NationStates Jolt Archive

The haunting past attn septh FT open

The Fedral Union
29-06-2008, 18:56
Federation, Senate floor Union City New Sol.

President Logan Stood upon the large elevated podium looking down over the large assembled masses of people, his smooth skinned hands placed on the top of the holo mic , his blue eyes peered out looking over the smooth marble like metal columns and roman like architecture behind the senate seating arrangements. He sighed a bit clearing his throat before stating to speak, the holo news channels and dream scape news cast were broadcasting his address throughout the union and the galaxy, he knew he was on the spot light.

Today marks a new challenge in our existence, as you know the grand human Imperium of sephrioth, had previously attacked federation border holdings , and now we have reason to believe they are again on the war path and again supporting pirates and terrorist activities against us , it is time to act on these threats and these attacks, I here by ask the Terran Senate for authorization to use military might in the sequestering of this nation so it can no longer threaten the civilized nations of the galaxy, I ask the senate to consider these points vehemently to make this decision news cast after news cast has painted pictures of imperial warmongering and support of chaotic terrorist groups, I leave you with this message and this question, please do not disappoint me nor the people

Several hours passed the senate had indeed voted on a resolution to declare open hostilities with the bordering empire 500 – 498 an extremely narrow margin and not much of a change from the past few weeks accept this was successful, president logan was having issues getting proposals passed through the federalist and Republican party lines , how ever now that this was passed federation military might could be deployed.. The borders became secured almost instantly as several rapid reaction forces fleets and defender fleets began to mobilize ready for a strike, they would be ready to move in 8 hours.

Admiral Alexi stood on top of the UTS warlock peering out in to the darkness of space, his gloved hands placed behind his well press uniformed body as the 8th RRF floated around him, the masses of Grey ships the only beacons of light besides the massive star fortress behind them in the darkness of space. They would wait for the orders from the TFSN command center in new sol before they began their assault and other fleets had to organize...
29-06-2008, 19:10
the emperor was on fereal world used by the blood angels for recruiting sire
said one custodes the damn dtfus strike at the empire near the dmz WHAT brllowed the emperor

order all astartes force to gather near sephrion prime

send an opticon call to our allies
The Fedral Union
29-06-2008, 23:45
Alexi stood upon the bridge of the ship peering at several tactical maps that shimmered in to existence in front of him, his gloved hands waved over them gently as they immersed him and changed positions, his fleet lesion officer appeared as a tactical holographic avatar as he was up loaded in to the warlocks massive computer, he nodded as he pointed to several core systems including the home system of the enemy. He looked over to the avatar and stood up strait and professionally he started to speak .

“All right our first target is this system several light years from the entrance to the core of the enemies system, I want 2 fleets coming in with us assaulting two other systems, and the rest of the fleets in reserve , now I have orders from fleet command here... we can move when we are ready”

He said this as he looked at several maps and a message sent from Terran Federation fleet command, he chuckled a bit stepping out of the immersive holographic environment, he looked around the massive yet busy bridge command center in the heart of the massive ship, watching as officers and marines marched in formation to their duty stations. He grinned and his brown eyes peered up and down several massive holo consoles and data sheets. He turned around coughing slightly raising his gloved hand... he started to bark out orders.

“All stations prepare for jump, all hands general quarters raise shields power weapons and jump drives, tell the fleet prepare for jump”

His XO avatar shimmered over him slightly in to position starting to acknowledge

“Yes sir all ships preparing for launch shields at maxim , weapons on line, combat transport assault ships and marines across the fleet have reported ready.”

Alexi smiled a bit placing his gloved hands to his side as he sat down on a floating leather like chair in the enter of the massive command center. The ship started to rumble, his legs crossed in front of him as he looked out in to the darkness of space being morphed by the void drive being ripped open in to a crackling vortex of black and white energy around the ship. The massive super dreadnought disappeared along with the rest of the large and small ships . The massive fleet rushed in to void space shimmering in crackling energetic tares in space. Across Terran space several fleets did this along with a cadre of army and marine transport units, the ships had set their void drives for point to point jump in order to cut down on deployment time. As they appeared in enemy space crackling vortexes had opened all over, massive federation cruisers, destroyers, battle ships light cruisers frigates, and attack ships appeared flanking carriers and super heavy capital ships, the 8th fleet that Alexi was assigned to had no more than 200 ships, these ships demoniacally rumbled and glimmered towards, the inner enemy system hoping and expecting resistance. Alexi stood by watching as his massive fleet barreled forward weapons and shields hot, this wads the start of a campaign to integrate this nation in to the ideals of the federation. And to make sure no other nation every attempts to attack the Terran Federation or its allies in this way shape or form again.

The avatar floated over Alexi, and his second officer, they were speaking about battle plans, fighter deployments, troop deployments... and assault patterns, sensors went crazy scanning space all around the fleet for light years upon light years to detect enemy fleets and ships responding to this incursion.
03-07-2008, 13:16
a space marine rapid reaction force comprised of blood angels dark angels and ultras and space wolves massed at sephrion prime the imperial navy preparered an ambush
The Fedral Union
06-07-2008, 11:02
It seemed every other system was undefended besides a fleet of ships at the home world and another fleet seemingly gone in to the night ,Federation borders were well defended enough by this point to defended against a counter attack. Alexi stood on the bridge and looked over to his Tactical avatar who shimmered gently with different colors, he raised an eyebrow and said wit ha commanding voice.

“Tell the Army and Several marine contingents o land on the core worlds surrounding the capital , leave a hand full of ships at each system to support landing operations and offer orbital bombardment, the rest of the fleets move in to their home world quickly. Spool up engines!”

The warlock was a massive warship over 15 km in length it sported many weapons, many support ships, it was at the center of the Grey mass of ships that began to turn the other way, several cruisers , destroyers and frigates stayed behind how ever as per admirals orders, transports roared from multiple ships, drop ships support craft and landing vessels all maneuvered from docking bays and open space. The UTS victory was the lead 600 meter transport , its semi large form moved ahead of the transport fleet surrounded by the ships left behind. Commander Wilkins stood on the transports bridge, he peered out in to the darkness of space as the planet approached, thousands of troops and equipment in the bay bellow lay ready for assault, marines in full powered armor holding GAAR-91's semi powered troopers holding standard AB-21's with grenade launchers and full NBC gear, sitting standing and over all waiting until the ship landed to deploy. Assault transporters were running hot as the fleet pushed forth in to the system. The troopers and powered armored forces stood tall, their active cammo at the ready they looked at each other with nods of certainty, they held large rifles in their hands like sentinels.

Mean while Alexi the warlock and the rest of his fleet along with two other fleets ripped open real space, the vortex of trans void space crackling with white and blue arcs of lighting around a chaotic portal of energy, ships rushing in to them disappeared in a point of blue light as the portals swooshed closed leaving nothing but silent un-altered space, the massive fleet appeared half an hour later from their potions , they appeared at several points around the sephrion system, Alexi stood on board the massive warlock, his eyes panning the system ahead of him, he waited and bid his time watching the system, his fleets standing by in massive assault wedge formations, hundreds of ships floated in the void of space, the only thing lighting their rough hulls were lights and the dim sun light from the system ahead of them, the warlock loomed ominously over every other federation ship in its group, its demonic like body and look would strike fear against enemies, as its form rumbled gently in to position. Its blackened hull rough with metal plates, its massive black form blotting out the light from stars as it maneuvered, weapons at full power and shields up it was the bringer of death, destruction.

Alexi grinned he looked over to his tactical officer as he made his way back to his chair sitting down on the floating leather like metal object in the center of the bridge crossing his hands over his uniformed lap , he peered out with his eyes looking at the system before him, it wasn't time to strike yet.. he knew. So he waited for the right time, he looked over to the avatar floating over him and said in a commanding voice.

“All fighters launch! Select graviton drivers prepare ERAD rounds electronic warfare stations activate, lets make sure their communications are cut off all hands prepare for battle”

he barked out order after order, the warlocks port under side opened up with three mid sized fighter ports, SA-40C's and the new SA-40D fighters poured out in to space, their smaller bodies dwarfed by the massive ship they left behind, they maneuvered in to formation, the rest of the fleet followed suit, masses of fighters swarmed out like the collectors of solider souls , from barges of death and destruction..
08-07-2008, 10:49
ooc that fleet was heading for the warlock

ic five emperor class battle ships emerge from behind a moon and block the route to sephrion prime
The Fedral Union
08-07-2008, 11:37
Alexi said with a grin coming over his pale face, a gloved hand moving over to his chin stroking it gently as he leaned back upon his floating leather like chair. He looked over to the angelic looking female battle avatar floating over him, he nodded gently starting to bark out orders with a commanding and crisp voice.

“All ships open fire, fighters hang back until enemy fighter craft move to intercept, all forward guns and batteries fire at will!”

With that order several fleet ships made tactical jump behind the enemy craft, the UTS republic leading a warrington wing opened fire, twin massive red beams of fire crackled through space as several ships opened up with forward guns, pulses of blue followed suit from these ships, mean while the warlock and the rest of the fleet began to maneuver in to firing solutions, thousands of beams pulses of energy and missiles flew from every single ship in the fleet, filling the darkness and void with crackling bolts and beams of blue and red, thousands of multi gigaton positron torpedoes flew in backing.

Alexi stood on the bridge a s,mile coming over hi pale face as he stood up to watch this carnage unleash, we watched as his fleet fired at the enemy , he looked over to the tactical avtar again a sadistic smile coming over his face he nodded and said with a cold order.

“Fire Graviton drivers”

The warlock its sister ships and the rest of the fleet added another weapon in to the fray, thousands of Di-positronuim super dense slugs roared from quad railed gravimetric guns, hundreds upon hundreds of rounds followed by beams missiles and pulses crackling with with energy flew in to space towards enemy ships, the fleet was lit up like an army of demons spouting fire , death destruction , fighters flanked the massive ominous armada as it rumbled forward firing every thing it had in to the enemy formation, thousands of beams, rounds, torpedoes with enough yield to blast through most capital ships , beams of crackling blue and red all flinging to destroy the fleet before it.

Alexi stood on the bridge smiling his gloved hand clutched to his side as he began to laugh almost a wide enough smile that his crew noticed and peered at him from time to time, his ship rumbling with the noises of thousands of cannons and energy beams, twin pulses of white... it was almost to good to be true in his mind, the system is on fire , his eyes glowing and watching the fleets advances, their demonic forms spouting lances of brim stone and fire...
08-07-2008, 12:07
launch all thunderhawks begin counter barrage now i want astartes aboard the warlock as of five minutes ago
The Fedral Union
08-07-2008, 13:12
(ooc: make sure you take losses from my attacks)
09-07-2008, 12:08
sire said the tech marine lance battires one through to twenty are slaged