The end of 1314 (IC thread, semi-closed)
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 20:15
OOC: If you want to join, just go to the sign-up thread Here. (
President Gaius McDermott stood up again, and returned to pacing back and forth. "Where are they? The meeting was supposed to start ten minutes ago!" One of his aides glanced at his watch. "Adjust your watch sir. Mine is corrected by satellite, and it says it's not supposed to happen for another five minutes and...four seconds." President McDermott muttered something inaudible and set his older, wind-up pocket watch. "Maybe you should get a new watch sir." McDermott glared at the aide. "I'll get a new watch when I damn well please!" McDermott was expecting some of them to be early, and at the sound of each plane landing, he'd look out the window, hopeful for one of the mercenaries to walk out towards the building...
26-06-2008, 20:19
A Greywatch skyship pulled up over the building, from it a single man jumped out. He fell someways before finally opening his parachute and landing softly outside. He took the parachute off, wasting no time and began walking to what he saw as an entrance. Most of his body was covered by the black coat and pants he wore. He had large military boots and fingerless gloves. He wore a mask to cover his face, his black hair swayed in the breeze. He had a large metal case strapped to his back as well as a massive sword that was at least five feet in length and half a foot in width.
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 20:27
One of the soldiers looked outside. "Here comes walking pond scum sculpture #1" McDermott glared at him. "I didn't hear YOU applying for the group"
"My job forbids, I offered to but-"
"But 1314 would reconize a uniform like that anywhere so I couldn't just send a man off to his ultimatly futile death" Gaius said, giving the man a reproachful fatherly look. Quickly walking outside with his guards, Gaius extended his hand to the man. "I take it you're one of the mercenaries come to hunt down the criminal 1314?"
26-06-2008, 20:28
Just over half a mile away, one of the mercenaries was early. In fact he had been early for about 3 hours now, having arived at the crack of dawn to break into the airport and get a good vantage point to watch the competition, and also for the Corparation. This kind of high end contract was just the sort of thing to draw him out, and it was not beyond their means to bribe a goveremnt into setting a trap. However so far he had seen nothing out of the ordinary. He could only hope the others would make as foolishly over the top entrances as this first man. He could have killed him there and then, with a single bullet from his rifle, but that wasn't why he was here.
26-06-2008, 20:30
Virus flicked the other man off. His eyes were much better than the first time he'd faced 1314. "I'm here to finish my job. I fought 1314 once, now I'm here again."
OOC: Greywatch, half a foot in width. :p
A BMW M6 coupe slowly drove towards the meeting. Of course, the guy inside had been hitting 200mph. But Kevin da Vincho didn't want you to know that-and you didn't.
Pulling out a thermal resonater (OOC: Or whatever, I really don't care) he scanned the area. Around half a mile away, he could see a man lying there within view of the meeting. 1314? Highly possible. Either way, Kevin waved to him.
After pulling up in the curb, Kevin came out with his backpack. He noticed a couple of men, and walked toward them. "Hello."
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 20:32
The soldier looked outside, staring hard into the distance. "Hey, Se, what do you see?" Sextus turned over to the other soldier. "I think see someone out there, give me a moment..." Sextus tapped the control panel on his arm, and zoomed in through his helmet. "Merda! He's got a rifle! Hurry, we've got to-"
"Half a moment Sextus, could he be one of the Mercs?"
"I'm NOT taking chances."
"You obviously are, he could construe you charging up there like that as a threat. And if you get too close...."
Sextus sighed and sat back down. Hopefully the man would come down here on his own soon. He was making Sextus VERY nervous...
26-06-2008, 20:39
OOC: Width as in from blade to blade. Its a double edged sword.
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 20:40
Virus flicked the other man off. His eyes were much better than the first time he'd faced 1314. "I'm here to finish my job. I fought 1314 once, now I'm here again."
One of the men raised his rifle, mask hiding his expression, but from his actions and movement you could tell he was pissed. "You'll show respect scum!" He yelled, voice bearing with it an almost static-like quality through the air filter. "Calm down, and put your rifle down!" Gaius shouted before turning back to Virus, a sour look on Gaius' face. "As long as he's dead. And DON'T take chances."
OOC: Greywatch, half a foot in width. :p
A BMW M6 coupe slowly drove towards the meeting. Of course, the guy inside had been hitting 200mph. But Kevin da Vincho didn't want you to know that-and you didn't.
Pulling out a thermal resonater (OOC: Or whatever, I really don't care) he scanned the area. Around half a mile away, he could see a man lying there within view of the meeting. 1314? Highly possible. Either way, Kevin waved to him.
After pulling up in the curb, Kevin came out with his backpack. He noticed a couple of men, and walked toward them. "Hello."
Quickly turning Gaius extended his hand. "Hello there! I'm assuming your one of the ones on the hunt?" Turning to one of the guards, he said "Stay here and inform the rest that the meeting will be in that building." He motioned to the two mercenaries already here to follow him as he walked into the air-condioned building.
26-06-2008, 20:41
David Kane smiled as one of the others spoted him. Obviously the competiton was going to be better than he thought, though the BMW was ridiculous. Stylish yes, but way to rememerable. In a car like that you could never slip into the background. Climbing down from the hangars roof he tossed his now folded up rifle into the back of the van he was using, and began to amble of round to the meeting place the long way. In his plain jacket and pants he was the eptimome of normal, and his only problem would be persuading the gaurds he wasn't a passer by. He probally would be regonized by one of the merc's though, as there was a good chance they'd tried to kill each other in the past.
26-06-2008, 20:43
OOC: He was flicking off Bel's guy, not yours.
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 20:44
David Kane smiled as one of the others spoted him. Obviously the competiton was going to be better than he thought, though the BMW was ridiculous. Stylish yes, but way to rememerable. In a car like that you could never slip into the background. Climbing down from the hangars roof he tossed his now folded up rifle into the back of the van he was using, and began to amble of round to the meeting place the long way. In his plain jacket and pants he was the eptimome of normal, and his only problem would be persuading the gaurds he wasn't a passer by. He probally would be regonized by one of the merc's though, as there was a good chance they'd tried to kill each other in the past.
Leaning back against the wall, a guard muttered to David as he walked by "Meeting's in the building."
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 20:47
OOC: He was flicking off Bel's guy, not yours.
OOC: Well,erm... it could have been misinterpreted.
26-06-2008, 20:50
Virus lifted an eyebrow behind his mask, "That wasn't to you, it was to the trying-to-be-sneaky bastard over on yonder rooftop. Now if you would'nt mind showing me where I need and want to go..." He spoke without emotion and in a monotone.
Quickly turning Gaius extended his hand. "Hello there! I'm assuming your one of the ones on the hunt?" Turning to one of the guards, he said "Stay here and inform the rest that the meeting will be in that building." He motioned to the two mercenaries already here to follow him as he walked into the air-condioned building.
"Hello. I am indeed one of the ones contracted to be on the hunt of 1314. May I ask who you are?" He followed Gaius into the building.
OOC: @Bels: That's the way I roll.
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 21:00
Virus lifted an eyebrow behind his mask, "That wasn't to you, it was to the trying-to-be-sneaky bastard over on yonder rooftop. Now if you would'nt mind showing me where I need and want to go..." He spoke without emotion and in a monotone.
Turning around, Gaius realized that the two Mercs must not have understood what he meant when he motioned to them. "Just come into this building, we'll brief you in full. It'll be short, don't worry-DEAR GOD!" A bullet brused up against poor Gaius, apparently meaning to become his soulmate. Both of the guards pushed President Gaius into the building and took cover.
"Damn. I missed." 1314 muttered as Gaius was forced into the building. "No matter. I still put the bomb in there." Quickly pulling out a small radio-like device with a small button on it, he pressed the small red button and watched as the entire building blew up into thousands of chunks of wood. 1314 smiled beneath his bandages. "Ultionis est a mulier canis , tamen is commodo amo haud alius.(Revenge is a bitch, but she pleases like no other.)"
Gaius quickly crawled out of the building rubble shifting as he crawled out, unable to move his legs, or feel them for that matter. Laying on the ground, he thought about how lucky he was to still be alive. Looking up at the mercenaries he said "What are you waiting for? Your target awaits!"
26-06-2008, 21:07
It took no time for Virus to be off and running to 1314. His hearing guided him as he ran, the ground cracked from his sudden movement. "Here I come 1314, you remember me don't you?" He muttered as he ran.
Kevin had just narrowly escaped the carnage. Snap! Why didn't I see 1314 before? Either way, he quickly pulled out his thermal imaging thingy. Kevin pointed it and saw Virus was going in the right direct. He pulled out his sniper rifle and took three shots at 1314.
26-06-2008, 21:13
As soon as David Kane heard the shot he knew something was wrong. The explosion only confirmed that. He was unarmed, having left his gun and rifle in the truck, but that could change quickly. Spining round he hit the gaurd in the side of the kneck, bringing him down instantly but having no permanent effect. Grabing his side arm - a basic Glock 9mm - he imeadiatly started running, not towards the gunshot itself, but the escape route he himself had planned for when things went wrong. If this 1314 was a good as eveyone said he was taking the same route he would have been right now.
Towards the side of his vision, Kevin noticed that guy who hid in the shadows running off. Coward. Why did he pick up this job anyway? Then he realized something. He was sure that Conservative Morality wouldn't mind if they lost a couple of buildings as long as 1314 was killed-based on what 1314 had done. Plus, he could pay for them with 2.7 trillion dollars.
"Hey, Connor," said Kevin into his cell phone after dialing a number. "Bring out the Raptor."
At the nearest airfield was a F/A-22 Raptor, owned by Kevin. His brother was currently in the cockpit. It was how he had managed to get here. Plus, security and customs ignored him. They kinda had to, with AMRAAMs locked onto them if they didn't.
26-06-2008, 21:36
David Kane kept running even as he heard the distictive sound of a jet fighter preparing to take off. At his current speed and route hw wouldn't make it in time. He would have to improvise. Just behind him and to the left there was one of the busses used to move passengers around, and speeding up he ran towards a stack of crates next to the lines showing the bus' route. As he reached them the bus caught up, and he lept from the pile to it's roof. It wasn't travelling fast, but in a second he would change that. Shooting the side window with the Glock, he swung in, ingnoring the screams of the passengers, and acelerated.
OOC: I'm going on vacation soon, I just realized. So, if 1314 is alive in a week and a half NS-time, then I will be back on. Otherwise, I pull out of this thread. And, sorry, I'm to busy to RP it.
Mu Cephei
26-06-2008, 23:10
"We're lost, aren't we?" Charlie huffed resting his head against the window of their car. Earl eyed him, making sure that the wheel didn't spin out from his palms.
"No. We are not lost. I told you it was going to take some time," the others simply sighed or did nothing at all as the vehicle kept moving at the proper speed limit down the street towards the area they were told to head towards. Task Force Eighteen were not as fully armed as they wished. The contract implied that they would have to keep ahold of some level of cover which meant no armor, no advance gear, and only personnel defense weapons. Hell, the largest weapon in the car is a Robinson Arms XCR. A weapon based off of the M4 Carbine, but only in appearance. The insides of the weapon were more similar to the famed AK-47 then that of the Carbine.
"What was that?" Eliza asked after the vehicle shook. A small fire ball appeared over the buildings ahead of their vehicle. Earl smiled.
"Told you, we are, and never were, lost. So show your respect," Earl hit the gas thinking that the government here wouldn't mind them breaking a few speed limits. Moments later they parked their vehicle outside the compound, but close enough so they had a somewhat view of the inside. Jack, Bob, and John were the only ones to step out the car. John took up a position by the car and began scanning for any dangers while seeming to be talking into a cell phone. With looks of concern, Jack and Bob began heading towards the area of the blast.
"Everyone, stay in touch with your radios. Don't be shy," Earl's voice rang through the rest of Task Force Eighteens' ears, their ear pieces vibrating slightly. The Task Force hoped that their business suits and the way they acted were give them the appearance of concern folks who wanted to see if they can help. Bob and Jack left the view of their comrades and took cover by a building after hearing several gunshots. Then came the sound of a multi-million dollar jet flying over head and the screams of innocent passengers forced into a joy ride by some strange mana firing a pistol from within the bus.
"Earl, these people are insane. I was knew there were going to be others like us, but I am fall out scared," Bob stated over the radio, "we got a fighter jet flying over head, a hijack bus going crazy, and a lot of lead flying around. I am really freaking out right now because I do not want to be around when bombs start flying," Bob's voice was quiet shaky from what Earl could pick up and that scared him as well. While Earl is the official team leader Bob was by far the most experience. If he was scared then everyone else was scared.
"Standby, I get into contact with intel and see if I can get some orders. Want me to send Eliza with the rifle?" There was some static (once again there covered required they be armed with civilian grade radios) before Bob came on the air again.
"Negative, but me and Jack are going to find some better cover. Over," by the time the signal was closed Earl had already began dialing a number into his disposable cell phone that connected him to this mission's intelligence officer.
"We got a problem," Earl quickly said when the ringing stop.
"What would that be?" An emotionless voiced answered.
"Shit hit the fan and we didn't even meet our contractor let alone get our briefing. There is a fighter jet over head and the other mercenaries have already pushed the situation behind our understanding with what we know as of yet. What are our orders?" Earl quickly spoke hoping to get orders right away.
"You said you didn't meet Gaius yet? Well, go make contact! You got his picture right?" Earl took out a small photo of the contractor, Gaius, from the counter in front of him near the window shield.
"Yes sir, making contact," Earl hung up and got out the car, "John. Eliza. Charlie. Stay here." Earl began to jog towards Bob's and Jake's position. It took him a few minutes, but soon he found the two men crouching by a building scanning the sight before them and the leveled building. Earl tapped them by the shoulders and showed them the photo, "have you seen this man?"
"Yeah," Jake pointed towards the destroyed building where a man who matched the man in the photo laid still.
"Guys, cover me. I'm going to make contact," Earl began to job towards Gaius' position while Bob pulled out a MP7A1. Bob pulled out the weapon's stock out and sights, when done he aimed the weapon to provide cover. Jake simply pulled out a Px4 Storm sidearm and began to provide cover as well. Earl finally reached Gaius' position and stopped jogging, bending down slightly to avoid dragging to much attention to himself.
"Are you Gaius, the one who is put up the contract for one-three-one-four's head? If so my name is Earl. I am in charge of Task Force Eighteen, we were sent by Mu Cephei International to provide assistance. Would you mine telling me what the hell is going on?" Earl looked down towards the crawling man who seemed seriously injured, "or would you prefer that I help you to a safer spot before we talk business?"
26-06-2008, 23:27
Virus didn't need to turn his head to see what was going on. His hive mind was racing with the thoughts of his counterparts. New contacts, a group of them.
FIghter jet overhead. Make it priority to get out of the area.
Keep 1314 in sights, increase land-speed if need be.
Use caution around the other mercenary, he has no care for civilian casualties.
There is no concern, we have fought 1314 before. We know of his abilities. We saw him when he returns to primeval nature.
The others should not be warned, we must keep all advantages to ourselves.
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 23:42
"Ah, shite!" 1314 quickly got up and ran as fast as he could. He who fights and runs... He thought as three bullets embedded themselves in the ground near him. Quickly jumping up onto the wall of a building, he telekineticly lifted himself to the roof tops, leaping the small distance from rooftop to rooftop to evade his pursuers.
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 23:44
"Are you Gaius, the one who is put up the contract for one-three-one-four's head? If so my name is Earl. I am in charge of Task Force Eighteen, we were sent by Mu Cephei International to provide assistance. Would you mine telling me what the hell is going on?" Earl looked down towards the crawling man who seemed seriously injured, "or would you prefer that I help you to a safer spot before we talk business?"
"Dammit" He gasped "Just go after thirteen-fourteen already! His death is more important even if I WAS dying! Merda!" He quickly pulled himself beside the rubble. Muttering "Don't underestimate him."
26-06-2008, 23:54
Virus changed direction and continued after 1314, when he got to the building he only had to make one powerful jump to get himself onto the side anf then ran up the verticle surface until he reached the roof. He scanned and spotted 1314 and once again headed off.
27-06-2008, 05:23
Laying at the very edge of plausible reality, "Sha" was still on a grassy knoll with her eye to a rifle scope. Barely visible by the naked eye and nearly 3 kilometers away the designated meeting place was partially in view. From her vantage point, "Sha" could see most of the buildings roof, the front entrance, and a side entrance. Though several assorted buildings and sundry other equipment blocked the rest, it was the best view one could hope to get from such a distance.
Behind her, seated on the opposite slope of the knoll, Nyak was busy at work honing one of his blades with a whetstone. The nearly pointless action for such a well crafted and laser sharpened blade, the repetitive sound and action brought calm to the young operative and helped peak his senses. His hearing tuned for the scrape of stone on steel, in the lull between each strike he could hear with a near superhuman detail.
"He walks so slow..." a half muttered complaint, Nyak looked over his shoulder at "Sha". Plain of face she may be, but he certainly couldn't say he didn't find her attractive beside. It was no use however. She was probably more machine the woman, and he didn't want to risk some hidden blade making his johnson a head shorter.
Truth be told, "Tren" was in no hurry to reach the rendezvous. Having departed from the knoll near the same time Yun had, he was making his way down the street casually. His brown buisness suit, briefcase, and plain appearance allowed him to blend into the crowd as naturally as an actual businessman. Though, in a sense. He was.
Every second "Tren" delayed was a second Yun had to get into position, and his watch stated he still had several minutes until the meeting begun. Turing his head and raising his fist, "Tren" was forced to pause a moment.
Even as the man was coughing quietly into his fist, a violent rumble and wave of heat washed over him. A split second later the rumble of an explosion rolled down the street as civilians cried and screamed; each jostling the other to get as far away from the fire-ball slowly rising into the air.
Ignoring the commotion, even as a piece of brick shattered on the ground three feet away, "Tren" continued on his way to the rendezvous point which appeared to now be a smoldering crater.
"50... maybe 60 kilograms of high explosive I'd say." the voice over the ear-bud was Yun. "Old stuff by the smell of it. Tritonal maybe."
Stepping over the mangled and upturned remains of a chainlink fence, "Tren" made his way towards a group of men by the rubble.
"Take the shock data and confirm your suspicion, then trace the last transactions involving the accelerant. Find a credit card number, police report, sales slip. Anything that links it to the suspect."
Finishing his sentence as he reached the huddle of men, "Tren" carefully knelt next to a struggling old man.
"Thats him."
Nyak was shocked to hear "Sha" speak. Infact, it was the first time he had heard her talk since they had entered the country. He didn't have long to mull the thought over however as the knoll rumbled and the grass bent.
Though her view was obscured for the most part, "Sha" had a clear view of the rooftops beyond the rendezvous and just a split second before a bandaged head passed through her scope. A perfect match to the file photo on '1314' she had received.
Without waiting for an order, "Sha" had taken the first shot; which itself would take nearly 2 seconds to travel the distance. It wouldn't even be at the estimated location of '1314' before "Sha" let off a second shot. This one to compensate for the other option the target would have for escape. They would arrive less than a half second apart, and find their target almost 3.5 kilometers away, but the powerful .416 rounds would be carrying enough force to pierce level III body armor even at this range.
"Good afternoon venerable President McDermott."
Speaking casually to the wounded man, "Tren" removed a gauze from the interior of his suits jacket and began tending to a minor wound on the mans arm.
"I am Tren, of INR. I believe we had a meeting scheduled to discuss the terms of our contract."
Holding the bandage in one place with his thumb, 'Tren' once more deftly produced a tool from inside his jacket. This time, a small safety pin to hold the dressing in place.
"Unfortunately, Mr. McDermott, I do not carry much more than that."
Considering the man briefly, and ignoring whatever it was he could possible have to say, "Tren" popped open the briefcase. Inside was not some high-tech device or weapon of ultimate destruction. Instead, it was filled with all the usual trimmings one would suspect to find in a briefcase.
Producing a contract and silver inlaid pen from its sundry contents, the INR team leader gently closed the suitcase and slid it closer to the President. The contact carefully laid ontop of it.
"If you will just sign here, and name a successor of sufficient authority should your wounds prove fatal, my organization and I will be more than happy to begin our work on your pest problem."
Conserative Morality
29-06-2008, 21:18
1314 felt the bullet burst into his leg as he started leap over the small gap towards the next building. "SHIT!" He yelled as he slammed into the brick wall and fell into the alleyway. Quickly getting up, he telekineticly removed the bullet as he ran out into the street, people scattering in all directions. It was impossible for him to blend in, but very easy for anyone firing at him to miss, and cause QUITE a stir.1314 smiled as he ran towards the empty police cruiser. Just a few more seconds...
"Dammit, I don't need a bandage, I need a cast! Our system has everything down, just chase after that psychotic wreck!" McDermott snapped at Tren, signing his name quickly and angrily.
29-06-2008, 23:57
David Kane twisted the bus' weel, desperatley trying to keep it under control. As it slid round the corner he finally saw 1314, in a rapidly enlarging gap in the crowd. Bracing himself for impact he accelerated, aiming for the running man, nearly at the police car allready.
30-06-2008, 00:01
Virus kept up his speed, concentrating, his eyes zoomed in on 1314. Nothing else matters. This one is the target, the target will die. Virus pulled out a pistol from his coat and opened fire on 1314, anyone who got in the way of his bullets would just have to deal. Having no emotions and no care for life made the drones good at their jobs.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 01:34
1314 burst through the police cruiser window,bullet piercing into the seat next to his head. Grabbing the keys from the seat next to him, he rammed them in, and hit the gas, driving towards the Bus in a life-or-death game of Chicken...
30-06-2008, 01:48
Virus fired until his gun was out of ammo before pulling a clip out of coat and reloading. After cocking the weapon he opened fire once more on the cruiser without care of who or what got in his way.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 01:52
As soon as the first bullet embedded itself into the leather seat, 1314 slammed open the door and jumped out, holes ripping through his shirt, showing long scrapes underneath. "Dammit, why do I always land on the asphalt..." He muttered before running into an alleyway, hoping to conceal himself there...
30-06-2008, 02:26
Im assuming 1314 stole the explosives, just to make it more difficult for my own guys.
Looking over the hasty signature, 'Tren' gave the man a polite smile and a bow.
"I assure you Mr. President, our trained experts are already handling the task."
Closing the contract into the briefcase once more, the team leader stood crisply and pivoted on his heel; making his way back the way he had come.
"Got it."
The words were music to Nyaks ears as he watched the casual-looking women rise to her knees.
"So now we get paid?"
His voice betrayed his excitement, and the look 'Sha' gave him was acid.
"I said I got it, not killed it."
Without a word more, 'Sha' passed Nyak in a swirl of black-cloth and metal as she made her way toward their vehicle.
A four person sedan, the vehicle had its interior stripped to almost nothing. Every useless piece of electronics, upholstery and metal had been removed making for an ordinary looking vehicle capable of unordinary speeds. The only luxury the vehicle had was a 7" GPS mounted with bolts to the dash; which 'Sha' was now typing an address into.
Shambling to get up and follow Nyak hung his head. He couldn't bear 'Sha's cold-as-steel stare and knew he had made a mistake that she would probably never forgive him for. He was doomed to be the rookie.
Plopping himself heavily into the frame of what-once-was the driver seat the young INR soldier grimaced. Nearly the entire bulk of the drivers seat had been replaced by a light aluminum frame with mesh netting forming the seat. The only original facet that remained was the seatbelt, which Nyak quickly fastened even as his knees throbbed from their sharp impact on the aluminum.
With a squeal the sedans wheels kicked up a small cloud of white smoke as they fought for traction and the vehicle was off; rounding a corner almost as soon as it was underway. It was barreling straight down toward the rendezvous point, and beyond the section of city 1314 was taking shelter in.
To Nyaks left, 'Sha' has secured her rifle into a simple transversal mount on the dash and once more had her eye to the scope scanning the area ahead. Directly in the vehicles path, 'Tren' walked towards them as casual as though nothing were happening.
"Looks like I was close boss, 55 kilograms of tritonal were filed as missing from the naval station not far from here less than a day ago. An electronics store in the city also has a laundry list of things stolen; all prime to make some IEDs' and fun stuff."
Putting his hand to his ear to better hear Yun over the roar of an engine, 'Tren' gave the passing sedan a curt nod as its wheels screamed and noxious white smoke rose in its wake. In a heartbeat, the navy blue car had driven a C around him and his brown buisness suit and was well on its way down its original path.
"I'd say he probably used 45 or 50 of those kay-gees to build that little firework we saw a minute ago. And with the amount of stuff gone missing from that electronics store, and whats left, I'd say the man was planning on either blowing every single support out from under a sports stadium or sinking a very big bridge."
Reaching an un-marked white van, 'Tren' quickly swung open the door and climbed in. As his fingers wrapped around the keys and the engine began to turn over, he looked over his shoulder into the back of the vehicle.
Nestled among an "organized" mess of electronics, things that looked like electronics, and boxes marked "Danger" that stretched from floor to ceiling was a single hairless man. Wearing a thread-bare white wife-beater and jeans, the mans eyepatch was a startling color of neon-pink. A glipse at the insanity brewing inside the parchment-smooth skull.
"A very big bridge, or enough little surprises around town to make chasing him a living hell."
He had a broad toothy grin, even though he was missing a tooth on both the top and bottom. No doubt the price of some experiment gone wrong.
Nodding silently, 'Tren' turned back around and pulled out into the road. Following the same path the sedan had a moment earlier, he was traveling the speed limit and methodically followed all the rules of the road.
30-06-2008, 08:56
David Kane winced as the bus slammed into the oplice cruiser, at signifigant enogh speed to barely slow down. However the wall ahead of it was considerably stronger than the car, and the bus smashed into that head first. Slightly shaken, but not particuly hurt, he cursed as he saw 1314, miraculously un-runover, running down an adjacent alley. Pausing only to grap a wepon thrown clear from the police car in the crash, he continued the chase into the backstreets.
30-06-2008, 14:15
Virus sighed as the bus and cruisar crashed, "Really? You people don't know what this man is capable of do you? Such a sad tactic will not work..." Virus lept from building to building and closed in on the alley in only a few seconds. He decided to hold back this time, jumping in would not be the best of strategies.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 14:46
1314 moved not a muscle, completely hidden in the alleyway. Watching as Kane ran into the alleyway, he began to count in his head. Ten...Nine...Eight...Seven...Six...Five...Four...
30-06-2008, 16:59
Kane paused breifly in the alley. Something was wrong, very wrong. But what? Cocking his gun he slowed, advancing at a steady pace and watching for any movement.
30-06-2008, 17:03
Virus made sure the case was fastened to him, something was coming. He knew 1314 would do something, the question was what exactly, it would most likely be telekenetics. He kept himself on the roof of the building, he didn't look over the edge to see what was happening in the alleyway because he didn't want to give away his position.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 17:05
1314 quickly jumped out behind Kane, grabbed his neck, and hissed into his ear "Surprise! I hope your soul is prepared for whatever is coming up next!" As he began to twist his hands around David Kane's neck, slowly strangling him...
30-06-2008, 17:11
Kane let his shock at his unatural speed last for only a fraction of a second. Slamming his elbow into 1314's stomach he felt something give way. The brief respite that bought him allowed him to use his leg to break 1314's ballance, pulling his left leg from under him. Using the time that then bought him he twisted round, going face to face with the other man, and fainted to his head with his right arm, before kicking at his ankles, aiming to break the bone with his steel toed boots.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 17:15
1314 took it all in stride. "Hmph. You'd think they'd send better after me." Feeling the steel toe boot making contact with his ankle, he quickly moved his bandaged foot up and around, flipping David onto the ground."Is this it? Pathetic." He muttered as he drew his nanite knife from his hand and kneeled down to slit David's throat.
30-06-2008, 17:16
Virus watched as all of this unfolded from the ledge, he smiled. This man knew not of 1314's capabilities. The Drone stepped back so as not to expose himself to a suprise attack.
30-06-2008, 17:22
Kicking back with both his feet, Kane pushed the asailent from him. Looking for an edge he circled, before luging from the right. Taking a glancing blow from 1314's fist he got inside the other man's reach and went for the arm with the knife, trying to break it.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 17:25
1314 quickly rolled back, and threw the knife, at almost point-blank range, at David's Soft juicy neck! I've beat you once, I'll do it again. So shut up, or we both die, got it?
30-06-2008, 17:31
Virus's eyes honed in on 1314, he could feel it now. If 1314 saw blood then this would become a lot harder. He reloaded his pistol and cocked it but held it at his side. Balance Caste Drone 37, you have permission to activate Genocide Protocol rank 2. Red circles formed in the center of Virus's eyes, "I understand."
30-06-2008, 17:33
David Kane went realing as the knife slashed the side of his kneck. With blood poaring out he tried to syandt as the view in front of him slowly faded to grey. Bizarley the world seemed to slow down as his fall lasted an eternity. It was not the first time he had felt like this, but the last he had nearly died from a snipers bullet. Eventually he hit the ground. Lieing in an ever incresing pool of his own blood he was certain the kinfe had ripped an artery. Unoconiousness would soon take him.
However death might not. The wound was grevious, but not necercarly fatal. His fate now lay in the hands of the Nations paramedics. If they could reach him in the next 8 minutes he might still live. With his vision glossing over he watched 1314 turn and run. I may not have got you he thought, but someone else will.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 17:39
OOC: 1314 didn't run.
1314 smiled as the nanites dissolved into a grey goo and made their way towards the wound. "Hope you have a strong heart." He muttered as he stepped over David's body and scooped up some of the nanites in his hand to be re-absorbed into his body. Scaling the large brick walls, he made his way up to the roof, indents made in the cheap wooden walls where he made his own personal ladder. Standing up, he looked around him. "You." He stared at Virus long and hard. "You won't get away this time." he said, anger piercing his voice. taking out his rifle, he began a steady river of lead towards Virus, each casing falling to the ground with a light metallic clink...
30-06-2008, 17:43
Virus walked forward as his artificial skin gave to the bullets being fired. He had made sure to drop his case so it wouldn't be damaged, his sword, however, kept the bullets from exiting his body. No matter, they were only bullets. He aimed his gun and fired back at 1314 without any sense of emotion. He didn't care what 1314 was, he just wanted to finish a job.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 18:05
Joke post: 1314 bent backwards, bullets flying by him. Falling to the ground, he watched as the agent walked towards him. "Only human." :p
REAL post:
1314felt the first bullet rip into him, sending him flying to the ground. Groaning as he pulled himself up, he checked the bullet. nothing vital hit. Holy shit what is that guy using? I outta EAT HIS FLESH AND TEAR HIS BONES APART! 1314 gasped. How could the voice interrupt his thoughts now? No matter, he had more immediate problems to deal with. Sending a telekinetic wave towards Virus, he lept back down into another alleyway, and started to run out of Pug city. As soon as I'm out of here, their on MY ground. The forest. there I can FINALLY GET THE FEAST I HAVE LONG DESIRED!
30-06-2008, 18:11
As the Drone was sent backwards he continued to fire at 1314 until the thing was out of his sights. He then jumped down to Kane, "You look messed up," he pulled a comms system from his pocket, "Get some EMP devices down here, 1314 nearly killed this guy. I doubt a hospital will help much." He then rung up the local hospital, "Yeah, you should already have reports of a major accident involving a bus and a police crusiar. You do? Good, we have a man down, nanites are infecting him so get something that can sort circut them. Thank you, goodbye." Now for 1314, Virus lept to the rooftop, cracking the ground under him, and grabbed his case. He then moved after 1314.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 18:18
As the Drone was sent backwards he continued to fire at 1314 until the thing was out of his sights. He then jumped down to Kane, "You look messed up," he pulled a comms system from his pocket, "Get some EMP devices down here, 1314 nearly killed this guy. I doubt a hospital will help much." He then rung up the local hospital, "Yeah, you should already have reports of a major accident involving a bus and a police crusiar. You do? Good, we have a man down, nanites are infecting him so get something that can sort circut them. Thank you, goodbye." Now for 1314, Virus lept to the rooftop, cracking the ground under him, and grabbed his case. He then moved after 1314.
OOC: His nanites were specifically made to resist EMP's. They go back on in mere seconds. Don't you remember? 1314 may be crazy, but he's a genius.:D
1314 leaned against a tree, holding his head. HOW DID YOU Interrupt your thoughts? Very simply little 13. I'm taking over. You thought you had me beat. You THOUGHT you were stronger then me. You are nothing, a void. And I'm here to fill that void. You bastard! I won't let this happen! We'll see about that. 1314 stood up, and started to walk towards Pug city again. But then, against his will, sat back down. The hell?!? Face it little 13. You're through.
30-06-2008, 18:24
OCC: They'd have to be made of a material that could resist it, when an EMP hit a computer, it doesn't turn it off, it screws up the instruments inside, so the nanite would still need to somehow repair themselves, they wouldn't just flip a switch and come back on. Plus, you could actually just place a magnet on his chest and the nanites would be both disabled and be drawn to the magnet and not be able to do anything.
Virus continued after 1314, it hadn't been too long since the thing ran off, it wouldn't take too long to catch up.
Conserative Morality
30-06-2008, 18:26
OCC: They'd have to be made of a material that could resist it, when an EMP hit a computer, it doesn't turn it off, it screws up the instruments inside, so the nanite would still need to somehow repair themselves, they wouldn't just flip a switch and come back on. Plus, you could actually just place a magnet on his chest and the nanites would be both disabled and be drawn to the magnet and not be able to do anything.
Virus continued after 1314, it hadn't been too long since the thing ran off, it wouldn't take too long to catch up.
OOC: If the nanites COULDN'T repair themselves, what use would they be? 1314 wouldn't have anything left in his body. But you're right about the magnet.
30-06-2008, 18:44
OOC: If the nanites COULDN'T repair themselves, what use would they be? 1314 wouldn't have anything left in his body. But you're right about the magnet.
OOC: That is a good point... 1314 would be quite screwed.
02-07-2008, 01:30
Swerving to avoid the bus and the gathering crowd, Nyak cursed as he forced the vehicle hard against an alley wall. Sparks flying and the vehicles frame growling in protest, the modified sedan barely made its way past a body on the ground of the alley without running it down.
'I see him. Hes not in my arc, but I see him. Keep going down this route'
Continuing its accelerated pursuit, the sedan was out of sight nearly as fast as it had rumbled into the alleyway. Its breaklights flashed red briefly as it drifted around a corner, faintly reflected off the side-view mirror it had left behind just before the 'corpse'.
Carefully picking his way through the strewn garbage cans and other alley rubbish, 'Tren' made his way towards a single body laying motionless on the ground. It was a difficult task to keep his pristine brown suit in mint condition but he did it never-the-less. Addressing each obstacle with a methodical precision bordering on obsessive.
Frowning at the sight of the blood pooling around the upper-body of the 'corpse', the team leader knelt close as he examined the wound. Once more it was difficult to keep himself out of the mess, but with a spread and awkward stance he managed to keep both shoes free of the mans blood.
It was clearly a man now. (David Kane)
Reaching into his coat 'Tren' produced a small gauze, similar to that he had used on the President, and layed it across his knee. Surveying the area quickly, he spotted the shattered remains of a cars side-view mirror and picked up a particularly jagged piece of the mirror.
Carefully rolling his sleeve up to his elbow, 'Tren' took the gause in his mouth and carefully positioned his arm. In one fluid motion he used the mirror shard to make a gash in the middle of his forearm and pressed the gause in his mouth up to the wound; cat-quick.
Dropping the mirror shard, 'Tren' carefully transfered his hold of the gauze from his mouth to his hand and adjusted his balance. Carefully counting out 7 seconds in his head with a precision possible only because of his implants
Pulling the gauze away he quickly pressed it up against the mans neck-wound. Though his arm showed no sign of the gash, the normally perfect white of the gauze had been soaked with blood on one side.
Keeping pressure on the gauze, 'Tren' once more deftly dove into his pocket. This time he produced a small roll of tape alongside an even smaller autoinjector. Taping the gauze in place, he forcefully put the point of the autoinjector in the mans neck on the opposite side.
The injector contained a mixture of morphine and various stimulants; the drug cocktail would both serve to wake the man (David Kane) and keep him calm. It may even help dull some of the pain of the knife wound.
Waiting only long enough for the mans eyes to flicker open, 'Tren' began to speak in a calm tone.
"Try not to move good Sir, you are gravely injured.
"I have given you a small dosage of nanites which should help stabilize your injury and buy you some time while you wait for the local medical authorities. However, I need your assistance."
Reaching into his pocket, 'Tren' produced a file photo of 1314. Completely unaware that the man he was tending was a bounty hunter like himself, or that the medical nanites he had transfered to the man would be combating the nanites used in 1314's blade; rather than treating the knife wound. Possibly even working to save the mans life.
"This man is a wanted fugitive, and my team and I have been tasked with the execution of his punishment. Is this the man who did this to you? Can you explain to me what exactly happened here?"
Screeching to a halt Nyak was too busy gritting his teeth from the sudden halt to know exactly why 'Sha' had shouted for him to stop, but he did hear the first shot.
And he even had time to follow the line of the snipers barrel to see its target before the second shot rumbled out. From the edge of the city, it was just a speck, but just at the edge of the woods was a crumpled black mass. It almost looked like a man sitting. 1314? Only 'Sha' knew for sure, Nyak lacked her eagle-like vision.
Conserative Morality
02-07-2008, 20:43
1314 moved the cigarette to his mouth, and lit it with a small nanite lighter before letting the nanites be reabsorbed through his skin. One. 1314 sighed. Let me enjoy my cigarette in peace. 1314 noticed something. The voice wasn't speaking to him for some reason. Glad to be rid of it, he stood up and gave a quick stretch. He suddenly straightened up. He could sense someone near him. Hearing a twig snap behind him, 1314 flipped around and pointed a gun directly at a man's head... Only to find one pointing back at him. A tall red haired man stood there, smiling. "1314, you've slowed since I last saw you. Normally I'd be on the ground now, holding my stomach." He lowered his gun. "Vincent? I thought you had something to do."
"Classified, I'm afraid."
1314 spit. "Still with those bastards? I feel sorry for you."
The smile ran away from Vincent's face. "Fight the system by using it 1314. Fight the system by using it. Besides, I'm not quite as insane as you are."
02-07-2008, 21:01
Virus was only a short distance away from the two. He was aware of Vincent and decided that it was best he not try to take them both. Last time, they were an annoyance. This time, however, he was supposed to kill 1314, no exceptions, it wasn't like he wasn't not going to seeing as he volunteered for this mission. He listened to the two men, hiding, out of sight and obviously, at least for the moment, out of mind. For now, he would bide his time and wait for a chance to strike. His artificial body was tense, he knew that 1314 would, most likely, appear behind him using some kind of illusion, not that it mattered. Virus's body was stronger this time, even stronger than it had been the last time he'd encountered 1314, he was ready.
05-07-2008, 17:39
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 17:43
"I'm not quite feeling safe here. We're exposed. One moment... We'll have to catch up later. My 'club' wants me." Vincent said, putting his hand up to his ear and nonchalently making his way back towards Pug City. 1314 leaned up against a tree and lit another cigarette up. Relishing each moment he had alone, away from the voice, he began to hum. For the first time in years, he was, at the least, content.
05-07-2008, 17:52
Virus smiled, the demon had a human side for once. And now the second man was gone, things looked significantly better but Virus didn't move yet. He had his weapon ready but was interested in knowing if 1314 could actually be more human than he already was.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 18:04
1314 crushed the cigarette in his hand and stomped it out on the ground.I'm back.Ah, fuck off 1314's expression turned sour again, his demeanor moody and hopeless. Suddenly he remembered. His pistol. Looking at it for a moment, he remembered "The good doctor". No. I won't let him have his way. Not yet. He thought, as he put his pistol back, and picked up his rifle where he had dropped it. What the... Him again... 1314 pulled his rifle up to his shoulder, and set his sights on Virus...
05-07-2008, 18:09
Virus jumped out of his hiding place and landed a few feet away from 1314, "Huh, I guess I need to work on my hiding. How disapointing. Well, it seems you do have a human side, go figure." Virus didn't sound as mechanical as he usually did, "So, I wonder where the other mercs are?"
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 18:11
Without a word, 1314 pulled the trigger, mere feet away from Virus' face...
05-07-2008, 18:31
Virus's haed went back and his body stumbled backwards before his head then came forward again. "Now that was uncalled for, here I am being all non-hostile. But fine, be that way." He lifted his pistol and began emptying shots at 1314, "You should have known better, I'm a Drone 1314, a Drone."
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 19:03
1314 knocked backwards into a tree, blood everywhere. "" He muttered before finally going silent.
05-07-2008, 19:06
"So is this the end of 1314? Is this the best you could do? I doubt it, where are your illusions? Where are your abilities, I know you can do better." Virus said in a cold tone, reloading his gun. "I'm a Drone 1314, borderline machine. An accomplishment of Greywatch's Forbidden Ministry."
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 19:14
Behind Virus came the sound of six small metal objects dropping to the floor. "I think I might've went a little overboard on the blood there, but I won't have the same problem here." 1314 put his gun to where Virus' spine was and pulled the trigger seven times...
05-07-2008, 19:17
"I think I might have gone a bit overboard not explaining myself." Virus stumbled forward and turned around. "You always like to appear behind people. FYI, I have no spine, nor do I have organs. This is the most upgraded tech you'll ever see 1314."
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 19:18
"Does it look like I care?" 1314 muttered, reloading and preparing to send another few ounces of lead into Virus' "Body"
05-07-2008, 19:28
"No, I don't think you do." Virus said with a smirk. He shiethed his gun and dropped the heavy case he was holding, he then drew his sword. "So then, I'll have to make you care." He charged and made a wide swing, taking out a tree in the process.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 19:34
1314 looked unfazed as he pulled the trigger on his pistol, aiming for Virus' hands...
05-07-2008, 19:36
The bullet hit Virus in the wrist but at this point the sword was practically at 1314's side.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 19:40
1314 quickly moved with the sword, falling to the ground. 1314 touched the large gash in his side before standing back up. "Bastard."
05-07-2008, 19:44
Virus gave a large smile, exposing his black teeth. Then his left arm began to mutate, out of it came a copy of his own upper body. It was like having to Viruses, one inside the other, the second one wore the same expression and pulled the gun from its holster, "This is new for you isn't it? Never seen this side of me." The sword was still in the orginal's right hand while the gun was in the copy's left. The copy had no real right side to it, it just leaned out of the left side of Virus's body. "Yes, this is the look I like," said both of them at the same time.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 19:48
"Look behind you pretty boy." Vincent smiled as he turned on the full automatic feature of his GUR-V5 and let all forty bullets into Virus. "Hope I didn't muss up your hair."
05-07-2008, 19:51
Virus laughed after the bullets stopped, then the copy came out further until it had a waist. Without hesitation its body did a 180 and it began firing back at Vincent, the look of a monster on its face.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 19:52
OOC: What...the... (Pardon my language) fuck... I'm fairly sure bullets don't work like that....
05-07-2008, 19:53
OOC: Your bullets are in him. The other Virus did a 180 so he was facing Vincent then fired. No magical bullets.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 19:56
OOC: Oh. I thought you meant the bullets went back OUT of him!:eek:
Vincent stood still as the bullets flew into his chest. Ripping off his Tuxedo, he revealed BSBA-V3 armor underneath, shields glowing. "Ah, how I love modern technology."
05-07-2008, 20:05
"Well, I love using DU bullets, they're so much better for people like you. Ah, if only I'd loaded those instead. The copy turned back around and put the gun away, "Well, I'm done." The copy dissapeared into the original Virus, its clothing and everything had not changed. "Ah well, guess I have to do this.' An unnatural breeze began to build around the Drone's body, "You remeber this, right 1314?" The breeze turned into a wind and began to encircle Virus.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 20:30
"Do we have to blow this fucker up to get him to stop?" Vincent asked 1314 before grabbing virus and pulling his head back. Using one hand to pull out a grenade, he said, with a smile on his face. "I sure hope you're ready for the anti-biotics..."
05-07-2008, 20:34
"I hope you are too." Just then Virus released it, the wind became like that of a tornado for a few seconds, blades of air ripping everything close to it to pieces. Nothing would escape if it was within five feet of him, trees were torn to pieces. It twisted and smashed his fist into Vincent while the wind kept going, the wind threw dust and dirt outwards and it was gone. He was a few yards away with his sword, gun and case. He walked away, back to the city.
OOC: This isn't an AP attack mind you, it can only cut things that aren't armored.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 21:19
Vincent quickly jumped backwards, his armor having huge scratches torn into it, and his face not completely undamaged either. Holding his face, Vincent lifted his rifle and let a few bursts out at Virus...
05-07-2008, 21:21
The shots impacted with Virus's case and the Drone dissapeared into the underbrush and eventually the city. That grenade was still there and if it was still live, he knew someone was going to get hurt.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 21:32
Sitting down, Vincent started to cover his face. "Heh, do I look anything like you?" Suddenly, Vincent noticed a small roughly spherical object next to him. "Aw, shi-"
"Hey, Gaius you hear something? It sounded like an explosion of some sort!"
"You're hearing things Antony."
06-07-2008, 01:52
Virus wasn't hanging around and didn't even notice the explosion, he melted into the forest and continued towards the city. Soon he would melt into the crowds and contact base.
Conserative Morality
06-07-2008, 02:01
Vincent stood back up. Pulling out a few fragments of the grenade he looked around. No 1314. "Damn. He's like a moody cat."
Conserative Morality
06-07-2008, 19:20
OOC: Bump to everyone else participating.