NationStates Jolt Archive

New Kewen FT Fact book

08-06-2008, 09:10
Race history planets and systems are being done reserved
please do not post work in progress any greivances please TG me on NS site thank you.

side note about craft, i plan my nation to be small but very powerful ships and as a rule i set for my self i wont feild rediculusly large amounts of them as i have compared them in my mind for a Pod craft to take on about.. 2-3 ISD's >.> <.< and a Battle pod to be able to take the firepower equiv of alotta ships as i said any greivances PM to me.

note on battle pod adaptable sheilding, it means for the duration od that battle every weapon fire on it will have less and less of a effect but that is purged after the battle coz it takes lots of computing power to adapt >.> <.< as i said any grevacnces or questions TG to me
08-06-2008, 10:24
Kewen Craft and Relative Info
Pod Craft
Role - Multirole craft, terraforming,scouting,dpilomatic envoys,medium warship,frieghter

Length: Approximatly 1.3km size various depending on attachment
Hight:300-143.m from back to front
Power: 8 Multi-tap space drivers
Lenght of time without resupply : Unknown.

Defensive Systems : Quad layer Gravimetric sheild 4th layer is hull hugging and strongest sheilding. 1st layer is 20meters away from hull and is weakest. Scanner Jam

Offensive Systems: 1 Multi tap gun(basically a lazer that slices ships in to bits has about 1-2 min recharge)150 point defense emplacements, 6 Assimilaters(akin to a large grazer), 12 Medium dual barrel railguns

Battle Pod (yes i know bog cube nothing like a pod well :P its my battle pod just not as black)
Role - Multi use Warship, PLantary assult,Anti cap vessel

Dimensions : Each face of the Cube is 1km high by 1km (work it out yaself)
Power systems: <classified will reveal in time>

Defensive Systems: dual layer Adapting Sheild Comms Jamm,Scanner jam

Offensive Systems: 4 Assimilators per face, 18 Medium Dual barrel Railguns per face,2 Multitap guns, several missle banks 4 rounds per salvo each.

Shuttle pod
roles: transport
Size: 12 meters hide and has a diameter of 7 meters egg shaped

Defensive systems: Light sheilding
Offensive systems: N/A
Power: A/MA reactor

Fighter Pod
Roles: Fighter, Bomber,Reconnaseince vechile
Dimensions scaled down version of the Battle Pod: faces are 11 meters by 11 meters cube shaped

Defensive Systems: Medium Fighter sheilding,scanner jam
Offensive systems: 3 Fighter Assimilaters (equivilant to basic fighter weps) per face, 1 "top" mouted missle launcher 1 "bottom" mouted Missle launcher
30-06-2008, 13:14
Kewen Craft and Relative Info.
With the discorvey of myrid and different lifeforms out in the galaxy it was decided unanomusly with the vote of 99.9999999% of the kewen population to one stubborn person to create and design new vessels capable of more effeciant activites.

Advent class Destoryer
Size: approx: 810m size varies as no kewen ship is exactly the same.
Height: 82 meters
Width: Varies
Power: 1 Multitap generator and 3 mini backup fusion plants.
Length of time without ressupply: 2 years

Defensive Systems: Single layer of medium adaptive sheilding,
Offensive Systems: Twin Assimilator guns,10 medium dual railgun turrets, 6 Heavy dual railgun turrets, Twin AM/M Missle launchers.
Role Fleet support unit and main backbone.

Sting class PD frigate

Size 80-100m varies
Height: 20meters
Length of time without resupply 7 months

Defensive sheilding: Light sheilding
Offensive systems: twin Heavy Rail guns, 8 Medium-light quick tracking railgun turrets
Role: usually anti fighter or light atmospheric support

Both the Sting and Advent classes are based on the same hull except for minor variations in weapon types and large changes to size.
01-07-2008, 10:12
More ship stuff and Relavent Info:
Dagger Fighter
Role: Designed to lead groups of Needle Drone fighters into battle highly manouverable and heavily armed and armoured.
Height :1.4m
power: One Mini Fusion reactor two backup deployable solar panels
Length of time without resupply: 2 months or indefinate.

Defensive Systems : Light Fighter sheilding and Chaff along with 4 rear deploied mines, Driod control Systems.
Offensive System: Driod Control Systems, 6 Medium Repeating Pulse Blaster(equic to a heavy fighter gun), 1 medium railgun 40 degree rotation.,mine launcher 4 mines, Small Fusion missle rack 8 missles

Can control a group of 12 Needle Fighters.

Needle Droid Fighter:
Role: Droid Fighter, cannon fodder, COmplete oposite to the Dagger lightly armed and armoued expected not to last very long.

Length: 10meters
Width 2 meters
Height 3 meters
Length of time without resupply: 5 months
Power: one mini Fusion generator 8 solar panels.

Deffensive systems: Chaff, Driod Reciver,light armour
Offensive Systems: twin light Pulse blasters and two Pulse missles, a weak Fusion missle basically expect comprised of energy ergo unlimited ammo if supplied with energy from panels.

Dagger/Needle Combo.

Released in squadrons usually 12 daggers controling 12 Needles each, the needles act as wingmen bound to the Dagger pilots will usually to provide assistance in battle to to distract the enemy variants of the Dagger and Needle exist like for ground bombing and such. Taking out the Dagger controling the Needle fighters will result in 43% combat efficiany drop usually.
Imperial isa
01-07-2008, 10:19
your fighter and battle pods links need to be fixs
01-07-2008, 10:21