Lord Ragan II helpd captive!
18-05-2008, 09:15
"Mayday Mayday Mayday!" Repeated the pilot into his radio over and over as an unidentified airplane started shooting at his plane. He suddenly lost control and plunged into the ocean. As the plane started to sink an emergency beacon was activated but help didnt arrive in time. The plane with The Dictator of Talentay aboard was already under water.
3 Minutes later:
Four military helicopters hovered over the location where the plane had gone under and 3 Aircaft carryers were sending diving crews down to the sunken plane.
10 Minutes later: Live News Feed:
"Good Morning everone. My name is John. General Gandly has Declared a state of emergency today after a plane with Lord Ragan II aboard was shot down by a terrorist group. Rescue crews have found the plane but no Lord Ragan II."
Suddenly all of the TV's in Talentay went to a screen with a tall man in a black suit.
"Greetings. We have Lord Ragan II. He will be shot in the head here on national TV if I General Yokaland of the Talentay Airforce am not made ruler of Talentay!" And with that the tv's went back to the normal tv programming.
General Gandly's Office:
"Shit! Track down where General Yokaland is and have him arrested for High treason!" The General shouted to a nearby assistant.
18-05-2008, 11:15
General Gandly looked out of his office window and thought about how he was becoming old. Suddenly an assistant came in.
"Sir. There is no sign of General Yokaland."
"very well" he replied with a sigh, "Any luck tracing the TV broadcast?"
"No sir."
"fine.....you are dismissed." The General said, and with that the assistant was gone.
12:00 PM news feed:
"Good afternoon folks! I'm John. It appears that with The Dictator Gone the law enforcement has been lacking and the citizens are doing whatever they please. Oh ok. It appears that General Yokaland has infact promised that if the citizens put him in to power he will cut the cost of living in half and make sure every family is taken care of. ok. We are getting reports of violent riots outside of government establishments and they are setting the buildings on fire! I geuss the citizens want the General to be the new dictator! Long Live Lord Yokaland!"
24 hours later:
The whole government was now under the control of Lord Yokaland. The old dictator was in a secret dungeon under ground in an unkown location. The first thing that Lord Yokaland did was suspend all passports and open huge camps where people were torured! He also issued a draft. Everyone suspected he was planning somthing big!
President Warren Smith looked on at his huge mounted television screen in his office. The news about the kidnapping of the Dictator of Talentay was shocking. Much of Rastier's trade had come from Talentay. The country, which was already starved by theprevious conflict (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=545169&page=1), could not afford such a loss in trade. A meeting was called. The Foreign Minister, Matthew Lansky, suggested that they propose aid and help to Talentay.
18-05-2008, 16:34
|Official Faxanavian Diplomatic Communique
To whom it may concern,
indentIt is with great sadness that our brothers in Talentay have fallen under the rule of a new dictator. Faxanavia was, not so long ago, ravaged by the rule of an absolute tyrant who left the people starved and oppressed. And, now that we have returned from this dark time, we of Faxanavia have made a pledge- never again. Never shall we allow a tyrant to kill his people needlessly while we look on. Never again shall history be marred with evil if we can prevent it. Never again shall the face of evil look over a nation when we can prevent it.
indentAs such, it is with this pledge that we find it necesarry to intervene in the situation in Talentay. We submit this ultimatum to the new self-proclaimed ruler:
You shall cease and desist in the torture and murder of your people
You shall abdicate your office to a democratically elected leader
You shall release all political and innocent prisoners from the torture encampments in which you have placed them
You shall remove the instituted draft from your nation
You shall make way for a new, democratic nation by the people, not by your malevolent will.
If you choose not to comply with the listed ultimatum, the Promethian Republic of Faxanavia shall have no choice but to take decisive action on this matter. We shall not allow another nation in the great region of Rodinia to be desecrated in the name of tyranny and fascism.
Respectfully yours,
Ivansky Bochick
Prime Minister of the Promethian Republic of Faxanavia and her Associated Territories
18-05-2008, 19:42
18-05-2008, 22:03
Secret Transmission From an Unknown Part of Talentay To all Nations of The World:
"This is General Gandly of The Talentay Navy. General....I mean Lord Yokaland, had only taken control of everything else in Talentay except the military forces until now. He is summoning up the biggest army he can and has full control over The Army and The Airforce. He has not tried to gain control of The Navy like he did with the other military branches (By brainwashing the Generals in Charge.) The situation is growing worse by the minute. The schools were told to only teach what he wanted to be tought which is all military propaganda films. I still have not been able to find Lord Ragan II yet.
Press Conferance with Lord Yokaland broadcasted on international TV:
Man: "Sir why did you leave the navy not under your control?"
Lord Yokaland: "I'm sorry but im not...." The TV went to tall man in a dark basment:
"Oh god please send help. This is Lord Ragan II. I dont have much time but im in the secret holding chamber in torture camp number 339." The TV's went back to normal.
General Gandly's Office:
As the General watched the TV he pressed a red button under his desk and an aid came running in.
"Yes sir?"
"Send all available planes, tanks, men and police that we have at our disposale to Torture Camp Number 339! We found Lord Ragan II. Tell all of the captains to work on getting control of the military from Lord Yokaland."
"Yes Sir!"
OOC: Assuming the message is an open transmission, Faxanavia, ignore the message addressed to you if that is incorrect. Talentay, you have yet to be put on the region map which is necessary for more realistic regional roleplaying.
The President did not wish to dabble in the affairs of a Freely Associating State, however he had to ensure that the Uir companies in Talentay would not be effected by this transition. As long as people could by Uir products, the Uir was happy and would gladly adjust to the change in leadership.
TO: The Dictatorship of Talentay
FROM: The North Parliamentary Republic of Uiri
SUBJECT: Uir Business in Talentay
Dear most esteemed Freely Associating State,
We here in Uiri wish not to dabble in your internal affairs, what you do in your nation is not the business of any other nation, especially if they wish to come into your nation, kill your leader and 'free' your people from something as dangerous as any other national leader.
We message you in order to find out the status of Uir business in your country. Per The OSAFU's charter, Uir business is allowed to compete with domestic business unheeded in Freely Associating States, which would include Talentay. We wish to keep Talentay in the OSAFU and for there to be no changes effecting Uir business because we must protect our Gross National Product and encourage your Gross Domestic Product.
David Aposon
President of Uiri
TO: The Promethian Republic of Faxanavia
FROM: The North Parliamentary Republic of Uiri
SUBJECT: Talentay
Dear Ivansky,
We here in Uiri pride ourselves in not giving a damn about anyone but ourselves, allies and enemies; including communists. This means that when some horrid tragedy comes about we usually ignore it. Sometimes we make exceptions to that rule, because frankly when I'm not meeting with the rest of the Senate I'm bored, but in general that's our guideline. This is why we are kindly asking you to back of a State Freely Associating with Uiri.
They were a dictatorship under Lord Ragan II, they are a dictatorship now. Only when a change in leadership is made do you notice the rule by the one in Talentay which has been evident for so long. Why? If you ignored it before, I'm sure you can ignore it now. As for your demands - we here in Uiri refuse to enforce your demands and hope that Talentay metaphorically spits on them as we do and should you try to enforce them the Uir military is obliged to help Talentay.
Post Scriptum - Gourmondinia is a fascist, tyrannic nation so I recommend you try to let it be.
David Aposon
President of Uiri
18-05-2008, 22:19
http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/3024/sealwo3.gif (http://imageshack.us)
To: General Gandly
From: The People's Republic of Antarctimerica
Subject: Crimes Against Humanity
Sir. After reports of what has happened in your fine nation, Antarctimerica would like to offer it's assistance, as meager as it may be. Though we are lacking in any kind of military, we will gladly send any willing citizens to join your navy, and to be trained to help save Lord Ragan II and to remove General Yokaland from power.
Although we apologize for not being able to do more, we wosh you will accept our offer of help.
Icet224, Head Official of Antarctimerica
The Monarchial Assembly of Makaar, recognising that with power comes a responsibility to protect those even outside its borders, shall, wherever possible, through its own economic and military strength, aid in the propogation of democratic beliefs and ideals, stop the suffering of peoples at the hands of tyrants and dictators, and remove all obstacles to freedom.
It was the done thing in Makaar to consider democracy the perfect form of governance, and the armed forces were considered a tool with which to enforce those perfect ideals on other nations. Thus, when an intelligence file for the modest nation of Talentay landed on Prime Minister Brown's desk, it was almost taken as granted among his aides that he would mobilise forces. An unstable dictatorship - the perfect moment to pounce and install a democratic (and above all, Makaar-friendly) government.
It was a morning policy review in the Assembly when the issue was raised, voted on, and decided, within minutes. Makaar would deploy to Talentay.
"Blue Bird, this is Yellow Jacket, we are on station and proceeding with our mission." The RAH-29, a Makaarian stealth transport helicopter, made its way silently over the Talentay countryside, carrying Royal Guard Special Forces into the nation. The small team of 24 men, each heavily armed and the product of 5 years of intense training combined with a runaway military budget, had departed from the HMS Nimble, the small aircraft carrier stationed near the Sea of Talentay as part of the 104th Observation Flotilla and Makaar's Global Response Network. Their craft, almost totally invisible to radar, was proceeding at maximum speed towards their objective; a small torture camp within the troubled nation, where the previous dictator was in wait. To prevent any resurgence, he had to be secured, to provide militias which Makaar would arm with a patron to fight for against the new dictatorship, until the time came for Makaar to finish the job itself and convict Lord Ragan for crimes against freedom.
"Roger that, Yellow Jacket" came the response from the AWACS flying off the Talentay coast, outside their territorial waters and under fighter escort. "We are monitoring you. Recommend radio silence unless absolutely necessary, over and out."
The helicopter arrived at its destination - a clearing in the forest just a mile from the torture camp. Landing would be a foolish idea; instead, under the cover of the night, the soldiers rapelled down into the clearing, each man clutching his MG36C rifle tightly, as they began heading for the torture camp.
Meanwhile, in Makaar, the 3rd Expeditionary Force was loading up for a possible deployment to the nation.
OOC: 3rd Expeditionary Force:
2 x Nimitz-class Aircraft Carriers, each carrying 43 Makaarian F-44As (F-44A comparable in performance to F-22) and 42 Makaarian F-44Bs (F-44B a ground-attack version of above)
8 x Refit Ticonderoga-class Guided Missile Cruisers (each carrying 122 BGM-109 Tomahawk missiles)
12 x Refit Type 42 Destroyers
12 x Trafalgar-class Nuclear Submarines
4 x Astute-class Nuclear Submarines
4 x Ohio-class Nuclear Submarines (each carrying 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles)
Along with (in various transports):
35,000 Army Regulars
5,000 Royal Guard
12,000 Royal Marines
600 M1A2 Tanks
+ APCs, Missile Systems, etc.
Obviously, this will all take a LONG time to load onto ships and stuff. Until then, I'll just cause havoc with my Special Forces team and the small aircraft carrier and its escorts I have near your coast :D
19-05-2008, 03:34
From General Gandly:
To: The President of Uiri:
The economy and the businesses in Talentay have for the most part been unchanged.
General Gandly
Aprox. half a mile from the main gate of torture camp number 339:
As about 400 soldiers, 6 helicopters with missiles mounted on the side of them and two bombers on their way marched towards the camp an aid ran up to General Gandly.
"Sir! We have picked up a faint radio transmission from enemy soldiers that are heading here right now they will be here in a little bit!"
"Shit! Send out a short wave message asking what their intentions are and ask for help with taking over this camp! If they are hostile....alert Lord Yokaland. We may be going against him now but he wont put up with enemy soldiers sneaking in like this."
"Yes sir"
Five miles away at a field command base:
"Attention Unidentifiedsoldiers what are your intentions?" Was looped over a 10 mile short wave radio signal.
OOC: My stats: http://nstracker.org/index.php?nation=Makaar
"Should we answer?"
Lt. Col. Halton Jones grabbed the radio and activated it. "This is Makaar Forward Observation Force Unit, 55th Regiment. We're on a mission to secure Lord Ragan and transport him to a safe location away from combat in Makaar. We are also to meet with the leaders of the resistance against General Yokaland to negotiate aid from the Makaarian government. Please respond."
His group were well underway now, heading through the forest towards the torture camp. Following behind them was a group of 3 F-44Bs, cruising above the forest line, ready to start beaming out radar jamming signals and provide air support for the team on the ground.
As they arrived at the outer fence, they watched and lay in wait, each man fixing a silencer onto the end of his rifle. Then, as a patrol passed by, two men moved forward and cut a hole in the fence, before the rest of the team dived through and took up cover in a hiding place where they could plan their assault, behind a small group of crates next to the fence.
OOC: Mind if I join?
Captain Zeno had just found out about the Talentay's situation from his superior.
He was to be air dropped into Talentay to see if he and his team could recover Lord Ragan and prevent his execution.
Alpha-Delta Squad boarded the 2 V-22 Ospreys (http://tomschrimp.com/b2evolution/media/blogs/new/V-22Osprey.jpg).
The 10 man squad set off for Talentay...
19-05-2008, 14:27
Transmission to Lt. Col. Halton Jones:
"This is Talentay Field Command Base 7. Get your men to the East side of the building ASAP! There is a bomber heading your way that has orders to blow up the West half of the building in order to gain enterance. General Gandly would also like to thank you for your aid. over."
OOC: To Ziolis: Go ahead.
Gamma Halo
19-05-2008, 15:56
OOC: May I Join?
President Chapman turned off the TV and turned to his staff
"What are the options here? He asked
"We have a Carrier Group with two Marine Divisions and three RRTS teams on board in the area" an Admiral replied.
"We can have three more divisions there in a few days" an Army General interjected.
"I'll offer our assistance then" Chapman replied
To: General Gandly
From: The United States of Gamma Halo
Subject: General Yokaland
General Gandly
We express our sincerest regret and outrage at the inexcusable actions of General Yokaland in response we are prepared to offer our military assistance towards removing him from power and the safe rescue of Lord Ragan II.
President Ryan Chapman
"Blue Bird, this is Yellow Jacket, we are on station and proceeding with our mission." The RAH-29, a Makaarian stealth transport helicopter, made its way silently over the Talentay countryside, carrying Royal Guard Special Forces into the nation. The small team of 24 men, each heavily armed and the product of 5 years of intense training combined with a runaway military budget, had departed from the HMS Nimble, the small aircraft carrier stationed near the Sea of Talentay as part of the 104th Observation Flotilla and Makaar's Global Response Network. Their craft, almost totally invisible to radar, was proceeding at maximum speed towards their objective; a small torture camp within the troubled nation, where the previous dictator was in wait. To prevent any resurgence, he had to be secured, to provide militias which Makaar would arm with a patron to fight for against the new dictatorship, until the time came for Makaar to finish the job itself and convict Lord Ragan for crimes against freedom.
"Roger that, Yellow Jacket" came the response from the AWACS flying off the Talentay coast, outside their territorial waters and under fighter escort. "We are monitoring you. Recommend radio silence unless absolutely necessary, over and out."
The helicopter arrived at its destination - a clearing in the forest just a mile from the torture camp. Landing would be a foolish idea; instead, under the cover of the night, the soldiers rapelled down into the clearing, each man clutching his MG36C rifle tightly, as they began heading for the torture camp.
1. You must take 3 RP posts to get near Talentay by ship, 2 by airplane although 4 for you to move your ship from your harbour across the high seas to Talentay and then launch your aircraft to fly to Talentay
2. I doubt there is a Sea of Talentay although Talentay has yet to be placed on the map. (http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k155/Uiri/Uiri/Maps/oceania-6.png)
3. I'm particularly close to Talentay so it takes myself less time to reach him than you b/c we are in the same region.
IC to come.
19-05-2008, 18:59
There was a loud boom as a huge plane droped a bomb on the side of the building. It blasted a huge hole in it and prisoners were scattering everywhere out of the building as gaurds desperatly tried to recover and stop them. Then about 400 soldiers ran from the trees and started shooting the gaurds one by one while a small 15 soldier and 5 medical staff team made their way towards Lord Ragan II's cell.
OOC: Just to clear this up anyone can join.
Gamma Halo
19-05-2008, 19:11
OOC: Any chance of an answer to my offer then?
19-05-2008, 21:08
From General Gandly
To Gamma Halo:
Please have your soldiers on stand by. I cannot say for sure at this point wether we will need your assistance.
19-05-2008, 21:31
TO: The Promethian Republic of Faxanavia
FROM: The North Parliamentary Republic of Uiri
SUBJECT: Talentay
Dear Ivansky,
We here in Uiri pride ourselves in not giving a damn about anyone but ourselves, allies and enemies; including communists. This means that when some horrid tragedy comes about we usually ignore it. Sometimes we make exceptions to that rule, because frankly when I'm not meeting with the rest of the Senate I'm bored, but in general that's our guideline. This is why we are kindly asking you to back of a State Freely Associating with Uiri.
They were a dictatorship under Lord Ragan II, they are a dictatorship now. Only when a change in leadership is made do you notice the rule by the one in Talentay which has been evident for so long. Why? If you ignored it before, I'm sure you can ignore it now. As for your demands - we here in Uiri refuse to enforce your demands and hope that Talentay metaphorically spits on them as we do and should you try to enforce them the Uir military is obliged to help Talentay.
Post Scriptum - Gourmondinia is a fascist, tyrannic nation so I recommend you try to let it be.
David Aposon
President of Uiri
|Official Faxanavian Diplomatic Communique|
I apologize for the point-of-view you hold. Allow me to say that as it stands now, the Uir need to stand for fascism and torture in the name of their economy and their organization is none of our concern. Where were the torture camps under Lord Ragan? Where were the thousands of deaths no doubt already dealt? he was a dictator, yes, but as far as we know, not a murderer. With all due respect, where there is slaughter as there is in Talentay, we shall fight against it, no matter what is good for the Uiri economy. We shall proceed with what other more reasonable nations are doing- we shall solve the problem.
Respectfully yours,
Ivansky Bochick
Prime Minister of the Promethian Republic of Faxanavia and her Associated Territories
OOC: Where's Talentay on the map?
Faxanavian Carrier Group 3, the revered "Thunderous Third" had been on patrol duty in the western sea for the past six months. Thus, it was a surprise for Admiral Longfellow, the commanding office of Group 3, when the order to deploy came through. They were to head for a small dictatorship feeling the throws of upheaval- Talentay. The vast fleet would take several days to arrive at their destination- enough for the Faxanavian invasion force to prepare itself.
The 3rd Faxanavian Carrier Group: The Thunderous Third
CVN-307- HPS Justice : Galileo Class Supercarrier
CVN-308- HPS Thunder : Galileo Class Supercarrier
CVN-309- HPS Lightning : Galileo Class Supercarrier
CGN-49 : California-class Cruiser
CGN-50 : California-class Cruiser
CGN-51 : California-class Cruiser
CGN-52 : California-class Cruiser
CGN-53 : California-class Cruiser
DD-13 : Spruance-class Destroyer
DD-14 : Spruance-class Destroyer
DD-15 : Spruance-class Destroyer
DD-16 : Spruance-class Destroyer
DD-17 : Spruance-class Destroyer
DD-18 : Spruance-class Destroyer
FFG-15 : O. H. Perry-class Frigate
FFG-16 : O. H. Perry-class Frigate
LPD-3 : Austin-class AAV
SSN-11 : Los Angeles-class Submarine
SSN-12 : Los Angeles-class Submarine
SSN-13 : Los Angeles-class Submarine
SSN-14 : Los Angeles-class Submarine
SSN-15 : Los Angeles-class Submarine
SSGN-5 : Los Angeles-class Submarine
SSGN-6 : Los Angeles-class Submarine
450 P-22 AF-17 Mudhen Fighters
150 F/A-18 Hornet Fighters
Gamma Halo
19-05-2008, 22:16
"Response from Talentay" SecDef announced handing the memo to the President
"Defcon 2" Chapman ordered continuing "order the Carrier Group to full alert"
U.S.V Landers
"Orders from SecDef Admiral" an aide said handing him his orders
Admiral Landry looked them over before ordering "Battle Stations set Redcon 1 throughout the Strike group"
Sixth Carrier Stike Group
Super Carrier U.S.V Landers
25th Carrier Air Wing
Destroyer Squadron 12
2 Ticonderoga class Aegis guided missile cruisers
3 Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyers
4 Ohio class submarines
3 Supply Ships
6th Marine Corps Amphibious Strike Force
"ADS prepare for air drop!" Shouted the Captain
"Go go go!"
10 ADS troopers dropped from the V-22 on parachutes.
The ADS hid in a cluster of trees and the team sniper got in a oak tree.
"ADS-9 contact the Talentay General."
Attention Talentay General Gandly,
We will render any assistance to the rescue effort of Lord Ragan.
Just reply to our message and we can provide 2 ATGM Strykers (http://armyreco.ifrance.com/amerique_du_nord/etats_unis/vehicules_a_roues/stryker/stryker_atgm/stryker_atgm_anti-tank_armoured_vehicle_usa_03.jpg) aid in the rescue.
If you agree they will be air dropped in by a team of 6 V-22 Ospreys.
The team of men followed the Talentay team into the sprawling cell block, dodging bullets as they ran across the courtyard. They had been instructed, clearly, that they were not to interfere; merely to extract Lord Ragan. Making their way with the Talentay soldiers down the corridors, Lt. Col. Jones grabbed his radio.
"This is Forward One to Air Support, we are ready."
"Roger that Forward One, Air Support commencing operations."
Continuing to make their way down the corridors, following the Talentay soldiers and firing on the ever-diminishing number of guards, the open cell block doors let in a thunderous blast, as the waiting group of F-44Bs dropped their bombs.
"There," one of the Royal Guard soldiers pointed, to show the Makaarian's nationality-challenged new friends Lord Ragan's cell door. "Should we breach?"
"Well, that's really up to our friends here," said the Colonel. Then, speaking in Talentay, he asked them, "Should we breach this door? We have a helicopter waiting, we can have Lord Ragan back on our aircraft carrier in minutes."
Outside, the large stealth transport helicopter had returned, ready to airlift the team and the injured Lord Ragan from the area. Until it was radioed, its gunners got to work turning the two large gatling guns on board towards the ground, tearing through crates and hollow steel boxes to dispose of any guards who might have been hiding behind.
OOC: I just called it the Sea of Talentay for ease, really. Clearly Talentay has a coast, since it has a Navy, so the Sea of Talentay would be the area maybe three or four hundred kilometres from their coast. Makaar, being a nation with 7 billion people and a massive economy, has aircraft carriers stationed around the globe to respond quickly to anything it bloody well wants to respond to.
OOC: Talentay isn't on the map yet and I wish I could place him by the next update. I'm going to be gone for two days BTW.
TO: The Promethian Republic of Faxanavia
FROM: The North Parliamentary Republic of Uiri
SUBJECT: Talentay
Uiri does not stand for fascism; it is a bloody idotic ideology as it monopolizes every industry for the state and restricts freedom for security not to mention it is very similiar to its supposed opposite communism which does similiar things for the workers. Both are opposites of what goes on in Uiri. Torture? Who in Uiri honestly cares what goes on beyond our shores if they get their paycheck and they can count on their paycheck?
As for where the torute camps and dead in Talentay under Lord Ragan II, they were most likely hidden from the public eye as those under Lord Yakaland no doubtedly should. Fighting against slaughter? To be slaughtered yourselves? Very ironic isn't it that those who fight in war are slaughtered and killed as are those who are in the torture camps. We honestly don't expect you to care one bit about our economy as long as any products imported to you are there on time and reliably.
We shall give you one warning - STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM TALENTAY. Uir troops are going to protect Talentay from foreign intervention. I don't expect any reply. Talentay can sort itself out.
David Aposon
President of Uiri
Official Open Communication From the Uir Government
Uiri is stationing its troops near Talentay with the intent of preventing foreign intervention in a civil war which can sort itself out especially since Lord Yakaland and Lord Ragan II both shall allow Uir business to operate in Talentay per the OSAFU charter which both Uiri and Talentay are parties of the charter.
David Aposon
President of Uiri
Ronad Tanikuson
Minister of Defense of Uiri
20-05-2008, 21:55
The black UH-60's blades cut through the cool night air as they approached their target. The banter between the hardened veterans in the military helicopter partially penetrated the dim of the buzzing cockpit, the sounds of 'tle' and 'oise' that came with the odd language battling against the hum of electronics and avionics in the aircraft. The countryside of Talentay giving way to suburbia, with a few puzzled faces looking up at unfamiliar, indistinct helicopters whipping by overhead.
The helicopter had been transported via the most covert means possible to close to Talentay, flying low over the border to avoid detection, the elites, the best of the best of the Kriegos military, waiting patiently inside, bantering as soldiers are prone to. A shout from the cockpit told the troops they should prep their gear, and the sound of rapid movement involving firearms and audible equpment filled with the back of the helicopter, as men made their final checks.
The round blue faces of the troops harboured stony expressions as they neared their objective: the governmental building; the home of the Talentay leadership.
A call from the cockpit gave them the go-ahead, as the helicopters came to a hovering halt over the pleasant, strong architecture of this state's government.
Elite Blastoises and Squirtles kicked into action, rappelling down the ropes designed for the purpose with the legendary speed and precision of the Squirtle Squad. They formed a defensive ring around the base of each chopper until each chalk was successfully unloaded.
Colonel Dasdoise, the C.O of the mission, a cigar clamped in his turtleish jaw, gave the go-code for everything to begin happening.
Gamma Halo
20-05-2008, 22:12
U.S.V Landers
The Admiral twidled his thumbs which he hated being reserves in a Civil War sucked he concluded to himself. However that wasn't what made him nervous what made him nervous was the fact that two of the supply ships were carrying several VX rockets due for decommisioning. The payload in those could turn Talentay into a graveyard.
"Lieutenant, no reply as of yet, course of action?"
"Get those Strykers down anyway. We're going to drive into that base without firing at anybody."
20 minutes later 2 ATGM Strykers were on the ground and the ADS got into them.
"Let's go!"
5 minutes later they were inside the base watching as gatling guns tore open anything that did or didn't move. Except for them, no one had really noticed 2 armed Strykers coming in.
21-05-2008, 04:39
One of the soldiers in the rescue team turned towards the Makaarian Soldiers.
"Run down to the end of this coradore and keep watch! Im gonna be welding so dont look unless you like having burned eyes!" He said as he put on a welders mask and started to melt away the metal lock on the cell door. When the door was open Lord Ragan II stumbled out of the small cell.
"Sir? Are you Ok?" Asked one of the medical staff while shining a flashlight in his eyes.
"Yes yes im fine!" He replied.
"Turtle to field base! Come in field base! Over" The soldier said into a radio.
"Go ahead turtle this is field base! Over."
"Target has been rescued! I repeate target has been rescued! He seems ok. We are bringing him out now. There should be a stealth helicopter from Makaar trying to land. Sweep the area, find it and establish a perimeter to protect it! It is going to air lift the target to an aircraft carrier off of our shore. Over and out." said the soldier turning off his radio and helping the team get Lord Ragan II onto a portable cott.
Lord Yokaland's Office:
An alarm ripped through the building as soldiers marched up the steps of the capitol building. There were coming for Lord Yokaland. Two soldiers made there way to the front of the mass of soldiers with a ram to get the doors open. The soldiers had orders to kill everyone inside except Lord Yokaland. Once the doors were open the soldiers started shooting the gaurds while some fo them made their way to Lord Yokaland's Office. They burst through the door and when Lord Yokaland looked up he had 35 soldiers pointing automatic weapons in his face. The leader of the group stepped forward.
"Lord Yokaland you are charged with high treason. You are hereby sentenced to death by starvation" He said as a soldier restled Lord Yokaland to the ground and putt him in hadcuffs. the soldiers then marched him out of the building and put him into a helicopter that had landed in the street!
"Lieutenant, we are receiving a news feed, you should see it on your HUD (http://blog.wired.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/03/27/lw_marlboro_sit_2.jpg)."
"Today Lord Yokaland has been captured and is being sentenced to death
starvation. The military have nothing to say about the subject."
"Great, but we're staying here just to make sure Lord Ragan is safe."
22-05-2008, 00:34
At last Lord Ragan II was out of the camp. When they were about to load him into the helicopter a voice came over the radio:
"Abort abort! DO NOT put the target on that helicopter! Bring him to the field base! Lord Yokaland has been captured! I repeat Lord Yokaland has been arrested!" and with that all of the soldiers cheered (OOC: the soldiers didnt know this yet as they were out at the camp)! Just then Lord Ragan II pointed to the soldiers which were wearing Talentay's military uniforms:
"You. take me to General Glandly. Now."
Field Base:
As Lord Ragan II stumbled into the field base there was a tremendous roar as all of the soldiers there cheered!
"Somone write this down. General Gandly, all members of the rescue team and the commanding officer of the makaarian soldiers are to hereby receive The Dictator's Gratitude Medal (The highest medal ever awarded by the dictator). Oh and I would like to speak with the person in charge of the makaarian soldiers!"