NationStates Jolt Archive

The hunt (PMT, IC)

29-05-2008, 23:31
The sky above Voidtemplar was black. No stars shone upon the City of Nerum Sil and the bizzarly hot air of the day had gone now, forcing the citys inhabitants indoors as the useualy freezing air returned.

As none were in the streets, non saw the brilliant blue flsh in the sky as a predator mothership extited FTL speed. There was a series of 8 more flashs as the mothership launched decent pods into the citys outskirts. The first of which crushed a Peace keeper with its pointed tip.

The other 4 were instantly alert, aiming thier guns at the pod. So intent on it were they that they did not notice the other 7 comming down, by the time they had it was already to late.

With a hissing noise the pod opened, revealing a few glowing white lights, but otherwise nothing. In explicably the two dogs jumped at the pods opening, seemingly leaping at nothing. Sudenly one of the dogs was hurled backwards, a spear stuck thrugh its head. The other one was supended in mid air as a pair of invisable blade protruded from its neck, made visable by its blood.

The peace keepers opened fire at where they asumed this foe was, creating electrical sparks as they hit its cloaked armor. All this was wathed by 7 predators, 4 of which aimed thie plasmer casters and fired, killing the 4 men instantly.

10 minutes later, they were gone, leaving no trace other than the flayed and skinned bodys of the 4 peacekeepers and thier dogs hanging rom the tallest building nearby.
Void Templar
29-05-2008, 23:42
The following morning, a peacekeeper patrol found the dead corpses, and the city was sent into lockdown. The patrols in the city doubled, and they well now all armed.

Once place had extra security. The Extraterrestial Research Facility was sent into lockdown, as the project contained in that building was of national importance. Inside was a batch of Xenoform eggs. One egg injected with the X-Series DNA mutator, the rest all natural Xenoform. The batchs were seperated from each other by 20 meters of solid stone wall.

Even though the unfortunate events of the preceding evening made the staff nervous, the first test was still on schedule. A comatose man was brought into the room.
"Is that the test subject?" The two Crimson Guard dragging him nodded. "Right, put him in the chute. We'll drop him in at 10:00 hours."
29-05-2008, 23:56
Outside the facility the 8 Preators were watching the peace keeper patroles passing by, monitering the guard patroles. 'Muscles' was preforming a scan on the facility using the mothership's sensors, turning into the recently cleared apartment, bringing up the now complete 3-d plan of the building.

Pointing to the area where the man was being keepet he said "Look here" and highlighted the chute and chamber that it led to, pointing to a small green blip. "That is an egg, one of our ultimate prey. The prey here seem to think they are safe keeping it in a room with such thick walls, how wrong they are. Gather your skulls and your equipment, rest and eat. Tomorrow we will strike at the facility, we cannot allow them to spread. For now, Me, swift spear and strong blade will test thier defences, the rest of you make ready." (obviusly this has been translated). and withthat he and two other predators lept out of the window, heading towards the perimiter fence, thier cloaks powering up.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 00:01
The first few steps the predators took were unoticed. But then, however, the EM camera caught the group moving. The image was relayed to the turrets, who used it as target guidance. The turrets opened fire, but it was not heard inside the thick walls.
"Okay, drop it in." The body slid into the pit with a thump, and the egg opened slowy. Two legs propped out over the brim, before the entire Facehugger was pulled up. It leapt onto the mans face, latching on and beginning the gestation period.
"Alright, now do the same for the rest."
30-05-2008, 00:05
The predators dived for cover, firing a volly of spears at a passing patrole, impaling them all. They then turned and hurled pulse at the nearest turret, scanning for more with thier EM vision mode.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 00:14
Alarms went off inside the compound. More turrets popped out of walls and opened fire and men rushed out with flamethrowers, sending spikes of flames into the courtyard. Inside, the scientist and X-Series infected corpse were dragged away into the rear helipad. Meanwhile, a group of soldiers sent up a final perimiter inside the base.
30-05-2008, 00:22
The prdators ran, thier plasmer casters firing behind them and as they ran seveal fire bombs they had planted blew up, sending balls of fire everywhere., they ran in a circle around the apartment bloack, cutting into the lobby withthier cloack barely intackt, and began to return to thier hide.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 00:33
The men fell back from the fire bombs, their suits protcting them from the fire. The fire was extinguised eventually, and the began to inform the Military about the attack. In their haste, no one noticed the small break in the wall of the alien pen, and the three open eggs...

The helicopter was en route to a maximum security military base to protect the Specimen. About halfway there, it happened. The bodt started to jerk and then the chestburster erupted from the chest of the corpse. Growing rapidly, it would soon reach full size.
30-05-2008, 00:36
There was a beep on the wrist pad of 'Muscles' as the mother ship told hiom about the events on the heli copter. He entered a command in his wrist computer and in orbit the mothership began to rotate on its axis, bringing its cutting lazer to bear on the top of the building.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 00:51
The laser cut straight through the ammo depo, setting off a huge explosion inside the compound. The explosion was so huge it shook the helicopter, causing the crysalis of the X-Series to fall from the helicopter into the river beneath it.

The explosion drew the attention of a rather undesirable person. He sat in his darkened breifing room, pulse rifle laid across his lap. He took a drag from his cigarette, coughed once, then turned off the live feed. He smiled.
The hunt was on.
30-05-2008, 00:56
Muscles shot a stong metalic cable from a small gun he had attached to his hip, the spike at its tip embeding itself in the ground above the hole from the laser. Silently the predators engaged thier cloaks and slid down the wire, landing next to the hole and preforming a backflip to land in the tiny amount of the amunition depot that was still there, they braught up the 3d map again and split into pairs, headingtowards the location of the eggs, plasma casters primed.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 01:02
By this time, another 4 of the 20 eggs were gone, and the hole covered up. The remaining eggs opened, and the facehuggers emerged, scattering into the pit.
30-05-2008, 01:07
One groupe (Keen eye and stone heart) heard the sctuling of some of the face hugers and switched to EM vision mode. Instantly they saw them, startled by how many there were, thier vision was actuly glowing with the amount of facehuggers, without a word they opened fire with thier plasmer casters, satisfied with the screech each dead creature made.

"We have found some hatchlings, there are many, request aid incase an adlt form is near by" said keen eye into his intercom.

Muscles and swift spear ackknowledged and began to run towards the 'batle'
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 01:17
The 'huggers leapt at the predators, aiming to latch on to their faces.

The eyes of Jakal snapped opened. He burst out of its shell, emerging dripping and growling on the bank. Directly in front of a very startled deer. Jakal looked at the animal, then patted its head.
30-05-2008, 01:24
Stone heart and Keeneye sidesteped away from each other, blasting a pair of face huggers with thier plasmer casters, another one landed on the side of Keeneye's head, he grabed its tail before it could wrap it around his neck and threw it against a wall with enugh force to dent t. Muscles and Swiftspear rouinded the corner and begn to blast away aswell, thier plasmer casters helping to keep the face huggers at bay, kiling a further three.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 01:31
A truck pulled up outside, bearing a logo of two arrows crossed over a dragon head. 7 men piled out of the back, wearing light armor, that looked strangely familar. It had a face mask, a shoulder mounted turret and two blades protruding from the gauntlet. The men ran towards the compound and suddenly disappeared.
"Alpha, move."
30-05-2008, 13:30
Two predators had reamined at the entrance to the hole to ensure no exnomorphs escaped that way, thusly they saw the new arivals and were suprised to see them dressed in a similar manner to predators, right down to the cloak. Rapidly they switched to tech vision, wincing as the bright green light from the cloacked men showed up.
"Alpha, this is Sharpstrike. You have incoming natives. They seem to have emulated our armor systems, right down to the cloak, advise caution." said one as the last human passed them.
"I read you Sharpstrike, keep position" replyed Muscles, turning and sprinting bck towads the hole, leaving his compainions to deal with the dwindling number of face hugers.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 13:36
The 7 men moved, then sudddenly flicked their arms forward, small double barrled guns emerging from the gauntlet, each pointed at the two predators.
"Fire." The guns shot a hail of nets towards the predators, the shoulder mounted cannons also firing shots.
30-05-2008, 13:44
With a roar the two predators fell under the nets, using thier spear guns to return fire, to no avail. "We are slain" said Swiftstrike into his comm as he was hit by several plasmer blasts.

Instsntly Muscles fired his speargun up the hole, another wire trailing from it, impaling one of the men, and retracting the wire, pulling himself up the shaft. He emerged from the hole still rising from his momentum, drawing out his whip with one hand, his maul with the other, his plasmer caster priming.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 13:49
The leader at the front grabbed another member of the group and threw him in front of the path of the spear. He then rolled out of its path and took out a smartdisk. Whirling it around, he threw it in a horizontal arc towards Muscles before running forward and drawing a maul.
30-05-2008, 13:53
Musles roared, rolloing out of the path of the smart disk and lasing out with the whip towards one man, fireing his plasmer caster at another, all whilst facing the leader. He roared, a great and terable roar and charged at the leader, his maul ready to block an attack.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 14:00
The man had his legs pulled out from under him by the whip, but the other sidestepped away from the blast. The group then ran towards the predator, weapons out. They drew their weapons, then ran straight past the predator into the compound.
"We have more important things to do." The disappeared into the dark.
30-05-2008, 21:37
Feeling slightly put out by the fact the men ignored him, Muscles turned and lept down the hole after them, fireing his own net down before him.
Void Templar
30-05-2008, 23:34
The men whirled around, bolts of plasma flying from shoulder and gaunlet guns. A few shot spears towards him, fired towards his legs.
30-05-2008, 23:52
Most of the shots missed, but two spears punched thrugh Muscles' leg, sticking him to the wall. With a roar his returned fire, riping them out of his leg and pulling himself back up the hole as the men proceded downwards.

On the surface he typed a message back to the mothership requesting reinforcements as his team was lickly to become criticly wounded or killed soon.

After sending the message he activated the medicomp on his wrist gauntlet, stabing him self with the needle like apendage an roaring as it healed his wounds.
31-05-2008, 00:24
the predator reinforcements advances