NationStates Jolt Archive

International Energy Consortium [OOC/Recruitment]

09-06-2008, 03:58


I. Intro/Purpose
II. Doctrine of Neutrality
III. Economic Policies
IV. Committees
V. Bylaws
VI. Members and Production Levels

I. Intro/Purpose.

The International Energy Consortium [IEC] is an organization based around financial and economic progress for all member states as it relies to the supply and demand of energy on the global market. Its primary goal is to produce the maximum amount of profit for all energy producers. Its secondary goal is to protect the political integrity of all member states. The Consortium requires no particular economic or political alignment, but should a nation object to certain requirements regarding free trade between member states, or the abidance to market demands, then it shall be incapable of actively participating in the Consortium, and thus not permitted entrance. All nations, no matter how large or small, wealthy or impoverished, powerful or weak, contribute in some way to the world economic market - and thus are qualified to apply for membership to the International Energy Consortium.

II. Doctrine of Neutrality.

Hostile situations in which an entity is forced to become an aligned combatant are rarely profitable to that entity, this axiom applies to the Consortium as it does to any nation or organization in the world. Because of this, it should always be the objective of the IEC to remain neutral in global military conflicts in order to fulfill the primary goal of Consortium - to promote maximum profit margins. All means should be taken to avoid war, but the Doctrine of Neutrality extends further than this. It encourages the organization to become neutral supporters of all combatants, supplying whatever the market may demand to whomever may demand it - so as to turn the largest profit. When a combatant is locked out of the global market by blockade or sanction, the global demand for energy decreases due to this nation's inability to purchase energy from the market. With a decrease in demand a decrease in price is inevitable, which will lead to a decrease in total profits over time. Furthermore it should be a secondary concern to ensure that global conflicts continue for as long as is possible, for such conflicts increase the demand for energy, and therefore the price.

III. Economic Policies.

A. Free Trade Between Member States. All member nations are required to sell to other member states at fair market price [price not influenced by the doings of non-member states] - resulting in equal profit between both parties. This measure is a mainstay of the organization, ensuring that member states remain secure in their energy demands regardless of international incidents.

B. Sale at Market Value. Though this should function as an implied measure, it shall be stated to ensure all are aware. In order to make maximum profit, the price of whatever goods are being sold must stay at the market equilibrium. Should we sell under the market price, we will only short ourselves profit, and increase the profit of the competition. Should we overprice, we will not sell all our product. The equilibrium price establishes the maximum profit potential, and all member states should sell at this price. Why one nation or company would not is a good question.

-Note. Member states are permitted to sell for whatever price they desire inside their own nations, so long as that domestic sale does not significantly impact the global market so as to decrease the profits of other member states.

IV. Consortium Committees.

It is the requirement that every member state have a representative serve on at least two committees and a maximum of three. The committees work as the governmental structure of the organization - there is no President, Chancellor or any other overarching supreme position that controls the actions of the Consortium. Each committee is charged with different areas of concern, regarding the economic, political and diplomatic spectrums of the organization. It is imperative that the representatives serving on these committees be as objective as possible when making decisions, we ask the men nominated not be government officials. Without further ado, the committees.

Committee of Strategic Production. This committee is responsible for determining the market price, addressing any issues that require altering production, and maintaining the economic organization of the Consortium. [6/8 Seats Open]

Committee of Recruitment and Retention. This committee is responsible for recruiting potential member states and ensuring they remain members. Furthermore they approve of all applicants to the Consortium [and applications to the various committees], and vote on the expulsion of members whom have violated treaty. It is imperative that the members of this committee are extremely active, as potential members cannot join and become active unless two out of the three members approve of their application. [2/3 Seats Open]

Finance Committee. This Committee is responsible for properly investing membership dues to promote the ideals of the Consortium. They control all monetary and material assets of the organization. [5/5 Seats Open]

Committee of External Affairs. This Committee is responsible for addressing pressing External Affairs that affect the IEC, or individual members in particular. The Committee of External Affairs has the power of embargoing certain nations, establishing Consortium-Wide trade agreements with other organizations, alliances or nations, and requesting military action against nations or organizations from the IEC. [Military action cannot be ordered, only requested] [4/5 Seats Open]

Committee of Internal Affairs. This Committee is responsible for settling arguments and disputes between member states. It also is responsible for ensuring the bylaws are followed. Should the Committee believe a member has violated the rules, they may impeach a member state - from which point the Recruitment and Retention Committee decides on expulsion. This Committee is also responsible for amending the bylaws. [5/5 Seats Open]

V. Bylaws.

Article I. NAP. No nation is permitted to wage war, facilitate hostilities, or to directly or indirectly support armed combat against against another member state without authorization from Committee of Internal Affairs. 4/5 Votes Required. A 2/3 vote in the general body meeting can override the decision of the Internal Affairs Committee. Any nation violating this bylaw is immediately to be brought a joint panel of the Committee on Internal Affairs and the Recruitment and Retention Committee for judgment on impeachment and expulsion.

Article II. Membership Dues. All nations are required to invest 100,000,000 USDs per billion in population into the IEC Coffers. This money is to be invested to yield greater profits to the member states. [i.e., a nation of 3.43 billion pays 300,000,000]

Article III. Voting Rights and Representation. All decisions made by the committees , can be brought before the General Body to be put to vote. Any member may request a decision be brought before the Body, and with a second from another member, it shall be brought to vote. A simple majority is required for all things but expulsion, amendments and embargoes.

Voting is based on nation size, with one vote granted per billion citizens - no rounding, with a minimum of one vote. A nation with 4.5 billion may cast 4 votes, so and and so forth.

Article IV. Military Action. Military Action is not a portion of the Consortium. It may be requested, but never mandated.

Article V. Amending the Bylaws. In order to pass a new bylaw, amend and existing one, or removing one, a 2/3 vote must be passed by the General Body.

[B]VI. Members and Production Levels.

Realm of Kroando
Population. 6.364 Billion as of 05/08/08
Uranium. 296,000 tonnes per annum [6,000 exported]
Coal. 1,870 megatons per annum [200 mt exported]
Oil. 34,000,000 barrels per day [12,000,000 Exported]
Representative Uron Alaboc
-Recruitment and Retention Committee
-Committee on Strategic Production

United Kingdom of Oceania
13,908,000,000 (appox.)
Resource Statistics
Coal (bituminous)
110,000,000,000 tonnes annually [20,000,000,000 tonnes annually]
Coal (anthracite)
22,500,000 tonnes annually [-350,000,000 tonnes annually]
Natural Gas
16,000,000,000 m³ annually [1,500,000,000 m³ annually (liquified)]
210,000,000 bbl/day [-170,000,000 bbl/day]
6,250,000 tonnes annually [2,250,000 tonnes annually]
Cyril Roth-Davies, 3rd Earl of Winford
Committee of External Affairs
Committee of Strategic Production

[Other Categories Added at Applicants Discretion]
09-06-2008, 04:13
His Majesty's Government has long supported organisations whose primary focus is the development of peace and prosperity through economic integration, be it via fiscal, monetary, or trade arrangements. The International Energy Consortium, as an international organisation committed to free trade between the producers of the raw materials necessary for energy, fits the established foreign policy aims of HM Government. Accordingly, as the HM Government sees no conflict with the outlined bylaws or principles of the organisation, hereby petitions for membership in the International Energy Consortium and all the rights and responsibilities thereof.


Arthur King-Calabrius
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry

Gavin Astley
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Rodney Ingrahm
Prime Minister
United Kingdom of Oceania
09-06-2008, 05:21
To Whom it May Concern,

It is my honor to formerly accept the application of the United Kingdom of Oceania to the ranks of the International Energy Consortium. In order to complete your application, we request the following information be wired to the temporary office located in Scolar, Antarctika.

Full Sovereign Name
Current Population
Energy Resources Produced [Amount Exported]
Committees Said Nation is Applying to Join [At Least 2, Maximum of 3]
Representative's Name

Recruitment & Retention Committee,
Uron Alaboc, Kroandon Representative
09-06-2008, 19:41
United Kingdom of Oceania
13,908,000,000 (appox.)

Resource Statistics
Coal (bituminous)
110,000,000,000 tonnes annually [20,000,000,000 tonnes annually]
Coal (anthracite)
22,500,000 tonnes annually [-350,000,000 tonnes annually]
Natural Gas
16,000,000,000 m³ annually [1,500,000,000 m³ annually (liquified)]
210,000,000 bbl/day [-170,000,000 bbl/day]
6,250,000 tonnes annually [2,250,000 tonnes annually]

Cyril Roth-Davies, 3rd Earl of Winford
Committee of External Affairs
Committee of Strategic Production
11-06-2008, 17:28
[Bump] Any questions or comments would also be welcome.
14-06-2008, 21:50
One last bump...