NationStates Jolt Archive

Grasaland seeks New Light Combat Jet Trainer Contract

21-07-2008, 16:07
The Kingdom of Grasaland

Ministry of Defence Procurement:
Light Combat Jet Trainer Programme (LCJT)

The Kingdom of Grasaland is seeking to replace its ageing and now outdated Hawk 128 Training Aircraft. The Ministry of Defence is seeking the worlds aerospace companies to compete for the contract of between 60 - 120 Light Combat Jet Trainers for the Royal Grasalandik Airforce (RGAF).

The Programme contains specific requirements:

The LCJT must provides combat pilot training for front line fighters with high angle-of-attack capability.

Weapon System
Must contain a minimual of eight external store stations, or 6 Internal store stations. The Weapon system must be able to configure to free fall or retarded bombs; rocket launchers; short-range air-to-air missiles; air-to-ground missiles and anti-ship missiles. As well as this the external hard points should also be able to carry reconnaissance pod, laser designator pod, radar warning receiver pod and electronic countermeasures pod.

The aircraft should also have the option to be fitted with a 30mm cannon or a podded cannon installed under the fuselage. Though this is not an important requirement of the LCJT programme.

For operational roles, the aircraft should be capable of having a radar warning receiver, chaff and flares dispensers, and active electronic countermeasures.

The cockpit should be representative of the latest-generation combat aircraft (including the Typhoon, Gripen and F-35 JSF). The cockpit should be equiped with raster / stroke type Head-Up Display (HUD), full-colour liquid crystal multifunction displays (three in each cockpit), Helmet-mounted display with threat simulation capability, Night Vision Goggle (NVG) compatible instrumentation and Hands On Throttle And Stick (HOTAS) controls.

For fighter trainer role, the LCJT should be capacle of self-protection system functions and simulated tactical scenario.

The fly-by-wire flight control system must be able to adjust the stability and controllability characteristics and flight safety systems to simulate a number of aircraft such as the Typhoon, Gripen and F-35 JSF. As well this the pilot must be able to selects the software model of the simulated aircraft's control system on the LCJT onboard computer. The pilot can then select the model during flight. The system must be forgiving to allow cadet pilots the easy acquisition of piloting skills.

The radar, which should have adaptive waveforms and sidelobes, a surface mapping mode which includes image freezing and zooming on areas of interest. The radar should have capacity to track airborne targets simultaneously, simultaneously engage targets at all angles and simultaneously track ground targets. The detection range must be 40km+.

The engine system of the LCJT is completely up to the Aerospace companies.
21-07-2008, 16:08
The LCJT Programme has the following aircraft:

Yak-130 combat trainer
M-346 advanced and lead-in fighter trainer
Hawk 128NG Combat Trainer - Upgrade by Grasalandik Aerospace
TF-39B High Energy Advanced Trainer (HEAT) - Aerodyne Inc.
F-25D Revolution Lead-In Fighter Trainer (LIFT) - Aerodyne Inc.
Undisclosed Prototype - Venture-Industries
26-07-2008, 14:10
26-07-2008, 14:17
may i sujegest five f 24 -ts
26-07-2008, 14:36
may i sujegest five f 24 -ts

OOC: at least have a go at spelling and being in character

Thank You, though it would be nice to have some spec's on the F-24.
Etoile Arcture
26-07-2008, 17:56

Aerodyne Inc. official sales solicitation


Aerodyne Inc. submits to the Grasaland Military of Defence the TF-39B High Energy Advanced Trainer (HEAT) and F-25D Revolution Lead-In Fighter Trainer (LIFT) as our entries into the Light Combat Jet Trainer Programme.

Each aircraft offers tandem stepped seating for pilot and instructor, a reconfigurable advanced cockpit for pilot training and operational use, high manoueverability and handling characteristics similar to those found in the latest fourth and fifth generation combat aircraft, all weather and day/night attack avionics, and advanced weapon interfaces for employing the latest weapons.

Aerodyne Inc. also offers full life cycle support and a structured program of Block upgrades to customise airframes and avionics to tailor an aircraft to a clients specific needs. For further information concerning the TF-39B HEAT and F-25D LIFT please view the attached product literature, or contact the Aerodyne Inc. Export Sales Department.

Link: F-25D “Revolution” Lead-In Fighter Trainer (

Link: TF-39B “Fearless” High Energy Advanced Trainer (

About Aerodyne Inc.

Aerodyne Inc. is a leading manufacturer of military aircraft, electronic and defence systems, missiles, rocket engines, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems.
27-07-2008, 14:09
The Kingdom of Grasaland

Ministry of Defence Procurement:
Light Combat Jet Trainer Programme (LCJT)

REPLY TO: Aerodyne Inc. official sales solicitation

Dear Sir,

the Grasaland Military of Defence on behalf of the Department of Defence Procurement would like to thank your company for your entry into the Light Combat Jet Trainer Programme (LCJT).

Your two entries of:

TF-39B High Energy Advanced Trainer (HEAT) - Aerodyne Inc.
F-25D Revolution Lead-In Fighter Trainer (LIFT) - Aerodyne Inc.

Are both accepted meeting the briefing for the LCJT programme, we would like to request a protype of the two products, to assess the planes charactristic's and suitablitly to the Royal Grasalandik Air Force.


Johna Erikson
Secretary of Defence & Homeland Security
Etoile Arcture
28-07-2008, 14:38


Aerodyne Inc. is grateful for the swift response of the Ministry of Defence and selection of our aircraft for taking part in the Light Combat Jet Trainer Programme. One each example of a full scale development model of a F-25D Revolution and TF-39B HEAT will supplied to the MoD for evaluation at full cost to ourselves, in addition to test pilots to assist familarisation on the aircraft, ground handling crews, test equipment, and avionics modules for testing different aircraft configurations. Pending the results of this fly-off stage Aerodyne Inc. is also fully prepared to implement any changes to the flying configurations and supply further full scale development models for any follow-on testing.
28-07-2008, 16:08
Venture-Industries would be happy to design a new prototype fighter-trainer aircraft for your needs. We will begin the design process right away, and will present the prototype fighter to you in short order (ooc: give me a day).

Jonas Venture, Jr
Business Director, Venture-Industries
28-07-2008, 19:22
The Kingdom of Grasaland

Ministry of Defence Procurement:
Light Combat Jet Trainer Programme (LCJT)

REPLY TO: Aerodyne Inc. official sales solicitation

Dear Sir,

We thank the Aerodyne Inc for their continuing help in the LCJT Programme.

REPLY TO: Venture-Industries

Dear Sir,

The Grasalandik MoD wishes to thank the company for its intrest in the LCJT Programme and awaits its proposal.
Cascade States
28-07-2008, 19:29
We the Armed Republic of Cascade States

will be happy to send you two each of our newest fighters / trainers,
the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter or F-22 Raptor
28-07-2008, 19:43
The Kingdom of Grasaland

Ministry of Defence Procurement:
Light Combat Jet Trainer Programme (LCJT)

REPLY TO: Armed Republic of Cascade States

Dear Sir,

The Grasalandik MoD would like to thank you for your intrest in the LCJT Programme but regret to inform you that the aircraft in question:


do not meet the specific requirements of the LCJT programme.


Johna Erikson
Secretary of Defence & Homeland Security
01-08-2008, 17:09
bumped again
15-08-2008, 23:19
bumped for renewed intrest
26-08-2008, 21:58
bumped again