NationStates Jolt Archive

Unknown Threat to Lentania (Story)

25-05-2008, 10:08
The young female Lentanian only 26 years old was on her way to a meeting in the upper levels of the Hub. She was currently in one of the upper cities in one the higher baskets (The Hub was a large structure which looked similar to a massive termit mound but it had large metalic baskets hanging off the side which held cities in them with towers and buidlings)

She was wearing a tight fitting elastic/lycra uniform. and she had short hair, she had dyed it red (A new phenomenon currently was hair dye) her hair was long enough to cover her ears and top of her forehead.

She was an Attractive Lentanian. With Dark green eyes. her dark, black skin with green coloured streaks running down her legs and body. He uniform didnt have sleves.

She was walking around the rim of the basket. there was a great view of the huge expansive ocean below and across the horizon. High above the Hub she could also see the Pinnacle (A floating luxurious station which held the leadership)

She walked into a small cafe. there was a man wearing a big heavy coat sitting at a table in the corner of the dark cafe.

She walked over and calmly spoke

"Warm clothing for such a hot day?"

"I love the heat" said the Lentanian man. He must of been in the last stages of his life posable 18 years old (Male Lentanains died at the age of 20). He looked old and hagged

"So whats with all the secrecy? Why dont I get to meet the Core Leadership?" she said taking a seat opposite the man

"The Core Leaders dont want it getting out that they have to hire common people to investigate for them.... If it was up to them they would send in Chariot to deal with the problem. But for the sake of stability they have choosen the backdoor approach. If attenttion isnt drawn to the problem the wrong kind of people wont be attracted to it" he said

"What is the Problem exactly. If you want me to do this job for you it might pay to tell me what i'm dealing with" sahd said impatiently

"Well thats the thing. The Core Leadership dont even know themselves. All they know is that what ever it is, its dangerous and its disrupting travel in that area"

"So what are these wrong kind of people that your worried about?" she said

"The Hive Radicals. We thought we had eliminated them centuries ago but they have returned. they have cells opperating in Molsis, close to the disruptions. We cant talk here for long. We have supplied the ship. Take this holopad and this pass and get up to Meron. take the ship to Molsis, you will meet up with a scientist that will acompany you to the destination. From there follow the co-ordinates set in the holopad to the destination and retrieve what ever it is that is causing all this disruption. Contact us when you have it with you we will give you further instructions from there"

"Ok wait a minute did you say the Hive Radicals are back!?" she said stunned

"Look, all the information you need is in the Holopad" with that he stood up and proceeded out of the door then he turned back

"By the way, Ania... Goodluck" then he left

She grabbed up the small Holopad and pass which was a see through glass card and stuffed it into her belt around her waiste and left the Cafe.
25-05-2008, 11:23
Taking a service link tube (Train like vecihle) Ania travelled through the upper basket city and into a large tunnel into the inside of the Massive Hub structure. it was a dark little tube with red lights all across the wall then the tube opened up and Ania looked out of the window and saw a large hollow section with another city built inside the Hollow area of the Hub and windows all up the walls with some towers and buildings on the floor then after 10 minutes it went back into the closed tube.

The Link Tube began to slope down and it passed into 2 other Hollow areas of the Hub and eventually ended in a massive Hall. with a large space transport stationed inside this new Hollow area. There was a grand opening which allowed the Transport to leave the docking bay.

Ania stepped out and headed over to some office on the corner.
A woman was sitting in a boothe behind a glass wall

"Hello how may I help you" said the woman

"I want to go to the Meron Station, I have a pass" said Ania holding her glass pass up to the barrier between the woman and Ania

The Woman leaned foward and viewed over the pass

"Ok that is fine, just head over to the Transport entrace decks and show the pass up to the man"

Ania walked through the docking bay and over to some loading platform leaning up against the Transport.

A Male Lentanian pointed Ania in the right direction as she weaved up the platform and walked into the top deck of the transport.

A couple of hundred other Lentanians were making thier way across the docking bay and into the Transport.

Ania sat down in a chair. She grabed some ear plugs from her waist belt and put them in.

She heard something get louder in her air. It was a message from the man she ahd met earlier. the ear plugs came with the Holopad.

'Ania. you are now serving the Core Leadership. The Security of the Lentanian empire depends on the success of this mission. You have been hired by the Core Leaders to descover the nature of this threat. So far intelligence knows this. All vehicles and transports that venture into the destination in question experience engine failures and crash or explode. We have spent the last 2 years constructing a craft that is immune to the effects of this area. You will recieve this craft at the Meron Space Station. It will be waiting for you. simply state you name and you will be escorted to your ship. We can not attract attention to this threat. You have been selected for you success in previous missions. The Threat is centered around a gas giant in the Syripson System, near Molsis. the disruption is located in the astroid field. Already 8 ships have crashed due to this disruption. The Hive Radicals have active cells in the area. we cant afford to have them disrupt the opperation or possably descover the nature of this threat before us. When you reach Molsis you will be contacted by a scientist who knows a bit about what we are dealing with. Then you two are to take your ship tot he destination for a more thorough investigation where you will contact us on your next course of action'

The message then went fuzzy and some serene music was playing. Ania sat back in her seat and waited.

Within 15 minutes the transport began to lift and then backout out of the docking bay and lifted up past the Hub. Ania looked out of the window. She saw the Hub getting smaller and smaller and further away. they passed the Pinnacle and then up into the atmosphere.
In a couple of minutes Ania could see a Wishbone shaped space station with a massive plate between the arms. A smaller station was near by shaped like a bone. This was the Meron Station.

The Transport landed on the huge plate. A large cylinder tunnel moved up against the walls of the Transport. people began to file out of the Transport.

Ania was first out and walked down the tube where she was stopped with a sealed door. other Lentanians caught up with Ania and then a small myst was pumped into the tube and a blue light shined over the crowd. then a small beep sounded and the door opened and the Lentanians all proceeded foward

the Tube was long and it took about 10 minutes before Ania finally reached the central "Head" of the station. she walked over to a desk with a number of attendants behind them

"Hello, I'm Ania Silenis, Here for a special pick up?" she said

The Attendant pushed a couple of buttons and then called someone up on a phone then within minutes a man came out

"Hello, Ania? this way" she followed the man. He was in his mature stages probably 12 to 14 yearold

Another 10 minutes of walking and then on a small platform on the side of the central disk was a space ship ready and waiting.

It was a dark shiny gold colour and black tinted windows.
There was a glass dome over the platform which would be reached by another tube.
The Man escored Ania down the tube and into the glass dome.

"Insert this into the dashboard before starting the ship. Radio us when your ready for the dome to the opened. Goodluck" said the man passing her a small orb and then returning down the hall

Ania jumped into the ship accessable by a small hatch on the roof. The ship was very small and costrophobic. instruments and pannels lined the wall's. There was a toilet in one of the side rooms and a bedroom in the back room and a small table fixed to the wall behind the cockpit with a small fridge built into the wall above the table.

She sat into the cockpit and flicked a few switches and pushed a couple of buttons then pushed a com buttom and stuck the orb in an indent in the pannel

"Ok I'm ready" she said into the radio

"Ok Dome opening" said a voice on the other end

The Glass done opened and Ania lifted the ship off the platform and set co-ordinates to the Syripson System for Molsis.

'The trip will take.... 12 hours and 38 minutes' said a computerized voice
Then the ship zoomed off into space
28-05-2008, 10:07
A small bleeping sound, sounded all through the small space ship. Ania was sleeping in the back room. she woke up and ran to the front cockpit.

Looking out of the front viewing window she saw the massive Molsis Station.

It was a massive hollow cylinder. the inside hollow of the cylinder contained a city with towers and structures sticking out from the walls.

The ship was coming closer to the outside wall of Molsis

the radio activated and a computerized voice sounded

'Ship scanned, preparing to birng you into dock''

The inside of the ship was flooded in blue light. the ship was now under the control of Molsis and it came in closer to a hanger on the outside wall of Molsis

Within minutes the ship was connected to an arm which held the ship. a small tube connected up to the top hatch.

Ania opened the top hatch and climed a lader into the tub and continued climbing a ladder until she opened another hatch which opened up into a corridor.

Lentanian space cadet's, tourists and maintenance workers occupied the halls.

A female Lentanian walked up to Ania

"Welcome to Molsis, Lentania's biggest urban space station. I am Maylena, one of many Orientation officer's for Molsis Our records indicate you have never visited Molsis before. Would you like me to give you a tour?" said the femal Lentanian

"Um.. just a map will do" said Ania

"Very well... Have you got a datapad or Holopad I can store the information on for you?" said the lady

Ania pulled out the Holopad out of her belt and handed to the Orientation woman.

The woman pushed in a small square object in a side slit then removed it

"There you go. everything you need to know about Molsis is right on your Holopad"

"Thank you" said Ania.

Ania brought up a holographic map of the Immediate area around her.

There was a welcome lounge not far away down the corridor. some Hotels. the inside wall where the city was, was quite far away she would have to travel all through the wall of Molsis. She then put in the small ear plugs to get her next instructions

'When you reach Molsis your contact will be waiting for you in the Center point. It is the center of Molsis government. Take the Link Tube to the inside wall where the city is and to the center. There is a massive beam which connects up from one side of the wall to the other with an orb in the center. That is center point. Proceed there. we will give you clearance'

Ania made her way down the corridors.
As she was walking she noticed posters stuck on the walls saying
'Report the Hive Radicals!'
'Protect out Liberty and Lives from the old system' (old system meaning the Hive system Lentanians use to be under)
'Stay indoors after 1800'

there was also quite a large military and police force throughout Molsis.

Ania wasnt sure if it was true that terrorist attacks happened daily or if it was just a rumour but she was cautious.

She reached the Link Tube. Female Lentanian police were searching passengers before then entered for weapons and bombs.

Ania didnt have any weapons on her. She left them all onboard her ship

a police officer ran an object over Ania and her belt to detect weapons.

"Ok you can go in" said the officer

Ania stepped into the carriage and sat on a wall seat.

Within 6 minutes the carraige was full and made its way into the inner wall of Molsis to the city.
It took 25 minutes to travel through the wall. when the Link Tube made it to the otherside through the glass roof of the carriage she could see massive towers and even for the sky she saw towers as there were towers on the otherside of Molsis. they covered the entire inside walls of Molsis.

Ania stepped off the Link Tube. she was in the station. On the otehrside were taxi's connected to the walls that could be reached through tubes.
Ania went through one of these tubes to a waiting Taxi

she instructed the Taxi to take her to the entrance of Center Point (Taxi's are controlled by artificial intelligence that listens to commands and follows through with them if it was possable)

The Taxi then sped off towards the large beam that stretched from one side of the wall to the other.

within minutes she was at the base on one of the walls to Center Point

she stepped out into square. (Molsis had 2 openings but a forcefield on both the openings held in the atmosphere)
Police and military were everywhere.

Ania made her way to the base of center point

A mature male came out and greeted Ania

"We know who you are, quickly follow me" he said rushed
they quickly made thereway inside

"Its not safe to be on the streets. Hive Radicals can sniper anybody out, kidnappings and bombings are a common occurance now. So you are Ania? The Core Leaders contacted us. We will take you to Center Point now"

They went into a round carriage and sat on some seats sitting to the wall and the Man spoke into the wall radio

"Center Point Chamber" he said

Then the carriage lifted it was very speedy and soon the Carriage opened into a grand Lobby.

"This way" he said.

they made thier way up a staircase made with some shimmering, shiny material (some alien marble from some exotic planet)
Eventually the top of the staircase revealed a hall sort of like a mini colloseum. The roof was entirely glass which looked right up to one of the openings in Molsis.

"What the?" said Ania wondering how gavity worked in Molsis

"Your wondering about how this station can allow you to stand down on the city and then now your stand on the wall looking across but its actually looking up? well I know its confusing but thats our great technology for you. Now come on your contact is waiting for you as with the Molsis Leadership"

Ania was led to the center of the Coloseum type hall. the chairs were all emptry. One side of the coloseum had an opening with a balcony holding 3 great seats (The Molsis Leadership's private box)

she waited for her contact and the leadership to emerge into the chamber
.................................................................................................... ...................................
29-05-2008, 01:18
3 figures emerged into the private box and sat down on the three large seats looking down over Ania.

One was an elegantly dressed female Lentania in some golden shimmering robe. the other was a young male Lentania in a black robe and the other was an older more mature male Lentanian in some metal like, military uniform

The elegantly dressed, young female Lentanian spoke calmly
"Ania Silenis. We have been contacted by the Core Leadership. We know of your mission and the details. We have arranged this meeting becuase this matter is extremely important to us. The ammount of Information known about this threat is very little and for security reasons our reports have not contained one very important fact. The Threat is some ancient object, artifact, weapon... whatever it is it can easily fall into the wrong hands"

"Wait you mean its an ancient weapon!?" interupted Ania

"We dont know that. The reports you have recieved left out the fact that it was an object but it can be moved" continued the Female Lentanian

"Why wasnt I told earlier?"

"If information was leaked that the threat could be easily transported and moved... well we couldnt risk the Hive Radicals snatching it up before us. The Hive Radicals have been doing secret deals with some other Alien civilization that is sympathetic to thier cause. They have the technology to construct a ship that is immune to the threats disruptions"

"So the Hive Radicals know about the threat!?"

"We dont know that for a fact. but they are doing deals with an Alien species that has the technological capabilities to construct ships immune to the threats effects"

"Just tell me what I have to do" said Ania

"When you get the threat load it onto your ship then set your co-ordinates to Chariot. Chariot will feeze your craft a distance away from the ship becuase Chariot is not immune to the threats disruptions. Scientists will come out and take the threat apart peice by peice until its de-activated where it will be studied immediatly. Different peices of the threat will be sperated and stored in different locations to prevent any hostile's from assembling it in one place"

"Ok when do I meet my Contact" asked Ania

"Rali you may enter" said the female Lentanian

A young male Lentanian in his early maturity stages (about 7 to 8 years old) stepped out. he looked similar to a human in his 20's.

"Rali is our top scientist brought in from Chariot. He will acompany you to gather the threat" said the female Lentanian "Good Luck"

Rali and Ania made thier way out of the Center Point Chamber.

the man that had escorted Ania in ran up to the pair

"Its not safe to exit the way we came. We have your doubles leaving out that entrance. We have a small craft for you to take waiting for you under the Center Point Chamber" said the man

They went down a small tube elevator until they were under Center point.
They got into a small Taxi like craft. three other crafts were set to take off at the same time for extra security by using many diversions incase Hive Radicals were onto them.

Their small craft disconnected from Center point as did the other 3.
They all went in different directions.

"We have to move into that tunnel there to get into the Molsis walls!" panicked Rali

"Calm down this taxi knows what its doing" said Ania

An explosion was hear. both Rali and Ania turned to look behind them. one of the decoy crafts had just exploded

"Shit!" said Rali

A black craft zoomed up infront of thier craft

'obstruction ahead' said the crafts AI in a computerized tone

Ania slamed down on an emergeny button disabling the AI and ripped open the metal Panel to take control of the Craft. She sped the craft down and under the black Hive Radical ship it was hot on her crafts tail.

The other surviving 2 taxi's were also trying to avoid destruction at the hands of the Hive Radicals

A small holographic Image came to life on the front Pannel. It was an image of the Female Lentanian from Center Point

'Hive Radicals are everywhere get out of there! We have called in our military fighters they should help back you up. the ground of the city is not safe either your decoys on the ground have already been assassinated!'

"SHIT!" Yelled Rali

Their small craft zoomed into a small tunnel

which led into the walls of Molsis and under the Urban inside wall

"Doesnt this craft have any guns!" yelled Ania

"Wait" Rali looked under his seat. it contained just a plain old blaster

"I have this?"

"Better then nothing! break the back window the start firing!" demanded Ania

"What how!? I mean..." Hesitated Rali

"Do you want us to die or not!" yelled Ania

"No forget it you take control!" Rali handed the blaster to Ania and they switched positions.

"Quickly get the ship to the ground!" yelled Ania

The taxi craft descended sharply to the ground of the tunnel to dodge a blast by the Hive Radical fighter

Ania kicked in the back glass and began firing at the ships gun. The blaster had minimal effect

Some Turrets on the roof of the Tunnel turned around and aimed at the Hive Radical Fighter. Molsis defences had finally kicked in and fired at the fighter sending it bursting into flames. it crashed to the base of the Tunnel and an emplosion followed which propelled the small Taxi craft faster through the tunnel

Eventually they stopped close to the outside wall of Molsis.

"The ship is this way.... I think" said Ania

She pulled out the Holopad and brought up a Holographic map of the immediate area

"Shit... you keep charge of the map and lead us to the ship" said Ania handing the holopad to Rali

"Ok we have to go straight ahead then take a left and a right...."

The pair ran through the corridors. They BANG

Some Hive Radicals were on thier tail firing blasters.

Eventually after 12 minutes of navagating thier way through the outside wall Corridors they came to the entrance lounge

it was filled with dead bodies and the corpses of dead police and military men

Hive Radicals blocked all the entrances to the welcoming lounge and pulled out thier blasters and aimed them at Ania

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29-05-2008, 01:32
"So Youre the ones they sent to fetch what ever is on that astroid belt?" said a mature Male Lentanian walking towards Ania wearing a black robe

Rali spoke up

"No you got the wrong guys... I mean were just somre other decoys"

"Shut up! Only the real ones would actually make thier way to that ship there" said the Male Lentanian pointing out the viewing window to the golden coloured ship

"Well anyway what ever is on that Astroid. its going to belong to us now and then we can return to true Lentanian rule back to what we naturally are. a Hive species. not a free thinking freak of natures we have become..... Anyway so long" He aimed his blaster at Ania's face the other Hive Radicals also had thier fingers ready to pull the triger

Ania fell to the ground pulling Rali down with her and she aimed the blaster and shot the Lentanian in the head

"Get to the ship!" yelled Ania to Rali

She jumped up doing flips and rolls to dodge the bullets while getting in as many shots as she could at the Radicals

The blaster then overheated and burnt her hand

She let out a gasp and dropped the blaster. there were only 2 left.

She did one cartwheel and while her hand where on the ground she scooped up a blaster that belonged to the male Lentanian she killed first and used it to quickly kill the last 2 Lentanians off.

She ran down the hallway and didnt bother using the ladder to get into the ship instead sliding down the walls was faster.

Rali was getting the ship prepped

Ania pushed a button on the communicator

"Get me Center Point" she said

a couple of seconds passed then a bleep confirmed her communication transfer

"Where the Hell was your back up. the Radicals know more then you think!" said Ania into the communicator

"I'm sorry we should have been more prepared. we have Military vessels that will escort you to the astroid belt as far as they can take you in"

"Ok fine.... you have quite a mess in your welcoming lounge here"

"We will start the clean up right away. Unfortunatly we cant guarentee there wont be any future attacks by the radicals" said the Female Lentanian on the otherside

"Dont worry I'll be ready for them" said Ania

The ship left the docking bay
.................................................................................................... .......................................
02-06-2008, 11:36
Military space ships and other heavy vessels were all around the small golden coloured space craft carrying Rali and Ania

"Are you ok?" asked Ania to Rali as she controlled the spaceship and set it on course to the astroid belt

Molsis began to shrink into the distance

"I'm fine... I mean what about you!? You took all those radicals out!" said Rali

"They were nothing. They wont slow us down again" said Ania

Finally the ship's were coming close to the astroid belt obitting the big gas giant

The communications sounded from the escorting military vessels

'We cant go with you any further.... Our instruments are already beginning to jam'

Ania leant into the communicator
"Dont worry we'll be fine"

The small golden coloured craft made its way into the astroid belt

Rali set up a small box, type instrument that began to go wild with a bleeping sound

"The astroid is close by!" said Rali looking into his box like instrument

the ship cruesed along a small bit

"Its the one below us" said Rali

Ania set the craft down and it landed softly onto the astroid.

"Suit up... Were going out" said Ania

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08-06-2008, 11:49
Rali was looking into his boxy instrument that was pointing them in the direction of the object.

Finally they came across a kind of white dome in the ground.

"Thats it?" said Rali in suprise

Ania bent down to inspect the white dome in her big heavy space suite

"There is some sort of writting on it, not a familiar language" said Ania

"Were supose to haul that onto the ship?" said Rali

Ania and Rali set about digging up the orb with thier small shovels.

eventually it was really a sphere. there was a blue round button on the end.

"whatever we do we cant touch that button" said Rali

Rali and Ania went back to the ship. they brought out a large tray. it was a hovering table like tray.

It lowered and they carefully picked up the sphere and put it on the tray.
They put the tray in an under-compartment under the small ship. They were instructed to wrap up whatever they found in a kind of gold coloured foil which would reduce the jamming, disruptive effects of the strange alien object.

They returned to the ship and contacted one of the military vessels

"We have the object, setting co-ordinats for Chariot" said Ania speaking into the communicator

'There has been a change in plans. in light of the Radical raid earlier our fleet with escort you to Chariot also' said the voice on the other end

The small golden craft began to raise of the astroid.

They were approaching the outskirts of the solar system ready for the 3 hour trip to Chariot. (Chariot had been brought in off its regular spot to make the transport time shorter for Ania and Rali)

'Molsis is under attack, the radicals are back and the leadership at center point are in danger. Ania we have to make a choice to escort you to chariot or go back and help Molsis!'

"What!? There back!? defend Molsis, we will get the object to Chariot" said Ania into the communicator.

The large military vessels began to turn back. Ania's small craft zoomed off for Chariot.

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09-06-2008, 11:59
Ania and Rali were sitting in the back room of the small craft. They were expected to reach Chariot in 2 hours and 25 minutes.

The communicator began to sound a bleeping noise and then a voice on the other end spoke up

'Do not continue on your current course to Chariot, the radicals are waiting to ambush you, I repeat do not continue on your course to Chariot!' said a stern womans voice on the other end

Ania ran over to the communicator

"Who is this!? what are we supose to do!?" said Ania

'This is Captain Yana of Chariot, the Radicals are waiting for you along your current course. We advise returning back to Molsis, Chariot is on its way' continued Captain Yana on the other end

"Molsis is under attack, we aint gonna walk into a battle field with this baggage were carrying!" replied Ania

'No where is safe, Chariot is on the way to Molsis now we should reach there in 2 hours, we will travel as fast as we can. The radicals are everywhere! Heading to Molsis will probably be safer then waiting for them to find you or walking into thier ambush'

"Fine we will return back to Molsis" said Ania.

The communication ended

"Shit, how did it go so wrong so quickly!?" said Ania

"The radicals are more prepared then we thought, I had no idea they were so organized, they covered thier numbers and operations well" said Rali

"What do you mean? I had no idea radicals even existed anymore" said Ania

"The Radical's had been active in Molsis for decades. Obviously they have infiltrated the more sensitive areas of power if they know this much. they knew where to find us, they even knew our path to Chariot to set up an ambush!"

"So you think we were betrayed?" said Ania

"ofcourse, its obvious" replied Rali.

"Shit, who do you think could of done it?" said Ania

"I was told only a handful of people knew the entire operation. the other agents you met on the way were only told thier phase of the operation nothing else" said Rali

"Who are the handful of people?" asked Ania

"Well even I dont know that, All I was told was that I was picking up something on the Astroid, that I was to meet you and take the Object with you to Chariot, after that I was to return to Molsis. Though I was told that only a had full of people knew the complete operation, you were one of them ofcourse, well I assume so" said Rali

"I was only told what I had to do" said Ania

the ship continued on its new path back to Molsis.

In 40 minutes they had Molsis in their sights.

There was hardly any space traffic outside of Molsis. On Ania's first trip to Molsis there were thousands of small space crafts and speeders outside of Molsis. Instead it was desolate.

There was also no hollow hole that went through Molsis. Instead it was a completely sealed cylinder. Outside flaps connected to the outside wall would swing close on the orders of the leadership in the event of any attack to shield the inner city and the city leadership at Centerpoint.

"I dont like this, where are our ships?" said Ania

"Probably locked inside Molsis" replied Rali

"What about the enemy?"

"I assume thier locked inside too?"

Ania pushed some buttons and opened up a communication channel with the Molsis line

"Molsis Centerpoint do you read me?" asked Ania

there was no answer. Then the radio began to bleep.

"Its a communication line with the Molsis Command Station" said Rali in suprise

'Molsis is in Lockdown, why arent you with Chariot?' said a voice of a male Lentanian

"Radicals are everywhere, no where is safe, Chariot is on the way" said Ania into the communicator. She continue on "Where are the Molsis leadership, what happened to centerpoint?"

'The leadership at centerpoint was evacuated to our command station, they are currently on thier way to the outter wall to be taken to safety, If Chariot is on the way we will evacuate them to thier'

"What do you want us to do?" said Ania

'Come into the Defense command center, its to dangerous for you to be sitting out thier, come into the Section F5 outter wall'

Their small craft made its way to the section of outter wall that would lead to the Defense Commad center
