NationStates Jolt Archive

'No More Substitution' - A Speech by P.M. Russell

30-05-2008, 10:04
(OOC: I use the pre-decimalisation currency - defence spending has gone up from 10-11.25% of GDP)

A General Speech by the Prime Minister

I have been asked by those in Parliament and by the political body of the country suspicious of the actions undertaken by my Government to justify said actions, and as every accountable Government must do so to preserve at least a basic suggestion of political freedom, I will do so today, but I will not make a mere answer expected by the House of Commons, because before this day has passed the entire world will hear this message, a greater message that will reach every corner of the earth and shake the boots of every tyrant who lies currently secure under a shield of well armed military forces and totalitarian state power. Those same intelligence bureaus responsible for the torture of dissidents and the arrest of political and civil opponents to the regimes they prop up by their contemptible acts have watched with interested eyes as our military has rebuilt itself. They have watched as our nation tore the proverbial economic arrow from its chest and stood back up, her shoulders once more brushing the clouds and her eyes once more looking upwards and meeting those of almighty God himself. And I, my fellow Questarians, for I sit at the head of this nation, have looked into the eyes of God, and he has looked back at me, and in the eyes of our creator I saw nothing less than the red, white and blue.

Yesterday, the Military Bill passed Parliament, legalising my Government to spend an extra three pence in the pound of our gross domestic product on the military. This means that for every pound of Questarian money produced, twenty-seven pence will be spent on our Armed Forces. It will be spent on ships, aircraft, and tanks. Missiles, bombs, and guns. Why is it that our nation must spend more on defence when we already spend a tremendous amount of money on machines of war? In our country, every single man and woman owns as much of their lives as any other, they have the same basic human rights, they have the same sensibilities and dignities, they have the same liberty to enjoy as one another. In Questers, free black men choose to shake the hands of free white men in friendship and compassion. This is not the case across much of the rest of the world, and yet, this is not related to Racialism nor its decline in light of the spread of emancipation in our country, but related to the very basic human freedoms that our countrymen share with each other, as Questarian citizens protected under their untouchable Bill of Rights.

Every Questarian is now born knowing their rights, and if a Police Officer or Soldier breaks into their house without a properly obtained warrant, they may - and many do - present to him their Bill of Rights and escort him from their premises at gunpoint, so extensive is the Liberty we enjoy. If the armed police of the local council see it fit to break up a private meeting of individuals, they are commiting the greatest offence that it is possible to commit under the Questarian Common Law. Yet these rights are not those extended to so, so many people in different lands across the sea, who bear the burden of unfair taxes, who every day live in fear that their lives could be brought to an end or their souls fed to the torturer, as equally foul as he is brutal, who have no right to petition their Government and who have no right to speak freely and who have no right to privately address their deity of choice. Yet these people soldier on, day after day, because they know that across the seas, there are lands where there lie better existences than the miserable lives these oppressed citizens suffer. They pray to their Gods, secretly if needs be, and at the risk of torture and execution, they pray to be liberated. They pray for the overthrow of their despotic and tyrannical leaders. They pray that one day they may enjoy the light of a free society.

Perhaps The Honourable Gentleman, Sir Rutledge, my Conservative opponent is entirely unawares as to the nature of the Market Liberal Party. We will not sit idly by while an injustices are carried out overseas that are so great it would sicken any one of the Houses's Members to the deepest bowels of their hearts to hear the morbid details of many of them. And it is not just the political and civic liberties that we observe being violated - there are no shortage of states who see their nation's economies as playtools for social redistribution, who do not believe in the power of every individual to act together to run a nation in cooperation like our own, but instead believe that the power of the invincible state, that the supremacy of collectivism, will lead them to glory. The many that starve under their planned economies are to them not individuals with hopes and dreams and aspirations, but mere numbers to be discarded as part of paperwork in an endless bureaucracy. Perhaps the Honourable Gentleman of the opposition enjoys his three course dinners at his stately home - possibly, sometimes, he may even give grace, but he cares not for the hundreds of millions, if not billions, who live in poverty, their motivation and their talent viciously crushed under the fist of the state.

It is true that we have fought before, and it is true that we sustained terrible casualties in our quest for Havenic independence. But as the good Samaritan gave his aid to the victim of robbery, so we will give aid to those who are victims of robbery, for a crime is a crime irregardless of those who have committed it. The guns of their Army and the laws of their country make no excuse for their actions. They will and can not avoid being tried for their offences against human dignity when the time comes, and if that Samaritan in that story had faced the same bandits and rogues who had troubled his neighbour, he would not have cowered in the face of their aggression; nor shuddered from their cruel and wicked smiles, nor ran from their blades. That then, is our aim, and our calling: to stand our ground in the defence of human Life and Liberty. Why? Why must we fight to give those who we are in no way assosciated what we cherish and enjoy? Arbitrarily defined nationalities cannot stand in the way of the bondage that human beings discover when they find it in their hearts to assist those in their greatest need.

To indict me or my party as warmongers is an action so foolish I would expect it not even of the opposition. When a man breaks and enters his neighbours home to defend him from a murder he is not violent or aggressive, for there is no shame in protecting human life wherever it can be found, just as there is no shame in denying those murderers the opportunity to strike at those who are easiest to prey upon. Noone has ever dared to attack our nation, for they can see the military consequences are not favourable towards them, and to our military they have given a wide berth, for they know that challenging it is to invite defeat. They are, in perhaps the greatest sense of the word, cowards, who feast upon the freedom of the undefended but never dare to attempt to make a meal out of us. The United Democratic Front has branded me the title of International Police Chief - and let me tell you, it is a title I savour most approvingly, for there is no greater task ascribed to mortal men than to bring justice to criminals caught in the act of repression.

The hopes of billions rest on those who are ready to say that they are no longer willing to substitute the spread of Liberty for political ideals as shallow as convenience and as pathetic as safety, for there can be no convenience in petting the shark and there can be no safety in entertaining it, for once you tread in its waters the scent of your blood is in its nose and to give up such easy prey as an appeaser is something a shark is pained to do. Their hopes rest on us in Questers, and our allies who are ready to stand by us in our struggle, that we have the conviction to take up our morals in defence of humanity. No doubt in the oppressive summer sun the tyrant closes his curtains to stop the sun from leaking into his chambers and awakening him early. There is no closing the curtains on the light of Liberty. This is a light that will find its way through closed curtains, through locked doors, and if needs be, through concrete bunkers. We call upon our allies, our friends who have shown themselves to be nations as free and Liberal as any, to march with us. The advance of Liberty is unstoppable. It is the destiny of the whole world to be free from the shackles of economic tyranny and the chains of political oppression. Perhaps the dictators who feel this wave of manumission sweep over their population will respond in their typically jingoistic manner and attack our Nation; Our People, Our Freedom.

To those in power in these tyrannies scattered across the globe who are as morally guilty as a common murderer or a pety thief, be prepared. Our military is well armed and ready. Here in our capital we can hear the voices of those who cry out for Freedom. We can hear you, and we are coming for you. Liberty will be enslaved no longer. She is breaking the chains of her cage as we speak, a roaring lion prepared to maul her repressive captors. The hour of Liberation is at hand.

Lux Libertas Justitia.

(OOC: "Light, Liberty, Justice")
30-05-2008, 12:25

Speech Before Congress, given by Congressman Simon E. Barthes, R-Alabama

My dear friends!

Allaneans of all parties – Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Anarchists and New World Order Members! We hear great news today. Our friends to the South, the Questarians, are now enlarging their military spending – and this time they are not doing it to attack Allanea. This time, it is liberty they are after – to re-crate the good old days of the Sovereign League, the good old days when the Allanean and Questarian armed forces protected the values of Life, Liberty, and Property all across the world

We fought on the streets of New Albor, in the seas of Southern Haven and at the shores of Kroando. We destroyed British Londinium, we crushed The Burnisian Desert and Bartonstein. On a dozen shores, the Allanean eagle and the Questarian Lion fought together for liberty.

Now, the Questarians are rejoining the fight for liberty, and there is nothing Allanea can say or do but to affirm our dedication to that fight.

I know that some of my friends in the opposition will disagree with me, and I will remind them of the words of Theodore Roosevelt: “The pacifist is as surely a traitor to his country and to humanity as is the most brutal wrongdoer. “

Yes, goddamn it, good and evil do exist. Freedom is good. Slavery is evil. Allanea is good. Andaras is evil. Questers is good. Doomingsland is evil. Until you learn these simple truths, that good and evil exist, and that good is superior to evil, you are nothing but a child, and should grow up before you join the company of Freemen.

And that said, I would like to ask my fellow Congressmen to vote with me on bill H.R.5345, the Allanean Support of Questers Resolution 2008, announcing to the world that the Congress of the United States and her people support Questers in her struggle for world liberty.

That is all.

May God Bless Allanea.
30-05-2008, 13:04
Varbola Times

Liberty, Lunatics, and Questers
Article by: Juha Poro

World knows many leaders who can be properly labelled as “fanatical lunatics”. Mostly these come from the totalitarian dictatorships, Maximus of the Imperium Doomanum and Damien Dreadfire of Automagfreek are probably some of the most well known examples. Both seem to be pretty damn convinced that the God is speaking with them. Still, although democracy is oftenly considered effective for keeping insane fanatics out of power, it has its history of failures. Allanea and by now non-existant British Londinium, come in mind as examples of democracy producing “non-standard”, or if we do not let the political correctness disturb us, then just “totally retarded”, outcomes. Now the sanity has suffered another setback, as Questers can be added to this list.

Questers has been long considered one of the major superpowers. Many years ago Questers tried to completely reshape world balance by directly challenging Gholgoth-NATO block. That move was too ambitious and resulted a decisive setback. Questers suffered times of uncertainity and weakness. But by now it has practically fully recovered, its armed forces have been built up in their former glory. Its navy is once again considered by experts to be one of strongest, if not the strongest, in the whole world. Normally there would be no reason to worry, strong military in hands of stable and rational government can have positive effects on the world stability. But then such means of destruction fall in the hands of fanatics, it is time to be very worried.

Current Questarian Prime Minister Benjamin Russell recently pulled his nation out of the Alliance for Protection of Civilization, usually known simply as APOC. That itsselfly was understandable move, APOC is practically led by Doomingsland which has nothing in common with human rights or democracy. But then I heard mr. Russell’s speech I couldn’t help but notice rather fanatical tones in it. Emotional sentences about the untold billions of souls “crying out to be liberated” in APOC states goes a lot farer then regular diplomatic etiquette would expect. But this is nothing compared to speech that mr. Russel gave now, then announcing increase in already high military spending. The Questarian prime minister, who also likes to be called “International Police Chief”, has officially joined exclusive club of national leaders who speak with the God.

Other leaders who seem to get guidelines directly from the God, Maximus of Doomingsland and Damien Dreadfire of Automagfreek, are well known for their agressive military campaigns and genocides. Considering Questarian-Praetonian alliance, we can add up Questarian Commonwealth and Royal Georgian League. With that we have major block which only the few strongest alliances could hope to challenge. So stage is set for Russell of Questers to fight for his nation's “rightful spot under sun” as he probably would call it. His declaration how “hour of Liberation is at hand” is clear indication that gloves are coming off, and now we just need to wait and see where the Questarian Lion attacks first.

Finally, I would like to criticize the Olmedrecan government and political elite, for total isolationism and disinterest in interational matters. Although their relaxed approach is understandable, Doomani fanaticism has never really distrubed our dealings with them, so they probably dont see any reason why it would be different with Questarians. Also Questarian open anti-communism fits perfectly with views of military elite, and possibility of some communist states being wiped out would be considered highly positive by them. But please, lets avoid getting blinded by optimism, lunatics who speak with gods are not predictable, then such people are in front of gargantuan war machines, destruction may happen at any time, in any place, for any reason. It is not possible to know where mr. Russell decides to import liberty after his next conversation with the God. We can only hope that some saner forces in Questers step in before international situation gets out of control.

[OOC: as usual, this newspaper article does not represent official view of Olmedrecan government]
Beth Gellert
30-05-2008, 15:00
In Soviet India, media not totally distracted by the failure of the monsoon belt, and attributing blame for it to this or that capitalist root, raises serious concerns over Questrian military spending. A nation of which Beddgelens were aware but in which they were disinterested has gradually risen in the popular consciousness due to its establishment's anti-socialist rhetoric and overt militarism.

Gadar! (Revolution), the largest state-owned media outlet in the Indian Soviet Commonwealth, takes the view that the Questrian bourgeoisie are clearly preparing for the final conflict, which, Igovian ideology has it, will conclude with labour's ultimate global triumph over the parasitic classes. This is in the Commonwealth barely enough to convince a popular majority of the necessity of Beddgelert's own defence expenditure, which is valued at around 5% of GDP and quite commonly said to be excessive at this level. Twenty-seven trillion US dollars, say many in India, would go a long way towards 'climate-proofing' the ailing subcontinent.

Still, while pre-revolutionary nations such as Questers continue to burdon their citizens with back-breaking military commitments, Soviet Indians will always have room to say, "Thank f*%# for the Revolution!"