NationStates Jolt Archive

Rise of Echronedal [ATTN: Haven]

14-07-2008, 19:21
Supreme War Council, Varbola, Olmedreca

Colonel Julius Heinke from the Olmedrecan military intelligence had no idea why he had been invited to the highly secret meeting of the Supreme War Council. He had never been in this room before. Behind the table sat eight members of the council, probably the eight most powerful men in whole Olmedreca. There were also several lower ranked officers and officials behind main participants, probably different aides. Room itselfly was rather dark, but on walls were projected several maps and graphs. Colonel had been given a seat suprisingly close to main table, just behind his direct superior, General Ernst Tormilind, the leader of military intelligence.

Herman Karm, First Citizen of Olmedreca started speaking with calm voice:

“I have called this meeting today due very interesting proposal of Mister Parmasto and Mister Strendman. As you all know, many most important Havenic powers are currently engaged in a major war between the Kingston Pact and the Doomani block. Olmedreca has announced its neutrality, as we have generally tried to keep good relations with both sides. But as it has been pointed out to me, that war creates interesting opportunities. This may be ideal time for executing our long term plan to establish a proper foothold in the Haven.”

Old general Aleksander Vares, the Commander-in-Chief of Army who was easily recognizable due his well known red beard asked:

“Which location you mean? Echronedal?”

“Indeed, unclaimed area near Hallad Strait, bordered by Mini Miehm. Our claim would include only relatively small part of that area in north, so it would have no common border with current border of Spacium Concordia, Doomani protectorate of Azaha, or Relative Liberty.”

“Exactly.” Said foreign minister Lembit Parmasto, actually also former military man, and continued:

“If area would have direct connection with both Spacium Concordia and Azaha, then most likely Kingston Pact would oppose it. Due our relatively good relations with Doomanis, there would be fear, that this colony will became transit route between those areas. So avoiding direct border with Azaha is logical diplomatic choice.

More interestingly, we suspect that Spacium Concordia may want to expand itselfly in that area, although we have no idea about possible timetable. No matter if it is true or not, from Kingston Pact viewpoint we would actually keep Doomanis away from the part of coast which would strengthen their already strong hold over the Hallad Strait.”

General Vares did not seem very happy with this proposal and said sarcastically:

“And what if we are still opposed? We will shoot our way open through Questarian and Praetorian navies?”

“Depends of situation, our bargaining position is not very bad. Although obviously we could not directly challenge Questarian fleets, our strong submarine arm is pretty sharp knife against nations which heavily depend on trade. But as I already explained, I do not expect any confrontations with Questarians, as our move could be actually seen as beneficial to them.” foreign minister replied fast.

Now general Karl Kuusemets from air force voiced his doubts:

“But what about possible Doomani and Spacian opposition? Area is too closely under their air power. Also when would we make official statement?”

Minister Parmasto replied fast like salesman who has answer for every question:

“Our relations with Doomanies have always been rather good, as we have not let those so called “moral issues” to disrupt our business. Also I do not see any serious problems with Spacians. From their point of view, if we do not move in, then there is danger of Questarian block establishing foothold there.

Official declaration of taking that area under Olmedrecan control will be made then our first ship makes landing. Obviously it is practically impossible for our colonization convoy to reach to Echronedal completely without catching any attention. Atleast Praetonia is expected to definitely notice them then passing through Haven strait between Queensland and Cape King George. So there will be four states which will be secretly informed about our intentions and our neutrality then our ships enter Havenic waters, those are Questers, Praetonia, Doomingsland and Spacium Concordia.”

First Citizen Karm smirked:

“Gentlemen, our friend Parmasto has answers prepared for such concerns, as I myselfly found out yesterday. I believe that his calculations are correct, and currently we have good chance to pull this thing off without any serious confrontations. But now I would like to get overview how fast we can send out fleet and what route it would use?”

Short Admiral Hanno Strendman stood up and pointed on a wall with his laser, there a map of Haven was projected:

“Colonial fleet would approach from north, through Haven strait. This area is very quiet compared to most other parts in Haven. There is expected serious battle near Praetonian Cape King George which Kargac... uh, Karguac... shit, Kar-gu-cag-stan, plans to invade. Admirality believes that even if those facists manage to capture the cape, which is currently considered unlikely, then they would not have any serious navy left, and would be blockaded by Praetonia fleet, which can use its Queensland bases. Shansekia has declared neutrality, neither side is likely to break it, so that archipelago should be safe to pass."

Large projection of Haven map switched to more detailed map of planned Echronedal colony, with numerous different markings at coast.

"We have picked four landing points in which the first wave will establish a foothold. In a week will follow second fleet which helps to reinforce those original landings and speed up construction there. Third fleet will arrive two weeks after first one, and establishes three more landing points. In a month we expect to have set up all landing points which will be needed for getting full control over colony. Advancing deeper inland will start as soon as basic facilities at coast can support it.

Now preparations for sending colonization fleet out have already begun. Thanks to the fact, that the Tisza-Storm military exercises are currently in their ending phase, we have surprisingly good preparations and operation can start in five days, assuming that there are no unexpected delays. To speed up things, fleet will not have any capital ships with it, only frigates and destroyers, mainly those with anti-submarine specialization. This is actually good, as sending large task force with numerous fleet carriers would put our neutrality in current conflict into doubt.

Army would provide mainly engineering units to establish basic infrastructure. Engineering units on Ticza-Heves area have been all notified about potential need to move out very soon. So on...”

“You gave commands to army units!?” interrupted general Vares sharply, not even trying to sound polite. Colonel Heinke could not help thinking, that if looks could cause physical damage, then admiral would had to be carried out of room in basket. Rivalry between army and navy was well known, up to the point then General Vares had called warships “floating coffins” in one scandalous interview. That rivalry had also carried over to the international politics, with army being generally pro-Doomani and navy being pro-Questers.

Suddenly colonel realized why Vares seemed to be critical about colonization. So far the army had always had very strong priority over the navy. Only Olmedrecan overseas territories were Big-Toll and Small-Toll, two islands, or “pieces of ice and shit” as men who had been unlucky enough to be forced to be where, called them. Those isolated islands far from any habituated land had no military, economical, or political value aside from being testing ground for weapons of mass destruction, which for some reason were unsuitable for being tested in Olmedrecan mainland.

Colony in the Haven would change everything. Haven is full of active politics, alliances are formed and split regularly. Current massive war is another example of Havenic politics overheating, definitely this will not be the last one. With Havenic colony, suddenly the need for stronger navy, to defend supply lines, and guarantee proper power projection, would arise. This obviously would weaken current army’s dominance.

“No, I gave the order.” said First Citizen with calm smile, “I wanted to consult you beforehand, but I was told that you are very busy, so I decided that its not importnant enough to disturb you.”

General Vares was clearly surprised by such turn of events but collected himself immediately and said:

“With all due respect Sir, I must insist, that in future you always inform me, before ordering any army units to prepare for being deployed overseas. Anyway, I still believe that we are rushing this whole thing and should slow down a bit.”

“I fully agree,” said Lieutenant-General Julius Munder from the Defence League. Army and Defence League relationship was sometimes described as “love and hate”, as both wanted bigger part in land warfare, but then made temporary alliances against navy from time to time.

General Tormilind from intelligence opened mouth for first time and said:

“No, current political situation is ideal, we must progress immediately. Wasting time is not an option.”

Kuusemets nodded:

“Exactly, situation fits perfectly for our plans.”

Heinke noticed that General Vares face had not changed at all, obviously he, knowing well behind the scenes lines of power, had expected those men choose other side, and had his expectations elsewhere. All eyes turned towards Minister of War, General Harri Rebane. Minister Parmasto seemed openly nervous, all others hided their emotions successfully but it was clear that despite majority already supporting Karm in colonization, a lot still depends about that what Rebane will say. Minister of War took a sip of water and then said slowly:

“I agree with First Citizen, the situation is suitable for colonization. Although there obviously are some risks, possible gains clearly outweigh them.”

Dissatisfaction could be easily seen on General Vares’s face. Karm only nodded and said:

“Good, I would like to rise matter of commander leading colonization. General Vares, can you offer me suitable candidate from army?”

General thought a moment and answered:

“Yes, there are several potential candidates, like Kiisk and Isokoski, although its hard to give best candidate immediately on spot.”

“There is no need for that, I want your answer tomorrow, no delays.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good, now moving on, to the question which units will be sent in first wave...”

Tormilind raised hand:

“Sir, as I mentioned before start, I need like to leave before the end of meeting unless my presence is critically needed.”

“I do not think your presence is needed in matters left to discuss today. So feel free to go. But I expect you back in tomorrow meeting.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Tormilind raised, motioned colonel to follow him, and walked out from room, then walking in corridor he asked from Heinke:

“You understand why I brought you with me to Supreme War Council meeting?”

“I assume that I have some important task related to this colonization?”

“Indeed, you will be heading buildup of military intelligence in that new colony, also you are going to be my personal source of accurate information.”

“I need to leave with first colonization fleet?”

“No, too early, you would not have anything do there yet, you will receive personal transport then time comes so that you do not need to travel in slow transport ship.”

“I see, by the way, don’t you think that by letting Vares to choose colonization commander, it will put whole operation in danger, he is obviously opposing this whole affair?”

“No, although there are some risks, those are minimal, the colonization commander will come in play only then official claim has been made. That is already point of no turning back. Vares thinks that colonization is bad idea and wants to avoid it, but he is still a loyal soldier. Trying to delay establishing colony is fine, but sabotaging buildup of colony after it has been founded would be already betrayal. Also Vares is a good planner, he needs to have alternative then main plan does not work. As with colonization, if it takes place despite his opposition, the army needs to still get as much as possible from it, and for that he needs to have his own man in lead. Finally its also the fastest solution, FC himself does not have time for that job, and candidates put forward by other members of council would be definitely opposed by Vares, so it is easiest to put Vares himself on job.”

“Interesting, also it was suprizing, that general Rebane who is also an army man supported colonization.”

“Well, Karm himself is also former army man, they are not all like Vares there. I and Karm had separate meeting with Rebane two hours before council meeting, minister was hesitant at first, but we managed to convince him.”

“I see, will I have to participate in future council meetings too?”

General smirked:

“I know that in reality we are bunch of assholes there, but was it really that unpleasant?”

“No Sir! I did not mean it that way, I...”

“I know. Of course you will attend in majority, if not all, Echronedal related meetings with me, as long as you are still in Olmedreca. But now I have some important business to attend, so our ways separate here for now, we will have Echronedal related meeting in nine p.m. in my office with few others from intelligence, we will see there.”


Five days later

It was a warm and sunny day. It was time for the first colonization fleet to move out. Fleet was nothing too impressive, less than hundred ships in total, divided into four separate convoys. Escorts were also light, only some frigates and destroyers, mainly with anti-submarine capabilities. Some transport ships had also limited armament, but that would scare only pirates and aggressive environmentalists. Still, despite its relatively small size, fleet was actually highly important, it was going to be the first step in establishing Olmedrecan foothold in middle of Haven.

Preparations had been made in hurry. Fortunately some positive aspects had helped to speed up whole process. Firstly, decision to colonize that area had not came from nowhere, some plans and preparations for colonizing Echronedal had been made already earlier. Now these were put all into use. Secondly, massive Tisza-Storm military exercise which included both army and navy had just ended, meaning that units and ships were in high readiness compared to normal peacetime conditions. Still short timeframe meant that first wave’s size would be limited. That problem would be fixed with next colonization fleets, already being prepared, which would follow the first one.

Currently the whole plan was still secret, although rumors could not be completely avoided. Officially Tisza-Storm exercises were considerably extended and would increase in size. It was explained as necessity in current stormy times. Obviously truth can be hid only for limited time, especially from foreign governments. Olmedrecan merchant ships would not be anything surprising in Havenic waters, it is a strongly capitalistic state after all, so attention of most governments would be probably avoided. That would probably not apply to Praetonia which had its attention concentrated to the events near Havenic strait. So then first fleet enters Havenic waters, highly secret messages about Olmedrecan intentions and neutrality would be sent to governments of Questers, Praetonia, Doomingsland and Spacium Concordia.


[OOC: so this post is taking place at same time then war in Haven is going on. On Haven map ( colony would be in here ( as Hryvinia should be waiting deletion.]
14-07-2008, 19:44
[OOC: so this post is taking place at same time then war in Haven is going on. On Haven map ( colony would be in here ( as Hryvinia should be waiting deletion.]

OOC: Hryvinia is still a living nation.
14-07-2008, 19:54
[OOC: I have got impression that as Hryvinia is Preston's who moved his main nation Central Prestonia to Haven, then Hryvinia is going to be deleted. I think Preston even requested somewhere in Haven forums it to be removed from map. Also Matt(Questers) told me in IRC that there are no OOC problems with this colonisation assuming that i reach to agreement with Merlin(Space) who i guess is also interested in obtaining part of that land in future.]

[edit: here ( preston asks Hryvinia to be de-mapped.]
14-07-2008, 20:39

With reference to your note of the 14th,

His Majesty's Government is pleased to see that the prosperity of His friends in Olmedreca has grown sufficiently to warrant expansion overseas. The Crown Commonwealth has ever been a mercantile nation, and the turning over of unowned land to productive use and improvement has long since been a goal of our private and public endeavours also. The expansion of productive capacity, and thus the opportunities for maritime trade, can only be beneficial for His Majesty and His Subjects, and the Crown Commonwealth would in ordinary circumstances be happy to endorse this endeavour.

Currently, however, and as you are no doubt aware, the storm clouds of war have descended upon Haven and threaten to engulf the region in a tumult of the kind that has not been seen since the Great Twenty Years War of the last century.

His Majesty is concerned for the safety of the proposed colony, intended as it is to be positioned between the Doomani client state of Azaha and the Doomani ally Spacium Concordia. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that the Doomani and the Concordian militaries would exert pressure upon the colonial administration to turn the use of the proposed colony, its coast, its military facilities and its productive capacity over to the prosecution of the Doomani war effort. Not only is this a serious threat to the freedom and safety of those Olmedrecans living there, but it has the potential to gravely imperil both the Praetonian colony in South Haven, which shares a border with Spacium Concordia, and Praetonian and allied fleets operating in the surrounding waters.

His Majesty is aware, however, that the just apportionment colonies are a matter of great importance to any proud nation, and as a friend of Olmedraca His Majesty does not wish to incur the ill-will of your people and state by opposing the proposed colonial expansion. Rather, His Majesty is willing to offer the support of His armed forces in acquiring a far greater portion of the available land for the emerging Olmedracan Empire, on the condition that the expansion is delayed for the duration of the present conflict. Until that time, His Majesty would be willing to extent to the Olmedracan colonisation fleet the use of His secure port facilities at Queensland without charge.

As ever, His Majesty extends His kindest regards to His Olmedracan friends, and earnestly hopes that a mutually satisfactory arrangement can be reached.'
14-07-2008, 22:07
Cuthbert Naval Air Station, Volstad

Lieutenant Junior Grade William McBride leaned back at his desk during the quiet hours of the nightwatch in the Haleigha Sea Control Centre, his shined shoes removed as his khaki service uniform wrinkled as his socked feet were placed on top of the desktop as he read through a magazine article on the new 2008 model of the Republik Autowerks AG "Monster Mk.3" sports roadster. Despite the high readiness state that the Republic's overseas territories were placed on since the start of the war against Doomingsland, Volstad's extremely isolated position within the region afforded it little chance for partaking in operations short of its usual, everyday duties of acting as the command hub for the Aequatian units patrolling the vast Haleigha Sea and protecting the nation's oil and natural gas interests. However, it would be tonight that the low earth orbit RORSAT-9 series observation satellites operated by the Aequatian Republic Navy passing over the area would take notice of the large fleet making its way into the Haleigha Sea.

The chief petty officer manning one of the monitoring terminals broke the silence of the centre, "Leftenant, we have something on RORSAT-9 Hotel-November-Three," He said as McBride set the magazine down and sat up.

"What is it, petty officer?" The lieutenant asked as he put his shoes back on and walked over to the terminal and saw the display showing a large convoy moving towards the edges of the Haleigha's boundaries.

"All that the sat is picking up is that there are large convoys moving into our zone," Said the enlisted rating as he sipped his coffee, "It's not allied as far as I know, the reports haven't called for anything from Questers or Allanea coming from that direction."

"All right, keep tracking them, I'll call it in," Replied the officer as he returned to his desk and picked up the telephone and entered the extension number for the island's naval headquarters.

RNS Younge, Western Haleigha Sea
20 minutes later.

Commander Robert Meister, skipper of the Reese class light cruiser, stood within the ship's Combat Information Centre as word came from the Haleigha Fleet Command on Volstad for their change of course. Their location put them in the closest proximity to the incoming fleet and afforded them the opportunity to close distance and properly identify the massive convoys entering Haven. Plowing through the waves at nearly twenty seven knots, the cruiser went to general quarters as the crew on the flight deck pushed one of the ship's SH-96M helicopters out and prepared it for flight. The helicopter's pilot spoke with the enlisted crewchief as the aircraft was prepared for the flight, "So we go in low and slow on an escorted fleet, just to take pictures," He said taking a long drag off a cigarette.

"What's not to like?" The petty officer smiled as he looked out over the water, "Besides, whoever these guys are, would they be stupid enough to fire on us?"

"Who knows?" Replied the lieutenant as he put on his flight helmet and walked over to the helicopter, armed with only its light machine guns, and climbed into his seat before starting the last minute systems diagnostic while the crewchief closed shut the side door. Within twenty minutes the helicopter was in the air and on course towards the lead ships of the first convoy, the crew spoke little, nervous of the nature of their mission as the crewchief prepared the high resolution camera he was given. "Identify the ships and make contact, simple enough," Thought the pilot as he looked out over the water, the co-pilot tracking the location of the unidentified ships through the datalink with the cruiser's SPY-510 radar array.
17-07-2008, 11:18

As response to His Majesty's Government proposal,

Olmedreca is grateful for your kind words. We would like to note, that the colonization decision is more related to the political will, then the actual prosperity, which would had permitted such actions years ago.

It seems that there have been some misunderstandings about the potential timetable, obviously a result of our failure to explain the situation more clearly to His Majesty’s Government. For that we would like to apologize. The planned colony is seen as a long term investment, not a short term goal. Therefore Olmedreca has no intention to build up the infrastructure and industrial capacities as fast as possible at all costs. We are proud of our low taxes, which permit our citizens to pursue wealth and happiness similarly, as His Majesty’s subjects. Radically rising taxes for colonization, would not serve the interests of Olmedrecans. Obviously at one moment private investors will come into scene, but that will also take time. Aside the costs, another issue are rather long distances between Olmedreca and the colony. So even if we would want to build it up as fast as possible, then the geographical realities put serious limitations on our way.

Establishing early outposts all along the coast of the intended colony is expected to take at least a month. Actual development of serious port facilities and other infrastructure is a longer process. Even in ideal conditions, with no unexpected delays, it would take at least a year before the colony is able to act as a base for notable military forces. Proper buildup of military and industrial capabilities, is a process that will last several years.

Dangers from Doomani block are not considered very big, actually communists on the other side of the Hallad Strait are a bigger concern for us. Spacium Concordia is separated from the intended colony by about 750 kilometers of unhabitated land, without any infrastructure. The Doomani protectorate of Azaha is even more distant. Obviously as military facilities in the colony would expand, so would expand forces meant to defend them and the Olmedrecan neutrality. Despite being geographically separated from the Olmedrecan mainland, the colony would be treated similarly as Olmedrecan territory in mainland, with local authorities being unable to act on their own, then allowing any foreign forces on the Olmedrecan territory. Any attempts to force such deal on local authorities, would be considered a direct assault against territorial integrity of the Olmedrecan state, and result a proper retaliation.

In conclusion, we do not see any direct Doomani threat in close future. In case of unfortunate possibility that current Havenic conflict will drag over longer period of time, we are confident to be fully capable to properly defend the neutrality of colony by the time it has obtained facilities, which could interest potential invaders. Also if war lasts for longer period, it could cause unnecessary problems for His Majesty’s armed forces war effort, if Olmedrecan vessels would tie up space in the ports of Queensland. Therefore, although we are grateful for the Praetonian alternative proposal, we believe that implementing it is not necessary in the current situation.


OML Kurkse, Western Haleigha Sea

Twenty two ships under the Olmedrecan flag, of the first colonization convoy, sailed in currently calm waters of Haleigha Sea in North-West Haven. The second convoy wasthe about 70 kilometers behind the first, with third following over similar distance. Fourth one had fell back more, due engine problems that two of its ships had suffered. Understandable considering that not all ships in the convoys were newest, timeframe of forming the convoys had been simply too short for demanding perfection.

Commodore Jaak Kiho was just looking at a map on bridge of his de facto flagship, Aegna class destroyer OML Kurkse, then captain Hasas said, “we have detected a unknown helicopter heading directly towards us.” Commodore raised the head only for a moment before concentrating on the map again and said: “Probably Aequatians or Allaneans from the Kingston Pact, or Scandavians from NATO who should be still neutral. Inform other captains that they would not be surprised if that helicopter flies over us, but that’s it, we will continue as planned currently.” Captain nodded and gave appropriate orders.

Kiho was slightly surprised that someone was interested in his convoy so early, but in long run it would not change anything. Then he received his orders, admiralty had put a lot of emphasis into fact, that there must be no stupid conflicts in Haven. Total waste of time in commodore’s opinion. Who would try to get into any conflict with such “fleet” anyway? His flagship was Aegna class ASW destroyer. Other escorts consisted of few other destroyers and frigates, mainly with ASW specialization again. Aside from looking out for submarines, and being able to scare away not very brave environmentalists, the convoy did not have any serious combat capabilities. In the worst case scenario, he could hope that the Admiralty can send some nearby Olmedrecan submarine to help, but as he did not have properly updated information about submarine deployments, it would be nothing certain. About unknown helicopter, he decided to let the other side establish a contact, assuming that they are interested in more than simply checking his flag.

[OOC: Aeq, I wouldn’t really consider convoys of about 20 ships “massive” considering insane amount of shipping which would logically take place in Havenic waters all the time :P.]
19-07-2008, 22:33
Western Haleigha Sea

The aircraft banked hard as it descended to just fifteen metres off the water as the helicopter started its approach on what was discovered to be a destroyer, the pilot pushed the button for the crew intercom, "Chief, get the camera out, I think they're about to say cheese," He said as he brought the SH-96M parallel with the convoy and slowed to a "strolling" speed as the crewchief slid open the side door and took a seat, held by the door gunner and a strap, his legs hung over the side as he brought the camera to his eye and snapped the first picture of the warship.

The ship had apparently not gone to general quarters with the helicopter's approach, a precaution that was standard operating procedure for Aequatian vessels, and vexed the aircraft's crew as the co-pilot smiled and spoke into the intercom, "Maybe they were expecting a gift basket!" He said over the engine's noise.

"There!" Shouted the door gunner as the crewchief took notice of the bicolour flag hanging from the mast of the Kurkse and snapped another image with the camera, "Looks like Olmedrecans!"

"Yeah, I wonder what they're doing here!" Replied the crewchief as he kept the camera against his face, taking more images as the helicopter moved on towards the larger merchant marine vessels.
23-07-2008, 19:03
Western Haleigha Sea

“The helicopter seems to be carrying Aequatian markings, it is continuing on course over the convoy, obviously taking pictures.” said captain Hasas.

Commodore Kiho raised head for a moment again: “Aequatians, eh? From Volstad obviously. Still only one helicopter?”

“Yes, only one.”

“Good, inform the Admiralty and other convoys, that single Aequatian helicopter is flying over the first convoy, and we continue as normal.”

“Yes, Sir! Do you think that they may cause problems?”

“Unlikely, our neutrality should be well known fact, and we are not going to get even close to their territorial waters. At worst they may start annoying us, simply because their commanders have no chances to earn war glory in this corner of Haven.”

While highly encrypted message of Aequatian helicopter was sent to homeland and other convoys, Olmedrecan ships sailed on. Many officers in different ships had started wondering if this first meeting with foreign power in Havenic waters ends soon as silently as it had started, or Aequatians will show more interest than simple overflight.
07-08-2008, 18:54
"I think we have everything the brass needs!" Said the pilot through the intercom as the helicopter banked and started on a course that would take it away from the Olmedrecan ships and back to the waiting cruiser, whose crew had been waiting anxiously for its return. The crew chief waved to a group of sailors on the deck of a merchant ship as the aircraft pulled away and sped off over the water.

The Younge plowed through the water on its now-parallel course with the Olmedrecan fleet almost a hundred kilometres away. Commander Meister watched from the hanger deck as the helicopter set down on the ship and was handled back into the waiting covered hanger, he walked forward and greeted the pilot, "Good work, leftenant, we just received the images on the flight back and they're being sent in to Volstad now."

"Thank you, sir," Said the lieutenant as he removed his helmet, "But if you'll excuse me, I have a date with the shower in my quarters."

Cuthbert Naval Air Station, Volstad

The images taken by the helicopter crew of the Younge were sent back to the intelligence analysts at Cuthbert NAS for them to look over and present to the base commander for a course of action by the forces deployed to guard over the region. Lieutenant McBride was present for the large briefing that had been called as the base commander spoke, "The fleet currently operating in the Haleigha Sea from Olmedreca is, as best we can confirm, a colonization force, more than likely heading on a course for the Haven Strait to the south. I've already spoken with fleet command and they've passed down the order from the Joint Chiefs and President, we're to halt their progress in their endeavour."

"What do you have planned, sir?" Asked one of the staff officers.

"Combined with the Younge already on-station close to the first fleet, patrol assets in the area will make strikes against the fleet's escorts," He said as the officer pointed to the large screen displaying the Haleigha Sea and the locations of both the Olmedrecans and Aequatian assets, "Once the escorts have been destroyed or taken out of service, the cruiser will hail them and inform them that they will be interned until a later time."

P-191A "Dunnigan's Revenge" Aircraft 08-134487, Western Haleigha Sea

Commander Randall Carlson turned the aircraft off its pylon turn of its normal patrol route as he received orders to move south to strike at the Olmedecan destroyers making their way through Havenic waters. Carlson could speak with the aircraft's weapons officer, even though he was in the next compartment, thanks to the intercom system, "What do we have onboard to deal with the projected threat?"

"The rotary launcher has seven Typhoons ready for launch," Replied the officer, "For use against surface targets, more than we need for what we're against."

"Affirmative, I'll inform you when we're on approach for weapons release," Said the pilot as the large aircraft moved to its proper course.
12-08-2008, 19:33
OOC: Talked with Scand on IRC, and for my surprise it came out that due those 1 pixel islands on Haven map, Scand’s territorial waters are far more north then I originally assumed, and my ships had to enter them. So while I originally assumed that by now my ships should be somewhere between Haleigha and Volstad by now, I figured that they should be not reached farer than at western border of Scand's territorial waters for this attack thing to make any sense.

OML Kurkse, Western Haleigha Sea

“Sir, we have incoming missiles from north!” an aide shouted.

“What!?” commodore Kiho was clearly shocked. "Alert all ships that we are under attack! These can be only Aequatians. All ships with anti-ship missiles, fire on nearby Aequatian vessels at north! Inform Olmedreca about attack!”

Commodore looked on a map for a moment before raising head again:

“Transports must turn to south immediately and head to Haleigha. We are currently in, or entering at any moment to, Scandavian States territorial waters, all transports and survivors from escorts will surrender to them. Escorts must cover retreat of transports and take Aequatian fire on them.”

Olmedrecan vessels desperately put up anti-air fire to stop the incoming missiles. For a few moments it seemed that they may have some success, until frigate OML Paatsalu suffered a direct hit and exploded violently. Before anyone had even time to consider sending help for saving survivors, it was followed by other hits all over convoy. While under attack a desperate retaliation was mounted. Although most escorts in convoy were primarily meant for ASW duties, some Questarian P-900 Sea Scimitar Light AShM missiles could be still launched. Those were fired on the closest Aequatian warships, to give transports time to get out from fight.

Few minutes later Commodore Kiho slowly got up from floor after Kurkse had been shaken by direct hit. Ship had suffered two hits, one had landed on helicopter landing pad at stern, while other had cut the bow. Both ends of his ship were engulfed in large flames. All other escorts were also hit and sinking. He realized that it was going to be his last order as commander of convoy, which is ceasing to exists:

“Crews of all escorts of first convoy, abandon your ships, if there is anyone still not sinking, then scuttle your ship, we are all surrendering to Scandavians.”

As commodore spoke those words, message of surrendering to the Scandavian States, and request to save survivors from sinking ships, had been already sent to Scandavian authorities.


Varbola, Olmedreca

Herman Karm, First Citizen of Olmedreca, cursed silently then he heard that Admiral Hanno Strendman is calling, and extemely urgently needs to talk with him about colonization fleet. He started without formalities:


Admiral’s voice was clearly lacking his usual peace and calmness: “Sir! Aequatians have made unprovoked attack on our first colonization convoy in Haleigha sea.”

“Our actions so far?”

“Other three convoys have turned around and are in process of leaving Havenic waters at the moment. They do not seem to be under direct threat. Commodore Kiho ordered all transports and survivors from escorts of first convoy to surrender to Scandavians who’s territorial waters they were passing through.”


“Sir, I must say that it was correct decision. They had no chance to escape, and situation was hopeless. We must hope that the Aequatians acted on their own and the Scandavians are not involved in action.”

“So, Aequatians?”

“Yes, their helicopter overflight was reported earlier, and their cruiser staying in hundred kilometers from first convoy. But they have not tried to contact us, and our ships are outside from their territorial waters.”

“I see, watch over the retreat of the other convoys. Inform all members of the Supreme War Council, I want all them back to Varbola to discuss situation. Also tell the foreign minister to make some sort of public protest about attack, and request for Scandavian goodwill. That is all, dismissed.”

“Yes, Sir.”


Official Olmedrecan Statement

Olmedrecan convoy in Haleigha Sea has fallen under unprovoked attack by Aequatian forces. This is an unprovoked attack against a neutral state. All ships and survivors from convoy are surrendering to the Scandavian States. We hope that lives of citizens of Olmedreca are safe under Scandavian protection.

Olmedrecan Foreign Ministry