Terrorists in Californion
28-06-2008, 23:16
9:30 A.M. New Majuzakiene, Nitka Province
Sergei Harramitz stared from his cave in the high mountains of the Eeyres. Not far from here was Eeyre National Heritage Park, were, according to legend, a demon from the Eeyres who had terrorized the land was killed by the national hero Nitka. The demons name was Ghoromizthar. That is what he named his new operation.
In 5 minutes, a new era in Californion would begin....
9:35 A.M., Same Location
The morning commute to work was blocking the road. Cars periodically honked. A few old men were drinking coffe in dark cafes. A mother with her child in a stroller walked past....
An explosion shattered the stillness. One of the cars in traffic had blown. One of the cars nearby was shattered; another one was embedded in the roof of a nearby building. More cars had people lying stabbed by the shrapnel. As police arrived, another explosion ripped. This time, a Semi-Truck blew. This started a chain reaction of car bombs.
Ten minutes later, a total of 20 cars had blown. 150 people were dead, with 400 more wounded. As news reports began, a mysterious DVD was delivered to the State News Network. When it was played, Sergei Harramitz stared out of the screen.
"Now, Californions, why do you obey the rules of one elite class and a dictator? We must resist them, if freedom will reign again." He turned the camera to an assembly of around 3,000 men behind him. "These people have become enlightend. Have you?" The DVD ended.
10:00 P.M. same location
Patrician Hessian had sent military forces to Nitka province. Armed with LRAR-12 Long Range Assault Rifles, HAR-21 Heavy Assault Rifles, and S-9 sniper rifles, they had locked down the city. Hessian also sent a message asking for foriegn assisstance.
Zinairian Motor Works
1 Automotive Plaza, Zinaire City
We are deeply saddened by this tragedy. To ease the suffering of the families of the victims, we will provide twenty cars of various makes to replace those that were lost.
We offer our deepest condolences and hope that the buttery leather of our Royale Class SUVs will help to console the poor, carless widows of your nation. Should they wish to further console themselves with addition quality Zinairian-made automobiles, they can order at www.zmw.co.zn or by phone at 19-555-ZMW-CARS (19-555-969-2277).
We would also like to send a photographer to photograph the families with their new cars in order to produce literature encouraging other corporations to give back to the international community.
David Helm
CEO, Zinairian Motor Works
28-06-2008, 23:35
Those will be accepted.
28-06-2008, 23:56
The United States of Kinstantia
Office of the President of the United States
1 Presidential BLVD
Keilvarga, Kinstantia CMD 100
To The People of Californion
We are deeply saddened by the news coming from your nation of a terrorist attack. We, along with the International Community, mourn the lives of those tragically lost in the event and send our prayers and support to their families. We also extend a hand of friendship to you nation in your time of need. We stand with you, and will send whatever support you need.
As a result of the terrorist actions against your nation, we've deployed the USS Kinstantia Carrier Battle Group off of our coast to protect our shores. Should you need her, she will be there for you as well.
We cannot wait until these people are brought to justice.
Nathaniel J Tempest,
President, United States of Kinstantia
29-06-2008, 00:27
10:30 A.M. Eeyre Mountains
"Shut up and fire back!" Captain Kolohoff yelled as the bullets rained down on their position. His squad was armed with LRAR-12s, and they engaged their scopes on the terrorists. There were 15 of them, fireing with imported AK-47s.
One of Kolohoff's man fell, and did not breath. 2 terrorists died when a volley of bullets hit them. After 15 minutes, the terrorists packed up and ran. They left behind one wounded man. Kolohoff and his men ran up. One of his privates got their first, and shoved his gun at the wounded man, yelling at him. The wounded terrorist smiled and said, "Die, Pig-Dog". He pulled the pin from a hidden grenade and thrust it in the privates face. The following explosion killed the wounded terroist, the private, and wounded Kolohoff.
In total, 10 soildiers were wounded, 3 were killed, and 4 terrorists died.
Secure message to: Patrician Hessian
On behalf of Trixia I offer you our aid, as I write this message a team of my best men are enroute to New Majuzakiene, they can be contacted on secure channel 2209773 please contact them so they can be deployed in the most useful position for you. The man in charge is Captain Winters, he is one of my most experiance officers in terrorist warfare so I hope we can be of assistance to you.
Paige Cromwell
Lord Imperial of Trixia
The Beatus
29-06-2008, 01:01
Official Message
To Patrician Hessian,
We are deeply saddened by the terrorist attack on your nation. We would like to offer our assistance. We wish to hold a peace conference, and ask that you attend, and at least listen to what these people want. Just listen to them, that is all, and maybe this all can be settled without any more death. I will await your reply.
Jeff Melton
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
Hand Delivered Message
To the Leader of the Terrorists in Californion,
I apologize, but I do not know your name, and so had to address this message as such. I wish to ask you to attend a peace conference, and present your case to Patrician Hessian. You never know, he may listen, and you just might get what you want. We would hold this meeting in neutral territory, where you have no need to fear your safety. I hope you attend, for maybe we can solve this without bloodshed.
Jeff Melton
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
OOC: Zinaire, I'm surprised you would advertise on such a thread, then again, if I had such a major automobile agency (which now was trounced by other industries) I would do the same thing.
No matter the form of government any nation has or forms of military, paramilitary, justice, and police style, terrorism is never the answer. We wish to help you in your plight. If the terrorists have not desist in their acts, we, if allowed, will send 10 agents to your country to find any information, while a team in Avalic will plan ways to trap them within the country, and will analyze evidence if you allow us to research it which could narrow down the names of the terrorists if there was some DNA or fingerprints that were not destroyed.
OOC: How dare you insinuate that ZMW's act of altruism is an advertisement?! They simply want what is best for the families of the victims, even if that is the heated seats and soft full-grain leather in your choice of three colors available on all new ZMW vehicles.
29-06-2008, 02:12
We of Altairan are disturbed by the acts of violence committed, we shall send both medical and military aid as needed, as well we shall supply you with our plans for anti-terrorist security and structures.
Signed, James Harkey
Minister of International
OOC: Heated seats and soft full-grain leather in your choice of three colors are all nice and all, but not everyone is greedy enough to replace human life with an automobile. But nonetheless, the last sentence was questionable.
Damn, you made me want some buttery toast with the description of the seats.
29-06-2008, 02:16
OOC:I have to side with Avalic, you seem to be pushing your automobiles pretty hard.
OOC: Does no one else realize that I'm not being serious at all? Zinaire is full of greedy, weaselly corporations and incompetent officials. It's a nation of at least 50% satire.
29-06-2008, 03:23
OOC: I understand what you are doing, Zinaire! LOL
29-06-2008, 03:47
To Units on Channel 2209773:
We need you to standby until the cease fire has ended.
General Antony Jyagdva
To Avalic:
Your 10 agents would be helpful. We will send them three of the terrorist AK-47s left behind in the firefight earlier.
Patrician Jurgis Hessian
To Altarian:
We will need a small group of troops to supplement our current force in New Majuzakiene. Further military action will be decided after the current cease fire.
Patrician Hessian
To The Beatus:
We accept your offer. We will proceed to nuetral territory. We need you to officiate though. It will get overheated fast with no third party.
Patrician Hessian
I will attend your conference in nuetral territory.
Mr.Smith i.e. disguesed name
29-06-2008, 06:18
Message from:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The opening of Freifries' borders to Californion's citizens for asylum
Good Day.
The Board of Ministries, under UNION POLICY 1 of the Union of Tse Tung Nations, would like to extend an invitation of refuge for citizens of Californion affected by the current terrorist attacks.
Our citizens dedicated to the field of medicine and the psychological sciences would gladly provide their services to your citizens.
However, before citizens may cross into Freifriesian soil, they must first go through a security check to ensure the saftey of both our nations' citizens.
Please reply A.S.A.P
*.*.*. Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Beatus
29-06-2008, 06:18
To The Beatus:
We accept your offer. We will proceed to nuetral territory. We need you to officiate though. It will get overheated fast with no third party.
Patrician Hessian
I will attend your conference in nuetral territory.
Mr.Smith i.e. disguesed name
To Patrician Hessian,
(CC: Mr. Smith)
We are happy that both parties have agreed to attend. We will hold the meeting at sea, aboard my yacht, the Blessed Moon. We request that you both arrive by small ship, unarmed. Beatusian Naval ships shall be in the area to ensure that no one interferes. We will be awaiting your arrival, a good distance off the coast of Californion.
Jeff Melton
The Theocratic Republic of the Beatus
The Trixian Submarine Spectre sat fully submerged just off the cost of Californion.
"Sir? Why are we here again?"
"Because there is a meeeting due here between the Patrician and this "Mr Smith" and I fully intend to blow the Terrorist boat out of the water before they have a chance to negotiate"
"But don't you think we could let them talk it out?"
"Not when the man in charge of these terrorists is responsible for murdering my wife"
"Your wife Sir?!"
"She had taken our son out for a stroll in the high street, we've got an apartment in New Majuzakiene, she was just wlaking down the road with the stroller and boom"
"I'm... sorry Sir..."
"Don't be, vengance shall be mine..."
29-06-2008, 20:57
Hessian cradled his head in his hands as his helicopter headed for the yacht. This was going to be a long day. He had no intention of letting "Mr.Smith" have what he wanted. People in Californion enjoyed the Patrician, because he did not interfere with their personal lives. Hmm.... maybe something could happen to that "Smith" man.
"Mr. Smith" and his boat headed at full speed toward the yacht. He was sure they would accept his offers...
29-06-2008, 21:52
Abord the USS Kinstantia Aircraft Carrier
"Admiral Jones," called a young ensign, "we are about 100 kilometers away from the Californion coastline."
"Very well, Mr. Casey," replied the gruff, John-Wayne-type Admiral Jones. "All engines full stop!"
"Aye, aye, sir!" shouted numerous seamen as the orders were carried out.
Adm. Jones stepped outside from the bridge and looked over the flight deck of his carrier at the large expanse between him and Californion. Behind him, Ensign Casey light a cigar.
"Admiral," said Ensign Casey as he puffed on his cigar, "this is insane. Why are we getting involved in another nation's war? Not only do we have our carrier, and the 7 destroyers but 4 submarines. Are we really going to go to war?"
"Now wait a minute, Jim" said Adm. Jones, "let me tell you something, my President told me to come here, and that's what I'm going to do. We are here to prevent this from escalating beyond the borders of Californion. There are civilians in there who are being killed for no other reason than hatred, and it's our goal to protect them, should the government of Californion need it."
The 3 weapons used by the terrorists arrived to one of the labs in the headquarters of the Avalican Intelligence Agency. S team of 5 scientists were checking the weapons thoroughly looking for any trace of DNA or prints. They had just dumped the weapons in a pile of fingerprint powder, luckily the terrorists weren't wearing gloves so when the weapons were put into a scanner, the computer showed 3 sets of fingerprints. Two of them had whorls and the other one had an arch. There was also a small amount of dried blood, it could have been one of the dead terrorists but it was possible on of the live terrorists got shot somewhere non-lethal and they began observing the DNA. The results were sent to the Californion government after.
30-06-2008, 03:41
"Hmmm... so three terrorists are succesful buisnessmen. We will act after the conference."
Skyland Mt
30-06-2008, 04:31
This is Skyland Prime Time News, broadcasting live an announcement by President Harvey in response to the terrorist attack in Californion.
"Skyland Mt denounces any attack on civilians, and offers her condolences to the people of Californion. Charitable organizations within our borders will help cover any costs of medical care or private property damage not already covered by other foreign or Government aid. We will not, however, be sending military assistence at this time, as we do not feel it is necissary and wish to avoid escalating the situation. We urge other nations to bear these concerns in mind, and we furthermore call on the Government of Californion to show restraint and respect the human and civil rights of their citizens in dealing with the actions of this terrorist group. We furthermore with to applaud The Beatus Government's efforts to resolve the situation by peaceful negotiation, an wish to make clear that any attack on this peace conference will be met with the strongest unilateral condemnation from this nation."
Two hours later, President Harvey sat in his office. Across from him sat George Benson, the esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs and, despite the official equality of rank in the Cabinate, President Harvey's most trusted and influential advisor.
"Have you met with the Californion Government yet?"
"No Mister President, but I have asked my secretary to arrange a conference by phone with the head of their Defense Department. I presume you're main concern is the possibillity that the Governmetn will use this attack as an excuse to clamp down on liberties?"
"They're hardly the most free state, though certainly not the most tyranical either. The problem here is that things could go either way. I would prefer it if the situation led to greater freedoms with in Californion. Please make that very clear to their administration."
"And if the situation escalates? Do we become more openly involved?"
"We can't police every nation. But if widespread humanitarian problems arise, I will propose the formation of a multi-national peacekeeping unit in the Congress."
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that."
"Preventing war is your expertise old friend."
"I'll do my best. But the situation is volatile. It could easily turn into full civil war."
30-06-2008, 04:56
Marc, Otto, and Treik were hardly the wisest men. They had succesful farms, but not much else. They had seen the Rebel cause on CSNN (Californion State News Network), and wanted to join. So they got their shotguns and revolvers and went to find them.
Well, they didn't, and now they were camped in the mountains. Hudling around their fire, they were silent until an UAZ-Rapid Attack Vehicle pulled up. 5 soildiers got out.
"What are you doing? This is a restricted military district. Where is your permit? Who are you?" The officer barked at them.
Needless to say, they surrendered.
Aboard the Trixian Submarine Spectre
"Sir we're picking up the multiple ships on rader at the meeting point"
"Can you tell which one is this 'Mr SMith'?"
"Yessir only two are moving and we know the Patrician is on his personal boat"
"Very good, do we have a lock on the other boat?"
"Yes sir, torpedoes at the ready"
Captain Peters took a deep breath, thought of his wife and son, thought of how he could avenge thier deaths with one single word...
"... Fire!"
30-06-2008, 14:14
"Mr. Smith" was too busy looking at the sea in front to notice the torpedoes. One moment, the boat was there. The next moment, it was gone. A terrorist watching from the coastline swore, and then called Harramitz, "Smiths" Lieutenant. "The pigs have killed him!" He yelled into the phone. Harramitz's jaw tightened. "Alright then. Proceed with Operation Garjuzla."
One of the 10 agents in Californion from the AIA was at the coastline looking at the diplomatic meeting on a rooftop with a telescope that had a camera function on it. Taking pictures of each of the boats and then finally the scene of the explosion, though he did not catch the torpedoes or who fired at Mr. Smith. These pictures were being sent to the AIA immediately and to the government of Californion, in that message to Californion though, was a warning that these terrorists will not leave this unpunished.
30-06-2008, 16:35
"Drat." Hessian said when he saw the boat blow up. He then took out a cell phone and called the defense baord. "All units, including foreign ones, attack! Kinstantian naval units can help us attack their infastructure. No mistakes." He hung up. "Take us back, Captain." He then sat back.
30-06-2008, 18:59
"This is the Submarine Detector Helicopter Red Demon. Approching capsized boat. Dropping sonobuoy." Lieutenant Issac Hannor watched as the data streamed to him. Nothing much, until...
"Sound patterns link it to a Trixian Attack Submarine. Permission to hail?"
"Permission denied."
"Roger." The helicopter pulled away. Now they knew who did it....
The Beatus
01-07-2008, 10:13
President Jeff Melton's Yacht
Mr. Smiths boat was very close to the yacht when the torpedo struck it. Seconds after the terrorist boat exploded, debris from the boat impacted on that side of the Presidents Yacht, killing three men on deck, and causing much damage. Seconds after that, a wave created by the explosion, hit the ship, the combination of force from the explosion, debris, and wave, caused the yacht to capsize. Many on the deck were floating in the water. Others who were below deck, were now trapped, some who had suffered serious injuries from being thrown during the capsizing.
Off the Coast of Californion
Of course the President's Yacht would not be alone. The Beatusian Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer, Jim Lange, detected the torpedo launch. At first the sonar operator thought it was a glitch, by the time it was verified, it was too late to contact the Yacht. A quick distress call was made, "MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, BNS Jim Lange, off the coast of Californion. Civilian ships attacked. May be survivors. Calling all ships in the area to assist in search and rescue." All crew were called to they're battle stations, as the Lange, moved towards the area, it's powerful sonar actively pinging in search of the submarine that launched the torpedo.
01-07-2008, 18:11
The Californion destroyer Kamitz pulled towards the area indicated by the sonobuoy.
Ping. Ping. "Detected hostile submarine. Prepare depth charges."
"Depth charges ready sir."
"Fire." The five depth charges discharged. "Now help rescue those survivors comrades." The Kamitz turned to the wreakage of the yacht.
01-07-2008, 18:13
"Mr.Smith" was not dead. They would expect that, of course, but the torpedoes had hit the back part of the boat. He was flung off by the explosion. Badly burned, he struggled back to shore. He collapsed, vomiting sea water. He then picked himself up and struggled inland. He had to stop Grazulja from happening...
"Sir their dropping depth charges!"
"Well they must think we are hostile towards all of them, not just the terrorists, hail the Patrician, now!"
"Hailing sir..."
02-07-2008, 17:50
"Patrician sir, we are recieving a hail from a submarine."
"Hmmm.... my guess is that it is the sub that sank 'Mr.Smiths' boat. Refuse to answer. Send for the 15th Naval Air Squadron. Have them sink that boat if the depth charges fail."
"Yes sir."
The Beatus
02-07-2008, 21:02
The Beatusian Destroyer Jim Lange sent out two quick radio messages. The first was to the Patrician,
"The Beatusian Government requests you cease your attack on the unidentified submarine."
The second was to the Submarine,
"Attention unidentified submarine. Identify your self, and surface your vessel immediately."
"Attention Beatusian Destroyer Jim Lange, this is the Trixian Submarine Spectre, we are surfaceing now...
The Beatus
04-07-2008, 08:42
"Attention Beatusian Destroyer Jim Lange, this is the Trixian Submarine Spectre, we are surfaceing now...
"Prepare to be boarded," the destroyer radioed back.
The Presidents Yatch
The boat was quickly sinking into the water, many were alive, and floating in the water, concious and all, others were knocked out, and floating in the water, a few were dead and floating in the water. The ones in the boat were not so lucky, some were trapped below decks of the capsized ship, water was rising from below, as tiny cracks in the hull, caused by the explosion allowed air to slowly escape. In the meeting room, where the President, and his aides had been, before the explosion, the water was nearly to the ceiling, President Melton had been seated at the meeting table at the time of the explosion, and was below the waterline, pinned under the solid oak table, and had been for over ten minutes, he was dead, drowned. One of his aides was still alive, the meeting room, had windows to the outside. The aide, held his breath, dove down into the water, and smashed through the window, creating many cuts on his body. He the floated to the surface, hoping to be rescued.
04-07-2008, 09:07
Aboard the USS Kinstantia Aircraft Carrier
The Admiral has ordered Delta and Echo squadrons to be ready for take off to attack all terrorist outposts known. The Kinstantia and her crew, 7 destroyers and 4 submarines would be the only vessels from the USK Navy as the remaining vessels were back near Kinstantia ready to assist in searching for hurricane survivors.
The Kinstantian Destroyer KDG Otto steamed towards the capsized Presidential Yacht.
"Come in Californion Command, this is Lt. James Kellogg. We need the exact locations of all terrorist outposts."
The Beatus
06-07-2008, 23:09
Aboard the USS Kinstantia Aircraft Carrier
The Admiral has ordered Delta and Echo squadrons to be ready for take off to attack all terrorist outposts known. The Kinstantia and her crew, 7 destroyers and 4 submarines would be the only vessels from the USK Navy as the remaining vessels were back near Kinstantia ready to assist in searching for hurricane survivors.
The Kinstantian Destroyer KDG Otto steamed towards the capsized Presidential Yacht.
"Come in Californion Command, this is Lt. James Kellogg. We need the exact locations of all terrorist outposts."
As the KDG Otto approached, there were many people bobbing in the water, most wearing life jackets. Some showed no signs of life, and others screamed and waved at the approaching ship.