NationStates Jolt Archive

The Dominion of Terra Novian Atlantis seeks top scientists for top secret project

Terra Novian Atlantis
13-06-2008, 13:52
We are seeking out all available "Top" scientists in physics and archaeology.

This project is classified "25 levels above Top Secret"

Details will arrive to those nations willing to help.

Also all nations involved will get to share our discovery!

--President Daniel Winters
The Dominion of Terra Novian Atlantis
Terra Novian Atlantis
13-06-2008, 14:08
5h before discovery

Doctor Williams opened his eyes and looked at his clock.

"You got to be kiddin' its 4am" he says out loud to himself.

He picks up the phone and a man is on the other line.

"Good morning Doctor Williams,We just received words that your new labratory is finished" He said exaggerated.

"Matt...For god sake do not call me in the middle of the morning,You know I hate that.Besides you don't need jump the roof everytime we get new equipment" Williams said with a sleepy voice

Matt laughed "I guess...but it is soo exciting!! I mean now we can start the analyses of that particle beam"

"Yes...yes,Call me in 3 hours" mumbled William and went back to sleep.
Terra Novian Atlantis
13-06-2008, 15:44
-2 hours before discovery

William just came out of the shower when the phone rang again.

"Doctor Williams" He said as he always says

"Doctor Williams,This is General Johnson of the Joint Chief Staff" He said with a proud voice

"How can I help you General Johnson?" Williams asked curiously

"We have found something that you need to participate in." He said with a low voice as if it was a secret.

"What am I going to participate in General?" Williams said a bit annoyed because the general was not telling him.

"We have found a substance that is nothing like we've ever seen,We need you to identify it."