The Northern Secession [wide open|MT]
The Far Echo Islands
04-07-2008, 06:27
Echo Islands Broadcasting Company
--The First Choice in Television
Breaking News!
The Northern Secession!
Centerville, The Federal Republic of the Echo Islands -- At 15:08 this afternoon, twelve northern states, encompassing all of Glacia and Seahorse Islands, have announced official secession from the Federal Republic. They claim protection in the move under the old Articles of Confederation which the President has declared null and void.
The newly seceded states, took this radical move in reaction to the announcement of President Valdez taking power in the Echo Islands and eliminating the last remains of the old governments. Valdez's promises of a progressive, vibrant future for the Echo Islands under new and never before used policies of federalism in the Islands.
The seceded states have begun styling themselves as the Commonwealth of Norfolk.
Snönársar, Kirav
The abnormally hot summer had prompted Emperor Seawind to declare Snönársar, a mountain town of 16,000 people in Northeast Kirav, as the summer capital. KE officials had mostly finished moving into their temporary homes, and all was well.
Emperor Seawind swore in a loud and colourful manner when he got the news, disturbing some visiting hikers that were walking outside his seasonal office. Another seccession? This is where the problems came in with being allied to a country whose government has a tendancy to change. Or break up. Or be suspended by a crazed socialist. Or be bulldozed over by a foriegn country. get the point. The trouble lay now just where it did during the Northern Agression [only a syllable away]: Will the real Echo Islands please stand up? It was difficult to tell who was entitled to the Empire's support. Traditional Echoese political culture was in the interests of the Commonwealth of Norfolk, but a strong, stable government capable of warding off foreign influence and takeover might be better incarnated by the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands.
How about we had them decide?
Kiravian Empire
Permissim Astrav Subleucim
Imperial Secriat of State
Foreign Affairs Office
To: The Federal Republic of the Echo Islands, Commonwealth of Norfolk
Concerning: Alleviation of this Conflict
After hearing of the seccession of the Commonwealth of Norfolk from the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands, we have decided to invite the leaders of both Echoese States to our summer capital, Snönársar, to find a solution to this conflict of interest through diplomacy. Many options are open for consideration. For example, the creation of a federacy, or moderately increased autonomy for all states, or another idea which we may explore at the conference. We should hate to see our friends and allies in Echonia go to war over an issue such as this.
Emperor I. Seawind shall serve as mediator of the conference, and comfortable lodgings shall be provided for your leaders and staff in Snönársar.
Red Tide2
04-07-2008, 16:42
"The Totalitarian State hereby condemns the so-called 'Commonwealth of Norfolk' in their illegal attempt to remove themselves from their rightful government. The Totalitarian State fully supports The Federal Republic of the Echo Islands in any effort to reunite the islands."
End Statement
Of course, this statement did not reveal everything, Red Tide would not go out of its way to make a decleration like this for feeling humanitarian. They wanted something...
The Far Echo Islands
05-07-2008, 05:34
"I hate to just ignore the Kiravian's advice, but the last time we tried to use diplomacy to avoid a major conflict, in regards to our self-governance at least, we wound up flying the Akimonadi flag." lamented President Valdez.
Foreign Minister Dax Herr simply sat there, he looked somewhat disgruntled. The Vice-President, Nathan Thurman, a man in his late 60's, simply diverted his tired eyes and did not move his aged lips.
"Damn. Y'all ain't got any ideas at all. I wanted to be President of a Federation, not the Dictator of a Dictatorship." He stood up. "I need a soda." he began to walk out.
A rasp came on the door. There was bit of a rhythm to it. Esteban knew it was the Minister of Defense.
"Entras, por favor." he said.
"Hola. I don't speak much Spanish, but this is improtante, to say the least." said the young blonde woman that was the Minister of Defense.
"Just tell me."
"Frioia wants to accede."
"No fricken way." The other dignitaries had looked up in disbelief as well.
"It's all here, Mr. President."
He glanced through the documents. "I'll be.." he muttered.
"What should I do, Mr. President?" spoke the Foreign Minister, a middle aged man, from the sofa near the back of the office.
"Everything! Tell them they have immediate acceptance, I want a full press release within the hour!"
"Yes Mr. President." And the Foreign Minister got up and walked out.
"And Ms. Sectary, have High General Ferguson put all the bases in the north on high alert." said the President.
"And what should I tell the Tideians and the Kiravians?"
"Nothing, they both want us to handle this on out own, lets give them what they want!"
Emperor Seawind was looking over the reports from the newly founded Alphinsula Territory when Ambassador Whitesea knoacked on the door.
"Come in"
"Good afternoon, Sèr."
"Ah, Sèr Ambassador. Have the"
"No, sir."
"Any sign?"
"No sir. They are proceeding as expected, but Frioia had seceeded."
"Hm... Ambassador, I want you to return to the Echo Islands and keep the Embassy up in case visas need to be signed or our overseas citizens need to be repatriated. I also need you there to monitor how this progresses."
"As you wish, sir," he said. And he left.
Secession was a dangerous idea for the Kiravians. They had so far succeeded in creating a colonial Empire made up of different republics with different degrees of autonomy and differenct derivations of power. They had just had a brush with secessionism in their colony of Xirya, one of their largest and most important. He wasn't going to let this issue get out of hand.
Seawind picked up his phone and called the Military Secriat in Kartika, "Hello? This is Emperor Seawind. Put me through to General Woodland. Sendar? Good afternoon to you, too. Listen, I want you to send some frigates from Sattelia to wait near the Echoese EEZ and keep an eye on things. And put the base on Green Alert, so that we can have a team ready to respon if war breaks out. For which side? Make plans for either. Thank you."
Hopefully, the Empire would not have to go to war in Echonia again. Seawind did not want to see the cemetary outside of Neo-Savannah get any larger, but he would do what he must. It was his duty. He thought about the men who had been born on Kiravian soil and lay buried under Echoese. It had been their duty as well.
08-07-2008, 02:07
Unencrypted Communiqué
Animus omnia vincit
The current situation facing The Far Echo Islands is one which appears set to repeat itself again, and again, and again, unless we meet a permanent solution. Therefor I must 'echo' the Kiravian proposal for greater autonomy for individual regions, and the recent centralization of power to be immediately reversed. If these proposals are not realized in the near future, I predict that the Akimonadi will lawfully interpret the secession of the north as an illegal rebellion against a government endorsed by the authority of the Akimonadi and will likely move to rectify this crisis. Might I also add that the failure of the current government, and indeed entire nation to maintain a healthy and popular leadership is also call for greater powers to be bestowed to those who govern Echoia out with TFEI, in order to ensure that history does not continue repeating itself.
In my own hand,
Lord Consul Gaius Kadesh
Picts! WHOOHOO! Welcome, back, mate!
East Laos
08-07-2008, 02:24
To: Leader of The Commonwealth of Norfolk
From: Prime Minister Gerstung
Subject: Succesion
Dear Common Wealth of Norfolk, may we state that this may be a hard time for you all. We would like to reach out our hands to you and offer support for your cause. If you will be needing anything than we will offer it to you, no charge. We request that you let us occupy your nation temporarily. However we are rather dissapointed that you have separated from The Far Echo Islands. If you need assistance then please message us for further information.
The Far Echo Islands
08-07-2008, 06:56
OOC: Kriav (and everybody else who didn't get this) Frioia 'acceded' which means they joined. (ie: If Puerto Rico became a state, they would have acceded) All the other parts seceded. And a little note, although nobody admits it, they rejoined because Esteban is from Frioia.
And I'll iterate this for newcomers and a refresher for the rest:
Froia is a Spanish speaking part of the Echo islands, in the north east corner of it. If you want to imagine it on a rl map, think just south of Iceland. They seceded some time ago due to tensions over a war and long time tensions as they had been a Spanish colony for a long time, gotten independence, and were then annexed by the first 'Confederacy' which was actually a short lived military junta.
Flag of the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands
The President and the Defense Minister sat in the Presidential Office, across from each other on fine microfiber sofas. The sofas' color matched that of the flag of the new Federal Republic that hung in the back of the room. They had been debating the next actions of how to handle the crisis for quite sometime and had gotten nowhere.
"Eh, so you can't tell me anything other than they dont want a fight up north?" questioned the President.
"Well, I can tell you that the government up there is only in power because politicians want it to be, it has little to no popular backing." replied the Defense Minister. The President still had a hard time believing her military credentials. The combat, the honors, the lifesaving, she was one hell of a tough woman, that's for sure.
"So, what? You think this can be run as a propaganda war?"
"I'd wouldn't say you're gonna be able to not fire a single shot, some of these politicians might need some convincing, and, err, they might be a little hard to convince."
"Eh, if all I have to do is send orders out to deploy Spec. Ops. sniper teams out to pop some heads I'll be happy."
"That might be achievable."
"I damn sure hope so. I don't want this to turn into a total war, millions of people dying because some people like central government and other don't. The north is not more free than the south just because they have a confederal government! I am no oppressor, hell, not to sound like a pompous ass, but I consider myself a liberator."
"Well, that's the picture we want to paint."
"Indeed. Get some PR people working on posters and e-mail's and websites, radio addresses, books, anything to make us look good and anything they might ban to make them look oppressive."
"Will do."
"Good." he winked at her. "I've got some letters to write."
Federal Republic of the Echo Islands
Office of the President
Esteban Valdez
TO: World, Public Communiqué
RE: The Recent Controversies in the Echo Islands
08 July 2008
Amidst clouds of confusion and disorientation, the Federal Republic of the Far Echo Islands has managed to reform itself under the rough conditions that this nation had fallen into under socialism. The officials of this government have the utmost aim of ensuring the freedom of every citizen in this fine country. And there is only one country in the the entire archipelago of the Echo Islands, and as of now and for a long time to come, that is the Federal Republic.
It is my lamentation to the Pictlands that it is high levels of autonomy that have brought about these situations in the past. A higher degree of federalism and less powerful provincial governments have worked in other nations and they have kept unity. It is now time for their application in these islands.
Furthermore, I would like to publicly announce that the island of Frioia has formally joined the Federal Republic as a new province. The Frioian realization that the Echo Islands are stronger united than divided is a sign of things to come.
Esteban Valdez
President of the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands
*Highly Encrypted*
Commonwealth of Norfolk
Office of the General Sectary
Bohumil Ivan Aleš
TO: Prime Minister Gerstung of East Laos
RE: Military Assistiance
The military assistance of East Laos is much welcomed and much needed. Recently, the Federal Republic has shown signs of aggression towards this fine nation. Due to the recent fall apart of the socialist government, and the rise of the federal south, the military has been almost forgotten and it is in a sad state at the moment. Furthermore, if there is to be a war, we are at a clear disadvantage to the military junta of the south.
However, I ask you to refrain from calling this an occupation, once all operations are successful, this nation and East Laos will be eternally close allies.
Finally, we too are sad that this nation has come to yet another secessionist division, once more with a side clearly in the right, one clearly in the wrong, but, though our perseverance and your military assistance, coupled with our rising strength, we will be able to reunite these island under a right, sane, and proper, confederacy once more.
Bohumil Ivan Aleš
General Sectary of the Commonwealth of Norfolk
OOC: Fixed my post. I'm waiting for someone else to post before I do any more IC action.
08-07-2008, 20:38
TO:The Commonwealth of Norfolk
FROM: Dragos Riel, Foreign Minister of The People's Republic of Mixolidian
The People's Republic of Mixolidian issues it support for The Commonwealth of Norfolk. We hope that a military conflict can be avoided and ask both sides to solve this crisis through diplomatic effots.
the natoin of murthag will bring you anything you need we are glad to help you in this hard time
occ sorry about the posting 2 times i clicked it twice
08-07-2008, 21:05
[OOC: You can delete posts...
IC post forthcoming. I assume you're waiting on me, Kirav.]
Not you in particular, I just need something concrete to respond to.
</Kirav Puppet>
09-07-2008, 22:28
Official Declaration
Once again the government of the Far Echo Islands shows itself to be incapable of maintaining the Islands' collective unity. We find this to be one of the reasons for our presence on the islands.
The Islands are still considered a protectorate of the Autocratic Federated Empire, however, and the rebellion of Glacia and Seahorse Islands is disturbing.
Should this breakaway state - the so-called "Commonwealth of Norfolk" - not immediately lay down arms and return to the legitimate government of the Far Echo Islands, the Autocratic Federated Empire will be compelled to take steps to subjugate the islands back into the Federal Republic that governs the isles.
Consider this your last warning and your only ultimatum.
~Dr. Jules Hodz,
Lord Protector
Office of the Proconsul, Upson
Once again Frederick Bremer found himself in the middle of conflict.
By now, however, this was becoming secondhand nature.
These Echoese are appearing more and more incompetent, he thought to himself.
Just then the Commander of ADF Forces in Echonia entered Bremer's office.
"Sir, we have orders to capture New Saint Petersburg and blockade the islands. They are already being carried out as we speak." the Commander said.
"Very good. Get me a copy of the orders and I'll inform the Echoese about our plans." Bremer said.
The Commander handed Bremer a folder and began to exit. "There is a progress update meeting in the Situation Room at 1900." he said.
Bremer murmured an affirmation and browsed through the folder quickly. Having finished that, he pressed the button on the intercom and ordered a car to take him to the capitol to speak with Mr. Valdez.
Outside Exclusive Economic Zone of the Far Echo Islands
Captain Järin Rendmec, an experienced Norskev naval officer stood on the bridge aboard his ship, the frigate INS Archipelago, looking out to the pale blue horizon. The nearest island, Glacia, was not in sight.
"Captain Rendmec, we have news from Sattelia Base," said his junior gunnery officer, a young Gërev straight out of the Maritime Corps Academy.
"Akimonad's moving back into the Islands. They're landing forces in the Norfolk-controlled areas. Emperor Seawind and the Supreme General are assuming that the next step is annexation. We have orders to move southward and out of the combat area."
"Right. Helmsman, set a course for Neo-Savannah. Hopefully we'll have permission to enter FREI waters and refuel at their naval base there before returning to Sattelia."
Snönársar, Kirav
With the recent Akimonadi action adding a bit more weight to the scales, the Empire had finally decided to choose a side. They would be fighting on the side of the FREI. Ideologically, it didn't make much sense, but the Echoese people deserved a stable, Echoese government. Reduced state's rights were better than an Akimonadi mandate. It was their hope that they could prevent an Akimonadi takeover by helping unify and stabilise the Echo Islands. They would of course cooperate with Akimonad to regain Norfolk. The enemy was not Akimonad, nor Norfolk, really. It was the spectre of what Norfolk might prompt Akimonad to do.
Kiravian Empire
Permissim Astrav Subleucim
Imperial Secriat of War
Declarations Office
The Kiravian Empire officially declares war upon the Commonwealth of Norfolk as rebels against their proper government at this time. We further declare our support of the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands. The Imperial Military is currently preparing forces to aid in their defence.
May this war be won. By the Federal Republic.
09-07-2008, 23:31
To: The Commonwealth of Norfolk
From: Jimzrawayin Secretary of War
Re: Support
To whom it may concern,
The Republic of Jimzraway would like to offer it's LIMITED support, should a military conflict breakout, to the Commonwealth of Norfolk. We are willing to dispatch 200 of our special operations soldiers, a single armor regiment, and possibly a detachment of Hind Helicopters. Our military servicemen are highly trained and extremely well equipped. Please respond at your earliest possible convince. The only thing that the Republic asks in return is open trade should you win the conflict.
Secretary of War, Roy Campbell
10-07-2008, 14:32
From: Secetary of the Navy, Adrimal Maxwell Torr, People's Navy HQ
To: Commanders of DSS Baracuda & DSS Mako
Proceed to intertnational waters outside of territorial waters of The Commenwealth of Norfolk and await further instruction. Proceed at maximum speed.
OOC: These are two nuclear submarines.
10-07-2008, 18:12
[OOC: For the love of god TFEI, what were you thinking with "wide open"? Perhaps it would be best to ask the mods to change the title to semi-closed or such, else every n00b on II will start dogpiling in]
Zinaire was a promising, fledgling state, not even independent for two decades yet and still proved to be an invaluable resource for the greater Pictish empire. For some time now, Pictland had pledged to protect the young nation from the ravenous hordes that exist beyond it's shores and in return Zinaire did not conceal it's generosity. On the Caribbean island of tropical promise lay the base of operations of the Consul's Imperial Zinairian Legion (CIZLXX), not more than one-hundred kilometres away from Zinaire City itself, nestled in a pleasant cove that provided a natural harbour for Havenic shipping. The base, entitled 'St. Emilia' after the area constructed upon, initially only structured to accommodate five-thousand souls had since grown to cater for over ten-thousand Zinairian-born troops. Now the primary base of Picto-Atlantic operations, warships came and went on a regular basis, never leaving the port unguarded.
As the Echoian crisis began to unravel, all scheduled departures of fleet assets from St. Emelia were cancelled and the CIZLXX mobilized and briefed for action. At the time of the order to halt all military shipping, two Síanach-class DDGNs, one Chamberlain-class SSBN and one Ungforth-class LPD had gathered off the coast, with a third destroyer moving to rendezvous with the Atlantic fleet in less than a day. In the space of twenty-four hours, the 3rd Battalion-group (1,200 troops) from the division were prepped for combat and marched onto the amphibious assault ship alongside various other forms of war machinery and equipment before the watchful eyes of their commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Rhydian Ó Ceallaigh. As the tropical sun began to set over the horizon, illuminating the modest fleet and base, the ships cut their tethers and drifted out of the bay as agilely as possible for hulks of their mass. As they lumbered out into the vast ocean beyond, the sounds of the Carnyx echoed throughout the base and cove, accompanied by the sounds of the ships horns.
The fleet was destined for The Far Echo Islands, and would arrive in a matter of days.
The war room of the Consular Palace in Fortriu was significantly less busy compared to what was normal during times of heightened international tension. With the constant waging of potentially apocalyptic wars by Questers and Doomingsland in Haven in recent times, a skeleton staff as such of intelligence and ministerial personnel were almost constantly required to coordinate the best possible political strategy to avoid war in the Pictish Federation. Today, however, the room was home to three senior intelligence staff, a drastically over-decorated military figure, the Consul and a couple of relatively insignificant councillors. It was nothing more than a formality; decisions regarding the 'ethical' course of action had been made almost immediately as things progressed in the North Atlantic, and the men and women gathered were merely there to report back to their commander-in-chief. The soldier, who clearly only commanded other soldiers now, leaned forward onto the table before him. As he did so, his black, high-collard formal military coat adorned with a ridiculous quantity of silver buttons and medals began to crease. He rested his arms on the wood as he linked his fingers, before beginning to speak in a husky, aged voice;
"An tríú cabhlach briseadh grúpa anfoniad... [Translating in progress...] The Third Fleet carrier battle group has been dispatched for the Echo Islands, Sir, marines travelling with."
The Consul nodded, and one of the intelligence personnel, a young, blonde woman, took over;
"Sir, we estimate that the Akimonadi will have mobilized forces now, if not before us. However due to Pictavia's geographical position to the far south-east of Haven and the relatively high speed of the Third Fleet compared to others, the battle group should arrive before Akimonad manages to reinforce it's assets already garrisoned in TFEI. At the maximum speed of our slowest ships in the fleet, it'll take at least twenty-days to reach the target. As for the Kiravian, situation, we hope to beat their warships into the combat-zone also"
Their was a brief pause as the information sank into the minds of the various strategists, both military and political, around the room. Satisfied, the Consul called the meeting to an end;
"Go raibh míle maith agat."
Unencrypted Communiqué
Consul Populusque Pictōrum
Animus omnia vincit
Despite the frightening rate of which recent events have unfolded, Pictland believes it unwise at this juncture for colonial powers to resort so swiftly to armed combat to rectify this issue. It is with deep regret that I must unveil the Pictish intent in deploying armed forces into The Far Echo Islands, for it is an action of which I am certain will earn the disapproval of both the Akimonadi and Kiravian empires. In this very moment, our ships are moving t'wards the capitals of both Echoia and Norfolk in order to establish a defencive parametre against anything that may harm said states, and to aid the Echoese people and presidents against relentless foreign aggression in coordination with their legitimate leadership. We act in the hope that both Echoese Presidents, nations and peoples be successfully defended by Pictish forces if needs be in order to return to diplomacy, rather than bloodshed, to heal the Echoese rift.
Writ in my own hand,
The Rt. Hon. Lord Consul Gaius Kadesh
Red Tide2
10-07-2008, 18:58
IC: Official Statement from TSRT Government
"The Totalitarian State has decided too deploy forces to the so-called 'Commonwealth of Norfolk' with the intent of aiding the Echoese in a retaking their rightful land. A Guards Field Army and several Carrier Battlegroups are being prepared for deployment too Norfolk."
End Statement
SIC: Red Tide had its own motives, of course. The plan was too land far-away from the capitol city of the Commonwealth of Norfolk, but in a rather industrialised area. Once Red Tidean forces were established in the area, they would strip it of any useful industrial machinery and all stored raw resources and ship those things home to Red Tide.
Also, the Intelligence Commissariat drew up a list of scientists and engineers who lived and worked in the area Red Tidean forces would be landing. Assuming they did not flee the area, they too would be sent home when the Red Tidean forces pulled out.
OOC: Forces being deployed:
x2 Carrier Battlegroups
1 Carrier Battlegroup consists of:
x2 Tsunamis-Class Fleet Carriers
x3 Bluebird-Class Guided Missile Cruisers
x2 G-Class Heavy Cruisers
x8 M-Class Heavy Cruisers
x12 Tidal Wave-Class Multi-Role Destroyers
x24 Greyback-Class ASW Frigates
x80 Su-33NRT Naval Fighters
x36 H/K-1Surface Attack Aircraft
x20 TC-1N Tanker Aircraft
x20 TC-3N RADAR/Electronic Warfare Aircraft
x6 K-3 Cargo Aircraft
x16 TC-2C Anti-Submarine Warfare Helicopters
Assorted Supply & Logistics Vessels
x1 Guards Field Army of 525,000 men.
"Damn right they earned our disapproval!" roared Supreme General Woodland, despite his normally, and ironically, peacful manner.
"Peace, General. They are only acting in what they consider to be Echonia's best interests. The problem is, we all have different ideas on what that ought to be. The Picts think that mediation is in order as we had originally proposed, while Akimonad and ourselves are more quick to deploy forces. In effect, they're simply using military force to get both Echo Islands to the negotiating table. Which was our initial solution."
"But the Echoese refused!"
"Exactly. The Picts are making sure that they can't refuse."
"That's all well and good, Emperor, but I still want a fleet in the Islands, in case things go south."
"You have my leave to do so. Make sure that you have FREI permission, though, and don't do anything unless attacked or ordered to do something. In fact, you'd better put it under Admiral Leonoix. He's our most steady-handed and experienced naval commander in the region."
"I'll send orders to Trinity Island Base to fly him to Sattelia immediately"
10-07-2008, 21:11
To: The Commonwealth of Norfolk.
From: The Veranvakia Department of Defense.
"The Democratic Republic of Veranvakia recognizes the legality and justness of your cause, but, as Veranvakia is a small, young nation, we do not wish to involve ourselves in this war directly. We will however supply aircraft, ships, weapons, medical supplies and other supplies to your forces to help defend yourselves from the oppression of the Far Echo Islands government."
11-07-2008, 00:45
Unencrypted Communication:
To: The Government of the Pictlands
From: The Office of the Salzland Minister of Defense
Having noticed your efforts to both peacefully resolve the brewing dispute in The Far Echo Islands and prevent foreign powers from using the dispute to seize territory and resources from TFEI, my government has authorized the Salzland Defense Forces to offer any support that we can provide to your forces arriving in-theater. It should be in the best interests of all nations to seek a peaceful resolution to this dispute. At this time the Salzland government believes that your government's position of not taking sides in the FREI-Confederacy dispute and working only to allow both halves of the Echoese nation to reach a diplomatic solution represents the only way to secure a lasting peace for this region.
Should you accept our offer, a TO&E of available SDF units will be forwarded to the appropriate offices of your government.
Faithfully yours,
Paul Westings
Salzland Minister of Defense
OOC: Picts is right, Echo. I think you oughta pull the door a bit more shut on who can join this.
11-07-2008, 05:59
OOC: Keep in mind, a low post count does not constitute a "noob". I just rejoined NS after a year of being away, and I happen to have about 3 years of RP experience under my belt. So please, if you were referring to me, yes my post was short, but I was rushing to get it out before I went somewhere. Don't assume anything.
11-07-2008, 19:05
IC:Emergency Metting between Foreign Minister, Dragos Riel and the Chief of the Defence Staff, General Mircea Stanca.
"This situation is turning for the worst. We must do something to help the besieged people of the Commenwealth of Norfolk. But we cannot risk a full scale war between ourselves and The Far Echo Islands and her allies. Then again the hardliners in our party would love to use any excuse to force a vote of confidence for the president." Dragos Riel
"I agree we must avoid getting ourselves involved in a full scale war. I suggest that we supply the Commenwealth of Norfolk with logistical support. We can ship them munitions and practically give them some fighter planes. If an invasion takes place, I suggest deploying Special Naval Operation Force inside of Norfolk from our two submarines who are in the area." Mircea Stanca
" I will consult the president on our recomendations. In the meantime I want our two submarines to stay in international waters and refrain from engaging anyone without the orders of the president" Dragos Riel
OOC: Keep in mind, a low post count does not constitute a "noob". I just rejoined NS after a year of being away, and I happen to have about 3 years of RP experience under my belt. So please, if you were referring to me, yes my post was short, but I was rushing to get it out before I went somewhere. Don't assume anything.
Actually, I wasn't referring to you, but the two who posted before I did, and not because of "noobery" so much as size control. And I completely understand having to put out a short post due to time constraints, as I often have to do it myself.
11-07-2008, 21:03
OOC: Fair enough. Sorry I snapped like that, it's just that I've already heard a couple times the "you dont have a lot of posts which therefore must mean you suck" argument. Sorry ^_^
OOC: Fair enough. Sorry I snapped like that, it's just that I've already heard a couple times the "you dont have a lot of posts which therefore must mean you suck" argument. Sorry ^_^
Nah, it's quite all right.
11-07-2008, 23:09
Actually, I wasn't referring to you, but the two who posted before I did, and not because of "noobery" so much as size control. And I completely understand having to put out a short post due to time constraints, as I often have to do it myself.
No need to be rude, it's a "wide-open" RP, if the creator wants to limit it then I'll leave if asked.
11-07-2008, 23:14
OOC: I don't think anyone was aiming complaints at me, but if asked, I will also leave.
My apologies to both of you. I was being short-sighted and somewhat "Old Echo Club" elitist.
12-07-2008, 11:49
[Now that we all know how each other feel, which is nice, could I remind you all that this is an IC thread and that I'm sure TFEI would share my opinion that TGs are available for that sort of thing. Nevertheless, I'm afraid I must withdraw my participation in this RP as I am going on holiday today/tomorrow for three weeks and will have zero access to the internet. I was hoping the pace wouldn't be this slow and I'd have my part done by then but it appears TFEI has gone AWOL over the past couple of days, so please presume Pictland's actions to be either retconned or recalled. Thank you, and place nice kids.]
sorry i wont be able do this thread
The Far Echo Islands
14-07-2008, 05:15
OOC: Picts: darn, I'll miss your input. Mur, cya! Furthermore, I don't think this will last long enough for me to bother with changing the title, but I will take this to ask that nobody else joins unless they have had prior involvement, and even if you have, TG me first. Also, i havent been here the last three days, if you were wondering about my absence of posts.
President's Office, Centerville
"I don't want the damn Akimonadi coming in and fighting this war for us. It makes us look like we have no control." the President said to his advisers.
"What are we gonna do! Really, being as respectful as possible Mr. President, this is a fucking stupid war, essentially, a few people got together up north and said 'I declare all around me to be BF Egyptistan!'" said an infuriated, mid 30's, short, tan, Domestic Minister.
"Fuck them then. Does anybody have any intel on anything that's going on up north! Is there anybody I can tell the SEALS to kill! Any building I can bomb and kill some of these bastards who are making my job so fucking hard right now!" President Esteban was beginning to get quite red in the face, the frustration clear in his voice.
In response, his cabinet only looked at him with blank faces. The distressed President leaned back in his chair and looked at the roof and muttered a prayer in Spanish.
A young intern came running in through the large doors to the President's office, mistakenly left unlocked. "Mr. President, Mr. President!" He yelled. The security guards in the corners of the room almost drew their weapons, but then realized the intern was no threat.
"We've a mole up north. And what he just gave us is too good. We might be able to fry all these fish in one pot. If you know what I mean." He said excitedly, pointing to the documents in his hand, he continued, "According to the mole, who asked to remain unnamed, pretty much the whole leadership of the Commonwealth is meeting tonight in a bunker. I've got the coordinates and everything here. I think you know what we should do."
"Exactly. Defense Minister, scramble the F-22's." She nodded and got up. The President turned to the intern, "Did you get a time?"
"17:00, same time zone as here, sir."
"Good, hit 'em at 17:30, long enough for them to get there and get talking." he said to the general audience listening."
"What if the intel is wrong?" came another comment from the Domestic Minister.
"Then we blow up an empty bunker."
Underground Bunker, 17:27, East of St. Sebastian
"Eh, then security is tight, the room is free of bugs, no one has any weapons, we're ready to begin!" began General Sectary Bohumil Ivan Aleš.
"Ha, quite so, Mr. General sectary." former senator Peredur Kody sated in reply.
"Well, thank you for reaffirming my confidence, Mr. Kody. Anyway, we have to begin addressing matters dealing with this government, we have no flag, no assembly, no effective military, none of that, and it is going to be a problem in the near future. I foresee this situation escalating in the near future, the Federal Republic will not stand for this. And the Topia islands are another issue, being nominally independent from either state, they do not represent an large geographic area, but a great number of nuclear weapons are on those islands. But first we need to get this government working.
I propose a system in which the General Sectary would hand pick his cabinet, and where a Congress of Representatives from each state will act as both the law making and judicial forces in the nation. The General Sectary will have complete control of the military in wartime, and can deploy up to half of the military in peacetime. Only the unicameral Congress can declare war. Furthermore, the Congress will have the responsibility of acting as supreme court and--" one of the security personnel whispered in the General Sectary's ear word of very small radar signatures of what could be stealth fighters.
"Should we evacuate?" the General Sectary questioned quietly.
"I think not, we're quite safe in this-" began the security officer. However, within the next second, four 2400 kilogram GPS guided penetration bombs fell into the bunker, obliterating those inside.
No one could be sure of the lasting effects of this strike until things progressed on, and it would not be known public until later that night, but those watching from the outside knew something big had just happened.
OOC: Can we assume that the bombing's been publicised now?
14-07-2008, 20:25
Dear Sirs,
we offer You with this writing the help of two of our most experienced secret service officers. They are highly skilled in interrogating and torturing prisoners.
The service will be free, as long as companies from Koruptistan receive a specially favoured status in trade.
Best greatings
Rupert Magumbe,
Ministry for economic security of the dictatorship of Koruptistan
The Far Echo Islands
15-07-2008, 08:12
OOC: now I'm publicizing it.
Echo Islands Broadcasting Company
--The First Choice in Television
Breaking News!
Northern Leadership Eliminated
Centerville, The Federal Republic of the Echo Islands -- At approximately 17:30 last night, covert aerial forces of the Federal Republic moved to eliminate the northern leadership. Using penetration bombs, the fighters were able to destroy the bunker in which the northern leadership was meeting. While the full list of those dead is not yet available, it has been confirmed that General Sectary Bohumil Ivan Aleš was killed in the blast. The total number dead is expected to number around 70. The bodies thus far have all been of major northern political figures, including senators and governors.
In the wake of this, the governor of the nominally Independent State of Topia announced that Topia would join the Federal Republic as a province. Along most of the regions of the former so-called Commonwealth of Norfolk, many states proclaimed to be independent nations from both the Commonwealth and the Federal Republic. Moreover, several other states, formerly with the Commonwealth, changed by orders of their legislature or governor and rejoined the Federal Republic.
A Map of States and their alliances as of 01:45 15 June 2008
Orange = Federal Republic
Yellow = Commonwealth
Light Blue = Self-Declared Independent.
Red = Foreign Colony
OOC: I just made the map real quick like in paint, assume the green islands are with the state they are included in via border lines.
15-07-2008, 12:54
Meeting Between Foreign Minister Dragos Riel and the Chief of Defence Staff General Mircea Stanca.
"Why am I only now hearing about this from the media!! I thought we had agents on the ground in Norfolk??" Dragos Riel
"Sir we do have agents inside Norfolk but they did not have any intel on this assination operation." Mircea Stanca
"I want those agents to find out who has been killed and if anyone has survied. If not they are to contact whoever now is in control of Norfolk."Dragos Riel
"Yes Sir." Mircea Stanca
Encrypted Communication
From: Colonel Michal Kostis Head of Mixolidian Secret Intelligence Service
To: Agents inside the Commenwealth of Norfolk
You are to find out the number of casulties from the assaination attempt. Please report back who is dead and if anyone has survived. If no one has survived you must immediatley find out who is now in control of Norfolk and make contact.
Kiravian Empire
Permissim Astrav Subleucim
Imperial Secriat of State
International Recognitions Office
Let it be known that the Empire officially condones the penetration bombing conducted by the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands. We do not recognise the self-declared states of the Echo Islands to be independent, and consider them to be provinces of the FREI that are in a state of rebellion.
As a side note, we ask the Federal Republic to permit the refueling and resupplying of four Imperial Navy frigates in Neo-Savannah Harbour, as they have a long journey back to Sattelia Naval Colony.
The Far Echo Islands
16-07-2008, 22:14
Federal Republic of the Echo Islands
Office of the President
Esteban Valdez
TO: Kiravian Department of State
RE: Recent Actions
16 July 2008
I am happy to hear of the Kiravian approval of these actions taken to ensure the stability of the Islands. The Kravian Empire is an ally that has seen us through the hardest of times and the darkest of days. For too long, we have been in those dark days, but with this tactical preemptive strike, we can see the light.
Furthermore, consider our ports always open to Kravian ships, both military and civilian.
Esteban Valdez
President of the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands
The Far Echo Islands
23-07-2008, 04:58
Echo Islands Broadcasting Company
--The First Choice in Television
Breaking News!
Nation Nearly Reunited
Centerville, The Federal Republic of the Echo Islands -- As of late last night, 10,000 Federal troops were deployed throughout the various states which have declared themselves independent. By this afternoon, all had declared their alleigance to the Federal Republic.
Despite these strong hand tactics, it was an effective way of showing force to the small states with no military assets. No engagements were actually encountered in the whole operation, now declassified as Operation: Magnet. Former Commonwealth states seem a likely next objective, and as the rebels in the Commonwealth still fight their own fights over leadership, it seems incredibly likely that the nation could be reunited by the end of the week.
The Far Echo Islands
24-07-2008, 05:19
Echo Islands Broadcasting Company
--The First Choice in Television
Breaking News!
President Announces 'Cultural Renewal Plan'
Centerville, Far Echo Islands -- President Valdez says that he blames the secessions partly on the cultural differences that exist in the Echo Islands. In a recent press conference, he was quoted as having said
"The Echo Islands has had too much outside influence. Before the Sound and Echo Empires, we had our own culture, our own ways, but too much outside influence has left us with but a hint of that."
and in that same press conference, he outlined a non-agressive, non-invasive plan of begining to promote true Echo Islander culture over the "Invasive outside cultures that have blurred out values..." As President Valdez said, it all starts with the flag. It is almost exactly the flag of the former Itanzee Union, a major tribal alliance that fell shortly after the Sound Empire invaded. The major changes are that between the two griffens is the shield and star as opposed to the palm tree of the Itanzee.
President Valdez said to also expect city name changes and provincial name changes. He said most of all, it is important not to interfer with peoples personal freedoms, but he wants the Echo Islands to simply become "[M]ore Echoese."
24-07-2008, 13:44
Official Diplomatic Communiqué
To:The Office of the President Esteban Valdez
From: The U.S. Department of State
Your Excellency,
I fear your attempt to change the names of many of the former Commonwealth's cities and provinces will breed further discontent with the people of these islands. Ergo, we strongly disapprove and urge against it. We rather advise you accept their culture as different from mainstream Echoese and respect their personal freedoms.
Best Wishes,
Steven Andolor
Steven Andolor
Secretary of State
The United States of Cookesland
Anemos Major
24-07-2008, 14:38
To: The Office of the President Esteban Valdez
From: The Holy Office of War, Anemos Major.
We understand that you are currently in a difficult situation, and we fully sympathize with this. If we can help, please request it and we will be there. However, we also understand that this may turn into armed conflcit, which may stretch out to our own Task Force Pisces in the area. In the event of this happening, we will proceed to take retribution on the guilty party, swilftly and without question.
Any questions on how to deal with the matter peacefully should be directed at the Holy Office of Foreign Affairs. We pray for a peaceful conclusion to this event.
Naval Marshal A. Ernithon,
Head of Navy Task-Forces,
The Holy Empire of Anemos Major
The Far Echo Islands
25-07-2008, 03:14
Federal Republic of the Echo Islands
Office of the President
Esteban Valdes
TO: United States of Cookesland Sectary of State
RE: Cultural Policies
DATE: 24 July 2008
With all due respect to to the Cookeslandic Sectary, I respectfully disagree. This is not an infringement on the individual rights of the Echoese, this is simply to reinforce the Echoese culture nationwide. There will be no personal freedoms stricken, no human rights violated.
Esteban Valdez
President of the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands
Federal Republic of the Echo Islands
Office of the President
Esteban Valdez
TO: Kiravian Department of State
RE: Recent Actions
16 July 2008
I am happy to hear of the Kiravian approval of these actions taken to ensure the stability of the Islands. The Kravian Empire is an ally that has seen us through the hardest of times and the darkest of days. For too long, we have been in those dark days, but with this tactical preemptive strike, we can see the light.
Furthermore, consider our ports always open to Kravian ships, both military and civilian.
Esteban Valdez
President of the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands
The Kiravian Empire thanks the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands for its generousity. The Empire shall stand by the side of the Echo Islands as long as it stays upon this Earth, and will be only a red telephone call away whenever assistance is needed.
Kartika, Kirav
Kirav's long autumn had begun to return, and with it, KE officials returned to Kartika.
When Emperor Seawind returned, he found a copy of the Cultural Renewal Plan on his desk, followed by annotations from the Secriat of Culture.
Cultural encouragement, revitalisation, and preservation took a nice chunk out of the Imperial budget. There was a Secriat of Culture that made sure that Cosco-Kiravian customs, languages, historical areas, fashion, etc. stayed as vibrant as they had been for four millenia, before Kirav was even conceived.
However, cultural unity was something that Kiravia did not want to, and probably couldn't attain. Its citizens belonged to thousands of ethnic groups, each with a strong identity and diverse customs. Seawind, a Saskev, considered it polite to be seen reading when a guest arrived. The 2,000 Selkrev of Kirverda instead showed hospitality by dressing plainly, while Albav wore expensive robes while entertaining. Linguistics made ethnic identity and resistance to assimilation even stronger.
The sense of being 'Kiravian' stemmed from adhering to Kiravic culture in some way, as opposed to being Nikiravis, or foreign. Kiravia reminded Seawind of China. Diverse within, unified without. A Kestan or Iosayan colonist was just as Kiravian as someone who'd never left Kirav Proper. Someone who spoke Kiravic Coscivian as their native language was no more Kiravian than an Echo-Kiravian who spoke Arkik, but wrote it in Cosciv syllabics.
What was going on in Echonia now conflicted with what could be considered central Kiravic values. But really, who could blame them? Unlike the Empire, the Echoese did not share the xenophobic need for a semi-centralised authority. They were conifdent actually, that they could take care of themselves, with their history of self-determination to back them up.
For now, the Empire would take no position. But it hoped that somewhere in Echoese society, a middle way could be found.
The Far Echo Islands
01-08-2008, 04:46
President Esteban looked over the Kiravian response. He tapped on his red telephone. He did not pick it up, he only looked at it longinly as if answers would spring forth into his brain. He was in such mental turmoil. The Commonwealth of Norfolk still was a thorn in his side, is cultural unity plan, noble in beginning, was rapidly becoming a real workload.
He wanted to ask someone for the answers, but he knew not who. He contemplated how unlucky he was to live in a modernized country, that while controversial and rapidly swapping styles of government, had had elections and should have past presidents and leader for him to console in, but no, they were all dead before their time.
Now people demanded elections, he had gotten letters that condemned him for not having elections yet, but in the same letter, thanked him and assured him a vote for the good he had done to unite the nation. He had to do something in the way of some form of democracy soon. The people wanted to be heard, even if they were just repeating Esteban's name.
On top of all this, he had his own personal problems. He had fallen deeply in love with his Defense Minister, who was most surprisingly an attractive young woman, and he hated the rest of his cabinet, but he owed them all too much to kick them out, the more the Federal Republic seemed to come together, the more he seemed to fall apart.
The Domestic Minister came in, a stubby man in glasses, but Esteban could tell it was good news. "Mr. President," began the stubby man "the CON's are having protests."
"What sort of protests?" asked Valdez, his face twisting with intrigue.
"The reunification of the Islands kind. They say that they're fed up with the lack of any kind of leadership in Norfolk. It's damn near a coup up there. The only thing they want is lower taxes."
The President was at a lack for words. "Ahhhhhh." he went on.
"Mr. President?" asked the Domestic Minister, noticing the slight drool stream forming at Valdez's mouth, it was very un-presidential.
"Yea, yea." said Esteban, shaking his head "Tell them that I've already been implementing tax cuts and that, uh, they're welcome back as soon as they want. How do things go this easily sometimes?"
"Trust me sir, things are really bad in the CoN. We're making progress while they're backpedaling towards their own civil war. Things are gona change." said the Domestic Minister, smiling.
In Kartika, Lord Blackfield sat at the Emperor's white cypress desk, sitting across from the red telephone that led a direct line to...where was the Echoese capital now? It didn't matter. The Secriat of Communications ought to have fixed it. That was secondary, though. Lord Blackfield was in charge of running the Imperial government while Emperor Seawind was away in Ixania. Today's first order of buisness for the substitute Emperor was the Echoese Situation.
" for elections....lack of leadership in Norfolk...calls for re-admission. I think I'm done here," said Blackfield, before writing down a small note to be sent to the Telegraphics Office.
Kiravian Empire
Permissim Astrav Subleucim
Imperial Secriat of State
Embassy in the Echo Islands
The Kiravian Empire is pleased with the way that things are progressing in Echonia. We do second the call of the Echoese people for elections, however, and urge the FREI to begin moving out of the provisional stage of its government, and work towards enstating political norms as soon as possible, for the sake of stability.
Again, we are pleased to see that things are progressing well, and will offer any support neccessary.
The Far Echo Islands
18-08-2008, 03:47
A Finally United Country Votes
After a long struggle, normalcy on the verge of return.
Federal Soldiers have been deployed in the north to ensure things go smoothly.
As the Echo Islands get ready to vote for their president, a turn around can be seen clearly. The tensions of loss still linger, but there is now only one nation uniting the islands. Across the country, many people are just glad it is over. Trot Polls unofficial results put Valdez ahead by a decent 11 point margin. Valdez is said to have gained points with the general population, but is said to have problems wooing more liberals. His opponent, Jager Kar a member of the Lefto Party, a moderate left wing party, has called for more government spending to rebuild, but that would mean higher taxes, something few Echo Islanders want.
For the first time since independence from the Echo Empire there is not a true socialist on the ballot, though they applied, they missed the dead line by almost a week, and polls show the Socialist having support that just barely breaks the four digit range in numbers.
It looks to be a fairly easy win for Valdez and Echonia United, but his legacy rests not in these elections, but in what he does after them. It is part of the Echoese mentality to simply leave if you do not like what is happening, and while Valdez can restrict how easy it is to secede he cannot change the mentality of a nation overnight. He needs to woo the people over the next few months, or else there may be more crises.
The Kiravian Empire is most pleased with how elections are progressing, or have progressed, depending upon when this telegraph is recieved. We are aslo very pleased with the absence of the Socialist Party on the ballot sheet, and see this as a sign of a new future for the Echo Islands.
The Far Echo Islands
23-08-2008, 01:29
Valdez President by a Landslide
"The Unifier" has Indeed Gathered a Nation's Support Behind Him.
By 71%, Esteban Valdez will remain President of the Federal Republic of the Echo Islands. Questions arise now if this new power will bring further reformation, or the dark road of corruption.
Supporters of the United Echo Party celebrate Valdez' win.
No formal plan for a congress has yet been laid out and questions are being raised about term limits and the extent of Valdez' powers. Valdez assured the nation in his inaugural speech that a transition out of the state of emergency would be quick and with minimal interruption to people's daily lives. He made no mention of when a congress will begin, only to say "...democracy will be fully restored soon."
Still war torn, Valdez has no small feat turning around these Islands. Prior to the Akimonadi Wars and the surrounding conflicts, the Echo Islands had a PPP and GDP per capita, but now it is one of the lowest of all its contemporaries in population, a second world country in a sense, falling between the cracks of first world prosperity and technological success, but just above the norm for what third world nations are considered.
Valdez has best economic advisers in the nation at his side to coax the country through this difficult time, but now made easier as peace returns. Pax Echonia.