A Gathering of Friends(Closed|Attn. FU members, Monavia)
The sun was shining mercilessy on the millions that had gathered on the streets of Zahran. It was a bright day for the Zaheranian capital, in both meanings of the word.
Today marked the start of the first Fegosian Union conferance ever, and it was this city, home to over two hundred million people, that would host it. At last, Zahran would have it's time in the limelight.
The people was feeling it too, a feeling of importance and pride. They had taken to the street en masse, filling every open area in the vast city. Only Victory Street, the broad boulevard running through the city in north-south orientation, was kept clean from the masses by tens of thousands of stern soldiers. The street vendors had a particulary good day, selling flags in the millions.
A welcoming committee was waiting at the Zahran International Airport, one of the seven that served the giant city. Representatives of the most important noble families were there, along with several ministers. Among them was Marius Stee, Minister of Foreign Affairs and one of the most powerful men in the country, second only to the Emperor himself.
He was sitting under a baldachin, sipping on cooled wine and chatting quietly with his colleagues. Servants in white, embroidered tunics were carrying around refreshments on silver trays. Marius looked at his watch. Any time now the guests would arrive. He snapped his fingers. A soldier in black uniform with captain's insignia was immediatly at his side.
"Yes, my lord?"
"Are the helicopters ready?"
"Yes, sir. We are ready to take off as soon as the guests arrive."
"Very well."
He looked to the left, where a group of helicopters had been parked. The pilots were waiting outside the aircraft for the passengers, who would be taken to the airship where the conferance would be held. It was a new concept to him, having a conferance in the sky. The thought sent a cold shiver down his spine, but he ignored it. He didn't like flying, but this was far more important than his phobia.
This was the first major diplomatical event that Zaheran had ever hosted, and it was of utter importance that everything went right. Three hundred thousand soldiers were guarding the city from terror attacks and others hostilities. It was probably not necessary, but no one felt like taking risks with so many important foreign dignitaries in the city.
All vehicles had been forbidden in the central parts during the conferance and everyone suspected of involment with terrorist organisations had been detained. What the foreign delegates would see was a welcoming city in good order, with enthusiastic crowds waving the flags of the various Union members. A parade with the joint Union forces had been planned to demonstrate the organisation's strength and the cooperation between the member states. Marius smiled. Everything was ready.
14-06-2008, 17:54
Charles Villa rode in the government 747 towards the capital of one of Mokastana's main allies, Zaheran. While pure military action between the two was mainly just a few naval exercises between fleets and training at the various FU military bases they had become close trading parters. Once the Mokan government ensured that food supplies were good again, a tragic fallout from the Mejican revolution, they were able to export grains and maize once more. Charles looked out the window at the massive metropolis, why someone would build such a large city eluded him. Given his guerrilla background he could only see the large city as a perfect target for a WMD. Which is one reason why the Mokan government did its best to keep populations down, with an average of 60 million each they seemed to be doing a good job.
He adjusted his suit again as the plane came in for the landing, being the Minister of Foreign affairs he held quite a bit of power in Mokastana, and he was one of the best at it, next only to his brother Nicolas, where ever that man was now. Now as the government was mid election he held even more then ussual. Of course he had the candidates and their dossiers on him at the moment, along with information on Mokan military abilities, mokan trade abilities, and the ability to offer nearly anything the new "hopeful" ally could need.
As the plane finally stopped moving the Jaguar Elite soldiers stood at the door , waiting for it to open and clear the area, so to speak. If there was one thing about Mokastana that this flight was showing, is that Mokastana still has not forgotten her revolutionary roots, however modernized she was. The soldiers wore full 'Dauntless' Ballistic Armour (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13691710&postcount=1) as the exited the plane armed with FXJ-05s, the 7.62 cousin of the FX-05, revised for Mokan standards. Behind them exited the socailist VIP, Mr. Charles Villa, looking at the sun he slid on a pair of sunglasses his grand daughter had gotten him, which were surprisingly nice looking for being picked out by an 4 year old. Then he walked down to meet the delegates.
The five Alfegan founders of the Union sat in the spacious conference room of the government airship that gently crossed the sky over Oraz. Unlike most government airships, which were small air-yachts, this was a proper-sized airship converted for government use. A 500m long envelope made of dull silvery-grey fabric held suspended from a maze of internal struts a pair of gondolas. The tiny front gondola held the crew, preparing for the visitors when they arrived. The much more spacious rear gondola held facilities for up to 80 people to be shown true luxury as they attended any conference necessary up in the skies.
Kiri looked down through the re-enforced glass floor through to the ground below: who could've guessed that this peaceful land they gracefully moved over had once been the focus of so much suffering? Now a joint Alfegan-Zaheran free trade zone where a compromise of Zaheran and Fegoist law governed the rich populace, what had once been called Neo'Ilos now was slowly returning in public thought back to Oraz.
She looked out through the glass windows of the light-filled conference room, turning in her leather chair attached to the floor firmly to see the view. Clouds billowed in the distance, masked by the airship's escort: an L-class Aerodestroyer. From here, she could make out the separate pieces of armoured panel over the central gondola, hiding the many missiles that were supplemented by a pair of auto cannons on its underside. Armed almost exclusively with anti-ballistic missiles, its purpose was to protect this meeting from any form of harm from without.
From within, she could clearly see across the room a pair of Fegosian Union soldiers guarding the door, orange berets standing out from their camouflage uniform. These were from the Air branch, the results of many months of training in Neo'los. The sun had left its mark from that far-flung colony, along with the gruelling training all aeromarines had to put up with. Now with a knowledge almost unsurpassed in air-to-air boarding and warfare in the skies, they were the perfect ones to guard this conference and take out any terrorist threat should they become apparent.
The chamber they were in held 16 benches, curving around a central platform and projector screen. Each desk held both a computer terminal that could fold out of the desk, along with concealed buttons for both amplified speech, electronic voting and calling for food or drink. She sat in one of the inner-most benches, a small Alfegan flag on a stand by it. Some of the cabin crew aboard the airship lurked in the corners, holding flags of other nations ready to place them on each desk.
She turned to the other four men: to her left, the Foreign Minister and War minister sat tapping on their computers, checking messages from back home. To her right, the Financial Minister, and the President. He wasn't much to look at: A'liro Darrel was an averaged sized man, marked out by his typical Alfegan skin tone, dark hair and green eyes. However, he was one of the most popular men in Alfegos, having been able to manage the nation after the civil war, bringing it back to how it had been before within an amazingly short time period. He flicked on the speaker in the desk, before talking.
"Pilot, how long till we reach our destination?"
"With a current thrust vector of 5 degrees... 10 minutes."
"Excellent. Broadcast to the relevant authorities that we are ready to start taking people on."
The airship began descending as the vector thrusters changed angle on the exterior of the gondola, the large props just visible from the conference room yet completely silent through the thick soundproofing of the walls around the engine, and the quadruple-glazed glass that made up the room. He felt the lightness of descent, rapid in this hybrid airship, before it stopped as they reached a new height. From here now, he could see city. A massive city, only hundreds of metres below. Pinpricks of people moved about below, toy vehicles driving the streets of the city. From down there, all that was visible was the silvery envelope and black gondolas, emblazoned with a large flag of Alfegos. Surrounding it, the flags of the member states in a wide arc, all expertly painted.
"I think we'll be receiving them soon."
The rear of the gondola flickered as it folded down: inside, it revealed a large helicopter hanger, empty for the time being. A constellation of lights indicated landing areas, as well as places for helicopters not to stray close to. From it, doors led into the ante-chamber, Alfegan fruit dishes spread all around amongst drinks and other nibbles. Here, the 5 Alfegans were now waiting, looking at the thick soundproof hanger door guarded by a pair of the Union Air Marines. A narrow spiral staircase in one corner led to the cabins upstairs, along with crew facilities, store rooms and other private areas. Downstairs here, it was all public facilities designed to hold all that visited in luxury.
14-06-2008, 19:46
Svetlana Sturmer, at first, did not feel like attending the Fegosian Union meeting merely out of some fear that it would end up like the Hegemony meeting she recently attended; she would have most likely wanted Rucinsky, the Foreign Minister or someone else to attend this particular meeting but in the end she was sent. The single, professional woman that made her living in government work, Svetlana Sturmer sat in the comfortable chair, one of many, of her private jet while reading a magazine article about women's health. Recently she had been concerned about such things; it was best, after all, to make sure everything was working right.
Her assistants, the Ixanian delegation, were busy reading reports and the like while she was starting an article about some woman's view of the ideal man. Svetlana had never had the time for love as she was always bogged down by her work; a work she freely accepted out of her self-declared patriotic duty to serve Ixania. She lived, she declared, to serve the nation which had housed her ancestors with open arms and to serve the Empress whose ancestors had welcomed them. Nothing more or less, she said, composed her duty and she would do what she could to serve Ixania. It formed her life philosophy and she followed it with determined zeal.
"We will be in Zaheran soon, Miss Sturmer. We will land in about five minutes."
The voice of the flight attendant ringed through her ears and she smiled slightly before dismissing her politely from her presence in a kind tone of voice. Svetlana turned her eyes and attention back to the magazine for the five minutes before she heard the noises made by the helicopter that was waiting for them. With a smile on her face and donning a businesswoman's suit that made her look truly professional, Svetlana walked down the stairs of the plane and felt her feet touch Zaheran's native soil for the first time. It made her smile all the more. She organized her delegation and then walked towards the helicopter in which the meeting would be held. She had nothing but admiration for the city in which she was in; she mentally complimented Marius' work in making the city presentable. Soon she would be in a room with all the other delegates and hopefully, she thought, it would go smoothly.
OOC: The conferance is aboard an airship, Neo-Ixania. There are helicopters at the airport that will take the delegates to the meeting.
Zahran International Airport
At last the delegates had started arriving. Marius rised from his chair and walked forth to the Mokan delegation, followed by the Interior Minister and the Minister of Culture. The three men bowed courteously. Zaheranians were a polite people, if anything. It was a strange thing that two nations so different could be such close allies, Marius reflected. Mokastana was a socialist republic, still filled with revolutionary spirit, Zaheran an empire, where the people had little or no say in politics. But it was a strange world.
"Welcome to Zaheran, Mr. Villa", he said, extending his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you."
The Imperial Palace
Dieter I Antonius sighed, looking into the mirror in his bathroom. Here he was, at the height of his power, the ruler of a nation, soon about to meet men as powerful as himself at a conferance hosted by his nation. Still, the price had been high. Half of the face he saw in the mirror was still handsome, but the other was greatly disfigured, covered with scar tissue. No, getting napalm in the face was not a great way to become more beautiful. It was a wonder that he had survived at all. A servant handed him the mask. It made of silver and covered the destroyed half of his face. Leather straps made sure that it was fastened correctly. He looked up and smiled. Better. Half of the face human, half expressionless metal. The soldier outside knocked lightly on the door.
"Your Majesty, the helicopter is ready to take off."
The Emperor nodded and donned the ceremonial robes in purple and gold. His bodyguards straightened up as the door opened and he walked out. The helicopter was waiting at the pad on the rooftops of the palace. Normally he stopped to admire the fantastic view, but now there was no time. He climbed into the helicopter, nodding to the saluting crew. The aircraft took off, heading for the gigantic airship floating above the city.
14-06-2008, 22:33
OOC: The conferance is aboard an airship, Neo-Ixania. There are helicopters at the airport that will take the delegates to the meeting.
OOC: Thanks for the information; I edited my post.
15-06-2008, 06:07
Charles Villa walked into the room, his guards behind him. He noticed that his full military gear troops may seem like a bit much, but after the loss of Mr. Franshaw in Greal, Ambassador Elite Units were not taking chances.
"Welcome to Zaheran, Mr. Villa", he said, extending his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you."
Charles caught the bow and politely responded in a similiar manner, it did confuse him how this empire that they had tried to prevent was now an ally, but since when do politics make sense. A lesson he learned a little later then his brother. As he had once heard as a child, It is easier to blow up a train then make them run on time. Of course that was in the age of the political wars, ironically enough.
"Greetings, Marius, is it? Pleasure to meet you."
Charles shook his hand, which no doubt felt rough from years of combat and living in the dirt. Yet he still managed the composer of a diplomat, no doubt this meeting would go along far easier then the Hegmony mess he just left from last week. No traitors or gun toting diplomats here, and if they were, they knew better then to bring them out.
Even if something did go wrong, like horribly, disturbingly wrong, about half of the rapid reaction forces were Mokan anyways.
"That is correct, Mr. Villa", Marius answered, smiling politely. "You are the brother of the famous Nicolas Villa, aren't you? I have never met him in person, but I have heard only good of him". He gestured to the helicopters. "Anyway, this way please. We will travel by helicopter to the conferance. I believe that the Alfegans and His Majesty are already waiting for us.
A helicopter pilot saw the Ixanian walk towards him, recognizing her from the briefing photos. He leapt to his feet and bowed. "Miss Sturmer, I presume? Welcome to Zaheran. I will be your pilot during the meeting. Do you have any luggage?"
"This is the captain of the AAS Dove, calling inbound choppers: please wait 800m away from the airship whilst we allocate spaces and proceed with landing inside the airship. We apologise for any delays this may incur."
The first helicopter to take off soon received its signal.
"Helicopter A-C822: you may proceed to land. Your landing space is number two, marked by the flashing blue lights... now. Please proceed at low speed and take care at all times on approach. When you do land, prepare to take off again as soon as possible."
The hanger crew, two men, rushed to the inbound helicopter, signalling movement with glowing batons until satisfied. They rapidly pulled up some steps to the side door of the helicopter, before escorting the occupants out.
"If you come this way, emperor, through the door there."
The man ran over to open the door for the emperor and his party, before closing it behind them. A few signals later, and the helicopter was ordered to take off again.
"Other helicopters waiting, I hope you were watching. Helicopter Y-9UUV, it's your turn now."
Inside the ante-chamber, the Alfegan party welcomed the Zaheran emperor and his party to the airship.
"Greetings, your majesty. I hope the flight here was not too bad? Anyhow, help yourself to snacks and the like, and if you need anything one of the flight attendants will be happy to help you.
Just to clear the emergency procedures with you: if the captain orders a warning call, you are to make your way to the nearest exits, marked with red tape, and to follow instructions from flight attendants there. If the call to abandon ship is given, you are to exit the airship via these exits after being given a parachute."
The woman smiled, before nodding to the president.
"Sorry to spread gloom before what hopes to be a good conference, but it is necessary. The guards you'll see around the area are to help protect this conference, due to the high concentration of high-ranking men and women here, and the escort airship will deter any trouble-makers trying to board illegally. But now I'll hand you over to the president of Alfegos himself."
The president smiled, before taking a glass of water from a tray offered by one of the flight attendants.
"Greetings, your highness. I am the President of Alfegos, one of those who helped think up this Union that has benefited us all. I am the official representative of Alfegos, and the host of this conference aboard the AAS Dove. If you wish to stay here until all the other attendants have arrived, it is fine. Or, if you wish, you may proceed to the main conference room whenever you wish."
15-06-2008, 22:05
A helicopter pilot saw the Ixanian walk towards him, recognizing her from the briefing photos. He leapt to his feet and bowed. "Miss Sturmer, I presume? Welcome to Zaheran. I will be your pilot during the meeting. Do you have any luggage?"
"Yes; I am Miss Sturmer and I must say it is a pleasure to be in Zaheran. I only have some luggage but it's not too much. Now, shall we proceed? I am anxious to meet the other delegates."
The State of Monavia
15-06-2008, 22:20
OUT OF CHARACTER: I am assuming that this takes place about one month or so after my diplomatic meeting with the Zaheranians. If any of you want to view the thread, I will add a link to it later.
IN CHARACTER (IC): The Monavian delegation, which was on board their plane was now entering Zaheranian airspace. The delegation was much at ease, as they had all awoken an hour earlier. They would be landing in about 90 minutes.
The delegation consisted of the Right Honorable Frank Carter, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Right Honorable Carl Blake, Minister of Defense, twelve valets, a stenographer, a translator, four secretaries, the King and Queen, their group of four staff which they selected to accompany them, and a chauffer. They were all on board a plane that could carry about fifty passengers.
Behind the plane, there was a second caft, one which carried two limosines and guard vehicles. The second half of the motorcade was in another plane that was another half hour behind.
Escorting the two front planes were nine brand new F-35 fighter jets, which had recently been built. Another six guarded the rear plane. In all, there were eighteen aircraft in use by the Monavians.
About eighty minutes later, the planes were circling the airport. The fighters landed first, using a military landing strip, and the three craft were requesting permission to land.
Ten minutes later, all of the planes were on the ground. They all taxied to their various destinations, and began to unload. The royal plane, MRA-1 had come to a stop on one of the tarmacs. The delegation prepared to exit the craft.
16-06-2008, 03:47
"That is correct, Mr. Villa", Marius answered, smiling politely. "You are the brother of the famous Nicolas Villa, aren't you? I have never met him in person, but I have heard only good of him". He gestured to the helicopters. "Anyway, this way please. We will travel by helicopter to the conferance. I believe that the Alfegans and His Majesty are already waiting for us.
A helicopter pilot saw the Ixanian walk towards him, recognizing her from the briefing photos. He leapt to his feet and bowed. "Miss Sturmer, I presume? Welcome to Zaheran. I will be your pilot during the meeting. Do you have any luggage?"
"Yes he is my brother, he is currently "taking a break" from politics, but yes let us hurry up."
The Emperor nodded, taking a seat. "I'll stay, Mr. President". He looked around. "So this is how an airship looks from the inside, eh? Quite impressive. I must get myself one of these". A bodyguard handed him a drink. "Anyway, what's on the agenda for today? Have youi planned anything special?"
Marius pointed to the helicopters. "Just choose one. If you excuse me, I must go now. Our Monavian guests have arrived, and I must greet them. The President of Alfegos and the Emperor is waiting on the airship. I'll see you there."
He turned and walked towards the newly arrived Monavians. A quite sizeable delegation, he thought, seeing the many aircraft. Sterling and Friedenthal followed him as he walked in a fast pace towards the aircraft. A honour guard of black-clad soldiers formed up around the runway, mostly to hold the reporters that flocked around the airport away from the delegation.
The pilot gestured to the helicopter. "Take a seat, Miss Sturmer". He climbed into the aircraft. "We are ready to take off when you are".
16-06-2008, 16:17
Charles left with his entourage towards the helicopters and soon enough was flying up towards the massive airship to meet the other delegates. Good god this is what those massive engines in the factory were for. Ever since Mokastana City put in new factories just for use by the Fegosian Union as they see fit, they had been creating some crazy things. Sure there were the standard Lyran vehicles for the Union, standardization, etc. but some others were mind boggling until you saw the finished product.
Charles seemed like a child exploring a new found cave in the mountains, the simple fact that a aircraft had a helicopter pad took his breath away. What are the odds that this farmer's son would be in a multinational powers meeting?
"We will have to make this a quick drop off," the pilot spoke via radio to the group in the back, "they are short on room, so it's a quick drop off, sorry for the inconvenience. They all laughed at that, no doubt confusing the pilot, but then again, each one of these men had seen action, and each one had jumped out of air calvary before. One Jaguar retorted: "three seconds or you going to be nice and give us five?"
Once they hit the landing pad each person was off in 3.8 seconds, Charles blamed the slow time on how he had gotten old. The men joked with their VIP until they made it to the meeting room where promptly Charles regained his composer, allowed his guards to watch the doors, and had two come in with him. He entered and walked over to the delegates already there.
One was the President of Alfegos, the other the emperor of Zaheran, he felt out of place as a foreign minister, but then again, Mokastana was currently lacking a president wasn't it.
"Dieter I Antonius, Al'iro Darrel, it is a pleasure to meet you both. I have my information here for anything the alliance may need. So where is the man of the hour?"
"On the agenda today, we've got quite a bit. We've divided the day into three 2 and 1/2-hour sessions, each with a 1 hour break in between. The first session will mainly be deciding what we need to discuss, introductions, that sort of thing. But the rest of the time will be debating the alliance policy, structure and so forth. From small things such as an alliance flag to major matters, such as a re-evaluation of the Union constitution and a census of the Fegosian Union Rapid Reaction Force assets."
He smiled as the Mokan delegation entered.
"Hello, sir. Just to help you both: whilst Alfegos represents the Fegosian Union, we also represent Alfegan assets. The woman who will be putting on the organisational side of things is Kiri Ta'slo: one of the original founders of the alliance, who helped think up this idea of the Union, and the one who acts as the neutral head of the Union. The Alfegos Foreign Ministry dedicates a very large department to the alliance, with her leading it, and making sure all goes as to plan. Which has not been of many things. We need to discuss all matters, though the matters to be put forth will be decided on once all delegates attending are here and we are in the main conference room. Until then, help yourself to refreshments."
The State of Monavia
16-06-2008, 21:11
Marius pointed to the helicopters. "Just choose one. If you excuse me, I must go now. Our Monavian guests have arrived, and I must greet them. The President of Alfegos and the Emperor is waiting on the airship. I'll see you there."
He turned and walked towards the newly arrived Monavians. A quite sizeable delegation, he thought, seeing the many aircraft. Sterling and Friedenthal followed him as he walked in a fast pace towards the aircraft. A honour guard of black-clad soldiers formed up around the runway, mostly to hold the reporters that flocked around the airport away from the delegation.
The valets quickly noticed the arrival of the Zaheranian welcoming party, and the mass of reporters that had assembled near the plane. They made a brief note of it, giving the announcement to all on baord. The pilot announced that it would be safe to exit the aircraft, and the delegation was pleased to immediately oblige.
Within a few brief moments, a portable saircase was assembled at the door by the ground crew. The valets exited first, feverishly unfurling a red carpet, which stretched for about 100 feet. When they finished, they caught the sight of Marius approaching, and stood at attention at the end of the carpet to meet him.
Ten members of the Royal Guard which were on board the airplane exited next, standing on either side of the carpet and holding their ceremonial rapiers in the air. They carried with themselves a set of rifles to use to protect the delegation. The said weapons were richly decorated with engravings and golden leaf.
The unit commander, which brought over a second detatchment, was marching his men towar the royal craft. By the time they arrived, Marius had nearly reached the plane.
Queen Elizabeth and King Charles exited the plane first, closely followed by Mr. Blake and Mr. Carter. The other staff and the rest of the delegation exited last. The valets returned to begin unpacking their necessary materials.
The royal couple approached Marius and came to a stop before him.
The Emperor raised his glass in greeting as the Mokan delegatíon entered the room. "Ah, our Mokan friends have arrived. Welcome, Mr. Villa. Did you have a good journey?"
He smiled a little as he heard the Alfegan's words.
"I agree that things have not been going along with the plans, but what does? We have managed to get by this far, so I'm not one to complain. But it has been a little close at times, especially with that war in Europe. That could have been some nasty business if it had escalated".
The Mininster of Foreign Affairs bowed. "Welcome, Your Majesties. Welcome, Mr. Blake and Mr. Carter. It is an honour to have you here."
He gestured to his two companions.
"This is Interior Minister Conrad Sterling and Culture Minister Walther Friedenthal."
The men stepped forward and bowed.
"Please follow me. There are helicopters waiting for us. The others delegations are waiting aboard the airship".
The State of Monavia
17-06-2008, 20:48
"Thank you Mr. Stee. I offer greetings and wishes of good will and friendship to you all on behalf of my people," King Charles responded.
The other members of the delegation introduced, themselves, and soon they were on their way. They made their way to the helicopters with the guards following them. When they reached the helipad, the guards departed and went back to protect the aircraft.
The delegation boarded the helicopters.
"Indeed, sir, it would've been. But for now, I think we may be able to make great strides in this meeting, and get some things done we should've a long time ago. Anyhow, I think we have some more arrivals."
Outside, more helicopters approached. The ground crew assisted all to enter once again, before the 5 Alfegan delegates welcomed the Monavians.
"Greetings. I was told that we would have at least one prospective member, and here we have them: from Monavia, I presume? Welcome aboard, and I hope you enjoy your stay. Help yourself to refreshments, and if you have any questions don't hesitate in addressing them to either myself or the rest of the delegation. I am President Al'liro Darrel of Alfegos, and I will be your host for this conference."
17-06-2008, 21:49
OOC: Is my delegation on the airship already?
(OOC: I don't think so... just RP their arrival anyway)
18-06-2008, 04:56
The Mokan delegate opened his laptop and began accessing the Mokan embassy from the wonders of the internet, next to him was the access codes and other information that was to important to transfer electronically. After typing in some what seemed like random information. He had the homepage for Diplomacy Mobile, the software agent that handles all afar operations of diplomats. Charles and the two jaguars were ready for the meeting to begin.
The Emperor bowed his head slightly as the Monavians entered.
"Welcome, Your Majesties. It is an honour to meet you both."
He waved to the rest of his delegation as they walked into the room.
"Do you have the documents?"
Sterling nodded and showed the attaché case he was carrying. He opened the case and showed the contents, glancing jealously at the Mokan's computer.
"Good. Now we only have to wait for the Neo-Ixanians to arrive. Did you see them?"
Marius shook his head.
"Nope. They probably went straight to the choppers. I don't know what's keeping them. All aircraft are in perfect condition, so it can't be problems with them. Maybe they tripped on the red carpet."
18-06-2008, 15:21
Entering the part of the airship in which the other delegates were, Svetlana Sturmer smiled and bowed to the Emperor of Zaheran before she began to speak. "I am Svetlana Sturmer, the leader of this Ixanian delegation. I hope that we can get much done during this meeting and I am sure we can with all of us being devoted to our work rather than petty squabbles. Shall we begin, Your Majesty?"
Svetlana unpacked the essentials she brought with her meeting before looking at the other delegates; she was eager to take part in this meeting and anxiously awaiting it to begin.
"And here we have the Ixanian delegation. Greetings, ma'am."
He gestured to the refreshments, before standing beside the large door opposite the entrance from the hanger. It was decorated as the rest of the room was: a bright blue. Pictures on the wall were of Fegosian Union acheivements, and of Alfegan government events: hands being shaken over treaties; the handing of food to those without; the signing of deals between trading bodies. The woman, Kiri, coughed, before speaking out loudly.
"Can I have your attention please? Thankyou. Now, since all delegates I can think of who said they were attending are now here, we shall proceed through to the main conference chamber, where the 1st session shall begin. Please take a seat at whichever desks your flag has been planted on, and if you require anything use the attendant call button to gain attention. Please note that those who suffer from vertigo should speak up now!"
She stepped through into the conference hall with the Alfegan delegation, the ceiling lamps lighting up with warm light as she was followed by the rest of the Alfegos delegation to their desk at the front of the large hall. Flags rustled in a light artificial breeze as she made her way to the main speaker's podium, watching the others walk in.
(OOC Note to all: Can you please read back posts - just a reminder if you want to post detail and so I don't have to keep repeating myself. Please try not to ignore any major details I've specified beforehand, as it drives me crazy when I give a description of something and someone goes in with a completely different detail contrary to the original idea...)
The State of Monavia
18-06-2008, 22:57
OUT OF CHARACTER: I am assuming that my delegation has now arrived at the airship and is entering the meeting room.
The Emperor bowed his head slightly as the Monavians entered.
"Welcome, Your Majesties. It is an honour to meet you both."
He waved to the rest of his delegation as they walked into the room.
"Do you have the documents?"
Sterling nodded and showed the attaché case he was carrying. He opened the case and showed the contents, glancing jealously at the Mokan's computer.
"Good. Now we only have to wait for the Neo-Ixanians to arrive. Did you see them?"
Marius shook his head.
"Nope. They probably went straight to the choppers. I don't know what's keeping them. All aircraft are in perfect condition, so it can't be problems with them. Maybe they tripped on the red carpet."
Upon entering the antechamber of the airship, the delegation was met with a large stock of refreshments. Nearly all of the members of the delegation had something to drink, and after a short while, they proceeded to the next room.
"Good day, Your Majesty," Queen Elizabeth answered. King Charles also gave the same greeting.
"Good day everyone," Mr. Carter and Mr. Blake chimed in.
The whole delegation made some motion of respect, the monarchs noding in the Emperor's presence, and the rest of the delegation bowing to those present.
The members of the delegation all got around to saying hello to all of the delegates at the meeting and then sat down at their appointed places. The group was at ease, after all, they were quite comfortable at the moment.
Mr. Carter glanced around, noting the arival of the Alfegans at the front desk. He made a mention of it to Mr. Blake. King Charles did not seem to notice that the breeze in the room was artificial, however, he did find it unusual how the flags on the tables were able to flutter so fast. He assumed that a fan had been turned on, but thought nothing of it.
He looked at the other tables. Noticing the reflection of the room in the glass covers on the pictures, he was most of all impressed with being able to view the room from every possible angle. The striking beauty of Alfegan engineering was the most impressive thing he had observed on this venue.
As Kiri began to make her speech, he noticed his reflection again, this time in the metal plate covering the face of the Zaheranian Emperor. Well, every man has his secrets, me included. Everyone here probably has something to keep under wraps, but then again, why dwell on such things.
As he refocused his attention on Kiri and her speech, which was to begin in one more moment, all of the delegation began to present to her their undivided attention.
(OOC: Once again, please read... if you do read Monavia, you'll see that the airship is Alfegan. Secondly, quite a few people fell for assuming they walked straight into the main conference room: there's an ante-room first, where refreshments and pictures are, whilst the main conference hall is really quite light, with a very large glass floor. Just to clear that with everyone. Thanks!)
The Emperor nodded to the Ixianian delegate as he rised to his feet.
"Greetings, Fräulein Sturmer. It seems like my vigilant Foreign Minister managed to miss you at the airport". He smiled. "How he managed to miss such a beautiful young lady is more than I can understand. Maybe he is growing old."
Marius laughed.
"Not yet, Your Majesty. Hello, ma'am. Did you have a good journey?"
He looked up and saw the Alfegan delegation walk into the main conferance room.
"The meeting's about to start, I think. We better get to our seats."
They walked into the conferance room and sat down at their desk. Sterling and Friedenthal joined up seconds later, the latter curiously studying the surroundings. Everyone waited for the meeting to begin.
The State of Monavia
19-06-2008, 23:10
(OOC: Once again, please read... if you do read Monavia, you'll see that the airship is Alfegan. Secondly, quite a few people fell for assuming they walked straight into the main conference room: there's an ante-room first, where refreshments and pictures are, whilst the main conference hall is really quite light, with a very large glass floor. Just to clear that with everyone. Thanks!)
I have edited my post and made the necessary corrections.
20-06-2008, 01:01
Charles followed the group into the grand meeting room, after closing his laptop and handing over the files to the guards of course. After a few seconds of searching he found the seat with the little back and red star flags in front of it. He motioned his two men to stand at the wall behind his desk, reopening the computer it quickly reconnected to the Embassy mainframes back in Mokastana. However it required a few codes again to reassure accuracy and that Charles wasn't murdered and the computer stolen.
He waited for the Fegosian to start up the meeting.
"Thank you all for attending this 1st official conference of the Fegosian Union. The first thing we need to make clear is our agenda. Now, whilst we already have the rapid reaction force, charter review and correction and trading policies on our list, we first wish to ask if anyone in the room has any more ideas for agenda items. Please feel free to speak in whatever language is most comfortable for you, and to speak at whatever speed you like: our experienced translators will make sure that all can understand whatever language is being spoken in." Kiri took as quick drink of water, before smiling at the people in front of her, waiting to take suggestions. At the back of the room, a few assorted secretaries had begun taking minutes.
The State of Monavia
21-06-2008, 00:34
At that time Mr. Carter spoke up. He had little to say, after all, he only wished to contribute what was actually necessary to improving the Fegosian Union.
"My only major concern regarding the Fergosian Union is to establish a common purpose for its existance. I am sure that there were were valid and legitimate reasons for creating the Union, however, what needs to be addressed is whether these original reasons still exist. Furthermore, I believe that a possible Monavian entry into the Union should also be debated, once all other issues have been settled."
"Thankyou very much, Monavian delegation, for highlighting that issue. That will be discussed alongside a review of the alliance charter. As for your membership, that shall also be discussed in addition.
Any further points from the floor?"
21-06-2008, 15:41
"Many of us our in other alliances as well as this one, for example the Hegemony, and the Scandinavian Confederacy. Perhaps we should review this, figure out the benefits and/or future problems of this and make sure we are all on the same page as to who are friends are. Or at least who our enemies are."
The State of Monavia
21-06-2008, 16:59
"Mr. Villa, you are most correct," Mr. Carter said. "The Monavian Empire is currently involved in some affairs concerning the Delian Laegue, a new alliance that was formed about three months or more ago by the Principality of Damirez. We have discussed the possibility of membership with some Damirian politicians, but after the conference that I had attended, nothing had come into being.
"Currently, Monavia is not yet a member of the Delian League, though it is possible for us to be a part of it in the future."
OUT OF CHARACTER: The Delian League was founded by the Principality of Damirez. Damirez has been inactive for a long time, at least on the League forum. For more details about the Delian league, there is a hyperlink to the forum in my factbook.
"As we are aware, our alliance may cause dilemmas with members of multiple alliances. Alfegos itself is a member of the Free World Alliance, the Hegemony, and the Confederacy of Nations. Asofar, we have been lucky that we have not had to change commitments.
However, the delegation for Mokastana and Monavia raise a very valid point, which will be discussed during this meeting.
Any further suggestions, or shall I move on to the first item?"
23-06-2008, 04:32
Charles waited for any other delegates to speak up, he was done and felt the need to get things moving.
The Emperor raised his voice. "Please continue, Miss Ta'slo. I am very eager to hear the first item on the programme."
"If any other items need to be discussed, I'm sure we can accommodate for them at a later time or date. Now, as his majesty so rightly states, to the first item.
The first item is one of the most important ones that binds us all: the charter of the Fegosian Union. Just in case none of you have a copy handy, one will be broadcast on your computer screens.
Chapter 1 - The benefits of a Union Member
- Guaranteed military protection in all cases of invasion, except:
+ If the nation is invaded due to genocidal activities in their nation.
+ If the nation is invaded due to attack on another union member.
- A rating of Green on the Alfegos international relations scale, leading to:
+ Open borders
+ Easy, preferred trade
+ Easy application for Fegosian citizenship
- Economic and physical aid in the case of an artificial or natural disaster
- Free policing of your nation by Alfegan police/private security contractors
- A special union exchange building in the Governmental Quarter of New Zevkhay.
Chapter 2 - The Commitments of a Union Member
- The same level of civilian access provided by Alfegos provided to all union members.
- The same conditions of military protection to all other union members.
- Preferred trade to all union members.
Chapter 3 - The Rights of a Union Member
- A union member may ask for a cut in the GDP tax, which will be condsidered with the utmost degree.
- A union member may request for the rejection of an application by another nation to join the union.
- A union member may request the use of the joint military force if is deemed acceptable by the majority of the union.
- A union member may be inactive for up to 90 days before their membership is revoked, unless they give notice beforehand.
- A union member may posess weapons of mass destruction, as long as they are intended only for deterrant purposes and not actively used (exception given to non-lethal chemical weapons)
- A union member may reject any changes made to the charter, or suggest for updates and amendments.
Chapter 4 - The Rights of Alfegos
- Alfegos may extend the charter whenever necessary, as long as there is not mass rejection to the new charter extension.
- Alfegos may not use any of the alliance resources unless full approval is given by all members.
- Alfegos reserves the right to reject or modify the membership of any member at any time, as long as it has grounds to do so and has support from the alliance.
This can be seen to all as rather basic. Whilst we can easily change the language used, there is the continual problem of the rights of the union members. The alliance started as an Alfegos-centric affair, but since has changed greatly. There is no need for the GDP tax that is used for the alliance. So I present to the conference this treaty, and ask what changes are necessary."
The State of Monavia
23-06-2008, 21:08
Mr. Carter closely examined the document being displayed on the computer screen. He pointed out various provisions that may be in need of revision to the other delegation members. Mr. Blake also did the same, and eventually the Monavians had some ideas of what needed to be done.
King Charles made mentions of the revisions that he felt were fit to make. "Ms. Ta'slo, I believe that we have decided to make a few suggestions to this charter. I will begin at the first chapter, and end at Chapter Four.
"The second section of Chapter One is very vague, no, it is almost completely ambiguous. 'Open borders' and 'easy, preferred trade' are not clearly defined and have no details that may be used to properly interpret them. They are open to extremely broad interpretations, and there is no system for settling on how they are to be interpreted. Furthermore, section three does not explain what a 'union exchange building' is.
"The 'level of civilian access' and 'conditions of military protection' are also not defined well in Chapter Two.
"The GDP tax as outlined in Chapter Three, which has already been labeled as not being needed any longer should be struck from the charter. I concur with Ms. Ta'slo on that. The restrictions on weapons of mass destruction should be amended by this council, though at a later time.
"Finally, Chapter Four does have its needs fo change. The second clause, which concerns Alfegan use of alliance resources should be amended to say 'Alfegos may not be permitted to make use of alliance resources without the full approval of a large majority of the members present at the time.' This would be more fair to Alfegos, especially since a single dissenting member nation may block a large scale Union action by the founder."
With this, he leaned back in his chair and waited for the responses of the other delegates.
24-06-2008, 21:01
Charles took the document and began to edit marks on the file and soon sent out a very scratched up document to be rewritten later:
red meant cut out, while the italics is what needs to be done to revise it.
Chapter 1 - The benefits of a Union Member
- Guaranteed military protection in all cases of invasion, except:
+ If the nation is invaded due to genocidal activities in their nation.
+ If the nation is invaded due to attack on another union member.
(good good)
- A rating of Green on the Alfegos international relations scale, leading to:
+ Open borders (how about open military access, agreement signed by member allowing citizens from each nation to travel to another as if traveling in nation.)
+ Easy, preferred trade (set up the FU trade commission)
+ Easy application for Fegosian any nations citizenship ( FU citizenship commision)
- Economic and physical aid in the case of an artificial or natural disaster (depending on event)
- Free policing of your nation by Alfegan police/private security contractors (FU peacekeeper force???/FU trade commision)
- A special union exchange building in the Governmental Quarter of New Zevkhay.
Chapter 2 - The Commitments of a Union Member
- The same level of civilian access provided to all union members.(No visa required to visit for stays less then 6 months, quick citizenship changing)
- The same conditions of military protection to all other union members. (FU rapid reaction forces, protect allies)
- Preferred trade to all union members.(FU trade commision)
Chapter 3 - The Rights of a Union Member
- A union member may ask for a cut in the GDP tax, which will be condsidered with the utmost degree.
- A union member may request for the rejection of an application by another nation to join the union.
- A union member may request the use of the joint military force if is deemed acceptable by the majority(2/3?) of the union.
- A union member may be inactive for up to 90 days before their membership is revoked, unless they give notice beforehand.(mainly an OOC thing)
- A union member may possess weapons of mass destruction, as long as they are intended only for deterrent purposes and not actively used (exception given to non-lethal chemical weapons)
- A union member may reject any changes made to the charter, or suggest for updates and amendments.
Chapter 4 - The Rights of Alfegos
- Alfegos may extend the charter whenever necessary, as long as there is not mass rejection to the new charter extension.(2/3?? agreement to changes)
- Alfegos may not use any of the alliance resources unless full approval is given by all members.
- Alfegos reserves the right to reject or modify the membership of any member at any time, as long as it has grounds to do so and has support from the alliance.(2/3??? vote?)
So in conclusion of the this rough re-editing, I believe that it is needed to have a Trade commision to cover trade between nations, enforcing simple things like free trade and no tariffs, or review why a tariff may be needed etc. Also the Rapid reaction forces should be able to be used as peace keepers as well. In the event of natural disasters or terrorism.
Chapter 1 - Concerning the Rights of a Union Member
Article 1
Clause 1 - A nation of the Fegosian Union is guaranteed full protection in the event of a crisis or attack from any party both internal and external, unless the nation falls into any of the categories detailed in Clause 3.
Clause 2 - If a nation of the Fegosian Union invokes Clause 1, it will primarily be responded to by the Rapid Reaction Force unless Clause 3 is invoked. Secondary response by the native armed forces of other Fegosian Union nations, including those of Alfegos, will be coordinated at an immediate meeting between all Union Members called in the closest safe nation to the crisis.
Clause 3 - A nation is not able to invoke Clause 1 of the charter if any of the following conditions are met:
+ If the nation is invaded due to the committing of atrocities against humanity, including genocide.
+ If the nation is invaded as a consequence of attacking a fellow Union Member.
Article 2
Clause 1 - A state of open borders will exist between all members of the Union. This is defined as citizens of the Fegosian Union being able to travel amongst Union nations with restrictions only being put in place for security.
Clause 2 - Trade will exist between all Union nations with tariffs governed by the Fegosian Union Trading Commission, to encourage trading between Union Members.
Clause 3 - All nations within the Union will allow other Fegosian Union citizens to apply for citizenship at a much higher rate than is allowed for other nationals.
Clause 4 - All Nations within the Union are entitled to disaster relief, both Economic and Physical, by the Fegosian Union Emergency Fund and the Rapid Reaction force.
Clause 5 - All nations within the Union are entitled to policing by the Rapid Reaction Force and the Union Trade Commission, should they so request it.
Clause 6 - All nations within the Union are entitled to a Union Representation office within the capital of Alfegos.
"Here is the first chapter of the Charter, corrected with suggestions from Mokastana and Monavia. Comments please?"
26-06-2008, 05:57
OOC: $#%&@!!!!! Jolt ate my post!
" I have but one question, article two, clause 5, specifically: policing by the Rapid Reaction Force and the Union Trade Commission. Does that mean the Union trade commision will have some oversight for police action? and if so, what?
The Zaheranian delegation read through the document a couple of times, talking quietly to each other. After a few minutes, the Emperor nodded and looked up.
"On the whole, this document has Zaheran's approval. However, it mentions the Fegosian Union Emergency Fund, which will be used in case of a disaster. Can you explain this fund in a little more detail?"
The State of Monavia
26-06-2008, 19:17
Mr. Carter reviewed the newly rewritten portion of the charter. He had but a single correction to make. He selected a specific portion of text and printed it out. He then wrote an addition in red ink.
Clause 2 - Trade will exist between all Union nations with tariffs governed by the Fegosian Union Trading Commission, to encourage trading between Union Members. Member nations shall be free to lift tariffs upon the goods and services of their neighbors if they deem it necessary.
He then scanned it into a hard drive, and subsequently displayed it on the moniters in the room.
27-06-2008, 04:53
MR. Carter I do believe that once the Fegosian Trade Commission is formed they will discuss and cover topics such as tariffs and trade, but what kind of tariffs were you thinking sir?"
The State of Monavia
27-06-2008, 20:43
"Most sovereign nations place tariffs upon goods and services that are imported across their borders. Tariffs are essentially a form of taxation, which is very common among nations with neutral relations. In the case of the Monavian Empire, the government generally lifts and removes all tariffs upon the goods and services of allies and those who are in good standing with us. Usually this is accomplished through a friendship treaty.
"Monavia has such a treaty with the Free Republic of Lamoni and there is one being prepared in conjunction with the Zaheranians."
Mr. Carter then paused for a moment, then he continued.
"I say that nations should be able to remove tariffs, in practice most international alliances with many members usually abolish tariffs between member nations. If you believe that the Trading Commission should control tariffs, and create rules for that, I will not argue the point any longer"
"All your questions are very valid... we sadly did not assume that such a response would be provoked by this. As a result, I believe it wise we come back to this charter whenever necessary, so that we may understand each point of this charter.
The first one raised was of a body to regulate trade and tariffs in the Fegosian Union - the Fegosian Union Trading Commission, or FUTC. This body would be tasked with regulating fair business practices in all member states, regulating trade so that the greatest competition and revenue can be created from it, and acting as an organiser to set tariffs for various goods between nations. If we, the members of the Union present, agree that such a body is a good idea, we shall need to implement legislature to embody this. Firstly, who is in favour of such a body?"
28-06-2008, 15:40
"thank you MR. Carter, I do believe I misunderstood you. As for the founding of the FUTC, I am for it."
The State of Monavia
28-06-2008, 19:21
"I also favor the creation of such a body," King Charles answered. The Queen also seconded the motion, as did the rest of the delegation.
02-07-2008, 08:12
OOC: I forgot this thread but I'm ready to get posting. Sorry for not being active, Alfegos.
The State of Monavia
04-07-2008, 18:34
This thread still lives.
05-07-2008, 07:13
"so can we assume that all candidates agree for the forming of the FU trade commission?"
OOC: I love our name...
"Zaheran votes for the creation of the trade commission."
The State of Monavia
06-07-2008, 21:46
"As do us."
11-07-2008, 23:43
The State of Monavia
14-07-2008, 21:25
"Any other votes?" Mr. Carter asked.
18-07-2008, 15:48
"I do believe everyone who wanted to vote has done so."
Charles then looked over to the Fegosian delegates...
"So can we assume that the Fegosian trade commission is formed? If so I would like to recommend Miguel Castro, a Mokan politician, though conservative, to be in charge of this commision. While I may not agree with his views I would trust him to make sure the international trade is fair and just."
The State of Monavia
18-07-2008, 17:13
"I would need to know a little more about Mr. Castro before I may vote in favor of his attainment of the position. Perhaps you can tell me more about him," Mr. Blake answered.
"It is agreed then that the FUTC, or Fegosian Union Trade Commission, is founded. The Fegosian Union Trade Commission will be headed by a voted representitive of one of the Fegosian Union nations. Its purpose will be to ensure profitable trade between all FU nations, to govern economical development in FU nations as to promote the greatest possible outcome from all nations, and to act as a policing body to identify corruption in companies and governments.
As to the candidate, we would be happy for Mokastana to put forward their MP of choice. Voting for the candidate will commence once all have been put forward. Alfegos at this time will abstain from putting forward a candidate.
Official legislature regarding the Fegosian Union Trade Commission will be written up during the course of this conference, and hopefully will be able to be reviewed by its end and offically embodied into the Fegosian Union."
OOC note to all: Sorry for my absence from posting, but I have been away on an Army Camp for a week, and this week have been busy catching up work. From tomorrow, my internet access will be extremely limited if existant at all, due to another one-week trip (this time to Austria).
Thankyou all for putting up with this, and hopefully when I get back we can sort out the Fegosian Union fully for once and for all.
The State of Monavia
22-07-2008, 18:31
"It is agreed then that the FUTC, or Fegosian Union Trade Commission, is founded. The Fegosian Union Trade Commission will be headed by a voted representitive of one of the Fegosian Union nations. Its purpose will be to ensure profitable trade between all FU nations, to govern economical development in FU nations as to promote the greatest possible outcome from all nations, and to act as a policing body to identify corruption in companies and governments.
As to the candidate, we would be happy for Mokastana to put forward their MP of choice. Voting for the candidate will commence once all have been put forward. Alfegos at this time will abstain from putting forward a candidate.
Official legislature regarding the Fegosian Union Trade Commission will be written up during the course of this conference, and hopefully will be able to be reviewed by its end and offically embodied into the Fegosian Union."
"The Monavian Empire will also abstain from placing forth a candidate for the office of Trade Commissioner for the moment, but that may change at another time. I believe that the legislation concerning the Trade Commission should also concern the operational obligations of the commission and its functions, duties, and powers."
Your absence has not caused me any major difficulties, and besides, I am quite sure that all of us are patient enough to wait if there are any delays.
"We will not nominate a candidate for Trade Commissioner at the moment, but like the Monavian delegate we would like some further info on Mr. Castro before we are able to vote."
[OOC: No problems for my part. I'll be gone for two or three weeks myself, starting Monday.]
The State of Monavia
26-07-2008, 17:42
"Shall anyone else present any other nominations?" Mr. Blake inquired. "If not, then there is only one candidate for which we can vote."
"We need only see if Neo-Ixania is to present a candidate to the Fegosian Union. The Union wishes to know as to past history of the candidate presented by Mokastana, and as such from that be able to discern whether he is a reliable candidate. The normal voting procedure, I should remind you, is that a motion can only be passed if there is a majority.
Whilst the Mokan delegation prepares their file for the candidate, I wish to move on slightly onto the 'arms' as it were of the Trading Commission. The Fegosian Union Police Force is a concept that could bear great fruit in controlling crime across the nations, providing additional policing in member states that leave something to be desired. Such a body would be tasked with the investigation of crimes not related to the Trading Commission amongst the union nations, alongside the existing national police forces. They would also be the ones to actively pursue and repremand in custody suspects involved within their enquiry, positioned at major international zones to capture criminals that a national police force would be unable to. And, in an age fo terror, they would provide ideal international policing aboard intra-union flights and cruises, as well as guarding high-value Union targets.
Such a force would be trained from those submitted by the Union nations by an international teaching body for the three seperate branches, and would receive such training in acadamies across the Union. We would happily allow them to use the Ministerial Police Training Academy in New Zevkhay, where all three branches could be trained. Once trained this force, which would number approximately two thousand officers, would be stationed at FUPF headquarters in major international ports of Union nations and at the international commerce hubs, receiving orders from the Investigative Branch and the Trading Commission to arrest those commiting such international crimes as smuggling, fraud, mass murder, terrorism and theft. We have received word from Alfegos Aeronautics that they would happily supply the equipment necessary, including non-lethal weaponry.
So, ladies and gentlemen: what are you thoughts on this proposal?"
"As the Alfegan delegate probably knows, we have had some...slight problems... with terrorist groups ourselves, so we are totally in favour of an Union police force. However, opinions can vary between different nations on which groups should be considered terrorist ones, so there should be some kind of "terrorist list", so that the FUPF know which groups they should watch. It may also be so that the legislation concerning drugs can vary between the member countries. Apart from that, we have no objections."
"Indeed, all such considerations shall be taken into account. Those which all Union Nations deem terrorist groups shall be put upon a priority list: most nations have a 'Most Wanted' list. Such a list would be able to prioritise catching such criminals, especially with such international co-operation.
As for illegal substances, legislation does indeed depend on the nation. However, even if such a substance is legal, if it is taken into that country via smuggling or sent from that country to one with laws against that substance, then it still constitutes an offence which such an international force would be able to counter rapidly without the level of paperwork a nation's own police force would be burdened with."
The State of Monavia
27-07-2008, 22:14
"The Monavian Empire has ample space for the construction of a police academy and any other necessary facilities. A fund may be set up by the government to deal with the expenses of running the organization's Monavian division and related facilities, but no major appropriations can be directly placed into the national budget until next year. However, this year's budget is decided on a cabinet level and then subjected to modifications by Parliament before being ratified and approved.
"There is a slush fund included in the budget which is most often used to pay for extraneous expenses such as these, with the remainder being deposited into the national treasury. Furthermore, the Ministry of Justice doesn't always use all of its funds, so some of the surplus money may be used to pay for the FUPF." said King Charles.
28-07-2008, 06:12
OOC: i will get a bio up eventually
The State of Monavia
28-07-2008, 22:17
OOC: i will get a bio up eventually
That works well for me.
30-07-2008, 04:03
Charles Villa nodded in support of all previous mentioned items.
"The Mokan budget may be tight in the coming year, as the military is getting overjoyed with the massive new products coming from Lyras Arms, but we will add our share to the FU Trade Commission funds, also we would be able to supply logistical support to the Police force as well as house any ships they may have, as you may know the Mokan Caribbean houses dozens of dreadnoughts, I am sure we can find places to keep the FU fleet safe.
As for a file on Miguel Castro, I have managed to pull one out of the Mokan records for you all to see.
Miguel Castro
Campaigns- Political Wars (conservative soldier), First International Civil War(Conservative Militia),
The Corporate Honor- For bravery and heroics commanding his squadron in the Battle of Santa Cruz, capturing strategic positions to protect the retreat against overwhelming odds.
The Service Pin - For paying with flesh and blood to the duty of Capitalism and the Company
Revolutionary Heroism-For realizing the faults of the current Regime and facing overwhelming odds to combat it.
1969- Born in La Fe on Juventud Island
1987- At age 16, is elected out of conscription by being selected for higher education under the short lived government of the the Northern Republic of Mokostana. He begins classes in Ecomic Theory at the Private University of Mokan Arms.
1990-At age 19, the political wars spills into the Private University of Mokan Arms, where it is bombed by socialist terrorist. Voluntary Joins the Mokan Arms Army, who unites with other Major Companies to form the Mokostana's Armies of United Corporations
1992- Battle of Santa Cruz, where his squad is cut off from main lines by both Anarchist and Socialist factions. After days of starving and fighting, the remaining 12 men of his Company make it back to MAUC lines. Receives numerous medals from parent Company.
1995- Peace talks split the island in half, The Northern Capitalist Republic of Mokastan, and the Southern Socialist Nation of Mokastana. Drops out of military duty to continue study International trade, only at Mokastan United University.
1999-Graduates with Masters in International trade and has bachelors in Economic Theory and Business. Begins work as a trade consultant for various Mokan Firms.
2003-The Castro plan is signed into law. This plan allows for free trade with neighboring Mexican nations, however due to products and abilities, all trade is designed to give Mokan Firms the upper hand.
2006-First International Civil war Breaks out after a Field Marshall declares a coup and invades the southern republic. Miguel responds by joining the Conservative Militias to fight the military regime from behind enemy lines. However the militias were overlooked and often ineffective. Resulting in capture by militarist forces. By the end of the war international efforts overthrow the militarist and Castro is awarded the medal of Revolutionary Heroism, being on of the key members in the militias.
2007- Under the socialist government Miguel goes into politics to try and gain support for a more conservative government. By 2008 the Conservative party puts him up front for the presidential candidate.
The State of Monavia
30-07-2008, 19:59
"If this is the man who you are suggesting be elected to the Trade Commissioner's office, then you have chosen well. Mr. Castro appears to be a fine choice."
The State of Monavia
04-08-2008, 21:04
Bump! The meeting must continue.
"Indeed, the Mokastana candidate seems ideal for the purpose. If the Zaheran and Neo-Ixanian groups agree on this, then I am sure that we can pass the Mokastanan into the office of Head of the FUTC."
04-08-2008, 23:57
"I shall send a message to Mr. Castro and have him flown to the meeting ASAP.
The State of Monavia
05-08-2008, 14:43
"I shall send a message to Mr. Castro and have him flown to the meeting ASAP.
"President Villa, thank you."
At this time, the Fegosian Union had already rewritten the first article of its charter and created a new organization, the Trade Commission. The members of the delegation, especially Queen Elizabeth, were hoping that the meeting would build a sense of trust with all involved, and as a gesture of good faith, they would vote in favor of Mr. Castro.
05-08-2008, 15:24
Charles chuckled to himself as the queen referred to himself as his brother. It wasn't the first time that happened, but it hadn't happened in years either.
"I am sorry Madam, i am Charles, not Nicolas, the Foreign Minister, bust just as important as the Presidential position."
Meanwhile Miguel had just received a message on his phone telling him to get to Zaheran immediately, he had been selected as a VIP for the Fegosian Union. He knew the importance of the Fegosian Union but was also on his way home.
"I hate the life of politics.." He muttered to himself in the back of the Sedan, the driver, a man who had been with him since he was a business man back in the day responded with one of his usual comebacks.
"You make is sound like the business world gave you an easy 9 to 5."
"true, call my family and tell them I won't make it to dinner tonight. Instead we will be dinning out."
"Shall they meet you at the airport."
"Yes, not International, the private one on the south side. Where my plane is at."
"Call, Castro Home."
The voice activated computer in the front registered that it was being talked to and proceeded to dial out, as the phone in the back of the car lit up lightly telling him to pick it up or the call will be aborted.
he picked it up and only a few rings later his wife answered.
"Hey honey, do you feel like eating out tonight?"
"Excellent. Now, whilst we wait for the other delegates (OOC: Neo Ixania! Zaheran!) to prepare their responses to the Mokan candidate, we will move back to the topic of the FUPF, a second branch of the Union. Any comments continued forwards from the original proposal?"
The State of Monavia
05-08-2008, 20:49
Charles chuckled to himself as the queen referred to himself as his brother. It wasn't the first time that happened, but it hadn't happened in years either.
"I am sorry Madam, i am Charles, not Nicolas, the Foreign Minister, bust just as important as the Presidential position."
OOC: My mistake. The fact that the Foreign Minister and President had the same surname made me mix the two up, as well as forget which one of the two was attending.
Again, sorry for the mix-up.
Now, whilst we wait for the other delegates (OOC: Neo Ixania! Zaheran!)
I'll telagram them about the meeting.
Queen Elizabeth blushed when she noticed her faux-pas slip out. Her face fell, then rose up in an instant as she apoligized to Mr. Villa. "Pardon me, Mr. Villa, for my confusion," she said.
As Mr. Castro was being summoned to the meeting, she looked over the dossier that was being assembled by the two Ministers.
05-08-2008, 22:18
"Please your highness, do not feel bad, it was an honest mistake."
Then his phone began to buzz as a message came from Miguel Castro, the first part was something along the lines of: you damn socialist, you finally get a decent competitor in parliament so you go off and get him elected to an international position, away from Mokastana. it continued on till it reached the end where it simply said...It will be an honor to serve our allies in this position.
To anyone else it may sound like Miguel was annoyed that he was being kicked out of Mokan politics, but quite the opposite was true. He was very proud that the leftist considered him a good choice, that Mokastana had came so far in his life, 30 years ago they might of been shooting at each other over beliefs, but now they would help eachother make the world they want to see, and besides who better to serve as the head of a trade organization then the most capitalist supporting man with morals you can find...
His plane was now over Zaheran soil and would land within the hour
05-08-2008, 23:53
OOC: I've missed a lot of this and I apologize. Can I still get in this somehow? Again, sorry for missing much of the story.
(OOC: Just read back a bit. The current proposal is on the FUTC, the Fegosian Union Trading Commission. They're electing a head, and only Mokastana so far has come up with a candidate.)
The State of Monavia
06-08-2008, 14:35
Also, another body, the Fegosian Union Police Force, has been discussed on page 5 and the top of page 6. You will find details about the initial proposal and discussuon by Union members and myself as well.
OOC: Back, at last. Sorry if I have caused any delays.
"The election of Miguel Castro to Trade Commissioner of the Fegosian Union does indeed seem sensible. Zaheran votes in favour."
The State of Monavia
10-08-2008, 15:47
I have also been absent for a few days.
10-08-2008, 18:39
OOC: Im back!
Mr. Castro met his family outside at the airport, his wife wasn't to happy that he had suddenly been called to Zaheran, but with the announcement he may be the head of an international trade commission, she felt proud of him, but still annoyed.
"Good Luck, but don't think that because you are responsible for FU trade doesn't mean that you can get away from me."
"I would never stay away, I love you, good bye."
He had to hurry to get to the helicopter to get on board the airship, who decided to put this meeting in the air was crazy, but then again, what in this world wasn't crazy?"
The State of Monavia
11-08-2008, 01:48
OOC: Im back!
;) :)
During the time that Mr. Castro was traveling to the airship, the Monavian delegation had made itself busy with studying Mr. Castro's letter of introduction and conversing about it. When they heard of his arrival, they brushed aside their papers and turned their chairs to face the doors, so that they may greet him. It was exceedlingly better for them to learn some things about the man who they would have running the newly formed Trade Commission than to elect a mystery man.
11-08-2008, 03:15
Miguel Castro walked through the doors standing proud and smiling, he saw Charles sitting behind the revolutionary flag and nodded to the man.
"You bastard." He joked in Spanish as to not upset the delegates, only to have Charles chuckle to himself.
"Senor Castro, we have translators here."
"Then tell them to ignore our Spanish, where shall I sit?'
"Over here, We were finalizing your position, if you accept it?"
Miguel looked around the room at the delegation, if he was going to be in charge of Mokastana's primary trade partners, then he better be ready for it.
"I accept."
He smiled as he sat down and took a folder from Charles.
The Zaheranian delegation watched Miguel Castro as he walked into the room. Marius was the only one who understood the new Commissioner's exchange with the Mokan Foreign Minister, but his face revealed nothing. It was always good to have an ace up your sleeve, even when you where among friends. Instead, he smiled and nodded to the new arrival.
"Good afternoon. You must be Miguel Castro. I am Marius Stee, Foreign Minister of Zaheran. Congratulations to your new job, Commissioner. You have an impressive file. You have fought in two campaigns, won three medals and created a successful trade agreemens, I see. Well done, Mr Castro. That is more than many politicians or generals achieve in a lifetime. So, how do you feel about your new job?
11-08-2008, 17:25
"Thank you and good afternoon to you as well Mr. Stee. As for my record, those were dark times in Mokastana, all I did was survive by climbing to the top. As you can see not many men I worked with are still alive today. As for the positions, I am very proud to serve the Fegosian Union with such an important role."
OOC: just for the record, that is the Foreign minister, not the president, but they are brothers....aka both Mr. Villa, Charles(foreign minister) is here while Nicolas(president) is....somewhere else
OOC: I keep forgetting that. Edited.
"You are an honest man too, I hear. You will make a great Trade Commissioner, Mr. Castro. It will be a pleasure to work with you in the future."
The State of Monavia
11-08-2008, 21:15
After the initial exchange of pleasantries between Mr. Castro and Marius Stee, the Right Honorable Frank Carter, Minister of Foreign Affairs, left his seat and briskly approached the former, but still maintaining his courtesy to the latter. "Mr. Castro," he began, "your election to the position as Trade Commissioner will be pleasing to the citizens of all the countries which are a part of this union. Thank you for arriving to meet us on such short notice."
Mr. Carter knew some Spanish, however, he had not not spoken or heard it very much recently. He had to concentrate briefly in order to determine the meaning of Miguel's words, but soon figured it out. Still, he knew little about what Mokans used for humor, and now was not the time to ask. His thoughts ran along the lines of They have their humor, and we have ours.
12-08-2008, 00:17
"Thank you everyone for inviting me to take this position. Now shall we get to business, and discuss what this trade commission will have to deal with "
Miguel decided that it was time to get to business and begin to sort through the massive amounts of information he would have to start working with.
"First things first, can I get a list of main exports and imports of each Fegosian Union member present. We need to figure out what we have in our union and what trade agreements that we are all in before we can start setting mandates between us."
"Where are my damned papers now", the Foreign Minister muttered as he searched through his briefcase. "God, why did Reichhart have to call in sick this week? He knows the stuff by heart. Ah, there they are!"
He took out a sheet of paper and handed it to the Mokan.
"This is a list of Zaheran's main exports and imports. I guessed it might come in handy."
Petroleum and petroleum products
Motor vehicles
Pharmaceutical products
Consumer goods(clothing, furniture etc.)
Agricultural products
Iron and steel products
Paper products
Pulp and wood
Consumer goods(clothing, jewelry, furniture etc.)
Precious metals(silver and palladium)
12-08-2008, 22:18
"Very well, Charles get me the list of main exports and imports of Mokastana"
that was the one thing about Miguel, he loved to joke around and take life easy, but the moment business started nothing could break his determination to get it done right and on time.
"Here we go"
Main exports:
Beef based goods
military munitions (not hardware)
tropical fruits(bananas, pineapples,)
grains (corn, wheat, )
Main Imports:
Generic Electronics,
Automotive parts,
Construction metals,
The State of Monavia
13-08-2008, 01:34
Mr. Carter, having observed the Zaheranian Foreign Minister and Miguel produce lists of information about the trade goods they export and import, decided to pull out a list of his own. He had requested that the Minister of Commerce, the Right Honorable Susan Wright, compose a list of the same to be distributed to a variety of federal officials. Mr. Carter received a copy, and made more on his office copy machine in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building, before he departed for Zaheran.
The paper was laid on the table for display.
Tropical fruits
Iron Ore
Precious metals (gold, platinum, palladium, etc.)
Chemical products
Surgical equipment
Forest products
"Currently, our uplink to the National Archive is being interfered with. However, we can at least tell you some of our main exports:
Tropical Fruits
Tropical Lumber
Rare Earth Metals (Europium, Lutetium, etc.)
Precious Metals
Oil and Petrochemicals
Manufactured Goods
Electrical Goods
Military Hardware
14-08-2008, 18:17
Miguel began looking over the basics to determine where the economy stood in terms of value, where priority trading should be placed to try and keep the economies even, since this time around he was not trying to screw third world nations out of their economies, but instead keep the allies from falling into debt with each other.
"So far from what it looks like, the Fegosian Union has the ability to keep itself self sustaining for basics, we have the ability to produce the foods, metals and medicines we need. Nearly all present allies export decent amounts of Agricultural products as well as exotic fruits and Grains. I do not know the Monavian extent of its Pharmaceuticals, but I do know that Montana Inc is large enough to sustain the FU, along with numerous other nations. Precious metals do not seem to be an issue, since Zaheran, Monovia and Alfegos export them. While Mokastana is only marginally behind domestic production needs. Therefore we may see a dip in price of these metals once the Trade Commision takes charge, simply because the FU will have a surplus.
However we do hit a snag with the items such as automotive, basic machinery and electronics. It would seem that many of the Fegosian Union allies are very rural, minus Alfegos who is the only exporter of Electrical goods and military hardware. I am sure most of us can produce domestically the military goods we need, if not I know many of us shop at Lyran Arms. Therefore I need to know if the Alfegos economy can handle exporting enough electical goods to meet the entire FUs Foreign need, or shall we look outside for assistance. As for automotives, I would recommend looking outside the FU for a temporary solution, but perhaps forming an FU based company that produces civilian vehicles for us. A symbol of our unity that can be seen on every street corner.
As for Petrolium based products, the only one that seems to need it imported is Zaheran but I do not doubt that Alfegos and Monvia can meet their needs.
However we do have a potential economic problem arising....
Alfegos is doing a lot of exporting and not much importing, in the FU they will have a trade surplus, making them rather wealthy, which normally would not be a problem minus the fact that every action requires and equal and opposite reaction. The opposite is Zaheran, who would be importing a lot of excess from the FU while exporting construction metals to Mokastana, which is not enough to make up the amount spent importing Petrolium products, Chemicals, and Phamicutical goods, much less the machinery and Automotives needed. While I do not have complete figures here, I do see a problem arising. Therefore to balance the economies out again we need to either find: A) a product that Alfegos Imports and Zaheran exports, and find a way to make it worth it economically, or B) have Zaheran companies by up the excess precious metals at lower FU prices and sell them to the outside world at standard rates. Unless anyone else has an idea."
The State of Monavia
15-08-2008, 05:16
"So far from what it looks like, the Fegosian Union has the ability to keep itself self sustaining for basics, we have the ability to produce the foods, metals and medicines we need. Nearly all present allies export decent amounts of Agricultural products as well as exotic fruits and Grains. I do not know the Monavian extent of its Pharmaceuticals, but I do know that Montana Inc is large enough to sustain the FU, along with numerous other nations. Precious metals do not seem to be an issue, since Zaheran, Monovia and Alfegos export them. While Mokastana is only marginally behind domestic production needs. Therefore we may see a dip in price of these metals once the Trade Commision takes charge, simply because the FU will have a surplus.
"The extent of our pharmaceuticals is quite broad in terms of variety, but in term of volume, we produce about 90% of what we neet. We import the rest. In addition, if I may ask, what is Montana, Inc.?"
However we do hit a snag with the items such as automotive, basic machinery and electronics. It would seem that many of the Fegosian Union allies are very rural, minus Alfegos who is the only exporter of Electrical goods and military hardware. I am sure most of us can produce domestically the military goods we need, if not I know many of us shop at Lyran Arms. Therefore I need to know if the Alfegos economy can handle exporting enough electical goods to meet the entire FUs Foreign need, or shall we look outside for assistance. As for automotives, I would recommend looking outside the FU for a temporary solution, but perhaps forming an FU based company that produces civilian vehicles for us. A symbol of our unity that can be seen on every street corner.
"Monavia produces most of the parts for manufacturing electrical equipment, automobiles, and munitions. However, some of the materials used in their construction are imported, which is why there is little demand for exporting the aforementioned goods. Furthermore, domestic demand and stockpiling mean there is little to export anyway.
"This, however, does not preclude us from establishing an international center for producing munitions, automobiles, and electrical equipment. This would, in fact, lower their overall prices in the region.
"In reply to your assumption that Monavia is very rural, you are somewhat correct. Mr. Castro, the vast land area of our territory permits extremely large areas for farming both livestock and crops. There are also ample forests in certain areas. The part you did not seem to realize, if I may correct you, is that our industrial capacity is also quite immense, however, so is our population, meaning that domsetic demand again keeps us from exporting very large quantities of such goods."
Mr. Carter then laid a second document onto the table, so that the delegates may view it. The first detailed the major exports and imports, but this one showed the minor ones.
Copper ore
Tropical lumber
Industrial machinery
Farm machinery
As for Petrolium based products, the only one that seems to need it imported is Zaheran but I do not doubt that Alfegos and Monvia can meet their needs.
However we do have a potential economic problem arising....
Alfegos is doing a lot of exporting and not much importing, in the FU they will have a trade surplus, making them rather wealthy, which normally would not be a problem minus the fact that every action requires and equal and opposite reaction. The opposite is Zaheran, who would be importing a lot of excess from the FU while exporting construction metals to Mokastana, which is not enough to make up the amount spent importing Petrolium products, Chemicals, and Phamicutical goods, much less the machinery and Automotives needed. While I do not have complete figures here, I do see a problem arising. Therefore to balance the economies out again we need to either find: A) a product that Alfegos Imports and Zaheran exports, and find a way to make it worth it economically, or B) have Zaheran companies by up the excess precious metals at lower FU prices and sell them to the outside world at standard rates. Unless anyone else has an idea."
"I think I can ease your worries, Commissioner", the Foreign Minister answered with a smile. "Our domestic oil production covers sixty per cent of our needs, and we are building out our production and refining capacity to reduce our dependance on foreign oil. Hopefully, we will be energy independent in thirty-five to forty years. Likewise, our industrial capacity is growing day by day. It will take some time to repair the damage done by our former "democratic" regime, but we are on our way.
"We've managed to re-establish a link with the archive, and can present you our annual imports and exports for this year, based on last year's figures:"
=== Imports===
*Foodstuffs - 4.1 million tonnes
*Pharmaceuticals - 7.1 million units
*Non-tropical wood - 15.2 million tonnes
*Non-native stone - 2.4 million tonnes
*Soda - 4.9 million tonnes
*Phosphor - 8.1 million tonnes
*Lead - 1.1 million tonnes
*Mercury - 820 tonnes
*Gold - 92 tonnes
*Silver - 1900 tonnes
*Palladium - 55 tonnes
*Platinum - 72 tonnes
*Titanium - 11 200 tonnes
*Cobalt - 6200 tonnes
*Aluminium - 3.4 million tonnes
*Consumer Goods - 8.1 billion units
*Arms - 9.2 million units
=== Exports ===
*Rice - 14.4 million tonnes
*Maize - 18.1 million tonnes
*Sugar - 8.3 million tonnes
*Coffee - 3.7 million tonnes
*Fruit - 11.3 million tonnes
*Tropical Wood - 22.1 million tonnes
*Granite - 1.1 million tonnes
*Limestone - 0.8 million tonnes
*Zinc - 800 000 tonnes
*Nickel - 120 000 tonnes
*Copper - 2.2 million tonnes
*Iron - 3.1 million tonnes
*Uranium - 4800 tonnes
*Rare Earth Metals - 20 000 tonnes
*Osmiridium - 8 000 tonnes
*Oil & Petrochemicals - 1.5 billion barrels
*Methane - 18 billion cubic metres
*Coal - 1.1 million tonnes
*Consumer goods - 981.2 billion units
*Electronic Goods - 820 million units
*Aircraft - 52 000 units
*Arms - 12.1 million units
*Airships - 290 units
As you can see, we are a major producer of those goods, and as observed one of the few in the union. We would be able to ramp up production quite easily in all sectors, especially since most Alfegan mineral deposits are hardly utilised. We are lucky in being in a very stable region, and as such can supplement most of our imports adequately from there. We will ensure for you, as we said, that production is ramped up. Milkavich is currently undergoing another unemployment cycle, and as such the work will be appreciated. However, you may not notice such production levels increasing until about two years into the future, since most companies don't do gradual increases: more like a sudden flood.
As Mokastana already knows, the airship industry in Alfegos is the biggest on the planet, save the nation of Prevania. The industry has many airshipyards and smaller plants across the world, from the ASoGM to Colstream, to Mokastana. The parts that make up this airship came from across the Fegosian Union and across the world.
I will correct the Commissioner on the point of precious metals from Alfegos: we classify the Rare Earth Metals as such as well. That is, for your information, Lutetium, Europium, Lanthanum... all the Lanthanides. We are, as far as we know, one of the very few exporting nations in the world for such metals.
16-08-2008, 20:47
"Forgive me if I made the situation sound more dire then it actually is. Many of the problems are rather mild. As I am aware that while most of us are very rural we have built up our industries. This is just an outline of the issues that the forming of the Trade Commission will have. It will take time to come up with all the facts figures and match both free trade with economic stability, but i have another pressing matter. I need an office, staff and equipment. I would prefer to keep the Trade Commission HQ in Mokastana City, since my wife will kill me if we move again."
Miguel made a slight chuckle at this thought, you do not want to piss of a latin woman.
"However I will also need offices in all the FU capitals, with staff who has connections into major industries as well as government regulations etc. I trust that your governments can set up some offices with the trade commissions needs? Now about this Interpol for the FU, how will that associate with the trade commision?"
"Do not worry about overstatements: as a politician, I hear them all the time."
The head of the Union smiled, before continuing.
"Office-wise, the Fegosian Union offices in New Zevkhay are rather empty. A couple of floors could easily be allocated to your department, and as many personnel as you need will be assigned for work in the offices.
As the commissioner, you will obviously have to travel. We can allow, via the wonders of the Internet, for you to work in the offices in Mokastana whilst being able to co-ordinate all affairs from across the Union. Offices in the rest of the Union shouldn't be too much of a problem, I hope.
As for the FUPF, it will be necessary if you are to enforce some sides of the Commission. As well as governing trade, the commission will have the job of dealing with smuggling, illegal substances, fraud and corporate crimes. Whilst a bureaucratic institution can do the paperwork till the sun goes down, it can not provide any physical means of stopping it. Thus, the FUPF, when it is set up, will act in part on the commands of the commission to detain such parties in co-ordination with local police forces, as well as intervening in smuggling operations and identified criminal gangs associated with smuggling."
The Emperor smiled. "No need to worry about office space, Commissioner. We'll find you a suitable building. The Winter Palace, in the eastern parts of this city, used to house the crown princes of the Zaheranian Kingdom. It's a large building that would suit your needs quite well, I believe. Might take a few weeks to clean it up though. It has been abandoned for a few years."
"As for your personnel, you will be assigned as many as you need. We'll instruct the concerned departments to give you their full cooperation."
The State of Monavia
18-08-2008, 02:00
It will take time to come up with all the facts figures and match both free trade with economic stability, but i have another pressing matter. I need an office, staff and equipment. I would prefer to keep the Trade Commission HQ in Mokastana City, since my wife will kill me if we move again."
Miguel made a slight chuckle at this thought, you do not want to piss of a latin woman.
"However I will also need offices in all the FU capitals, with staff who has connections into major industries as well as government regulations etc. I trust that your governments can set up some offices with the trade commissions needs?
"Office-wise, the Fegosian Union offices in New Zevkhay are rather empty. A couple of floors could easily be allocated to your department, and as many personnel as you need will be assigned for work in the offices.
As the commissioner, you will obviously have to travel. We can allow, via the wonders of the Internet, for you to work in the offices in Mokastana whilst being able to co-ordinate all affairs from across the Union. Offices in the rest of the Union shouldn't be too much of a problem, I hope.
The Emperor smiled. "No need to worry about office space, Commissioner. We'll find you a suitable building. The Winter Palace, in the eastern parts of this city, used to house the crown princes of the Zaheranian Kingdom. It's a large building that would suit your needs quite well, I believe. Might take a few weeks to clean it up though. It has been abandoned for a few years."
"As for your personnel, you will be assigned as many as you need. We'll instruct the concerned departments to give you their full cooperation."
"Commissioner Castro, there are a number of places that can be allocated for use a s office space. A branch office of the FUTC could be established in the capital city of Chalcedon, and smaller offices which feed it information about domestic trade isues could be created in every major city in Monavia.
"Such offices would take little time to completa and be made fully operational. Staffing them would also not take very long. We have facilities that can be modified for your use until later. As for communications, terminals can be set up in every major office. Security can be managed by local police forces and any other groups as necessary, though the FUPF can also play a part."
Now about this Interpol for the FU, how will that associate with the trade commision?"
As for the FUPF, it will be necessary if you are to enforce some sides of the Commission. As well as governing trade, the commission will have the job of dealing with smuggling, illegal substances, fraud and corporate crimes. Whilst a bureaucratic institution can do the paperwork till the sun goes down, it can not provide any physical means of stopping it. Thus, the FUPF, when it is set up, will act in part on the commands of the commission to detain such parties in co-ordination with local police forces, as well as intervening in smuggling operations and identified criminal gangs associated with smuggling."
"Intelligence sharing and information about national trade regulations, such as what is legal in each nation will need to be made known to the new Trade Commission and the FUPF."
(BTW guys, I've moved the alliance forum to Zetaboards. http://s1.zetaboards.com/The_Fegosian_Union/index/ . Enjoy, and try to sign up as soon as possible! Plus I;m off on a 1-week vacation from Wednesday, so get yourselves moving!)
18-08-2008, 16:01
"Well it looks like I have my work cut out for me, starting a commission from the ground up. If you gentlemen know anyone who would be willing to be my National Chairs and would be willing to devote the next year or so to getting this organization off the ground. Have them send their info to my email. M.Castro@conparty.gov.MO, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you could get me information on some off your best economics and business schools, we could start recruitment there.
Thank you all for the office spaces, I will begin to sort through the massive amounts of information I am getting, but i do believe I have taken enough time up for now. So I will start contacting some of my people and getting this Commission off the ground, if you need me tell Charles to tap my shoulder. As he knows I get very absorbed into my work."
Charles nodded at that one. To be honest the story of how these to met could only be told over a few beers and in a group of people who wouldn't mind political bickering while having an understanding for what war is really like, at least for the guerrilla fighters.
"You could try Stahlhelm University or the Wulfenstein Royal School of Economics", Marius offered with a shrug. "They are the best we have when it comes to economics. But you have to be prepared to pay quite a lot. The corporations are fighting to death over the graduates."
18-08-2008, 16:25
"That does bring up a good point I completely overlooked, how will this commission be funded exactly?"
"The commission budget will come from the money paid into the alliance as a whole by the member states, especially Alfegos. Don't you worry though about money yet: the budget will be discussed shortly."
18-08-2008, 19:34
Miguel goes back to his report and messaging people using Charles' laptop to get the Commision up and running. All the while making small annoyed noises to himself as things start up, more out of habit then from actual annoyance.
Meanwhile Charles sits back and waits for the next topic.
"Now we have the Commission in the able hands of Mr Castro, I think it is best to move onto the next subject: the Fegosian Union Police Force, or FUPF. As I said, the Police Force will investigate, pursue and arrest criminals prevalent across FU members, aiding the local police forces with a multi-national force of professionals. They will also act to guard important bastions of the FU, such as union offices and military bases.
May I have your opinions?"
18-08-2008, 20:13
"I am in full support of such a unit, however we would need to have standardized equipment for this Police force. Not to mention arm them with everything from basic street gear to full combat gear. Especially if they will fighting things such as piracy, smuggling and military security. By the sound of it its going to need departments separated by the types of crimes. Since a serial killer may require different handling then an arms dealer.
I suggest that the FUPF be integrated with current national level police agencies, such as our own Policía Nacional and the National Investigations Bureau. Perhaps work as liaison between major agencies if not able to take over cases involving multiple nations."
"Good thoughts indeed from the Mokan delegation. We were also in the idea of having different departments:
- The Liasons office
- The Investigative Department
- The Policing Department
- Armed/armoured support
- Counter-terrorism department
As for equipment, we can standardise them with the standard military sidearm, submachinegun and, if necessary, sharpshooter rifles and the like."
"We agree with Mr. Villas suggestion. It might be a good idea to appoint a Police Commissioner, so that the police's efforts can be better coordinated."
"A good idea indeed. We will search for suitable candidates, yet will not likely be able to find one of the calibre of Mr Castro."
The State of Monavia
18-08-2008, 23:55
While he was listening to the conversation between the delegates from Zaheran, Mokastana, and Alfegos, Mr. Carter recorded a few of their newest thoughts. He then had a few of his own to share.
"If you seek my thoughts about business schools, the University of Capua would be appropriate for such matters. I would also recommend the National University of Chalcedon, in the capital. Several others, if applicable, can be listed for your use.
"Concerning the FUPF, I would believe that its function should be organized like any other law enforcement hierarchy. A local constablery would deal with criminals in the local area of jurisdiction. A provincial police department would deal with criminals that travel through multiple jurisdictions. A federal agency deals with those which cross the boundries of states or provinces. In a similar way, the FUPF is best used for dealing with international criminals who flee across international boundries.
"In addressing the equipment issues that have been brought up, you should speak with the Ministers of Justice, Defense, and Commerce on the matter."
I believe that one of the original topics of the thread and the reasons for the meeting was rewriting the charter. We should enter the Trade Commission and FUPF into the new text once we settle on all of the details.
19-08-2008, 18:15
"Concerning the FUPF, should it have the power to assume control of local military and/or police forces if they wish, and if so, how would that work, would it have to requested, or could they just pick any unit in the area of "operation" and command them?
Maybe I am over complicating the question, how much power will they have over our local forces?"
The State of Monavia
19-08-2008, 23:49
"I believe that that they would have jurisdiction over criminals that cross international boundries. They may be permitted to coordinate operations with local forces, but arrests of criminals can be carried out be either party.
"If a wanted person is apprehended by local forces and is within the jurisdiction of the FUPF, then they wil be turned over to them and sent into their custody. If the FUPF apprehends the person themselves, then they will have automatic custody of the individual.
"Again, local forces remaing independent of the FUPF, but they must turn over anyone that is under the FUPF's jurisdiction to the aforementioned body." He took a breath and finished his reply.
"Since the FUPF is a police force, the military should not even be involved in this question, at least at the present time."
The Zaheranian delegation nodded in agreement. "We agree with the most honoured Monavian delegate", Marius said. "As the Alfegan delegate mentioned, there will be a armed/armoured support department, so operations requiring use of heavier force will probably not be a problem. Besides, military personnel and police officers tend to think differently when it comes to handling subjects, so using military units for police work can be directly counterproductive."
21-08-2008, 17:14
"Very well, so shall we get ourselves a police commissioner for this department?"
"I think we have a suitable candidate", the Interior Minister said. "Jacob Krawitz is his name, and he is the current Director-General of the Interior Security Force, ISF or IntSec for short, which performs the same actions in Zaheran as the FUPF will do in the whole Union. I think I have his file with me, actually."
He took a bunch of papers from his briefcase and handed them out to the Trade Commissioner and the delegations.
Jacob Krawitz
Fought as a monarchist soldier in the Civil War. Led a company as sergeant major in Operation Winter Storm. Was wounded during the initial days of Operation Steel and decommissioned.
Iron Cross, third grade, for successfully defending Arlberg Pass against an republican battalion during Operation Winter Storm.
Medal of Heroism, second grade, for being wounded in battle.
1957: Born in Altenau, a small city in northern Zaheran.
1979: Studies Law at the Stahlhelm University in Zahran.
1982: Is inprisoned for his participation in a monarchist student union.
1984: The Narran Prison Rebellion. Four thousand political prisoners escapes from the Narran Maximal Security Prison. Most are caught, but Krawitz escapes by joining the army under an assumed name.
1986: Is transferred to the Northern Defence District as the monarchists gather their forces.
1990: Joins the monarchists as the rebellion starts. Personally kills the company's hated Party Commissar.
1990-1993: Quickly advances through the ranks.
1993: Operation Steel starts. Is wounded in the Battle for Zahran. Decommissioned from the Imperial Army.
1994: Takes over the ISF from Fredric Haller, who is killed in a car bombing carried out by republican agents.
The State of Monavia
22-08-2008, 01:47
"Jacob Krawitz is a highly suitable candidate and would have my vote unless a better one is found. His experience would also make him quite useful for training officers and his skills in management and administration should craay the day," Mr. Blake said.
The State of Monavia
25-08-2008, 03:26
I am back, so this thread can get going again. :)
25-08-2008, 04:32
OOC: I feel like I should add someone just to compete with him, make it interesting, but I am to tired to make a character now, and classes start tommorow, so I will IC post then...
The State of Monavia
26-08-2008, 02:19
OOC: I feel like I should add someone just to compete with him, make it interesting, but I am to tired to make a character now, and classes start tommorow, so I will IC post then...
That is fine, I just cannot think of a way make some more candidates. As for the Charter, once we finish with te FUPF, we should continue with that, so that we may finish it.
ooc:Im an FU member..well a newer one and this thread was underway before my admitance my apologies for not being involved I am going to keep up with it though.
26-08-2008, 21:18
OOC: i see no problem in allowing your delegate to the table, does anyone else?
The State of Monavia
26-08-2008, 23:31
I believe that in order to continue this thread properly and admit the new delegate(s) to the conference, there should be a short summary on what the thread is about so that Gataway is filled in. That is, however, only if Gataway has not already read it, so if Gataway has read it, then let's continue.
(OOC: Gataway, I can assume you can RP the arrival of your party to this conference (late or whatnot). As for the charter, I was hoping to continue that once we discuss the Rapid Reaction Force... things are afoot)
"The Delegation agrees that the Zaheran Candidate would be suitable for the policing role. If no other delegations have candidates to submit, then I believe we can continue onwards."
The State of Monavia
29-08-2008, 00:57
"The Delegation agrees that the Zaheran Candidate would be suitable for the policing role. If no other delegations have candidates to submit, then I believe we can continue onwards."
"I shall yet againg extend my concurrence to you," King Charles responded. "The Monavian delegation will provide its vote to the Zaheranian candidate if no other is submitted."
30-08-2008, 04:04
I also approve of this candidate, and if no one else is offered then i do believe we have found our new commissioner
Marius cleared his throat and looked around. "Shall we formally appoint Jacob Krawitz to Police Commissioner, then, as there seems to be no objections?"
Indeed. The majority are in support of the candidate, so the motion will be passed: the Zaheranian delegate will be moved into the policing role.
If there are no objections, I wish to move to the next item on the agenda, and the most pressing. All of you will know about the Fegosian Union Rapid Reaction Force, or FURRF, our own reaction force to internal international incidents requiring military support. So far, we have multiple resources, which can be reviewed in the Union Archives, ranging from naval assets to multiple infantry regiments, to even airships such as the one escorting this vessel. They are currently stationed at many strategic stations, the Air Arm and Air Fleet currently stationed at the joint Alfegan/Zaheran territory of Oraz, known to some as Neo'Ilos. What we need to discuss are structure, deployments, and priorities. All have received Specialist Training in addition to their basic training in former armies, and standardised equipment is rolling out. However, we still have problems on these fronts. Comments please?
(OOC: Note that, to cut down on time here, the nitty-gritty stuff will be done in the forum, in the Union Offices. Mokastana has already made a start on the trading comission, and there's a forum just for you Zaheran for the Commissariat!)
The State of Monavia
01-09-2008, 03:47
What we need to discuss are structure, deployments, and priorities.
However, we still have problems on these fronts. Comments please?
"Concerning structure, the answer is concise and simple: appoint a supreme allied commander in times of war for governing the force. As for deployments, their locations, times of arrival and departure, and the other aspects of the FURRF should be discussed by military leaders. As Monavia has no members in this force, we cannot say much else. Finally, their priorities should be discussed by and made the business of whatever military council or officials that run the FURRF and be decided by them."
"First of all, we need to create a better commanding structure, maybe, like the most honoured Monavian delegation said, appoint a supreme commander. Secondly, like we did for the FUPF, we need to create different departments, each of which can focus on their main area of responsibility. For example, there may be one department working on weapon research, while another might have responsibility over everything concerning logistics. Thirdly, we need to discuss funding."
03-09-2008, 16:03
"I would recommend if we have a supreme allied commander someone who has association with every nation. Perhaps a commander who knows Mokans, Fegosians, Zaherans, and Monavians on a deep level. Able to command them all while keeping social differences in mind. Though this may just be the Mokan in me reminding you how "different" our soldiers are from the traditional sense."
Just then the PDA buzzed as Charles looked down to see a new email.
"One second please."
Reading quickly through the email Charles looked back up and continued where he left off.
"As for logistics, currently Mokan Industries is working on a new logistics truck based on Lyran designs to make noncombat personnel as comfortable as the Ironheart boys while being modular in design. Other then a decent engine design they should have the vehicle up and operational within a year. As some of you may know, while Mokastana is not well known for its innovations, but we have created the industry to produce any blue prints we get our hands on. Hence why Mokan Industries produces these zeppelins despite them not being applied to military operations yet.
As for the FU supreme commander, will this man be in charge of all military operations of the FU in the event of war, or just be in charge of the Rapid Reaction forces"
"Supreme command is an idea. Alfegos would post forward a delegate for such a role, unless there is any outcry to this.
Firstly though, as to an intended structure:
> Supreme Commanding Council: A mix of representatives from each nation, one of whom being the supreme commander. These involve the heads of each force. These go down to the...
>Five Force Commands. The commanding sub-bodies in charge of the following departments:
>>Army - The ground men, making up the majority. Focus is to be on mobile warfare doctrines, though all doctrines should be researched.
>>Navy - Most likely to be devoted to transportation, though smaller patrol ships are recommended for naval patrol operations, and limited shore bombardments.
>>Airforce - Again, likely to be devoted to transport, but this time with focus on multi-role fighters instead of both fighters and bombers, to help with logistics and services.
>>Air Fleet - With Alfegos as the main benefactor, the air fleet will be used for ultra-heavy lifting operations (entire battalions+vehicles+supplies), with craft devoted to patrolling. The existing Aerocruisers will be used for the purposes of Ultra-heavy Fire Support.
>>Alliance Deterrant Control - As well as being in charge of the alliance "Weapons of Last Resort", this body will act as controllers for satellite resources as well as intelligence.
All bodies should have their own specific logistics. The Mokan proposal would be excellent, especially if such vehicles can be made available rapidly. What donations will bodies be willing to make, including funding?"
The State of Monavia
04-09-2008, 01:43
"First of all, we need to create a better commanding structure, maybe, like the most honoured Monavian delegation said, appoint a supreme commander. Secondly, like we did for the FUPF, we need to create different departments, each of which can focus on their main area of responsibility. For example, there may be one department working on weapon research, while another might have responsibility over everything concerning logistics. Thirdly, we need to discuss funding."
Mr. Carter had his reply to offer on the matter that the esteemed Marius had given. "I would concur with this proposal, particularly with the idea of dividing up the FURRF into specialized departments. Such a system of organization should be effective in maintaining an efficiently operating RRF."
"I would recommend if we have a supreme allied commander someone who has association with every nation. Perhaps a commander who knows Mokans, Fegosians, Zaherans, and Monavians on a deep level. Able to command them all while keeping social differences in mind. Though this may just be the Mokan in me reminding you how "different" our soldiers are from the traditional sense."
"I regret to inform you that thre are no Monavians which are familiar with every nation represented here. This is our first contact with the noble peoples of Alfegos and Mokastana.
"Despite this obstacle, I am certain that this challenge may be quickly overcome by our mutual cooperation and friendship."
As for the FU supreme commander, will this man be in charge of all military operations of the FU in the event of war, or just be in charge of the Rapid Reaction forces"
Mr. Blake decided to interject, partly because Mr. Carter had excused himself to clean his PDA screen, and get some water to drink. "I believe that His Imperial Majesty was referring to the FURRF alone when he initially mentioned the Supreme Allied Commander."
"Supreme command is an idea. Alfegos would post forward a delegate for such a role, unless there is any outcry to this.
Firstly though, as to an intended structure:
> Supreme Commanding Council: A mix of representatives from each nation, one of whom being the supreme commander. These involve the heads of each force. These go down to the...
>Five Force Commands. The commanding sub-bodies in charge of the following departments:
>>Army - The ground men, making up the majority. Focus is to be on mobile warfare doctrines, though all doctrines should be researched.
>>Navy - Most likely to be devoted to transportation, though smaller patrol ships are recommended for naval patrol operations, and limited shore bombardments.
>>Airforce - Again, likely to be devoted to transport, but this time with focus on multi-role fighters instead of both fighters and bombers, to help with logistics and services.
>>Air Fleet - With Alfegos as the main benefactor, the air fleet will be used for ultra-heavy lifting operations (entire battalions+vehicles+supplies), with craft devoted to patrolling. The existing Aerocruisers will be used for the purposes of Ultra-heavy Fire Support.
>>Alliance Deterrant Control - As well as being in charge of the alliance "Weapons of Last Resort", this body will act as controllers for satellite resources as well as intelligence.
The delegation simply nodded in approval an agreement, and would wait for a short time before they would address the above details.
All bodies should have their own specific logistics. The Mokan proposal would be excellent, especially if such vehicles can be made available rapidly. What donations will bodies be willing to make, including funding?"
"Funding details will need t be worked out by Parliament and the Minister of Commerce, but my estimate would be around 50 billion Thalers per annum."
"Having an Alfegan as supreme commander of the FURRF will not cause any outcries from us. We have full confidence in the competence of the Alfegan military. As for the intended structure, no objections there either. When we come to funding, well, would two or three hundred billion reichmarks a year be enough? Our defence budget is quite healthy, so if you require more funding, it won't be a problem."
"Calculations of the budget for the Rapid Reaction Force alone, including all costs for this department, put necessary funding for this department at approximately Æ45 billion per year, or $110 billion universal dollars. Such costs include a Æ8 billion budget per year for procurement of weaponry. However, for this initial setup stage, much more will be necessary for any equipment that need be purchased for the Rapid Reaction Force. Alfegos itself will be donating a sum of Æ50 billion per year to the alliance pot, so hopefully will be able to cover a large swath of the funding for multiple alliance assets. Another income that will help is the Æ4 billion income a year from interest on alliance assets.
As it is, Alfegos will be happy to submit the following candidate:"
Name: Lieutenant-General Xha'soi Ku'la
Age: 47
Country of Residence: Alfegos
Awards: Order of the Palm, 2nd Class (For acting courageously under extreme conditions) ; Distinguished Service Award; Green Cross (For being wounded in action); Sao'los Medal; Black Pin; Sharpshooter Pin; Spectral Pin
May 1961 - Born in Il'vi
October 1973 - At the age of 12, was subject to the fire-bombing of the city by communist separatists, including his school. Survived with major burns across his back, a distinctive feature.
1978 - Joined the Whiteshields for early compulsory service, as a Junior Officer Cadet. Posted to the Milkavich Rebuilding Project.
June 1980 - Promoted to Full Lieutenant. Posted with 4 Batallion, The Black Guard.
Jan. 1984 - Fought in the Sao'los Crisis, commanding a platoon tasked with air field defence at the rank of Acting Captain. When cut off in a large flanking manoeuvre by the enemy, continued command, to the point of leading a direct charge against enemy outnumbering his group considerably, breaking through eleven kilometres of hostile territory to regroup with the rest of his battalion.
March. 1984 - Promoted to full Captain. Involved in an ambush, that saw him shot multiple times. Whilst evacuated, continued giving orders to his platoon.
October 1984 - Reposted as Acting Major with 2 Battalion, Black Guards. In charge of a Mechanised Company, the last to stay during the military evacuation.
December 1984 - Reposted as full Major with 1 Battalion, Black Guards.
February 1992 - Reposted as Major-General with charge of the Borealis Light Infantry.
June 2005 - Promoted to Lieutenant-General. Invited into the Alfegos High Military Council.
The State of Monavia
04-09-2008, 23:52
"Calculations of the budget for the Rapid Reaction Force alone, including all costs for this department, put necessary funding for this department at approximately Æ45 billion per year, or $110 billion universal dollars. Such costs include a Æ8 billion budget per year for procurement of weaponry. However, for this initial setup stage, much more will be necessary for any equipment that need be purchased for the Rapid Reaction Force. Alfegos itself will be donating a sum of Æ50 billion per year to the alliance pot, so hopefully will be able to cover a large swath of the funding for multiple alliance assets. Another income that will help is the Æ4 billion income a year from interest on alliance assets.
Carl Blake was a man of many means and talents, one of which was mathematical operations. He took out a pen and a small sheet of white lined paper, like the kind used by accountants and bankers, and laid it on the table. He then wrote down a the amount to be contributed in Thalers, and then made a few quick calculations. He then, after a minute or so, had a reply for the Alfegan delegate.
"After converting the value of Thalers to universal standard dollars (USD), I have a new number. Fifty billion Monavian Thalers would, by current exchange rates, be equal to 70.1 billion USD. Perhaps that would remove some of the ambiguity."
"The proposed candidate seems suitable enough, so Zaheran will vote in favour. When it comes to the question of equipment, can you give us some details on the FURRF's needs?"
08-09-2008, 06:34
"Looking over the Mokan Military budget I would have to talk with Generalissimo Canarias before I could promise the FURRP any solid money, but we can assume at least 20 billion Gold Labors, or 24 billion USD. As for the Candidate, I will support him, unless Generalissimo Martinez wants to try out for the position, but even if he does, I will support Lieutenant-General Xha'soi Ku'la"
The State of Monavia
09-09-2008, 03:32
"The proposed candidate seems suitable enough, so Zaheran will vote in favour.
As for the Candidate, I will support him, unless Generalissimo Martinez wants to try out for the position, but even if he does, I will support Lieutenant-General Xha'soi Ku'la"
Mr. Blake nodded in agreement.
"If so, then the Lieutenant-Colonel will take responsibility as the Commander-in-Chief of the Rapid Reaction Forces.
Continuing with this matter, we have a long list of items that need standardisation:
- Pistol
- Assault Rifle System
- Anti-tank Weapon
- Mortar
- Body Armour
- Camouflage pattern/uniform
- Infantry Fighting Vehicle/Armoured Personnel Carrier
- Light Battle Tank
- Main Battle Tank
- Logistics Vehicle
- Mobile Artillery Unit
- Rocket Artillery Unit
- Air Defence Unit
- Sensory Unit
- Medical Unit
- Destroyer
- Frigate
- Cruiser
- Amphibious Transport
- Transport (general)
- Fighter (preferably multi-role)
- Transport aircraft
Airships have been standardised already, using Alfegan airship systems. As for donations given by governments already, if they can not be integrated fully into the full force structure, then they will be used for training and as strategic reserves for Military Bases."
(Note to all: Please keep checking forums. We do have some activity now and then. Monavia, try joining sometime.)
"The LY219 "Ironheart" ATMV would probably fit the IFV/APC category. I believe it is already in use in some Union countries, so we get the additional advantage of the crews being accustomed to it. Your AF-07 rifle should do fine as the standard assault rifle. Here, too, we get the advantage of some the soldiers being used to it, so we should be able to shorten training times a bit. Then, for the Rocket Artillery category, the LY300 Manticore Multiple Rocket System might be of some interest. For the logistics vehicle, maybe the Mokan delegation can give us some more details of the vehicle they spoke of earlier?"
"Your points have been noted. We already have a surfeit of LY219s, so should be alright. AF-07 provision shall be no problem whatsoever.
Any more ideas? We have many items that need to be standardised."
(OOC NOTE: I've started a thread in the forums, in the archive sub-forum.
The State of Monavia
12-09-2008, 23:41
After listening closely to the suggestions made by the Zaheranians and the Mokans, Mr. Blake had some news for the Alfegan delegates.
"To be quite honest, if we are to adopt any equipment as being the standard for our Rapid Reaction Forces, we should take a number of different devices or weapons and try to test them in a comparative fashion, so that we may be able to determine with certainty which ones are the best for our forces to use. This in turn means that we have a list of what is best for the FURRF to employ in their tactics and operations, and also we will have an adequate selection from which to choose our necessary equipment.
"Now, with regard to combat systems, I can give some recommendations. First, I will answer the questions about naval craft. In the cases of the destroyer, cruiser, and frigate, we use the following:
Falcon class destroyer
King Basil II class medium cruiser
Constitution class missile frigate
Glacier class medium cruiser
Armadillo class missile frigate
Tethys class destroyers
13-09-2008, 08:27
Charles looked over his information on his PDA, playing with files and trying to get in contact with the engineers at Mokan Industries for a brief explanation of the Project, codenamed Horseback.
"Being a former military man, I know how important this standardization will be for our international force. You have no idea how frustrating it is trying to supply a company with different types of munitions and weapons, when none of them match up or have clips, but enough about the Political wars. I do believe that fully integrated Lyran Gear is the way to go. As for the AF-07, what caliber is that, and is it possible I could get a chance to fire one?
As for the logistics truck, from what little the engineers can give me on this PDA is that it will be modular, with all basic Lyran crew amenities, with permission of Lyran Trade of course. It will be a basic 8x8 10 ton truck, some basic Modules for the bed will be:
Walled bed
Mechanic (light vehicles)
Armored Munitions truck
Air sealed food
Mechanic (heavy vehicles)
Armored Recovery Vehicle(light vehicle)
Armored Troop transport
The State of Monavia
16-09-2008, 23:40
Mr. Carter turned to Charles. "Could you tell us about Lyran?" he inquired.
18-09-2008, 04:04
"The wonderful Nation of Lyras, without their engineering Mokastana would not be anywhere as powerful as they are today. Here let me show you there storefront."
Accessing his PDA he got to the military section of the Foreign Ministry, which lead him to the information website of many Mokan weapons, nearly all cited the "Lyran Arms Storefront (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=541320)" for the information.
"As you see from the equipment, these things are designed for two things: killing and comfort. What I would of given to have some of these during the civil wars, look at the IronHeart APCs, these changed the fate of our armies. I strongly recommend them."
The State of Monavia
22-09-2008, 23:57
Mr. carter viewed the data on the Ironheart APC, but his face quickly fell. He was impressed by its quality as a unit, but had a few things to say on it. He would save most of them for later, but he wanted to point out one thing.
"With all respect to Lyras, I find some of their data to be...questionable. The cost for one Ironheart APC is around 4,000,000 USD, which I find a little steep. Also, how can Lyras produce well over 4,000,000 of these units? That would take millions of tons of raw materials to cover the production needs, not to mention it would cost an incalculable amount of money....." His voice trailed off for a few moments, before Mr. Blake interjected.
"My colleague, I think that Charles is aware of all of this, though I do find the data a little difficult to believe. I'm sure that he has a logical explanation."
Mr. Carter, though struck by the information, or perhaps even blown away by it, soon quieted down and went back to listening to the conversation. He figured that he had made a tough enough statement to answer, and he felt that he needed not to make any more for some time, lest he jeopardize any relations with the honorable Mokans or their allies.
"Maybe you should raise that issue with Lyran Arms, Mr Carter." Marius said with a quick glance at his watch. "I'm sure they would be happy to provide you with an explanation. We use their products too, and production costs and prices aside, we are most satisfied. Anyway, maybe it's time to return to the issue at hand. Does anyone else have any propositions for Union materiel?"
26-09-2008, 20:28
"I do not know much on the Lyran economy, but given that they are what I consider a modern Sparta I would not doubt that they cave the capacity to produce Millions of vehicles. They are the greatest merchant of death I have ever seen. After all with a GDP of 83 trillion, most of that in military hardware, what else would they do with all those supplies.
They may be pricey, but if you need a boost for your army, the Mokan government would be willing to negotiate loans with you Mr. Carter.
As for the Union, what is the next topic at hand?"
The State of Monavia
26-09-2008, 23:51
The Minister of Defense was able at last to understand the reasoning behind the numbers he had seen. It now appeared musc more plausible to him, and the thought of a militaristic state of such size could definitely explain a few things. He then said a few things to Charles.
"The technology they sell is quite useful, though it is, as you pointed out, quite pricey. I nonetheless will say that I'm fortunate to not have such concerns, as the hardware produced domestically in Monavia is sufficient to cover all of our needs. However good as this may sound, out production facilities would have to increase their capacity or the number of shifts worked in order to make enough of anything for a large-scale export.
"Also, the Monavian budget is, if you were all wondering, one with a surplus at the end. About 3% of the government budget is not really spent on anything right away, so it is aptly termed our "slush fund". We have used it to purchase small amounts of equipment from foreign stroefronts in the past, just recently making one from LAIX Arms."
28-09-2008, 06:48
"Just out of curiosity, what is the current Monavian military composed of?"
Charles asked with a friendly look on his face. Not to mention it helped to know what equipment your allies had. Next to Charles Mr. Castro continued to hammer away on the keyboard, thanks to the internet he could post job openings for the FUTC and receive resumes almost instantly. However he would still need confirmations of citizenship, interviews, background checks...his first orders of business was to hire as many of his trusted buddies from previous jobs he could. From there get contacts into the government agencies....
"if you will excuse me gentlemen, I think i may need to leave this meeting to continue the formation of the FUTC. It has been a pleasure meeting you all. Charles I assume you can get me the proper contact information?"
"Will do."
The State of Monavia
29-09-2008, 02:34
Mr. Blake turned to the Monavian king and queen, inquiring to them (in Latin no less), if it was a wise idea to provide the Mokans with such information. They both nodded in assent, and Mr. Blake soon produced a set of papers. Handing them to Charles, he then turned to his usual task of garnering mose information for the Mokans.
"This, for a start, is a list of the Monavian naval assets. This information is quite brief, and is also public knowledge, seeing that the classes of our ships cannot be considered any type of great secret at this time."
Naval Assets
1 Mayfield class super carrier
2 Constitution class missile frigates
2 King Basil II class medium cruisers
1 Heracles class missile submarine
1 Interceptor class hunter-killer submarine
2 Tiberius class attack submarines
5 Falcon class destroyers
2 Whitman class minesweepers
1 Triton class amphibious assault ship
1 Phoenix class oilier
2 Tornado class destroyer escorts
3 Pelican class patrol boats
1 Valencia class aircraft carrier
2 Armadillo class missile frigates
2 Glacier class medium cruisers
1 Timberwolf class missile submarine
1 Albatross class hunter-killer submarine
2 Chariot class attack submarines
5 Tethys class destroyers
2 Hickory class minesweepers
1 Triton class amphibious assault ship
1 Phoenix class oilier
2 Liberty class destroyer escorts
3 Magnolia class patrol boats
1 Mayfield class super carrier
2 Constitution class missile frigates
2 King Basil II class medium cruisers
1 Heracles class missile submarine
1 Interceptor class hunter-killer submarine
2 Tiberius class attack submarines
5 Falcon class destroyers
2 Whitman class minesweepers
1 Triton class amphibious assault ship
1 Phoenix class oilier
2 Tornado class destroyer escorts
3 Pelican class patrol boats
1 Valencia class aircraft carrier
2 Armadillo class missile frigates
2 Glacier class medium cruisers
1 Timberwolf class missile submarine
1 Albatross class hunter-killer submarine
2 Chariot class attack submarines
5 Tethys class destroyers
2 Hickory class minesweepers
1 Triton class amphibious assault ship
1 Phoenix class oilier
2 Liberty class destroyer escorts
3 Magnolia class patrol boats
1 Mayfield class super carrier
2 Constitution class missile frigates
2 King Basil II class medium cruisers
1 Heracles class missile submarine
1 Interceptor class hunter-killer submarine
2 Tiberius class attack submarines
5 Falcon class destroyers
2 Whitman class minesweepers
1 Triton class amphibious assault ship
1 Phoenix class oilier
2 Tornado class destroyer escorts
3 Pelican class patrol boats
1 Valencia class aircraft carrier
2 Armadillo class missile frigates
2 Glacier class medium cruisers
1 Timberwolf class missile submarine
1 Albatross class hunter-killer submarine
2 Chariot class attack submarines
5 Tethys class destroyers
2 Hickory class minesweepers
1 Triton class amphibious assault ship
1 Phoenix class oilier
2 Liberty class destroyer escorts
3 Magnolia class patrol boats
SEVENTH FLOTILLA (dry docked):
1 Mayfield class super carrier
2 Constitution class missile frigates
2 King Basil II class medium cruisers
1 Heracles class missile submarine
1 Interceptor class hunter-killer submarine
2 Tiberius class attack submarines
5 Falcon class destroyers
2 Whitman class minesweepers
1 Triton class amphibious assault ship
1 Phoenix class oilier
2 Tornado class destroyer escorts
3 Pelican class patrol boats
EIGHTH FLOTILLA (dry docked):
1 Valencia class aircraft carrier
2 Armadillo class missile frigates
2 Glacier class medium cruisers
1 Timberwolf class missile submarine
1 Albatross class hunter-killer submarine
2 Chariot class attack submarines
5 Tethys class destroyers
2 Hickory class minesweepers
1 Triton class amphibious assault ship
1 Phoenix class oilier
2 Liberty class destroyer escorts
3 Magnolia class patrol boats
2 Mayfield class super carriers
4 Constitution class missile frigates
2 King Basil II missile cruisers
8 Tethys class destroyers
4 Hickory class minesweepers
5 Liberty class destroyer escorts
7 Magnolia class patrol boats
3 Phoenix class oiliers
8 Naples class battleships
6 Sophia class aircraft carriers
10 Monitor class destroyers
12 Chancellor class destroyer escorts
2 Capua class missile submarines
30-09-2008, 00:15
Charles could see the delegates were a little uncomfortable sharing military secrets with a man they just met, something he should of thought threw before.
"I'm sorry to make you uncomfortable, Here is an example of the Mokan Fleet. but I was more curious as to items like, basic assault rifle, standard APC, ect...also I don't think the Mokan Database has much information on these classes.
Air Attack Flotilla (16 total)
1x Nietzsche Class Super Dreadnought
2x Nimitz-class supercarriers
2x Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers
15x Arleigh Burke class destroyer (90)
15xZumwalt-class destroyer (80)
20x Hobart Class Air Destroyer (48)
8x Seawolf Class Attack Subs
40 x RQ-8B Fire Scouts
10x CH-53 Sea Stallions
10 x HM1 Merlins
20 x SH-60 Seahawks
200x F-18 Super Hornets
100x F-35s
40x EA-18G Growler
10x E-2D Advanced Hawkeye
Wolf Pack Flotilla(10 total)
20x Seawolf class attack submarine
5x Ohio Class Ballistic Missile Submarines
Coast Guard Flotilla(50 total)
20x OK-PCL-1 Tomahawk Class
20x OK-PCL-1 (torpedo option)
20x Bergstein Class Light Frigate
Stealth Flotilla(2 total)
2 x Nemesis Class Supercarriers
8 x Arsenal Class Missile Cruisers
8 x Zumwalt Class Missile Destroyers
8 x Hobart Class Air Defense Destroyers
4 x Brandenburg Class ASW Frigates
4 x Frazier Class General Purpose Corvettes
8 x Sea Wolf Class Attack Submarines
4 x Ohio Class Ballistic Missile Submarines
1 x Advanced SEAL Delivery System
- 24 x RQ-8B Fire Scouts (recon UAV)
- 8 x CH-53 Sea Stallions (heavy lift, transport)
- 10 x HM1 Merlins (ASW, transport)
- 10 x SH-60 Seahawks (search and rescue, med evac, transport)
- 8 x AH-73 Cherokees (gunships)
- 60 x F-40 Birds of Prey
- 40 x F-36 Gladiuses
- 36 x F-35 Lightning II VTOL’s
- 4 x E-2C Hawkeyes
Kraken Flotilla (4 total)
2x Kraken Super Dreadnaught
4x Empire Class Battle Carrier
12x Arleigh Burke class destroyer (90)
14xZumwalt-class destroyer (80)
15x Hobart Class Air Destroyer (48)
10x Sea Wolf Class attack subs
60 x RQ-8B Fire Scouts
30x CH-53 Sea Stallions
30 x HM1 Merlins
30 x SH-60 Seahawks
300x F-18 Super Hornets
200x Su-33s
240x F-35 Lightning II
40x EA-18G Growler
40x V-22 Ospreys
Marine Transport Flotilla(10 total):
24xWasp class amphibious assault ship
24x Canberra class amphibious ships
20x Battleaxe-class cruiser
12x Medical hatchet Class
10x Missile defense Hatchet class
2x RADAR Hatchet Class
1x Empire Class Battle Carrier
50x helicopters
150x Jets
Pacific Fleet
6 Air Attack Flotillas
4 Wolf Pack Flotillas
20 Coast Guard Flotillas
1 Stealth Flotilla
4 Marine Transport Flotilla
Atlantic/Caribbean Fleet
6 Air Attack Flotillas
4 Wolf Pack Flotillas
20 Coast Guard Flotillas
1 Stealth Flotilla
4 Marine Transport Flotilla
Wellovian Fleet
4 Air Attack Flotillas
2 Wolf Pack Flotillas
10 Coast Guard Flotillas
2 Marine Transport Flotilla
The State of Monavia
30-09-2008, 03:47
These classes are strictly Monavian in nature, that is, no RL ship classes and so forth. I also have not purchased these classes from any storefront, as they are of my own design.
On that matter of the storefront purchase earlier, that was for some rockets from LAIX Arms.
My ship fleets use modern ratios, built around aircraft carriers and so on. My airforce is currently being redeveloped, with new designs being introduced as I get time to finish them. Ditto for the army, although I have some stuff to post shortly.
06-10-2008, 20:50
OOC: bump?
"Maybe we should leave the subject of ships and fleets for the moment, and focus on the issue at hand, that is, finding standard equipment for the FURRF. I was just notified we might have found a suitable candidate for the 'Anti-tank weapon' category. The proposed weapon would be the AAT series manufactured by Alfegos & Prevania Aerospace systems. I think you all agree that it would be a strategic advantage to have as much of the equipment as possible manufactured inside the FU countries, for example in case of a blockade or similar action. When it comes to body armour, maybe the Mokan government could use its good relations with Lyran Arms to get DPRs for their 'Dauntless' ballistic armor? I have heard much good about that model."
07-10-2008, 21:18
"Ah the Dautless, yes I have personally tried out that armor, and it is as comfortable as they say. For diplomatic operations that are considered, high risk, the security committee of the Foreign Affairs Ministry requires some sort of flak jacket. Many times it was the 'Arachne' vest but even so, they serve well. As for the purchase of DPR's, I do not believe they are selling those but a complete set is $18,000. However thanks to their good grace, we paid half price for 38 Million sets. How many would the FU need for its armed forces? I am sure we would be happy to make the purchase.
Also with the armor may I recommend their Mamba tactical Boots and Blacktalon Combat Gloves. We have DPRs to the Gloves but the boots would require quite a large purchase to make up for the DPRs, we bought 130 million pairs, which would leave about 30 million still in surplus if you minus wear and tear replacements to the military."
"The proposals given so far for the kit are, of course, debatable. The alliance should be able to procure AAT -series weapons for the military easily. The AAT-87 is a useful multiple-shot weapon that would be best attached to most sections, with the more specialist AAT-07 unit being given to dedicated anti-tank teams, to save on cost.
The Lyran products are, of course, steeply priced. We currently have enough in the way of LY219 Units for the union forces requiring them, of all classes necessary. However, as you mentioned, the DPR for units such as the Dauntless is expensive. Purchases for now should be limited to the necessary level of about 50 000 units.
The aim of the force is to be an elite rapid-reaction force, so mechanisation is a must. Numbers are not needed in great quantities, since we aren't aiming for legions of men, so we should be able to purchase the amount of equipment necessary without the need of Domestic Production Rights.
Another proposal we have is for the FU camouflage patterns. Here are a selection of patterns we have created:
Tropical Camouflage
Urban Camouflage
Temperate Camouflage
Desert Camouflage
09-10-2008, 23:16
"Do you have any further information on this AAT-87? I know our specail forces are looking for a better AT weapon, and if the Union has something useful then they will be very happy."
AAT-87 (http://z4.invisionfree.com/NSDraftroom/index.php?showtopic=1175)
12-10-2008, 20:08
"Thank you, I will foward it on to our military branch and they will take care of it, however back to the discussion, shall I make the order or wait till we have decided everything we need?"
23-10-2008, 17:22
"We find the camouflage patterns the Alfegan delegation has suggested very well designed, and we suggest that they are implanted into the force structure. We find your reasoning regarding the role of the FURFF rational, and agree that DPS should not be necessary. Do anyone have any further suggestions for equipment?"
The State of Monavia
07-11-2008, 23:31
I assume that because of the inactivity of the participants, that the discussion about equipment is over. Although I am no expert in equipment or munitions, I will offer two pieces of advice that may help the general discussion.
1. Try to buy technology that is unmatched, pound for pound, within its class. This should at least guarantee a degree of superiority over certain adversaries.
2. Don't overdo the FURRF, all member nations have their own military forces, and this joint force is, if I am correctly interpreting this, meant for special operations and not full scale wars.
(OOC: Peace keeping and as a rapid reaction to any incident in the FU, where the nation in question may be unable to respond to a threat. Thus, the force is designed to be air mobile, and small. I'll stick something up on the forum within the next week to summarise fully the force, including equipment and resources available, so if we should need it all details are there, and we can take a more active stance on things.
I've been off, suffering from overwork, but should be able to sufficiently pick this up from where it got to. Any objections for me continuing?)
"The next subject that will be discussed by all assembled will be that of a new Union Member, the State of Monavia. Whilst they have been acting as a member for now, we wish to finally inaugurate them. Whilst we have no problem whatsoever with them joining our Union, I wish to ask any members present whether they object, or otherwise I would like to welcome a new Senior Member to our Union."
The State of Monavia
08-11-2008, 03:30
(OOC: Peace keeping and as a rapid reaction to any incident in the FU, where the nation in question may be unable to respond to a threat. Thus, the force is designed to be air mobile, and small. I'll stick something up on the forum within the next week to summarise fully the force, including equipment and resources available, so if we should need it all details are there, and we can take a more active stance on things.
I've been off, suffering from overwork, but should be able to sufficiently pick this up from where it got to. Any objections for me continuing?)
That works fine for me. I will copy and paste all changes to the Charter to Microsoft Word sot hat we can get to that later. Also, Discussion of Monavian entrance to the Fegosian Union will have to work in tandem with this. In other words, my nation will need to meet all entrance requirements.
"The next subject that will be discussed by all assembled will be that of a new Union Member, the State of Monavia. Whilst they have been acting as a member for now, we wish to finally inaugurate them. Whilst we have no problem whatsoever with them joining our Union, I wish to ask any members present whether they object, or otherwise I would like to welcome a new Senior Member to our Union."
The Monavian delegation was a little surprised at the suddeness of the announcement, however, they had to maintain a certain air of formality about themselves. The Monavian Queen chose to formally thank the Fegosian speaker for her generous statement of acceptance.
"Madam, I am impressed with your gracious offer, and is pleases me to give you my thanks."
The State of Monavia
08-11-2008, 04:13
The next several posts are a recap of the conference so far. Due to the fact that this thread has been running for months, I feel that it is necessary to summarize the dialogue and decisions made here so that none of us needs to spend hours reading all twelve pages through to get back to our original agenda, that is, the restructuring of the Union Charter and the admission of Monavia into the Fegosian Union.
Here follows a journal of meeting "minutes".
Fegosian Union Charter and Revisions
Original Charter
Chapter 1 - The benefits of a Union Member
- Guaranteed military protection in all cases of invasion, except:
+ If the nation is invaded due to genocidal activities in their nation.
+ If the nation is invaded due to attack on another union member.
- A rating of Green on the Alfegos international relations scale, leading to:
+ Open borders
+ Easy, preferred trade
+ Easy application for Fegosian citizenship
- Economic and physical aid in the case of an artificial or natural disaster
- Free policing of your nation by Alfegan police/private security contractors
- A special union exchange building in the Governmental Quarter of New Zevkhay.
Chapter 2 - The Commitments of a Union Member
- The same level of civilian access provided by Alfegos provided to all union members.
- The same conditions of military protection to all other union members.
- Preferred trade to all union members.
Chapter 3 - The Rights of a Union Member
- A union member may ask for a cut in the GDP tax, which will be condsidered with the utmost degree.
- A union member may request for the rejection of an application by another nation to join the union.
- A union member may request the use of the joint military force if is deemed acceptable by the majority of the union.
- A union member may be inactive for up to 90 days before their membership is revoked, unless they give notice beforehand.
- A union member may posess weapons of mass destruction, as long as they are intended only for deterrant purposes and not actively used (exception given to non-lethal chemical weapons)
- A union member may reject any changes made to the charter, or suggest for updates and amendments.
Chapter 4 - The Rights of Alfegos
- Alfegos may extend the charter whenever necessary, as long as there is not mass rejection to the new charter extension.
- Alfegos may not use any of the alliance resources unless full approval is given by all members.
- Alfegos reserves the right to reject or modify the membership of any member at any time, as long as it has grounds to do so and has support from the alliance.
As Revised by Mokastana
Chapter 1 - The benefits of a Union Member
- Guaranteed military protection in all cases of invasion, except:
+ If the nation is invaded due to genocidal activities in their nation.
+ If the nation is invaded due to attack on another union member.
(good good)
- A rating of Green on the Alfegos international relations scale, leading to:
+ Open borders (how about open military access, agreement signed by member allowing citizens from each nation to travel to another as if traveling in nation.)
+ Easy, preferred trade (set up the FU trade commission)
+ Easy application for Fegosian any nations citizenship ( FU citizenship commision)
- Economic and physical aid in the case of an artificial or natural disaster (depending on event)
- Free policing of your nation by Alfegan police/private security contractors (FU peacekeeper force???/FU trade commision)
- A special union exchange building in the Governmental Quarter of New Zevkhay.
Chapter 2 - The Commitments of a Union Member
- The same level of civilian access provided to all union members.(No visa required to visit for stays less then 6 months, quick citizenship changing)
- The same conditions of military protection to all other union members. (FU rapid reaction forces, protect allies)
- Preferred trade to all union members.(FU trade commision)
Chapter 3 - The Rights of a Union Member
- A union member may ask for a cut in the GDP tax, which will be considered with the utmost degree.- A union member may request for the rejection of an application by another nation to join the union.
- A union member may request the use of the joint military force if is deemed acceptable by the majority (2/3?) of the union.
- A union member may be inactive for up to 90 days before their membership is revoked, unless they give notice beforehand. (mainly an OOC thing)
- A union member may possess weapons of mass destruction, as long as they are intended only for deterrent purposes and not actively used (exception given to non-lethal chemical weapons)
- A union member may reject any changes made to the charter, or suggest for updates and amendments.
Chapter 4 - The Rights of Alfegos
- Alfegos may extend the charter whenever necessary, as long as there is not mass rejection to the new charter extension. (2/3?? agreement to changes)- Alfegos may not use any of the alliance resources unless full approval is given by all members.
- Alfegos reserves the right to reject or modify the membership of any member at any time, as long as it has grounds to do so and has support from the alliance. (2/3??? vote?)
As Revised by Alfegos
Chapter 1 - Concerning the Rights of a Union Member
Article 1
Clause 1 - A nation of the Fegosian Union is guaranteed full protection in the event of a crisis or attack from any party both internal and external, unless the nation falls into any of the categories detailed in Clause 3.
Clause 2 - If a nation of the Fegosian Union invokes Clause 1, it will primarily be responded to by the Rapid Reaction Force unless Clause 3 is invoked. Secondary response by the native armed forces of other Fegosian Union nations, including those of Alfegos, will be coordinated at an immediate meeting between all Union Members called in the closest safe nation to the crisis.
Clause 3 - A nation is not able to invoke Clause 1 of the charter if any of the following conditions are met:
+ If the nation is invaded due to the committing of atrocities against humanity, including genocide.
+ If the nation is invaded as a consequence of attacking a fellow Union Member.
Article 2
Clause 1 - A state of open borders will exist between all members of the Union. This is defined as citizens of the Fegosian Union being able to travel amongst Union nations with restrictions only being put in place for security.
Clause 2 - Trade will exist between all Union nations with tariffs governed by the Fegosian Union Trading Commission, to encourage trading between Union Members.
Clause 3 - All nations within the Union will allow other Fegosian Union citizens to apply for citizenship at a much higher rate than is allowed for other nationals.
Clause 4 - All Nations within the Union are entitled to disaster relief, both Economic and Physical, by the Fegosian Union Emergency Fund and the Rapid Reaction force.
Clause 5 - All nations within the Union are entitled to policing by the Rapid Reaction Force and the Union Trade Commission, should they so request it.
Clause 6 - All nations within the Union are entitled to a Union Representation office within the capital of Alfegos.
"Here is the first chapter of the Charter, corrected with suggestions from Mokastana and Monavia."
Extra Monavian Revision
Clause 2 - Trade will exist between all Union nations with tariffs governed by the Fegosian Union Trading Commission, to encourage trading between Union Members. Member nations shall be free to lift tariffs upon the goods and services of their neighbors if they deem it necessary.
The State of Monavia
08-11-2008, 04:16
The Fegosian Union Trade Commission
The first one raised was of a body to regulate trade and tariffs in the Fegosian Union - the Fegosian Union Trading Commission, or FUTC. This body would be tasked with regulating fair business practices in all member states, regulating trade so that the greatest competition and revenue can be created from it, and acting as an organiser to set tariffs for various goods between nations. If we, the members of the Union present, agree that such a body is a good idea, we shall need to implement legislature to embody this. Firstly, who is in favour of such a body?"
"So can we assume that the Fegosian trade commission is formed? If so I would like to recommend Miguel Castro, a Mokan politician, though conservative, to be in charge of this commision. While I may not agree with his views I would trust him to make sure the international trade is fair and just."
YEA: Monavia, Mokastana, Zaheran
NAY: None
ABSTAIN: Everyone else
"It is agreed then that the FUTC, or Fegosian Union Trade Commission, is founded. The Fegosian Union Trade Commission will be headed by a voted representitive of one of the Fegosian Union nations. Its purpose will be to ensure profitable trade between all FU nations, to govern economical development in FU nations as to promote the greatest possible outcome from all nations, and to act as a policing body to identify corruption in companies and governments.
As to the candidate, we would be happy for Mokastana to put forward their MP of choice. Voting for the candidate will commence once all have been put forward. Alfegos at this time will abstain from putting forward a candidate.
Official legislature regarding the Fegosian Union Trade Commission will be written up during the course of this conference, and hopefully will be able to be reviewed by its end and offically embodied into the Fegosian Union."
"The Monavian Empire will also abstain from placing forth a candidate for the office of Trade Commissioner for the moment, but that may change at another time. I believe that the legislation concerning the Trade Commission should also concern the operational obligations of the commission and its functions, duties, and powers."
"We will not nominate a candidate for Trade Commissioner at the moment, but like the Monavian delegate we would like some further info on Mr. Castro before we are able to vote."
"Shall anyone else present any other nominations?" Mr. Blake inquired. "If not, then there is only one candidate for which we can vote."
The State of Monavia
08-11-2008, 04:19
The Fegosian Union Police Force
"We need only see if Neo-Ixania is to present a candidate to the Fegosian Union. The Union wishes to know as to past history of the candidate presented by Mokastana, and as such from that be able to discern whether he is a reliable candidate. The normal voting procedure, I should remind you, is that a motion can only be passed if there is a majority.
Whilst the Mokan delegation prepares their file for the candidate, I wish to move on slightly onto the 'arms' as it were of the Trading Commission. The Fegosian Union Police Force is a concept that could bear great fruit in controlling crime across the nations, providing additional policing in member states that leave something to be desired. Such a body would be tasked with the investigation of crimes not related to the Trading Commission amongst the union nations, alongside the existing national police forces. They would also be the ones to actively pursue and repremand in custody suspects involved within their enquiry, positioned at major international zones to capture criminals that a national police force would be unable to. And, in an age fo terror, they would provide ideal international policing aboard intra-union flights and cruises, as well as guarding high-value Union targets.
Such a force would be trained from those submitted by the Union nations by an international teaching body for the three seperate branches, and would receive such training in acadamies across the Union. We would happily allow them to use the Ministerial Police Training Academy in New Zevkhay, where all three branches could be trained. Once trained this force, which would number approximately two thousand officers, would be stationed at FUPF headquarters in major international ports of Union nations and at the international commerce hubs, receiving orders from the Investigative Branch and the Trading Commission to arrest those commiting such international crimes as smuggling, fraud, mass murder, terrorism and theft. We have received word from Alfegos Aeronautics that they would happily supply the equipment necessary, including non-lethal weaponry.
So, ladies and gentlemen: what are you thoughts on this proposal?"
"As the Alfegan delegate probably knows, we have had some...slight problems... with terrorist groups ourselves, so we are totally in favour of an Union police force. However, opinions can vary between different nations on which groups should be considered terrorist ones, so there should be some kind of "terrorist list", so that the FUPF know which groups they should watch. It may also be so that the legislation concerning drugs can vary between the member countries. Apart from that, we have no objections."
"Indeed, all such considerations shall be taken into account. Those which all Union Nations deem terrorist groups shall be put upon a priority list: most nations have a 'Most Wanted' list. Such a list would be able to prioritise catching such criminals, especially with such international co-operation.
As for illegal substances, legislation does indeed depend on the nation. However, even if such a substance is legal, if it is taken into that country via smuggling or sent from that country to one with laws against that substance, then it still constitutes an offence which such an international force would be able to counter rapidly without the level of paperwork a nation's own police force would be burdened with."
"The Monavian Empire has ample space for the construction of a police academy and any other necessary facilities. A fund may be set up by the government to deal with the expenses of running the organization's Monavian division and related facilities, but no major appropriations can be directly placed into the national budget until next year. However, this year's budget is decided on a cabinet level and then subjected to modifications by Parliament before being ratified and approved.
"There is a slush fund included in the budget which is most often used to pay for extraneous expenses such as these, with the remainder being deposited into the national treasury. Furthermore, the Ministry of Justice doesn't always use all of its funds, so some of the surplus money may be used to pay for the FUPF." said King Charles.
[After this point, Mr. Castro was nominated and elected with no objections. All further dialogue concerned his qualifications and such.]
"Do not worry about overstatements: as a politician, I hear them all the time."
The head of the Union smiled, before continuing.
"Office-wise, the Fegosian Union offices in New Zevkhay are rather empty. A couple of floors could easily be allocated to your department, and as many personnel as you need will be assigned for work in the offices.
As the commissioner, you will obviously have to travel. We can allow, via the wonders of the Internet, for you to work in the offices in Mokastana whilst being able to co-ordinate all affairs from across the Union. Offices in the rest of the Union shouldn't be too much of a problem, I hope.
As for the FUPF, it will be necessary if you are to enforce some sides of the Commission. As well as governing trade, the commission will have the job of dealing with smuggling, illegal substances, fraud and corporate crimes. Whilst a bureaucratic institution can do the paperwork till the sun goes down, it can not provide any physical means of stopping it. Thus, the FUPF, when it is set up, will act in part on the commands of the commission to detain such parties in co-ordination with local police forces, as well as intervening in smuggling operations and identified criminal gangs associated with smuggling."
The Emperor smiled. "No need to worry about office space, Commissioner. We'll find you a suitable building. The Winter Palace, in the eastern parts of this city, used to house the crown princes of the Zaheranian Kingdom. It's a large building that would suit your needs quite well, I believe. Might take a few weeks to clean it up though. It has been abandoned for a few years."
"As for your personnel, you will be assigned as many as you need. We'll instruct the concerned departments to give you their full cooperation."
"Commissioner Castro, there are a number of places that can be allocated for use a s office space. A branch office of the FUTC could be established in the capital city of Chalcedon, and smaller offices which feed it information about domestic trade isues could be created in every major city in Monavia.
"Such offices would take little time to completa and be made fully operational. Staffing them would also not take very long. We have facilities that can be modified for your use until later. As for communications, terminals can be set up in every major office. Security can be managed by local police forces and any other groups as necessary, though the FUPF can also play a part."
"Intelligence sharing and information about national trade regulations, such as what is legal in each nation will need to be made known to the new Trade Commission and the FUPF."
"Now we have the Commission in the able hands of Mr Castro, I think it is best to move onto the next subject: the Fegosian Union Police Force, or FUPF. As I said, the Police Force will investigate, pursue and arrest criminals prevalent across FU members, aiding the local police forces with a multi-national force of professionals. They will also act to guard important bastions of the FU, such as union offices and military bases.
May I have your opinions?"
"I am in full support of such a unit, however we would need to have standardized equipment for this Police force. Not to mention arm them with everything from basic street gear to full combat gear. Especially if they will fighting things such as piracy, smuggling and military security. By the sound of it its going to need departments separated by the types of crimes. Since a serial killer may require different handling then an arms dealer.
I suggest that the FUPF be integrated with current national level police agencies, such as our own Policía Nacional and the National Investigations Bureau. Perhaps work as liaison between major agencies if not able to take over cases involving multiple nations."
"Good thoughts indeed from the Mokan delegation. We were also in the idea of having different departments:
- The Liasons office
- The Investigative Department
- The Policing Department
- Armed/armoured support
- Counter-terrorism department
As for equipment, we can standardise them with the standard military sidearm, submachinegun and, if necessary, sharpshooter rifles and the like."
"We agree with Mr. Villas suggestion. It might be a good idea to appoint a Police Commissioner, so that the police's efforts can be better coordinated."
"A good idea indeed. We will search for suitable candidates, yet will not likely be able to find one of the calibre of Mr Castro."
While he was listening to the conversation between the delegates from Zaheran, Mokastana, and Alfegos, Mr. Carter recorded a few of their newest thoughts. He then had a few of his own to share.
"If you seek my thoughts about business schools, the University of Capua would be appropriate for such matters. I would also recommend the National University of Chalcedon, in the capital. Several others, if applicable, can be listed for your use.
"Concerning the FUPF, I would believe that its function should be organized like any other law enforcement hierarchy. A local constabulary would deal with criminals in the local area of jurisdiction. A provincial police department would deal with criminals that travel through multiple jurisdictions. A federal agency deals with those which cross the boundaries of states or provinces. In a similar way, the FUPF is best used for dealing with international criminals who flee across international boundaries.
"In addressing the equipment issues that have been brought up, you should speak with the Ministers of Justice, Defense, and Commerce on the matter."
[We seemed to wander off topic towards the FUPF here.]
"Concerning the FUPF, should it have the power to assume control of local military and/or police forces if they wish, and if so, how would that work, would it have to requested, or could they just pick any unit in the area of "operation" and command them?
Maybe I am over complicating the question, how much power will they have over our local forces?"
"I believe that that they would have jurisdiction over criminals that cross international boundries. They may be permitted to coordinate operations with local forces, but arrests of criminals can be carried out be either party.
"If a wanted person is apprehended by local forces and is within the jurisdiction of the FUPF, then they wil be turned over to them and sent into their custody. If the FUPF apprehends the person themselves, then they will have automatic custody of the individual.
"Again, local forces remaing independent of the FUPF, but they must turn over anyone that is under the FUPF's jurisdiction to the aforementioned body." He took a breath and finished his reply.
"Since the FUPF is a police force, the military should not even be involved in this question, at least at the present time."
The Zaheranian delegation nodded in agreement. "We agree with the most honoured Monavian delegate", Marius said. "As the Alfegan delegate mentioned, there will be a armed/armoured support department, so operations requiring use of heavier force will probably not be a problem. Besides, military personnel and police officers tend to think differently when it comes to handling subjects, so using military units for police work can be directly counterproductive."
"Very well, so shall we get ourselves a police commissioner for this department?"
[Discussion of Commissioner Jacob Krawitz.]
The State of Monavia
08-11-2008, 04:20
The Fegosian Union Rapid Reaction Force
If there are no objections, I wish to move to the next item on the agenda, and the most pressing. All of you will know about the Fegosian Union Rapid Reaction Force, or FURRF, our own reaction force to internal international incidents requiring military support. So far, we have multiple resources, which can be reviewed in the Union Archives, ranging from naval assets to multiple infantry regiments, to even airships such as the one escorting this vessel. They are currently stationed at many strategic stations, the Air Arm and Air Fleet currently stationed at the joint Alfegan/Zaheran territory of Oraz, known to some as Neo'Ilos. What we need to discuss are structure, deployments, and priorities. All have received Specialist Training in addition to their basic training in former armies, and standardised equipment is rolling out. However, we still have problems on these fronts. Comments please?
"Concerning structure, the answer is concise and simple: appoint a supreme allied commander in times of war for governing the force. As for deployments, their locations, times of arrival and departure, and the other aspects of the FURRF should be discussed by military leaders. As Monavia has no members in this force, we cannot say much else. Finally, their priorities should be discussed by and made the business of whatever military council or officials that run the FURRF and be decided by them."
"First of all, we need to create a better commanding structure, maybe, like the most honoured Monavian delegation said, appoint a supreme commander. Secondly, like we did for the FUPF, we need to create different departments, each of which can focus on their main area of responsibility. For example, there may be one department working on weapon research, while another might have responsibility over everything concerning logistics. Thirdly, we need to discuss funding."
"I would recommend if we have a supreme allied commander someone who has association with every nation. Perhaps a commander who knows Mokans, Fegosians, Zaherans, and Monavians on a deep level. Able to command them all while keeping social differences in mind. Though this may just be the Mokan in me reminding you how "different" our soldiers are from the traditional sense."
Just then the PDA buzzed as Charles looked down to see a new email.
"One second please."
Reading quickly through the email Charles looked back up and continued where he left off.
"As for logistics, currently Mokan Industries is working on a new logistics truck based on Lyran designs to make noncombat personnel as comfortable as the Ironheart boys while being modular in design. Other then a decent engine design they should have the vehicle up and operational within a year. As some of you may know, while Mokastana is not well known for its innovations, but we have created the industry to produce any blue prints we get our hands on. Hence why Mokan Industries produces these zeppelins despite them not being applied to military operations yet.
As for the FU supreme commander, will this man be in charge of all military operations of the FU in the event of war, or just be in charge of the Rapid Reaction forces"
"Supreme command is an idea. Alfegos would post forward a delegate for such a role, unless there is any outcry to this.
Firstly though, as to an intended structure:
> Supreme Commanding Council: A mix of representatives from each nation, one of whom being the supreme commander. These involve the heads of each force. These go down to the...
>Five Force Commands. The commanding sub-bodies in charge of the following departments:
>>Army - The ground men, making up the majority. Focus is to be on mobile warfare doctrines, though all doctrines should be researched.
>>Navy - Most likely to be devoted to transportation, though smaller patrol ships are recommended for naval patrol operations, and limited shore bombardments.
>>Airforce - Again, likely to be devoted to transport, but this time with focus on multi-role fighters instead of both fighters and bombers, to help with logistics and services.
>>Air Fleet - With Alfegos as the main benefactor, the air fleet will be used for ultra-heavy lifting operations (entire battalions+vehicles+supplies), with craft devoted to patrolling. The existing Aerocruisers will be used for the purposes of Ultra-heavy Fire Support.
>>Alliance Deterrant Control - As well as being in charge of the alliance "Weapons of Last Resort", this body will act as controllers for satellite resources as well as intelligence.
[More discussion about budgets and so on.]
The Emperor spoke up again, having sat quietly and listened to the conversation for a while.
"We have, of course, no objections to Monavia joining the Union. We would be honoured to be able to welcome them to our brotherhood of nations."
The State of Monavia
09-11-2008, 22:14
"We are most honored and grateful for your blessing of acceptance." Mr. Carter said.
09-11-2008, 23:02
"I agree with Mr. Carter, we would be grateful to have Monavia in the Union."
The State of Monavia
11-11-2008, 01:20
"Thank you, sir." Mr. Carter replied.
The State of Monavia
12-11-2008, 03:03
OOC: I'm bumping this up for the sake of convienence.
14-11-2008, 21:14
"very well Gentlemen, What is the next item on the agenda for today?"
OOC: just a bump
The State of Monavia
15-11-2008, 05:00
"very well Gentlemen, What is the next item on the agenda for today?"
OOC: just a bump
Revising the Charter. The whole purpose of the "minutes" was to bring back all of the major points that need to be addressed in rewriting it. After this thread closes, if it ever does, I will RP the ratification of the Charter so that Monavia formally becomes an FU member.
The State of Monavia
30-11-2008, 02:30
After nearly three weeks, I am bumping this thread up so that we can finish it.
Also, I will be deleting bumps in this thread.
30-11-2008, 19:37
Charles sat back in his chair, watching the delegates around him.
"Well gentlemen I hate to talk out of turn, but if we have nothing left to discuss I say we relax and call this meeting adjourned."
(OOC: Rewriting the treaty... don't really have time since I've been really busy the past while, so suggestions for rewriting?)
OOC: Maybe we should drop this and start a thread on the forum instead?
The State of Monavia
30-11-2008, 23:33
Charles sat back in his chair, watching the delegates around him.
"Well gentlemen I hate to talk out of turn, but if we have nothing left to discuss I say we relax and call this meeting adjourned."
I will wait for Alfegos to rewrite the treaty.
(OOC: Rewriting the treaty... don't really have time since I've been really busy the past while, so suggestions for rewriting?)
I will formulate a proposal either tonight or tomorrow night. I will post the text up by then.
OOC: Maybe we should drop this and start a thread on the forum instead?
Once we finish, that won't be necessary. Still, If we need to do so, I will be adding to the discussion.
The State of Monavia
01-12-2008, 02:20
I have a draft of the Charter below. Fell free to examine it and share your suggestions.
Mr. Carter looked at Charles and spoke in reply. "Mr. Villa, I have been spending some time on writing a draft of the new Charter. I would like to have it discussed by the other delegates and a final version approved before we adjourn this meeting.
Article I
Clause 1 A nation of the Fegosian Union is guaranteed full protection in the event of a crisis or attack from any party both internal and external, unless the nation falls into any of the categories detailed in Clause 3.
A union member may request the use of the joint military force if is deemed acceptable by the majority of the union.
Clause 2 If a nation of the Fegosian Union invokes Clause 1, it will primarily be responded to by the Rapid Reaction Force unless Clause 3 is invoked. Secondary response by the native armed forces of other Fegosian Union nations, including those of Alfegos, will be coordinated at an immediate meeting between all Union Members called in the closest safe nation to the crisis.
Clause 3 A nation is not able to invoke Clause 1 of the charter if any of the following conditions are met:
+ If the nation is invaded due to the committing of atrocities against humanity, including genocide.
+ If the nation is invaded as a consequence of attacking a fellow Union Member.
Clause 4 A union member may request for the rejection of an application by another nation to join the union.
Clause 5 A union member may be inactive for up to 90 days before their membership is revoked, unless they give notice beforehand.
Clause 6 A union member may reject any changes made to the charter, or suggest for updates and amendments.
Article II
Clause 1 A state of open borders will exist between all members of the Union. This is defined as citizens of the Fegosian Union being able to travel amongst Union nations with restrictions only being put in place for security.
Clause 2 Trade will exist between all Union nations with tariffs governed by the Fegosian Union Trading Commission, to encourage trading between Union Members.
Clause 3 All nations within the Union will allow other Fegosian Union citizens to apply for citizenship at a much higher rate than is allowed for other nationals.
Clause 4 All Nations within the Union are entitled to disaster relief, both Economic and Physical, by the Fegosian Union Emergency Fund and the Rapid Reaction force.
Clause 5 All nations within the Union are entitled to policing by the Rapid Reaction Force and the Union Trade Commission, should they so request it.
Clause 6 All nations within the Union are entitled to a Union Representation office within the capital of Alfegos.
Article I
Clause 1 The Fegosian Union Trade Commission (FUTC) shall be the highest regulatory trade agency in the Fegosian Union.
+ It shall regulate trade, tariffs, and business practices to ensure fairness and economic cooperation between member states. Its purpose will be to ensure profitable trade between all FU nations, to govern economical development in FU nations as to promote the greatest possible outcome from all nations, and to act as a policing body to identify corruption in companies and governments.
Clause 2 The Fegosian Union Trade Commission will be headed by an elected representative of one of the Fegosian Union nations.
Article I
Clause 1 Alfegos may extend the charter whenever necessary, as long as there is not mass rejection to the new charter extension.
Clause 2 Alfegos may not use any of the alliance resources unless full approval is given by all members.
Clause 3 Alfegos reserves the right to reject or modify the membership of any member at any time, as long as it has grounds to do so and has support from the alliance.
Article I
Clause 1 The Fegosian Union Police Force (FUPF) shall be established as the principle investigative and law enforcement organization of the Union. It shall be tasked with the investigation of crimes not related to the Trading Commission amongst the union nations, actively pursue and reprimand in custody suspects involved within their enquiry.
Clause 2 Officers shall be positioned at major international zones to capture criminals that national police forces would be unable to arrest.
Clause 3 Officers shall be trained by an international teaching body for the five separate branches, and would receive such training in academies across the Union.
Clause 4 This force shall be stationed at FUPF headquarters in major international ports of Union nations and at the international commerce hubs, receiving orders from the Investigative Branch and the Trading Commission to arrest those committing such international crimes as smuggling, fraud, mass murder, terrorism and theft.
Clause 5 This force shall initially be composed of approximately two thousand officers, stationed at the aforementioned locations.
Article II
Clause 1 Member nations shall be tasked with composing lists of organizations which they deem to be terrorist entities.
Clause 2 Member nations shall have the right to restrict the traffic of illegal substances and call for FUPF enforcement of the said regulations.
Clause 3 The FUPF shall be vested with the authority to enforce international laws against smuggling, illegal substances, fraud, corporate crimes, and international piracy.
Clause 4 The FUPF shall have jurisdiction over international criminals who flee across international boundaries.
Article III
Clause 1 Member nations shall have the duty to establish FUPF offices, facilities, control terminals, and communications centers.
Clause 2 Member nations shall provide funding and equipment to the FUPF.
Clause 3 The FUPF shall be placed under the command of a Police Commissioner, elected by a vote of member states.
Clause 4 If a wanted person is apprehended by local forces and is within the jurisdiction of the FUPF, then they shall be turned over to them and sent into their custody. If the FUPF apprehends the person themselves, then they will have automatic custody of the individual.
Article IV
Clause 1 The FUPF shall be divided into the following departments:
+ The Liaisons office
+The Investigative Department
+The Policing Department
+Armed/armored support
+Counter-terrorism department
Article I
Clause 1 The Fegosian Union Rapid Reaction Force (FURRF) shall be established to protect member nations from internal international unrest and conflict.
Clause 2 The FURRF shall be commanded by a supreme allied commander, who shall be vested with the authority to manage its constituent departments, and control its forces in time of war.
Clause 3 The Commander of the FURRF shall be charged with command over logistical operations and force deployments.
Article II
Clause 1 The FURRF shall be governed by a Supreme Commanding Council, which shall be composed of representative of member nations, who shall in turn elect the Commander. The Commander shall preside over the Council.
Clause 2 The Council shall govern the operations of the force commands.
Clause 3 The force commands shall be:
+The FURRF Army, which shall be composed of ground forces that focus on mobile warfare.
+The FURRF Navy, which shall participate in shore patrols, transport, and fire support.
+The FURRF Air Force, which shall participate in transport, logistical operations, and such services as delivery of munitions and tactical strikes.
+The FURRF Research Department, tasked with weapons research and testing.
+The FURRF Rapid Deployment Fleet, which shall be involved in transport and deployments. It shall also provide logistical support.
+The FURRF Department of Deterrents, which shall control a common stockpile of WMD and satellite assets.
+The FURRF Intelligence Department, which shall provide information to the other departments which affects their operations.
Clause 4 All member nations shall provide funding and equipment to the FURRF.
(OOC: Excellent - couldn't have done better myself. Surprisingly, I've managed to find some time, so here's what we can say on the treaty.)
"Concerning the modified treaty put forth by the delegation for Monavia, the Alfegan delegation has reviewed it and, whilst finding the most of it to be meeting our expectations, would like to contend and add a few other amendments to the treaty.
Firstly, we see that Chapter three has been omitted. We wish to know whether this was purposeful, or whether it was a mere typographical error.
Secondly, we see it fit that an article be added in accordance to the restriction of deterrents in use by the FURRF, reading as such:
Clause 1 - The alliance defines a 'Deterrent Weapon' as a weapon making use of a biological, lethal chemical, radiological, nuclear or electromagnetic pulse source to allow for mass indiscriminate damage to a nation. A deterrent weapon is also defined as an orbit-earth high-energy kinetic projectile, with a potential yield of above 1kT TNT equivalent.
Clause 2 - The alliance deterrent will compose of weapons sufficient to provide an effective strategic deterrent, yet will not be of such a level deemed by the Fegosian Union as of an unnecessarily high level.
Clause 3 - To prevent the loss of all deterrent weapons in a strike, each member nation will be obliged to host a fair share of the alliance deterrent in whatever form it would find best to accomodate.
Clause 4 - No alliance member may use, interfere with or impede any deterrent system in use by the FURRF, unless the use of such a weapon has been made without permission from the FURRF Supreme Council.
Clause 5 - A deterrent weapon may only be used if there is unanimous agreement with all alliance members that can be contacted.
In addition, we wish to add an article to the first chapter concerning disputes between members:
Clause 1 - If any member nation becomes involved in a dispute, however petty, with another member nation or nations, it must inform the alliance as soon as is possible.
Clause 2- Any disputant may appeal to the alliance for a council to be formed to aid in the sorting out of the dispute, and allowing for it to reach a conclusion beneficial to all parties.
Clause 3 - Such a council will be carried out aboard a vessel in international waters, either a ship or an airship, with military presence being limited to that of the FURRF.
Clause 4 - Should any dispute between member nations reach a point where the risk of there being a military response is deemed to be above 40%, the alliance will call a special meeting to discuss sanctions upon the involved nations, and consider the deployment of the FURRF to keep the police.
Clause 5 - If a dispute reaches actual armed conflict, the member's involved will be tried by a council formed, and the aggressors of the conflict will be punished with agreed sanctions up to and including ejection from the alliance and a military response from the FURRF to end the war rapidly.
Clause 6 - Should such a nation be compromised, all FURRF Deterrent assets in the national waters, if they have no chance of escaping without capture of the weapons, will be ordered to be destroyed safely or to be used upon the aggressor, in agreement with Chapter VI, Article III.
Do you share our opinions?
The State of Monavia
01-12-2008, 23:54
The missing "Chapter Three" was a typo, I "misnumbered" the chapters. I will correct that.
Mr. Carter looked ofer the Alfegan delegation's proposals. He took some time to edit it, and explained his points of contention. As usual, green indicated additions, red indicated deletions.
Secondly, we see it fit that an article be added in accordance to the restriction of deterrents in use by the FURRF, reading as such:
Clause 1 - The alliance defines a 'Deterrent Weapon' as a weapon making use of a biological, lethal chemical, radiological, nuclear or electromagnetic pulse source to allow for replace with "that may cause" mass indiscriminate damage to a nation. A deterrent weapon is also defined as an orbit-earth high-energy kinetic projectile, with a potential yield of above 1kT TNT equivalent.
Clause 2 - The alliance deterrent will be composed of weapons sufficient to provide an effective strategic deterrent, yet will not be of such a level as deemed unnecessarily high by the Fegosian Union. as of an unnecessarily high level.
Clause 3 - To prevent the total loss of all FURRF-held deterrent weapons in a strike, each member nation will be obliged to host a fair share of the alliance deterrent in whatever form it would find best to accomodate.
Clause 4 - No alliance member may use, interfere with or impede any deterrent system in use by the FURRF, unless the use of such a weapon has been made without permission from the FURRF Supreme Council.
Clause 5 - A deterrent weapon may only be used if there is unanimous agreement with all alliance members that can be contacted. Needs revision, some weapons are more powerful than others and would cause less of a diplomatic impact. The "unanimous" part would make this unworkable in certain cases where safety is not an issue.
"Notice that most of my revisions stem from a need to more clearly define the new provisions. I see no other problems with this segment, and will add it with the approval of the other members. I have also provided some commentary on Clause 5."
In addition, we wish to add an article to the first chapter concerning disputes between members:
Clause 1 - If any member nation becomes involved in a dispute, however petty, with another member nation or nations, it must inform the alliance of the nature of the dispute as soon as is possible.
Clause 2- Any disputant may appeal to the alliance for a council to be formed to aid in the sorting out of the dispute, and allowing for it to reach a conclusion beneficial to all parties.
Clause 3 - Such a council will be carried out aboard a vessel in international waters, either a ship or an airship, with military presence being limited to that of the FURRF. (What about uninvolved third party nations, or member nations of another friendly alliance?)
Clause 4 - Should any dispute between member nations reach a point where the risk of there being a military response is deemed to be above 40% (calculated in which way?), the alliance will call a special meeting to discuss sanctions (define; needs clarification) upon the involved nations, and consider the deployment of the FURRF to keep the police. "keep the peace" or "to police the nation"?
Clause 5 - If a dispute reaches actual armed conflict, the member's involved will be tried by a council formed, and the aggressors of the conflict will be punished. with agreed sanctions up to and including ejection from the alliance and a military response from the FURRF to end the war rapidly.
Clause 6 - Should such a nation be compromised, all FURRF Deterrent assets in the national waters, if they have no chance of escaping without capture of the weapons, will be ordered to be destroyed safely., or to be used upon the aggressor, in agreement with Chapter VI, Article III.
"Again, most of my revisions deal with simple wording or clarification of ambiguity. The deleted section in Clause 5 is merely a matter of common sense. If a nation has declared war upon its "former" allies, and has betrayed the Fegosian Union, then to all intents and purposes, the alliance is broken or dissolved, and thus an "expulsion clause" becomes redundant an ineffective. If a de jure dissolution is needed to justify the de facto one, then please clear this up for me. This is what I have observed.
"Secondly, the portion I have deleted from Clause 6 deals with some issues I have encountered in reading Clauses 4 and 5 of the other proposal you submitted."
(ooc: Whoops - silly old me managed to make some typos. The ones which are obvious don't need discussion: I will make sure they area appended for the final version going up on our forums.)
"Concerning the issues highlighted by the Monavian delegation in regards to the variation of damage that such weapons can cause and the alliance decision to use such ones, in the first proposed new article: may I remind them that the purpose of the alliance deterrent is, as stated in Clause II of the article, to provide "an effective strategic deterrent". Thus, tactical weapons such as Special Atomic Demolition Munitions will not be part of the Deterrent, due to their relative ineffectiveness in a tactical sense. The deterrent is to be used for strategic purposes: thus, any deployment of weapons such as Sarin will be on such a scale that large portions of an enemy population will be affected.
As for unanimous agreement, it should be redefined as there being no objections to the use of them. All should not disagree, since the use of deterrent weapons is of such sensitivity that any decision to use them will likely be irreversible, and put a blotch on the name of our honourable Union.
Moving on, to the second new article concerning the reaction to a break down between union members. The first point raised in the commentary is of military presence of the FURRF being unique to any council held regarding disputes. As such a dispute is between Union members, the union will be responsible entirely for the safety of the members. Any third parties will be unarmed if they wish to attend such a council, due to possibilities of a bias to certain sides which could be disastrous if any major disputes arise in the council.
Moving on, to the calculation of the risk of war. This can be calculated by a numerical means, via the ranking on a scale of 1-5 of various factors and from that finding a percentage, with such things as DEFCON of nations, previous engagements, inhibitions and such being contributed. Numerous scales can be used, all the better for calculating an overall average of the risk.
Finally, to the issue of clarification of sanctions: we all know what sanctions are. Such a discussion of sanctions to impose upon conflicting Union members would economic, military and political isolation to act as an incentive for relations to cool, from warnings being issued to a full trade blockade and military deployment in international waters.
We thank the Monavian delegation again for highlighting these issues, and hope their concerns have been answered in the introduction of these additional articles."
The State of Monavia
03-12-2008, 03:02
We thank the Monavian delegation again for highlighting these issues, and hope their concerns have been answered in the introduction of these additional articles."
"I admire your appreciation for my work. Being a former student of law, I have witnessed many instances of its construction and implementation."
Ten minutes later, Mr. Carter had produced a rewritten text with the Alfegan delegate's revisions. "I have taken some license in adding a seventh clause to the second proposal in order to permit it to work in concordance with Chapter VI, Article III, rather than to have them contradict one another. I have also changed a few words to match my previous revision, and to line up with your explanation of the proposals. Comments please?"
Clause 1 The alliance defines a 'Deterrent Weapon' as a weapon making use of a biological, lethal chemical, radiological, nuclear or electromagnetic pulse source that may cause mass indiscriminate damage to a nation. A deterrent weapon is also defined as an orbit-earth high-energy kinetic projectile, with a potential yield of above 1kT TNT equivalent.
Clause 2 The alliance deterrent will be composed of weapons sufficient to provide an effective strategic deterrent, yet will not be of such a level as deemed unnecessarily high by the Fegosian Union.
Clause 3 To prevent the total loss of all FURRF-held deterrent weapons in a strike, each member nation will be obliged to host a fair share of the alliance deterrent in whatever form it would find best to accomodate.
Clause 4 No alliance member may use, interfere with or impede any deterrent system in use by the FURRF, unless the use of such a weapon has been made without permission from the FURRF Supreme Council.
Clause 5 The use of a deterrant weapon shall only take place if all nations which can be contacted voice no objections to it.
Clause 1 If any member nation becomes involved in a dispute, however petty, with another member nation or nations, it must inform the alliance of the nature of the dispute as soon as is possible.
Clause 2 Any disputant may appeal to the alliance for a council to be formed to aid in the sorting out of the dispute, and allowing for it to reach a conclusion beneficial to all parties.
Clause 3 Such a council will be carried out aboard a vessel in international waters, either a ship or an airship, with military presence being limited to that of the FURRF. The presence of any third-party observers shall be restricted to unarmed diplomatic observers.
Clause 4 Should any dispute between member nations reach a point where the risk of there being a military response is deemed to be above 40%, as determined by (...), the alliance will call a special meeting to discuss sanctions upon the involved nations, and consider the deployment of the FURRF to keep the peace. Such sanctions will take the form of:
+Economic, military, and political isolation
+International condemnation or warnings
+A declaration of disapproval on behalf of the Fegosian Union Supreme Council
+A deployment of a military task force in international waters bordering the sanctioned nation(s)
Clause 5 If a dispute reaches actual armed conflict, the combatants involved will be tried by a council formed by the FUSC, and the aggressors of the conflict will be sanctioned appropriately.
Clause 6 Should such a nation be compromised, all FURRF Deterrent assets in the national waters, if they have no chance of escaping without capture of the weapons, will be ordered to be destroyed safely.
Clause 7 Such weapons shall only be used upon the aggressor in agreement with Chapter VI, Article III if the aggressor uses comparable weapons upon FURRF forces or the armed forces of member nations.
"Excellent. I can see no objections to the revised text. It will be added to the charter, if no other Union members voice objections to it.
The final part of the meeting before we finish with a question and answers session will deal with the iconography of the Union: that being official seals, the Union Flag, and other such miscellanea. We currently have a design agency working upon the flag, from which suggestions will be based upon, though we are more than happy to accept any other offers."
(OOC: I've updated the charter, which can be found in the Archive section of the alliance forum (Monavia, you should be cleared to view the forum and post on it now.))
The State of Monavia
03-12-2008, 22:22
"Excellent. I can see no objections to the revised text. It will be added to the charter, if no other Union members voice objections to it.
The final part of the meeting before we finish with a question and answers session will deal with the iconography of the Union: that being official seals, the Union Flag, and other such miscellanea. We currently have a design agency working upon the flag, from which suggestions will be based upon, though we are more than happy to accept any other offers."
"Whatever this convention chooses, it should be emblematic and symbolic of the Union as a whole."
(OOC: I've updated the charter, which can be found in the Archive section of the alliance forum (Monavia, you should be cleared to view the forum and post on it now.))
I will look shortly. Remember, I left a space indicated by a (...) in Clause 4 of the second proposal, for you to fill in.
EDIT: I have read ALL of the message board threads (at least the relevant portions). I will be posting there soon.
"Here is a primary idea of what the flag design could be. We decided to follow the colours in the Alfegan flag, the nation from which the Union is derived, with a simple motif showing a stylised sun, a popular motif for the strength of a nation or union. What are your opinions of such a design?"
The Zaheranian delegation studied the flag design for a few minutes. The Emperor then nodded approval and raised his head.
"An impressive design. My congratulations to the design agency, Miss Kiri. They have done an excellent piece of work. This flag design definitely has our approval."
05-12-2008, 22:23
"We approve of the new flag."
The State of Monavia
05-12-2008, 23:55
"The new flag is certainly inovative. I must express my approval for the design in terms of simplicity. Still, I would have preferred a lighter color scheme, perhaps with more than two colors for the sake of variety." Mr. Carter said.
Notice that we now have 201 posts on this thread?
On the flag issue, I have a suggestion if you want a higher quality version made. Blast's Shoppe (a pinned sticky topic) in "Gameplay" produces high quality, awesome flags. You may have to wait a while though, Jenua gets a lot of orders!
(OOC: I'll go for what I have for now, since I don't really want to wait in a queue that long - don't worry though, I'll jazz this up a little when I get the computer I made it on working - I'll stick some gradient colours, some prettier arrows and some even prettier suggestions to it, since I don't ahve an idea of what to do.
+ 202 posts has any significance? Or is it because we've made so many in so long a time period?)
The State of Monavia
07-12-2008, 03:56
(OOC: I'll go for what I have for now, since I don't really want to wait in a queue that long - don't worry though, I'll jazz this up a little when I get the computer I made it on working - I'll stick some gradient colours, some prettier arrows and some even prettier suggestions to it, since I don't ahve an idea of what to do.
+ 202 posts has any significance? Or is it because we've made so many in so long a time period?)
That works for me. This thread looks like it is being wrapped up shortly.
The State of Monavia
23-11-2009, 02:04
Article I
Clause 1 A nation of the Fegosian Union is guaranteed full protection in the event of a crisis or attack from any party both internal and external, unless the nation falls into any of the categories detailed in Clause 3.
A union member may request the use of the joint military force if is deemed acceptable by the majority of the union.
Clause 2 If a nation of the Fegosian Union invokes Clause 1, it will primarily be responded to by the Rapid Reaction Force unless Clause 3 is invoked. Secondary response by the native armed forces of other Fegosian Union nations, including those of Alfegos, will be coordinated at an immediate meeting between all Union Members called in the closest safe nation to the crisis.
Clause 3 A nation is not able to invoke Clause 1 of the charter if any of the following conditions are met:
+ If the nation is invaded due to the committing of atrocities against humanity, including genocide.
+ If the nation is invaded as a consequence of attacking a fellow Union Member.
Clause 4 A union member may request for the rejection of an application by another nation to join the union.
Clause 5 A union member may be inactive for up to 90 days before their membership is revoked, unless they give notice beforehand.
Clause 6 A union member may reject any changes made to the charter, or suggest for updates and amendments.
Article II
Clause 1 A state of open borders will exist between all members of the Union. This is defined as citizens of the Fegosian Union being able to travel amongst Union nations with restrictions only being put in place for security.
Clause 2 Trade will exist between all Union nations with tariffs governed by the Fegosian Union Trading Commission, to encourage trading between Union Members.
Clause 3 All nations within the Union will allow other Fegosian Union citizens to apply for citizenship at a much higher rate than is allowed for other nationals.
Clause 4 All Nations within the Union are entitled to disaster relief, both Economic and Physical, by the Fegosian Union Emergency Fund and the Rapid Reaction force.
Clause 5 All nations within the Union are entitled to policing by the Rapid Reaction Force and the Union Trade Commission, should they so request it.
Clause 6 All nations within the Union are entitled to a Union Representation office within the capital of Alfegos.
Clause 1 If any member nation becomes involved in a dispute, however petty, with another member nation or nations, it must inform the alliance of the nature of the dispute as soon as is possible.
Clause 2 Any disputant may appeal to the alliance for a council to be formed to aid in the sorting out of the dispute, and allowing for it to reach a conclusion beneficial to all parties.
Clause 3 Such a council will be carried out aboard a vessel in international waters, either a ship or an airship, with military presence being limited to that of the FURRF. The presence of any third-party observers shall be restricted to unarmed diplomatic observers.
Clause 4 Should any dispute between member nations reach a point where the risk of there being a military response is deemed to be above 40%, as determined by (...), the alliance will call a special meeting to discuss sanctions upon the involved nations, and consider the deployment of the FURRF to keep the peace. Such sanctions will take the form of:
+Economic, military, and political isolation
+International condemnation or warnings
+A declaration of disapproval on behalf of the Fegosian Union Supreme Council
+A deployment of a military task force in international waters bordering the sanctioned nation(s)
Clause 5 If a dispute reaches actual armed conflict, the combatants involved will be tried by a council formed by the FUSC, and the aggressors of the conflict will be sanctioned appropriately.
Clause 6 Should such a nation be compromised, all FURRF Deterrent assets in the national waters, if they have no chance of escaping without capture of the weapons, will be ordered to be destroyed safely.
Clause 7 Such weapons shall only be used upon the aggressor in agreement with Chapter VI, Article III if the aggressor uses comparable weapons upon FURRF forces or the armed forces of member nations.
Article I
Clause 1 The Fegosian Union Trade Commission (FUTC) shall be the highest regulatory trade agency in the Fegosian Union.
+ It shall regulate trade, tariffs, and business practices to ensure fairness and economic cooperation between member states. Its purpose will be to ensure profitable trade between all FU nations, to govern economical development in FU nations as to promote the greatest possible outcome from all nations, and to act as a policing body to identify corruption in companies and governments.
Clause 2 The Fegosian Union Trade Commission will be headed by an elected representative of one of the Fegosian Union nations.
Article I
Clause 1 Alfegos may extend the charter whenever necessary, as long as there is not mass rejection to the new charter extension.
Clause 2 Alfegos may not use any of the alliance resources unless full approval is given by all members.
Clause 3 Alfegos reserves the right to reject or modify the membership of any member at any time, as long as it has grounds to do so and has support from the alliance.
Article I
Clause 1 The Fegosian Union Police Force (FUPF) shall be established as the principle investigative and law enforcement organization of the Union. It shall be tasked with the investigation of crimes not related to the Trading Commission amongst the union nations, actively pursue and reprimand in custody suspects involved within their enquiry.
Clause 2 Officers shall be positioned at major international zones to capture criminals that national police forces would be unable to arrest.
Clause 3 Officers shall be trained by an international teaching body for the five separate branches, and would receive such training in academies across the Union.
Clause 4 This force shall be stationed at FUPF headquarters in major international ports of Union nations and at the international commerce hubs, receiving orders from the Investigative Branch and the Trading Commission to arrest those committing such international crimes as smuggling, fraud, mass murder, terrorism and theft.
Clause 5 This force shall initially be composed of approximately two thousand officers, stationed at the aforementioned locations.
Article II
Clause 1 Member nations shall be tasked with composing lists of organizations which they deem to be terrorist entities.
Clause 2 Member nations shall have the right to restrict the traffic of illegal substances and call for FUPF enforcement of the said regulations.
Clause 3 The FUPF shall be vested with the authority to enforce international laws against smuggling, illegal substances, fraud, corporate crimes, and international piracy.
Clause 4 The FUPF shall have jurisdiction over international criminals who flee across international boundaries.
Article III
Clause 1 Member nations shall have the duty to establish FUPF offices, facilities, control terminals, and communications centers.
Clause 2 Member nations shall provide funding and equipment to the FUPF.
Clause 3 The FUPF shall be placed under the command of a Police Commissioner, elected by a vote of member states.
Clause 4 If a wanted person is apprehended by local forces and is within the jurisdiction of the FUPF, then they shall be turned over to them and sent into their custody. If the FUPF apprehends the person themselves, then they will have automatic custody of the individual.
Article IV
Clause 1 The FUPF shall be divided into the following departments:
+ The Liaisons office
+The Investigative Department
+The Policing Department
+Armed/armored support
+Counter-terrorism department
Article I
Clause 1 The Fegosian Union Rapid Reaction Force (FURRF) shall be established to protect member nations from internal international unrest and conflict.
Clause 2 The FURRF shall be commanded by a supreme allied commander, who shall be vested with the authority to manage its constituent departments, and control its forces in time of war.
Clause 3 The Commander of the FURRF shall be charged with command over logistical operations and force deployments.
Article II
Clause 1 The FURRF shall be governed by a Supreme Commanding Council, which shall be composed of representative of member nations, who shall in turn elect the Commander. The Commander shall preside over the Council.
Clause 2 The Council shall govern the operations of the force commands.
Clause 3 The force commands shall be:
+The FURRF Army, which shall be composed of ground forces that focus on mobile warfare.
+The FURRF Navy, which shall participate in shore patrols, transport, and fire support.
+The FURRF Air Force, which shall participate in transport, logistical operations, and such services as delivery of munitions and tactical strikes.
+The FURRF Research Department, tasked with weapons research and testing.
+The FURRF Rapid Deployment Fleet, which shall be involved in transport and deployments. It shall also provide logistical support.
+The FURRF Department of Deterrents, which shall control a common stockpile of WMD and satellite assets.
+The FURRF Intelligence Department, which shall provide information to the other departments which affects their operations.
Clause 4 All member nations shall provide funding and equipment to the FURRF.
Clause 1 The alliance defines a 'Deterrent Weapon' as a weapon making use of a biological, lethal chemical, radiological, nuclear or electromagnetic pulse source that may cause mass indiscriminate damage to a nation. A deterrent weapon is also defined as an orbit-earth high-energy kinetic projectile, with a potential yield of above 1kT TNT equivalent.
Clause 2 The alliance deterrent will be composed of weapons sufficient to provide an effective strategic deterrent, yet will not be of such a level as deemed unnecessarily high by the Fegosian Union.
Clause 3 To prevent the total loss of all FURRF-held deterrent weapons in a strike, each member nation will be obliged to host a fair share of the alliance deterrent in whatever form it would find best to accomodate.
Clause 4 No alliance member may use, interfere with or impede any deterrent system in use by the FURRF, unless the use of such a weapon has been made without permission from the FURRF Supreme Council.
Clause 5 The use of a deterrant weapon shall only take place if all nations which can be contacted voice no objections to it.