Confederate Government Declares Biofuels Dangerous, And Illegal
Blackhelm Confederacy
21-06-2008, 04:44
After many, many studies by the Confederate Department of Environmental Affairs, the use of biofuels have been shown to not only be detrimental to the health of those who use them, but also to the environment in which the fuels are being burned. Regular, fossil fuel oil, is clearly the safest and most efficient way to provide energy for a nation, especially for the nation that have popultaion in the billions.
A primary example of how biofuels negatively effect the areas in which they are used is the nation of Brazil. The city of Sao Paolo, a major ethanol user, contains nearly 260% more Formaldehyde, a deadly carcinogen, in the air than an oil using city of similar size. Likewise, Sao Paolo had a whopping 360% more Acetaldehyde than the fossil fuel burning city it was tested against. Once again, this is a deadly carcinogen which has been known to destroy its victims liver and brain tissue, and are especially devastating to children and the elderly. In a period of only ten to fifteen years, Acetaldehyde can completely breakdown the cells in its targets brain and liver. This means that if you have a child born to you under a biofuel burning energy system, the chances of that child living past the age of eighteen with out cancer are very slim.
Another observation that the CDE noticed pertaining to the use of biofuels was the massive amount of deforestation in Indonesia that has been caused by that nation attempting to set up farm land for the use of biofuels. Indonesia is a nation which could potentially contain hundreds, if not thousands, of as of yet undiscovered animal species, and many of these species could be lost forever should Indonesia continue their biofuel projects.
Unless you are willing to sacrifice acre after acre, and have your air filled with deadly carcinogens, the nations of the world should stick to fossil fuels.
23-06-2008, 23:53
Ralkovia is horrified by the results of this research and legislation is passed immediately. The "No Corn in Our Cars" act is passed prohibiting the use of biofuels or even the research.
In other news Ramovi oil co. is experiencing a record high in profits as its only competitor Tamin Biofuel is shut down.
Conserative Morality
23-06-2008, 23:57
Official message from Conserative morality:
We would like to know who exactly this research was funded by? All in all, we congratulate you for getting off the insane product known as biofuels.
Gaius McDermott.
Gun Manufacturers
24-06-2008, 00:12
Ralkovia is horrified by the results of this research and legislation is passed immediately. The "No Corn in Our Cars" act is passed prohibiting the use of biofuels or even the research.
In other news Ramovi oil co. is experiencing a record high in profits as its only competitor Tamin Biofuel is shut down.
TO: CEO, Tamin Biofuel
FROM: Michael Thames, CEO ASoil
RE: inquiring about availability of corporate assets
We were wondering, since you have been shut down in your home nation, would your corporate assets be available for acquisition and relocation? If so, the ASoil company would be interested in a buyout of Tamin Biofuel, so that it could be relocated to the ASoGM, under the ASoil banner. We would be interested in keeping any staff that wishes to remain at the company, as well. Please respond at your earliest convenience, so that we may work out a deal.
24-06-2008, 00:16
Official Statement of the Free Republic of Kahanistan
Senate Committee for Energy
Unlike biofuels, fossil fuels are a finite resource. As such, we must research alternative energy sources for the day when fossil fuels are exhausted. While a majority of our homes, buildings, and other facilities use nuclear energy, other forms of energy are required to run cars, airplanes, and other equipment for which nuclear power is impractical.
We find biofuels an economical and renewable source of energy for these uses. We also question the reason for the sudden interest by Blackhelm Confederacy in preserving acre after acre and preventing cancer.
Senator Bahadur Khan,
Senate Committee for Energy
24-06-2008, 00:20
Tamin Biofuels can be sold to ASoil. The company has $2 billion in worth, and a staff of over 600,000. The staff would like to continue working at Tamin. We thank you if you would ike to purchase it.
Tamin Yoisef, founder.
Gun Manufacturers
24-06-2008, 00:41
Tamin Biofuels can be sold to ASoil. The company has $2 billion in worth, and a staff of over 600,000. The staff would like to continue working at Tamin. We thank you if you would ike to purchase it.
Tamin Yoisef, founder.
The board of directors and I agree in principal to the purchase of Tamin Biofuels for $2 billion. Any staff that wishes to continue working for the company will need to immigrate to the ASoGM, since we would not be able to operate the business in Ralkovia. Fortunately, the ASoGM Ministry has approved the amount of provisional work visas necessary for the staff. Once we wire the money, we shall begin the process of transporting the corporate assets of Tamin Biofuels into the ASoGM. Any computers, files, and research/information will be moved first, with company vehicles, office furniture, heavy equipment, etc moved after.
***begin encryption***
***256 bit high security algorithm***
***open session***
TO: Tamin Yoisef and Tamin Biofuels
FROM: Corporate account, ASoil
AMOUNT: $2 Billion USD
RE: Corporate Assets purchase and transfer
***close session***
***end encryption***
Gun Manufacturers
24-06-2008, 00:59
After many, many studies by the Confederate Department of Environmental Affairs, the use of biofuels have been shown to not only be detrimental to the health of those who use them, but also to the environment in which the fuels are being burned. Regular, fossil fuel oil, is clearly the safest and most efficient way to provide energy for a nation, especially for the nation that have popultaion in the billions.
A primary example of how biofuels negatively effect the areas in which they are used is the nation of Brazil. The city of Sao Paolo, a major ethanol user, contains nearly 260% more Formaldehyde, a deadly carcinogen, in the air than an oil using city of similar size. Likewise, Sao Paolo had a whopping 360% more Acetaldehyde than the fossil fuel burning city it was tested against. Once again, this is a deadly carcinogen which has been known to destroy its victims liver and brain tissue, and are especially devastating to children and the elderly. In a period of only ten to fifteen years, Acetaldehyde can completely breakdown the cells in its targets brain and liver. This means that if you have a child born to you under a biofuel burning energy system, the chances of that child living past the age of eighteen with out cancer are very slim.
Another observation that the CDE noticed pertaining to the use of biofuels was the massive amount of deforestation in Indonesia that has been caused by that nation attempting to set up farm land for the use of biofuels. Indonesia is a nation which could potentially contain hundreds, if not thousands, of as of yet undiscovered animal species, and many of these species could be lost forever should Indonesia continue their biofuel projects.
Unless you are willing to sacrifice acre after acre, and have your air filled with deadly carcinogens, the nations of the world should stick to fossil fuels.
The ASoGM has done significant testing of its own, on the subject of bio fuels vs. fossil fuels. We have determined that there is no appreciable increase in the amount of carcinogens released by bio fuels, compared to fossil fuels. As you probably know well, fossil fuels release their own carcinogens into the air during combustion. Also keep in mind that plants and algae used in the production of bio fuels absorb CO2 from the air during photosynthesis, which is very good for the environment.
As to your observation that bio fuels equals deforestation, please remember that the Algae Oil that ASoil is producing is being made in vertical algae farms that are located on an artificial island. Since there was no forest to begin with, there was no deforestation. Also, Algae Oil production takes up a lot less space and produces a lot more oil than other bio fuel crops such as corn, sugar cane, rapeseed, etc, so by using algae any impact on the forests of other nations can be minimized.
Blackhelm Confederacy
24-06-2008, 01:04
Official message from Conserative morality:
We would like to know who exactly this research was funded by? All in all, we congratulate you for getting off the insane product known as biofuels.
Gaius McDermott.
The report is based off of findings made by the Confederate Department of Environmental Affairs, in conjunction with an outside source.
Marcellus Lemontree
The ASoGM has done significant testing of its own, on the subject of bio fuels vs. fossil fuels. We have determined that there is no appreciable increase in the amount of carcinogens released by bio fuels, compared to fossil fuels. As you probably know well, fossil fuels release their own carcinogens into the air during combustion. Also keep in mind that plants and algae used in the production of bio fuels absorb CO2 from the air during photosynthesis, which is very good for the environment.
As to your observation that bio fuels equals deforestation, please remember that the Algae Oil that ASoil is producing is being made in vertical algae farms that are located on an artificial island. Since there was no forest to begin with, there was no deforestation. Also, Algae Oil production takes up a lot less space and produces a lot more oil than other bio fuel crops such as corn, sugar cane, rapeseed, etc, so by using algae any impact on the forests of other nations can be minimized.
Care to explain the unholy increase in Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde around Sao Paolo?
Blackhelm Confederacy
24-06-2008, 01:06
Ralkovia is horrified by the results of this research and legislation is passed immediately. The "No Corn in Our Cars" act is passed prohibiting the use of biofuels or even the research.
In other news Ramovi oil co. is experiencing a record high in profits as its only competitor Tamin Biofuel is shut down.
The Confederate Government applauds the moves made by the government of Ralkovia, and wishes to deliver a five billion dollar package to the nation, to assist in the removal of biofuel associated facilities, and also to boost the nations industry.
Marcellus Lemontree
24-06-2008, 01:22
The Vantanian government does not, truly, care; however, oil is cheaper than biofuels, and as such is used, in conjunction with coal. However, in response to the Confederate message, the taxes on coal and oil were completely removed, and added on top of the taxes on biofeul. This is seen as the closest to banning something like biofuels.
Gun Manufacturers
24-06-2008, 01:26
The report is based off of findings made by the Confederate Department of Environmental Affairs, in conjunction with an outside source.
Marcellus Lemontree
Care to explain the unholy increase in Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde around Sao Paolo?
Incomplete methane combustion and poor emission standards.
Gun Manufacturers
24-06-2008, 01:29
The Confederate Government applauds the moves made by the government of Ralkovia, and wishes to deliver a five billion dollar package to the nation, to assist in the removal of biofuel associated facilities, and also to boost the nations industry.
Marcellus Lemontree
OOC: His bio fuel company, Tamin Biofuel, is being removed. Removed to my nation after it was sold to ASoil, that is.
The Associated Universities of Otagia are appalled at the lack of scientific rigor in the CDEA's study. It seems that the Confederate researchers have conveniently forgotten the maxim "Correlation does not equate to Causation." If one looks further than the meager facts reported by the CDEA, one would realize that Sao Paolo is home to a great deal of industrial facilities, as well as exceedingly poor standards for vehicle emissions. Together, these cause the vast majority of Brazilian pollution.
Given this extraordinary breach in academic standards and professionalism, the Board of the AUO has unanimously voted to revoke the accreditation of all Confederacy universities until such a time as it is determined the exact cause of the CDEA's gross negligence to the scientific community.
Dr. Henry Valliard
President of the Associated Universities of Otagia
Alliance Star
24-06-2008, 01:52
The Alliance Star Confederation Department of Energy
William V. Barnes, Secretary of Energy
SPACEAs a nation, which uses SOLELY Ethanol Based, and other renewable energy resources, we can not agree with the findings. This is a limited discovery, with no control group, based on random theories and assessments of biased groups. Therefore, the Government of the Alliance Star Confederation, in cooperation with the local scientific community of the Alliance Star Confederation, officially denounce these findings for the following reasons:
1. General area and location of Brazil, and the cancers related to it are not sole to the by-products of the Ethanol based fuels.
2. Different Types of Ethanol fuels produce different by-products, although normally, are nil to little vapor what-so-ever. As with the various forms of Ethanol, (Hay, Sugar, Wheat, Corn, etc. based) they will have varying effects.
3. Location of production, and quality of production could also have effect on the study, that if mis-production of stated fuels can have indeed effects on the local populace, along with the quality of fuels and the reflected automobiles.
4. Deforesting is only prevalent for those nations that do not exercise proper control and production of stated fuels, that less acreage can be used if managed properly. This also in turn is a not the setup of buildings, but that of agriculture which also helps feed the selected populace of each state, if managed properly.
5. Fossil fuels are continuing to deteriorate the Global Ecosystem, as well as the thinning of Polar Icecaps. Fossil Fuels, while vital to nations for continued energy demands, needs better safeguards such as Clean Coal Production, limited introduction of ethanol into fuels, and other means of balancing with the capabilities of the Global Ecosystem.
In efforts to have a multilateral and unbiased report, the following must be made:
-A more extensive study of other nations, and their related effects of Ethanol Fuels.
-Further study into the positives and negatives of Fossil Fuels.
-A continued analysis of other methods of alternate and productive fuels to eliminate Ethanol and Fossil Fuels all together, (Such as Hydrogen.)
William V. Barnes
Secretary of Energy
Alliance Star Confederation
The Grand World Order
24-06-2008, 01:55
((OOC: I'm surprised the name Griffencrest hasn't been said yet.))
Blackhelm Confederacy
24-06-2008, 01:59
The carcinogens were not the only point in the report. The environment would be heavily damaged, and the ozone layer would suffer greatly. Clearing land for growing biofuel crops and harvesting them releases more carbon than biofuels save from the atmosphere. Not only that, but the CO2 emmisions fromt he fertilizers, the refineries, and the equipment used to cultivate them would all add to the gas emmisions.
According to a New York Times report, “The biggest source of emission, by far, comes from land-use changes associated with biofuels.”
Gun Manufacturers
24-06-2008, 02:04
The carcinogens were not the only point in the report. The environment would be heavily damaged, and the ozone layer would suffer greatly. Clearing land for growing biofuel crops and harvesting them releases more carbon than biofuels save from the atmosphere. Not only that, but the CO2 emmisions fromt he fertilizers, the refineries, and the equipment used to cultivate them would all add to the gas emmisions.
According to a New York Times report, “The biggest source of emission, by far, comes from land-use changes associated with biofuels.”
That is why ASoil has gone to Algae Oil. It does not need the land clearing that normal ethanol crops do, it produces more oil than normal ethanol crops, harvesting is simple and free of farm vehicles, and the algae does a good job of using the CO2 during photosynthesis. While the refineries will still be needed, they're needed with fossil fuels as well.
The Royal Code
24-06-2008, 02:37
The Green Petro Company of Beth, TRC, has reviewed this study, and has decided not to shut down business, or raise/lower their price. Their on-road Green-Diesel price shall remain $3.99/gal, and Formula #2 home heating fuel at $3.10/gal. As a CA member nation, the Royal Parliament shall review their political stance on non-crude based fuels, and decided rather or not to subsidize the Green Petro Company.
-Colonial Empire of The Royal Code, Foreign Ministries Office Release.
31-07-2008, 16:12
The entire union of Westseacombe has outlawed the production and use of biofuel. Not just because it can be highly dangerous when it is home made but because it cant be used in all cars. I will be needing to off load a bio diesel company which each of the countries own. Each country owns 0.15% of shares in the company. The company will be placed into administration and then probily then liquidated. The work force of compaany will be happy to relocate if the offer is good enough. The staffing level is 125,000. The governments in the union are asking for a price range of between £500m to £1,500m. The company has been in existance for 4 to 5 months. The union wants this to be bought ASAP.
31-07-2008, 16:22
OOC: Doesn't the city of Sao Paolo dump nuclear waste beneath the city? I remember watching a show on TV concerning industrial waste in Brazil.
People have finally found common sense! Global Warming has nothing to do with mankind and we'll all get fossil fuels back. Why carry this problem over into NS when you don't have to? Those people should be shot.
Gun Manufacturers
31-07-2008, 21:21
The entire union of Westseacombe has outlawed the production and use of biofuel. Not just because it can be highly dangerous when it is home made but because it cant be used in all cars. I will be needing to off load a bio diesel company which each of the countries own. Each country owns 0.15% of shares in the company. The company will be placed into administration and then probily then liquidated. The work force of compaany will be happy to relocate if the offer is good enough. The staffing level is 125,000. The governments in the union are asking for a price range of between £500m to £1,500m. The company has been in existance for 4 to 5 months. The union wants this to be bought ASAP.
TO: The Westseacombe Union
FROM: Michael Thames, CEO ASoil
RE: inquiring about biofuel corporate assets
ASoil is always interested in acquiring new foreign oil assets. Please send a complete breakdown of the company's assets (material and financial), as well as all salary data, so that ASoil can make an appropriate offer for this company. A name and any other information about the company will also help in our decision.
Chasetown FC
31-07-2008, 22:12
The Name: The West Seacombe State Bio Fuel Corporation.
The staff are paid competitive yet genius salaries per month. There are up to 225,000 members of staff. All personnel have now been advised that the state owned company has been placed on the market and will be sold. All staff wish to stay in employment at the company. West Seacombe Union will be paying the staff a one off relocate grant.
I hope that the West Seacombe Union and your company can work together so that the company can get this sale completed and signed as soon as possible.
Chasetown FC
31-07-2008, 22:14
The company was selling their products at around $5.00 per litre
Blackhelm Confederacy
01-08-2008, 01:09
We are glad to see that many nations have come to their senses and abandoned the dangerous biofuels.
- Official CDEA statement
01-08-2008, 17:25
="Century Gothic"]The union of west seacombe has only outlawed the production and use of bio fuels because if an inexperienced person manufactures bio fuel is risking their health and safety. The consequences of production of bio fuels in West Seacombe then they will be spending a lengthy amount of time in jail. This is because they are being irresponsible for the people without experience to manufacture Bio fuels. The West Seacombe Petrol Corporation has reduced the price of petrol. So that is why people are sent to jail.
The minimum jail sentance permitted by the union is 6 months in jail. This is because the union has classified this as attempted fraud.
However if there is an explosion which leads to the deaths of other citizens then the people who are involved will be facing murder charges. If they are found guilty then they will be punished with the death penulty by hanging.
01-08-2008, 22:31
The union needs to secure a deal for the sale of the bio disel because if there is not a deal by the end of the month then The West Seacombe Bio Diesel Corporation will be forced to call in the administrators
President of Porkscratching and CEO of West Seacombe Bio Diesel Corporation.
Gun Manufacturers
01-08-2008, 23:54
TO: The Westseacombe Union
FROM: Michael Thames, CEO ASoil
RE: Offer for purchase of The West Seacombe State Bio Fuel Corporation
ASoil is willing to purchase the research, assets, trademarks, and patents of The West Seacombe State Bio Fuel Corporation, and transfer it to its home nation of the ASoGM, for the sum of £400 million. The ASoGM General Ministry and the ASoGM Ministry of Foreign Affairs are also willing to extend to the employees of the West Seacombe State Bio Fuel Corporation provisional work visas so that they may live and work in the ASoGM. If this is acceptable, please notify ASoil so that we can begin the process of transferring everything here.
02-08-2008, 00:15
To: Michael Thames, CEO ASoil
From: The Westseacombe Union
RE: Offer for purchase of The West Seacombe State Bio Fuel Corporation
Sir I have had a late night meeting with the rest of the union and the motion for the sale of the assets has now been passed. The company wishes to advise you that you have permission to enter all 15 sites owned and operated by The West Seacombe State Bio Fuel Corporation. I have been advised that union wishes you pay each country $26.66m which equals the $400m you have offered.
Many thanks
The West Seacombe Union
Gun Manufacturers
02-08-2008, 00:45
To: Michael Thames, CEO ASoil
From: The Westseacombe Union
RE: Offer for purchase of The West Seacombe State Bio Fuel Corporation
Sir I have had a late night meeting with the rest of the union and the motion for the sale of the assets has now been passed. The company wishes to advise you that you have permission to enter all 15 sites owned and operated by The West Seacombe State Bio Fuel Corporation. I have been advised that union wishes you pay each country $26.66m which equals the $400m you have offered.
Many thanks
The West Seacombe Union
TO: The Westseacombe Union
FROM: Michael Thames, CEO ASoil
RE: Payment for purchase of The West Seacombe State Bio Fuel Corporation
The payments will be wired in a few moments, and we will be sending civilian cargo ships to the individual sites, for the purpose of moving the company and its assets to the ASoGM, with priority given to research, accounting data, patent information, company computers, etc. Physical assets like tools, company vehicles, office furniture, etc will be moved afterwards. Civilian airliners will be used to bring the employees to the ASoGM.
***begin encryption***
***256 bit high security algorithm***
***open session***
TO: the 15 nations of The Westseacombe Union, owners of The West Seacombe Bio Diesel Corporation
FROM: Corporate account, ASoil
AMOUNT: $26.66m for each of the 15 nations, for a total of $400m
RE: Company and Corporate Assets purchase by ASoil and transfer to the ASoGM
***close session***
***end encryption***
02-08-2008, 14:59
Gun Manufacturing can you please advise the union from which the date your personnel will be no longer in each of the premises. This is because the union whiches to carry out a redevelopment project on each site.
South Lizasauria
02-08-2008, 19:03
After many, many studies by the Confederate Department of Environmental Affairs, the use of biofuels have been shown to not only be detrimental to the health of those who use them, but also to the environment in which the fuels are being burned. Regular, fossil fuel oil, is clearly the safest and most efficient way to provide energy for a nation, especially for the nation that have popultaion in the billions.
A primary example of how biofuels negatively effect the areas in which they are used is the nation of Brazil. The city of Sao Paolo, a major ethanol user, contains nearly 260% more Formaldehyde, a deadly carcinogen, in the air than an oil using city of similar size. Likewise, Sao Paolo had a whopping 360% more Acetaldehyde than the fossil fuel burning city it was tested against. Once again, this is a deadly carcinogen which has been known to destroy its victims liver and brain tissue, and are especially devastating to children and the elderly. In a period of only ten to fifteen years, Acetaldehyde can completely breakdown the cells in its targets brain and liver. This means that if you have a child born to you under a biofuel burning energy system, the chances of that child living past the age of eighteen with out cancer are very slim.
Another observation that the CDE noticed pertaining to the use of biofuels was the massive amount of deforestation in Indonesia that has been caused by that nation attempting to set up farm land for the use of biofuels. Indonesia is a nation which could potentially contain hundreds, if not thousands, of as of yet undiscovered animal species, and many of these species could be lost forever should Indonesia continue their biofuel projects.
Unless you are willing to sacrifice acre after acre, and have your air filled with deadly carcinogens, the nations of the world should stick to fossil fuels.
South Lizasauria's Video response the world:
An old human scientist walked up on a podium with his assistants behind him, some lizasaur, some human. The man on the podium walked up to a microphone and began to speak. He had white hairs surrounding a bald spot on the top of his head, some wrinkles, despite the fact he was 55 (probably due to exposure to certain materials).
Scientist:These studies maybe genuine or maybe then again they are just a hoax designed to give the old oil companies a profit. Our science corps will dedicate some research and funding into the harmfulness of fossil fuels compared to biofuels. Should the studies of the Confederacy be genuine we shall criminalize and do away with biofuels and initiate research for alternate fuels immediately. If not we shall not discontinue their use.
The scientist stepped down and the audience filled with politicians, other members of the science corps applauded.
Gun Manufacturers
02-08-2008, 22:21
Gun Manufacturing can you please advise the union from which the date your personnel will be no longer in each of the premises. This is because the union whiches to carry out a redevelopment project on each site.
Since there are 15 sites to be packed up and moved, we will be sending help to the current employees. With this extra help, we estimate that it will only take one month to get everything inventoried, cataloged, loaded into cargo containers, and shipped out.
Gun Manufacturers
02-08-2008, 22:25
South Lizasauria's Video response the world:
An old human scientist walked up on a podium with his assistants behind him, some lizasaur, some human. The man on the podium walked up to a microphone and began to speak. He had white hairs surrounding a bald spot on the top of his head, some wrinkles, despite the fact he was 55 (probably due to exposure to certain materials).
Scientist:These studies maybe genuine or maybe then again they are just a hoax designed to give the old oil companies a profit. Our science corps will dedicate some research and funding into the harmfulness of fossil fuels compared to biofuels. Should the studies of the Confederacy be genuine we shall criminalize and do away with biofuels and initiate research for alternate fuels immediately. If not we shall not discontinue their use.
The scientist stepped down and the audience filled with politicians, other members of the science corps applauded.
ASoil and the ASoGM applaud the nation of South Lizasauria, for not taking as fact the obvious propaganda of the Blackhelm Confederacy and the Griffincrest Corporation. We look forward to the results of your independent studies.
02-08-2008, 23:42
The Union of West Seacombe
The entire union would like to thank Gun Manufacturing for there swift take over of the control of The West Seacombe Biodiesel Corporation. This is because I have been wanting to sell off this nationalised corporation because it was costing the union too much money. However unfortunatly I could not get approval from the other countries within the union. But after all the leaders and their advisers flow in to the unions head quarters complex and then had a lengthy debate about the wishes of each country. Then it was decided that the bio diesel company was going to be needing more and more money required for it operational services.
So the choices we had to take to decide it future
1 Fund the company and carry on as normal
2 Sell off the company entirely
3 Sell off parts of the company
4 Place the company into administration