Goldaron Open for More Embassies
In Parliament June 21st, 2008 AD. Resolution #63
It has been found by Parliament with a 73 to 12 vote margin that it is once again time for the Constitutional State of Goldaron to open its doors to international ambassadors.
All accepted applicants will be granted a plot of land no more than 2 1/4 acres in size to build thier structure to whatever standards they wish. All interested nations please fill out the below application and feel free to make any special requests.
Nation's Full Name:
Nation's Shortened Name:
Type of Government:
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions:This includes such groups as the World Assembly, Corperate Alliance, Haven, etc.
Any Family?: If yes than whom?:
Number of Security/Military Personell:
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?:
Any special requests?
Please make all corrospondance out to Henry Tungstall, Goldaron's Minister of Foriegn Affairs.
Not sure if you have an Embassy with us? Check our complete list of embassies! (
(OOC: Please inform me of any missing or innacurate information you see in the above link)
Penguin Protection
22-06-2008, 00:12
Nation's Full Name: United Socialist States of Penguin Protection
Nation's Shortened Name: USSPP
Region: Antarctica
Type of Government: Dictatorship
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: World Assembly
Ambassador: Kor Kievaski
Any Family?: No.
Staff: Secretary
Vehicles: (1) Armored Car, (1) Pingu X-1(A) Aerial Attack Platform
Number of Security/Military Personell: 2 security guards, one pilot for the Pingu, one driver
Weapons: .50 cal machine gun turret on the armored car, Two 50mm gatling cannons on the Pingu X-1, HK PSD submachine guns for the guards.
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes.
Any special requests?: Place our Embassy in a cooler part of the country for the benefit of our penguins
22-06-2008, 00:28
Nation's Full Name: The United Republics of Volzgrad
Nation's Shortened Name: Volzgrad
Region: Soviet Confederation
Type of Government: Socialist Republic
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: Grestonian Commonwealth, Former member of the Red Star Alliance
Ambassador: Boris Yaksalov
Any Family?: If yes than whom?: His wife and two daughters
Staff: 30
Vehicles: 5 armored SUVs and 1 Bell Huey transport helicopter
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 15
Weapons: TT-77 pistols, PPSH-88 submachine guns, CM-91 assault rifles, and PMG-21 machine guns.
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes
Any special requests? A small gun range (preferably in basement)
Ma Raque
22-06-2008, 00:52
Nation's Full Name: The Holy Empire of Ma Raque
Nation's Shortened Name: Ma Raque
Region: Holy Union
Type of Government: Democratic Socialists
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: Believe just the WA
Ambassador: Jihad IL-Jung
Any Family?: If yes than whom?: No
Staff: 20 people
Vehicles: 17- 10 A-10 Warthogs, 5 tanks (3 Light Weight & 2 Super-Heavy), 2 Mowag Piranhas
Number of Security/Military Personell: 3 Security Guards
Weapons: M151 Protectors and The Metal Strom 36
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Sure
Any special requests?: Just a mini-indoor-soccer field in the basement
Nation's Full Name: The United Republics of Volzgrad
Nation's Shortened Name: Volzgrad
Region: Soviet Confederation
Type of Government: Socialist Republic
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: Grestonian Commonwealth, Former member of the Red Star Alliance
Ambassador: Boris Yaksalov
Any Family?: If yes than whom?: His wife and two daughters
Staff: 30
Vehicles: 5 armored SUVs and 1 Bell Huey transport helicopter
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 15
Weapons: TT-77 pistols, PPSH-88 submachine guns, CM-91 assault rifles, and PMG-21 machine guns.
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes
Any special requests? A small gun range (preferably in basement)
To whom it may concern; The United Republics of Volzgrad
From Henry Tungstall, Constitutional State of Goldaron
We have reviewed your application and request some more information to pass this on through. Firstly we need the names of Boris Yaksolav's children and wife for our records. Additionally we require the information necesary to open an embassy within your own borders. Please pass on the required information so that we may process your requests.
As for the shooting range we do not claim jurisdiction over the territory in which the embasy lies and you do not require permission to hold weapons or shooting ranges on embassy grounds. The special requests are ordinarily reserved for things not located on embassy grounds.
22-06-2008, 01:10
Official Communique from the Volzgradien Government
We apologize for the lack of information. Boris Yaksalov's wife's name is Olga. His daughters' names are Bascha and Maria. We shall also provide a "link" to our embassy area.
Official Communique from the Volzgradien Government
We apologize for the lack of information. Boris Yaksalov's wife's name is Olga. His daughters' names are Bascha and Maria. We shall also provide a "link" to our embassy area.
Thanks for the understanding, knowing the identities of the Ambassador's family helps us to ensure they are more secure.
The Holy Empire of Zaheran
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nation's Full Name: The Holy Empire of Zaheran
Nation's Shortened Name: Zaheran
Region: The Zacheri Sea
Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: The Fegosian Union
Ambassador: Albrecht von Holstëin
Any Family?: No
Staff: 25
Vehicles: 2 armoured limousines, 3 SUVs
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 10
Weapons: Beretta 92 semiautomatic handguns
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes
Any special requests?: No
Nation's Full Name: Imperial Kingdom of Lynion
Nation's Shortened Name: Kingdom of Lynion/ Lynion
Region: Egeden
Type of Government: Monachy
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions:World Assembly
Ambassador: Joesph Andrew Lawrance
Any Family?: yes If yes than whom?: one daughter
Staff: 20
Vehicles: 2 SUV's and three 4WD SUV's
Number of Security/Military Personell: 10 Lynion Hunter's
Weapons: 10 assault rifles, five automatic pistol's and five semi-automatic pistols
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes
Any special requests? None
The Holy Empire of Zaheran
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nation's Full Name: The Holy Empire of Zaheran
Nation's Shortened Name: Zaheran
Region: The Zacheri Sea
Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: The Fegosian Union
Ambassador: Albrecht von Holstëin
Any Family?: No
Staff: 25
Vehicles: 2 armoured limousines, 3 SUVs
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 10
Weapons: Beretta 92 semiautomatic handguns
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes
Any special requests?: No
To: Whom it may concern, The Holy Empire of Zaheran
From: Henry Tungstall, The Consitutional State of Goldaron
We have reviewed your forms and are pleased to let you know that your application has been accepted. We are now preparing you the proper permits and licenses for construction. May peace be long lasting between us.
We do have a small request; it would be appreciated if you would forward any necesary information we may need to assemble our diplomatic team for our embassy in Zaheran (OOC: A link to your mebassy thread).
Nation's Full Name: Imperial Kingdom of Lynion
Nation's Shortened Name: Kingdom of Lynion/ Lynion
Region: Egeden
Type of Government: Monachy
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions:World Assembly
Ambassador: Joesph Andrew Lawrance
Any Family?: yes If yes than whom?: one daughter
Staff: 20
Vehicles: 2 SUV's and three 4WD SUV's
Number of Security/Military Personell: 10 Lynion Hunter's
Weapons: 10 assault rifles, five automatic pistol's and five semi-automatic pistols
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes
Any special requests? None
To: Whomever it may concern, Imperial Kingdom of Lynion
From: Henry Tungstall, Constitutional State of Goldaron
We would like to start by thanking you for your interest in establishing relations between our two great nations; however we have come upon a few minor problems that unless corrected may lead to complications in the acceptance process.
A) We do need to know the names of any family members of the Ambassador, this gives us the information necesary to properly protect them in case of an emergency.
B) We request to know the make and model of all weapons that are officially stored in the embassy for security purposes.
We are prepared to grant you embassy status once we have these details for our personal record.
We do regret to inform you that because of the current instabilities within your own nation we will not currently consider an embassy within your borders until the conflicts are resolved, we do this to protect our people and the investment in world peace that we are making.
To: Henry Tungstall, Constitutional State of Goldaron
From: Kingdom of Lynion
I understand we have a situation down here but we're containing it. We don't expect you to send anyone at this time as our borders are closed in order to contain the outnumbered rebels.
I'll sned another detail report once I have a confirm report that the rebellion is settled.
The Holy Empire of Zaheran
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To: Henry Tungstall, The Consitutional State of Goldaron
From: Jacob Eishof, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs
We thank you for the speed with which our application has been processed. The necessary information about embassies in Zaheran and the application form can be found in the attached file.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Ruccola
Nation's Full Name: The Republic of Ruccola
Nation's Shortened Name: Ruccola
Region: East Asian Community
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Any Current Alliances and Organizations: World Assembly, Alliance with the Kingdom of Dragons Bay
Ambassador: Celina Ngai
Any Family?: No If yes than whom?: N/A
Staff: 16
Vehicles: 3 SAIC Cavalleria 800 vehicles (imported from Ruccola)
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 4 Foreign Service Guards
Weapons: 4 Beretta 92 Handguns
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes (
Any special requests? No
Nation's Full Name: The Holy Empire of Ma Raque
Nation's Shortened Name: Ma Raque
Region: Holy Union
Type of Government: Democratic Socialists
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: Believe just the WA
Ambassador: Jihad IL-Jung
Any Family?: If yes than whom?: No
Staff: 20 people
Vehicles: 17- 10 A-10 Warthogs, 5 tanks (3 Light Weight & 2 Super-Heavy), 2 Mowag Piranhas
Number of Security/Military Personell: 3 Security Guards
Weapons: M151 Protectors and The Metal Strom 36
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Sure
Any special requests?: Just a mini-indoor-soccer field in the basement
To: Whomever it may concern, The Holy Empire of Ma Raque
From: Henry Tungstall, Constitutional State of Goldaron
We would like to grant your request for embassy but however there are a few points that we must address before we can re-consider your appllication.
A) You have listed several heavy weapons and vehicles (17- 10 A-10 Warthogs, 5 tanks (3 Light Weight & 2 Super-Heavy), 2 Mowag Piranhas, M151 Protectors and The Metal Storm 36)that we can not in good conscience allow upon your embassy. We expect and request only light weaponry as weapons of greater magnitutde could create feelings of ill will. The vehicles section is mostly to list which types of transportation the ambassador and other embassy staff will have proveded to them on the grounds, allowing us to identify them if necesary.
B) Regarding your special request we do not claim jurisdiction over the territory in which the embasy lies and you do not require permission to build a soccer field. The special requests are ordinarily reserved for things not located on embassy grounds.
C) We request information necesary to assemble our own diplomatic teams to send into The Holy Empire of Ma Raque.
Once these issues have been settled there will be no longer any difficulty in granting your embassy.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Ruccola
Nation's Full Name: The Republic of Ruccola
Nation's Shortened Name: Ruccola
Region: East Asian Community
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Any Current Alliances and Organizations: World Assembly, Alliance with the Kingdom of Dragons Bay
Ambassador: Celina Ngai
Any Family?: No If yes than whom?: N/A
Staff: 16
Vehicles: 3 SAIC Cavalleria 800 vehicles (imported from Ruccola)
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 4 Foreign Service Guards
Weapons: 4 Beretta 92 Handguns
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes (
Any special requests? No
To: Whom it may concern, The Republic of Ruccola
From: Henry Tungstall, Constitutional State of Goldaron
We are pleased to write to you with the news that we have accepted your embassy and are now procuring all necesary building permits and information you will need to begin construction. We shall be assembling a team of our own to send to your nation in a few short weeks.
29-06-2008, 13:29 our glorious motherland flag
Nation's Shortened Name: U.S.S.R
Region: Soviet Confederation
Type of Government: socialist state under proletarian dictatorship
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: no one
Ambassador: Kirill S. Efremovich
Any Family?: If yes than whom?: no one
Staff: 30
Vehicles: 4 armoured BRDM 4x4, 2 armoured special limousines "ZiS"
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 15 of political rumanovia police STASI
Weapons: Avtomat Pistolet Stechkina pistols, PPSH-88 submachine guns.
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes (our embassies thread )
Any special requests?: a phonogramm line, armoured doors and windows, an anti-atomic panicroom our glorious motherland flag
Nation's Shortened Name: U.S.S.R
Region: Soviet Confederation
Type of Government: socialist state under proletarian dictatorship
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: no one
Ambassador: Kirill S. Efremovich
Any Family?: If yes than whom?: no one
Staff: 30
Vehicles: 4 armoured BRDM 4x4, 2 armoured special limousines "ZiS"
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 15 of political rumanovia police STASI
Weapons: Avtomat Pistolet Stechkina pistols, PPSH-88 submachine guns.
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes (our embassies thread )
Any special requests?: a phonogramm line, armoured doors and windows, an anti-atomic panicroom
To: Whom it may Concern USSR
From: Henry Tungstall, Constitutional State of Goldaron
We have reviewed and accepted your proposal for embassies within our nation. I would like it to be known that Rumonovian government is responsible for the construction of the embassy within our borders and we will not restrict what structural security level you wish to implement.
06-07-2008, 12:01
Nation's Full Name: Commonwealth and Territories of Kostemetsia
Nation's Shortened Name: Kostemetsia
Region: No formally-defined region; official World Assembly records list the Commonwealth as part of Gatesville.
Type of Government: Democratic republic
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: Extra-Solar Union of Systems, Cyprian Circle; alliances with the Principality of Northern Rangeria, Imperium of Telros, Mannlich Imperium of Zerstorendar, Realm of Hyperspatial Travel, and Solarii Empire of Naggeroth.
Ambassador: Assistant Special Consul Peter Barago
Any Family?: None relevant.
Staff: The Consul and five aides.
Vehicles: Two six-seater hovervans.
Number of Security/Military Personell: Six Multilevel Defence Force military police officers.
Weapons: Standard-issue XP82 pistols and R72 rifles.
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes.
Any special requests? Orbital permission for one standard Hunter B-class converted frigate.
James Bovill
General Secretary of Kostemetsia
Nation's Full Name: Commonwealth and Territories of Kostemetsia
Nation's Shortened Name: Kostemetsia
Region: No formally-defined region; official World Assembly records list the Commonwealth as part of Gatesville.
Type of Government: Democratic republic
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: Extra-Solar Union of Systems, Cyprian Circle; alliances with the Principality of Northern Rangeria, Imperium of Telros, Mannlich Imperium of Zerstorendar, Realm of Hyperspatial Travel, and Solarii Empire of Naggeroth.
Ambassador: Assistant Special Consul Peter Barago
Any Family?: None relevant.
Staff: The Consul and five aides.
Vehicles: Two six-seater hovervans.
Number of Security/Military Personell: Six Multilevel Defence Force military police officers.
Weapons: Standard-issue XP82 pistols and R72 rifles.
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes.
Any special requests? Orbital permission for one standard Hunter B-class converted frigate.
James Bovill
General Secretary of Kostemetsia
OOC: I only currently play in MT, no offense.
Official Communique of the State Department
Nation's Full Name: The Commonwealth of Altivia
Nation's Shortened Name: Altivia
Region: The Protectorate
Type of Government: Secular Democratic Republic
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions:N/A
Ambassador: Andrei Markhov
Any Family?: N/A
Staff: 15
Vehicles: 4x Armored BMW 750i
Number of Security/Military Personell: 15
Weapons: 15x Para-Uzi, 2000 rounds
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes, at this link:
Any special requests? No
Official Communique of the State Department
To State Department, Commonwealth of Altivia
From Henry Tungstall, Constitutional State of Goldaron
We have reviewed your reqest for embassy and found all forms to be satisfactorally completed. We are glad to announce that you have been accepted. We are preparing all the necesary permits for construction as we send this message.
Ustio North
06-07-2008, 16:14
Official Diplomatic Comminque
It has come to my attention that SaintB are opening new embassy locations. We wish to establish an embassy in SaintB.
Nation's Full Name: The United Federal States Of Ustio North
Nation's Shortened Name: Ustio
Region: East Pacific
Type of Government: Democracy
Any Current Alliances and Organiztions: World Assembly
Ambassador: Owen Emmerich
Any Family?: No
Staff: 15
Vehicles: 2 Hunter Olympus (
Number of Security/Military Personell: 15
Weapons: Colt 1911 Pistols, Bizon SMG's (
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?: Yes, If You Like
Any special requests? No
I believe all information is in order. I hope to hear from you soon
David Foulke,
President Of The United Federal States Of Ustio North
06-07-2008, 16:59
Essembra Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nation's Full Name: The Republic of Essembra
Nation's Shortened Name: Essembra
Region: Absolution
Type of Government: Republic
Any Current Alliances and Organizations: Allied with Kormanthor
Ambassador: Jandar Dahyet
Any Family?: No If yes than whom?: Wife/ Shevarra;
Son/ Shaumar; Daughter/ Navarra
Staff: 25
Vehicles: 5 armored diplomatic vehicles
10 armored security vehicles
2 VIP Helicopters 2 Escort Helicopters
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 25
Weapons: Enough to secure embassy against attack
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?:
Of Course as long as this one is oked
Any special requests? Bomb shelter under embassy
Official Diplomatic Comminque
It has come to my attention that SaintB are opening new embassy locations. We wish to establish an embassy in SaintB.
I believe all information is in order. I hope to hear from you soon
David Foulke,
President Of The United Federal States Of Ustio North
Essembra Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nation's Full Name: The Republic of Essembra
Nation's Shortened Name: Essembra
Region: Absolution
Type of Government: Republic
Any Current Alliances and Organizations: Allied with Kormanthor
Ambassador: Jandar Dahyet
Any Family?: No If yes than whom?: Wife/ Shevarra;
Son/ Shaumar; Daughter/ Navarra
Staff: 25
Vehicles: 5 armored diplomatic vehicles
10 armored security vehicles
2 VIP Helicopters 2 Escort Helicopters
Number of Security/Military Personnel: 25
Weapons: Enough to secure embassy against attack
Would you like us to establish an embassy within your borders?:
Of Course as long as this one is oked
Any special requests? Bomb shelter under embassy
OOC: Sorry for shitty IC post