Naval Assistance Needed
25-05-2008, 14:15
Naval Assistance Needed
To: Nations of the World
From: President John Smith
Shortly after putting uranium on the market - one of our countries main resources, the Alfegan navy ordered a blockade on our nation, and has threatened to fire upon us if we resist. Uranium trade fuels our economy, and we believe the only reason they formed a blockade around us was because they think that we are going to trade with crazy nations of whom will use this resource for no good. We should make it clear, that before any trade is done regarding uranium, thorough research on that nation will be conducted. But now we need help breaking the blockade, and we are wondering if anyone is willing to help?
Gun Manufacturers
25-05-2008, 15:02
Though we sympathize with your interruption of trade to other nations, we will not, at this time, go against Alfegos in this matter. In our opinion, diplomacy is the best answer to your problem, not breaking the blockade. That would only lead to war.
Ben snavely
25-05-2008, 15:08
:sniper: We must give them aid!Its the only way 2 stop the blocade now.
Ustio North
25-05-2008, 15:14
:sniper: We must give them aid!Its the only way 2 stop the blocade now.
25-05-2008, 15:15
In lieu of the noted imports from Typheria that the Questarian firm Eastern Mountboard Atomic Company can now no longer rely on, the Questarian Government formally requests that Alfegos cease and desist the blockade of Typheria.
25-05-2008, 15:20
In lieu of the noted imports from Typheria that the Questarian firm Eastern Mountboard Atomic Company can now no longer rely on, the Questarian Government formally requests that Alfegos cease and desist the blockade of Typheria.
Thank you for the help. Visit our Uranium Trade HQ (our thread: Uranium Available - Trade), and make a transaction, therefore you have legal reason to help us in breaking the blockade.
President John Smith
The People's Nation of Alfegos wishes to defend its actions due to the following reasons:
1) The nation of Typheria is a small and potentially unpredicatable nation, offering Uranium to any source regardless of its potential threat to global security.
2) The afforementioned nation is attempting sale of said Uranium at prices that, if put on the market, would crash the global Uranium market. At a price of $50 per kilo of potentially weapons-grade uranium, one must consider the consequences to the global economy.
Thus, we feel that we should continue in our actions to prevent trading of uranium in the nation of Typheria.
25-05-2008, 18:59
While we recognize that the blockade is illegal under international law, we, as a Uranium exporting nation ourselves, agree with The People's of Alfegos concerns over the dangers to the international market. Therefore we will be choosing to back Alfegos actions, and offer them naval suport should there any attempt to break the blockade. For this purpose we will despatch the carier group Glory, led by the BCS Glory, to the region to oversee developments.
Official Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: <Open Communication>
From: Rising-Tiger aka Daniel Pearce, Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
Subject: Alfegan Naval Blockade of Typheria
The Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka's Directorate of Foreign Affairs along with Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service (VSIS) have been monitoring the Typheria Crisis due to the Tribal Councils intent to secure a large order of Uranium to further our Strategic Nuclear Deterrent, Maintenance of our Naval Fleet and Strategic Alternative to Coal Fired Power-stations of which Vetaka wishes to decommission completely within the next 18 months.
As such whilst Vetaka understands the concerns of Alfegos in regards to this situation, Vetaka must condemn the current blockade as whilst it may achieve its objective of shutting down the Typherian Uranium Trade it is causing unnecessary and unreasonable restriction to the Typherian Populace and to the Typherian Economy which in turn could cause long term damage.
However having detailed these concerns Vetaka accepts the concerns of the Alfegan as such Vetaka wishes to offer a compromise:
1) The Typheria rise the price of Uranium per kilo to a price a competitive price in line with the current Uranium Market.
2) The Typheria establish a independent safety watchdog to vet all potential Uranium buyers. Such a watchdog could be supported by the Intelligence Services of Typheria, Alfegos and Vetaka.
3)The establishment of a Alfegos-Vetakan Observation Unit based within Typheria to observe the Typherian Trade. This unit will number no more than 125 Personnel, will have no powers and will not be a permanent presence unless authorised by the Typherian Government.
The Vetakan Directorate of Foreign Affairs firmly believes that with both points of this compromise done then the rightful and honourable concerns of Alfegos will be addressed and thus the blockade will be lifted. In order to further facilitate this the Tribal Council invites representatives of all sides in involved to the come to the Vetakan Capital of New Theeb to further discuss the issue.
Rising Tiger
Supreme Allied Commander of the Vetakan Defence Forces
Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Council
Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
26-05-2008, 17:29
HMS Agincourt
3,500km from the coast of Typheria
The Agincourt was the head of the task force, designated Force T, that was part of the Royal Navy's International Squadron, one of many thousands of ships that sailed the world ready to intervene at the smallest notice possible to defend Questers' interests. An Ark Royal Type Carrier, she housed an impressive complement of aircraft, as did her ten sister ships that had been assembled. Just under a thousand aircraft sailed with the hundred and fifty ship fleet, split into three, that was en-route to defend Typheria from economic aggression.
Sensor wise, no carriers had any military sensors running and only one in ten escorts was illuminated. Most sensor scanning came from the twenty AEW in the sky at all times, providing a scaling 3D radar image up to 1,500km out from the fleet with some planes at least a thousand klicks out from their carriers. The extending AEW was covered by fighters from the escort carriers in the fleet, their designed job to be able to project electronic power from AEW aircraft and cover those said aircraft with their own fighters. The fleet's total carrier complement came to ten Ark Royal type fleet carriers and five Battle class Escort and Scout Carriers.
So, anything that wandered in to range would probably be identified as either friend or foe and correct procedure applied. From the County Class cruisers and various destroyers, helicopters working in tandem with submarines scanned the ocean for subsurface threats. Given it would take just over four days for the Questarian fleet to arrive, its nuclear-only format allowing it to travel without slow oilers, it gave Alfegos sufficient time to respond to the clear cut ultimatum.
The Questarian Government again formally requests that Alfegos withdraw from Typheria. If these requests are not met within three days, we will disarm the blockade via military action.
[OOC: Order of battle is as follows...
10 x Ark Royal Class Carriers
-240 Blackburn Battle F.1 Air Superiority Fighters (total)
-240 Hawker Cossack S.2 Strike Bombers (total)
-6 Hawker Calliope E.3 Electronic Warfare Aircraft (total)
-6 Hawker Cossack T.4 Tanker Aircraft (total)
-120 Blackburn Beaufort FGR.2 Light Fighters (total)
-120 Supermarine Sea Fury S.1 Light Strike Bombers (total)
-60 Westland Wellington SAR.1 HELOs (total)
-60 Supermarine Sirius AS.2 Anti-Submarine Aircraft (total)
-60 Supermarine Sportsman AEW (total)
5 x Battle Class Escort Carries
-180 x Blackburn Battle F.1 Air Superiority Fighters (total)
-15 Westland Wellington SAR.1 HELOs (total)
-30 Supermarine Sirius AS.2 Anti-Submarine Aircraft (total)
-30 Supermarine Sportsman AEW (total)
10 x Type 160 County Class Missile and Aviation Cruiser
-100 x Westland Lynx (total)
-40 x Westland Sea King (total)
-20 x CH-53 Sea Stallion (total)
20 x Sandakan Class Battlecruiser
30 x Type 145 Town Class AA Cruiser
80 x Type 46 Parish Class Destroyer
-160 x CH-53 Sea Stallion (total)
24 x Type 422 Attack Submarine
24 x Type 435 Missile Submarine
12 x 510 Fast Replenishment Ships
-12 x CH-53 Sea Stallion (total)]
The Macabees
26-05-2008, 17:46
Communiqué to all relevant parties
Esteemed colleagues,
In accordance with our Fedala Accord allies [Vetaka & Questers], we join in on the condemnation of the Alfegan blockade of the nation of Typheria. We hope that we can come to a peaceful resolution of the political conflict, but we will not hesitate to defend the trade routes of our allies if this situation spirals out of control - although, we feel that this is an unrealistic scenario, given the present odds. It should be noted that we are not looking to overwhelm any party by adding our presence to an already large group of nations looking to end the blockade, but we are looking to pressure all parties to come to said peaceful resolution. There is no necessity for conflict, and a blockade and the consequent breaking of the blockade is not condusive to a healthy economy.
As a sovereign nation, we remind Alfegos that Typheria has all rights to the sale of uranium. We also remind Alfegos that Typheria is not the only country selling uranium; even the Second Empire of the Golden Throne is a uranium export, and has sold it to nations that could not possibly be on the Alfegan list of 'friendly nations'. In other words, we feel that this blockade is illegal in all forms and that it was done to take advantage of strength in population. The amount of nations selling uranium on the market means that Typheria's economic choices will not really change status quo, and that the price of uranium - as stated by Alfegos - is unjustly inflated and does not account for the sheer amount of volume of this resource which is already exported world wide. We note that the Second Empire defends the rights of Typheria, as a sovereign nation.
In the end, there are other ways of dealing with these issues - in any case - which are not so bellicose in nature.
- His Imperial Majesty Fedor I
Pan-Arab Barronia
26-05-2008, 17:58
OOC: Same as the post I've made in the other thread...
Office of Telegraphics
52nd Floor
Diplomitas Building
Labouria District
New Misenae
Dear Messrs Pearce, Flax, ar-Ekuno, and the respective Foreign Ministries of Alfegos, Red Tide, Typheria, Urcea, Questers, and of the Second Golden Empire:
We announce our immediate support of the Vetakan proposal. Barronia has a new need of uranium in it's various forms and isotopes since our recent national relocation effort, and, naturally, seek the best price possible for such goods.
That said, we do not believe it the Alfegosians or the Arcturians (sp?) respective places to decide what is in the best interest of the global market! Why, pray tell, is it that your own economists know better than those of any other? Whilst we in service of the Crown applaud the principle of your actions, such a blatently militaristic move is highly detrimental to international peace efforts! We are currently in the process, through our corporation Hemlersson Manganese, of preparing a series of convoys in order to purchase uranium from the Typherians. Whilst we do so hate to sound as if we making an ultimatum towards two well-respected nations, we must unfortunately insist that these ships are not searched by anyone other than the proper Typherian Customs and Border Authorities. These ships will be allowed to pass unhindered through the "blockade".
The ships will be purchasing mooring space in Typheria whilst this issue is dealt with - we are prepared to pay the current market price; but, at the end of the day, if cheaper goods are on offer, why should we? A simple case of supply and demand - as demand for Typherian uranium goes up, nations and corporations will be more willing to supply ever-greater amounts of cash, correct?
Unfortunately, threatening a nation with what is little more than phallic displays off of their coastline is hardly a diplomatic method of dealing with a situation, and we would have trusted Alfegos and Etoile Arcture to certainly know better. We hope that burgeoning populations are not giving way to burgeoning egos?
To the Vetakans, we humbly request permission to send an observation team to the conference. We believe that it would provide a helpful report to our counterparts at Hemlersson.
(Mrs.) Amelie Carpentier-St Claire
Magistrate for Extra-Imperial Affairs
c/o Office of Telegraphics
The People's Republic of Alfegos finds humour in the observation that the powers of Questers and Urcea do not realise what this blockade is for: to prevent instability in the GLOBAL uranium market. If this means that the stability of a nation unwilling to face up to the possible consequences of their actions on international economic stability, then we feel correct in preventing such an action. Due to the unwillingness of many countries in our previous experience to listen to simple diplomatic requests, we find an immediate action policy normally works better than asking nicely.
If your two nations are unable to accept responsibility in preserving international stability, then so be it on your heads. We will withdraw as soon as we hear the change in policy that Typheria is currently engineering in concerns to our intervention. Until then, we will retaliate against foolish international governments who commit hostilities against us. You should know that the interests of the many are more imporant than the interests of a few, and would not like to be the ones to find that national uranium production in your nations has collapsed as a result of inability to act. If it appears that an entire bloc of foreign nations shares such idiocy as yours, then we will be forced to withdraw. But we will track and destroy all vessels suspected of carrying uranium, and intercept all aircraft suspecting in addition. While not wishing to resort to fighting like your nations seem to want immediately, we do believe that stopping trade in a nation is better than starting strategic strikes against their nation's industry. Or sinking their ships.
26-05-2008, 18:10
The People's Republic of Alfegos finds humour in the observation that the powers of Questers and Urcea do not realise what this blockade is for: to prevent instability in the GLOBAL uranium market. If this means that the stability of a nation unwilling to face up to the possible consequences of their actions on international economic stability, then we feel correct in preventing such an action. Due to the unwillingness of many countries in our previous experience to listen to simple diplomatic requests, we find an immediate action policy normally works better than asking nicely.
If your two nations are unable to accept responsibility in preserving international stability, then so be it on your heads. We will withdraw as soon as we hear the change in policy that Typheria is currently engineering in concerns to our intervention. Until then, we will retaliate against foolish international governments who commit hostilities against us. You should know that the interests of the many are more imporant than the interests of a few, and would not like to be the ones to find that national uranium production in your nations has collapsed as a result of inability to act. If it appears that an entire bloc of foreign nations shares such idiocy as yours, then we will be forced to withdraw. But we will track and destroy all vessels suspected of carrying uranium, and intercept all aircraft suspecting in addition. While not wishing to resort to fighting like your nations seem to want immediately, we do believe that stopping trade in a nation is better than starting strategic strikes against their nation's industry. Or sinking their ships.
Explain, how does this cause instability to the global market? Explain!
President John Smith
Etoile Arcture
26-05-2008, 18:21
OOC: Cross post from the other thread.
Diplomatic Directorate - Official Communiqué
From: Dr. Michiko Flax, Director General of the Diplomatic Directorate of the Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture
To: All interested parties
Subject: Illegal trading in uranium
The Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture reiterates its desire to avoid open conflict in this matter, and welcomes the offer of the good offices of Uraartu and Vetaka to conduct negotiations. We further broadly welcome the proposals put forth by the Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka which we find constructive but offer some modifications.
It is our contention that the Observation Unit to monitor uranium shipments should contain only nations that have no prior economic relationship with Typheria to avoid any possibility of bias by the inspectors. This would require Vetaka to disqualify itself from this role as it is an importer of Typherian uranium. But it would be acceptable to us for Vetaka to nominate another nation with no prior trading relatiosnhip with Typheriam and whom they trust to take on this role.
Otherwise, the proposals to raise the net price of Typherian uranium exports to market values, and the establishment of an independent safety watchdog in Typheria to vet future clients is well accepted by us.
As a sign of good faith to all parties, the pending naval deployment by our forces will be delayed for one week to allow the diplomatic process to take its course and find a permanent solution. The Technocracy will thus maintain its surviellance capability but will not have the capability to stop and search ships but will monitor any movements and report them to the international community. We hope that all parties will find this acceptable and we look forward to future correspondence on this matter.
Pan-Arab Barronia
26-05-2008, 18:24
ut we will...destroy all vessels suspected of carrying uranium, and intercept all aircraft suspecting in addition.
MWAC Telegraphics Office
Campitor Building
St George Wharf
New Misenae
That would be an exceptionally unwise course of action to take. I for one do not care an awful much about the economy - my concern is the safety of Barronian citizens and naval personnel.
If any Barronian Royal Merchant Navy vessel is touched, so much as scratched, by any of the Alfegosian navy, rest assured that the retribution will be immediate and severe.
Those are not your waters, and it is most certainly not your place to decide what is and isn't in the interests of the global economy, nor what is or isn't allowed in sovereign waters.
We wholeheartedly support the actions of the members of the Fedala Accord.
Lord General Sir Conrad Strom
The Macabees
26-05-2008, 19:20
Urgent Communiqué to the Diplomatic Corps of Alfegos
Esteemed colleagues,
It seems that our pleas for a peaceful resolution have fallen on deaf ears. We may have a peaceful agenda, but we are not pacifists nor are we fools which cater to belligerent nations. We wish to remind the Alfegan government that an attack on a neutral merchant ship is tatamount to a decleration of war. Although the Second Empire will not react belligerently, we will if said merchant ship belongs to a member of the Fedala Accord. We respect Afelgos' decision to stand fast by their ideals, but these bellicose decisions are nothing more than suicidal. A nation cannot solve market problems through warfare, and a nation cannot limit another nation's sovereignty - especially if the nation attempting to impose their economic ideology is one such as Alfegos, who's military is in no position to challenge those who have stepped in the defense of Typheria. We apologize for being so blunt, but one must be pragmatic, as it seems that the Alfegan government is blind to their own capabilities - or lack of, if that is a better word.
This should not be taken as a threat, per sé, but moreso as continued pressure to push for a peaceful resolution. Most importantly, the Alfegan Navy must withdraw from the coastline of Typheria, and only then can a resolution be found. However, we will not waver in the face of 'Alfegan aggression'.
- Minister of Foreign Relations Jenck Fersas
Beda Fromm, Second Empire of the Golden Throne
If you want peace, prepare for war ...
The docks at Beda Fromm were being subjected to a flurry of activity, as several ships were being prepared for an emergency deployment to a far-off nation. This particular naval base had fallen in importance after the War of Golden Succession, as the main naval base on the Western coast of the Empire became Targul Frumos. Regardless, Beda Fromm had become the headquarters of several 'rapid reaction fleets', which were designed for situations similar to the one which had rapidly developed outside the coast of Typheria. Although it would take a while for even a rapid fleet to reach a nation this distance from the Empire, nobody in Fedala seriously expected the Alfegan government to order something as foolish as a blatant declaration of war by attacking a merchant ship. This small fleet could not realistically do much damage to a large battle group, unless the group's commander was inane, but it was enough to protect merchant ships and to provide a tour d'force in the name of the Fedala Accord - one which would show the Alfegan government that it was not dealing with just any group of nations. As a consequence, a fleet of around forty-five ships was preparing to leave for Typherian waters, where it would set-up in the name of the protection of Typherian sovereignty and against Alfegan tyranny. Truth be told, the fleet would largely be relying on the aircraft carriers of their Questerian ally for long-range strike power in case of combat with the Alfegan blockade.
The fleet to be sent was composed of four missile guided armored cruisers of the Carrenzei class (, six Tenacious class ( nuclear cruisers, three of the much heavier Taníat class anti-air warfare battlecruiser (, two Grospek class battlecruisers ( and eleven Morsky-Orolclass light nuclear cruisers ( The latter were part of the fleet, but were more or less independent commerce raiders which would be useful to destroy defenseless Alfegan ships once a war started. These would also be useful for escort duties, to protect friendly commerce shipping - the primary objective of the force. Apart from these twenty-six powerful warships, the rest of the fleet was largely composed of logistics shipping. Although there were no carriers present, in its own right this was a fairly powerful strike group, with capable offensive abilities and a powerful anti-air umbrella. The fleet was commanded by Admiral Díer Ter'hal, a capable officer which had led a number of missions during the War of Golden Succession and was originally destined to Theohuanacu, before the start of this crisis.
The admiral was sitting in the command room of the Bríes'bek, the flagship of the fleet and one of the two battlecruisers being prepared to chug out of port within two days. He was surrounded by the commanding officers, and executive officers, of all the other warships being prepared to leave port. He had a smug look on his face, even as he took another hit of his pure Díenstadi cigar. He looked around and said, 'Has anybody here heard of Typheria? I would garner a guess and say that none of the men who will leave in two days even know where Typheria is located, let alone Alfegos. This seems to just be a situation which was taken advantage of by the Fedala Accord to show the world what it is and what it's made of.'
One of the other officers chuckled and replied, 'What does it matter? We haven't see naval action in almost two years. It's time we show that the Kriermada as powerful as it was prevvy to the Battle of Otium Aqua. Besides, it would not only be a good political tour d'force for the Fedala Accord, but also one for Stevid and Independent Hitmen. Furthermore, it will give a raison d'etre for the Kriermada, which needs new procurement efforts.'
Admiral Ter'hal peered at his companion and smiled, 'At least you agree that this seems more politically motivated, than anything else. But, I agree that this is a good opportunity. So, in any case, Fedala has issued orders for our fleet to leave port in forty-eight hours. We are told to move to Typherian waters and are expected there within seven days, which means we will need to move at a good pace. Although our ships are fast, the logistic ships will slow us down, but I am confident that we can make the time. Fedala is not out of their minds, and they more or less know our capabilities.'
Another man spoke up, 'What are our orders upon arrival, sir?'
'To protect neutral merchant shipping,' replied the admiral. Díer Ter'hal continued, 'Specifically, we are to escort friendly merchant ships to and from Typherian naval bases. Any attack upon a friendly merchant ship is to be considered an immediate decleration of war, which warrants retaliatory action by our fleet. Fedala has guaranteed Questerian naval assistance from fleet assets already deployed to the area in case of conflict, to offer what was promised through the Fedala Accord. In my opinion, our naval assets are completely superior to the Alfegan fleet's. This should be a turkey shoot. I suspect that the Alfegans will think twice about waging a war with the Fedala Accord.'
The group of men continued the planification of actions, including designing a method of arriving at the theater within the given time. The ministry of defense liked to give times that offered competitions, assuming that it would force commanding officers to improvise and take harder decisions, leading to better officers during times of war. With these methods, the Kriermada had developed quite an impressive cadre of naval commanders - one's who capabilties were frequently understated by the opposition. Most, like Safehaven, had soon realized the failures of their poor judgement. If the Alfegan fleet decided to engage, they too would soon find out the capabilities of the Kriermada, of the Empire as a whole - not to mention the entirety of the Fedala Accord, who's membership was nothing to scoff at. Only two days, and a new fleet would sail to Typheria...
The Grand World Order
26-05-2008, 19:23
To: All Nations involved
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
We have been observing the situation around Typheria. This is almost as sickening as the Democratic nations trying to force their ideologies upon others. This is a complete violation of Typheria's sovereignty, and we, the Fascist Federation of The Grand World Order, will not stand idly by.
We will stand by Questers and their allies in war if the time comes.
We have several War Fleets preparing for deployment. Your Airships may seem mighty, but we can assure you, they are nowhere near as powerful as you think. Should you continue this atrocity, a major lesson will be learned by you aggressors in the category of Naval Warfare.
After this event, our intentions are to better equip and train the Typherian Armed Forces, so that they may combat the scum of the world such as yourself. We also will open full diplomatic and trade agreements. We, too, are a Uranium rich nation, our Uranium economy only surpassed by our craftsmanship in weapons manufacturing. Even if Typheria is selling Uranium at an amazingly low price, the global economy would stabilize when they ran out of Uranium. By then, of course, Typheria will most likely have another chief export.
The Grand World Order hereby calls for the cancellation of the blockade. Refusal to do so WILL result in armed intervention to the highest degree needed to defend Typheria. Once our forces are in the theater, they will not accept a surrender. This is your chance to escape unharmed. We hope you heed.
Due to overwhelming international pressure, Alfegos will end the blockade of Typheria and withdraw assets away from the region. The government still does not believe that the international community realises what it is doing, but does not want to endanger Typheria from collateral damage that will undoubtedly occur from the international community's attack on the blockade.
Official Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: <Open Communication>
From: Rising-Tiger aka Daniel Pearce, Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
Subject: Alfegan Naval Blockade of Typheria & Typherian Uranium Market
Due to the instability of the region the Vetakan Nation has now secured its Uranium Quota we initially intended to procure from Typheria from other Uranium Suppliers. As such the Tribal Chiefdom is fully committed to participating within the Proposed Nuclear Observation Unit on behalf of the Fedala Accord.
As such I again wish to urge all parties involved to attend Diplomatic Conference within the Vetakan Capital of New Theeb. The Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka call's upon the nation of Alfegos to to exercise sutiable restraint in its current military activities to allow the Diplomatic Process to take its course.
The Tribal Chiefdom must also warn Alfegos that if it subsequently has hostile intent to Typheria, Fedala Accord Members and honoured friends of Pan-Arab Barronia the Vetakan Defence Forces and the Tribal Chiefdom will do whatever is required to protect and defend our Allies and Friends. The Vetakan People are a peaceful race whom as you can see will whatever is required to avoid conflict and preserve peace, however as many have learnt the Vetakans are not afraid to get stuck in as some would say.
Again I urge all sides involved to exercise suitable restraint and commitment to achieveing a solution that will provide a lasting peace and stable solution that ensures Typherian Prosperity and World Security and Safety.
Yours with Honours
Supreme Allied Commander of the Vetakan Defence Forces
Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Council
Supreme Honoured Parceltongue of the Tribal Chiefdom of Vetaka
The Grand World Order
26-05-2008, 20:40
To: Typheria
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
Greetings, Typheria. We earlier stated that after the blockade ends, we will assist in arming and training your armed forces. We keep our word, and with your permission, we would like to send military trainers and equipment your way. We also wish to open full trade with you, and encourage you to register an Embassy in Magna Polis.
27-05-2008, 03:36
To: Typheria
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
Greetings, Typheria. We earlier stated that after the blockade ends, we will assist in arming and training your armed forces. We keep our word, and with your permission, we would like to send military trainers and equipment your way. We also wish to open full trade with you, and encourage you to register an Embassy in Magna Polis.
Thank you for your support and cooperation with our nation. All your offers are accepted with great respect. Thank you so much!
President John Smith
The Grand World Order
27-05-2008, 04:56
To: Typheria
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
A group of transport planes and escorts are being prepared for departure as this message is being sent. Please give them an airfield to land at, preferably a military one. The Emorden-Geist Weapons Manufacturing Corporation, one of our business partners in the Arms Industry, will also be contacting you soon.
To: Typheria
From: The Desks of John Geist and Philip Emorden
Greetings, Typheria! We are the CEOs and founders of the Emorden-Geist Weapons Manufacturing Corporation. We have contacting you wishing to know if we can establish a Corporate Headquarters and several manufacturing facilities within your nation. We will pay you royalties for weapons produced in Typheria that are shipped to other nations. If firearms are permitted within your populace, royalties will also be paid for domestic purchases. We also can sell arms for your military, along with our nation's government.
Magna Polis Military Airfield #4
Several cargo aircraft ranging from C-130s to Hippo-Class Heavy Transport helicopters, as well as their F-22 and F-35 escorts, sat on the runway. GWO soldiers were loading them up with crates filled with weaponry and infantry armor. Military trainers, ranging from Army and Marine Drill Instructors to GWO Air Force Aces were boarding C-130s designated to carry personnel.
No tanks or attack vehicles were to be carried by the aircraft. The GWO military would train the Typherians in what they had first, then begin sending ships filled with machines. The GWO would only supply so much before either asking the Typherians to pay money for the imported goods, or ask the Typherians if they wanted to buy Domestic Production Rights.
27-05-2008, 23:49
To: Typheria
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
A group of transport planes and escorts are being prepared for departure as this message is being sent. Please give them an airfield to land at, preferably a military one. The Emorden-Geist Weapons Manufacturing Corporation, one of our business partners in the Arms Industry, will also be contacting you soon.
To: Typheria
From: The Desks of John Geist and Philip Emorden
Greetings, Typheria! We are the CEOs and founders of the Emorden-Geist Weapons Manufacturing Corporation. We have contacting you wishing to know if we can establish a Corporate Headquarters and several manufacturing facilities within your nation. We will pay you royalties for weapons produced in Typheria that are shipped to other nations. If firearms are permitted within your populace, royalties will also be paid for domestic purchases. We also can sell arms for your military, along with our nation's government.
Magna Polis Military Airfield #4
Several cargo aircraft ranging from C-130s to Hippo-Class Heavy Transport helicopters, as well as their F-22 and F-35 escorts, sat on the runway. GWO soldiers were loading them up with crates filled with weaponry and infantry armor. Military trainers, ranging from Army and Marine Drill Instructors to GWO Air Force Aces were boarding C-130s designated to carry personnel.
No tanks or attack vehicles were to be carried by the aircraft. The GWO military would train the Typherians in what they had first, then begin sending ships filled with machines. The GWO would only supply so much before either asking the Typherians to pay money for the imported goods, or ask the Typherians if they wanted to buy Domestic Production Rights.
Thank you for the offer of help. But we have already received enough assistance from ally nations to keep us upright at the moment. The Alfegan blockade is also starting to slowly disassemble. Thanks for the participation though!
President John Smith
Evolutioned Ireland
27-05-2008, 23:58
Evolutioned Ireland will help any nation in need of soldiers or war-help.
We also want to have a alliance with a nation to declare war on hippies.:sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
Raven corps
28-05-2008, 00:00
OOC:First, you may want to never use the smilies again. Secondly, I would like to welcome you to N.S. Thirdly, I would suggest you read the Stickies on the top of the I.I. page.
29-05-2008, 00:22
Evolutioned Ireland will help any nation in need of soldiers or war-help.
We also want to have a alliance with a nation to declare war on hippies.:sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
OOC: You do not make yourself clear.
Atlantis Eternal
29-05-2008, 01:20
29th May, MMVIII
Diplomatic Communiqué
Dear Sirs,
It has come to my attention that the previously unheard of nation of Typheria has begun exporting vast quantities of Uranium at 'favourable' prices. It goes without saying that with such opportunity for trade, and indeed opportunity to harness such resources with so little to pay, the Kingdom must express it's interest. However, in the light of Fegosian aggression to safeguard the economies of other international exporters and not allow the global market to run it's natural course, our 'interest' may have been irrelevant were it not for the righteous actions of the membership of the Fedela Accord. Thus, I commend each party that acted with the end of the Fegosian blockade in mind, and must voice our willingness to commence the importation of Uranium into the Kingdom immediately.
Yours sincerely,
The Rt. Hon. Alcaeus Zephyr, MP
Chancellor of Her Majesty Queen Marianna Theia Kalliope's royal government.
The Grand World Order
29-05-2008, 04:40
Thank you for the offer of help. But we have already received enough assistance from ally nations to keep us upright at the moment. The Alfegan blockade is also starting to slowly disassemble. Thanks for the participation though!
President John Smith
To: Typheria
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
This offer isn't about the blockade, it's to help your nation enhance its military for any future incidents, as well as enhance economic ties between our nation and yours.
31-05-2008, 12:31
To: Typheria
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
This offer isn't about the blockade, it's to help your nation enhance its military for any future incidents, as well as enhance economic ties between our nation and yours.
I am sorry. I apologize for my mistake. In that case, thank you very much for your generous donation. This will go a long way in helping our nation with trade and security, and it will also strengthen the ties between us.
President John Smith