Rebellion in Lynion (MT/PMT Semi Close Attn Embassy Nations)
Ranakin looked through as Tzu handed him a report about the equipment they have brought over the past year. He handed them down and took out one with his name on it and had an extra request than usual. Ranakin quickly picked up the telegram and read it to himself as he carefully checked the numbers.
"All in good terms," said Ranakin as he looked at Tzu before looking back at the telegram.
"Then why do we have an extra four gurellia packages when we only wanted six sire?" asked Tzu as he pointed the number of packages ordered.
Ranakin looked at the telegram more carefully as he studied the number of equipment was ordered. Tzu was right, an extra four were ordered when they only wanted six. At this time, the captain of Imperial Mutated Guard Jonathan Lynx, entered the room.
"Seems like there's a major issue sire," started Jonathan as he stopped in front of the 100 year old oak desk.
"It does John. It seems 4 extra packages of gurellia warfare weapons and ammo were ordered when we only wanted six," stated Ranakin as he took the intercom to his ear.
"It's worse sire, seems an organisation calms they have the support of the army to other power you," stated Jonathan. "The Imperial Mutated Battalion is always loyal to the death sire. It's the Lynion Human's that threw themselves into exile and they're coming back to claim what they state is there's. They'll be going for the ambassador's sire,"
Ranakin gave a confusing look at Jonathan as he picked up Grand Admiral Lavax who was in charge of the entire Imperial Lynion Navy on the intercom.
"Lavax, to who does the loyalty of the Imperial Lynion Navy goes to may I ask?" asked Ranakin.
"To our King, Queen and the Kingdom," replied the admiral with a patriotic voice.
"Thank you, be careful there's something going around that the military is behind the rebellion," thanked Ranakin.
"I'll keep an eye out for any rebellion in the fleet sire. You can always count on me," replied Grand Admiral Lavax as the intercom was switched off.
Ranakin looked up as he gave the thumps up to Tzu.
"The Imperial Fleet is loyal to me," stated Ranakin as he picked up the intercom and radio Vamperial Headmaster Knight Vamp.
He waited until he got a voice on the other line.
"Vamp my best friend," started Ranakin as Vamp gave a little laugh. "There seems to be a rebellion and they state that the military is supporting them. Tell me Vamp, to who does the Vamperial Order and the Imperial Army loyalty goes to?"
Vamp laughed at the word 'rebellion' as he pulled himself together.
"Raymond my friend," started Vamp as he used Ranakin's first name. "The Vamperial Order and the Imperial Army is loyal to their king, their queen and their kingdom,"
"Thank you Vamp and please use 'Ranakin' for crying out loud!" thanked Ranakin.
"No worries," finished Vamp as the intercom was switched off.
Ranakin looked around as he watched Tzu come to terms he was the Sky Wing Commander of the Imperial Lynion Air Force. He waited as he watched the telegram float to the desk out of Ranakin's hand.
"To who Tzu does your loyalty and the loyalty of the Air Force goes to?" asked Ranakin as he looked upon Jian's second son.
"Sire, my loyalty lies with you just like my father trusts you with his life," stated Tzu. "I feel bad about the loss of supplies though,"
Ranakin landed his hand on Tzu shoulder as they walked out to the balcony over looking the embassy they could see what they feared the worst. as they look out, they could see Lynscert Island which was the military base. The sound of distance gunfire erupted as the occasional explosion erupted here and there until it finally stops.
"Sire," started a panted voice. "There's being a rebellion here and we have settled it down,"
"Ranakin watch out!" shouted Tzu as he pushed Ranakin and himself over the edge just as an RPG round exploded at the balcony.
Tzu took hold of Ranakin as he fired his grappling hook gun upwards. They free fell for a moment before the steel rope jab the pair and slowly they reached the ground. Tzu made sure Ranakin was safe as they quietly went into the front gates of the palace.
"All units!" shouted Tzu into the intercom as AK-47 rifles erupted. "We have a rebellion on our hands. Enpower Protocol 46*. I repeat! Enpower Protocol 46,"
Tzu looked around as he was knocked to the side and knocked out by an RPG round. The Imperial Guard's pulled Tzu inside as the Lynion Hunter's and Regular's started their way towards the embassies.
The embassy Imperial Guards came under fire as they raced back into the building and found the ambassador and their family as protocol 46 was repeated several times on the intercom.
"Ambassador, we need to get out of here! There's choppers inbound to evacute you to the aerial aircraft carrier Union Alliance," shouted the Imperial Guard into the ambassador's room.
OOC: so basically a rebellion has happen and porpaganda went out stating they had the military on their side, which they don't, and now they'll be going for the ambassador's and their families. The last part is basically an Imperial Guard informing the ambassador he/she is protecting they need to hold out in the backyard until the evacuating choppers arrive to air lift them to the Union Alliance for their safety. It's adivse that you don't rush out as the rebel's are coming towards you at a force of around 1,000.
Quick jump to the embassy threads:
20-06-2008, 16:09
The death guard loaded up their weapons. Terrin Yotec turned to the imperial guard,"Will you need any assistance taking care of these rebels?"
The chrisman union
20-06-2008, 17:22
(OOC: I don't quite understand, are we playing using characters from embassies we set up Lynion?)
OOC: That's correct chrisman union, you can use your embassy staff, ambassador and security personal.
Ralkovia Embassy
An RPG round blasted nearby as the Imperial Guards looked around for an escape route. They were clearly well outnumbered by around 10:1 (highly against the Imperial Guard's and the embassy personal) as the pair turned to the ambassador.
"No heroic's sir," replied the first one. "We need to hold our ground and prepare to be evacuated by chopper sir,"
The barricaded the door way as they took up position behind wooden desks and whatever they could find. The Embassy Guards waited with the Imperial Guards as they waited as they listened to the AK-47 gunfire which was close to them and coming closer.
Ambassador Scörmec was reading a Kiravian newspaper when he heard the gunshots. Before he even got downstairs, two KE Security men had bolted the doors and windows, bracing them with metal panels. The other three had already broken out their submachine guns and were handing out swords to the staff.
"Lieutenant, report." ordered the Ambassador.
"Rebellion, Sèr. All over the city. They're going for the Embassies."
"Damnit! Did the Secriat finish that panic room?"
"Yes, sir."
"Get Ana and Luther [Wife & Son of the Ambassador] in there, see whoever else you can fit. Tell everyone else to prepare for evacuation."
Embassy Pantry
Luther Scörmec, 14, was sifting through the Embassy's food supplies when an aide grabbed his shoulder. "Sèr Scörmec, there's a battle going on outside. Your father's ordered you and Ma'am Scörmec into the panic chamber."
"A battle? We've got five guns and thirty people. We're fucking screwed."
Kirav Embassy
The Imperial Guards and two Lynion Hunter's busted into the embassy as they barricaded the main doorway as bullets shattered of any windows exposed. A Vamperial Guardian walked through the back door as the distance sound of aircraft's could be heard.
"Ambassador sir," said the Vamperial Guardian. "I have orders to take you, staff, security personal and your family to the Shadow Lynx for the sake of your safety sir,"
The Hunter's took up position as an RPG round exploded at the front door.
21-06-2008, 11:08
OOC: Do I have an embassy? I think we were talking about it in NS.
OOC: I accepted it but on the condition that every so many months I send an inspector to inspect the armoury.
Onboard the Shadow Lynx, the pilots were waking up to the middle of the night as the distance sound of gunfire was muffled with the sound of the engines as the choppers started to appear on the flight deck. Pilots rushed to their station as the situation was becoming worse. The aerial aircraft carrier entered Lynion air space as they could see fires in the distance.
Kirav Embassy
The Imperial Guards and two Lynion Hunter's busted into the embassy as they barricaded the main doorway as bullets shattered of any windows exposed. A Vamperial Guardian walked through the back door as the distance sound of aircraft's could be heard.
"Ambassador sir," said the Vamperial Guardian. "I have orders to take you, staff, security personal and your family to the Shadow Lynx for the sake of your safety sir,"
The Hunter's took up position as an RPG round exploded at the front door.
"We're in your debt, sir. Now let's get going."
A security officer was assigned to each group of six people and their minimal baggage. Luther Scörmec threw his father a metal box. "That little off-the-record weapon." he said with a grin. The Ambassador undid the box's combination lock and drew out a loaded pistol. He looked to the Vamperial Guardian and said, "That's everyone. Lead the way, sir."
The Vamperial Guardian smiled as a RPG round blasted the barricade. The smoke settled down quickly as the battle cries of rebels erupted. The Vamperial Guardian emptyed a clip towards the door as one of the Hunter's pulled down a desk and a cabnet to give them better cover. The Vamperial Guardian threw the Hunter aside with great strength.
"Get the ambassador and his personal the blazes outta here! We got choopers inbound to evac you and everyone to the Shadow Lynx! Now get out of here!" shouted the Vamperial Guardian as he supressed the rebels.
Rebel's View
"Advance and capture the ambassador's and free this nation of its foreign plague!" shouted the Rebel Leader. "They had plagued out great nation!"
The rebels advanced and slowly came to a stand still as the Imperial Guards put up a valient defence. They kept up the advance as some of the Imperial Guards retreated into the embassy.
Lynion view
Onboard the Shadow Lynx, it was a green light as choppers, Blackhawks, AU-1's and Chinok's scrambled to battle stations. Their mission was to evaucate all embassy staff before the Rebels got to them.
ETA Before Chopper Evac: 1 hour and counting.
21-06-2008, 17:16
The death guard brought out two .50 cal machine guns and began firing into the rebels, holding the rebels off in the main lobby. The death guard commander called out to the radio man,"Call in the blackhawks be prepared to evacuate the ambassador, Mordox, Dresmond get to the garage and see if you can't get any of the gas from the cars, also remove the doors from the cars as well, they are armor plated so we can use them as shields."
The men looked at their commander and yelled "yes sir" running off to the garage. "Commander Doman, Commander Doman," a man yelled as he whacked a lynion rebel with a chair as the rebel tried to climb through a broken window. Doman quickly turned and emptied a clip into the rebel. He yelled to fall back to the second floor the second Mordox and Dresmond got back. The death guard understood what he was planning and got ready to fall back. Ambassador Terrin, his wife, and his children were put in the highest floor of the building with the rest of the staff. Mordox and Dresmond returned with the doors and gas and brought it to the commander. Place the doors at the top of the staircase so we can hide behind them. "You give me that sniper," Doman said taking the sniper, he than took aim and fired at a close target killing 3 rebels trying to break in to the embassy. "FALL BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," Doman yelled. Some of the staff brought him the body armor the death guard needed to make any sort of stand. They quickly began to put it on him. With the helmet on he felt so much better, he saw a rebel with an RPG,"HELL NO," he said firing a round into the RPG, blowing off the mans hand and the RPG trigger.
"Where do we meet the choppers?" asked Deputy Ambassador Kári Pinebrake in a noticeable Ískev accent, "We need to know where to go if we're to get out of here."
Kirav Embassy
"We need to get to the back!" shouted the Hunter's as they rushed towards the back doorway.
The Vamperial Guardian had vanished into the chaos of the rebel's as the slashing and clanging of swords replace the gunfire. They rushed out to the back as one of the Hunter's threw a small time bomb that they hope would buy them some time. As they entered the backyard where the helipad was found, they looked to the skies as the soft humming of choppers could be heard.
"We need to hold our ground until the choppers arrive!" shouted one of the Hunter's.
Ralkovia Embassy
"If we get the Blackhawks in the air, then we must head to the Shadow Lynx aircraft carrier," said one of the Hunter's.
He looked around as the Imperial Guards brricaded the doorway and setup another barricade ready for the rebels. They waited as an RPG round made the front of the building collaspe. The guards pushed the ambassador and his staff out the way as the dust covered them like a blanket of fog. The situation was becoming worse with every passing minute.
Ranakin looked around as he watched from the balcony as he looked helplessly at the current situation. He started to burst into tears as a friendly voice came over the intercom.
"This is Vamperial Headmaster Knight Jaxson Lee King anyone that'll intercept this message. What's going on down there? Having a war game without me?" said a voice over the intercom.
Ranakin smiled and cried as he answered the call.
"Lee kyntv it (Lynion swear word)," started Ranakin. "Am I glad to hear your voice. How far are you from the islands?"
"Hey Raymond my best friend! We're just going over Lynvaion right now and about to dock. What's the problem?" replied Lee.
"Bloody rebels. The Human Lynion's have revolted and there's around 100,000 and a tenth of that are attacking the embassies," replied Ranakin. "I really need your help,"
Ranakin listened to a sigh on the other side as the gunfire started to come closer and closer. Ranakin was pulled away from the blacony as Lee started to reply.
"The military seems to be engaged on Lynscert and Lynvanot (farming island) so it seems a good idea to take the embassies but why that?" replied Lee. "Are they going to go for the palace?"
Ranakin turned around as his only son Tashic Ci came running towards him and hugging his leg.
"They're getting closer and my men are badly outnumbered. Vamp is already occupied with the defence of the other islands and we're about to be overrun unless we get reinforcements," replied Ranakin.
He turned around as the Imperial Guards gathered to barricade the main doorway. Kryxtal came to his side as she took Tashic Ci into her hands and followed one of the guards to the safe room.
"Hang on! I'll bring the Valient and the Black Squadron right over Lynx. I may have being away for a couple of years, but by God! I'm going to save you and the ambassador's!" shouted Lee. "So hang on!"
Ranakin was suddenly cut off as the fighting was becoming more and more dense. They only had two battalions of regular's to support the embassies while two companies of Lynion Assassin's landed outside the palace and started a valient defence of the palace.
On board the Valient
"Alright!" shouted Lee into the PA System. "We went away for three years and we are well battle harden for anything. Just a few days ago, a rebellion attacked Lynscert and Lynvanot. We're not going there but to Lynx where the main part of the rebellion is stationed!"
"Hoorah!" replied the crewmen and the pilots.
"Let a Lynion remember the promise they gave to their king. No matter through sickness nor hell we will always answer the call. The call for Lynion! The call for FREEDOM!" shouted Lee.
"HOORAH!" came the reply as it gave the Lynion's a patriotic feeling.
"We'll come over Lynx and drop off the 8th Hunter Division, 3rd Assassin Battalion and both the 18th and 32nd Regular Brigade's. They'll be coming with us via aerial transport ships. Once over, we'll start a bombing and fighter jet straffing operation and cut down the rebels," briefed Lee into the intercom. "Remember, protect the king! Protect our brothers and sister's! And Protect our allies!"
"Hoorah!" came the reply.
The flightdeck suddenly came alive as fighter jets and choppers were preparing to take off. Sonic was given command of the operation with the objective to escort the aerial transport carriers and escort the choppers to evacuate all embassy personal. He pulled on his helmet as the thoughts of the Underhill attack came through his mind.
'This is nothing compared to the Bombing at Underhill Harbour,' he thought to himself. 'But this is on home land which is sacred to us,'
22-06-2008, 16:58
"Fine then," Terrin said,"Lets head up to the roof, there should be at least 1 chopper up there already." The death guard began to fall back to the room that led to the roof. The Death guard helped the ambassador and his family and the staff on to the helicopter. The blackhawk took off immediately, staying high in the air and changing course every few seconds to avoid giving the rebels a clear shot. The pilot spoke into his mic,"I need coordinates to this carrier of theirs before I can go anywhere." The death guard on the roof began to snipe any rebel carrying an RPG. With every security personnel on the roof of the ralkovian embassy and all other civilian ones on the chopper, the death guard began their slaughter of the rebels. The death guard howled in pleasure as the area around the ralkovian embassy became a mist of blood.
The other chopper was almost fueled up, the death guard began to get ready to get onto the chopper.
The Hunter looked over the pilots shoulder as he studied the sky for a moment before a pair of AU-1 Choppers joined them.
"Blackhawk Omega, change course to X-346," said a pilot.
"Copy that," replied the Blackhawk pilot as he changed course.
The Hunter looked out the side of Blackhawk and noticed a Blackhawk MK 2 with the Royal Ensigma on the side of it. He gasped for a moment before turning to his buddy.
"Valk! Shbj na mant tojav tuji shva pff mac-mac kjgas laedfdg," he said in thier native language
The other Hunter looked out the side window and saw the Blackhawk as they started to land on the flight deck of the aerial aircraft carrier Shadow Lynx. They jumped out as they watched the Royal Family climb out of the Blackhawk and were escorted to the bridge by Imperial Guards.
"Welcome ambassador, family if there's any, guards, personal and Hunter's to the Shadow Lynx. If you follow me, we'll go below the deck and find you a place to stay overnight," welcomed a pilot.
Kiravian Embassy
"Let's buy some time, then, men!"
Scörmec and the five KE guards took positions behind the drop of a terrace, and pointed their guns at the back door to the embassy, waiting for something to move.
Over Kirav Embassy
"This is Hotel 6 coming down!" said a voice over the intercom.
The Imperial Guards listened in as the rebels broke into the embassy and placed more strain on the guards and secruity personal. Vax (Imperial Guard) blasted a rebel apart as he watched an RPG fire into the skies before an explosion erupted.
"Mayday! Mayday! Hotel 6 has taken a hit and we're going..." shouted a voice.
Vax pulled several staff personal and his friend pulled security guards back as the rotor blades and the chopper crashed through the roof tops and into the embassy. Screams echoed as a Hunter was ripped to sherds by the rotor blades.
"Everyone ok?" asked Vax as he helped a staff personal to his feet.
He looked around and staggered as two Blackhawks came into sight with two AU-1's escorting them to the embassy. He tried to stand up but simply collapse as a piece of sharpnel was sticking into his leg.
"Lucus!" shouted Vax as a shorter man came over to him as he attempted to remove the metal. "Get the staff and personal out of here...there's...little time left for me...," whispered Vax as Lucus tossed Vax over his shoulders.
The Blackhawks started to decend as they came to level off with the embassy and the two Imperial Guards.
Seeing the Blackhawks descend, the Kiravians breathed a sigh of relief. THey weren't out of the woods yet, though.
Kirav Embassy
The Imperial Guards smiled at the sight of the Blackhawks before they felt the soft wind suddenly turn warmer. They watch helplessly as the pair of Blackhawks suddenly exploded from RPG rounds.
"Can our day get any worse?" asked one of the Imperial Guards.
"Frankly," started the over as he faced the rebels. "It gets so much worse, you wish you stayed at the palace,"
The other turned around as he faced upon at least fifty rebels with five aiming RPG's straight at them. They lay down their arms as the other embassy staff personal turned to face the music.
"Do you still honour the code?" asked one of the rebels as he came forward.
"Imperial Code of the Duel?" replied the Imperial Guard.
"We got a new way, fire!"
The embassy staff watch helplessly as the Imperial Guards were murdered in cold blood before their very own eyes. The rebels smiled as they raised their rifle's again. The wind suddenly started to pick up again as the cliff tops rumbled. The ground shock with power as the intercom signal's were suddenly jammed.
"What the hell is going on?" shouted one rebel.
They looked at the embassy personal as the ground shock violently but it wasn't an earthquake. The rebels pointed as a pair of Blackhawk MK 2 appeared and landed before dropping off a squad of Lynion Assassin's.
"Let's make this easy then eh?" smiled an assassin. "We got enough fire-power to rip you to nothing so how about just surrendering?"
The rebels laughed their lungs apart as they pointed and joked at the Lynion Assassin's. The rebel leader dropped his rifle as he collaspe on all fours while laughing his head off.
"'re outnumbered 10 to 1 and you demand that we surrender? No wonder you guys...suck..." laughed the leader as his face turned a pale white.
Then an aerial support ship appeared behind the embassy staff and the Blackhawks as the twin gatling cannons appeared. One fired an RPG round before another fired his RPG. The support ship was thrown into shock as it gave a simple reply of leed. Gun fire ripped through the rebels as bullet casing's started to land everywhere.
The Kiravians took cover as the Lynion support ship shredded their captors.
Blackhawks landed close to the embassy as Lynion Assassin's piled out of the Blackhawks and engaged the rebels. Then a pair of Chinocks dropped off a pair of Tiger Tanks as one landed and dropped off a company of Hunter's. Vamperial Knights came out of another Blackhawk as the Chinock pilot came over to the embassy group.
"Time to get the hell outta here before the battle becomes near impossible for Blackhawks to land," shouted the pilot over the gunfire.
The rebels were starting to get pushed back as more and more Lynion Forces started to push back the rebels. Seveal more tanks landed and started to rip through the rebels.
They didn't need to be told twice. The Kiravians raced to the chopper to make their escape.
The Northern Baltic
25-06-2008, 16:41
OOC: Can I join?
OOC: I'll think about it before I say yes or no. The battle is coming to a close due to the return of major battle groups returning and dropping ogg key personal.
26-06-2008, 01:59
OOC: Uh-oh, looks like I'm late. Is the battle pretty much over, or is it still ongoing?
OOC: It's nearly over on Lynx Island but if you wish to raise a concern with Ranakin, we can make it you were already evacuated to the Valient.
The Valient was busy with Blackhawks landing embassy staff members off and loading Hunters and Assassin's. Chinocks were loading Tiger Tanks onboard while dropping off the wounded personel while the medic's helped with the wounded. Lee appeared on the flight deck as the gunnry crews started to load ammo onto the Blackhawks.
"Everybody who doesn't need to be on the flight deck, go below!" shouted Lee.
Hunter's were finally being finished being unloaded as the Tiger Tanks were finally being lifted off as Ranakin appeared next to the Control Tower. After the armour had being air lifted off and troops now being focused, it was now time for Dingo Fighter Jets to take off.