NationStates Jolt Archive

Choice 2008, Elections in the Beatus (Open MT)

The Beatus
11-06-2008, 03:00
The time has come for Official elections, over the past year, we have had many unscheduled elections due to the death of leaders, and now we have come to the first of the official, scheduled elections. Here are the candidates,

The Parties and Candidates:

The Labor Party:
President: Kiara Gragido
VP: Jeremy Starks
Stance on Issues:
Labor Reform: Pro-Union
Military: Defenses Spending Cuts
Nuclear Weapons: Against
Environmental Policy: Pollution Reduction
Corporations: Against
Democracy: Greater Freedom
Unemployment Benefits: More Needed
Religion: Out-dated, and Corrupt, Should be Banned

The Blessed Party:
President: Anthony Moore
VP: Chrissy Colgrove
Stance on Issues:
Labor Reform: Anti-Union
Military: Defenses: Keep As Is
Nuclear Weapons: Against
Environmental Policy: No Stance
Corporations: All Should Be Owned by Church
Democracy: Suffrage for High Ranking Church Members only
Unemployment Benefits: None
Religion: Path of the Blessed as One, and Only True Religion

Sanderson Party
President: Hank Sanderson
VP: Nicole Poole-Sanderson
Stance on Issues:
Labor Reform: Anti-Union
Military: Increase Military
Nuclear Weapons: For
Environmental Policy: No Stance
Corporations: Pro
Democracy: Dictatorship, under Sanderson Bloodline
Unemployment Benefits: None
Religion: Institution of a New State Sponsored Religion, with Hank Sanderson as it's Sole Deity

Environmental Party
President: Tree Dandelion
VP: Dwight Poole
Stance on Issues:
Labor Reform: No Stance
Military: Defenses: Reduce
Nuclear Weapons: Against
Environmental Policy: Clean Up World, By Any Means Necessary
Corporations: Outlawed
Democracy: No Stance
Unemployment Benefits: No Stance
Religion: No Stance

Nuclear Party
President: Mike Beck
VP: Billy Hilbrich
Stance on Issues:
Labor Reform: No Stance
Military: Defenses: Increased Spending
Nuclear Weapons: Build As Many As Possible
Environmental Policy: Build More Nuclear Plants
Corporations: No Stance
Democracy: No Stance
Unemployment Benefits: No Stance
Religion: No Stance

Democracy Now Party
President: Lindsey Sopetti
VP: Michelle Sopetti
Stance on Issues:
Labor Reform: No Stance
Military: Defenses: Build it Bigger, Conscription
Nuclear Weapons: No Stance
Environmental Policy: No Stance
Corporations: No Stance
Democracy: No Stance
Unemployment Benefits: No Stance
Religion: No Stance

Nationalist Party
President: Jeff Melton
VP: Jimmy Burch
Stance on Issues:
Labor Reform: No Unions
Military: Defenses: More Spending
Nuclear Weapons: Against
Environmental Policy: None
Corporations: Pro
Democracy: Greater Freedom
Unemployment Benefits: None
Religion: Freedom for All

[OOC: Feel Free to Pose Questions to any, and all candidates, on any issue you like, no matter how broad, or how specific, such as how they will deal with your nation, or your specific leader. This is like a debate, press conference.]
11-06-2008, 03:18
The United Provinces wishes to inquire of Jeff Melton of his stance on foreign investment and trade, specifically how much investment from the Vanteland would be allowed, and how he plans to change tariff rates, especially those in regards to the United Provinces. Thank you, you seem the most obvious choice at the moment, and we are likely to send money and supplies soon.
The Beatus
11-06-2008, 03:26
The United Provinces wishes to inquire of Jeff Melton of his stance on foreign investment and trade, specifically how much investment from the Vantelands would be allowed, and how he plans to change tariff rates, especially those in regards to the United Provinces. Thank you, you seem the most obvious choice at the moment, and we are likely to send money and supplies soon.

To the United Provinces,

My stance on foreign trade is free trade with all nations who seek it. It is the only way for our economy to grow. We would also open up the Beatus to any and all foreign investment. I hope this information will be helpful to your nation.

Jeff Melton
Candidate for President
11-06-2008, 03:48
The United Provinces of the Vanteland endorses Jeff Melton for President of the Beatus.

The United Provinces sends to Jeff Melton's campaign the following:
-25 How To Write Convincing Pamphlet (Book)
-25 How To Win An Election (Book)
-100 Laptops
-100 Pinstripe Suit
-100 "Man of the Masses" Suit
-5,000 Pre-Written Pamphlets
-5,000 Jeff Melton Buttons/Pins
-10,000 Jeff Melton Stickes (including Bumper Stickers)
-1,000,000 USD's
-Unlimited Advertising Time on TNT and VBS (Vantanian International Media Corporations)
-1 Jet Plane (including fuel)
The Beatus
11-06-2008, 04:50
To the United Provinces of the Vanteland,

I thank you for your generous contribution to my campaign.

Jeff Melton
Candidate for President
The Beatus
15-06-2008, 08:02
Official Election Results

Election 2008 is over, and the votes have been electronically tallied.

The Results are:
(All Percentages rounded to the nearest 1/10 of a %.)

Kiara Gragido, Jeremy Starks: 2 votes, 0.00% of the vote
Anthony Moore, Chrissy Colgrove: 251,245,687 votes, 33.26% of the vote
Hank Sanderson, Nicole Poole-Sanderson: 240 votes, 0.00% of the vote
Tree Dandelion, Dwight Poole: 1 votes, 0.00% of the vote
Mike Beck, Billy Hilbrich: 1 votes, 0.00% of the vote
Lindsey Sopetti, Michelle Sopetti: 251,245,686 vote, 33.26% of the vote
Jeff Melton, Jimmy Burch: 252,857,687 votes, 33.48% of the vote

Total number of votes: 755,349,304
Total number of registered voters: 1,175,857,517
Voter Turnout: 64.24%

Voter Breakdown:
72.53% Male
27.47% Female

16-25: 68.25%
26-45: 13.25%
46-65: 10.35%
+66: 8.15%

The winner, by a margin of 1,612,000 votes (0.22%), is the Nationalist Party candidates, for President, Jeff Melton, and Vice President, Jimmy Burch.