NationStates Jolt Archive

Whos there? (closed RP Attn : Kost )

02-07-2008, 09:34
A small crusier came into reality on the far edge of the system at 1km long and 300 meters wide it was big but not that big, large holes were apparent in the hull and fires rippled along it but it was still mostly in good order most of the damage was superfical, the Crusier, no drednaught as the Now semi-contained race called it moved towards the inner parts of the system weapons were online and large turrets swivled turning around behind them.

Only Seconds later three Kewen Battle Crusiers appeared around it one above and the two below it on either side forming a triange around it, a barrge or weapons fire erupted from the Alien crusier the dull red flashes illuminating the peeling letters on the side " The Intruder " , it was answer by weapons fire from three crusiers sheilds flared in a multitude of colors as weapons hits.

Abord the Kewen Crusier " De facto "
"Sssssire, we have found them they will not lasssst long"
"Keep firing, do not sssstop they will perissssh"

Aboard the Intruder
"By the fangs of Oroz shaggy head WE BEEN FOUND" yelled a officer hysterically his forehead bleeding slightly
"Status!" yelled a man his uniform torn in several places and nursing badly cut arm
"sheilds at 70% we can hold for only so much longer, they must really want it back maybe be we should----"
"NO! we have seen it, they know, we wont live if we have returned it"

The four ships oblivious to the system around them continued trading fire
02-07-2008, 10:02
Task Group:
BAT-10 Joseph A. Lyons
FRG-18 Svend Tveskaeg
FRG-29 Empress Matilda
FRG-35 Edward Longshanks
FRG-65 Queen Victoria
FRG-70 Queen Elizabeth the Second
FRG-72 King William the Fifth
0800 hours, July second, 3040

The 49th Task Group powered in steadily towards the jump point. Battleship Joseph A. Lyons was surrounded by four six providing cover, and moving to investigate an odd sensor trace in an industrial system.

Hitting the entrance to the wormhole, they rode the speeding wake through wormspace, being deposited near the innermost planet of the Lavurpe system. A few short-range jumps and they were in the middle of a battle.

Captain Richard Shepard of the Lyons took immediate action. Turrets hissed out along the hull and swung on their spherical mountings to cover the apparently fleeing vessel, with the frigates spreading out to focus their much smaller but much more ubiquitous weaponry on each of the attackers. Delegating on-the-spot action to the AI, the captain retired to the ready room to plan strategy with his senior officers.

The AI ran scans; nothing. These cruisers were of an unknown design, as was their prey; the drive technology looked pretty conventional though.

Peppering the attackers with a few warning shots, the Lyons' AI sent out a pulse so loud it was on the verge of frying the transmitter.


The AI wasn't sure either faction would take this well, but she was more than confident that she could dispose of both factions with the formidable firepower that the 49th represented.
02-07-2008, 10:56
When the new ships jumped in, and opened fire the kewen crusiers almosted returned fire till someone mentioned that these people were new, the crusiers contniued firing on the fleeing vessel and the fleeing vessel contiued firing back both trying to aviod the newcomers and both more fixed on ones own job.

"Not possible" replied the kewen the crusiers chasing after the Fleeing ship as it moved away from the newcomers

"Unhuh not on your life pal" replied the comms officer on the fleeing vessel heartly before being flung head over heels across the room landing wit a thud
"oooOOoo... pretty birdies"
02-07-2008, 11:02
Very well. You're bringing this on yourselves.

The spherical battleship turrets swiveled and flashed blindingly brightly at the unidentified ships, flashes of light illuminating a battle layered with the liquid darkness of space. Smoke rounds were added to the magazines, creating the effect of more damage than there really was.

The battlecruiser AI turned over fire control to the frigate management AIs and opened a communication channel to the... aliens?... oh well, there wasn't a better word.

I'm quite capable of blasting your engines off and killing your crew. Now would you like to calm down slightly and stop being rabid warlike idiots?
02-07-2008, 11:13
"No, we are merely finisssshing what thessssse evil things ssssstarted" was the kewen response and yet more fire raindown upon the fleeing crusier the battle was moving away from the newcomers seeing as they didnt move.

"WHAT! are you crazy!" came the Intruders response "We aint stopping in anyplace with them snake brains!" the captain screamed in a way that souned like it was a very stupid thing to ask

"Can we go any faster?" he has his 2IC
"Chea, if if someone goes out a push!"
"Well do it" he said a bit confused
"... COOK!" screamed someone on the bridge and a man in a white shirt appeared carrying a steaming pod of what looked like red noodles
true to the captains word outside the ship but within the sheilds a man in a space suit was pushing the ship....
02-07-2008, 11:17
An invisible web lashed out from the Lyons to strike against the alien ships' hulls. Gravity slowly but imperceptibly started pulling them back, bringing them to a stop relative to the Lyons.

Again, I think you should probably sit and talk. It would be therapeutic.
02-07-2008, 11:22
The captain after having some nice "soup" regained his composure sent another message

"Now, as i said before this goes against many things and i suggest you let us go and you go away this dosnt concern you" while he was speaking a few more rounds shot off to a Kewen crusier

"Talking with thesssse brutesssss issss unssspeakable they have commited crimessss beyond reassssnoable doubt" came the kewen response before the shot again at the crusier


A finl stray shot hit the crusier and it sheilds went down, the man in the space suit was wondering what the hell happened and why wernt they moving? he thought to himself shruging he continued pushing the multi thousand ton Crusier obvious to the weapons fire around him