NationStates Jolt Archive

Steampunk meets Mecha (closed)

21-06-2008, 03:45
Far above the Pazxa airspace, the HMS Pinnicle, a scouter zepplin, one of the rare examples of non-isolationism that the Blackgrueian Technocratic Union has.

its small crew of 4 looked at the lands beyond their borders, keeping an eye on the neighbors. Her captain was checking the cargo when suddenly an explosion engulfed the cargo bay, setting fire to the envelope of the craft. The 3 remaining crew barely made it to the gliders as the burning zepplin fell behind them, falling from the edge of space into an industrial park, while they landed a much more pleasent REAL park.

Their chief of security a Jägermonster named Frantz smacked their chief engineer "Anodder fine mess hyu gotten us into."

The chief engineer clicked, his jaw having been replaced with a more efficient mandible many years ago, only the captain knew his name and now he's dead. The other crewmember, a young pilot named Tir, sneered at Frantz "This isn't the time."

Frantz grinned "Hyu alvays say dot." then they landed next to a rather suprised crowd.
21-06-2008, 03:52
"Are you nuts?" A black-haired demon girl by the name of Desiree said to her friend, a red-haired elf girl named Arien. "Religion is the opiate of the masses." The elf girl opened her mouth when the zepplin crashed. "What the fracking hell was that?!" Both said in unison. They both ran over to the crash.
When they got to the zepplin crash, Desiree said "What the hell happened and what the hell are you doing here?" "What she means is what happened and are you all right?" "And what the hell are you guys doing here."
21-06-2008, 03:58
Frantz suddenly stood up after his not-so-graceful landing "Oy! Hello dere pritty ladeez!" Which got him punched in the jaw by Tir, who looked at the suprised pair and waved meekly "Erm. Hello..."
21-06-2008, 03:59
Both girls heard some giant footsteps then. "You might want to move unless you guys wanna rust." Desiree said, pointing behind them. A few towering robots came over to the area of the crash just then, spraying the area with foam and water to protect the rest of the area from burning.
21-06-2008, 04:04
Tir jumped back, the engeneer clacked and walked away from the firefighting robots.

Frantz meanwhile argued with them about the need to put out the bits of smoldering fedora on his head.

Tir looked to the pair "Um, I'm sorry could you tell us where we are?"
21-06-2008, 04:05
"The Republic of Pazxa." Arien said. "And you just met the gon-doms." Desiree spoke up, pointing at the giant fire-fighting robots as they continued to put out the fire. The crash site looked almost non-existant. "But you didn't answer my question: what the hell do you want here?"
21-06-2008, 04:13
Frantz spoke up, "Vot do ve vant she says. HA! Miss, ve're jusht scout pilots."

Tir nodded in agreement. "Our country has no relationship with yours... we tend to keep to ourselves... our mission was one of simple scouting and surveying." The engeneer clacked madly before writing something on his pad and handing it to Tir. Tir looked at it and nodded "Though it seems situation has brought our peoples together... Things may have to change."
21-06-2008, 04:24
"We could take you guys to the mayor if you want. She'll be able to clue you guys in better and you could probably take that back to you and yours." Arien said, shooting her friend the 'be nice' look. "What are you talking about? I'm always nice."
21-06-2008, 04:34
"Vell if she's haff as pritty as hyu ladeez are..." Frantz says puffing out his chest. Tir just looks on unimpressed. The engeneer clicks. "Vot are hyu vaitink for? Lead de vay!" Frantz insists.
21-06-2008, 04:35
The elf and demon girls looked at each other and shrugged. "Ok, let's go." They both began to lead them to the mayor's office.
01-07-2008, 01:32
Looking over the decor Frantz whistled "Pritty svanky place hyu gots here." Tir nodded wordlessly, the large university-like city The engeneer had fallen behind the group and was curiously looking at a tree and wondering how the sky ended up that blue color... isn't supposed to be pitch black around the city?
01-07-2008, 01:39
"Education is free and voting is compulsory." Arein explained. "But we never had much coal deposits. We had found ways to work metal without coal, though. And the Gon-doms are born." Just then, a protest was seen moving, the sloganeers moving from the university down the street. A few police officers were scattered to make sure that it didn't turn into a riot.
01-07-2008, 01:56
"Thank you." Arien nodded. "We don't have much coal, so we have had to learn to do without it." "Education is free for all levels and voting is compulsory." Just then, the group walked by a parade of protestors. The group was winding the street and some police would be seen to make sure the protest doesn't turn into a riot.
01-07-2008, 02:10
"Thanks." Arien said quietly. "The education's not bad." Desiree saw the look that the engineer had and said quietly after allowing herself to fall behind shortly "We don't have much coal here. But we learned to do without." Just then, the group saw a bunch of protesters walking by the campus and winding down the street. The protesters were a parade of at least 500 and some police were stationed by the sidewalk to make sure that it doesn't turn into a riot.
01-07-2008, 03:09
Fantz beat his chest "Our whole civilization vas built on coal. Nowadays iz coal, alc'hol, oil... burnink shtuff iz how ve mouf forvard."

Tir sighed "What my friend is trying to say is that we didn't discover electricity until fairly recently. We'd already built a massive industrial base beforehand and didn't see the need to move to a pure electrical sociaty."
01-07-2008, 03:13
"We had, like, 2 coal deposits to begin with." Desiree said. "But we started with wooden-steam for a time before someone discovered electricity. He shocked himself on a doorknob and did research from there." The demon girl laughed.
01-07-2008, 03:35
Tir looked thoughtful. "I remember the day they announced the discovery electricity... The crazy Spark Baron Maquis built a tesla coil fence... Didn't work out too well as the Jägers just waltzed right through. They're dumb as posts but tough as nails." He bonks Frantz's head to make his point which gets a grumble from his companion.
01-07-2008, 03:40
Just as they were about to speak more, the group heard someone preaching about how Pazxa is too tolerant. "Repent, sinners! This country is the new Sodom! Our children run loose in the street swearing, nudity is rampant in the markets!" "Excuse me." Desiree made her way to the preacher and swung her leg and foot, kicking the man in the crotch and throat. "Sorry. What were we saying?" She said as he wheezed and curled up on the floor.
01-07-2008, 04:23
Frantz suddenly lifted Desiree onto his shoulder proclaiming she was "My keend uf gurl!" Tir, just as suddenly smacked him with a boiler wrench and escourted her back down to the pavement.
01-07-2008, 04:28
"That was unexpected." She said when she got back down. "The last time I did that, a nearby cop just said 'I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything and I don't wanna hear anything.' I think he was half-orc, which could be why he didn't care." "But your luck may run out." "Unlikely. If they're free to preach that crap, I'm free to kick the crap out of them." To the surprise of the foreigners, the crowd just went back to what they were doing.
06-07-2008, 02:42
Tir set Frantz's jaw back into alignment "Word to the wise ladies, don't provoke violence near a male Jäger. They'll love you forever for it and will chase after you 'til the end of time..."

Frantz saw stars flying by. "Gott in himmel! Dot vas fon. Vanna go again?" Which provoked a lighter more loving bonk on the head with the boiler wrench, the engeneer carried the dazed Jäger with them.
06-07-2008, 02:49
"Noted." Both said in unison. "But if we let him off, he would have started spouting about purging this place of demons, elves and orcs. Those idiots don't know that humans make up a very small minority here. Most of the population are elves and demons, but there's a pretty sizable group of orcs. Then again, someone else may have kicked his ass."
06-07-2008, 02:57
"Could have let lughead deal with him." he said patting his still dazed partner "Jägers can make you wish you were dead without killing you. They're vicious and somewhat creative when they wanna be." Tir got a glimmer in his eye "Or we could have brought him back with us, made him drink the Jägerbräu. Then instead of an instigator you'd have a loyal lugheadded soldier."
06-07-2008, 03:01
"Assuming I didn't kill him, you wanna take him?" The demon girl turned to Frantz.
06-07-2008, 03:09
Frantz chuckled and suddenly lept up onto the engeneer's back "For hyu mademe Hy vould gladly." He ran off after the preacher and dragged him by his shirt to the rest of the group. He leaned in close grinning that famous Jäger smile that could easily be mistaken for a bear trap "Hy don't care vot hyu believe, bot hyu are annoyink my lady friends. Now mouf along und don't let me catch hyu here again or Hy svare by Gott's leedle fish in trousers dot each und every bone in hyu body vill be snapped like tvigs!" To further make his point he took a small wrench from the engeneer's tool belt and bent it a full 180 degrees

This had the effect of making the preacher's eyes go wide and he run off into the sunset, and making the engeneer clack madly, steam literally pouring out the back of his neck.
06-07-2008, 03:15
"You work fast." Both grinned. "After a week of ass-kickings, we're lucky if they leave. Most of the newbies do, though. And that one you scared off is a repeat offender."
24-08-2008, 20:03
Franz chuckled. "He vas noting. Scarink pipple from de madness place. Dot's hard." he gave the running preacher a sneer which made him run faster.
24-08-2008, 20:06
Desiree and Aerin smiled serenely. "There we are." The group came up to what looked like a normal house. "This is the mayor's office. Shall we?"
24-08-2008, 20:08
The engeneer let out a slight whistle in agreement, Tir nodded and walked on. Franz did a double take, "Iz a bit zmall ja?"
24-08-2008, 20:09
"The mayor likes to make things more personal." The elfin girl said quietly. "Besides, it comes in handy if she's sick." The demon girl grinned as she opened the door.
24-08-2008, 20:13
The whole interior was very cozy, a fireplace roared. The desk the receptionist sat in was the only thing of remote business relation. The rest of the furniture included couches, ottomans, plush curtains and a couple of nice tables.
24-08-2008, 20:18
Franz took one look at the receptionist and grinned. "Hello pritty lady. My neme iz Franz Jägerkin und ve are here to see de mayor." he waggled his eyebrows at her provoking Tir to roll his eyes.
24-08-2008, 20:22
The receptionist looked at the group, nearly prepared to dismiss Franz, when she saw Desiree. "She's talking to General Mitsu now. I'll page them to let them know you're here." "Thanks." Both girls nodded as she pushed the button to announce them.
22-09-2008, 00:47
Tir sat back looking as cool as he could manage, Franz started poking at a potted plant, not used to seeing a living one this close indoors.
22-09-2008, 00:53
The door opened automatically after a second. "They'll see you now." Desiree and Aerin got up, thanking the receptionist as they entered. The two girls entered, seeing a tall, black-haired man talking with the brown-haired, green-eyed mayor. The black-haired man wore a black-gray pinstriped suit, striped with more black. "Hi, daddy." Desiree said quietly.
22-09-2008, 01:08
Franz looked him over then the gears in his head turned when he realised he was looking at a general. He suddenly snapped to attention.

"Sir! Kombat granadier klass tree Franz Jägerkin reportink. Hyt's a pleasure to meet hyu, SIR!"

Tir lightly salutes giving Franz an evil look, while the engeneer clacks away seemingly facinated with a light fixture in the front room.
22-09-2008, 01:16
The dark-haired general looked over at the group, saluting Franz and Tir lightly as he inspected them. He looked over at the engineer and for a second, a nostril flared, but he moved on. "It's nice to see you again, Aerin." He said politely and turned finally to Desiree and pulled her into a hug. "Dezi, I went to speak to the Mayor as soon as I heard about the accident. Are you all right?" She hugged him back and finally, was let go. "Daddy, I'm fine. These are some foreigners that are on a scouting mission."
22-09-2008, 01:23
Franz continued to stand at attention, his Jägerkin programming wouldn't let him do anything else in the presence of someone as high-up as a general until ordered not to.

Tir, thanking his lucky stars that Franz would be quiet for once. Stepped forward. "Sir, my name is Tir Zepplinsmith. We're from about 700 kilometers to the east, the Technocratic Union of Blackgrue." he extended a hand to the general.

The engeneer meanwhile had wandered off and started poking at a lamp that was not running, he hissed angrily at it and started tinkering around with the wiring around it, his hands were moving faster then most people could see, and he whirred happily at the oppertunity to build something.
22-09-2008, 01:27
The general took his hand after making sure Desiree was all right. "I am General Mitsu. You already met my daughter, Desiree, and her friend, Aerin. You may stand down, Jägerkin."
22-09-2008, 01:33
At that Franz visibly relaxed he tilted his head giving an audible crick "Vat a head-rush..."

Tir nodded to the general and then to the mayor whom he offered his hand to next "And it's a pleasure to meet you Madame Mayor."
22-09-2008, 01:36
The Mayor took his hand. "The pleasure is all mine." General Mitsu cocked an eyebrow at Franz, but his attention was to the engineer. "What is he doing?"
22-09-2008, 02:02
Tir looked over "Don't worry about him, you know those engeneer types always fixing things." He let out a whistle which got the engeneer's attention. He closed up the lamp, now it not only worked but it turned towards whoever walked near it.
22-09-2008, 02:03
General Mitsu nodded in amazement. "Impressive."
22-09-2008, 02:06
Tir smacked him lightly on the back "He's no spark but he gets the job done. Now if he would learn to not mess with the engine while it's running we wouldn't be down here."
22-09-2008, 02:23
"Still." "I was beginning to look to replace it."
22-09-2008, 02:30
Tir interjected. "Either way sir" he turned to the mayor "Madame, we should be heading back to our own county... High-command is going to be furious at us for wrecking a scout-balloon."
22-09-2008, 02:33
"General Mitsu, can we spare an airship?" "I believe so." "I want to go with them, daddy." "Dezi?" "If I'm going to be an ambassador someday, I'm going to need to go other places." General Mitsu looked and smiled fondly. "All right, dear."
22-09-2008, 02:38
Franz was about to say something but one look from Tir made him shut up. Tir nodded "Lead the way, ambassador." he said kindly and without even a hint of sarcasm.