Federal Socialist Republic of Sarviats, declared 2nd July 2008
02-07-2008, 07:11
Sarviat Square in central Rolsol was filled with over 100,000 citizens who were coming out to hear General Secretary Markus delcare the Federal Socialist Republic of Sarviats!
On the balcony of the newly renamed Palace of the Sarviats, Markus and other members of the Sarviat Communist Party looked down over the square.
It had been a long struggle for control of the large country to depose of the Military Junta who kept a grip on the country since 1968.
The crowd was cheering and chanting.
"Markus the saviour! Markus the saviour! Markus the saviour!" while clapping in unison
Markus walked over to the balcony and the microphones
"Comrades and loyal Sarviats! Every Sarviat who worked here honestly up to the 1st of July knew of the crimes of the Military junta who had oppressed us, the people for 40 years. We have fought for you and now we have liberated you! Now we can begin the glorious task of rebuilding the nation from the ground up. We will industiralize, we will militarize, we will grow strong and enrich every citizen! On this day the 2nd of July the Federal Socialist Republic of Sarviats has been declared!"
The crowd then began more cheering and clapping in unison and chanting
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The nation's first task was to clean up the old regime.
Some elements were still fighting. loyalists were held up in some police stations across the country and some fanatics were demonstrating against the communists.
Other then that the new communist government had complete control.
The first act was to begin a series of trials
First they would put on trial the old government ministers
Then they would put on trial the supporters of the old government
and then put on trial any opponenets of the new system
At the same time order had to be installed across the 11 republics that made up the FSRS
(here is a map)
(This is a picture of the Palace of the Sarviats and the new flag of the nation and flag of the communist party)
03-07-2008, 01:24
Markus was inside the Palace of the Sarviats in a small meeting with each minister of every sector of the economy. all together the meeting was made up of 9 people
"We have a massive task a head of us, we are a basket case. The infrustracture is completely old and worn out, people are only earning 50 Cramii a month, we are famine threatened. We must adress every problem in the country and dedicate our live to fixing these problems. We have seen this nation crumble but we will rebuild, The first issue is to eliminate all elements of the old system, Sarviat Muren Caza (SMC or Sarviat State Security, secret police) is on that task already. Comrade Minister of Security Alin, how is that proceeding?" spoke Markus
"The last of any resistance has be crushed. There are no longer any reports of loyalists though there are rumours some fanatics have fled into remote regions to start up thier own rebel army, but they are just rumours" said Alin
"That sounds like a task for the Military, Comrade Minister of Defense Antonio, command your soldiers and order them to investigate these remote areas, if there is any sign of rebel activity or resistance eliminate them" ordered Markus
"Yes Comrade General Secretary" responded Antonio
"Comrade Minister of foriegn affairs Jelana, what is the outside worlds reaction to our revolution?"
"We have heard nothing, It seems that they are apathetic to our cause and also with no sypathy for the old regime" she replied
"Ok that is perfect. I'd rather try to establish and fix our nation by oursleves with out any foriegn intervention. We are deeply poor but we can do without aid or foriegn help for the time being" said Markus
Another lady in the room spoke up
"Comrade General Secretary, we have another problem" said the woman
"Yes Comrade Minister of Agriculture, Hanna?"
"We have reports of starvation in Herainia and Kursalia, its reported 5,000 people have already died of hunger" said Hanna
"We have long been a famine threatened country, what is to be done to alleviate the problem, food supplies are already at an all time low and I dont want to initiate rationing" said Markus
"Rolsol can survive 6 months before famine hits if we remove 50% of the food reserves from the city and give it to the threatened areas" said Paris, minister of infrastracture
"The people are already malnourished all over the country, but ok, we will remove 50% of food reserves from Rolsol. Comrade minister of defense Antonio, do you think we can also use the army to transport the food aide?"
"Ofcourse Comrade General Secretary"
"Call the Sarviat State News Agency and tell them the message that must be broadcast on every radio and telivison and news paper must be an appeal to donate food and money to help the nation and the people affected by famine. Right any other issues we need to touch up on?"
"Comrade General Secretary. The literacy rate is only at 11%, there are practically no school. For propaganda to be effective in the way of posters and advertisement we need a population that can read and write" said Minister of Education Anjasal
"Yes you are right Comrade Anjasal, Unfortunatly we do not have the resources at this time to expand on education. I hear you staff is already working on a strategy for the coming year. In the mean time draft up some literate people and send them in teams to certain areas to education people in night classes. It will fill in the gap before we start building new schools"
The ministers were all writting notes on thier duties and jobs
"Right, anything worth bringin up or shall we save it for another time? I will call the President's of each republic and organize a Sarviat communist party meeting next month to bring up these issues, I also have a meeting with all the Presidents of the Republics on the state of each Sarviat republic. So this meeting is ajourned" said Markus
The ministers all stood up and left.
Clothing in the country was quite raggedy and hardly anyone could afford new clothing so the most common clothing people wore were simple, dark blue suits (similar to Mao suits in China) with a small cap with the red star on the front. It was the only clothing in the country that people could get their hadns on and so all communist party members wore these simple "Markus Suits" and some citizens also wore them. The rest of the population wore ragged and tatty old clothes as its all they owned or afforded.
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03-07-2008, 01:34
The TV had not broadcast since the Sarviats took power on the 1st July. instead only footage of the Declaration of the FSRS on the 2nd had been playing on loop. The Sarviat News Agency was still putting together an itinary of shows.
Finally it began to boradcast public messaged around the clock
With the new National Anthem called "Fight for Cause and Country"
played in the background. The new Sarviat flag was waving and then avoice spoke
'Our countrymen are dying. Starvation threatens our comrade, this is an apeal to you, loyal patriot to donate what you are willing to, to our Sarviat brothers dying of hunger. We need to get this country on the move, lets help each other rebuild!'
The ad was played in all 11 republics (though dubbed in thier native laguages so all could understand)
People immediatly responded.
In the first hour people were donating whatever they could.
Most donation consisted of Blankets and 5 Cramii 5 cramii was a lot considering the average citizen only earned 50 Cramii a month ($27)
Camera crews were out in force to show the "patriotic, generosity of the Sarviat People"
"We are helping to build our nation and further our party's cause!" said one old woman enthusiastically. She had donated her wedding ring, 2 blankets and 10 Cramii
"We do this for our country and brothers!" yelled another voice from the crowd
The military was already loading flat bed trucks of the Rolsol food reserves plus the donation material
03-07-2008, 01:43
Within the first 3 hours of the appeal over 8,000,000 Cramii had been raised. The money was being securly transported to the Sarviat State Bank
Markus organized another meeting with the ministers
"Comrade Hanna, We have raised over 8 million Cramii, seeing as Agriculture and food is the major concern I am alocating this money to your ministry. Use it well, We have to use this money to expand on agriculture and feed everyone, Any idea how you will use this money?" said Markus to the minister of Agriculture
"The poeple still plow fields by hand, We might put the money into imorting some tractors or some up to date farming equipment, it should help productivity" replied Hanna
"Comrade Hanna, Rumanovia is exporting its tractors, its a socailist nation as well, it might pay to contact them for tractor importation" said Minister of foriegn affairs Jelana
"Any more money we recieve in donations from the appeal we ahve two options on what to do with it, We divide it eually amoungst the Ministries to be spent how each ministry chooses OR we use the money to import food or equipment to help ease the situation" said Markus
"Lets put it to the vote" said Minister of Infrastructure
"for dividing amoungst the ministries?" said Markus
3 people raised thier hands
"For importing food Aide?"
5 people raised thier hands
"Right so all future money raised by the Appeal will go into Food importation to feed the population, This meeting is ajourned"
Rodan Dominion
03-07-2008, 01:44
The Rodan Pirates were eager for this regime change, it would mean a possible new target for their interests and a message was sent on behalf of their Chief of Civilian and Military Affairs, a Mr. Ruzek, as an ambassador:
"You are in our sights. Comply and be saved or your celebrations will end most tragically."
It was a bold statement, but they did not like to beat around the bush, especially with communists, their favorite prey and thus supporters.
03-07-2008, 02:04
The message from they myseterious pirates had been sent striaght to the central government
Markus looked at it
"I dont understand it? whom are they talking to? where are they even? the borders are cealed. I guess they must be in the ocean somewhere. if they are in our signtes when they must be close to a coastal area of The FSRS. Put the local militia on alert. we will see what else developes from this" said Markus handing two photocopies of the note to the Minister of Defense and Minister of Security (also head of the secret police)
03-07-2008, 02:21
We approve and support of the New Sarviat government.
We would spare some aide but we are poor oursleves. We look foward to future relations
and we recognize the new Sarviat system
03-07-2008, 02:25
There were 30 concentraction camps in the Country. Left over from the old Military Dictatorship. Upon coming to power ALL prisoners were released from the Concentration camps.
The Political dissidents were given "ONE MORE CHANCE" they could be free but it would be the end of it if they spoke out against the new system. The concentration camps would not be demolished they would actually be re-done
Once empited they could be cleaned out and ready for loyalists to the old military government and old government ministers and dissidents of the new system. Currently the population in the concentration camps was at 11,300. the majority of them were loyal to the old government or protested when the Communists came to power.
The newly released prisoners were sent directly home to thier closest family
This was all part of the new beginning for Drosii Island (Federal Socialist Republic of Sarviats)
Conserative Morality
03-07-2008, 02:54
Official message from Conserative morality:
My predecessor, Gaius McDermott, was staunchly anti-socialism. I, however, take a much different approach. I would like to offer our support in the form of monetary aid, and establish diplomatic relations with you. If needed, we will change the aid from our 5,000,000 of our currency, to Moralite industries weapons. For peacekeeping and defense we trust. Please respond at your first chance.
President Numerius Arrius, the Voice of the people.
Gun Manufacturers
03-07-2008, 03:10
The Allied States of Gun Manufacturers has had word of a famine in your newly formed nation relayed to us. In response, we are willing to send a bulk food donation to your nation, to help relieve your troubles. We are also willing to help with limited amounts of technical expertise in the areas of food production, industrial manufacturing, and scientific research, all for free. Once you get back to a viable economy with enough food production, we can discuss further consultations at a price that is reasonable for both of us. If this is agreeable, we shall send a container ship loaded with food straight away to your nation.
Rodan Dominion
03-07-2008, 03:23
It might have just been that certain people in Rodan just didn't like communists, after all, few democratic and free people accept an often corrupt and flawed poor government substitute for free trade. As for a military, the fleet was run by free men and governed by only a few bylaws on piracy.
After the regime change it would only be a matter of weeks before data was complied and a weakness in shipping and business would be targeted to bolster Rodan's resume as a capable and swift pirate nation, true to its origins.
A second message was anonymously sent to the government, most likely a paid delivery by one of the citizens. Though if this method had failed, it would be tried with a direct approach with a e-mail. Either way, it again from the Ambassador, and if the mail had made it though the paper (assuming it did) smelled of potent and flowery drink, the scent of cigars permeated the paper. Even more noticeable then its fine accents was the signing in blood at the bottom of the message.
"I see you ignore such a bold statement of my last. Quite cunning and devious, in that regard. As thanks for withholding of vulgarity, I propose that a discussion on business is in order. Free market or governmental control, as to which will determine whether or not you and your people are suitable for being the beneficiary or the victim, should you possess what we desire, in our specific and various interests. Do not be afraid to send a reply via e-mail or the traditional manner, I personally believe that the old ways are more personal and eloquent for negotiations and the ilk. Signed Ruzek"
It should be noted that while the paper was signed in blood and marked with alcohol and the vanilla scent of a fine cigar, the blood was mixed with bleach, rendering it useless in most tests. The alcohol that stained the paper was somewhat familiar to sake of Japan, and the cigar seemed to be of Columbian origin, perhaps Cuban. Anyone meticulous enough to test the paper would have found it to be pre-war (WWII that is) paper, from some European stock. A diverse, elegant collection of beauty and pride that did not convey luxury through appearance, but magnificence to the senses.
03-07-2008, 03:35
To the Conservative Morality
We are very pleased you agree to recognize the new government and offer to aide us. We will take the 5 Million in aide. We will accept closer relations and are glad your governemnt is willing to help and talk with our government
General Secretary Markus
To Gun Manufacturers
Food aide would be much appreciated. Agricultural infrustracture had been abadoned for decades and left to decay. We have been a famine threatened nation for a long time. We appreciate any food aide you will be willing to donate. We are also open to the idea of better relations.
And yes we are very backwards, using old farming and industrial methods. If you would like to send some of your Technical engineers over to help train out workforce in newer methods that would be greatly appreciated too.
Thank you
From General Secretary Markus
Conserative Morality
03-07-2008, 03:41
Official message from Conserative morality:
5 Million Tiosles translates to (Roughly) 2.7 million USD. We will deliver the money in large bills to any city you choose by carrier Zeppelin. We hope for long and close diplomatic relations.
President Numerius Arrius, the Voice of the People.
03-07-2008, 05:40
We would like the money to be transported to the City of Maspol
Thank you very much to your contribution to our cause. the Sarviat people will remember this
Conserative Morality
03-07-2008, 05:45
OOC: What's the geography of your country like? Or at least the Geography of Maspol?
03-07-2008, 05:48
Official Communique from the Volzgradien Government
Your nation's plight has truly saddened the hearts of many citizens of Volzgrad. In order to aide your new found nation, the Volzgradien Government will be donating 60 million USD to your nation. The Volzgradien Navy and Airforces will patrol your nation's coast and make sure these pitiful pirates do not harm any Sarviat citizens. If you have any requests or questions then feel free to ask.
Pavel Milkovic, Head of Foreign Affairs
Conserative Morality
03-07-2008, 05:49
Official Communique from the Volzgradien Government
Your nation's plight has truly saddened the hearts of many citizens of Volzgrad. In order to aide your new found nation, the Volzgradien Government will be donating 60 million USD to your nation. The Volzgradien Navy and Airforces will patrol your nation's coast and make sure these pitiful pirates do not harm any Sarviat citizens. If you have any requests or questions then feel free to ask.
Pavel Milkovic, Head of Foreign Affairs
OOC: Showoff.:p
03-07-2008, 06:05
If you have or are able to view Photobucket here is a Map of the country
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To Volzgrad
This a truly generous! For security we would love for a friendly nation like urself to patrol our waters. We still need to properly establish a navy and airforce for ourselves.
The 60 Million dollars is also an incredable donation. The Sarviat Communist party is about to begin a huge industrialization drive next month with the release of the 1st five year plan. This money will be used to help boast of construction of new hydro power damns. The other 30 million will be divided equally amoungst the ministry to be used to help lift the country out of our deprived state and give the people better living standards
From General Secretary Markus
The Northern Baltic
03-07-2008, 06:22
Official Communique
The United Worker States of The Northern Baltic and Shujun hereby recognize the Federal Socialist Republic of Sarviats. We would not only like to give your nation 30 million USD, but we would also like to send skilled personal to help train your workforce. We should like to ask though if democracy exists in your nation, and, if it does, ee would also like to open the possibility of an Economic and Military Alliance between our two nations. As fellow Comrades, we would be delighted to, if you were to become our allies, share our military strategies and sell you cheap surplus weapons and equipment.
From the people of The Northern Baltic and Shujun to the people of Sarviats. Long live the Revolution!
03-07-2008, 06:34
The Communist Sarviat system is complex and so democracy in the western multi-party sense does not exists. We have our own democracy. True Sarviat Communist party democracy.
The Party represents the workers and people of the FSRS, we are their voice and are dedicted to serving the people to give them all rich and happy lives.
So was that what your question mean when you asked if democracy existed?
The Comrade General Secretary is not a dictator.
Back to your offer of skiller personel to help train our young and unskilled workforce we would love it. There is no industry and so when the industrialization begins we will need to introduce new skills to a workforce that have never worked with heavy machinary before.
The 30 Million USD we will spend on a new construction project which is to re do the Rolsol city center to make it more homogenous and socialist. Currently its an old mess of winding streets and old crumbling flats.
Conserative Morality
03-07-2008, 06:53
If you have or are able to view Photobucket here is a Map of the country
OOC: I meant as in Forest, temperate, mountainous land, or flat, dry, Savannah like land, that sort of thing.
Official Communique from Alekzander Stanislau, Interm General-Chairman of Ibevan
Open letter to the Sarviets
On behalf of the Free People's of Ibevan, I wish to personally congratulate your nation for overthrowing an oppressive government. However, I urge you to remember the principles of your revolution, and give every citizen a voice in how buisness is conducted.
Currently, we cannot give any aid, as we are in a position very similar to yourselves. However, we wish you the best, and when we have re-established our diamond industry, we would very much like to engage in mutually benefitial trade.
To: General Secretary Markus
From: Timothy Jacks, High President of Nilpnt.
Greetings comrade, first of all I want to congratulate you and the entire Sarviat communist party on a successful overthrow of the old goverment. Though mystery fills my head about your intentions, I will assume for now they are for the best. Though I personally know nothing about your nation reports indicate that you are broke, starving, under defended and in need of serious infastructure rebuilding, with that in mind I have arranged for a aid deal to your nation that you will find most irresistible. We believe strongly in the social principles of Marxism and when our abilities are your needs we are obliged to forfill, if not in the name of socialism then in the name of common humanity.
Comrade Timothy Jacks.
Enclosed within is the aid package details.
Military Aid.
- The 3rd Army to support any combat or security operations within Sarviat and to train Sarviat ground forces.
- The 1st Through 50th Fighter Groups to maintain Sarviat airforce superiority and to train the Sarviat airforce.
- The 1397th through 1417th Suppression groups to provide air support for any combat opperations.
- The 2nd through 4th fleets to secure Sarviat's sovereignty and to train Sarviat's naval forces.
- The building of radar establishments and the training of those needed to operate them.
Economic Aid.
- 122 Million Lucians initially. (Roughly 200 Million USD).
- 18.3 Million Lucians yearly for the next 15 years. (Roughly 30 million USD yearly.)
Civillian Aid.
- 2 Million tons of Wheat annually for as long as needed.
- The building of water purifacation facilities within Sarviat and the full training of those needed to operate them.
- The establishemnt of power plants, of any fuel source, and the training of those needed to operate them.
- The full industrialization and training of one republic within the FSRS.
- The rebuilding of the capital city into a modernized city.
Terms and conditions.
With the economic success and power of Nilpnt everything mentioned above can and will be forfilled if the deal is accepted.
03-07-2008, 07:35
It has quite a tropical climate over 25*C (OOC:I did the star symbol becuase i cant find the symbol of the little mini O)
Its mainly flat plains and the surrounding land is also flat plains.
The city is right up against the ocean front with a harbour.
Its a squalid city with a population of 6,778,000
It has dense forest surrounding the city.
03-07-2008, 07:43
To: General Secretary Markus
From: Timothy Jacks, High President of Nilpnt.
Greetings comrade, first of all I want to congratulate you and the entire Sarviat communist party on a successful overthrow of the old goverment. Though mystery fills my head about your intentions, I will assume for now they are for the best. Though I personally know nothing about your nation reports indicate that you are broke, starving, under defended and in need of serious infastructure rebuilding, with that in mind I have arranged for a aid deal to your nation that you will find most irresistible. We believe strongly in the social principles of Marxism and when our abilities are your needs we are obliged to forfill, if not in the name of socialism then in the name of common humanity.
Comrade Timothy Jacks.
Enclosed within is the aid package details.
Military Aid.
- The 3rd Army to support any combat or security operations within Sarviat and to train Sarviat ground forces.
- The 1st Through 50th Fighter Groups to maintain Sarviat airforce superiority and to train the Sarviat airforce.
- The 1397th through 1417th Suppression groups to provide air support for any combat opperations.
- The 2nd through 4th fleets to secure Sarviat's sovereignty and to train Sarviat's naval forces.
- The building of radar establishments and the training of those needed to operate them.
Economic Aid.
- 122 Million Lucians initially. (Roughly 200 Million USD).
- 18.3 Million Lucians yearly for the next 15 years. (Roughly 30 million USD yearly.)
Civillian Aid.
- 2 Million tons of Wheat annually for as long as needed.
- The building of water purifacation facilities within Sarviat and the full training of those needed to operate them.
- The establishemnt of power plants, of any fuel source, and the training of those needed to operate them.
- The full industrialization and training of one republic within the FSRS.
- The rebuilding of the capital city into a modernized city.
Terms and conditions.
With the economic success and power of Nilpnt everything mentioned above can and will be forfilled if the deal is accepted.
We are EXTREMELY glad to find a friend with the comrades in Nilpnt!
This is incredably generous! with this we can quickly catch up to the rest of the world. Though we feel guilty about recieving so much aid with no terms and conditions you intentions are right. You are aware of the deprivation the Sarviat people suffer and you are willing to help with so much.
The full industrialization of one republic in the FSRS will be incredably helpful!
The republic we have in mind is the most backwards republic. Its also one of the smallest in terms of population.
Essrania is a small mountenous, landlocked republic. Its extremely mountenous and it has a high altitude. We would appreciate help in building a number of Hydro damns from the rivers coming down from thier mountains.
Travelling to that republic is long and painful so inproved infrastructure would help taht republic out fully.
You have donated so much that we think its fair that YOU decide how you want your money to be spent. The link is to a map of the FSRS and its economic projects. You can pick where you want the money to go towards on the economic map and what project you want your money to assist with
Conserative Morality
03-07-2008, 07:45
The Carrier Zeppelin floated lazily across the sky, it's massive bulk overshadowing anything that dared to compare itself. In size at least. The light rain pattered against the window of the cockpit. Nothing like a light rain to calm my nerves. The pilot thought, stretching before returning to the wheel. Directing it slowly downwards near a relatively flat, clear spot of land, he radioed in. "This is Zeppelin carrier "Lead" preparing to drop cargo with troops, please respond if current area is acceptable."
03-07-2008, 07:49
The zeppelins message was picked up at a nearby airfield.
A woman in a "markus suit" with her cap with the small red star on the front radiod back
"Your area is acceptable to land" said the woman.
Conserative Morality
03-07-2008, 07:55
"Rodger that, cargo preparing to be dropped, just bring an official over to sign it off, and we'll be on our way." The pilot pulled down a lever, watching the bottom camera screen.
Several men wearing armor, hidden beneath bright yellow raincoats, rappeled down from the Zeppelin, large wooden crates parachuting down with them.Landing, each man quickly pushed and lifted box after box until the dozen or so boxes made a small pyramid, the exception of three lone metal boxes, heavily guarded by the soldiers.
03-07-2008, 08:37
The local communist party members present. Who were wearing black raincoats over thier Markus Suits ran through the light rain towards the soldiers and pyramid. AS they got closer they slowed down. They were Ethnice Herainian and spoke no outside language. One of them did know a couple of english words. They hopes that they could try and use English as a common means of communication
"Hello!" said the "english speaking" Sarviat
Diplomatic Satement from the Republic
Having observed what we may of the situation in Sarviats, and having looked in detail at the new Constitution adopted by said Nation, it has been decided, by the full gathering of the National Assembly that the Republic of Mioya shall have no formal relations with the Federal Socialist Republic. Further, we have issued a Class A Travel Advisory, meaning travels between the FSRS and RoM have been officially, temporarily, banned.
Morys Tyrell, SecState, RoM
Conserative Morality
03-07-2008, 16:42
The local communist party members present. Who were wearing black raincoats over thier Markus Suits ran through the light rain towards the soldiers and pyramid. AS they got closer they slowed down. They were Ethnice Herainian and spoke no outside language. One of them did know a couple of english words. They hopes that they could try and use English as a common means of communication
"Hello!" said the "english speaking" Sarviat
Thinking that most of them knew English, at least enough to communicate, Sgt. Numerius asked "All right, which one of you is the official? We need ya to sign." He brought a small pad, laminated and smooth.
To: General Secretary Markus.
From: Timothy Jacks.
Well it is known that the modern world needs a sufficent fuel source to run. There is no difference in a modernizing world, we propose you spend some of the money on the construction of Oil wells, Oil has proven to be a excellent source of income for third world nations and will prove to be extremely helpful once Sarviat is a modern nation. We also propose you spend some of the money on farmland and canals so that your people will no longer starve and your nation will not have to rely on foreign aid for longer than it needs to. We also propose that you spend some of the money on establishing an armed forces. If you wish we can send spare military equipment to furnish the needs of your armed forces, encluding advanced aircraft and naval vessels.
Comrade Timothy Jacks.
(OOC: Do not, I repeat do not open a thread where you are selling oil. There are less friendly nations out there who would love nothing more than to rape your nation and seize it's oil feilds.)
In the skies above Sarviat 800 C-16 Pelicans were flying in multiple formations. One flew a few hundred yards ahead of the rest, onboard was Commander Reliv Nosin and his personal battalion. He walked toward the cockpit of the plane and got on the radio.
"To any Sarviat ears listening This is Commander Reliv Nosin with the Nilpntze 3rd army, we are requesting landing permission. We will need access to every airport availible and I will personally need to meet General Secretary Markus, over."
He sat back and waited for a response.
04-07-2008, 09:44
Thinking that most of them knew English, at least enough to communicate, Sgt. Numerius asked "All right, which one of you is the official? We need ya to sign." He brought a small pad, laminated and smooth.
The 4 party members present looked at the "english speaking" Sarviat for any clue as to what the men from the Conservative Morality were speaking.
The Sarviat only understood "Official, sign, one" and he looked at the laminated sign board.
He Geaustured with his hand that looked like he was writting with an imaginary pen as he guessed they would need to sign something
"To the Nilpnt air force, We give you permission to land in Rolsol to the airport there. We also give permission to use any airport needed for your operation. Comrade General Secretary Markus is in the Palace of the Sarviats in Rolsol. you are permitted to meet him" said a voice into the radio to contact the 800 C-16 Pelicans
Conserative Morality
04-07-2008, 22:08
The soldier shook his head up and down. "Yes, sign." He tapped the attached pen and the pad.
Cannock College
05-07-2008, 02:21
I authorised to send your country 125 tractors
"Alright you heard them, land in Rolsol." Said Reliv to the pilot and co-pilot. The other Pelican pilots heard the respone and headed to area's that the satellites had targeted for landing, this wasn't only airfeilds but any stretch of terrain suitable for the mammoth planes to land. When the the C-16 carrying Reliv landed the drop doors opened and roughly 800 soldiers ran out prepared for a fight. No fight ensued and a single M-14 Hydra came rolling out followed by Reliv and 2 assistants.
"The modernization of Rolsol will begin here." He said, an assistant jotted that down. He looked toward the large group of soldiers and one of the assistants handed him a megaphone.
"Alright soldiers listen up, you are ordered to secure the Airport and the immediate surrounding area. Do not engage unless fired upon, though intel says that's unlikley to happen I still want you to be prepared." He saluted the group and then got into the M-14, the assistants and 3 soldiers followed him. When they arrived in front of the Palace of the Sarviats everyone got out, Reliv ordered the soldiers set up defensive positions and wait until he gets back. He then bagan walking toward the building's entrance. I wonder what this guy is like he thought.
05-07-2008, 10:13
The "English speaking" Sarviat scribbled a signature on the pad and then did the thumbs up and said "done?"
Meanwhile outside the Palace of the Sarviats.
The entrance doors to the Palace were opened and some people came out. They were all wearing "Markus Suits" and were aremd with outdated and simple weapons
Markus came out.
He was 6ft high. had a head of thick dark brown hair. there was some stuble on the bottom of his chin. He was also wearing the plain "Markus suit" although we wasnt wearing the small caps with the red star on the front.
He was quite a lanky, thin gangly man. though he had always been thin.
"Hello! Hello!" he yelled out to the approaching Reliv
There was an eutourage of 9 aides following Markus. 2 had photographs and one other had an old camera capturing footage
"Welcome to our new nation! I'm Comrade General Secretary Markus" He said.
He was clearly excited. Markus had a fascination with politics, history and cultures from foriegn lands though he had never met one before the revolution
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 16:02
"Done. Money in green box." The moralite soldier pointed at a green box in the wooden pyramid. "All others empty." He then brought the 'English speaking' Sarviat to the side. "The metal boxes. Over there? Yea? They have weapons." He made a shooting sound and motion with his hand. "Guns? Yeah? Sent by CM. For defense. Police? No criminals, yeah?"
Reliv saluted the man before him, he realized that he was the first foreigner this man had met and he wanted to make a good impression. "Pleasure to meet you Comrade Markus my name is Reliv Nosin, commander of the Sarviat reconstruction effort. I have a few gifts for you." Reliv then quickly looked over toward the men with weapons "And your men."
"Alright bring it up." said one of Reliv's assistants into a walkie talkie. Below them the soldiers got into the M-14, two of them grabbed large breifcases and began walking toward the group while one of them started stacking small crates at the feet of the stairs. When the two soldiers got to the group they sat the suitcases in front of Reliv and returned to their formor positions. "Here is the 122 Million Lucians and down there is the re-arming of 7 soldiers. On my laptop I have some documents that you will find interesting but I need a power source, can you bring me to one?" He asked.
Standing next to his female assistants Reliv is a giant, at 7'2 and nearly 340 pounds he is a typical Nilpntze man. His hair is short and blonde and his green eyes are peircing. Like all Nilpntze men he is calm and courageous. His assistants are typical Nilpntze females. Black haired, blue eyed, and much smaller than their male counterparts, neither of them are any taller than 5'5 or any larger than 110 pounds. But where the Nilpntze males are calm the females are tempestous and easily provoked, making easy prey of lesser people.