FACT BOOK for the Federal Socialist Republic of Sarviats
03-07-2008, 00:28
Map of the Federal Socialist Republic of Sarviats
Picture of the Sarviat Flags and of the Palace of Sarviats
Area: 3,640,000 km2 (roughly size of India)
Government: Communist State ruled by the Sarviat Communist Party (Sarviat Pomumust Kasa) SPK
The Federal Socialist Republic of Sarviats is made up of 11 Republics, 4 Autonomous Republics and 14 different nationalities and cultures
Population: 215,345,000
Population Growth: 3.12%
Currency is the Cramii
Capital City is Rolsol and has a population of 3,450,000
03-07-2008, 08:54
Head of State: Markus Auralio (48 year old)
Head of Government: Markus Auralio
Minister of Defense: Antonio Merkante (67 year old)
Minister of Education: Anjasal Delante (43 year old)
Minister of Agriculture: Hanna Celdant (50 year old)
Minister of Infrastructure: Paris Montice (40 year old)
Minister of Foriegn Affairs: Jelana Bresov (38 year old)
Minister of Security: Alin Posea (54 year old)
Minister of Health: Vorten Lechez (56 year old)
Minister of Immigration: Andre Peks (60 year old)
Minister of Environment: Dante Estresii (46 year old)
Secret Police: Sarviat Muren Caza (SMC) Sarviat State Security
Head of Secret police: Alin Posea
Top Military Generals
General Helem Fozea
General Carl Tempsi
General Paris Lenurs
03-07-2008, 09:00
Statistics as of 2nd July 2008
GDP per capita: $420
GDP: $90,444,900,000 ($90.4 Billion)
Average Wage is $27 a month (50 Cramii a month)
Average House consists of more then one family (its common for multiple families to live in one flat
Life Span
Male: 62
Famela: 70
Literacy Rate is 11%
% of population under the poverty line: 80%
Unemployment is at 23%
Radio Ownership: 150,220,000 (65,125,000 without radio's)
TV ownership: 83,205,000 (135,140,000 without TV's)
Bicycle Ownership: 99,980,000 (115,365,000 Without Bicycle)
Washing Machine Ownership: 94,845,000 (120,500,000 without washing machines)
Interesting factbook. I have attempted to post a message here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=559846), but it seems my post needs approval first, which is odd, when you take in to consideration how I have already posted a thread. Eh, such is life. I'm sure it'll show up and be available to read before too very long.
03-07-2008, 09:12
Population of each of the 11 Republics and thier Presidents and thier age
Surainia: 84,120,000 (Markus Auralio 48)
Herainia: 61,245,000 (Samual Donii 47)
Kursalia: 23,444,000 (Dion Gregurii 80)
Carsilinia: 15,650,000 (Lynal Semps 64)
Bucharia: 8,240,000 (Kian Kronames 60)
Yunamaria: 6,333,000 (Hatcha 58)
Estraistia: 6,240,000 (Aker Motrad 67)
Purainia: 4,030,000 (Lana Potrelli 45)
Alsenaria: 2,801,000 (Lisa Anatolly 50)
Rulbania: 2,010,000 (Seraf Filps 43)
Essrania: 1,232,000 (Josef Milii 50)
03-07-2008, 09:30
Sarviat Communist Party: the party meets in the Palace of the Sarviats twice a year unless there is an emergecny meeting called by the General secretary
They meet on January 1st and July 1st
Each Republic has its own Communist Party. All these comminist parties make up a Unified Sarviat Communist Party
Surainian Communist Party (Autonomous Yunasurainian communist party is also part of)
Herianian Communist party
Essrainian Communist Party
Carsilinian Communist Party (Autonomous Ornian Communist party is also part of)
Kursalian Communist party
Puranian Communist Party (Autonomous Trishtanian Communist Party is also part of)
Bucharian Communist Party
Rulbanian Communist Party
Yunamarian Communist Party (Aotonomous Alinsovian Communist Party is also part of)
Alsenarian Communist party
Estraistian Communist Party
At each Congress every communist party sends a delegation to the Palace of the Sarviats on January 1st and July 1st. During other times of the year the Communist Parties run thier own republics
There is ONE government Controlled news agency called the Sarviat State News Agency (Sarviat Muren Sena Grosesii, SMSG)
One legal news paper called Samsu Sorzi (Workers Power)
There is also ONE radio station. All foriegn broadcasts are blocked out. It contains government news, edicts, declarations and some socialist inspired music
There is only ONE tv station/Channel
12am-6am = Socialist inspired music and propaganda
6am - 7am = Dialogue with the People (Talk show in which a government minister is interviewed every week about national progress)
7am-8am = Sarviat State News (Domestic News Hour)
8am-8:30am = Sarviat State News (International News)
8:30am-9am = Economic Report (Shows statistics and economic progress from the country
9am-12pm = Socialist Inspired news and Propaganda
12pm-1pm = Sarviat State News (Domestic Repeat)
1pm-1:30pm = Sarviat State News (Internartional Repeat)
1:30pm-3:30pm = Health section with fitness and exercises
3:30pm-5:30pm = Stimulating, socialist inspired childrens cartoons
5:30pm-6:30pm = footage of Markus Auralio and his achievements
6:30pm-7:30pm = Sarviat State News (Domestic News Hours)
7:30pm-8pm = Sarviat State News (International News)
8pm-9pm = Dialogue with the People (Repeat)
9pm-12pm = State approved film (foriegn films are permitted and have subtitles or is dubbed)
03-07-2008, 09:41
Sarviat Peoples Militia = Every citizen aged 25-45 is given a notice in which the government can order them for military and defense work (digging trenches, swamping and quelling anti government demonstrations etc)
Young Pioneers = For children aged 9-14. Its a youth group where they wear white tops, red neck scarfs and black trousers. They are taken to a summer camp every year for activities and help the society and community
Red Youth = For children aged 4-8. they wear dark blue uniforms and have a red star stitched onto their t-shirts front and they have the red neck scarfs too. They are educated about the great Sarviat system and communism and help contribute to Sarviat socialist culture
Sarviat peoples Army = Citizens aged 18-20 can be drafted into the army for 12 months
Sarviat Peoples Navy = Citizens aged 12-20 can be drafted into the Navy for 12 months
Sarviat Air Force = Citizens aged 18-20 can be drafted into the airforce for 12 months
Sarviat Community Partiots = A volunteer organization of people who patrol the neighborhood in thier Sarviat Communist Patriots team and help tackle crime. They meet once a week to discuss thier tactics and progress. You have to be over 18 to volunteer and after serving for your first year the state will award your family a new radio
Sarviat Trade Union = Is the only legal trade Union. The trade union is responsible for helping to manage the factories and working conditions. if the workers havea problem they bring it up with the trade union and the union will bring it up with the local communist party and they will find a solution
Workers Committee = Every workplace has one of these where the workers meet up once a week and discuss working conditions
Sarviat State Tourist Board = in charge of tourism, issuing visas for travellers wishing to enter the country etc. They also propose plans with the communist party to expand on tourism
Sarviat State Security (SMC) = is a secret police in charge of external and internal security. Anybody can volunteer to join up but it must never be revealed so anybody could be working for the SMC
03-07-2008, 09:58
The large island rougly the size of India was home to a nomadic people. The island was called Drosii island by the Carsilinian people who were the first to set up the first evidence of civilization by establishing a permanent settlement by around 1130 AD
From there they fought the nomads and united 80% of the island. The other 20% was left to the Kursalian people who defended themselves.
A monarchy was established in 1408AD. European explorers descovered the island in 1447AD. The Carsilinians fought off any european they saw but evetually created some dialogue between them
Some one sided trade agreements which favoured the Europeans were signed while Carsilians continued to block missionaries from entering the country
By 1910 the Empire of Drosii was flooded with western and european ideas and literature. Radical groups and political parties were formed. The already xenophobic monarchy clamped down even harder on all things foriegn
By 1923 the monarchy was overthrown. Political groups staged demonstrations and stormed the palace and forced the monarchy to resign form any position of power.
In 1924 the first free election was held in the new Drosii Republic. The Drosii Patriots party won the election under the leadership of Dan Barsi. He immediatly clamped down on any opposition and opponenets. The next election held in 1928 was rigged and after winning the fraudulent elections banned all future elections.
The nation was nuetral in both world wars. Dan Barsi died in 1948 which caused a vicious power struggle in resutled in a quick civil war. The civil war ended in 1953 with a new leader of the Drosii Patriots Party, Helem Deysiim.
In the late 60's communists were gaining lots of support from the people despite being banned.
The Military felt Helem was a huge burden and overthrew him in a coup on 10th March and seized power for themselves establishing a Junta and a rotating presidency.
In the 1970's the military dictatorship began a campaign of genocide against the Alsenarian people and other ethnic minorities. The communists continued to fight for 40 years.
Int he 90's the soviet union collapsed which was the biggest aide donor to the rebels. The rebels then began to lose ground to government forces
The rebels instead of fighting with just the number they had, changed thier tactics and began drawing support directly from villagers and regular civilians and then the Government was the one losing ground
By 2006 the military regime was losing lots of support and by early 2008 no one was willing to do anything for the military anymore
This led to a communist victory on 1st July 2008 with them marching into the Dorsii Parliament which they renamed Palace of the Sarviats and on the 2nd of July 2008 The Federal Socialist Republic of Sarviats was founded
03-07-2008, 10:04
January 1st = New Years
February 23rd = National Womens Day
April 22nd = Birthday of Markus Auralio (1960)
May 1st = May Day
June 9th = Communist Party Foundation (1932)
July 1st = Vicotry Day (2008)
July 2nd = Foundation of the FSRS (2008)
August 30th = National Childrens Day
October 5th = National Sarviat Day
December 12th = Union Festival