ooc: invasion of Mirktree (fantasy)
I'm looking for someone to invade Mirktree (my fantasy nation) with a small to medium-sized force. To clear this up now, I plan to have Mirktree's forces win in the end. If anyone's interested, just post.
By the way, no gods or god-like beings. elves are discouraged, seeing as how most of Mirktree's elves have long since departed, but we can handle them.
15-07-2008, 02:45
My fantasy nation is one that essentially makes all its money off of assassination jobs, if you wanna hire them for defense you can.
Ravea's armies are fully human, and mostly mercenary, which wont cause too much disappointment or damage to her pride or military. I'll be happy to invade.
Sure. any mythological creatures I should know about?
Na, nothing too special. Expect things like battle mages, a couple big siege engines, assassins, perhaps shape shifters. The most serious creatures I'll get into are probably griffins and elemental spirits.
ok, i'll put a thread up and tg you
17-07-2008, 15:31
can I still get my assassins into this somehow? Even if it is a really small part. I'm really bored right now.
yeah, sure. probably the invader side, right?
17-07-2008, 15:51
Doesn't matter, they can do assassinations or guard jobs as long as they're being paid.
since I'm the defender nation, i think I have enough guards already.
17-07-2008, 15:57
Then they'll prolly be with the attackers assuming it's okay with Ravea
thread's up. I'm waiting for Ravea to fill in details of the invasion.
Then they'll prolly be with the attackers assuming it's okay with Ravea
Completely fine with me, seeing as how a good part of the army is made up of mercenaries. I see no reason why your assassins wouldn't be among them.
Just curious, Mirktree: how many men do you consider a small to medium force? Hundreds? A few thousands? Or tens of thousands?
17-07-2008, 17:10
Completely fine with me, seeing as how a good part of the army is made up of mercenaries. I see no reason why your assassins wouldn't be among them.
Well There'll only be a handful of my guys amoung your forces. Since they're assassins, only a few should be enough.
East Laos
17-07-2008, 17:23
I'll join.
I gotta fantasy nation as well. Well it's on my map. It's a small island, mainly containing rebels and outcasts. They hate East Laos, and have staged several attacks against my nation.
Well There'll only be a handful of my guys amoung your forces. Since they're assassins, only a few should be enough.
*Shrug* Fine with me. Ravea's noted for having skilled assassins as well, so I expect our men will work together.
17-07-2008, 17:51
My guys are pretty solitary so they may oly team up on special occassions for important missions or strong enemies.
Just curious, Mirktree: how many men do you consider a small to medium force? Hundreds? A few thousands? Or tens of thousands?
A couple thousand seems about right.
OK, laos, but not too many troops. And as I said, thread's up. i'm waiting for Ravea or Laos to post.
East Laos
17-07-2008, 19:57
What you mean...should i send in my troops, or the islands geurilla force?
the guerillas, then, my mistake.
fyi, people, this is pt. maybe some old-fashioned cnnon, but no guns, machineguns, etc. I was rather disappointed in the neo-dracule thread.
17-07-2008, 20:19
couple thousand troops means I'll send about 15-30 assassins. No need for anything larger. And I'd rather like at least motst of these guys to come back alive so I'm not going to go after big, important targets unless with a larger group. And as for my tech, they have gunpowder and some magical abilities jus so ya know.
Don't worry- I plan to invest rather heavily in magic myself. mirktree's armies are basically large groups of averae soldiers plus small roups of elite that are worth rather more than their compatriots.
17-07-2008, 20:29
Good to know
All righty. I'm writing up a post now that I have all the info that I need.
17-07-2008, 20:38
This is the link to my ever so basic Fantasy Factbook. One that still requires some work.
Post is up. What should I know about Mirktree? Cities, population, armies, terrain, and all that stuff?
terrain is mostly mountains and forests, with three major lakes. 1 port city. NS says pop is 205 million. 5 major cities, a couple towns per city, many villages, some wilderness areas.
Armies are generally a levy of soldiers combined with some prifessionals. Rangers are a group that have good one-on-one sword skills but are easily best as archers, both massed and individual. they know some spells. mages are the other major attack and support group.
Dragon riders are few but they are there. the dragons are bred to be a little longer than a horse to being a little shorter or the same size as a LOTR fellbeast. Elite mages and rangers can ride them. They're not sentient.
The elite soldiers tend to wear mithril armor and use mithril weapons.
18-07-2008, 15:34
Dragons... fantastic, my assassins are mainly meant for ground based targets... I have a few archers with some basic skills but my guys are gonna be avoid flying foes unless they come too close. I'm prolly gonna update my factbook and include some classes. Please note, due to the fact that Ghost is my main char, he is, by all means, not going to die. I'm not going to make him godly but if the situation calls for it he will flee and escape alive.
Hmm, good thing I brought arblests. Friggin dragons...