Santherese News Feed
04-07-2008, 03:51
News feed from Santheres, hosting relevant world events, and breaking national news.
All contributors open to international broadcast deals. Feel free to make an offer.
Current contributors:
SGG - San Gianpiero Global - Broadcast in: Santheres, Hannait, Parahymnia
ANI - Angenteria News International, affiliate of SGG - Broadcast in: Angenteria, Santheres, Hannait, Parahymnia
First stories since SGG has expanded outside of the local area.
Juntastan Harried
by Miguel Navarro
Juntastan entered the world stage just days ago with an ultimatum to the rest of the world to remove satellites from orbit above their nation. Nations from around the world declared the Juntastanis any number of derogatory terms, not the least of which being "pirates." A naval coalition has blockaded the Juntastani west coast and we are told there has been some fire exchanged. The Juntastani navy has made use of chemical weapons, an atrocity in the eyes of many in the international community. The Santherese government has issued this following statement:
"We do not in any way condone Juntastani posturing, nor do we condone any of the behavior of our sovereign brethren. Violence is not the answer to this; negotiation is. The Santherese government, having no interest in Juntastani affairs, have not previously and now will not ever photograph Juntastani properties. Though we do not recognize their religion within our borders, we will respect their system and its right to exist off our soil. The Diplomatic Corps Council has convened to decide whether or not to open negotiations with Juntastan."
The Juntastani religion states that their cities and temples cannot be reproduced and should not be viewed by "powandahs," their word for nonbelievers.
Ryouese Riot
by Amalia La Vecchia
The Ryouese expatriate population in the Eastern Properties have protested the actions taken against their homeland. Though Santheres has not taken action against the islands, private missions to retrieve Ryouese citizens from hostile nations and from outlying islands have met with some success and the Ryouese have been offered asylum within our borders. In an unexpected turn of events, the Property Ryouese community has lashed out at Santherese interests. The governor's mansion was surrounded by protesters though Marchessa Giarelli is out of the region to attend a maritime conference hosted by Faxanava and the League of Imperial Ocean-faring Nations. The protest was broken up by the local Gendarmerie detachment after improvised firebombs were hurled at the building. An estimated sixteen Santherese and as many as two hundred Ryouese were injured in the attack; the death toll has not been disclosed.
Many in the nation are wondering if it was a good idea to open our borders to the Ryouese. Confidence in the Diplomatic Corps has been shaken.
Marchessa Giarelli offered this statement via email:
"I do not believe the Ryouese to be the barbarians the world views them as. They are uncultured and uneducated, yes, but that does not make them a lesser people. If we can indoctrinate them properly they can blend in seamlessly, as can be seen with the continental Ryouese population, who are valuable and intelligent members of our great Republic."
The marchessa also pleaded with the Diplomatic Corps not to involve itself in the affair. She stated that this problem is hers and House Giarelli's to deal with. There has been no word from Regnant de Rossi, but there are currently no plans to deport the Ryouese population.
OOC: I just wanted to say that I really like your format. The mix of international and domestic news is nice too.
05-07-2008, 00:06
OOC: Thanks!
Eastern Extermination
by Amalia La Vecchia
Reports of the murders of both Ryouese nationals and foreign civilians within the Black Islands have been streaming across the world. The Ryouese, amidst a military coup, have begun the deportation and elimination of foreign citizens within their borders. Santherese citizens left days ago before members of the Anti-Ryou coalition attempted to take control of their colonies. At this time, no Santherese casualties are noted. Elsewhere in the world, in the Imperial Republic of Greston, several hundred Ryouese POWs were executed. This comes after the Grestonians demanded the Ryouese release as many as twelve thousand Grestonian civilians who were arrested at the beginning of the war. The Ryouese response was the live burning of 3,000 Grestonian captives.
The Regnant has not issued a statement and maintains his neutral stance toward this conflict. The Diplomatic Corps said they would be releasing a statement begging for the release of the Grestonian civilians. Said House Paladino before learning of the burnings:
"The lives of POWs are not worth the lives of civilians. They [soldiers] have resigned themselves to the possibility of death and even torture and they are prepared for it. Civilians have no such training. By no means are the [lives of] 300 infantrymen worth the lives of 12,000 civilians. If the Ryouese put them to death, House Paladino will withdraw its support for the independence of the Ryouese nation."
This comes after House Paladino took the lead of the Santherese pro-Ryou movement. Houses Giarelli and Condozzi have already withdrawn their support after their request to safely evacuate Cypronian civilians was ignored by the Ryouese military. House Giarelli stated that they approve of Grestonian measures to retrieve their citizens, but doubt the effectiveness of the campaign. It is expected that the remainder of the Houses will officially withdraw their support within the next few days.
Opinion Piece:
Cool Cruises
by Maurizio Ciaramitaro
When Santheres commits itself to something, it goes all out. Just a month after officially joining the international community, San Gianpiero is a port of call for a cruise line from Inbrinium. Prices start at $1000 for a seven day cruise. If you've longed to go out on the open sea but couldn't serve in the navy, this is your chance to do it in style!
Global Cruise Lines is a new company based in Inbrinium and is looking for passengers for its tours. House Caccini stated that it will ten first-class, seven day trips, an $80,000 value, for winners of its national lottery; there is not yet any word on when this lottery will be held. This will be a welcome relief from the turmoil abroad. This writer, for one, is appreciative of this good news for the Santherese economy. With days trips from the liners to San Gianpiero, businesses are anticipating the highest profit margins in decades.
05-07-2008, 04:32
Special Report: Ryouese Rebels Seize Mountain Village
by Amalia La Vecchia
Senior Journalist
The death toll in the Eastern Properties is estimated to be 72 Ryouese aliens and 15 citizens of the Republic. Protests turned violent yesterday as the Ryouese community gathered to condemn international treatment of their homeland. Colonial officials told them that Santheres did not support the actions of other nations but would not get involved. Several protesters threw improvised explosives at the governess' home. The demonstration was broken up by the local Gendarmerie. Survivors of the assault took to the mountains and were not followed.
Earlier today, armed militants seized a mountain village near the Pacific Heights palladium mine. The vice-governor is assembling the Gendarmerie and levying the local militia to cut off access to the town.
"That town has a large store of palladium that has been saved for liquidation after the market price rises. Prices have been low recently due to other nations selling off their stores to finance wars and economic recovery efforts. The price has been rising but the company in control of this mine was saving it until the price passes $1000 per troy ounce. The militants have their hands on that now and we cannot allow them to get it down to the ports. There are too many Ryouese sympathizers who would transport it to nearby nations to finance this rebellion."
He also added that the Gendarmerie is trained and equipped for urban combat, not guerrilla fighting in the mountains and woods. Under normal circumstances, this uprising would be stopped within hours but with the resources at his disposal, negotiation and old-world siege may be the best option. Militia levies have been charged with setting up a perimeter and hostage negotiators have been dispatched in an attempt to retrieve captive miners and their families. 245 of the approximately 400 residents were allowed down the mountain before the Ryouese dissidents blocked the main road.
The vice-governor also urged no one to panic and wishes to keep this from escalating through involvement of the international community. The republic is strong, he said, and can take care of itself. No further word from the governess, currently in Northern Leo, has been released.
06-07-2008, 04:47
Official Communique of the Holy Imperium
To: The Most Serene Noble Republic of Santheres, San Gianpiero Global
From: The Holy Imperium of Angenteria, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Holy Imperium would like to express it's interest in the Santheres News Feed. In order to help expand it's coverage around the world, we would like to make San Gianpiero Global an offer to broadcast it's news feed within the Holy Imperium.
We eagerly await your response.
Tiberius Reginus
Lord-Minister of Foreign Affairs
07-07-2008, 02:44
Official Communique of the Holy Imperium
To: The Most Serene Noble Republic of Santheres, San Gianpiero Global
From: The Holy Imperium of Angenteria, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Holy Imperium would like to express it's interest in the Santheres News Feed. In order to help expand it's coverage around the world, we would like to make San Gianpiero Global an offer to broadcast it's news feed within the Holy Imperium.
We eagerly await your response.
Tiberius Reginus
Lord-Minister of Foreign Affairs
To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Angenteria
From: Caccini Entertainment Media
Dear Tiberius Reginus:
SGG welcomes Angenteria to the family. We have sent an offer to buy one of your local news corporations. If this is satisfactory to them, we can add you to our list of affiliates and reach an agreement with your local writers for pay and contract benefits, pending your approval. Thank you for your interest and this opportunity to expand CEM. We feel this will do well for both our nations.
With all regards,
Armand Caccini
Caccini Entertainment Media
House Caccini
07-07-2008, 03:00
To: Caccini Entertainment Media
From: Angenteria News International
Mr. Caccini,
We would like to inform you that your offer to purchase broadcasting company for $40 million USD has been accepted. We are prepared to publish our news as an affiliate of SGG.
Julianus Kirsham
Angenteria News International
Chief Executive Officer
07-07-2008, 03:01
(OOC: Sorry for double post.)
From Angenteria News International, an affiliate of SGG:
New Empire Emerges on World Stage
Imperial Coronation to be held
By: Liberius Philida - ANI
The Kingdom of Canaery today announced that it would combine with the outlying nations of Rexhem, Waldenburg, Farqueland, and Korsova to form a new nation that will be known as the The Great Levantian Empire. Many nations have welcomed this new development with open arms, and a few nations have already offered to send envoys to bare witness to the coronation of the new Levantian Emperor, and possibly discuss some future endeavors. This doesn’t sit well with everyone, however, as Tucker Island has already sent a stern warning, pointing out that monarchies don’t sit very well in the world stage. Angenterian Lord-Minister Tiberius Reginus commented on the situation to reporters:
“The Establishment of The Great Levantian Empire is a major step in progress for all the nations involved. They will be able to cast aside the differences that had previously separated them, and combine their efforts to the advancement of a single entity. I can assure you that [the Holy Imperium] will be watching the progress of the Levantians with great interest.”
It should be noted that the nations that seem to be interested in The Great Levantian Empire are those of imperial origins themselves, a definite example of how similar governments stick together.
10-07-2008, 08:45
Aid Alliance
by Miguel Navarro
Humanitarian agencies from Santheres and Zinaire -- the Santherese Humanitarian Society and the Zinaire Aid Agency, respectively -- have opened talks about forming an international aid movement. While there are few details yet about this alliance, a summit may be hosted in Zinaire.
The Santherese Humanitarian Society operates several small hospital ships and is in the process of obtaining for Mercy-class vessels. They are sponsored by the Santherese government, who have declared that they will consider firing upon SHS marked ships as war crimes and will pursue justice as best as they can for any such actions. SHS ships and personnel are strictly unarmed and observe absolute neutrality, treating any and all people in need. There has been no word as to whether or not an attack would be considered an act of war.
No official statements have been issued at this time.
Eastern Crisis Ended
by Amalia La Vecchia
Senior Journalist
Yesterday, the Ryouese militants who seized the Pacific Heights palladium mine were talked into surrendering their arms. This came after a stand-off which took the combined resources of the local Gendarmerie and 9th Army militia forces. This marked the first time elements from the reserve 9th Army have ever been called into service.
"We are very proud of our soldiers," Marchessa Giarelli issued in a written statement, "especially the reservists who risked their lives to maintain a constant watch on the mountain outpost. No palladium made it down to the port, and no aid got through to the militants. Unfortunately, the hostages taken were hungry and wounded and there were six deaths. 149 of the hostages were retrieved. Our reports indicate the militants suffered heavy casualties and the SHS has been doing its best to care for the severely wounded."
The mine has been reopened but work has not been resumed. Memorial services for the six civilians will be held on-site next week; the fallen Ryouese militants were cremated without ceremony. No military casualties were reported. Currently, the vice-governor of the Eastern Properties has issued an order for martial law in Ryouese communities to prevent further violence.
Properties with fewer than twenty citizens of Ryouese descent will not be affected by the order.
23-07-2008, 00:56
Patriarchy Punished
by Maurizio Ciaramitaro
Tensions have risen between the Condozzi and Paladino Houses due to gender conflict. The Condozzi have issued a wide variety of statements condemning the persistence of patriarchal control over the nation, especially in the Paladino family. They have issued decrees in their holdings that declare patriarchal primogeniture to be an illegal rite of succession and have officially declared sanctions against all companies and organizations that the Santherese Organization against Sexual Injustice defines as "Biased - Patriarchal."
The current head of the Condozzi family, Duchessa Alessandra Ilaria Condozzi III, met with reporters at a press conference to explain their decision.
"We have for too long lived as a second class despite being given what are ostensibly equal rights. Women still make only eighty percent of every Sanne a male in her position makes. This is true all over the country and we doubt there is a single male who would truly like to give up this trend, House Giarelli excluded. We applaud their [Giarelli's] sense of equality, though we cannot say we necessarily approve of their clouded vision which says that equal consideration under all circumstances is actually equal. With women in the position they are all over the country, it is necessary to give them a boost; this is not merely about giving a level playing ground, it's about giving women the edge they require to play catch-up after living for thousands of years in the shadow of their male counterparts. House Paladino has had the most grievous offenses against the equality of women and they continue to allow only males to inherit title in both their main and their cadet lines.
We cannot stand for this any longer. They must know that this is not acceptable. They must hear the voices of the women of Santheres. We will not continue to protect a system that is inherently masculine -- our gendarmerie will no longer hear the voices of those who continue to discriminate, those who force women to believe they are inferior, and those who treat them as such."
While House Paladino has been unavailable for comment, their actions have spoken loudly enough. They have issued sanctions likewise against SOSI and House Condozzi, and their own gendarmerie have resigned from posts within Condozzi territory and transferred to other precincts. House Anerio, the only other House still following patriarchal primogeniture, has followed suit, a preemptive strike against the Condozzi who were expected to boycott Anerio manufacturers by the end of the month. An untitled member of the Anerio family was heard speaking of these developments.
"The Condozzi are nouveau riche upstarts and nothing more. They are by far the youngest of the major Noble Houses, hell, the youngest of all of [the Houses]. They're common blood who made a few good business decisions and married themselves into noble standing. They married themselves! They had to bring in noble men to make them better than they are so doesn't that mean they are of the inferior class? I--I mean, not that commoners are necessarily inferior, it's just a technical [term], everyone knows that, but the point is that the Condozzi are lucky they have what they do. House Giarelli pets them and gives them treats, so I figure they're just puppets. This isn't about women at all; hell, I get paid less than my female counterpart [at MicroBean Software]! You don't see me thinking it should necessarily be another way, though. I might be every bit as competent but she's titled. If anything, titles and class should be the issue here, not gender. But hey, if none of the Families try to steer in the right direction, then the Condozzi will probably just end up shooting themselves in the foot."
The other Houses declined to comment. House Giarelli, as the Condozzi's closest ally and the ancient rival of the Paladino, is expected to take some action. The rumor mill is abuzz with speculation but few think there will be a diplomatic solution before politics turn to poisons. InterHouse conflict has been low-key for the past century but there is no guarantee that the days of literal backstabbing will stay in our past.
02-08-2008, 02:27
From Angenteria News International, an affiliate of SGG:
Special Report:
War! Isolas Under Attack!
By Gaius Cruz - ANI
Tensions between the nations of Isola and Hadarken spilled over into conflict recently, as Hadarken troops marched into Isolan territory last week. The war seems to have esclated as of late, however, with the Hadarken forces intent on capturing important Isolan military installations. The death toll has already began to take it's toll, with thousands dead in the wake of the conflict, and hundreds more dying each day. The conflict has began to attract attention of the nations of the world, as militaries from around the world have flocked to the support of both sides. This international involvement has assured that this war will not be ending anytime soon.
Commenting on the situation, Lord-Minister Tiberius Reginus had this to say:
"We [The Holy Imperium of Angenteria] do not condone the actions taken by the nation of Hadarken and it's military. At this time, [The Holy Imperium], officially declares war on the nation of Hadarken, with every intent of aiding the Isolans in thwarting their invasion."
Lord-General Zyvan has refused to comment on the situation.