Zanski vows to ignore blockade by Binaria, Vetaka (MT)
President Kalé Saluh has announced his new strategy to end the blockade; Ignore it.
Zansk fishing boats, which will be lightly armed for defense reasons, will drive to the maritime boundaries of Zanski.
Our policy after this will be to cautiously open our markets to selected companies, including our oil reserves which have been for national use only for ten years.
We will also take up anti-blockade measures, and continue to strengthen our army.
Zanski as a nation do not want war, but vow to defend our fishing boats in our waters.
The Ryou Black Islands
22-07-2008, 17:04
From Empress Isabella, in Kurona.
You are making a Big Mistake, All you will bring is Death to your people and your nation will be destroyed.
ooc:basicly I will carry on as if nothing has happened, and testing your humanitarian values.
ooc:basicly I will carry on as if nothing has happened, and testing your humanitarian values.
OOC: um, I'm not the one blockading you. Barronia is. And you don't want to test me so called "values".
OOC: um, I'm not the one blockading you. Barronia is. And you don't want to test me so called "values".
ooc: true,but it works both ways.
OOC: What don't you understand? I'm not the one blockading you.
EDIT: I just got major De javu...
Pan-Arab Barronia
22-07-2008, 18:43
FROM Office of Telegraphics
TO Open Communiqué
The blockade will remain. No commercial or military shipping will be allowed to pass through Zanski waters until the blockade is over.
Any armed vessel approaching Barronian vessels will be dealt with in a suitable manner and it's crew captured and, if necessary, executed.
22-07-2008, 18:47
OOC: Exocet missiles my friend...
Pan-Arab Barronia
22-07-2008, 18:50
OOC: Exocet missiles my friend...
OOC: CWIS old chum...
22-07-2008, 18:54
OOC: lul exocet. Fail.
22-07-2008, 18:54
OOC: CWIS old chum...
OOC: True...
22-07-2008, 19:08
To Whom It May Concern
Please be advised that the Rosbanis find the act of enforcing a blockade upon another sovereign nation appalling, and how it is used in today's modern society in lieu of sanctions utterly confusing. The Rosbani populace feels the need to add the following statement in regards to the blockade of Zanski:
While we normally give not a care regarding international incidents and focus mainly on our own internal government, denying a nation the right to trade is despicable. We demand that the governments of Barronia and Vetaka stop the needless blockade upon Zanski at once, or military force shall be used to break said blockade up. The acts of Zanski, whether said blockade was 'warranted' in a sense do not bring the need of suffering towards the people of Zanski. Economic sanctions or a simple embargo emplaced upon Zanski would be fine, as it makes way for other nations to trade with and or aid Zanski. Is aiding in the deaths of numerous citizens because they can not import beef from another nation and wind up starving worth it? No, it is not.
Stop your blockade or we shall stop it for you.
Shah Malik Ibrahim Disrahi Elijah
Zanski's army is on red alert and a de jure state of war exists between Pan-Arab Barronia, Vetaka (ooc:where is he?) and Zanski. We are seriously considering making it de facto. You are undermining our rule in the overseas communities, and we class this as an act of aggression.
We, one last time, plead for an end to the blockade, and note this as an opportunity to start peace talks.
22-07-2008, 19:23
Zanski's army is on red alert and a de jure state of war exists between Pan-Arab Barronia, Vetaka (ooc:where is he?) and Zanski. We are seriously considering making it de facto. You are undermining our rule in the overseas communities, and we class this as an act of aggression.
We, one last time, plead for an end to the blockade, and note this as an opportunity to start peace talks.
You mixed these two up. De facto means "in practice." Also, I sorta missed the start of this--why did they blockade you in the first place?
EDIT: Never mind, it was a stupid reason. Why the hell do you blockade a nation and starve their people because their government is corrupt? The correct option would be to help the people, which is exactly what we would be willing to do, should you be unable to survive without imports.
EDIT 2: Because of our recent discovery of Zanski's genocidal tendencies, we retract all previous statements.
Pan-Arab Barronia
22-07-2008, 20:10
To Whom It May Concern
Please be advised that the Rosbanis find the act of enforcing a blockade upon another sovereign nation appalling, and how it is used in today's modern society in lieu of sanctions utterly confusing. The Rosbani populace feels the need to add the following statement in regards to the blockade of Zanski:
While we normally give not a care regarding international incidents and focus mainly on our own internal government, denying a nation the right to trade is despicable. We demand that the governments of Barronia and Vetaka stop the needless blockade upon Zanski at once, or military force shall be used to break said blockade up. The acts of Zanski, whether said blockade was 'warranted' in a sense do not bring the need of suffering towards the people of Zanski. Economic sanctions or a simple embargo emplaced upon Zanski would be fine, as it makes way for other nations to trade with and or aid Zanski. Is aiding in the deaths of numerous citizens because they can not import beef from another nation and wind up starving worth it? No, it is not.
Stop your blockade or we shall stop it for you.
Shah Malik Ibrahim Disrahi Elijah
You will not attempt to breach the blockade. Doing so will result in a state of unwarranted aggression against the nation of Barronia, and thereby the League.
Lord Commissioner Nigel Harvey
Commissioner for LION-Barronian Affairs
Pan-Arab Barronia
22-07-2008, 20:15
EDIT 2: Because of our recent discovery of Zanski's genocidal tendencies, we retract all previous statements.
OOC: :P We do have legitimate reasons, see ;)
22-07-2008, 20:23
"President Kalé Saluh has announced his new strategy to end the blockade; Ignore it."
Because, as everyone knows, blockades are merely strong sanctions and in no way involve the other nation surrounding your nation with lots of big ships. And needless to say, most major world corporations are perfectly fine with operating in warzones and losing ships, men, and goods due to the inanity of the government with which they are trading.
What happened to the old days, when national leaders actually had some common sense? Oh, right. They never happened.
-- Claudio d'Asch, Lord Commissioner
OOC: Duel Thread Post.....
Official Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To:<Open Communication>
From:“Rising Tiger” Aka Daniel Gary Pearce Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
Subject: Vetakan Sanctions against Zanski
For many years the Vetakan Nation during its democratic and republican years along with Allied Nations around the world did what they could for Zanski during its Civil War and the resulting civil unrest aftermath. Many Vetakans gave their lives in defence of Zanski from the tyranny and oppression of New Nickslyannia. For many years Vetaka through the United Federation of Allied Nations sunk Billions if not Trillions of Universal State Dollars into Zanski via a massive and progressive aid package. Financial Aid that Vetaka never intended to recover, aid that successive Zanskian Administrations have wasted and squandered on numerous programs that have done nothing but cause death and destruction upon the Zanskian Populace.
Vetaka is and always has been an honourable nation a Vetakan will always intend to seek and execute a peaceful, diplomatic and fully acceptable compromise. For years successive Vetakan Governments have attempted to peacefully and diplomatically influence Zanski into moving away from its successive extremist political governments that have used a reign of terror upon its people. This blockade is quite simply an escalation of such attempts by Vetaka to influence Zanski into choosing domestic peace and harmony over terror and fear. This blockade shall only isolate the Zanskian economy any vessel registered to any other nation besides Zanski and identified Zanskian Allies shall be granted full unrestricted access to Zanski.
This blockade will allow food and medical supplies into Zanski without restriction or delay. However it will halt any Zanskian or Zanskian allied ship or plane from entering or leaving the nation this blockade shall remain in place for seven days as a show of force towards the Zanskian Government. After the seven days have past the Tribal Council shall re evaluate its position on the issue and take what further action if such action is required. The Tribal Council wishes to make it clear to all nations whom currently hold an opposition to this blockade that Vetaka is an honourable nation and all subsequent protests shall be noted, taken into consideration and respected. The Tribal Council furthermore wishes to inform such opposition that ultimately Vetaka has never and will never cause harm to innocent civilians including the Zanskian Populace.
"Advancing Respect & Honour, I bow to no man but I bow to you”
Rising Tiger
Supreme Honoured Parceltongue to the Chieftain of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
Commander in Chief of the Vetakan Defence Forces
OOC: :P We do have legitimate reasons, see ;)
Name me one act of genocide committed by zanski's NEW socialist administration.
The only civil conflict in Zanski since the Civil war (apart from low level violence in Mhoudia)was Zanski's removal of a regime (south Tur Kalavar, RFF-UP) that was hellbent on killing all natives in the community.
New Manth
22-07-2008, 23:05
ooc: could it be a post copied over from the old thread? By God you're right, it is indeed!
Official Statement
Denomination of Foreign Diplomacy
Office of the CCX Liaison
The Greater Economic Union wishes to make its full support for the Vetakan government clear and unambiguous.
The Denomination of Foreign Diplomacy plans to publish a Class I travel advisory for the nation of Zanski within the next day, mandating that citizens of the Union may not travel to Zanski, nor may Manthian-flagged vessels call on Zanskian ports. Furthermore, under the authority of Presidential Order no. 90854, foreign vessels which have in violation of the declared blockade sailed from Zanskian ports, or vessels en route to Zanski with stops in other ports of call along their route will be denied entrance to Manthian territorial waters and ports, and the Union Navy reserves the option of seizing any vessels which attempt to violate this prohibition.
In addition, the Union Navy stands ready to defend the Vetakan blockade if such proves necessary, and this government fully supports the recent statement of the Delian League. We would like to take this opportunity to express the hope on behalf of the Union Government that the Zanskian government will not attempt to break the blockade and such defensive measures will not prove necessary.
Third Spanish States
22-07-2008, 23:26
Cecily Lockhelm observed the watch. Midnight it said, her tiredness was worse than ever, yet she insisted on thinking about one thing only. The war with Soviet Spain has been successful so far, but completely selfish to the greater picture. Those who meddled into other people's business tended to call unwanted attention, and despite the recent expansion of its sphere of influence and power, she knew that the home islands were no match for many major but now distant threats, and thus the best was to stay beneath the radar of such menaces.
She has been reminding of news that dealt with similar events to those regarding the brutality, inhumanity and opression of the false socialism and government-owned capitalism of the People's Republic of Spain. Most too far of reach to worry about. Yet, something seemed on reach, to an extent. She was aware that a group of capitalists, likely looking for a new venue for pretexts, was blockading the equally mass-murderous nation of Zanski. Yet she did not know whether to react or not. Only one thing was certain for Cecily, no "official" statements should be done, for actions speak louder than words.
Taking her VoIP phone, she typed a number in her computer and waited for the answer, a male voice said hello and she finally spoke what she had on her mind. The MilNet was a Private Defense Force, and whatever else they did, as a self-funded institution, was no business of the people which they were de facto not really representing.
"Hi comrade Santiago! Would it be a problem for you all to ensure that no Zanskian vessel crosses the Gibraltar strait? Just don't inform anybody. If anything comes, maybe warn them two or three times to turn back before shooting. But we better keep this discrete, it will be wiser."
As the answer came, Cecily smiled and enthusiastically answered back:
"Good to see we can also contribute against other Stalinist scumbags, even capitalism is not as worse as their totalitarian nightmare shitholes. Good night comrade"
Finally she had a few minutes for herself, only enough for her to get into her comfortable apartment's bedroom, ponder a little more about her advices given to the people and to the MilNet, and again fall asleep of tiredness to face yet another busy day.
Five fleets, and an even or greater number of wolfpacks, were positioned along the Gibraltar and Spanish south coast, ready to blockade any Zanskian vessel trying to take advantage of such strategically important strait to ensure a Mediterranean free of the pseudo-communist scourge which sought to enrich their capability of oppression and death through commerce. Yet, no official statement would come about it. Like in the typical Confederacy way of diplomacy, where words, if they occur, are always preceded by actions rather than the opposite.
22-07-2008, 23:26
OOC: You made me bust out the double seal- this is never a good thing.
To whom it may concern,
I speak on behalf of my nation, the Promethian Republic of Faxanavia, and in my position as President of the League of Imperial Ocean-faring Nations when I say to all nations who wouldn't threaten or challenge this blockade that they best think again before taking a course of action which would lead to a response from both Faxanavia and the League. We shall not tolerate any actions which would bring into harm's way our brothers in Barronia, nor their allies the Vetakans, nor any state who would support this act. The nation of Zanski has acted belligerently against other nations of the world, has committed genocidal acts in the past, and has become so obsessed with communism that it fails to see the true suffering it is inflicting. As such, the Faxanavian Republican Navy shall be dispatching the 7th fleet as a force to the region to protect our interests and our allies from threats of both the Zanski forces and any external forces as well as establishing our own embargo. I warn these men now- do not cross this blockade and do not attempt to destroy it or damage it in any way. To do such a thing would bring the wrath of Faxanavia and the LION. This is not a threat- this is a fact, and should be treated as such.
Respectfully yours,
Garret Linsares
Prime Minister of the Promethian Republic of Faxanavia and her Associated Territories, President of the League of Imperial Ocean-faring Nations, Defender of the Republic and her People
OOC: And you make me use Linsares' full title- never a good thing.
After extensive deliberation, the Imperial Senate has affirmed the actions of the Tribal Chiefdom. The Community's continued disregard for the safety of its own citizens, blatant violation of international property rights, and public financing of terrorist organizations have made it impossible to ignore the situation. Therefore, in addition to ratifying our own embargo against Zanski, the Otagian Sixth Fleet has been deployed to reinforce the Vetakan blockade.
Valar Morghulis,
Daniel Quetzal
Regent of Otagia
Well if all you guys are so bothered then just quit your blockade and vote for a leader you want. Honestly...
heres the link (
Zanski's president Kalé Saluh has ordered that all cannabis in Zanski (which is legal) go down 1% in price every day, except for the world-renowned Al-Jabbar strain, which will go up in price 2% each day.
This measure is to help Zansk citizens cope with their sudden loss of national pride after widespread belief that isolation was at an end.
He also ordered all fisherboats to row to the nearest blockading ship and offer them Zansk food and spliffs.
22-07-2008, 23:55
From: Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs
Subj: Reinforcement of Blockade
We would like to applaud the resolve and clarity of the LION position, and wish to also applaud the strong stance taken here. It's rare indeed that a community comes together to support the ideas of human rights and anti-imperialism as one front. In addition to that, as an island nation with a small army but large navy, we would like to assist you in the blockade by sending one Battleship battlegroup and two Light Carrier battlegroups to the area.
We trust this will help you at least in some way in your continuing mission to denounce troubled nations and aid weak ones.
Hans Kirsch
Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Leistung
Jan Tirpitz
Minister of Defense for the Republic of Leistung
.................................................................................................... .....
2 Light Carrier Battlegroups
-4 Eagle Class carriers
-4 Sovereign Class battlecruisers
-6 Dauntless Class battlecruisers
-8 Houston Class cruiser
-10 Bellerophon Class cruisers
-24 Acheron Class destroyers
-4 Guardian Class destroyers
-10 Reprisal Class destroyers
-16 Bermuda Class frigates
-14 Warhammer Class frigate
1 Battleship Battlegroup
-3 Endeavor Class battleships
-3 Sovereign Class battlecruisers
-3 Dauntless Class cruisers
-2 Houston Class cruiser
-2 Bellerophon Class cruiser
-12 Acheron Class destroyers
-2 Guardian Class destroyers
-8 Bermuda Class frigates
-7 Warhammer Class frigates
*these are all Sun Naval ( designs
Kalé Saluh has announced he will be resigning at 10:30 am tomorrow. However, no leader has been announced to succeed him, so Zanski will be ruled by a totalitarian council, which usually spells trouble in Zansko-Gharrako-Mhoudian politics.
Although no unrest has been reported, it seems the government is becoming increasingly paranoid.
OOC: Duel Thread, Which Fucking thread are we using?
Official Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: <Open Communication>
From: “Rising Tiger” Aka Daniel Gary Pearce Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
After receiving confirmation via various Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service (VSIS) operatives from within the nation of Zanski the Honoured Chieftain Quicksilver and his Tribal Council are extremely concerned or the civil stability of the Zanskian nation with the seemingly pointless resignation of Kalé Saluh. It is the view of Honoured Chieftain Quicksilver and his Tribal Council that this resignation is nothing more than a extreme political manoeuvre that will allow the Zanskian Government and the so called “Totalitarian Council” to declare a state of unrest and subsequently employ the old and the traditional Zanski way of security and stability via death, destruction, oppression, tyranny and the classic reign of terror. As such Vetaka as previously stated fully wishes to support Zanski and its population in forming a strong, socially progressive, ethically led, honourable administration capable of effective leadership and provision of security. Further to this Honoured Chieftain Quicksilver and his Tribal Council wishes to inform all parties that it is the intent of Vetaka to present Zanski with the following “3 point plan to capable governance“:
Point 1:
An urgent and immediate Zanski controlled, internationally monitored provisional election take place with the intent to secure a President and Cabinet capable of making decisions on national issues.
Point 2:
The new provisional administration led by the Interim President elected to office for a maximum of 16 weeks drafts a new constitution and fair set of laws.
Point 3:
The new constitution and laws are ratified by the people with election of a new or re-election of the interim President, Cabinet and if deemed required Senate.
If the current Zanskian “Administration” in what ever form it current exists employs and executes this plan Vetaka shall provide whatever aid and support it can be it financial or material. Furthermore Vetaka shall do what it can to support Zanski in rebuilding its economy and its place on the international stage. Furthermore Vetaka shall what it can to support, protect and promote Zanskian independence, sovereignty and position within the world.
"Advancing Respect & Honour, I bow to no man but I bow to you”
Rising Tiger
Supreme Honoured Parceltongue to the Chieftain of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
Commander in Chief of the Vetakan Defence Forces
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) Enterprise, Flagship of the Allied Blockade of Zanski, Flagship of the 2rd Vetakan Defence Force Joint Battle-Group 41 Nautical Miles from the Zanskian Capital, Zanski:
With the now International Blockade fully in place around the Zanski nation its operation was now fully operational. With the allied air forces mounting a constant air patrol around the nation ensuring any Zanskian plane that attempted to leave was forced to withdraw or any Zanski plane that attempted to enter was escorted away from the nation. So far beside the odd isolated incident their had been no real incidents. As the politicians back in New Theeb continued their attempts at resolving the situation Supreme Admiral Katie Contona continued her mission. She had just given the order for the Intel Boys to begin gathering vitally needed intelligence upon Zanski as a result whilst she had specifically forbidden Special Forces Insertion for now she had authorised the flight of UAV Spy Planes over Zanski along with the deployment of OBSAT Spy Satellites.
As a result on the flight deck of the Enterprise a number of UAV Recon planes where being prepared for operation. As engineers worked over them preparing them for launch aboard the Sandakan Class Battlecruiser VDFNS Callum Longshaw pilots deep within the now affluently named "Spy Command" Operation Room numerous pilots and controllers worked over Monitors ensuring all camera's where operational and subsequent ones that were offline were repaired by the engineers. When all was ready and operational and the authorization was given from the Admiralty the Kriegzimmer designed Vetakan produced GF11 Archer Tactical Reconnaissance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle's ( flanked by their GF15 Valkyrie Anti-Armour Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle ( NX-19 Anti Air Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle for protection.
The UAV's grouped in small squadrons of 3 gracefully lifted from their Carriers and elegantly flew towards the Zanskian Coastline they would locate and hopefully gather vital Intel upon the Zanskian Navy, Air Forces, Ground Forces and what VSIS had identified as "Sensitive Targets".
Zanski's anti air defenses are on edge and if any aircraft pass within five miles from our coast we will attack, we can swear to this.
However, we urge all blockading nations to sit tight while the internal situation is assessed ahead of an upcoming turnout from the general election that is still counting its votes.
We also ask for a small peacekeeping mission in our nation in the transition period.
ooc:here the election is, it is closing tomorrow (
Vetakan Defence Force Naval Ship (VDFNS) Callum Longshaw, “Spy Command” Operations Room, 41 Nautical Miles from the Zanskian Capital, Zanski:
“Control this is Echo 1 we are approaching the Capital standby” spoke one of the many Pilot Controllers whom was remotely flying one of the many UAV’s that where approaching the Zanskian Capital.
“Roger” replied the Wing Commander whom paced behind the various monitors.
One of the Pilot Controllers smiled as he gazed at his monitor suddenly flying across the screen came a streak of AA Machine Gun fire. The pilot controller tensed in his seat as the Radar Spiking began to detect and incoming missile he lent forward closer to the screen and spoke:
“Control, we have AA Fire and AA Missiles, Evasive Manoeuvre Alpha 7”
The pilot controller suddenly sent the UAV into a dive as he did so a second pilot controller this time a women spoke whom was controlling his squads GF15:
“Its going after you, ill take it out”
The man nodded as the women concentrating on her screen proceeded to hit buttons before squeezing the trigger on her joystick whilst shouting:
“Echo 2 Fox Two”
These sort of engagements continued throughout the day and into early evening as the Vetakans mounted continuous spy missions across the Zanskian nation. The cost however was considerably high by the time Supreme Admiral Katie Contona had ordered the Recon Mission to be ended the Vetakan Air Defence Force had lost between 60 to 70% of their UAV & UCAV’s in the field of battle. Hopefully combined with VSIS Assets operating within the nation and OBSAT Spy Satellites whom where watching constantly from the safety of space Vetaka would have gained a significant advantage in terms of Intelligence and Information.
Official Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: <Open Communication>
From: “Rising Tiger” Aka Daniel Gary Pearce Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
The Honoured Chieftain and the Tribal Council is reassured and extremely pleased with the recent election within the nation of Zanski. As a token of our feeling the Tribal Council has decided to allow a total of 10 Zanskian Ships or planes through the Allied Blockade within the next 24 hours.
Furthermore as a show of support the Tribal Council wishes to offer the Zanskian Administration the required Peacekeeping Forces it desires to maintain order and security within the nation during the interim phase. The Vetakan Defence Forces at current capacity could deploy a total of 4,000 Personnel within the next 4 hours directly from the Allied Blockade via our Rotary Wing Carriers operating within the blockade.
Within the next 40 hours a force up to 25,000 Personnel can be deployed from various Vetakan military installations around the world. Within the next 4 weeks a force up to 100,000 Personnel could be deployed from the Vetakan homeland if such force was deployed within the next 72 hours.
The Tribal Council strongly urges the Zanskian Administration to accept this offer and specify force numbers and force make up that it requires. Furthermore the Tribal Council wishes to reinforce its position to Zanski and to the International Community of Vetaka’s honourable intent regarding the recent action with Zanski. Vetaka has no intent to colonise or occupy Zanski the Vetakan Nation merely wishes to promote the ideals of Safety, Security, Diversity, Peace, Honour and Love within the Zanskian Nation. As such Vetaka wishes to allow any nation to send “Independent Monitors” to Zanski to monitor Vetakan Operations in regards to this Operational Campaign.
"Advancing Respect & Honour, I bow to no man but I bow to you”
Rising Tiger
Supreme Honoured Parceltongue to the Chieftain of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
Commander in Chief of the Vetakan Defence Forces
Now that the democratic liberal regime is in place, we urge you to retreat back to the original blockade lines and expect you to withdraw completely from our waters in the coming month.
However, we will take up your offer of larger peacekeeping force, though not to the same extent.
We only require 80,000 peacekeeping force, of which 60,000 will be on the mainland. We have two bases between the capital Xanka and the Mhoudian border, in the Karfai desert, one near the southern Gharrakan population hub of Tumad, a naval base in our military-only island of Ambai, and one in Tur Kalavar near the ethnic Calaveran city of Y'skanderia.
ooc: im going to join here if there are no objections if so then i will hit teh delete button.
Offical Communique to the Zanski.
We the Kewen Anarchist Legue, hereby offer our support, to formly isolationist(if i read correctly) nation in need, in which a convo of 3 Oil Tankers loaded with supplies including foodstuffs and other things and 10thousand troops for your requested peacekeeping operations.
They are awwaiting your confermation to begin confirm their destination as they are enroute and are approximately 1 day away from the Blockade. 56 WHAMZAC Class Frigates and a single Aircraft carirer holding 30 F-35's are accomapnying them to ensure the safe delivery of the humanitarian aid if you so choose to accept it.
Signed. 12 high lords.
The Convo dred nearing to the Blockade and await the order to go ahead at full power or to turn back.