NationStates Jolt Archive

II National Survival contest(OOC/discussion)

South Lizasauria
03-07-2008, 21:27
Which of the following natural and/or supernatural disasters can your nation survive and how well will it survive?

1)Zombie incursion
2)Robot revolution
3)Nuclear War
4)Alien invasion
5)World War
8)Spiritual invasion/attack
10)Extremely bad weather
11)Apocalyptic weather (ei Day After tomorrow)
12)Astronomical catastrophe (something in space causing a catrophe like a supernove, black hole or meteor)
1)Judgement day
13)Nationwide computer virus
14)Nuclear meltdown
15)Scientific experiment gone wrong (Basically some scientific research ends up causing a worldwide catastrophe whether it be intentional or otherwise)
16)national and/or Global resource shortage (oil, water ect)
17)Massive geological catastrophe (basically a disaster involving the earth's crust and possible mantle ei massive volcanoes and earthquakes of epic proportions)
18)Wildlife uprising(ie events that occurred in the movies "leeches" and "birds",this (, so basically beasts whether natural or supernatural plaguing the lands or ordinary harmless animals gaining sentience and revolting)
19)Mutant attack/outbreak(basically something mutating the local wildlife and/or the populace)
20)Mind control by a revolutionary force (Somewhat from Red Alert 2)
21)Global Depression (Economic Wise)
22)Poisoned food/water supply
23)Teleportation to an alternate dystopian universe
24) A combination of at least 2
25) All of the above

If I missed any feel free to remind me.

Its the end of the world as we know it! C'mon sing with me!
03-07-2008, 21:33
You missed out judgement day. Belschaft has Theological shields to prevent [Insert relegious figure here] getting to us.
South Lizasauria
03-07-2008, 21:35
You missed out judgement day. Belschaft has Theological shields to prevent [Insert relegious figure here] getting to us.

Added. ;)
Void Templar
03-07-2008, 21:44
Which of the following natural and/or supernatural disasters can your nation survive and how well will it survive?

1)Zombie incursion - Lots of flamethrower wielding crazys, plus dragons.
2)Robot revolution - Doomed. 30% of my army is mech.
3)Nuclear War - I've got more nukes than everyone in my region.
4)Alien invasion - Quite well, depends of level of alien tech.
5)World War - You kidding? We've been trying to start one for seven years!
6)Drought - VTs an island with many purification sites so quite well.
7)Famine - Canibalism. :)
8)Spiritual invasion/attack - Got a lot of pyskers and jedis, so quite well.
9)Epidemic - Doomed, little to no healthcare apart from the military, they'd all survive.
10)Extremely bad weather - My nations essentially the artic with less trees.
11)Apocalyptic weather (ei Day After tomorrow)
12)Judgement day - Lets see how St. Gabriel fares against flak cannons!
13) A combination of at least 2 - Most likely fuxx0red.
14) All of the above - Um.... :eek:

If I missed any feel free to remind me.
See above quote for my annotations.
03-07-2008, 21:46
Ameriganastan could survive 2,3,5,and 7.
Conserative Morality
03-07-2008, 21:49
1)Zombie incursion: Already done.
2)Robot revolution: Large advanced EMP blasts... Yeah, we could handle it.
3)Nuclear War: Survived.
4)Alien invasion: Aliens aren't real sucka!
5)World War: Survived, albeit by neutrality.
6)Drought: Surronded by easily desalinable water.
7)Famine: Survived.
8)Spiritual invasion/attack: Very religious country.
9)Epidemic: Survived.
10)Extremely bad weather: Survived.
11)Apocalyptic weather (ei Day After tomorrow): That movie was crap.
12)Judgement day: Most of the citizens would be taken into heaven ;).
13) A combination of at least 2: Survived.
14) All of the above: ...
Emporer Pudu
03-07-2008, 21:52
Which of the following natural and/or supernatural disasters can your nation survive and how well will it survive?

1)Zombie incursion


8)Spiritual invasion/attack

Are the dead rising, are the living being infected by a disease, or are zombies wandering into my country?

Also, could you elaborate on #8?

Before I launch into this, I have to explain something. My people inhabit massive compounds - single-structures, designed to be almost entierly underground, with only a single story of structure above ground. Everything inside is my nation; outside the compounds, there is a wilderness I co not concern myself with. The land claimed by the Emperor is ringed with defensive fortification, but otherwise, he does not impress any sort of will on that which is not within his compound, or the target of his Armed Forces' aggression.


#2 would doom my nation, #3, #4, #5, #6, and #7 I feel confidently about.

#9 would force me to quarantine and those inside would not be saved, but everyone else would.

#10 would be no problem, while #11 would either be no problem or doom my irreversibly, there is no middle ground. All depends on the kind of apocalyptic weather (i.e. earthquakes and floods bad, temperature, wind, and gigantic hail or likewise; good).

Judgement Day would end me, unless we're right and our Emperor is divine...

#13 I could survive, but depending on the number (like, perhaps #2 or #11) I would be battered. However, when I say these other disasters wouldn't bother me, I mean it, and could survive some indefinitely.

If #14 goes down, I think pretty much everyone is screwed.
03-07-2008, 22:10
1)Zombie incursion
The Empire could probably not defeat a large Zombie incursion, but we could contain it and relocate our citizenry to the colonies.
2)Robot revolution
We could probably survive this with only moderate damage.
3)Nuclear War
We would not survive this.
4)Alien invasion
Lyran defencive Nukes. Survivable.
5)World War
Simple: We would isolate ourselves and declare neutrality, then use the shitty postwar economies of the rest of the world to profit from selling substanard goods and services.
Survivable. We have adequate food reserves and the capability to build desalination plants, though our moist climate gives us natural protection.
Survivable. We have a large agricultural sector, and numerous farming colonies.
8)Spiritual invasion/attack
Not survivable in this life.
Not survivable.
10)Extremely bad weather
According the UN rankings, we already are surviving this.
11)Apocalyptic weather
We could probably rebuild.
12)Judgement day
A large and gorwing portion, nearing 40% of the population, are practicing Christians. We could easily survive this.

At least 2: Most likely

All of the above: We'd be fucked.
Third Spanish States
03-07-2008, 22:55
1) Zombies are the Undead Proletariat Comrades ( They would never invade the Revolution. We would have the REVOLUTIONARY ZOMBIE PROLETARIAN ARMY

2) We have enough EMP to shut down the Earth, if necessary, but that is very unlikely, as by the time sentient robots are feasible, they would already be uploading their consciousness into machines, or something like that. And they have a "law" that gives citizenship to anything that beats the Turing Test, of course it is practically useless as nothing will be able to in centuries.

3) Arcologies are NBC and self-sufficient, there would be heavy losses, but they would survive with a greater percentage of the population than what is expected by fallout shelters to hold.

4) Eat this ( alien. There is nothing in the universe that can stand massed nuclear strikes. And real aliens don't techwank.

5) They wouldn't be foolish to play tag with nukes

6) The ocean will never dry

7) Most of their farming doesn't depend of weather, so it won't happen

8) Would be blocked by the massed skepticism. Fatima is an exception, but its people are Christian Anarchists supporters of nonviolent resistance. They can't be caught.

9) Arcologies have full NBC protection capability, so it's likely.

10) Least worse of all, sure

11) There are underwater and (very few) underground arcologies as well, it won't

12) See Richard Dawkins

At least 2: Certainly

All of the above: 15% likely. Otherwise they would throw a steam cell and a massive portable database with all their culture in space. Or send a bunch of colonists to another planet nearby, so in a broad term, they would survive as a people.
03-07-2008, 23:24
1)Zombie incursion
Liekly survivable, depending on the type of zombie, lots of casuaulties at first until the templars get organised and kill all the zombies with swords
2)Robot revolution
survivable, EMP the world then let the templars and the luddite enclavers go machine bashing
3)Nuclear War
a few lonely sould on outlyign islands would get by but we woudl take the rest of the world with us
4)Alien invasion
The templars and the inquisition likely already talk to aliens giving us +1million handy plot devcie points plus we have loads of hakzors waiting to hack thier mothership
5)World War
Easily surviavble until it goes nuclear, in which case we are taking you all with us.
Crookfur is made up of islands with scottish weather, what do you think?
see above
8)Spiritual invasion/attack
The templars and Inquisition will beat it off using thier holy powers, whilst hating themselves for having such powers.
No problem at all
10)Extremely bad weather
see 6
11)Apocalyptic weather (ei Day After tomorrow)
"it's a bit chilly out, eh what?"
12)Judgement day
Crookfur will be leading the Charge of righteous so no worries there
13) A combination of at least 2
14) All of the above
Wouldn't that be the definition of 12?
04-07-2008, 00:42
1)Zombie incursion - Use a shotgun
2)Robot revolution - Shotgun again
3)Nuclear War - Yeah, we'd be fucked. But so would you, so who cares?
4)Alien invasion - I'd probably organize a Will Smith style fightback, then hide while you guys distract them by dieing
5)World War - Ich bin ein Swizze
6)Drought - I'd buy evian
7)Famine - I'd buy walmart
8)Spiritual invasion/attack - Shotgun
9)Epidemic - Done that. Napalm bomb the infected areas
10)Extremely bad weather - Make sure I don't elect George Bush
11)Apocalyptic weather (ie Day After tomorrow) - Were have those aliens got too?
12)Judgement day - can Jesus servive a shotgun blast?
13) A combination of at least 2 - depends on which two
14) All of the above -Shotgun's solve all problems
Third Spanish States
04-07-2008, 00:58
14) All of the above -Shotgun's solve all problems

Specially if it is this shotgun:

10 things you MUST have to survive a zombie outbreak:

First aid kit
Working car
Eyes on your back
Swiss Army knife
Silver tape
Improvised aerosol+lighter flamethrower*
Shotgun shells
EC-3 12 gauge Compact Shotgun

*We take no responsibility on any misuse of this suggestion.

I am a shameless advertiser, sorry, if it really bothers that much this ad, I'll delete it.
04-07-2008, 02:08
1)Zombie incursion - Blocking off cities then going in to wipe the zombies out

2)Robot revolution - Almost none of the robots are military or dangerous, except for the ones from the Resi Corporation

3)Nuclear War - Missile defenses.

4)Alien invasion - Missile defenses again, maybe viruses put on the ships...

5)World War - We'd be neutral but if we have to, we'd have a lot of allies either way

6)Drought - We have purification sites and we are near water

7)Famine - Foreign aid? Excessive farming in our island colony?

8)Spiritual invasion/attack - It's not likely holy empires and such have a great military, besides is there anyone who can stand to Catholicism/Christianity though?

9)Epidemic - We have good amounts of health care and facilities in islands from a colony established a century ago.

10)Extremely bad weather - We are in the northern part so tonadoes and such won't get us, massive rain? Then we just put up a lot of connections to the sewers or we send it to the ocean if the sewers aren't sufficient.

11)Apocalyptic Weather- Oh those damn blizzards. We just move to the island colony we have in the Carribean.

12)Judgment Day- At least the religious people will be spared, so most people...

13) A combination of at least 2 - Depends which ones.

14) All of the above - Is that possible?
04-07-2008, 02:14
Now that i think about it, It'd be cool to have a nuclear aftermath RP...
South Lizasauria
04-07-2008, 02:39
1)Zombie incursion: Already done.
2)Robot revolution: Large advanced EMP blasts... Yeah, we could handle it.
3)Nuclear War: Survived.
4)Alien invasion: Aliens aren't real sucka!
5)World War: Survived, albeit by neutrality.
6)Drought: Surronded by easily desalinable water.
7)Famine: Survived.
8)Spiritual invasion/attack: Very religious country.
9)Epidemic: Survived.
10)Extremely bad weather: Survived.
11)Apocalyptic weather (ei Day After tomorrow): That movie was crap.
12)Judgement day: Most of the citizens would be taken into heaven ;).
13) A combination of at least 2: Survived.
14) All of the above: ...

ICly aliens are. Heck my nation is part alien but luckily due to terran imperialism their tech is only slightly more advanced. :)
South Lizasauria
04-07-2008, 02:47
Are the dead rising, are the living being infected by a disease, or are zombies wandering into my country?

Also, could you elaborate on #8?

Before I launch into this, I have to explain something. My people inhabit massive compounds - single-structures, designed to be almost entierly underground, with only a single story of structure above ground. Everything inside is my nation; outside the compounds, there is a wilderness I co not concern myself with. The land claimed by the Emperor is ringed with defensive fortification, but otherwise, he does not impress any sort of will on that which is not within his compound, or the target of his Armed Forces' aggression.


#2 would doom my nation, #3, #4, #5, #6, and #7 I feel confidently about.

#9 would force me to quarantine and those inside would not be saved, but everyone else would.

#10 would be no problem, while #11 would either be no problem or doom my irreversibly, there is no middle ground. All depends on the kind of apocalyptic weather (i.e. earthquakes and floods bad, temperature, wind, and gigantic hail or likewise; good).

Judgement Day would end me, unless we're right and our Emperor is divine...

#13 I could survive, but depending on the number (like, perhaps #2 or #11) I would be battered. However, when I say these other disasters wouldn't bother me, I mean it, and could survive some indefinitely.

If #14 goes down, I think pretty much everyone is screwed.

A spiritual invasion is when at least one deity or entity attacks your nation with it's supernatural powers so if all the ghosts came back and haunted the entire nation or if hell opened up and demons began ravaging your country of that would be a spiritual invasion. Basically whenever spiritual beings raise hell upon your people.

Most likely the zombies will be from a disease or will result from reanimation.
04-07-2008, 04:14
1)Zombie incursion: We'd leave, self destruct Talrania, take somebody elses country.
2)Robot revolution: Been there, done that.
3)Nuclear War: We'll fire first!
4)Alien invasion: Not sure, if flak and SAMs dont work, we're screwed.
5)World War: We survived a mini one, how much worse can it get?
6)Drought: Already did.
7)Famine: Cannibalism.
8)Spiritual invasion/attack: Already happened, in the process of winning.
9)Epidemic: ? Aren't these all, really?
10)Extremely bad weather: Big deal.
11)Apocalyptic weather (ei Day After tomorrow): I didn't like the movie either.
12)Judgement day: We're going to heaven!
13) A combination of at least 2: Depends
14) All of the above: Why even bother at that point?
South Lizasauria
04-07-2008, 20:20
04-07-2008, 20:32
Wouldn't it be fun to have an RP where #14 occurs in all of our nations? It'd just be for fun, of course, like a practice war where your losses aren't canon.
South Lizasauria
04-07-2008, 21:43
Wouldn't it be fun to have an RP where #14 occurs in all of our nations? It'd just be for fun, of course, like a practice war where your losses aren't canon.

ROFL. :D Chaos ensues.
04-07-2008, 22:41
OOC: Though it would be at least PMT wouldn't it? But it would be a bit confusing since if it was a World War happening, wouldn't it make more sense to deal with the aliens, robots, and all that other crap first? I have a feeling the entire planet would be destroyed.

You should also add, asteroid/meteor storm, super volcano, super tsunami, nuclear meltdown, oil shortage, nationwide virus attack (computer), or a Y2K esque problem.
South Lizasauria
05-07-2008, 18:01
OOC: Though it would be at least PMT wouldn't it? But it would be a bit confusing since if it was a World War happening, wouldn't it make more sense to deal with the aliens, robots, and all that other crap first? I have a feeling the entire planet would be destroyed.

You should also add, asteroid/meteor storm, super volcano, super tsunami, nuclear meltdown, oil shortage, nationwide virus attack (computer), or a Y2K esque problem.

On it. :D

I was thinking that a good way to start this RP would be to have some scientific experiment directly or indirectly cause these disasters which then sparks WWIII ergo nuclear war whilst at the same time attracting aliens to it's energy, reanimating the dead and messing with the environment and possible space itself thus creating an all of the above situation.
05-07-2008, 18:56
1)Zombie incursion - They would all starve to death; Stoklomolvi is huge and barren
2)Robot revolution - Our ships and satellites would be in revolt, but without ammunition what can they do?
3)Nuclear War - Let them waste their nukes on snow
4)Alien invasion - We would hide in the cold wasteland that is Stoklomolvi
5)World War - Been through one in past history; there's no way that anyone can invade far enough to hit major population centres, and nukes would do little to the snow covered landscape
6)Drought - We would melt all of the snow and use it
7)Famine - We live through it everyday
8)Spiritual invasion/attack - Atheism!
9)Epidemic - The disease would die out of lack of nutrition and cold
10)Extremely bad weather - We live through it everyday
11)Apocalyptic weather (ei Day After tomorrow) - We live through it everyday
12)Astronomical catastrophe (something in space causing a catastrophe like a supernova, black hole or meteor) - There's a very low chance that a supernova or black hole would envelop NSEarth, and if either of those happened the world would be gone; a meteor has a very low chance of hitting Stoklomolvi, much less hit any major population centres
13)Judgement day - We would stay where we are, since Stoklomolvi essentially is hell for most
14)Nationwide computer virus - We would be screwed for a day, and then would not care the next
15)Nuclear meltdown - We use fusion, so we would be screwed
16)Scientific experiment gone wrong (Basically some scientific research ends up causing a worldwide catastrophe whether it be intentional or otherwise) - Not much would happen; we experience scientific catastrophes all the time, though the international community may not enjoy it so much
17)national and/or Global resource shortage (oil, water ect) - We already have a shortage of everything
18)Massive geological catastrophe (basically a disaster involving the earth's crust and possible mantle ei massive volcanoes and earthquakes of epic proportions) - We would hide in the snow
19) A combination of at least 2 - Possibly hiding in the massive snow would help
20) All of the above - We would be screwed over :p
05-07-2008, 19:02
On it. :D

I was thinking that a good way to start this RP would be to have some scientific experiment directly or indirectly cause these disasters which then sparks WWIII ergo nuclear war whilst at the same time attracting aliens to it's energy, reanimating the dead and messing with the environment and possible space itself thus creating an all of the above situation.

South Lizasauria
05-07-2008, 23:03
LOL should I make the IC thread? :D
06-07-2008, 01:10
OOC: I would like that but only if it was for fun and has no affect whatsoever on other roleplays.

That and here's a new one.

Mind control by a revolutionary force (Somewhat from Red Alert 2)
Global Depression (Economic Wise)
Poisoned food/water supply
Teleportation to an alternate dystopian universe
South Lizasauria
06-07-2008, 01:24
OOC: I would like that but only if it was for fun and has no affect whatsoever on other roleplays.

That and here's a new one.

Mind control by a revolutionary force (Somewhat from Red Alert 2)
Global Depression (Economic Wise)
Poisoned food/water supply
Teleportation to an alternate dystopian universe

Added. :D
06-07-2008, 01:31
1)Zombie incursion - lock down infected region and sweep with overwhelming firepower
2)Robot revolution - see 1
3)Nuclear War - not get into one
4)Alien invasion - guerrilla warfare
5)World War - lay low, blasting any aggressors from stand-off range, then engage when enemies are bled out
6)Drought - sea water desalination
7)Famine - non-perishable stockpiles and fishing, followed by attempts to remedy the problem
8)Spiritual invasion/attack - prevent violence by embracing the new religious sect
9)Epidemic - quarantine and broad-base anti-virals/anti-biotics while seeking a true cure
10)Extremely bad weather - extremely strong buildings
11)Apocalyptic weather (ei Day After tomorrow) - move inland/underground/see 10
12)Astronomical catastrophe (something in space causing a catrophe like a supernova, black hole or meteor) - nuke a meteor/comet, die for anything else
1)Judgement day - repent?
13)Nationwide computer virus - EMP followed by total reboot using national data backups (a la live free or die hard)
14)Nuclear meltdown - evacuation, attempt to prevent meltdown, massive decontamination
15)Scientific experiment gone wrong (Basically some scientific research ends up causing a worldwide catastrophe whether it be intentional or otherwise) - see 1
16)national and/or Global resource shortage (oil, water ect) - replace fuels / see 6
17)Massive geological catastrophe (basically a disaster involving the earth's crust and possible mantle ei massive volcanoes and earthquakes of epic proportions) - die?
18)Wildlife uprising(ie events that occurred in the movies "leeches" and "birds",this, so basically beasts whether natural or supernatural plaguing the lands or ordinary harmless animals gaining sentience and revolting) - see 1
19)Mutant attack/outbreak(basically something mutating the local wildlife and/or the populace) see 1
20) A combination of at least 2 see 1-19
21) All of the above - see 1-19
06-07-2008, 02:59
OOC: I would like that but only if it was for fun and has no affect whatsoever on other roleplays.

That and here's a new one.

Mind control by a revolutionary force (Somewhat from Red Alert 2)
Global Depression (Economic Wise)
Poisoned food/water supply
Teleportation to an alternate dystopian universe

Like I said, it'd be non-canon, so yes.
07-07-2008, 03:25
1)Zombie incursion - Crematoriums, organ harvesting, and being compressed into diamonds are the only legal things to do with a cadaver. Synched.
2)Robot revolution - Poorly
3)Nuclear War - Survived it three times now.
4)Alien invasion - No nukes, good satellite system, space fleet... we'd fair a good chance.
5)World War - Survived once before
6)Drought - We trade a lot, and we're rich, so we're fine. Also, our alliance would no doubt send aid.
7)Famine - See above
8)Spiritual invasion/attack - Greco-Roman Pantheon and Christ will save us.
9)Epidemic - Highly efficient capitalistic healthcare would find a cure fast to sell out before all the customers died.
10)Extremely bad weather - I've excavated tunnels and caverns below my nation, so we could move there.
11)Apocalyptic weather (ei Day After tomorrow) - See above
12)Astronomical catastrophe (something in space causing a catrophe like a supernove, black hole or meteor) - Meteor, fine. Everything else = dead.
1)Judgement day - Someone would survive, as there's a good mix.
13)Nationwide computer virus - As soon as the companies start losing money on websites, the virus is toast. Or as soon as someone indepently fixes it and sells it to the masses for a profit.
14)Nuclear meltdown - See number 3
15)Scientific experiment gone wrong (Basically some scientific research ends up causing a worldwide catastrophe whether it be intentional or otherwise) - Probably mediocre
16)national and/or Global resource shortage (oil, water ect) - Most of our economy is industrial. We have not much. We trade a lot; we're rich. If desperate, our army is elite, and can expand our colonial base.
17)Massive geological catastrophe (basically a disaster involving the earth's crust and possible mantle ei massive volcanoes and earthquakes of epic proportions) - Aerofleet is big enough to get a percentage of people out to ride out out... until they run out of fuel/food...
18)Wildlife uprising(ie events that occurred in the movies "leeches" and "birds",this (, so basically beasts whether natural or supernatural plaguing the lands or ordinary harmless animals gaining sentience and revolting) - Fursection is easy. Army is elite. Synched.
19)Mutant attack/outbreak(basically something mutating the local wildlife and/or the populace) - Genocide = tried and true. Army is elite.
20)Mind control by a revolutionary force (Somewhat from Red Alert 2) - ...Not to well?
21)Global Depression (Economic Wise) - Very, very badly.
22)Poisoned food/water supply - Just import more...
23)Teleportation to an alternate dystopian universe - The govt. can be very dystopic if it wants, so we'd fit right in.
24) A combination of at least 2 - Most likely well, unless the Global Depression is included, or any of the other weak spots.
25) All of the above - Incredibly badly
South Lizasauria
10-07-2008, 03:43
The Survival Is About To Begin (!!! Bwahahahahahahaha!
South Lizasauria
10-07-2008, 06:39
South Lizasauria
21-07-2008, 18:59
I'm renweing the survival discussion here. (
Rykarian Territories
21-07-2008, 20:28
1)Zombie incursion - In any major city, sectors can be Quarantined for easy detainment of criminals, or elimination of threats, so a zombie virus could not effectively enter or spread through any of my major cities, massive amounts of the undead could be eliminated via fuel-air bombs such as the BLU-82, Or conventional munitions such as the GBU-43/B (MOAB) And ground infantry can use flamethrower units, good chance of civilian survival as the civilian militia is heavily armed, and gun ownership is popular in Rykaria for recreational and competition purposes.

2)Robot revolution - Unless EOD drones are going to ram themselves into people, i think we are fine, other then that, we'd use large EMP devices.

3)Nuclear War - Many of Rykaria's citizens are safety conscious or survivalists, So many of them have fallout shelters, In major cities there are many major fallout bunkers, or just standard bomb shelters that can hold massive amounts of people under the city, It would probably be worse for the enemy when we retaliate with our nuclear/chem/bio arsenal. Also, we'd be able to shoot down a good number of enemy nukes with our SDL's, and metal storm systems.

5)World War - Bring it.

6)Drought - Rykaria is surrounded by water.

7)Famine - Cannibalism? (lol)

9)Epidemic - Quarantine and eliminate.

10)Extremely bad weather - Nothing bad.

11)Apocalyptic weather - Evacuation and shelter.

12)Astronomical catastrophe - I think everyone is screwed then?

1)Judgement day - The government is atheist. (lol)

14)Nuclear meltdown - Immediate evacuation of the estimated fallout area, and cleanup crews put on ready-alert.

15)Scientific experiment gone wrong - We'd kill those involved with the creation, and begin immediate quarantine and elimination of the infected.

16)national and/or Global resource shortage (oil, water ect) Rykaria has a very low chance of being deprived of Water or oil, as both are around in amazingly high quantities.

18)Wildlife uprising - Already delt with that, Anthropomorphic beings in our nation started an uprising, and we eliminated the entire population of them accordingly.

19)Mutant attack/outbreak - Same as the zombie solution.