NationStates Jolt Archive

A loss of control(War of Fascism vs. Communism vs. Monarchy) OPEN

21-07-2008, 18:26
OOC:Also this is MT you don't have to read the entire story below. Just read this and after the line for the necessary information.
This takes place 6 years into the future, just so I can continue with my other threads, in the country of Ralkovia. You can send any amount of troops, but no NBCs. This is a large scale war and I will make maps...or try to for each city and combat area. Please post ORBATS when you join. I will make a map of Ralkovia soon. This will affect how I rule my nation, and the supporters of the side that wins will probably get a helping hand in any futures wars they may go into.

IC:Emperor Dire sat on his throne. It was good to be back in Ralkovia, he thought to himself. In a minute his 10 phones all began to ring for him. Dire frowned; maybe it wasn't so good to be back. He started to answer each one, dismissing or approving issues. It was an annoying job but someone had to do it. Outside he heard the pitter-patter of what he thought was rain hitting against the windowless enclosure that was his chamber room. The room like the palace was empty of any opulence. No color, no jewels, no luxury was put into the inner and outer sanctum. The Emperor had always told his ministers that as long as a Ralkovian didn't have a meal to eat, he couldn't waste Ralkovian dollars on miscellaneous decorations.

Death Guard commander Vern Black shouted into his radio. "ALERT THE EMPEROR, WE ARE BEING ATTACKED!!!!!" Bullets sprayed against the concrete watch tower at the side of the palace. Shouts from the other side of the wall could be heard. "DON'T LET THESE COMMUNIST PIGS PAST THE WALLS!!!!!!!!," Shouted Black to the machine gunners at the top of the watch tower.

Colonel Vlad Svalton made his way into the palace grounds through the sewer pipes. 60 heavily armed men behind him wore the red and yellow insignia of the Moer group. They would capture the emperor and use him to reign in an era of peace for the workers and farmers of Ralkovia. They would allow the emperor to live, only because the emperor had never done anything wrong to the people, but he had lost his ability to take charge and help Ralkovia. He would be exiled to a small island or something like that, Vlad thought to himself. He was holding the idealist version of the communist goals. He was wrong, the men behind him knew what the true mission was. Vlad was just a way to get to the emperor. Capture was not the way to kill the imperialist heart of this country.

A Death Guard Soldier burst into the chamber room. Emperor Dire looked up with a face of anger. No one was ever to disturb him in his chamber room. Not even the elite soldiers that guarded him. The Death Guard soldier caught his breath before telling the emperor the news his commander had ordered him to do. “My Emperor enemy assailants are attacking the palace. Over 10,000 of them, they have breached the 1st outer wall and are attempting to take over the second one as we speak. Black has asked me to personally escort you to the inner sanctum of the palace my Emperor.”

The emperor looked surprised by both the attack and the break in procedure. “Why was I not informed of this by radio?” The emperor said, getting up from his chair to follow the soldier.

The soldier remembered the structure the men who were attacking the palace had put up. “My Emperor they had that radio jamming device on the field. We tried several times to call you by radio before Commander Black sent a foot messenger to get to your Excellency. My Emperor, I am sorry that I had to disturb you. I hope you can forgive me, my lord.” The soldier led the way to the inner court. 4 Death Guard stood at the entrance.

“Your Excellency, do you need us to help you with anything?” Said one of the Death Guard. Emperor Dire nodded to the soldier escorting him. The soldier told the 4 men what had happened. “My emperor we shall protect this entrance until we die.” That was how the death guard got their name. They would defend the emperor as long as they had a breath of life in them.

Vlad had led the men into the outer sanctum and finding the Emperor’s room empty, quickly guessed that they would be in the inner sanctum. The panic room, so to speak. Vlad told the men where the emperor was possibly hiding. He led them to the door way the Emperor had just been through. 3 of the men had gotten in front of him. As the men turned the corner, they turned into bloody mist. The men behind Vlad took cover behind the corned using it as a shield. The men had tried to shoot the death guard without exposing their body to the incoming bullets but every time they stuck their guns out the guards blew the hand and the gun right off. One of the men behind Vlad took out a grenade and through it around the corner. It blew up right in front one the death guard, killing him and injuring the other 3 as shrapnel penetrated the sides of their thick armor. Eight of the inexperienced Moers thought they would take advantage of the grenade and tried to overtake the highly experienced death guard. That was a mistake they would never make again. Tired of the losses the Moers had taken, one of the men chucked four grenades around the corner. In mere seconds, the death guard had fulfilled their vow to protect the door until they died. The remaining soldiers rounded the corner and placed 2 detonation charges on the door. They took cover before activating the explosives and blowing the steel door wide open.

Outside, on the main walls the palace guards and death guard were making their last stand defending the gate, which would allow the palace to be overrun with enemies if opened. Black was trying to get his radio to work, he was trying to find an open channel so he could get some reinforcements. An explosion rocked the palace and the walls. The machine guns soon fell silent. Black opened the guard door, “Are you admiring the freaking explosion!?!?! Why the hell have you stopped firing??!?!?!” The machine gunners looked to Commander Black as if the answer was obvious. Black looked from the soldiers to the machine guns, the ammo boxes were empty. “SHIT, SOMEONE GET TO THE ARMORY AND GET THEM MORE AMMO!!!!!” He yelled. “Sir, they just blew the armory up,” One of the men answered. Black paused, the enemy was in the palace. The men all looked down thinking of the Emperor, they were losing morale. Black as commander had to do something, say something to help the soldiers to fight on. “Well then the enemy will have to be at the mercy of the maze they call the palace and the remaining death guard inside.” A few of the men chuckled, remembering losing their path when they first came here, without a guide almost any newcomer would get lost in the winding hallways, closed rooms, and sharp corners that led to dead ends. “We have to continue the fight, so that the palace doesn’t become overrun, even if you don’t know the right way, if you have a thousand searchers, one of them is bound to find the right way.”

The soldiers smirked, they felt they had an important duty. It would have been too if the enemy didn’t have a guide.

Colonel Vlad had been one of the engineers who had rebuilt this palace to serve for modern times, he knew every nook and cranny, every secret path, and armory. It was no surprise that they found the Emperor so easy. Vlad even knew the door codes for the inner sanctum as well. What had been a surprise though was that the Emperor had only two guard protecting him. Though the two guards had taken out 8 men and injured a good many more. Another surprise was the Emperors daughter, Sonia, a girl of only 16 was in that room. What was even more of a surprise though was that before his very eyes, Vlad saw the heart and mind of Ralkovia, the Emperor himself killed. He had seen his head cut off and put on the Moer flag and paraded around the courtyard. He was the first witness to ever see an Emperor die by an assailant, he was the first to see a palace taken by rebels, and the first to see the daughter of the Emperor, a royal family member to be raped and by commoners. She was taken away from the palace soon after.

The Death Guard at the palace walls had failed their duty to protect the Emperor. They had failed to die fighting to save the Emperor before their Lord died by an assailant’s hand. The only form of death that would allow them to gain honor was to kill as many of the enemy as possible through a suicidal rush. Black took out his AR-long hawk and emptied a clip into the parading enemies. 6 fell down forever, the other soldiers took cover inside the palace. The 20 remaining Death Guard charged down the stairs emptying their rifles into the enemies in front of them. Black took out his black-sword after realizing he had ran out of ammo. Black saw 3 of his men fall down the stairs from enemy rounds to the head. Another death guard fell down from an enemy bullet. His men emptied clip after clip into the enemy before finally smashing into their lines. Black fought taking out at least 9 enemies, but his life soon ended after a bullet passed straight between his eyes.
The royal family was dead. All over Ralkovia assaults against the royal family, against the council, against the government had been successful. News of this quickly passed outside the borders. Communism had conquered Ralkovia. Rebellion, Death, Slaughter, Massacre, were flashed across news stations. People were frightened, the borders were closed by the Ralkovian National Military(RNM). The RNM had taken over government duties until it could be re-established. The military had moved all currently deployed troops back to Ralkovia to combat communism.

The ralkovian people became separated, many supported the old government but the military had taken over and was brutal. It was a loss of all control. The country was split into 3:

The communist Moers say they are fighting for the people and attack the military. They have an estimated 14 million soldiers, but are poorly equipped. Many of the soldiers only have hunting rifles, pistols, and shotguns. A small number, maybe a quarter of a million have assault rifles and an odd grenade or RPG. They have plenty of civilian vehicles and a few armed vehicles that they have taken as spoils from ambushes against the military. They are spread all over Ralkovia but the most concentrated number is at the city of Rankov. About 20-25% of Ralkovian civilians support the communist.

The military makes up the other portion of the main fighting force. They massacre any villages they come across that they believe are collaborating with communist forces, and there are many. They say they are fighting the communist to bring back order until a royal family member can be located. They are well-equipped, well-armed and well-trained. They have about 20 million soldiers on active duty, and a reserve of 7 million acting as militia across Ralkovia. They are mostly concentrated at Trezion, which is on the coast and is a large military base with plenty of factories and industry. It is one of the largest ports in the region. They have an approval rating of 15 percent. Mostly they are approved of in the big cities where communist support is low.

And coming onto the playing field, are the fascist Binox. They are well-armed but have low numbers. Only about 9 million. They mostly attack the communist but have been known to attack military garrisons in small towns if the military is misbehaving. They have no large concentration at any city but have been known to amass at Morta, a city in the mountains.
They have an approval rating of about 39 percent. If you don't support the communist and aren't to particular about supporting the military, the binox are a good choice. They are not race-haters, but they are extremely nationalistic, in fact many of them have Ralkovian flags tattoed all over them.

Official Name of side and Leader

The Temporary Government of Ralkovia-General Henry Mosil
The Moers-Sven "Joseph" Merens
The Binox-Max "Murder" German

OOC:Very bad map of ralkovia. The key is

Giant Circles: Sphere of Influence. Highest approval ratings. Risk of an ambush or being shot at will occur.

Grey Squares: Points of interest. Its where battles have happened between forces. Includes small cities and bridges. Where Resources are including a huge amount of oil in Penada.

Pink Square inside of Black Square: Large amounts of Communist forces inside city.

Red Circles:Where headquarters are. Don't expect to be able to simply march in without taking heavy casualties.
Buddha C
21-07-2008, 18:42
Official Communiqué to all News Stations in Ralkovia

Fascist is such an ugly word, and I wish for you not to use that name for your new government's party. And to the Communist mass murderers, you are to be hunted, like the criminals you are.

Best Regards,
Enlightened Chancellor Caleb Xacis

Five hundred C-130J's flew towards the Morta, Ralkovia homeland. Their escort also included three hundred Su-47s, along with twenty C-130 Specters for air-to-ground support. They had been fitted with incredibly sophisticated jamming systems and fitted together closely so that it was amplified by their closeness {For the C-130Js}. The only con to this formation and protection was the limited troops that could be transported in one shipment, fifty per plane, which lead the group to be no more twenty-five thousand men per drop, they would be positioned on the city of Morta, to make is the first Fascist stronghold. The planned build-up would be eight hundred thousand Cackies., and the would probably be supported by all five hundred thousand Segregated Glider Troops {Seggies} for support, plus the government grant that was to be given to any citizen willing to fight for the Cnian-back Fascist movement.

The individual Cnian Airborne Corpsmen {Cackies} was trained for five months in the worst conditions and drilled continuously. Their issued weapon was the CSI-2 {think Battle Rifle from Halo 3}, it had three fire burst, automatic fire, and a safety setting. It had proven to be just as reliable an AK-47, but had a special magnification which allowed normal vision, red dot system, 2x, 3x and 5x zoom for the soldier, increasing his effectiveness. They were each trained and used four grenades and two claymores, and had a smaller variant of the LAW labeled Mini-Justice or MJ, to make up for their rather low firepower. Special teams were equipped with enough weaponry to set up small mortars and machine gun positions. Each Corpsmen was trained to build trenches as quickly as possible and issue a shovel, though these sometimes flew off or broke on landing.

The Cackie's armor was second to none as they were expected to come under fire from more numerous and more mobilized forces. They wore the CSIA-2b, which had a chest plate that stopped two .50 caliber bullets before becoming severely damaged or breaking completely, underneath this was two rolls of bulletproof vest, where were capable of lessening the impact from bullets to that of a small bruise, and if the main armor had broken completely they could stop a 9mm round as close as 10 meters away. The leg plating could take a single .50 caliber round before breaking, though the region that was hit would become severely traumatized, the soldier could keep fighting. The head gear was highly sophisticated, able to take .50 caliber bullets with nothing more than a small dent, the actual gear was over the eyes, ears, and mouth, they allowed for completely knowledge of the Corpsmen's unit, and also allowed for the commanding officer to quickly gather data from one sector of the battlefield and then gain it from another. However the strongest piece of armor on the suit was the two inch thick steel plates strapped to their forearms, these would be used to cover the eyes and vital organs encase of a charge was ordered and the Corpsmen's full body needed to be exposed to heavy enemy gunfire.

Officer Corpsmen Grade 2 {OC2, equivalent to First Lieutenant} Max Wolf looked over from left to right looking around at his platoon and squad. They would probably come under heavy fire, but the underdeveloped nation's SAM systems wouldn't be able to shoot down the C-130Js modified electronic warfare equipment, so the initial landing was probably going to be very relaxing, "10 Minutes to go before initiation of parachuting, green code."
21-07-2008, 18:51
ooc:Not true, Ralkovia's SAM system is second to none. Problem is everything is down, no reliable electricity. Except what the military has, but they are more worried about communists than anything, are focused on land battles and cannot man any SAM systems. As for the name, Binox is the full name of the group.

IC: Max recieved the telegram and quickly told his soldiers about it. Their morale shot through the roof.
21-07-2008, 18:56
Encrypted Message (Breiga S9).

TO: Temporary Government of Ralkovia, General Henry Mosil
FROM: Armed Operations Directorate (AOD)

Once you dispatch a map to us, we are willing to dispatch an expenditory force to help your cause. It will consist of the 2nd Marine Division and the NTF2 (Naval Task Force Two).
Buddha C
21-07-2008, 19:04
{OOC: Even top-quality SAMs don't have a 100% chance of shooting down a fighter with the same level (or higher...) quality of anti-SAM electronics... but it doesn't matter. Also sorry about the post quality, might get another one in today, but it's probably going to be just as bad.}

OC2 Wolf landed with the rest of his platoon safely around the area of Morta, several hundred men in the entire group had been injured from bad landings on the mountain, it was expected as even the highest quality jumper couldn't be expected to land on such rocky terrain one hundred percent of the time. But Wolf's unit was lucky as they had landed on a moderately level piece of land, and thus were given the honor of being the first to move into Morta. Each trooper's impressive body lined up in a more of a parade like fashion than a practical one as they marched towards the city.

Once there they broke out into squads, four eighteen man squads formed into lines and went down four separate ways, they would have to find the Binox leaders by attracting attention, but they also had to look out for any Communist sympathizers with guns. Wolf at the front of his HQ squad aimed his gun infront, but the men behind him watched the windows and the rear, it was expected that the crowds in front of them would separate in fear or in respect, and if they did not they would be forcible moved aside.
21-07-2008, 19:31
OOC:Very bad map of ralkovia. The key is

Giant Circles: Sphere of Influence. Highest approval ratings

Grey Squares: Points of interest. Its where battles have happened between forces. Includes small cities and bridges.

Pink Square inside of Black Square: Large amounts of Communist forces inside city.
21-07-2008, 20:32
3 men walked up to the landing Buddha C troops. "You should try to bring less attention to you. In a few hours you'll have at least 100 commies up here snooping around. I presume your the supporters of the binox? If not, I believe we are royaly screwed." Said one of the men, probably the leader. They had Ralkovian Flags across their arms. The two men behind the leader carried an MP5 in their hands and a Sniper, pretty bashed up ones at that, on their backs.

"I am Leonardo, you can call me Lee. I am the leader of this squad. The two men behind me are Jonathan and Howoxer. His nick name is How. We are supposed to bring you back to Binox headquarters."
21-07-2008, 20:54
General Marcus Eab was the supreme commander of the newly-organized Task Force 39 (TF39). It consisted of 1 R11 Carrier, 1 Vanguard submarine, 3 Ula submarines, 3 Ticonderoga cruisers and 6 Zumwalt destroyers as the naval component and the 2nd Marine Division, 4,500 Marines, as the land component.

The first mission, Operation Sleeping Goat, was the conquest of the Communist-held city of Dire and the establishment of a base.

Operation Sleeping Goat, beaches of Dire, 00:40

General Marcus Eab was sitting inside his command room, in the Carrier "Blade", the flagship of the operation. Taking his Breiga C9, his communications device, he messaged to the entire carrier.

"Commence Green Fish. I repeat, Commence Green Fish."

With the call, a flight of four EA-18G Growler, Electronic Warfare aircraft, took off from the carrier, followed by 25 F/A-18 Hornet fighters. The Growlers paralysed every communications and AA system in the area, followed by the 25 fighters who shot every possible target on the beaches.
Then, the three cruisers and six destroyers began their shore bombardement mission, paralysing the single few Communist units on the beach, which were on low alert.

General Eab used his C9 again.

"Commence Red Fish. I repeat, Commence Red Fish."

Then, the Bredfordian marines landed on the shore. Trying to move as fastest as possible before the enemy would start to resist, they gained the ordered area, about 6 kilometers, and then began to dug in, before enemy fire would start. In the mean time, artillery pieces who were being unloaded were hurried up to the lines, to start bombarding the small shore fortifications who were present.
Cascade States
21-07-2008, 21:03
may I join in?

If So I'd like to support the Monarchy, would that be acceptable?
21-07-2008, 21:07
OOC:Everyone is welcome to join. And yes you can join whichever side you want.

A lone sniper took aim at the head of one of the Bredfordian marines. She had survived the incoming fire and had made back into the woods. She took a deep breath and pressed the trigger. She quickly picked it up and ran away as fast as she could heading in zig-zags.

The soldiers who had taken the fortification from the military had enough weapons from the military's arsenal to defend it. Machine guns began to mow down incoming landing boats and any soldiers on the beachs. A few RPGs from the forest smashed into the beaches trying to hit a landing craft.
Cascade States
21-07-2008, 21:46
The word had come that a nation yet unknown by most of the citizens was under assault. The Cascade States networks of Observation satellites were sending back images via High resolution digital cameras and SAR
( synthetic aperture Radar ).
The Radar was sending back images of bunkers, trenches and mines.
they were looking for Submarines ( at periscope depth ) and possible Missile
sites underground, or mine fields.

The Cascade States Air force began looking at the forces who were attacking this country, and the forces who were defending it.
Cascade States
21-07-2008, 22:02
OOC I'd like to support the Binox forces,
who exactly is helping them?

And who is supporting the Emperor ?

Who ( if anyone ) is supporting the Communists?


There was a decision to support the nationalists, as they seemed to be looking
for their country's best interest.

A message was send to the Emperor of this nation, it was carried by a member of the Cascade States Special forces, Retired and hired to be a messenger for the Diplomatic office.
He would only deliver it to the head of the Emperor's foreign service
( what ever international affairs office you have, I don't know it's name )

It read as follows;

To ( you're person's name )
We wish to know your nation's current status in this invasion, and
what actions you are taking to stop / negotiate an end of hostilities.
Do you know why you have been attacked?

Who are your adversaries, and what is their estimated strength?

Does your government have the popular support of your people?

If we enter into this conflict on your side, where could we send ships, troops
and Air forces?

This messenger can carry your reply on his person, or if you wish he can
supply you with a secure number to reach our offices at.

Thank you for your time,

Steve Delmonte,
Cascade States International Affairs office.
21-07-2008, 22:19
Beaches of Dire

Several marines died from machine gun fire, trying to get into the diggings, but the rest took cover and hided. As enemy soldiers resisted, General Marcus Eab ordered the destroyers and submarines to use missiles against the fortifications. The attack was joined by the artillery pieces on the groud. Eventually, the Bredfordian marines began to advance..
21-07-2008, 22:31
Throne Room, Imperial Palace, Megalopolis One, Imperial Province of Atopiana

"Yet another nation challenged by the scourge of communism?" Emperor Ianovich was aghast and feeling every one of his sixty years. "Is there truly no end to this scourge?" He spat, remembering the countless times that the Empire, and before that the Pact, had stood firm against the Red menace.

"You know there is not my Lord, and that is why a figure of such exceptional strength as yourself leads us through these dark times," smirked Anya, his Paw and right-hand advisor, servant and lover.

"Save that claptrap for the Assembly Anya," admonished the Emperor, but it had brought a rare smile to his face. "So what do you propose?"

"Many nations are jumping in supporting one faction or the other - essentially we have a choice of supporting either the military or the fascists. And you know what would win the highest approval ratings from the Assembly..."

"The fascists," sighed Ianovich. "I thought the One-Day war had ended the Pact forever, but it seems that the twin bloods of race and struggle still run through our people." He stopped briefly to sip at his tea, the bitter liquid refreshing him. "What we need is to get the military and the fascists to work together, then send a combined task-force. Send a Corps of ground troops and an Air Group - this ought to count heavily for the anti-communists. Draft the letter."

"As you command, so it is done," saluted Anya in the traditional manner - right arm held out straight and raised. "Hail Victory!"

"Hail Victory indeed...."

To the military and Binox Leadership,

this is Emperor Ianovich of the Empire of the Wolf. I have more troops under my command than you have people in your nation so you would do well to heed my words.

Your real enemy is the communist threat, not the military. Both of you must work together to defeat the communists, fighting amongst ourselves is exactly what they want. Band together, stamp out the Red menace, and I can guarantee you victory. Continue to squabble and you will both fall.

If you open dialogue and call a cease-fire, I pledge the Empire's total commitment to exterminating the communist threat.

You have 48 hours from after this message is sent - after that timeframe I will issue orders to the Strategic Rocket Forces to begin decimating your cities with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. The communist threat ends here, one way or another.
Cascade States
21-07-2008, 23:01
"To the military and Binox Leadership,

this is Emperor Ianovich of the Empire of the Wolf. I have more troops under my command than you have people in your nation so you would do well to heed my words.

Your real enemy is the communist threat, not the military. Both of you must work together to defeat the communists, fighting amongst ourselves is exactly what they want. Band together, stamp out the Red menace, and I can guarantee you victory. Continue to squabble and you will both fall.

If you open dialogue and call a cease-fire, I pledge the Empire's total commitment to exterminating the communist threat.

You have 48 hours from after this message is sent - after that timeframe I will issue orders to the Strategic Rocket Forces to begin decimating your cities with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. The communist threat ends here, one way or another."

This is a clean fight if I recall,
No Nuclear , Chemical or Biological weapons.
Using them would only bring admonishment and the Ignore Cannon.
21-07-2008, 23:03
"To the military and Binox Leadership,

this is Emperor Ianovich of the Empire of the Wolf. I have more troops under my command than you have people in your nation so you would do well to heed my words.

Your real enemy is the communist threat, not the military. Both of you must work together to defeat the communists, fighting amongst ourselves is exactly what they want. Band together, stamp out the Red menace, and I can guarantee you victory. Continue to squabble and you will both fall.

If you open dialogue and call a cease-fire, I pledge the Empire's total commitment to exterminating the communist threat.

You have 48 hours from after this message is sent - after that timeframe I will issue orders to the Strategic Rocket Forces to begin decimating your cities with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. The communist threat ends here, one way or another."

This is a clean fight if I recall,
No Nuclear , Chemical or Biological weapons.
Using them would only bring admonishment and the Ignore Cannon.

OOC: Damn, you're right. Should've read the OOC - well take it ICly as just brinkmanship. No weapons will be launched, it's just a bluff to get both sides to talk and unite ;)
Cascade States
21-07-2008, 23:14
we've got to remember to read all the threads posts before we decide on a post.
22-07-2008, 00:18
OOC: Is there any royal family or hires to the throne?
22-07-2008, 00:29
OOC:There is only 1 royal family member left known to be alive. That is the emperors son, he is in school in a far-off nation. He will be called in soon. The only other person who is unconfirmed is the Emperors daughter, who was raped by the communist and taken off to some far off city.

The military is the government and they are to busy fighting off the communist to actually work with anyone. They are not the emperors forces, just remnants of the old regime fighting to kill off the enemy.

The fascists are not working against the military, they are just not working with them.
22-07-2008, 00:43
To: The Attacking powers on Ralkovia

From: The Kingdom of Imbrinium

Your actions upon this day haven't gone unoticed by the powers at be in the world. You have 48 Hrs to lay down your arms and let a peacekeeping force into the country to restore order and the monarchy.

The Kingdom of Imbrinium

OOC: What country is the hire in i'm going to send a SAS team to bring him to Imbrinium to help take back his country. And the name of the General in charge of the military.
22-07-2008, 00:46
Ooc:The military is whats supporting the monarchy. Its the communist that are attacking the royals.
22-07-2008, 01:04
OOC: I updated the last post.
22-07-2008, 01:09
ooc:The leader is in Ralkovia. The emperors son is being protected in ViZion
22-07-2008, 01:15
OOC: multi-Tasking here i meant the name of the General and i corrected on the post.
22-07-2008, 01:16
ooc:his name is henry mosil. It says so in my first post.
22-07-2008, 01:39
Some of the missiles passed through the reinforced concrete but most detonated into on the solid 5 yard thick fortification foundation. The communist forces continued firing at the befordians, but the fortification was now open to the incoming soldiers.
22-07-2008, 02:13
To: Henry Mosil

From: Sir Konstantinos Stephanos
Prime Minister of Imbrinium.

General Mosil the kingdom of Imbrinium is willing to help restore the monarchy by force if need be do we have your support in this effort? If so we will first supply you with air support til we can have boots on the ground. The kingdom of imbrinium can have 100,000 troops in country in 36hrs with the intent to restore the monarchy. please send us a reply. Thank you.

22-07-2008, 02:23
Henry wrote out a response.

The monarchy will be restored with your help. We thank you for your support.
22-07-2008, 03:16
Breaking News From INN
This just in to INN the MOD is deploying 100,000 troops to Ralkovia in attempt to restore the monarchy. The spokesman for the MOD states that our forces where requested and the first of the 100,000 of the possible 350,000 took off this morning. Hostile forces stormed the royal palace early yesterday and all but one of the royal family which is in exile in another country of unknown name. The first rapid Deployment forces took off under the guard of fighters. Shorty before dawn 30 B-1R bombers screamed into the night air possibly headed toward Ralkovia to help drive back enemy forces.

The MOD has just release that 2 amphibious fleets are being mobilized and should set sail within days.
22-07-2008, 17:08
Encrypted Message.

To Henry Mosil
From the Greywatch Council

Good day, we've recently noticed that you appear to be having what we can only identify as a civil war. Greywatch considers you to be friends so we do wish to offer some support. However, we are not currently aware of the situation and we are not looking to have a long drawn out conflict. What would need to quell this situation quickly and effectively?
22-07-2008, 21:29
To:Greywatch Council
From: General Henry Mosil of the Temporary government of Ralkovia

Other than a nuclear strike on half of Ralkovia, we would need to push communist forces out of the cities and into the sea. We are trying to do but communist forces are using guerrilla tactics which are screwing are supply lines up.
22-07-2008, 21:37
Encrypted Greywatch Council Response:
To: General Henry Mosil

Guerrilla Attacks? We have mercs who are good at that. We'll drop some of them in. We'll also try sending our 'Combat Assassins' as is the only term we have to refer to them. These two organizations are well supplied so they won't need much. Greywatch will also send in some of its own soldiers and we'll have planes on standby for bombing runs.
Is this acceptable?
22-07-2008, 21:58
To:Greywatch Council
From: General Henry Mosil of the Temporary government of Ralkovia

We thank you for your support. The Emperor would thank you for the help as well, G-d bless his soul.


A military convoy headed past the small village of Ezenburg. The village welcome sign said it had a population of 50. It looked like a ghost town and it probably was. It didn't even appear in any of the maps.

Colonel Jack Stevens stopped his Humvee. Behind him were 2 bradley APCs, a few supply trucks, and a few Humvees brought up the rear. Jack picked up his binoculars and brought them to x30 zoom. He noticed a red and yellow flag of the Moers flying on one of the buildings. "I believe we just located an enemy encampment," Jack said to his driver. The convoy pulled to the side of the road.

Jack called on radio to his team leaders. "The town ahead is full of enemies, lets make sure its not any longer." The team leaders all passed this information to their men. The two APCs would stay back and guard the supply trucks and provide support.

The Humvees pulled back on to the road and headed into the town. The men clicked the safeties off. Hopefully they would catch the enemy off guard.

Someone in the village stepped out of a house. He saw the incoming vehicles and began to shout. Men poured out of the houses with AK47s, hunting rifles, and one even had a light machine gun. The men took cover behind the odd tree and took aim at the road.

Jack saw the figures running far off in the village and so did his gunner. The gunner began to fire at the moving targets. Some of the tartgets fell down as the .50 caliber bullets smashed into their bodies. The other men opened fire as well, mowing down anyone still moving to get to cover.
23-07-2008, 00:03
23-07-2008, 02:19
OOC: The city of blackwell, does it have a port and airport? For Intell perposes
23-07-2008, 02:32
ooc:yes and yes
23-07-2008, 02:58
2 C-130's flew above Ralkovian Airspace with the intentions of helping the communist forces in Ralkovia. it was completely by surprise to the soldiers being sent. "Alright prepare to jump in 3...2....1... Green Light to jump!" Spoke the pilot through the radio. as soon as he said green light the soldiers had already jumped and parachuted to the ground below, as soon as the hit surface they scattered into multiple groups and head in diffrent directions with the same order. "Find the communist forces and fight alonside them"

(OOC: i've tried to do no warning join the conflicts before but i hope this is okay for an entrance, if not just ignore my post)
23-07-2008, 02:59
OOC: Thats where i'm going to land my troops.
23-07-2008, 04:33
Encrypted Response from Celestial Reach:
To: General Henry Mosil

Please give us a good place to land a small initial force and we will procede from there.
Buddha C
23-07-2008, 10:02
3 men walked up to the landing Buddha C troops. "You should try to bring less attention to you. In a few hours you'll have at least 100 commies up here snooping around. I presume your the supporters of the binox? If not, I believe we are royaly screwed." Said one of the men, probably the leader. They had Ralkovian Flags across their arms. The two men behind the leader carried an MP5 in their hands and a Sniper, pretty bashed up ones at that, on their backs.

"I am Leonardo, you can call me Lee. I am the leader of this squad. The two men behind me are Jonathan and Howoxer. His nick name is How. We are supposed to bring you back to Binox headquarters."

The men could probably not see how tall the Cnian troops where, but as Max Wolf raised to greet them he towered to 6'2, as along did his men, everyone one of them 6'1, but they didn't reach their full heights yet as they were looking all around to secure the perimeter. "If the Communists are armed twice as well as your men are then we don't have anything to worry about." Wolf turned his gun on himself and let lose three rounds into his chest plate, even he knew that the bullets inside each other would crush the plating, but he had it angled upward to the armor at each bullet individually. "We're going to see what we can do to increase your weapons stop piles." He flipped something on his head, "All units converge on me." He flipped the switch again, "Alright, Leonardo take us there." He flipped another spec on his helmet, "Command, Binox troops need superior weaponry."


By this time all of the eight hundred thousand troops had landed with a few thousand ankle injuries. They also brought with them one million newly made M-16A4s, and much other equipment like forty Paladins, which had to all be assembled by the Binox troops. New mortars and machine guns were given, and the Cnian troops offered to train the men using their techniques, though they worried that this would take a while too long. But a soldier is no good dead, even the worst trained ones would make better troops if they were alive to keep fighting. Also the Seggies were making their first landing and setting up artillery all around the mountain area and putting up metal bunkers all up and down the lower levels of the range.

{OOC: Sorry, something came up. Anyways be helpful if someone filled me in, but I'm going to be reading all the posts after I type this, so yea.}
23-07-2008, 17:56
ooc: Big ooc response time

Razorl:You are welcome to join but please give me a location, like what city you guys are near so I know where to send some communist scouts. Also thank you, someone needed to help the communist forces. The beaches near the city of Dire is under attack by a military ally called Bedford so sending your troops their would help start a major battle.

Imbrinium:Go ahead, it is a military held city.

Greywatch:You should probably land in blackwell with Imbrinium. I will send a telegram to both of you telling you that you guys are working together.

Buddha C: You missed a few more people joining. It is perfectly fine, we all have real lives.
Telegram to greywatch
From:General Henry Mosil
The city of blackwell seems to be the meeting point for the military allies. The great countries of Imbrinium and Bedford are helping us at the moment as well.

Telegram to Imbrinium
From:General Henry Mosil
The city of blackwell seems to be the meeting point for the military allies. The great countries of Greywatch and Bedford are helping us as well.

Heavily Encrypted:
Telegram to Bedford
From:General Henry Mosil
We thank you for the support and are sending some support to help take the beaches. Due to the distance though, it will not arrive for at least a day. We hope we can arrive before you take the beaches. One of my spies will contact you as soon as he can. He will be in a small hut near the beach head. He will provide a link of contact between all of us.
The city of blackwell seems to be the meeting point for the military allies. The great countries of Greywatch and Imbrinium are helping us as well.

Lee looked at the Buddha troops. "Yeah your armor may protect you but try an armor piercing sniper round to the head. These commies give the best weapons to their snipers since those f****ers screw up morale and take our commanders out. But those weapons will give us the edge against those b******s. With your support we will take out those commies. As for the military, we try not to attack them if possible because they are helping us by diverting the commies main force at them. These weapons though will allow us to strike back at any advances they make into Morta."
23-07-2008, 18:21
It would be about a day before Greywatch forces arrived at their location but it was no matter. There were about one hundred troops that would serve as the initial drop. More would be sent in as needed. These particular troops were equipted in various ways but all of them had one basic purpose: steal and incorperate. If they got their hands on an enemy weapon, they were sure as hell make something useful out of it.
Buddha C
23-07-2008, 18:35
General Jack Rancs, 6'4, entered the headquarters of the Binox troops. Quickly laying out the details of the operation. "We will be staying here until there is a Fascist states, understood?" Now, looks at the map on the wall, "We need to take a Communist city, and take more ground..." He points to a small town south of the the mountains that the Fascists had made their home. "Here, I want your troops to secure this town to increase our influence. Now, since you want to keep the Monarchs off your ass we need you to point to a town that will give your men high morale if it was taken. We only have a few pieces of artillery so we're going to trust your men with setting it up and giving us support, plus about a brigades worth of mechanized equipment, and the Seggies should be shipping in about another brigade worth of tanks." He cracks his large knuckles, "Now we can take any city in this country, we just need you to give us information about it."

{OOC: Bah, my posts are going to hell -.-

23-07-2008, 18:44
OOC:I'm going to make a list of important objectives for each city. and sorry I'll call them by their appropriate name

"Taking over Rasov would allow us to have an airbase and take over the tank producing plant and their artillery plant. It would also stop all attacks from our rear when we make our move to attack Maz. CNIAN artillery would allow us to engage them from a farther distance and move in. It would also allow us to fire at their entrenchements. Does this sound good?"
Buddha C
23-07-2008, 18:48
OOC:I'm going to make a list of important objectives for each city. and sorry I'll call them by their appropriate name

"Taking over Rasov would allow us to have an airbase and take over the tank producing plant and their artillery plant. It would also stop all attacks from our rear when we make our move to attack Maz. CNIAN artillery would allow us to engage them from a farther distance and move in. It would also allow us to fire at their entrenchements. Does this sound good?"

"Well what I was planning is for you to send your younger troops and to use the artillery we gave you to take the city of Rasov. This would be an operation completely depending on you." He points to Maz, "Now at the same time my troops will be moving to attack Maz, and take the bridge. All we need to know is how many troops that would be at Maz so we can decide how many troops to deploy to take the city. And as for the tank plant, we can give you the specs to make Merkava Vs for your troops, it may not be the best tank but it has the highest survival rating, and the crew is more important than the tank in Cnian military doctrine."
23-07-2008, 19:01
Encrypted Greywatch Response:
From: General Lance
To: General Henry Mosil

There are 100 men coming into your territory right now. They will serve as the initial force. After they collect sufficient data, we will prepare to send in a larger force with vehicles included.
23-07-2008, 19:06
From: General Henry Mosil
To: General Lance

Thank you we are sending coordinates of the city of blackwell
23-07-2008, 19:11
"Well what I was planning is for you to send your younger troops and to use the artillery we gave you to take the city of Rasov. This would be an operation completely depending on you." He points to Maz, "Now at the same time my troops will be moving to attack Maz, and take the bridge. All we need to know is how many troops that would be at Maz so we can decide how many troops to deploy to take the city. And as for the tank plant, we can give you the specs to make Merkava Vs for your troops, it may not be the best tank but it has the highest survival rating, and the crew is more important than the tank in Cnian military doctrine."

"Maz is literally impossible to take out. It is a fortress with most soldiers being in underground bunkers. It has an arms factory as well. Even the military won't touch it. It has over 2 million communists, well-armed ones at that, with enough fire power to take out aircraft as well as artillery. It was a military base before the splitting. We would need to siege the city and stop all supplies before we attack."
23-07-2008, 19:13
Encrypted Greywatch Response:
From: General Lance
To: General Henry Mosil

Understood, expect to see units in roughly 18 hours. They will come with various weapons. A note for you, use the demolitoinists well, the need plenty of cover but what they can do to an enemy is well worth it.
Buddha C
23-07-2008, 19:21
The General laughed as did his men, loud and burly using their massive lungs in their large chests to help with the audibility of it. "Siege, ahhh, good one," He looked at their serious faces, "Oh you're serious? Shitttt, get out of here. I'll deploy our full force there, and push in as soon as the armor get deployed, I'd be alright if you sent a little extra help, but it won't be necessary. Now, do you have estimated amounts of SAMs that they have? And might you have the layout of the underground bunkers? That would be extremely helpful, but I understand if such papers have not reach your hands. Also, I'm going to be calling up for another armored brigade. Now, as for the training programme that we proposed, the Seggies will be in charge of that, now I know they're not as good as us, but we'll be busy taking Maz. Oh and also SAM emplacement specifics for Rasov."

Equipment for five hundred Merkeva 5 tanks was dropped by the next day, and another equipment for another hundred Paladin Howitzers was also dropped, along with enough to set up a battalion of mechanized infantry. The aircraft back in Buddha C were prepping to make runs on both Maz and Rasov. C-130 Specter gunships were already being loaded up with massive amounts of fire power, all they needed was expected resistance and they would be ready to fly.
23-07-2008, 19:39
We know about the SAM specs. We have a well documented specs for quite a few contraptions of war.

OOC:its pretty much an advanced patriot defence system.

As for the tunnels, no such hope. And they have enough anti-tank weapons to take out most tanks you have"
Buddha C
23-07-2008, 19:58
We know about the SAM specs. We have a well documented specs for quite a few contraptions of war.

OOC:its pretty much an advanced patriot defence system.

As for the tunnels, no such hope. And they have enough anti-tank weapons to take out most tanks you have"

"Well the tanks will be staring in a artillery role, but we'll use our infantry to secure the city and the tunnels. Well once we take the city we'll dismantle the anti-aircraft systems and use the tungstens to collapse most of the city. There's going to be a lot of collateral damage, but the tungsten should be effective at taking out the underground bunkers as long as we completely saturate the area, it'll be a lot of money, but I think it's alright to save a few lives."

{OOC: But do you know the exact numbers or estimated? I don't care what models.}
23-07-2008, 21:10
As the first chalk of the Imbrinium forces came into Ralkovia airspace the lead aircraft call out to the military controlled airport at the city of Blackwell.

“This is Imbrinium RAF Flight 001 inbound to Blackwell airport how copy over?”

The first ten aircraft where C-17s fully loaded, there was 4 more chalks, then the C-5s would be taking their turn bringing heavy gear, then the C-130s.
23-07-2008, 22:33
ooc:2 million
Buddha C
23-07-2008, 22:36
ooc:2 million

{OOC: They have 2 million SAMs in each town?? And making an OOC thread so we don't have to do this in thread OOC anymore.

Link to OOC. (}
The Grand World Order
23-07-2008, 23:05
Encrypted Message

To: Binox
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs

We would like to give the Binox full permission to set up an HQ in our nation. Any Fascist in this world deserves a land free of the evils of Communism and the Left, and the Binox has our support in ridding Ralkovia of such scum.

Eventually, we will most likely deploy our own forces to help in such an endeavor. However, this will have to happen when the foreign leftist scumbags loosen their grip on Ralkovia. Until then, you may use our nation as a shelter and base of operations. In addition, we would be willing to establish Supply Stations within our nation, where we give you weapons, and then you ship it back to a Binox controlled area.
24-07-2008, 04:36
ooc:No 2 million soldiers in Maz.

to: The grand world order.

We thank you for your support. We will not allow these radical leftist to trample on ralkovian soil for much longer. With your aide this time may come sooner than hoped. We will be able to fight off this scum along with are CNIAN allies.

"Flight 001 welcome to ralkovia. You have landing permission. The runway is clear for your crafts."
24-07-2008, 05:15
One of the Razorlian Troops pulled out his binoculars, after searching for a while he saw a beach near a city, it seemed there were somesort of fighting there.
" HEY GUYS! i think we found our communists!" Spoke the soldier after putting his binoculars away. He motioned the others to follow and the rushed towards the mysterious fighting ahead.

OOC: Really didnt plan out a location for them to land when i posted it, i was just gonna land them and eventually run into them but you gave me a location so i decided to go to the location you specified. srry mate
The Grand World Order
24-07-2008, 06:11
Encrypted Message

To: Binox
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs

We'll be inserting two battalions (1000 Troops) of Special Tactics Force Agents to a location of your choice within your area of influence. They will help you secure a supply route so that our supplies will be able to come in easily, as well as a route for further troop deployments.

The Agents will be paradropped at the location after we jam the nearest SAM sites. The Agents have been informed to regroup and then fire colored flares in the following order: Red, Green, Green, Yellow. They will have around 170 crates of MI-8A2 Modular Assault Weapons, which have been made to easily accept almost any bullet up to 12.7mm via swappable barrels and upper recievers, 50 crates of EASR-L150s, which are .50 caliber anti-material sniper rifles far more accurate than any old M82, and 20 crates with RT-20 rifles that fire 20mm Hispano rounds. The Agents will also have "Yak" Heavy Transport Trucks, which will be their method of transportation for the supplies.

The S.T.F. Agents themselves will also further train your troops on how to use just about any weapon they can get a hold of, and then fight by your side. Once a route is secured, we will deploy a total of 700,000 soldiers from the Federal Armed Forces, along with even more equipment.

In addition, if you wish to move your administrative staff to our nation for protection, the Agents can quickly arrange that.

((OOC: The map is broken D:

EDIT: No it's not. That's just my computer being crappy.))
Buddha C
24-07-2008, 13:13
Three hundred MiG-21s flew over Rasov, they weren't loaded with anything but 30mm cannons, the rest was jamming and anti-missile systems such as extra chaff in the hardpoint capsules. Following them would be the C-130 Specters that would provide the cover that would decimate the city, seeing that the MiG-21s were able to wipe out or force all the SAMs to fire their missiles at the MiG-21s. Once that happened it would be much easier for the Fascist troops of the nation to take the city, hopefully the civilians would be evacuated.

The second tank brigade landed, quickly setting up and gearing to be used in their artillery role, forming up with the first tank brigade. The Cnian Airborne Corps had their men set up and prepped to move out of the mountains and into the hell storm that would become the city of Maz. The men knew that the city would be taken, but the amount of casualties taken was anyones guess. The Communist forces would probably have better weaponry than that of the Binox if intelligence was correct, which wasn't saying much, and the scenario where the Corps was outnumbered was one that was planned for. The big difference would make the training, and each Corpsmen bested any soldier in this nation atleast four fold. So they would see how much blood would be shed today.

OC2 Wolf was in the front of the advancing column, thus he was given extra protection by the Bradley he was in, along with his squad. But he had chosen the unlucky position of gunner on the .50 caliber and got to see the massive buildings first hand. As he looked back at a glance he could see some APCs breaking off and deploying troops, looked like they were setting up Mortar emplacements and a fall back position. Three minutes went by and the IFV stopped, along with every other one that was carrying his company. "First discharge, BEGIN!" Was the order given by his Captain, and with that every soldier, except the gunners which included himself dismounted. Seconds later everything began pouring into the first row of houses {at 400 meters distance} the 25mm cannons, the .50 caliber guns, the CSI-2 ammunition, a MJ fired here and there... but as the torrent of fire began to take its toll on the buildings several massive rumbles and explosions hit the buildings, the tanks and the mortars had already set up their firing positions. And even now as the hail grew stronger and stronger APCs kept deploying more men near the tanks, until the order was given to halt discharge. Now they would wait for any reply...
24-07-2008, 15:04
The communist artillery began to fire back. It was inaccurate, but more were being taken from the underground compartments and storages of the city. Vlad Sorkovit took cover as the wall he was just in exploded from a .50 caliber bullet. He took out his XM8 and emptied a clip into one of the men far away before taking cover again. He had taken this gun from a military convoy he had raided.

A heavy artillery piece fired into the vehicle convoy exploding and taking out 2 humvees. More fire was happening. It looked like a wall of artillery firing, destroying everything in a wide line of hell.

To: The Grand World Order
From: Binox

Dropping around the city of Morta will give the ability to spread the weapons out. We thank you for your support. Your weapons will aid us in the killing of the communist enemy.
Buddha C
24-07-2008, 15:45
"Dismount, men!" Was the order given to his entire battalion as two IFVs, an APC, and six HUMVEEs had been either damaged or knocked out of the fight by return fire. Mortars and tank shells still hit against the massive walls, as did fire from the retreating armor. Even though no armor was giving them full fledged support APCs and IFVs were still dropping off more troops and leaving them. But Wolf looked around and saw that most of his men had already been hit, albeit there was only two wounded and one man dead, but if the fire continued, even with its inaccuracy then the men would have to pull back.

"Platoon, in the artillery holes!" Wolf yelled to his men as he himself jumped into a hole created by the incoming fire. Three men were with him and they all fired back at the enemy, they weren't afraid, just like him, they were more like machines, taking their time to fire at individuals. The Communist soldiers were more depressing than threatening, the only worry that any of the men had was the artillery, but that would take time before they mastered it. Wolf himself looked down his sight at a man with an assault rifle, who seemed to be the only soldier who had a good enough gun to hit them from this range, he pressed the trigger on his three-round burst whilst aimed at the man, the shots would most-likely hit his lower, then higher torso, and maybe the last would hit his head.

Communist fire was beginning to take its toll, four men had been killed and eleven more wounded just from Wolf's squad. They needed to move quickly, but they would have to make a choice. Charge threw the artillery until they get too close for them to arc down, and then face the low-caliber weapons of the Communists, not really a threat. But once at the wall, if they didn't have an entry point they would be stranded. The command would have to break a hole in the wall soon, but eventually the tank rounds and mortars should take it down, it was just a matter of how much time the regiment had now.
24-07-2008, 17:15
Vlad felt something hit his hip, he fell to to the ground as two more bullet passed into where he just was. "Bring in the XM312!!!" he yelled into his radio. Across the walls the .50 caliber shooting machine gun would turn the enemy into swiss cheese. These bullets were more than capable of passing through the toughest armor with a tungsten core.

The machine gunners would fire at anything moving. They had enough ammo to do so. Maz was still manufacturing bullets and artillery rounds, even though it was being attacked.

Underground, communist troops were being woken up and getting their arms. They had a great belief in the walls, they would definitely hold.
Buddha C
24-07-2008, 17:28
Wolf saw a few of his men that were standing up from their holes get ripped to pieces in just a single round, "What the hell? How did they get those fucking guns?!" He screamed to his men, "God damnit, I want a barrage of MJ fire on each and every fucking one of those machine gunners. Troops keep your heads down if you're not shooting at those fucking guns." He flipped a switch on his helmet, "Sir, we need some something to take down those walls!" The reply was a positive, but his regiment would be left to fend for themselves until it was set-up. The tank's rounds continued to bound into the wall, but with forward observers being the soldiers they were given orders to hit the fifty caliber guns nests.

Over head of Rasov the Mi-21 were still waiting to be shot at. And the deployment against the city by the Binox was still being awaited since the attack was commencing on Maz. Seventeen more men were killed and thirty-six wounded from Wolf's platoon, the casualties were getting high, but up in outer space four military weapons satellite platforms were prepping their tungsten rods to fire on the wall, it would drill straight threw it, no matter what the thickness and probably would damage or shake the tunnels. The only problem was that it would take an hour or two for the satellites to be in position. And if the battle continued in such intensity DMOABs would probably be dropped in large amounts from the platforms and would level much of the city.


Fourteen Iowa-Class battleships set sail for souther Ralkovia, they would hit below Rasov, and then push up using their Marines to secure the location. Along with the fourteen battleships was a Jamaica-Class Super Dreadnought, fifty Airleigh-Burke missile destroyers and a long list of transport and logistical ships, plus three Nimitz class aircraft carriers. The Marine portion was around two million men strong, and they were also given a fleet of attack helicopters to use to level the city at low-altitude fighting, however that would mean more infantry-mounted weapons could still take down the planes, they would be mostly used to surprise the Communists with a quick strike and then a push from mixed infantry and armored units.
24-07-2008, 17:28
Greywatch troops were close now, they had their coordinates and were preparing to drop in their soldiers.

Encrypted Greywatch Aircraft Response:
To: General Henry Mosil

We imbound and near the coordinates you gave us, our soldiers are gonna jump in. Confirm?
24-07-2008, 17:43
24-07-2008, 23:37
24-07-2008, 23:55
ooc:2 million+700,000 Binox for an attack on 500,000=OVERKILL
The Grand World Order
25-07-2008, 00:12
Encrypted Message

To: Binox
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs

Understood. The Agents should be arriving later today.

South of Rasov

30 C-130 aircraft flew through the air in near-perfect formation. They were surrounded by seven "Prowlers", planes specially designed for carrying equipment for jamming communications and detection systems.

Each C-130 was filled with men clad in black armor, crates filled with weapons and ammunition, or "Yak" heavy transports. Most of the soldiers had either Fasces Lictoreis (Sp?), Sword In Hands, or Swastikas carved into their helmets, next to the S.T.F. Emblems stamped into their Wehrmacht-style helmets.

(Yak picture, hoohoohooooooooo!)

Their gas masks were essentially AGMOEDs with a Darth Vader/Space Marine design in them. The lens were angry-appearing "Eagle Eyes", glowing red until the Agents applied their dimmers.

The air group avoided flying over Rasov and spread out once they arrived over the Hell's Teeth Mountains. The Agents were to be dropped within a 20 mile radius of Morta.

F-AF-CA-533, five miles from Morta

F-AF-CA-533 was another C-130 in service with the GWO. This one was loaded with a Yak, weapon/ammo crates holding MI-8A2 MAWs (In the Yak), and 21 S.T.F. Agents (Also in/on the Yak).

"Dropping Sierra Tango Foxtrots in 15 seconds."

The rear door of the plane opened up.

"Light will be green in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

As soon as the lights went green, the platform that the Yak sat on (That's one hell of an onomatopoeia, now isn't it?) slid forward. Several Agents clinged onto handles on the sides and top of the truck, each one with a parachute. The truck and platform had their own parachutes as well.

The platform sped towards the ground. One of the handles on the side broke off, and the Agent quickly tried to activate his chute. "Damn."

The Agent's chute refused to open, and the man fell several thousand feet before becoming a bloody mess. Even the S.T.F.'s armor was nothing compared to the force of gravity.

However, the chutes for the truck worked fine. Almost simultaneously, the Agents on the outside of the truck pulled their ripcords as well, further slowing the descent.

The platform landed with a thud before the Agents began disposing of their chutes. Each one of them withdrew a flare gun, and fired colored flares in the following order: Red, Green, Green, Yellow. Then they waited for either the Fascists arriving or the Communists attacking.
25-07-2008, 01:33
As the first of the C-17s landed and started to unload the men and Equipment at a combat pace. The first commanders and troops on the ground didn’t see anyone and they had no idea where the friendly’s where.

“Knight 6 to all elements secure and hold how copy, over?”
“Knight 6 this bishop 3 we copy.”

The noise of the cargo planes landing and taking off was deafing. A SAS group started their way up to the control tower as other forces started to clear the Terminals.

“Knight 6 to knight 2 when the LRVs arrive takes a small force to clear the way to the port over.”

“Knight 2 copied”
25-07-2008, 02:05
After about 2 hours men shouted at the Agents,"SIEG RALKOVIA, SIEG THE BINOX, SIEG GWO." 5 men appeared from the bushes around the agents they had ralkovian flags covering their bodies. A man stepped forward,"You are the GWO, I yam right," he said with a thick western Ralkovian accent."We will guide you back to Morta"

Some soldiers came out onto the tarmac,"We need to speak to your leader and his staff. Immediately, your men will be shown towards the parade grounds and barracks."
The Grand World Order
25-07-2008, 02:21
Near Morta

"Understood. Our Yak has about five crates of MI-8A2s in it. One of our men's parachute apparantly had a bad pair of cords, so he won't be joining us, unfortunately," replied the S.T.F. Lieutenant in charge of the team.

The Yak started up again and slowly followed the group as they made their way to Morta.

The sky was being filled with red, green, and yellow flares. The entire Regiment (1000) had landed, along with their Colonel.

((OOC: Sieg means "win" or "victory", by the way. Sieg Heil means "Hail [to] Victory"))
25-07-2008, 02:35
(yeah I wanted it to be victory to ralkovia, victory to Binox, victory to GWO, just didn't know how to say to)

"Should we recover the body and his weapon? We have plenty of time and the communist have been 99% cleared out of here"
The Grand World Order
25-07-2008, 02:44
Near Morta

"Chances are, another team has already found him. We have to get these weapons to Morta as soon as we can, though."
25-07-2008, 02:48
"Okay then, every weapon lost is the chance that they can kill one of are men better"
The men began to head to Morta.
The Grand World Order
25-07-2008, 03:33
((OOC: Sieg zu Ralkovia, sieg zu Binox, sieg zu GWO))

Near Morta

As the group headed onward, a shot rang out. The bullet deflected off one of the Agent's pauldrons, creating a few sparks. The Agent jumped before going prone. The other Agents quickly did the same, and the driver and passenger of the Yak leaned sideways so that they weren't visible through the windows.

One of the Agents quickly aimed his EASR-L150 at the source of the firing. His MNB-4 scope digitally projected the enemy sniper's thermal images (Snipers don't usually have their AGMOED's thermal imaging on) onto a small screen on the scope. A white dot showed where the bullet would hit, using a laser range finder to take distance into effect. The S.T.F. sniper quickly aligned the dot with the enemy sniper's stomach before pulling the trigger.
25-07-2008, 03:58
"Well then it looks like 99.01% has been cleared."

"I want one of those"
25-07-2008, 05:40
Red is Trish's favorite, right? thought VP of Expansion Morales as he daydreamed in his office. It's gotten so damn hard to remember after Eve began pressuring me into those lingerie stores and I don't want to mix the colors up... A grin spread across his face as he silently remembered how the last undergarments he'd purchased had looked. He had been glad to get a mistress since the day he could afford one.

"Mr Morales?"

Damn. Reality intruding. He shifted his gaze to the office door, his young secretary peeking her head through. "Did those freaks from AlphaEpsi try contacting us again? Deal was off until they could get a subject past two days."

She shook her head. "No sir, got a minor development coming on through the wires."

He rolled his eyes as she shut the door, examining the report that had already been emailed. It took about a minute for him to decide on a marketing strategy and target consumers. The idea for the distraction that would keep his wife off his back and away from discovering his mistress flitted across his mind as he replied. It would be a nasty piece of work for most involved, no matter which way he'd decided on expanding the product line, but his mind was lost in the deceptions of his affair.

He felt no moral qualms about his actions. All's fair in love and war.

To: S. Merens
From: Immudent Inc.
Subj.: Bigger bang or your money back!

It has come to the attention of Immudent Inc., a division of Sangrel LLC, that your righteously chosen faction is in need of the kind of quality armaments and armors that only Immudent Arms Suppliers can provide. Our delivery teams are standing by to begin shipment of the best arms, equipment, and even military units that money can buy straight to your door! This special offer is not available in stores and includes (but is not limited to):

-Sempler Works small arms
-Shihatsu heavy vehicles
-Dynachrome LLC flight systems
-Samtonian People's Guard regiments

And all this can be yours for easy payments starting only upon delivery and concluding once payment has been received in full, at any point after your stability has been created*! But that's not all! Reply now and receive complimentary rush delivery absolutely free!** And if you dislike your product, send it back for a full refund!***

Operators are standing by!

Executive Vice President Quentin Morales
Division of Expansion and Growth
Immudent Inc., a division of Sangrel LLC

*(within 20 years of stability, as defined by Sangrel LLC)
**(less surcharge for transport costs)
***(minus shipping, handling, and usage costs; applicable only upon agreement of on-site company personnel)
25-07-2008, 16:28
Sven looked at the telegram. These imperialist dogs were benifiting from this war against the military and the fascist pigs. His forces were losing because they were badly equipped, he knew that he would lose if he was not equipped well. He would have to buy from those dogs to kill the pigs.

A telegram was sent back to Morales.


We are interested in buying assault rifles, quality sniper rifles, helicopters, thermal and night vision equipment, and heavy tanks. Please show us your catalogs.
25-07-2008, 22:14
Three planes flew over the city of Blackwell. After finding a good clearing, one hundred men were dropped in by parachute to serve as the initial force.
25-07-2008, 23:44
25-07-2008, 23:50
The soldiers hit the ground and waited for further instruction from the people who they were helping. Someone had to have noticed them.
26-07-2008, 00:11
"Owl 6 to Knight 6 we have chutes on the other side of the city how copy over?"

" knight 6 to Owl 6 can you tell if there friend or foe over?"

" Owl 6 to Knight 6 no we cant sir"

" Roger Owl 6"

" Knight 6 to Bobcat 6 we've got chutes coming in on the other side of the city check it out over!"

" Bobcat 6 roger Knight 6"

There is about 8,000 Imbrinium Troops in blackwell operating at the airport and the port.
26-07-2008, 00:21
The soldiers brushed themselves off and decided to press forward into the city. Maybe there they could get some answers. They abandoned their parachutes and moved, weapons drawn, just in case.
26-07-2008, 01:28
"And.... we've got the signal source."

The Company agent shouted to be heard over the roar of transport's backwash. "Colonel, we've got the LZ! Get ready to go in hot!"

The small airfield leaped into focus, muzzle flashes from the hills around it visible as noticeable tics and dings began appearing along the underbelly of the aircraft. The soldiers traded nervous glances as the corkscrew descent began, their pilot juking left and right to avoid the expected contrail of a ground-launched missile. And, just as suddenly as the descent had begun, it was over.

As troops began pouring out of the aircraft, Manager of Accounts O'Grady strode out the rear cargo hatch, coat and tie flapping in the wind. The bewildered-looking communist commander, whose soldiers trained their weapons on the heavily-armed Samtonians, could not have expected what was taking place. "Ah, Comrade.... commander," trailed off O'Grady, removing his sunglasses and exposing cold blue eyes above his immaculately cut pinstriped suit. "Immudent Arms delivery has begun. If you'd get me in touch with your superiors that would be most excellent. Tell them their account manager is on the ground nearby."
26-07-2008, 03:43
The airport and the port at Blackwell was secure, and recon patrols have been sent on short hopes into the city but have seen on one. The road from the airport to the port is secure.

There are about 8,000 Imbrinium Royal Army soldiers between the both the airport and port. They are dug in and have a few light armor vehicles and about 40 land rovers and other wheeled vehicles.

Bobcat 6 has sent 4 LRs to checkout the chutes that came down on the edge of town.

“ Bobcat 2 to Bobcat 6 we are in route to the location of the chutes over.”

“Roger 2 Bobcat 6 copied Besafe out there we don’t know who they where.”

As bobcat 2 approached the place where the chutes came down they stop and got out and patrolled and had the LRs follow them.
26-07-2008, 16:08
Some ralkovian(military) soldiers greeted the greywatch soldiers."We will show your commanders to the military headquarters your men can wait at Grand Park(Very big park, sort of like a central park but bigger and flat), it is in front of the headquarters. We are meeting and discussing the strategies.

The Imbrinium commanders see ralkovian soldiers walking up. The ralkovians tell them that their men can wait at the Grand Park, and that the ralkovian leaders need to meet with the commanders of both supporters.
The Grand World Order
26-07-2008, 23:46

The GWO Yaks were arriving, along with more and more S.T.F. Agents. They regrouped at a park and began unloading the weapons crates from the trucks. However, they were going to wait for the Colonel to establish the Special Tactics Force's presence in Morta, as to keep the distribution of weapons more organized.
27-07-2008, 18:34
Around Maz

The Communist forces at Maz continue to fight. Machine guns try to take out the armored soldiers. Many of the bullets hitting off the CNIAN troops well-armored bodies. An order goes out to only aim at their heads. Artillery continues to blanket the field of battle as well.

The communist forces outnumbered the CNIAN troops but despite the numerical advantage they were at a severe disadvantage. The only thing keeping the Moers safe was the fact that their were thick walls and many bunkers in the military fortress called Maz. The other reason that the Moers were deadly to anyone was that Maz had been the main arm manufactury for the Ralkovian military. It created bullets, artillery, light tanks, APCs, assault rifles, and hundreds of other military equipment and weapons.

The military had been smart enough to try to light the city aflame before retreating back to their headquarters at the other side of what was Ralkovia. Over 80% of the factories had been destroyed. It could now only produce at a snails pace bullets, grenades, light artillery, light APC's and assaults rifles. On top of the destruction of many arms factories was the fact that Maz had lost most of its supply roads and rail roads limiting the amount of metals that could be brought into the city. The communist had made due and taken over the production of weapons allowing some amount of fire power to be made.

In Morta
Major Dray walked up to the S.T.F agents. "Do you need to make use of our communication room. It is not as well-equipped as we could hope, but it allows us to send several messages in a few minutes instead of one in a day or a week. We also would like to give you full use of any of our facilities, including the war room"
27-07-2008, 20:32
28-07-2008, 02:38
“Bobcat 6 this Bobcat 2 we have linked up with friendly forces how copy over.”

“Roger that bobcat 2 tells who ever chuted in that the airport is open and they can use the runways.”

“Roger bobcat 6 I’ll pass it along.”

Mean while back the airport at the CP a message was finally coming through from the naval fleet coming in.

“Knight 6 this is Thunder 6 we are 350 km from Ralkovia and should be there by morning is the port secured over?”

“Thunder 6 this knight 6 First thing first switch to secure net 141.2750 freq hop off for sign/CS over”

“Roger Knight 6 will do.”

Out at the fleet the admiral was in the CIC.

“Dam Army commanders always by the book.”

“Knight 6 this Thunder 6 on secure net go with sign over”

“Roger thunder 6 sign is DOVETAIL over”

“Roger copy DOVETAIL”

“Knight 6 this Thunder 6 C/S is CORNCOB I repeat, CORNCOB over.”

“Roger Thunder 6 Copy and Confirmed”

“Thunder 6 port is secured awaiting your arrival.” “BREAK” “Just linked up with friendly forces should have more later over”

“Knight 6 this Thunder 6 anything happening here over?”

“Not a thing hasn’t even seen friendly till a little while ago.”

“Well knight 6 Recon reports heavy fight around Maz.”

“Roger that where the RIAF at is hadn’t seen a fighter or bomber in days.”

“There are awaiting orders to join the fight big mix up after you guys were dropped.”

“Roger That Knight 6 out.”
28-07-2008, 02:40
Three men walked forward, all of them looked different. One was wearing a standard Greywatch army uniform and vest. The other was dressed in some camo and a mix and match of different equiptment. The last was in all black. "We would be the commanders." The man from the army said, "Just lead the way. You'll have to forgive our different looks, I assume that was all explained to you?"
28-07-2008, 02:44
The soldiers nodded. "Our leaders will give you a full briefing, along with all maps, and news of current deployments."
The men showed the leaders to the headquarters.

A man greeted the leaders."I am general Marro Defess, I am to brief you on are current status"
28-07-2008, 02:54
"Understood," the three said simutaniously.
28-07-2008, 03:03
At the headquarters a map was shown of all current engagement.

Fighting at Refea was the closest fighting at the time.

"We are going to going to take Penada from the communist forces. Our belief is that if we take Penada we can make an easy jump to Gordon and then cut off the mineral and the food supplies to the Binox and the Moers. This region is the bread basket of Ralkovia. This will also give us full use of the Taeon river for a landing at Maz. If you decide to help us here, we can end the conflict within a year. We are sending 3 million men to pull off this plan"
28-07-2008, 03:05
"I am Capt. Sagese with the 3rd Recce Company 1st assault Brigade."

"my HQ is setup at the Airport i will report back to them with the Intel from this Briefing."
28-07-2008, 03:06
ooc: Just say your their imbrinium so I can continue with my ultimate plan.
28-07-2008, 03:06
The soldiers looked to each other, the army commander spoke. "The Greywatch army can pull that off, maybe. We'll need a hell of a lot of men and a hell of a lot of time to get everything together but we probably can pull it off. My two companions here are more like... private contactors... so they don't have the numbers of the official Greywatch military. Small strikes on important areas would most likely be better for them." The FM commander nodded, "Indeed, especially assassinations." The CoD commander looked too both of his comrades and then ahead, "Give us some buildings to destroy, important ones. Then, all we need is payment and everything's good."
28-07-2008, 03:07
occ: ok by me
28-07-2008, 03:09
"Well we need simple things to accomplish this, but can you destroy an entire mine. If you can then we can stop gold production and coal production at Penada. This would make it impossible for the commies to buy weapons."
28-07-2008, 03:11
The CoD commander raised an eyebrow, "Oh I'd love to destroy that, but I'd also love to get my hands on some of that gold before I do... you'd have no objection to that now would ya? I am a merc... there doesn't have to be any paperwork. It could be gold that just happened to go missing when the mine was destroyed."
28-07-2008, 03:15
Capt.Sagese reesponed.

"The RIAF or the RIN can knock both of those out with cruise misslies just give the grid and we'll shut them down."

" Also sir the IA on has about 8,000 soldiers in country at this time, the first fleet of renforcements will be here tomorrow so will need about 24hrs to unload and be ready to move out."
28-07-2008, 03:16
"Unfortunately the mines go down almost a mile with over 400 exit tunnels. We would launch missiles as well but they would only do minimal damage.

The gold is all yours. The Politicians aren't around anymore, I don't think that military brass would notice that some of the gold went missing. What we do need is that you set the explosives at the bottom of the shaft and through the middle completely destroying each mine. We cannot afford the communist creating an exit tunnel. Of course, the gold would be part of your payment, I would say 20% of your cost. Does that sound fair?"
28-07-2008, 03:21
The CoD commander smiled, "Yes, that sounds fair. As of this moment, I"m making sure we get every available CoD in here. Excuse me while I go contact HQ." The man walked out. The Greywatch Army commander looked at him, Always about the money. Can't blame them, they are mercs. "C4... I'll have to call in combat engineers and demolitionists..." The FM commander nodded, "It would be good to see if parts of the mine can e captured and secured, also, we may want to lay mines inside the... mines. That way, we can lure many of them in and take out more people while also destroying their source of income."
28-07-2008, 03:25
Capt. Sagese asked

"How well defended are the cities of Penada and Gordon is it possible to make a combat jump into the city?"
28-07-2008, 03:47
[OOC- Ralkovia, in case you weren't aware, about two brigades worth of Samtonian troops have arrived in Communist territory, along with large amounts of weapons and vehicles for Communist forces, and are waiting for intelligence information on the current situation.]
28-07-2008, 04:00
OOC:Okay, thanks, I'll make a real post after I finish watching Generation Kill
30-07-2008, 18:45
ooc: BUMP
30-07-2008, 18:50
OOC: My last post...
30-07-2008, 18:56
ooc: I didn't even see those.

" The city of Penada is guarded by at least 200,000 communist troops, a parachute drop in would be particulary dangerous, we know they have plenty anti-aircraft guns and even a few linebackers from the military fort at the top of the city, the city of Gordon we have no intel on. Placing mines in the mines is fine by me as long as they are completely shut down"
31-07-2008, 15:32
The CoD commander laughed, "Oh don't you worry. It'll be stripped and shut down. Plenty of booty to take home. Well I know what I'll be doing first." The FM commander nodded, "We should go too, we need to make sure the target is destroyed. And we'll probably need t call in a supply drop..." The army commander looked to both of them, "I'll get a comms team to do it once we're done here."
31-07-2008, 17:11
"Well then, we will give you maps of the entire penada region"