Oil for sale in JohnBrum
03-07-2008, 20:29
I expect there to be around 11 billion barrels of oil near the massive mountain region to the north. I am for around 70 dollars a barrel. I am only selling 7 billion barrels of oil and I will be TGing my brother, RyanBrum for military deffence durring this time period.
03-07-2008, 20:35
Hey bro! I'm sending in the U.S.R's Coast Guard and Militia along with several Black ops units, part of the U.S.R's airforce and some of the U.S.R's navy.
New Greston
03-07-2008, 20:35
JohnBrum Oil Facility Holders
Dear JohnBrum Oil Holders,
The Imperial Army wishes to purchase said oil feilds for a sum of $2,000,000,000 (2 billion) USDs. Upon the wiring of the money two fleets of Imperial Soldiers will embark to stabilize the land and extract the oil.
Yours Truly,
The Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Richardson
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Imperial Republic of Greston
03-07-2008, 20:38
Hey bro! I'm sending in the U.S.R's Coast Guard and Militia along with several Black ops units, part of the U.S.R's airforce and some of the U.S.R's navy.
I wiil accept
03-07-2008, 20:39
JohnBrum Oil Facility Holders
Dear JohnBrum Oil Holders,
The Imperial Army wishes to purchase said oil feilds for a sum of $2,000,000,000 (2 billion) USDs. Upon the wiring of the money two fleets of Imperial Soldiers will embark to stabilize the land and extract the oil.
Yours Truly,
The Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Richardson
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Imperial Republic of Greston
I accept
New America II
03-07-2008, 20:40
Dear JohnBrum,
I, President Fairfield, of the New United States of America II, wishes to purchase 1 billion barrels of oil from the said fields.
President Fairfield
03-07-2008, 20:40
Official Communique from the Volzgradien Government
The Volzrgradien Patriotic Army will purchase these oilfields for $3,000,000,000 (3 billion) USD. However, the Grestionian Imperial Army may have half of the oilfields.
03-07-2008, 20:45
Official Communique from the Volzgradien Government
The Volzrgradien Patriotic Army will purchase these oilfields for $3,000,000,000 (3 billion) USD. However, the Grestionian Imperial Army may have half of the oilfields.
i accpet
03-07-2008, 20:52
Troops are in place at:
The Oil Fields
The Coast
The Capital
(3) Other Cities as you requested in your TG
Aircraft in place over:
The Oil Fields
The Coast
The Capital
(3) Other Cities
Fleet in place:
Blockading the Coast
New Israel II
03-07-2008, 21:03
Dear JohnBrum,
The Government of New Israel II would also like to send military aid to protect you from enemies that might come. We are sending our military aircraft and our finest troops. Along with a few battleships from the Israeli navy.
President Jacob III
04-07-2008, 16:05
I have been authorised to purchase the oil field for $30bln USD
04-07-2008, 16:12
I have been authorised to purchase the oil field for $30bln USD
I think it's already been purchased... twice.
Or at least Volzgrad and New Greston both made offers to buy it that were accepted... and at least two different nations have troops there already or on the way. Good luck though
New Greston
04-07-2008, 16:38
OOC: Also he cannot afford 30 billion USDs. And it is Greston, not New Greston.
Evansville Grand
04-07-2008, 16:45
How can I find out how much money I have
Yuuzhaun Vong
04-07-2008, 17:16
How can I find out how much money I have
Go to NS Economy Tracker.
04-07-2008, 19:31
OOC: Also he cannot afford 30 billion USDs. And it is Greston, not New Greston.
OOC: Just using the user names, so it's easier to find the post
The Grand World Order
05-07-2008, 17:39
To: JohnBrum
From: The Grand World Order Federal Army
The Federal Army wishes to procure a contract with the nation of JohnBrum. This agreement regards future discoveries.
We wish to have one half of all large future oil discoveries. Your first payment of 6,000,000,000 Neutral Currency Points/Universal Standard Dollars will be paid upon the first large (200,000,000 or more barrels) discovery of oil.
We also would like to inquire as to what type of oil this is.
To: JohnBrum
From: The Grand World Order Federal Marine Corps
Along with our Army counterparts, we wish to form a contract with the nation of JohnBrum.
We wish to acquire one fourth of all large future oil discoveries, with a payment of 3,000,000,000 NCP/USD being sent upon the first large discovery of oil.
As for the smaller finds, we, along with the Army, would like to become the first considered customer. Meaning, if you find oil deposits that have less than 200,000,000 barrels of oil, you would sell it to us before selling it to others. We would be willing to pay extra per purchase if you agree to this.
((OOC: If this post sounds weird, it's because I'm running on two hours of sleep...))