The Commonwealth of Uraartu National Factbook (Work in Progress; Comments welcome)
(OOC: please note that this is my first serious attempt at making a factbook for Uraartu, but any and all constructive criticism is welcome)
The Imperial and Royal Constitutional Federation of Uraartu and Her Dominions Beyond the Seas
Dear Reader, I am pleased that you have shown interest in my humble nation of Uraartu. I am very proud of my homeland and that is why I have undertaken this project to educate the world about this wondrous country and her people. A number of you may note that Uraartu is small and isolated, and therefore not worth your attention, but you should all remember that a country is only worth as much as you invest into it. One last point should be made, this is a constant work in progess with updates made on a regular basis. Again, thank you for your interest.
-Dumu Rada ar-De'ermo, Chief Librarian of the Emperor and Congress
Foortani: "Teron e-Qor i Halim"
English: "We Work for Peace and Prosperity"
Table of Contents
Section the First: Economics (
Section the Second: Politics (
The Council of the Throne
Chamber of Delegates
The Assembly of the Karulitai
The Great House of the People's Representatives
Political Parties
Administrative Divisions
Section the Third: Geography (
Section the Fourth: Military (
Military Organization
Officer Rank Structure
Section the Fifth: People (
Uraartu Naming Convention
Section the Sixth: History (
Discovery and Settlement
Early Culture
Formation and Rise of the Sijino Republic
Sarro Maritime Empire
Decline and Fall of Sijino
Unification under Saint Marekun and the Brethren
Expansion and Evolution of the Commonwealth
Modern-day Uraartu
Section the First: Economics
The economy of Uraartu is robust and the people are very wealthy. This is thanks to the geography that the people have been blessed with, but for now I will concentrate on the economics and leave the geography for later. The Uraartu economy relies heavily on the banking and insurance industries along with the production and refinement of petroleum. This has led the people of Uraartu to live peaceful, prosperous and productive lives with a GDP per capita over US$45,000 for many years. Due to the lack of income tax and strict bank secrecy laws, many foreign businesses have decided to relocate to Uraartu and this has drawn criticism from independent observers calling Uraartu a safe haven for tax evaders which may include terrorist organizations, though the government of Uraartu vehemently denies this baseless accusation. Unemployment remains at an all-time low of less than three percent.
Currency: Chertrum
1 chertrum = 16 kalbaks = 128 satuls
The chertrum has been the only currency used throughout the Commonwealth since a.d. 1568 by an Imperial Edict of the Emperor Yasshutru. Each coin contains the portrait of the reigning Emperor on the obverse and a majestic Karulitai warrior riding an elephant, the Uraartu national animal.
Major industries: Machinery, chemicals, watches, textiles, petroleum production and refining, precision instruments, tourism, banking, insurance, rubber and oil palm processing and manufacturing, light manufacturing, electronics, tin mining and smelting, logging, timber processing, tourism, transshipment facilities, state-funded aerospace and telecommunications industries, pharmaceuticals
Major imports: electronics, machinery, plastics, iron and steel products, chemicals
Major exports: Vehicles, electronic equipment, petroleum and liquefied natural gas, wood and wood products, palm oil, rubber, textiles, chemicals, watches, agricultural products
Unemployment rate: 2.55%
under construction, pending trade data
Section the Second: Politics
The Government of the Commonwealth is collectively known as the Congress of the Free Peoples of All Uraartu, or the Free Peoples' Congress, and is divided between the Council of the Throne, the Chamber of Delegates, the Assembly of the Karulitai, and the Great House of the People's Representatives. Each has its own powers and responsibilities outlined in the most recent Imperial Edict, Concerning the Creation and Duties of a Democratic Institution within National Government of a.d. 1952, which officially formed the newest branch of government, the Great House of the People's Representatives. I shall now describe each of the organs of government one by one.
Founding Documents:
Declaration of the Faith of the Sacred Law, 1044
Imperial Law of Union, 1342
Imperial Edict Concerning the Death of the Emperor and the Election of a Successor, 1399
Grand Charter of the Rights of the Princes and Tribal Chiefs, 1407
Imperial Edict Concerning the Royal and Imperial Territorial Boundaries, 1480
Imperial Edict On the Regulation and Standardization of Weights, Measures, and the Minting of the Coinage, 1568
Declaration of the Rights and Duties of the Citizenry and State, 1702
Imperial Edict Creation of the Judicial Police and Assembly of the Karulitai, 1765
Imperial Edict Concerning the Creation and Duties of a Democratic Institution within National Government, 1954
The Council of the Throne
Location: Oka-Babilu, Federal Capital District
List of Emperors (with length of reign):
Saint Marekun the Peacemaker (as High King of Kurpal: 1320-1342, as Emperor: 1342-1347)
Nechru I the Beloved (1347-1349)
Tegros I the Victorious (1349-1352)
Rotta I the Seafarer (1352-1356)
Brosho I the Killer (1356-1360)
Tegros II the Wise (1360-1365)
Rotta II the Valiant (1365-1369)
Brosho II the Tall (1369-1371)
Erokkos I the Young (1371-1377)
Nechru II the Rash (1377-1380)
Rotta III the Short (1380)
Brosho III the Forceful (1380-1383)
Nechru III the Kind (1383-1387)
Nechru IV the Daring (1387-1388)
Rotta IV the Crafty (1388-1394)
Brosho IV the Calm (1394-1398)
Wantulu I the Young (1398)
Rotta V the Watcher (1398-1412)
Jeytu I the Wide-farer (1412-1434)
Hemyar I the Fortunate (1434-1437)
Nechru V the Thunderbolt (1437-1443)
Oleeju the Navigator (1443-1451)
Rumato I the Learned Sovereign (1451-1471)
Jeytu II the Peculiar (1471-1479)
Rotta VI the Champion (1479-1482)
Nechru VI the Peaceful (1482-1491)
Wantulu II the Damned (1491-1500)
Nechru VII the Magnificent (1500-1515)
Jeytu III the Conqueror (1515-1523)
Rumato II the True (1523-1532)
Vellabor the Restless (1532-1534)
Rotta VII the Fierce (1534-1543)
Brosho V the Able (1543-1549)
Yasshutru the Wealthy (1549-1570)
Jeytu IV the Lame (1570-1588)
Derush I the Brigand (1588-1602)
Nechru VIII the Cunning (1602-1613)
Rumato III the Tame (1613-1618)
Jeytu V the Light of Uraartu (1618-1637)
Landor I the Cruel (1637-1640)
Arquq I the Quiet (1640-1654)
Brosho VI the Outlander (1654-1666)
Tovma I the Loud (1666-1677)
Derush II the Handsome (1677-1683)
Brosho VII the Spendthrift (1683-1694)
Lugalu I the Enlightened (1701-1703)
Erokkos II the Holy (1703-1704)
Erokkos III the Mad (1704-1716)
Nechru IX the Good (1716-1717)
Landor II the Envious (1717-1719)
Hemyar II the Bald (1719-1720)
Nechru X the Cold-hearted (1720-1725)
Tovma II the Ironclad (1725-1734)
Hemyar III the Fat (1734-1740)
Arquq II the Wonderful (1740-1748)
Brosho VIII the Practical (1748-1756)
Arquq III the Prudent (1756-1759)
Erokkos IV the Blessed (1759-1771)
Rumato IV the Liberator (1771-1798)
Hemyar III the Serious (1798-1801)
Arquq IV the Pious (1801-1812)
Rumato V the Sad (1812-1818)
Hemyar IV the Usurper (1818-1820)
Derush III the Cursed (1820-1824)
Erokkos V the Hopeful (1824-1830)
Hemyar V the Builder (1830-1839)
Tovma III the Pacific (1839-1854)
Okando I the Blind (1854-1861)
Brosho IX the Propagator of the New Order (1861-1867)
Derush IV the Restorer of the Sacred Law (1867-1889)
Hemyar VI the Degenerate (1889-1901)
Rumato VI the Grim (1901-1922)
Okando II the Stout (1922-1924)
Brosho X the Devout (1924-1943)
Hemyar VII the Glorious (1943-1951)
Tegros III the Freeborn (1951-1958)
Nechru XI the Proud (1958)
Hemyar VIII the Simple (1958)
Arquq V the Steadfast (1958-1967)
Rumato VII the Meek (1967-1971)
Erokkos VI the One-Eyed (1971-1978)
Hemyar IX the Magnanimous (1978-1990)
Doreshk the Devil (1990-1992)
Shakuni the Bold (1992-1998)
Lugalu II the Just (1998-2008)
Nechru XII (2008-present)
The Commonwealth of Uraartu is a constitional elective monarchy. Though the word constitutional does not necessarily mean that the Emperor is a ceremonial position, on the contrary he is a very active participant in political affairs. In fact, the Emperor is undoubtedly the most powerful person in the country. There is no single written constitution but a series of documents dating back to the Imperial Law of Union of a.d. 1342 when the modern state was founded. So, the Emperor is not an absolute monarch, but he is still the head of state and government. As this is an elective monarchy, the Emperor does not have the privilege of naming an heir, that decision is left to the Council of the Throne, a.k.a. the Crown Council, after the death and a predetermined period of mourning for the previous Emperor.
The makeup of the Crown Council is set by tradition and, on occasion, Imperial Edicts. One example of the former is the Chancellor of the University of Dahleez since a.d. 1802, and an example of the latter is the Deputy of the People since a.d. 1890 when that post was created by Imperial Edict. The Crown Council rarely meets in full session aside from the election and coronation of a new Emperor. It does meet on a regular basis, but usually just the Emperor and the Princes of the Empire are in attendance.
The Crown Council also has the power to nullify any laws passed by the Great House of the People's Representatives or the Chamber of Delegates and can void any decisions made by the Assembly of the Karulitai, but those institutions can override those vetoes with a sufficient number of votes. The Crown Council is collectively the Head of State, with the Emperor serving as High and Mighty Lord of the Council.
Council of the Throne (Crown Council):
Grand Vizier of the Imperial Territories
Warden of the Katchosian Ports
The Princes of the Empire (Seventeen)
Chamberlain of the Emperor's Purse
High Inquisitor and Corrector -
Ombudsman of the People (Only nationally elected figure on the Council) - Ombudsman Shutru Banda ar-Kabeiro (DF)
Archpriest of Taraplos (Highest ecclesiastical office in the land) - Archpriest Marko Eryu ar-Naru
Protector of the Valley of the August Ones (Honorary office usually held by a distinguished retired general)
Holy Guardian of Mt. Plouton and the Seas of Nechtun (Chosen by the Archpriest and Emperor; In charge of the protection of Holy artifacts held by the state church)
Lords Mayor of Dahleez, Lao Nio, and Lhomon (Elected by citizens of the three Free Cities)
Chancellor of the University of Dahleez
Grand Commander, Uraartu Imperial & Royal Armed Forces
Clan Confederate Patriarchs (Fourteen; Elected by nobles within the clans)
Tribal Chiefs (Sixty-seven; Hereditary positions within the scheduled tribes)
Supreme Justices of the Courts (Nine, chosen by and from the Assembly of Karulitai)
Representative of the Throne Abroad (not a member of the Council): Darbo Orlan ar-Khorshi
Imperial Titles and their Significance:
The Most Sanctified and August Sage-Emperor of All Under Heaven - official title of the Emperor reflecting his religious role
Patriarch of House [enter house name here] and the [enter clan name here] Clan - to be Emperor, the candidate must be the leader of both their family and clan.
High and Mighty Lord of the Crown Council - title held ex officio by the Emperor, reflecting his leadership role on the Council.
Supreme Protector of the Faithful - official title of the leader of the state-sanctioned religion and always held by the Emperor who is anointed by the Archpriest upon receiving the title.
Sword Arm of the Eternal Flame - conferred upon the Emperor by the Assembly of the Kurulitai reflecting his military leadership of the religious orders.
First Citizen and Chief Consul - automatically assigned to the Emperor reflecting his leadership of the Uraartu people, not just the state, and dates back to the Sijino Republic
Keeper of the Sacred Law - reflects the Emperor's role as leader, not just of the state-sanctioned religion, but also as the originator of religious law and is therefore not just a secular leader but as a religious leader
Defender of All Beings - honorific granted upon the Emperor Marekun the Peacemaker by the Archpriest Boh-khun for his lifelong career of protecting innocents during his conquests and has been held by all succeeding Emperor's to the present day
Honorary Imperial Orders:
Order of the Albino Elephant - awarded by the Emperor to those who have spent a lifetime working towards peaceful and diplomatic resolutions to national problems. (current #: 132)
Order of the Ebony Elephant - awarded by the Emperor to those who have spent the bulk of their career performing honorably in the military. (current #: 143)
Chamber of Delegates
Location: Oka-Babilu, Federal Capital District
The Chamber of Delegates serves as the mouthpiece of the local governments with the Commonwealth. Every Princely State, Province, and Free City (for a total of 34 subdivisions) elects a delegation to the Chamber consisting of eight delegates each. This makes the number of delegates in all to be 272. Delegates from the Princely States are more often than not chosen by the ruling Prince. The delegates from the Provinces are nominated by the ruling Governor and elected by the democratically elected Provincial Assembly. The Free Cities chose their delegates through democratic elections.
The Delegates chose from among themselves a Director-General who oversees the operation of the various Directorates. The Director-General also has the power to nominate Territorial Viceroys for Union Territories, who are then approved by the Chamber as a whole, and are then approved by the Emperor and Crown Council. Governance of Territories will be covered later.
The number of Directorates in the Chamber compared to the number of Ministries in the Great House of the People's Representatives is paltry. It should be remembered though that the Chamber's power is indirect and decisions made by the body are usually taken as mere suggestions to the other houses. The aforementioned process of appointing Royal Viceroys is a notable exception. Only Delegates from Princely States are involved in that process. The Directorates are usually treated as advisory bodies for the Crown Council and the Great House.
Directorate of the Military - Director Yuhya Graleo ar-Daladan
Directorate of Financial Policy - Director Pishpek Calla ar-Ekuno
Directorate of International Affairs - Director Forjo Wolten ar-Ekuno
Directorate of Police - Director Vayu Rendip ar-Ereddu
Directorate of Interstate Affairs - Director Tasho Jallu ar-Naru
Directorate of Infrastructure - Director Ioshu Reisho ar-Honshai
Directorate of the Royal Territories - Director Ballach Uffo ar-Ellahu
The Assembly of the Karulitai
Location: Urushalim, Hierarchy of Taraplos
The Assembly of the Karulitai is seen by many foreign observers to be an encroachment of religious officials on the government, and in its role as the Court of Last Resort is seen as a breach of freedom of religion. While this may be a legitimate arguement, it must be remembered that the freedom of religion is not freedom from religion, and not all Karulitai must be members of the state-sanctioned Faithful Way of the Sacred Flame, but they all are.
The Assembly is made up of 89 Karulitai and it has a long and glorious history as the first and last military religious order in Uraartu. Nowadays it no longer is concerned with running around the frontiers fighting heretics and infidels but is now concerned with executing justice and ensuring that the other organs of government are operating properly.
The man specifically in charge of this is the High Inquisitor and Corrector. He is the head of the Assembly and also sits on the Crown Council. He has the power, as long as he has the support of two-thirds of the Karulitai, to temporarily oust any ruling Prince, Governor, or Viceroy and install a replacement while he or she is put on trial. The only rulers outside of his jurisdiction are the Emperor and the Lords Mayor of the Free Cities.
Aside from the High Inquisitor and Corrector, the Assembly also consists of nine men chosen by the Emperor to serve as High Judges on the Imperial High Court, a.k.a. the Court of Last Resort. This is the equivalent of the Supreme Court in many other countries. One significant difference is that the Imperial High Court also runs the Judicial Police, which is in charge of not only ensuring security at trials and transfer of prisoners to and from trials, but also to serve the High Inquisitor and Corrector in his duties whenever they are needed. The Judicial Police are headed by a Captain-General, also a member of the Assembly, who is nominated by the High Inquisitor and approved by the High Judges.
The Great House of the People's Representatives
Location: Badal-atai, Federal Capital District
Suffrage: 16 years of age; universal
The Great House is probably the most familiar of the houses of Congress to most Westerners. It is the youngest as well, being formed in 1952 by an Imperial Edict of Emperor Tegros III in an attempt to modernize and democratize Uraartu government. It is also the largest house, being made up of 2,401 Representatives.
Every member of the House is elected at the same time every two years, with a five term limit. This is to keep out career politicians, though such people can often find work as bureaucrats at the local level after leaving office.
Roughly sixty percent of votes are needed for a representative to be elected Prime Minister, and since few political parties have ever garnered that much support from the populace, numerous coalitions have been formed over the years. Currently, the Uraartu Nation First coalition is in charge with barely sixty percent of the house and they are opposed by the Union for Democracy coalition. These political parties will be covered later on as well as illegal political parties.
The Prime Minister choses two Deputy Ministers, these three individuals are also the heads of the three political parties that make up the UNF coalition. The Prime Minister and his Deputies then choose a Cabinet, each of whom also needs sixty percent of the vote. The following list shows the name of the Cabinet position followed by the political party of which they are members, LR = Liberal Royalist Party, NU = National Unionist Party, Ag = Agrarian Party.
Prime Minister's Cabinet:
Prime Minister (LR)
Deputy Prime Minister (NU)
Deputy Prime Minister (Ag)
Minister of Civil Service (LR)
Minister of Intelligence and the Feyo-Haddameen (NU)
Minister of Finances, Budget and Management (NU)
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (LR) - Foreign Minister Urshad Jero ar-Ellahu
Minister of War and Home Defense (NU) - War Minister Joltu Fonga ar-Ekuno
Minister of the Treasury and Mint (NU)
Minister of Disaster and Emergency Management (LR)
Minister of Human Rights (LR)
Minister of Law and Order (LR)
Minister of Energy and Fuel (Ag)
Minister of Religious Affairs (NU)
Minister of Integration and Equality (LR)
Minister of Local Government (LR)
Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Asylum (Ag)
Minister of Housing, Health, Education and Social Welfare (LR)
Minister of Postal Services (Ag)
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Mining (Ag)
Minister of Trade, Commerce and Industry (NU)
Minister of Labor and Employment (Ag)
Minister of Communications and Transportation (NU)
Minister of the Interior and Territories (Ag)
Minister of Sports, Tourism, Arts, Culture and Heritage (NU)
Minister of Correctional Services (LR)
Minister of Research, Science and Technology (LR)
Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources (Ag)
Minister of Correctional Services (NU)
Chief Librarian (NU) - Dumu Rada ar-De'ermo
Political Parties
There are currently six political parties that have been approved by the Crown Council. A number of illegal parties also operate in the country and range from peaceful movements operating on college campuses to terrorist organizations that call themselves political parties.
Currently the six political parties are organized into two coalitions in the Great House of People's Representatives, already mentioned. The Uraartu Nation First coalition consists of the Liberal Royalists, the National Unionists, and the Agrarians. Their political opponents, the Union for Democracy coalition, are the Democratic Federalists, the Green Party of Uraartu, and the Workers' Rights Party.
UNF Coalition
Liberal Royalist Party: 553 seats in GHPR
Platform summary: Support restrictions on Imperial power in favor of Royal Princes and local nobles.
National Unionist Party: 504 seats in GHPR
Platform summary: Support increased Imperial authority in order to restrict local Princes and nobles from abusing their powers.
Agrarian Party: 384 seats in GHPR
Platform summary: Support self-reliance and import restrictions, anti-immigration and pro-military.
UDem Coalition
Democratic Federalist Party: 792 seats in GHPR
Platform summary: Support increased democratic reforms and restrictions on both Imperial, Royal, and local nobles' powers.
Green Party of Uraartu: 144 seats in GHPR
Platform summary: Support environmental protection and increased social welfare, as well as dismantling of the military.
Workers' Rights Party: 24 seats in GHPR
Platform summary: Support labor reforms and increased social welfare, healthcare, and education.
There are also a number of banned political parties as mentioned above. Eleven of these have gained enough support to officially be outlawed.
Blessed Children of Uraartu - A theocratic group which advocates the overthrow of the monarchy and nobility, the usurpation of spiritual power from the Church for their leader the Elder Brother, and the isolation from the rest of the world. Participates in terrorist activities across the country.
National Socialist Party - Neo-Fascist party which seeks the ethnic cleansing of the underclasses and immigrants. They have expressed their desire to invade other countries in order to satiate Uraartu's growing demand for natural resources rather than participate in economic exchanges.
Libertarian Party - Peaceful party that advocates the abolition of the government at almost all levels and the equality of all Uraartuans regardless of class.
Anarchists United for Uraartu - Radical individualists who broke off from the Libertarians in a.d. 1998 who participate in terrorist bombings against government buildings.
Democratic Socialist Party - Seeks to establish increasingly democratic and socialist institutions and the abolition of the monarchy and nobility. Broke away from the original Communist Party in a.d. 1938 over disagreements of democracy's place in a socialist state.
Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) - Seeks to abolish the capitalist system currently in place and peacefully replace it with an undemocratic state run solely by their party.
Reformed Communist Party (Stalinist) - Split from the original Communists in a.d. 1978 in order to pursue violent action against the government.
Eco-Pacific Party - Radical environmentalist and pacifist party that has participated in terrorist attacks on polluting corporations and government buildings.
Administrative Divisions
The Commonwealth is divided into forty-eight political subdivisions with varying degrees of autonomy.
Princely States
The oldest and largest are the Princely States, of which there are seventeen, which are hereditary monarchies and serve as a balance to the Imperial power structure. Many of the Princes have made democratic reforms in the past fifty years such as enshrining freedoms in their local constitutions and setting up Parliaments for their States so that the people may make a redress of grievances. English names such as King, Prince, or Duke are merely to illustrate differences in seniority as the native Uraartite names are all the same: Ghallumu.
Princely States (Seventeen):
High Kingdom of Kurpal
Kingdom of Wassa
Kingdom of Ruta
Kingdom of Belosh-tav
Kingdom of Utrei
Principality of Aygru
Principality of Kromon
Principality of Ferrotu
Principality of Pelluchi
Dukedom of Maccu
Dukedom of Achotu
Dukedom of Golgeshu
Dukedom of Frimid
Dukedom of Sijino
Dukedom of Taato-Muatu
Dukedom of Oshsho
Dukedom of D'ghomu
There are also fourteen Provinces ruled by Governors who are elected by the Provincial Assembly. The Provincial Assemblies are democratically elected for the most part, though the Emperor appoints one-fifth of their members. They have just as much self-government as the Princely States.
Provinces (Fourteen):
Oldeffu Province
Batangu Province
Sabazo Province
Auseku Province
Thenoo Province
Undinu Province
Southern Kurpal Province
Juncuo Province
Situwu Province
Antaran Province
Trakku Province
Orbaho Province
Delbeth Province
Orweno Province
Free Cities
The most democratic of the subdivisions are the three Free Cities. These are Dahleez, the largest and home of the prestigious University of Dahleez, Lhomon, home of many banking and insurance businesses, and Lao Nio, the largest port in Uraartu. Each operate as a direct democracy with every law proposed by the Council of Ten being approved by the public in a referendum.
Free Cities (Three):
Lao Nio
Federal Capital District
The Federal Capital District was created on the founding of the Imperial and Royal Federation by the Imperial Law of Union so that no Royal Prince of the Empire could exercise control over the Emperor and His Government. The District includes the Imperial City of Oka-Babilu, the home of the Crown Council and Chamber of Delegates, and its port city of Badal-atai, the home of the Great House of the People's Representatives, as well as surrounding suburbs and farmland.
Ecclesiastical City-State
The Faithful Church of the Sacred Flame also rules in its own theocracy called the Hierarchy of Taraplos, though it does not send representatives to the Great House of the People's Representatives, it does serve as the home of the Assembly of the Karulitai giving it substantial power. The city of Urushalim, which makes up the entirety of the Hierarchy though the Hierarchy also has nominal jurisdiction over Mt. Plouton, has long been the spiritual center of Uraartu and is the location of the Temple of the Heavenly Fire, which is the equivalent of the Jewish Temple or the Islamic Kaaba, and therefore is extremely important for all Uraartuans.
Additionally, there are three classes of Territories. These are the Imperial Territories, which are controlled directly by the Emperor, the Royal Territories, which are ruled jointly by the Princes of the Empire, and the Union Territories, which are controlled by the Great House of the People's Representatives. The reason for this is to quell any disagreement over territorial acquisition by allowing each power to get a piece of the pie, so to speak. Each territory is run autocratically by a Viceroy, with an Advisory Council assisting him or her. In the case of Imperial Territories, the Viceroy is appointed by the Emperor directly, while Royal Territorial Viceroys are appointed by the Chamber of Delegates, and the Union Territorial Viceroys are nominated by the Minister of the Interior and Union Territories and approved by a simple majority vote in the Great House of the People's Representatives.
Imperial Territories (Five):
Taruba Viceroyalty
Usati Viceroyalty
Oraitau Viceroyalty
Phol Egu Viceroyalty
Ashtuto Viceroyalty
Royal Territories (Four):
Matai-mon Viceroyalty
Sumatru Viceroyalty
Amarutu Viceroyalty
Khuree Viceroyalty
Union Territories (Three):
Leeward Sarro Islands Territory
Windward Sarro Islands Territory
Yarod Peninsular Territory
Flag description: Five horizontal lines, red, green, black, green, and red. The colors are representative of the three pillars of Uraartu culture; red represents the blood of the Wanderers (the mytho-historical first people to settle the island of Uraartu) shed by the native xenophobic Dennomites, green represents the environment that the Wanderers transformed the desolate landscape into after settlement and is still maintained by the modern Uraartuan, and black with the three white cannabis plants represents the spiritual void filled by the consumption of the sacred plants.
under construction, pending political pressure groups and names of significant political figures
Section the Third: Geography
The nation of Uraartu is situated on what is known as the Hoyhan-ano, which translates as 'Home Island' into English. A number of islands, known as the Sarro Islands, encircle Hoyhan-ano. The island is roughly divided into the High Heartland to the east which is very mountainous, containing the three highest peaks on the island (visible on the second map below), and the Low Country to the west. The island is divided politically along the same geographic lines, with the Princely States in the High Heartland and the Provinces in the Low Country.
Map of Uraartu: Political Subdivisions (
(Legend: Green = Federal Capital District, Yellow = Princely States, Gray = Provinces, Olive = Imperial Territories, Navy Blue = Royal Territories, Orange = Union Territories, Orchid = Free Cities, Red = Ecclesiastical City-State)
Map of Uraartu: Major Cities and Roads (
Map of Uraartu: Climate (
(Legend: Dark Green = Tropical, Dark Gray = Highlands, Light Green = Temperate, Purple = Mediterranean, Red-Pink = Semi-arid, Dark Red = Arid)
Section the Fourth: Military
Uraartu Imperial and Royal Armed Forces (UIRAF)
Military Organization
Commander-in-Chief: Emperor Nechru XII Orlan ar-Khorshi, Supreme Protector of the Faithful and Defender of All Beings
Second-in-Command: Master Khatzalli Faruju ar-Ereddu, Grand and Supreme Commander, UIRAF
Ground Forces (UIRAF-GR) CO: Lord High General Dakka Danna ar-Ercanu
Aerospace Forces (UIRAF-AS) CO: Lord High General Huntu Ballaj ar-Ekuno
-Missile Command Agency (AS-MCA)
Naval Forces (UIRAF-NV) CO: Lord High Commander of the Seas Feradun Ophis ar-Hundiata
-Coastal & River Patrol Forces (NV-CRP)
Disaster & Emergency Command Forces (UIRAF-DEC) CO: Master General Wassa Gaht ar-Naru
Frontier & Border Patrol Forces (UIRAF-FBP) CO: Lord High Captain-General Loka Vadot ar-Ercanu
-Elite Special Operations Forces (FBP-SpecOps)
Military Intelligence & Reconnaissance Division (UIRAF-MIR) CO: Lord High General Utea Lumm ar-Ellahu
Research & Development Division (UIRAF-RD) CO: Master General Talli Rerq ar-De'ermo
Logisitcs Command (UIRAF-Log) CO: Master General Tetru Kagan ar-Ekuno
Officer Rank Structure
1. Supreme Protector of the Faithful and Defender of All Beings (held by Emperor ex officio)
2. Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Chief of War on His Holiness's Behalf (appointed by Emperor on advice of Crown Council)
Divisional Ranks for the Ground and Aerospace Forces
3. Lord High General
4. Master General
5. Senior General
6. General
7. High Colonel
8. Colonel
9. Commander
10. Lieutenant
11. Sub-Lieutenant
12. Officer Cadet
13. Officer Recruit
Divisional Ranks for the Frontier and Border Patrol Forces
3. Lord High Captain-General
4. Captain-General
5. Captain-Major
6. Captain-Minor
7. Superior Bakshar
8. Senior Bakshar
9. Bakshar
10. Lieutenant
11. Sub-Lieutenant
12. Officer Cadet
13. Officer Recruit
Divisonal Ranks for the Naval Forces
3. Lord High Commander of the Seas
4. Fleet Master
5. Squandron Master
6. Master Mariner
7. Mariner of the Line
8. Lord Ship Master
9. Vice Ship Master
10. Lieutenant
11. Ensign
12. Midshipman
13. Officer Recruit
under construction, pending equipment updates
Section the Fifth: People
noun: Uraartuan(s)
adjective: Uraartite
The Uraartu population is entirely divided into fourteen clans, in which everyone is born and dies. It is impossible to transfer to another clan and few desire to do so, but it is possible to transfer into another tribe such as through marriage or simply by be accepted by a local tribal elder. Each clan is divided into tribes (there are sisty-seven in all), each of which is ruled by a tribal Chieftain, which is chosen by the tribal elders. The tribal chiefs meet biannually to elect a Confederate Patriarch to further the interests of their particular clan. The tribe-clan system can be very confusing for outsiders, and therefore the details will be left out of this factbook for the time being. Of note, though, is that this system is the basis for the national system of administration in which the Emperor is elected by the Princes of the Empire.
Clan Confederations: Ekuno, Akkadu, Ereddu, Ellahu, Honshai, Ercanu, Hundiata, Kabeiro, Kepha, Khorshi, Vinnca, Deermo, Daladan, Naru
Languages: There are a total of twenty-eight languages used throughout the Commonwealth. The most popular, Foortani, is the national and primary tongue of around 80% of the population. This language alone is divided into a number of dialects for specific usages, which have there own vocabularies, grammar, and syntax. These dialects include Highborn Dagapoti, which is used by upper castes on formal occasions, Perendi, which is used in court sessions and legal documents, and Dirmasha, which the military uses in combat operations, among other lesser known dialects. Each of the fourteen clans also has its own language, though the number of users has dropped dramatically in the past fifty years, which many observers attribute to the foundation of the Great House of the People's Representatives. Another culturally significant language is Foedthwei, which is the oldest and is the official language of the state church. The most well-known to outsiders is Okunar English, which is a pidgin of English and Foortanik and is therefore considered a completely separate language, and is used primarily by merchants, both domestic and foreign, and the government when dealing with outsiders. There are also eleven unrecognized tribal languages not affiliated with any of the clans and therefore is looked down upon by the government.
Caste System (summary):
Ghallum (Royalty) (rulers of the princely states and qualified for office of Emperor)
Harinar (Scholars, Teachers and Priests) (learning, teaching, and praying for well-being of society are the responsibilities of this caste)
Sarinool (Soldiers and Non-Royal Nobility) (maintain security and protect society from attack)
Dashkol (Merchants, Artisans and Farmers) (perform economic activity and build economy to maintain society, also the largest caste by far)
Holshuk (Manual Workers) (lowest caste one can be born into, usually confined to working as farmhands or in factories, they make up roughly a quarter of the populace)
Slaves (criminals - nonviolent criminals are temporarily branded slaves and are required to serve either the state or a private individual/company for a set number of years. Slaves are treated very well as there are numerous rules and regulations regarding the treatment of slaves, hence they are allowed to have property and a small amount of free time during their enslavement but any property they owned prior to enslavement is held by a third party until they are released)
Exiles (criminals - violent criminals are permanently branded as exiles, they must forfeit their property to the state and lose all property rights forever, and are not allowed in certain regions of the country, usually cities with a minimum population)
Uraartu Naming Convention
Uraartuan names follow a fairly long structure based on family, tribe, and clan affiliation. This system is used throughout the Commonwealth though names are often simplified when dealing with foreigners. I will use the late Emperor Lugalu II Hashdar yi-Dondar yi-Farru yi-Bosht yi-Manlu Bagaler Urukalpe'me Ounas Kolzu ar-Ekuno to explain the different parts of Uraartu names.
It must be remembered that Lugalu is not the personal name given to the Emperor by his parents, but was chosen by himself on the day of his coronation and is, therefore, referred to as his throne, or regal, name. The given name is the basic structure, in the case of the Emperor it is Hashdar, and it is usually a descriptive refering to the good characteristics of the person. In this case, Hashdar means Righteous.
A series of patronymics follows, refering to at least four generations. This was, and still is to an extent, very important in the tribally based culture of Uraartu. In our example, yi-Dondar yi-Farru yi-Bosht yi-Manlu means "son of Dondar, son of Farru, son of Bosht, son of Manlu." In rare cases, historical figures may be known primarily by the first of the patronyms, such as the poet yi-Rotta, also known as Yarotta by foreigners but whose given name was Terru, who was the son of the Emperor Rotta VI.
After the patronyms, an honorific follows which is meant to describe the best qualities of the person. This name is bestowed on the individual at the Borshaku festival when the individual turns 16 for men or 15 for women. The Borshaku festival also symbolizes that the individual is now ready to marry. The Emperor's honorific is Bagaler which means "Hope-filled."
If the individual is married then a marriage name, also called a bond name, follows which is shared by the individual and their spouse. This is given to the couple on the day of marriage by the priest presiding over the marriage ceremony and refers to the time of year when the wedding took place. For the Emperor, this bond name is Urukalpe'me, which translates as "Jewel of the Heart" which sounds romantic but, in fact, refers to the month Urukalpe'mesan when he was wed to his first, and currently only, wife. If married to more than one wife, then only the bond name refering to the most recent marriage is used.
The family, tribal, and clan names follow. Uraartu society is divided into fourteen clans, each of which is divided into varying numbers of tribes, which are in turn divided into varying numbers of families. Clans are based on perceived racial differences and therefore in the name of equality government posts have been reserved for a set number of individuals from each clan. Tribes form the basic unit of local culture, as tribes have chiefs while clans do not, but are run as confederacies. Tribes are usually confined to a few closely linked villages, and consist of hundreds of individuals at the most to a few dozen at the least. Fo the Emperor, his family name is Ounas, his tribal name (which he rarely uses) is Kolzu, and his clan name is ar-Ekuno (ar- mean 'of,' and Ekuno being the clan itself).
Religions: Way of the Sacred Flame (also known simply as Karulitai) 81%, Roman Catholic Christianity 9%, Shi'a Islam, 8%, Buddhist 2%
The state religion of Uraartu is embodied in the Faithful Way of the Sacred Flame, also known by its simplified native name of the Khiffa. The basic tenet of this belief system, which stretches back to time immemorial, is that the physical world was created by an evil Demiurge and that the good Life Spirit, which granted the spark of life to humans, can be experienced directly only through deep meditation with the use of a rare strain of cannabis native to Uraartu. The philosophy has many similarities with Gnostic philosophy of the Western world, as the truth is believed to be hidden from us and must be revealed by an intermediary. In the case of Uraartu religion, that intermediary is the Church and its leader, who happens to be the Emperor who takes the title Keeper of the Sacred Law ex officio.
Day-to-day administration of the Church is left to the Archpriest of Taraplos and his College of Hieromonks. The College of Hieromonks and the Archpriest are based in the city of Urushalim which is located in the Ecclesiastical City-State of Taraplos (hence the Archpriest's title). Membership in the College is decided by the Emperor on the recommendation of the Archpriest. Current membership is 143 Hieromonks, who are each in charge of a monastery across Uraartu dedicated to storing religiously important artifacts and preaching the Way to the surrounding populace.
The Holy Guardian of Mt. Plouton and the Seas of Nechtun is also a religious office, once held solely by a member of the Karulitai military religious order. Nowadays, though, any member of the College may hold the position and it has lost its militant edge. The Karulitai Assembly, though, still nominally have military power and maintain a standing militia, but have become practically dormant since they assumed a judicial role in accordance with the Imperial Edict Creation of the Judicial Police and Assembly of the Karulitai of 1765. Now all members of the Assembly of the Karulitai may partake in operations of the Judicial Police, but the only one required to do so is their leader, the High Inquisitor and Corrector, referred to in the Politics section.
Most domestic broadcast media are state-run, either by the federal government or the local governments. Leading newspapers have links to the royal family and other notables.
The country's first private network, the Okunar English-language All Uraartu Entertainment Services, was launched in 2004 with the support of then-Emperor Lugalu II, but was shut down in mid-2008 by Emperor Nechru XII alleging the station was engaged in subversive activities. A press law guarantees the right of journalists to operate independently and to publish information, but they are liable to jail terms for offences which include insulting the Emperor and local Princes, and self-censorship is practised. Another press law forbids references to God and the Karulitai that are deemed insulting. Criticism of the Crown Council, the constitutions and Imperial edicts and the "basic convictions of the nation" is prohibited. Courts can prescribe prison sentences for transgressors.
Newspaper publishers must have licences from the Ministry of Communications and Transportation and the Directorate of Infrastructure. The ministry and directorate censor books, films, periodicals and other imported publications deemed morally offensive.
Around half of the population are regular users of the Internet.
The press:
Oka-Babilu National Chronicle - private, Oka-Babilu-based daily
Olimban Palace Times - state-run, Oka-Babilu-based
Heartland Business 24/7 - state-run, Foortani-language daily
Low Country Times - state-run, Foortani-language daily
Sarro News - private, Okunar English-language
Lhomon Tribune - private, Okunar English-language
Uraartu TV - state-run, Okunar English-language
Ghazilito Hali - Foortani-language sports channel
Free City Media - Programmes in Okunar English and Foortani, news and entertainment shows
UBCS-TV - operates five channels, Okunar English and Foortani-language programmes
The National Banner - operates cultural and historical programmes
UIRAF Radio and Television - entertainment channel operated by military
Dahleez University FM - student-run, popular music
Joto-da FM - state-run, Okunar English and Foortani-language talk radio
Karul 92.9 - commericial, Karulitai-oriented news and talk
City Radio - foreign and local music
People's Voice FM - private, news and talk radio
UIRAF Radio and Television - entertainment channel operated by military
News Agency:
Uraartu Imperial & Royal Joint Broadcasting Service - official
Section the Sixth: History
Pre-History (4000 b.c. - 3000 b.c.)
Archaeological evidence points to a historical civilization, known in historical records from the Wanderers, as the Dennomites. It is unlikely that this is what they called themselves, because in the Foedthwei tongue used at the time Dennomi meant 'Ugly Stone Men' denoting not only their grotesque appearance to the Wanderers who would later surpass them but also their hardiness as a people. Prior to the arrival of the Wanderers, the Dennomite people had created a civilization encompassing the entire island, as can be seen from the number of artifacts discovered all across the island. Dennomite culture was settled and focused on agriculture. Their were dozens of independent cities who each reigned over vast swathes of fertile farmland. Each city was ruled by an King and had its own personal deity that the townspeople worshipped. All written records have either been lost or are still to be found. Po U Pe is the only named Dennomite in the Wanderer epics and is called 'Overlord of the Scattered Tribes.'
By the time the Wanderers arrived, however, the Dennomites had overfarmed the land and the soil became unusable. This led to a steady downfall of the Dennomites as significant power on the island as they devolved into nomadic hunter-gatherers too weak to resist the eventual takeover by the Wanderers. The Dennomites were still able to put up a fight fierce enough for one Wanderer chieftain, Sekart, to refer to them as the 'Undying People' due to their vast numbers and persistance.
Discovery and Settlement (3000 b.c. - 1500 b.c.)
The Wanderers, or Lost Children, arrived in Uraartu around five thousand years ago. The reason for their arrival is hotly debated still. They were skilled ocean navigators and astronomers, but their origin is still unknown.
The Wanderers became the dominant power over the Dennomites after only three generations, at least according to the mytho-historical epic Dai Yuddha. Much of what is known of Wanderer-Dennomite relations is derived from mytho-historical documents, such as the aforementioned Dai Yuddha and the Macc-peo, whose validity and objectivity has been questioned by many historians and mythologists through the ages. What is known with certainty is that when the Wanderers first arrived in the Low Country in the eastern half of Uraartu, the native Dennomites reacted with great fear and hatred towards the newcomers and wanted nothing to do with them. According to tradition, the Wanderer chiefs made offers of peace and trade to the Dennomite chiefs at the Field of Ten Thousand Souls, which derived its name from the immense battle that followed these offers. The Dennomites thought it better to merely rob the Wanderers and kill them than allow them to stay. Within three generations, or about eighty years, the Wanderers were dominant over the Dennomites, who still waged raids on Wanderer villages. By this time, the grandson of one of the first Wanderer chieftains had established himself as Hegemon over the other villages and organized a massive cleansing of the Dennomites. This was largely successful, however the Dennomites simply moved to the mountains and continued to steal food and attack caravan travelling between cities. The name Uraartu is first recorded as the name of the whole island, meaning 'Mother and Father of Her Children,' with the inhabitants known as Uraartuan, meaning 'The People who Live off of the Mother and Father of Her Children'. It would take another five hundred years for the Dennomites to be eliminated as an independent people.
Under the chief Rodosh, leader of three of the largest and wealthiest cities who were persistant victims of Dennomite raids, the largest army the island had ever seen since the ancestors of the Uraartuans arrived was assembled. This was in response to the Dennomite chief, named Ko U Tu, assembling a single large raiding party in an attempt to conquer the coastal city of Hejawo, a wealthy port at the time. Ko U Tu was told by his seers that if he were to embark on this expedition he would exterminate an entire race. And he did, though not as he expected. Chief Rodosh led the army personally to push back the Dennomites. The army was successful in stopping further raids, and was able to enslave all surviving soldiers of the Dennomite army. As a sign of peace and friendship, Rodosh announced that he would release all prisoners in exchange for peaceful coexistence with the Dennomites living alongside the Uraartuans. When the Dennomite women and children came out of their hiding places to take up the offer, they too were enslaved. Ko U Tu's prophecy of exterminating a race was right, but it was his own that suffered not the Uraartuans. The Dennomites and their culture were erased through interbreeding and it is believed that members of the Holshuk caste are the descendants of these Dennomite slaves.
Early Culture (1500 b.c. - 254 b.c.)
By around 3500 years ago, the differences between the two groups had mostly disappeared and the Dennomites had become fully assimilated into Uraartuan culture. The culture of the Uraartuan peoples after the assimilation of the Dennomite people changed much. Fire worshipping, as it is called by outsiders, was adopted and became an integral part of Uraartu religion and society with many ceremonies including referances to the cleansing power of the flame and its purity. The dualistic nature of the cosmos also rose in significance. While before assimilation the Wanderers and their descendants were henotheistic, that is worshipping one god but recognizing the existance of many gods, the Dennomites were purely monotheistic, recognizing the unity of nature and man. Now the two systems collided with the advent of two deities, the evil Demiurge and the good Sun God. The material world was seen as evil and the spirit world, represented by fire, as the source of cleansing good. Also, around this time the practice of erecting tall spires on top of which were placed the dead to be set alight became commonplace. If the fire did not completely incinerate the individual or went out prematurely, then nature was allowed to reclaimed what the people believe is rightfully hers.
Aside from these practices, life continued about the same. Tribes began to form on the basis of territory and became the center of all political activity for their members. Today there are sixty-seven tribes, but that number has fluctuated over the past three thousand years. Each tribe began to be governed by the tribal elders and a chief chosen by the elders. Each tribe eventually confederated into fourteen clans in order to pool resources and protect each other against enemy tribes. The clans are today divided into a variable number of families with the largest, Naru, consisting of 460 families and the smallest, Akkadu, consisting of a mere 67 families.
Formation and Rise of the Sijino Republic (254 b.c. - a.d. 532)
Sarro Maritime Empire (289 b.c. - a.d. 134)
Decline and Fall of Sijino (a.d. 532 - a.d. 1342)
Unification under Saint Marekun and the Brethren (a.d. 1342 - a.d. 1360)
Expansion and Evolution of the Commonwealth (a.d. 1360 - a.d. 1954)
Modern-day Uraartu (a.d. 1954 - present)
updated currency information
flag and flag description added
military section expanded
any comments/criticisms/insults from anybody at all?
ironed out some of the lists
military ranks now posted, though they may change
name explanations posted, took longer than expected
posted some religion and clan info
added preliminary and incomplete list of Emperors
minor changes including demonyms added
added caste, language, and additional religion info
added names of political subdivisions
29-05-2008, 21:05
National Socialist Party - Neo-Fascist party which seeks the ethnic cleansing of the underclasses and immigrants. They have expressed their desire to invade other countries in order to satiate Uraartu's growing demand for natural resources rather than participate in economic exchanges.
OOC: I was reading your factbook, and it seems pretty impressive except for this one bit, as mentioned above, how can a socialist party be fascist, that would make them right wing, not left wing...
OOC: In the same way that Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party was fascist.
29-05-2008, 21:30
OOC: ahh ok ill accept that one, Im a socialist and was about to be offended lol only joking :D
OOC: Remember that in Uraartu there are a number of illegal political associations that like to call themselves socialist to gain popular support, but that doesn't mean they are socialist
added minor electoral info
finally added a couple maps after several weeks hiatus
preliminary table of contents added
added color code for the political map
added imperial orders and preliminary explanation of imperial titles
restored complete list of emperors
New Brittonia
27-06-2008, 23:27
that's pretty good actually, I think its good work, makes me want to quit procrastinating for about a year and actually make a factbook
added some political figures
Thank you New Brittonia, I just do a little bit a day and it's built up to this. And it's not even halfway done!
29-06-2008, 03:37
Impressive. Simply impressive. As stated by others, it makes me want to get off my lazy bottom and start getting to work on my fact book.
updated table of contents
Thank you, Kinstatia. It's always nice to hear a compliment
made table of contents link to each section
added media subsection to people section
added more political figures