Palerian Fact Book, FT
All Palerians look like human females but have many differences. From the ages of 20 they grow a horn on the back of thier heads. Like a small Rhino horn growing out the back pointing either up or down.
They have no body hair at all
There eyes look human eyes usually with large pupils and are the colour of thier skin either (grey for the silver skinned, Green for the green skinned and yellow for the yellow skinned)
Palerians can be anywhere from 1.5 meters to 2 meters tall
Palerians are asexual beings and do not require a mate to reproduce. they are actually not any sex though they all resemble human females
They can be either Green skinned, Silver skinned or the rare yellow skinned
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Their architecture is very modern and futuristic.
White is a common colour of all buildings made out of a metallic type material.
There cities are mostly flat with buildings rarely over 10 stories high. They have many winding, soft, curving shapes.
If the planets terrain permits it, it always has canals and water running through it
They love open plaza's and squars, open air markets, café's and restaurants.
The Tallest structure ever built by the Palerians is the Guidance Tower. it is 500 Meters high (537 Meters if you count the Palerian Palace it stands on)
It sticks out of Pellion City (Capital city) like a tall pin.
The base of the tower is the largest building ever built by the Palerians and that is the Palerian Palace which holds the government. The core government (the guidance) reside in the Guidance Tower.
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All foriegn alien species are permitted to to live and even to become citizens of Paleria though they must have ID on them at all times and are banned from visiting the central area of Pellion city near the Palerian Palace and the GUidance tower UNLESS escorted by 2 guards and its only for tourist and sight seeing purposes
other then that they are entitles to all the other rights of a Palerian citizen
Palerians are permitted to travel and migrate freely within the Palerian controlled planets and are also permitted to live and emmigrate to other galactic empires
They must have a permit to leave Palerian Territory though
The Diplomatic quarter of Pellion city holds a large round hollow cylinder type building like a alrge stadium. it holds all the diplomatic embassies. In the center of the cylinder are 3 landing pads for diplomatic visits in thier crafts
It is called Embassy Cylinder
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Palerians once believed in ancient times of 3 goddesses. Yor, Marls and Therils. they were one of each skin colour Yellow, Green and Silver and they watched over every Palerian. Every 450 days (one year and one quarter of a Rinek year) the large gas giant of Bolthon would be aligned with Rinek making it as close to the planet as it can in its orbit.
Ancient Palerians believed this was the three godesses merging together and the alignment was celebrated for a week (5 days is one week in Rinek)
Religion lost all its influence and now hardly any Palerian believes in the goddesses or religion at all.
But hundreds of years ago religion dictated the government and now the religion has been modified to only be the views of the three goddesses that all Palerians must follow which are Sharing, peace, respect, learning and love
The only temples to this old religion are the ancient ruins built centuries ago
The values of the goddesses have always been the values of the Guidance and still are. In ancient times the Guidance members where supose to represent the 3 goddesses on Rinek which is the reason that each of the guidance member had to be one of each skin colour. though this is not the case any more
The Palerians are ruled by the Guidance. a council made up of 3 Palerians, usually one of each colour but this is not always the case
The current Guidance is made up of
Veral Elthen (Green) who is 560 years old
Alea Lemurs (Yellow) who is 330 years old
Zanil Kanso (Silver) who is 442 years old
Each community has a local government
The People elect thier local government. The local government then electsone representative to serve in the Planetary council "Middle Ring" of governemnt.
The Planetary council then elects one Planetary representative to serve in the Upper ring of government in the Palerian Palace on Rinek
The Upper Ring is made up of 10 members who represent every planet in Paleria except Polpil I which is a military base
The 10 members then elect 3 Palerians to serve in the Guidance for the rest of thier lives as the core leadership
Elects for local government are every 5 Rinek years (400 days is one Rinek year)
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Palerians live from anywhere between 750 - 800 Rinek years (822-876 earth years)
The oldest recorded Palerian lived to 823 years (902 earth years)
They age just like humans from the ages of 0-20
from the ages of 20-200 they look as though they are in thier 20's
from the ages of 200-350 they look as though they are in thier 30's
from the ages of 350-450 they look like they are in thier 40's
from the ages of 450-550 they look like they are in thier 50's
from the ages of 550-650 they look like they are in thier 60's
from the ages of 650-750 they look like they are in their 70's
from the ages of 750-800 they look like they are in thier 80's
Past 800 they look like they are in thier 90's+ as they age just as humans past this stage
Palerians are asexual beings and do not require a partner to reproduce
they must first masturbate to turn on thier reproductive organs and stimulate a small orb (or egg) inside thier vagina
when they orgasm a small liquid is released from a tube connected to the egg which fills the inside of the egg from the tube that is connected to the egg. this fertilizes it
The egg then disconnects
Careful not to let the egg fall out they go into a sleep or hibernation for 5 days. During this time the egg moves further up the vagina and into a small space which grows into a womb. The Palerian will wake up 5 days later to be pregnant and the womb will expand in a 6 month period containing the new infant. A special liquid develops in the Palerians breasts to feed the new baby infant when its born 6 months later
Palerians, like humans do masturbate and have sex for pleasure. Palerians can have sex with other species. if they do not wish to become pregnant from the orgasm that comes with the sex they can let the egg drop out.
Becuase no DNA from the other species gets inside the egg and becuase DNA from the asexual Palerian is the only one that reachs the inside of the egg via the tube that is connected to the egg the infant will not resemble or have any traits of the other species that the Palerian has sex with
Palerians have 3 different skin colours
Silver skins are the most common making up 65% of the population
Green skins are the next most common making up 20% of the population
Yellow skins are the rarest making up only 15% of the population
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They only have a first and last name
The first name is what others call them by like a human first name
The last name indicates thier skin colour
Yellow skin last name = Lemurs
Silver skin last name = Kranso
Green skin last name = Elthen
Common names
Palerians view relationships differently. They love thier offspring but becuase they do not require a mate to breed they do not have partners or companions
So other Palerians never needed to be anymore then friends. Companionship is not a big part of Palerian society
The outside galactic community has introduced the ideas of companionship and marriage. most Palerians are quite curious about this idea but its hard to grasp
Palerians dont pick up on things like flirting and compliments from beings hoping to be more then friends as they have never come across it before and just assume its in the other species culture to act like that.
This makes Palerian on Palerian relationships extremely rare. only a handful of Palerians are in Palerian on Palerian relationships. many are trying interspecies relationships.
The Guidance are the most powerful and important people in the entire Palerian Federation
They reside in luxury in the Guidance Tower situated in the center of Pellion city ontop of the Palerian Palace
They review laws passed on thier planets and can issue new ones, block laws and abolish old ones. they are deeply respected by the people and have full support of the people
All news always paints the Guidance in a positive light. the guidance are infaillable unless they admit it
They are also quite paranoid. between the 3 Guidance members they have 105 body doubles
a force field is created that protects the entire Guidance tower by generator poles on the roof of the Palerian Palace below.
The forcefield can be de-activated from inside the Guidance tower or it can be destroyed if the Generator poles are destroyed on the roof of the Palerian palace or if the forcefield takes on too much damage
The Tower also contains teleportation devices that can teleport the Guidance to either Supremacy sitting in orbit over the planet. The Zenith Harmony (another powerful ship) or the Marls Gate station
The Guidance can also initiate a self destruct system to destroy the tower if it is overrun with the enemy
The guidance also have the power to disable any of the jump gates into the system or any of the teleportation machines
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The Palerians evolved from simply horned, amphibious snake like beings that could also reproduce by themselves over 40 thousand years ago
tehy then moves onto the land more, develoved hands to grip things, shed thier scales for smoother skin. the move onto the land also sacraficed the time they could spend under water from 18 hours to only 8 hours
Basic civilization began at 2400 BI (BI = before impact)
Then in 0 AI (AI = after impact) a meteor collided with the side of the planet. it caused the death of the surrounding inhabitants and plant life and the crator formed into a large lake. it was named the Yeper lake and was believed to be a great miracle from the Goddesses
900 AI Palerians entered the middle ages
938 AI Religion was made the main driving force behind government
1400 AI Palerians entered the industrial ages
1585 AI religious influence begins to decline in government
1700 AI Palerians entered modern ages
1745 AI Religion is abolished as the main driving force behind government
1880 AI Lentras is colonized
1900 AI Palerians entered futuristic age
1990 AI Poldrin is colonized
2030 AI Larintz is colonized
2100 AI Marls gate and Yor gate are completed to make travel between the Paleria and Pestrin system quicker
2130 AI construction begins on the Therils gate and the Marls station is completed, a station attatched to the back of the Marls gate
2150 AI Saj is colonized
2169 AI Polpil I is colonized
2200 AI Dellion is colonized
2220 AI Polpil IV is colonized
2259 AI Supremacy is constructed
2269 AI Firaka is colonized
2280 AI Zenith Harmony is constructed
2285 AI Kaso Gate begins to ge constructed
2289 AI Silepses Gate is constructed
2290 AI Marnil is colonized
2298 AI Lempor is colonized
2300 AI present day
(underlined planets are ones populated and controlled by the Palerians)
Sun: Paleria (5.2 billion years old)
Cemtria: a small boiling infernno of a planet, not habitable
Population: 0
Rinek: Homeworld for the Palerians, its a flat marsh world with many lakes and rivers and watery swamps. there are 2 major centers. the capital city of Pellion (380 million) and Terreck city (490 million). the planet also contains Palerian palace and the Guidance tower
Population: 8.3 Billion
Lentras: is the only natural satalite orbiting Rinek. it does not have a breathable atmosphere and is scarred by massive canyons sometimes stretching all around the moon. it has a number of mining stations and one main city called the Lentras Dome (30 million)
Population: 38 million
Bolthom: a large pinkish, purplish gas giant
Population: 0
Sun: Pestrin (6.3 billion years old)
Bermil Astroid Belt: an astroid belt that contains 3 research stations
Population: 8,500
Poldrin: is a tropical planet with a large body of water and a scattering of small tropical islands all over the planet
is has a number of oceanic and island cities the largest is called Ollenia (26 million)
Population: 1.6 billion
Larintz: its a cold planet with an icy surface and extremely high peaks and mountain ranges with many storms and blizzards. the largest center is the subterranean city of Elendo (8 million). becuase of the scarcity of resources only a limited number can live on the planet though it isnt a very popular destination to start with anyway
Population: 86 million
Orthal: is a small dark, icy planet. it has no breathable atmosphere and it uninhabited
Population: 0
Sun: Therils (4.5 billion years old)
Jagar: is a large gas giant with 21 moons. only 2 of them are habitable
Saj: a small habitable moon of Jagar. its quite rocky and mountanous with barely any flat surface. it contains some research settlements connected to the side of the high mountains. the largest being Station XI (12,000)
Population: 124,000
Dellion: the largest of Jagars moons it has quite a hilly terrain with lots of hills and forests. there is a large research and mining operation going on with the biggest colony being Hela (2 million)
Population: 1.2 million
Polpil: is a small gas giant containing 5 moons. 2 of them have are inhabited by the Palerians
Polpil I: this is used as a main military base by the Palerians. there are no civlians on this planet. it has a number of hangers, labs and barracks under neath the surface which is quite potmarked
The main military base under the surface is called Omren
Population: has not been released but is estimated to be over 1 million
Polpil IV: Is the fourth moon with an icy surface. the icy surface is jaggered with deep canyons and crevaces. It contains one large drill platform called the Drill Port (200,000). for the last 20 years it has been drilling into the icy surface hoping to reach the ocean below where it plans to construct large dome cities. before the drilling began it was only inhabited by survey teams
Population: 213,000
Lepols: is the largest gas giant in the system with over 28 moons. most being captured astroids
Population: 0
Sun: Silepses (2.1 billion years old) Large blue moon
Firaka: a lone planet in the solar system. it is quite a warm planet with a dusty brown surface. it has quite a few crators and canyons and is potmarked due to meteor strikes
A settlement has just been established called Ganar (1 million) and a number of research stations have also been established around the planet
Ganar is a subterranean city for fear of metero strikes
Population: 2.3 million
Sun: Kaso (5.8 billion years old)
Kaso: a tiny planet named after the sun which is an inhospitable inferno
Population: 0
Marnil: a large expansive dessert planet with a fine black sand. it is very mineral rich and many research and mining stations have been quickly poping up all over the planet. the Largest station is KSS (Kaso system station) with 4 million people
Population: 12 million
Lempor: an extremely windy desolate planet that is quite cold. it has no breathable atmosphere though one research station has been constructed. it has a rocky terrain and an uneven surface. the lone research station is Lempor One (300,000)
Population: 380,000
Deasol: a cold icy world on the edge of the solar system and its uninhabitable
Population: 0
Supremacy: Is the largest station and also the most powerful ship in the Federation. The Guidance (the leadership) view this ship as very important and it is the first choice of where to evacuate should the guidance be in danger on Rinek
Population: 4 million¤t=Nationstates1.jpg
Zenith Harmony: is the second largest space ship and contains the largest cannon in the federation with lots of fire power. The leadership can also choose to teleport to this ship
Population: 2 million¤t=Nationstates2.jpg
Marls Station: is also a gateway for travel between the other jump gates. the Marls station is a massive military base built on the back of the Marls jump gate. The creation of Supremacy and the Zenith Harmony have made the Marls station obsolete as a military base though it is still important and the Guidance have the choice to teleport here also
Population: 5 million
Yor Gate: entrance to the Pestrin system
Population: 20,000
Therils Gate: gateway to the Therils system.
Population: 1 million
Silepses Gate: is a newly constructed jump gate. the system is not every appealing and traffic thorugh this gate is at a minimal
Population: 830
Kaso Gate: is currently under construction and is about 85% complete
Population: 10,000¤t=Nationstates3.jpg
The Palerian Palace
Is the largest building in terms of size ever built in Palerian territory
It holds the upper ring of government housed in luxury condo's inside the palace
It Contains
Indoor Swimming pool
Grand Library
Debating Chamber
2 Conference rooms
Grand Art Gallery
Central opening courtyard
open garden
Outside swimming pool
Garage for visiting vehicles
Garage for Residence Vehicles
4 landing pads on rooftops
Staff Quarters
Guards Quarters
Grand Entrance Hall
Banquet Hall
2 Kitchens
1 Dinning Hall
Planning Architects office
Architetcs Model room
Defence Planning Room
10 File Rooms
Secret Tunnels leading to escape pods under the ocean
58 offices
15 Luxury rooms
Spa room
Massage Room
2 Lecture Halls
20 Guest Rooms
lookout lounge
Lobby of the Guidance Tower
Researchers Labs
Scientists Quarters
The Palace is 37 meters high
The Guidance Tower stand on top of the Palace at 500 meters high
537 meters if you count the Palace is stands on also
Current Guidance Projects
The Guidance have ordered research and survey satalites to investigate the nearby Scarlet and Andril System or habitable worlds to colonize
Should results be favourable the Zenith Harmony will be sent to the systems to drop off a small team of colonists to colonize the plantes by the year 2320AI
The Guidance also wants to be known in the Galaxy and have the Palerian Federation open relations with other Galactic empires