NationStates Jolt Archive

Viral outbreak

25-06-2008, 15:58
From a Nation broadcast

Viral outbreak in Raccoon City

The Ministry of Public Health announced today that a quarantine of Raccoon city has been enacted due to the current outbreak of an unknown virus. Currently, no one is permitted to enter or exit the city and surrounding areas. A Government committee has been set up, and the Military has set up checkpoints throughout the area. Residents of Raccoon are advised to stay indoors, as the infected are able to spread the virus very easily. Citizens in the surrounding areas are to be evacuated...

Ministry of Public Health

Several high ranking researchers are being interviewed by Government officials in the back of a laboratory.

"Dr. Bellic, what can you tell us about this virus?"

"Well.. It spreads fast. Any contact with body fluids will infect you. Complete infection takes less then 10 seconds in most cases. After 10 seconds, the infected become enraged, attempting to kill anyone who isn't infected. I assume they can tell an infected person from a clean one."

"What about how it was spread? that could help in preventing it from spreading."

"It could have been leaked into the water system deliberately. That's unlikely, however. Earlier in the week, a laboratory in Raccoon had an accident. An infected test subject had bit a researcher, and as a result infecting the whole facility. It was on lock down, and a group of colleagues went to retrieve the data, but we never heard from them. The infected must have gotten out of the facility.."

"Our data shows that that facility was under the hospital there, which is located near the city center. This could get bad.. Warn other nations, we don't want this to spread."

"One more thing..." Dr. Bellic continued. "Some subjects were able to carry the virus without showing the symptoms for 48 hours. That means they could have relocated to anywhere in the world in that time frame."

The whole conversation was recorded, and sent to friendly nations afterwards.
26-06-2008, 07:47

"We are standing near a military barricade, as you can see the evacuation efforts have come to a stand still. The situation is degrading rapidly in the city, and from here it sounds like a warzone.." The camera pans over to the view of the city, which is engulfed in flames in some areas, gunfire can be heard in the distance. The reporter continues. "I have just received word that the quarantine has been broken, and there have been reported infected in nearby towns. There have also been reports of infection in other nations. A state of martial law has been declared as of now, with all non military aircraft grounded..."

Screaming is heard from the crowed of evacuated citizens. A group of infected had reached the check point and began infecting others. Within a minute, their numbers had tripled. The OMON units and Military forces begin to fire indiscriminately; it's become impossible to tell the infected from the non infected. The reporter and his crew had reached their van just in time, the second they shut the door an infected attempted to break in. A Police Officer aimed his handgun at the person, putting five rounds into its back before another flanked him. Within minutes the checkpoint had turned into a bloodbath. nearly 60 people were gunned down, with less then half being infected. The people who had survived were loaded up into a transport truck and relocated, with an OMON unit following with the reporter.
Conserative Morality
26-06-2008, 07:53
Official message from Conserative morality:
We have had a similar incident, although not quite the same. We would like to offer the support of the first battalion to help combat this menace. We are also refusing all foreigners in our nation until this problem is dealt with. Good luck.
President Gaius McDermott.
26-06-2008, 07:57
The Kingdom of Lynion wishes to send a squadron of aerial frigates and two AA platforms to your nation. The men will be injected with a powerful immune liquid that helps them stay immune for some time.
26-06-2008, 08:19
to:President Gaius McDermott, Conservative Morality
from: Ilya Kitsenko, MVD, USSCP

We would greatly appreciate the assistance, as our forces have been forced to deploy in random spots of the country. Your forces will be designated to the area of Naszran.

to: The Kingdom of Lynion
from: Ilya Kitsenko, MVD, USSCP

Your forces will be assigned to the town of Petrograch, 30 miles south of Raccoon City. We strongly advise you to quickly dispose of any soldier who is infected, as there is no cure.
26-06-2008, 12:56
To: Ilya Kitsenko, MVD, USSCP
From: Peet Struystroop, Chancellor, Democratic Republic of Koongraafte (DRK)

On behalf of the nation of Koongraafte, I would like firstly to express its deepest sympathy for the people of the USSCP. It is greatly unfortunate that such a calamity should befall your nation.

I would also like to thank you for your prompt notification of other nations about this crisis. All flights to our small island nation from the USSCP and neighboring nations have been suspended until further notice.

Regretfully, I must also mention that the DRK cannot provide any support to your nation in the form of troops.

Nonetheless, as you may know, the University of Graaftenburg (UG) in the DRK capital has a world-class pathology department. I recently convened with them and the faculty are willing to analyze any data your scientists are able to send to us. Electronic methods of data transfer would be preferred, but are not required.

Pending approval from the ministers for public health and defense, it may also be possible for research to be conducted on infected samples at a secure laboratory on a small island (rock) off the coast of the DRK. Further details are pending.

Of course, I cannot guarantee any success. This disease is unlike anything the UG researchers have ever heard of before, and a cure, or even just understanding, may be a long way off. Nevertheless, my hopes are that we can make some progress.

Most Sincerely,

Peet Struystroop
Chancellor of the DRK
27-06-2008, 16:14
The next day, Mi-24 gunships were dispatched to patrol the countryside. Their objective was easy; fly around and locate packs of infected, then rip them apart with the Hind's machine gun. They hadn't spead over the entire nation, due to the quick actions of the MVD, however many did get past the quarantines. Calling the infected zombies would be far fetched, to say the least. They were still alive, they just lost the ability to reason. In fact, this was their main flaw. They didn't appear to consume food, but instead ran around randomly looking for their next victim. Chernobyl-Pripyat's researchers had revealed that it only affects the primate family, and is incapable of infecting organisms such as birds or rats.

The Government had sent a sample of the virus to Koongraafte, to allow them to gain knowledge of the Virus.
30-06-2008, 09:44
To: Ilya Kitsenko, MVD, USSCP
From: Peet Struystroop, Chancellor, Democratic Republic of Koongraafte (DRK)

I wish to inform you that the parliament of the DRK has ruled that research on the virus may go ahead, as soon as two upgrades to the research facility are completed. Until then, as the director of the research facility has informed me, the samples will be kept in secure storage at the facility.

Their ruling also stipulates that reasearch on actual samples of the virus may not take place on the Koongraafte mainland (although this was not planned in any case).

I will keep you informed on further developments. You should also expect correspondance from the director of the Koongraafte Dangerous Pathogen Research Laboratory (KDPRL), Professor Asil Akra.

Chancellor Peet Struystroop