mined resources: Glacial-conflo
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: Polar world
Size: The same as Pluto
Name: Waste of space 4
Population: 5,000,000
Mined Resources: Iron
Planet uses: Prison Planet, Construction
Additional: Population only includes moles
Size: Smaller than earth
Name: Bath 2
Population: 2,409,900,000
Mined Resources: Uranium,
Planet uses: Housing, Mining
Additional: Moleland’s secondary world
Size: Slightly Smaller than Earth
Name: Bath 3
Population: 0
Mined Resources: n/a
Planet uses: 'Holding area' for Hyacombe survivers
Additional: Polar World, population includes moles only. Has a biosphere for survival.
Size: Smaller than the Earth
Name: Celeborne
Population: 100,000
Mined Resources: Precious metals, Mud II, Iron and nickel
Planet uses: Mining
Additional: Population includes moles only. Co-owned by The Imperal Navy
Size: Similar to Mars
Total population: 4,417,000,000
Current issues
1. Build up new Diplomatic ties
Moleland has agreed to mutual trade, protection and peaceful co-existence with Balrogga
Moleland is maintaining an uneasy truce with Chronosia
Moleland has hostile intent towards Sephiroth
In the name of the King, Moleland is at war with The Imperial Navy
Characters included in the next post!