NationStates Jolt Archive

President Tanner Kilo Hosts Party At New Island House! (Allies/Friends Char-RP)

17-05-2008, 08:06
House Party At President Kilo's New House

To My Dear Friends,

I have just purchased a new island and house six miles off the Atlantic coast of ViZion. To showcase this, I am inviting you, my friends, to have an enjoyable casual party.

Please let me know if you will be coming. No helicopters allowed - parashooting and boats only. The party will be held in two weeks (READ: a day or two) on my new island. I look forward to seeing you here!

Thank you, and take care!
17-05-2008, 15:55
To: President Tanner Kilo of ViZion
From: President Michelle Thoreson of Jarridia


Greetings President Kilo. I would be delighted to attend your party and view your new home. I will be venturing towards your island in my new yacht. I cannot wait, ViZionarian parties are all the rage.

See you soon!

Michelle Thoreson
President of the Pure Democracy of Jarridia
18-05-2008, 03:47
We are glad you will be making it - it has been some time since we have had a meeting together!
18-05-2008, 04:07
Seth laughed out loud. "A party at Kilo's! Never a dull moment in ViZ, eh?"

Prince John and Prince Vlad were not as enthusiastic. "Neither we nor you have the time for such frivolities. The brewing situation in TUSA and Mog Druthin are vastly more important than a house-warming party," said Vlad.

Seth was silent for a moment. "How about sending Amra?"

They glared at him for a moment, then John relaxed. "Not a bad idea. The world's going to know of him soon enough. Why not let him represent Xeraph?"

Vlad sputtered, "Why, he's barely 19 years old! What does he know about representing an Empire?"

Seth shot back. "You forget, my friend, that his......relative......was just 19 when he conquered most of what is now Mercenary Lands. Give the kid a break."

"What happens if he gets into a bind? If he gets hurt? If...."

John said, "If this, if that. If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle. You can't worry about every little thing. What the hell's wrong with you, Vlad?"

Vlad sighed. Just getting old, I guess. Alright, he's going. But with a bodyguard, eh?"


President Kilo,

Pleased be advised that as the Regents are unable to attend, we will dispatch General Amra Tan'it of the Xeraphian 101st Mountain Command. He will be accompanied by one aide.


Vlad, Regent of the Empire, Prince of the Grey Phoenix.
18-05-2008, 04:21
Seth laughed out loud. "A party at Kilo's! Never a dull moment in ViZ, eh?"

Prince John and Prince Vlad were not as enthusiastic. "Neither we nor you have the time for such frivolities. The brewing situation in TUSA and Mog Druthin are vastly more important than a house-warming party," said Vlad.

Seth was silent for a moment. "How about sending Amra?"

They glared at him for a moment, then John relaxed. "Not a bad idea. The world's going to know of him soon enough. Why not let him represent Xeraph?"

Vlad sputtered, "Why, he's barely 19 years old! What does he know about representing an Empire?"

Seth shot back. "You forget, my friend, that his......relative......was just 19 when he conquered most of what is now Mercenary Lands. Give the kid a break."

"What happens if he gets into a bind? If he gets hurt? If...."

John said, "If this, if that. If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle. You can't worry about every little thing. What the hell's wrong with you, Vlad?"

Vlad sighed. Just getting old, I guess. Alright, he's going. But with a bodyguard, eh?"


President Kilo,

Pleased be advised that as the Regents are unable to attend, we will dispatch General Amra Tan'it of the Xeraphian 101st Mountain Command. He will be accompanied by one aide.


Vlad, Regent of the Empire, Prince of the Grey Phoenix.
This is great news! I look forward to meeting this General Amra Tan'it!
18-05-2008, 20:00
Bump for friends + allies...
Ruthless Slaughter
18-05-2008, 21:32
Seal of the Dominion (

To the Honorable President Kilo,
It is my pleasure to inform you that I will be able to attend this party. Our two nations have increased diplomatic ties of late and it is my regret that we have not met face to face sooner. As I draft this letter I am getting underway from the port in First City aboard the DPY Gold Eagle.

I look forward to meeting you and your allies very soon!


President R.L.
Commander in Chief, Dominion Defense Forces
Co-Chairman, United Defense Directorate

Pic (
18-05-2008, 23:23
President R.L.

This is great news! I look forward to meeting you in person! It appears we will be having a very small group with many of my friends and ViZion's allies business with situations they're involved in.

President Tanner Kilo
Brutland and Norden
18-05-2008, 23:40
OOC: Hope it's not too late...
Montecrestese Castle
Stroppiana, Union Territories
09:44 AM

Queen Mother Charlotte II was reading through her letters in her office. There was a thank-you letter from somebody in Stampione who was helped by her charity foundation. Another letter was from a grade-school class in Capitolina, with a card of appreciation from the schoolchildren. The next letter was from the mayor of her hometown of Cordivigliera, asking her if she could grace the town's annual festivities this year. The next letter was certainly from a foreign country - she knew from the envelope and address.

She had finished reading the letter when somebody knocked on the door. "Entrece," she said as she picked up another letter. Her visitor entered and paced towards her. She reached for the letter opener and looked at the newcomer. It was her son, King Kyle II of Brutland and Norden.

"Bon'mattiore, cete," the Queen Mother asked her nineteen year old son. "Tu mangecci già colaziono?"
("Good morning, sweetie... Have you eaten breakfast already?")
"Del, de pre," Kyle answered in a soft, sleepy voice as he sat lazily on the cushioned seat in front of his mother's table. He was still wearing pajamas, his blond hair was still unruly, his eyes were half-open... he looked as if he came straight out of bed.
("No, not yet.")

"Do tu ici ani gammi per odde?" The queen asked him as she tore open the envelope.
("Do you have any plans for today?")
"Quam circe hoci semane?" She asked. Kyle was on a vacation from military school at the moment, and he wasn't due to return until three weeks later.
("How about this week?")
"Ontre lui dovi reala, nila pre."
("Other than royal duties, nothing yet.")

"Passa s'stra," she muttered. A King would never run out of things to do. Especially Kyle. He and Adam and Bryce were always up to something. Surprise visits to their subjects, skiing at the mountains, going to the beach, attending cabinet meetings... there are so much to do. She doesn't even have time to go through all this mail even though she wasn't the reigning monarch, or the wife of one, anymore. Her eyes wandered to her pile of opened letters and got an idea. "Do tu sece gecche te ViZion?" She asked him as she plucked the invitation form the pile.
("That's odd... do you want to go to ViZion?")
Kyle's expression brightened up slightly. He enjoyed traveling, no doubt about that. "Qui per?"
("What for?")
"ViZionense Presidetto Kilo teneco a parte al ca ousso esola nuova."
("ViZionarian President Kilo is holding a party at his new island house.")
"Passa s'biel. Me enirece attendro parti sunt. Presidetto Kilo s'a padrono granda... forse tu oecraitteche tabbe, mama."
("That's cool. I like attending parties there. President Kilo is a great host... perhaps you should come too, mom.")

The Queen Mother chuckled. She thought of herself as too old to attend parties. She had attended lots of parties already with Adam, Kyle's father and the former King of Brutland and Norden. Now that she's a widow, she can't really see the point of going to parties. "Qua tu do della chiedece Adam gecche son tu?" She told him. Duke Adam V of Trascara, Lord Protector of Brutland and Norden, is Kyle's constant companion ever since childhood. They were like twin brothers.
("Why don't you ask Adam to join you?")
"Mama, Adam s'in Icsania Nuova, eloveco l'Imperotto."
("Mom, Adam is in Neo-Ixania, courting the Empress.")
"E tu, tu dell'eloveco aniuno? Ce oafacciece a compano bona."
("And you, you aren't courting anybody? She can make a good companion.")

Kyle sighed. There they go again with the talk of getting a queen for Brutland and Norden. "Del, me do dell'eloveco noval aniuno."
("No, I am not courting anybody right now.")
The Queen noticed her son's slight irritation for bringing up the topic, and decided to suggest some other person... like Kyle's younger brother. "Quam circe Bricco?"
("How about Bryce?")
"Bricco ici scuolo, tinne."
("Bryce has school, you know.")
"C'e tu s'craitteco nuna?"
("So you're coming alone?")
"Del, tu s'craitteco son me," Kyle said with a smile.
("No, you are coming with me.")
"Me della craittecho," the queen mother protested. She showed him the invitation. "Sgrece, il trece, 'No helicopters allowed - parachuting and boats only'. Tu innecce miei me jaschece viculu..."
("I won't come... Look, it says here, 'No helicopters allowed - parachuting and boats only'. You know how I hate boats...")
"Lui noi venireche via parasciuto." Kyle stood up and started to leave. "Me geche bighiesecche, percce me sagneche tu miei parasciutocche. Meglia spetteche tabbe."
("Then we'll be arriving by parachute... I'm going to get dressed, because I'm going to teach you how to parachute. Better get ready too.")

To: the Hon. President Tanner Kilo of ViZion


I would like to thank you for inviting us. I would love to attend your party and see your new home.

I would be coming with my mother, Queen Mother Charlotte II of Brutland and Norden, via parachute.

Thank you very much and I look forward to meeting you again.
18-05-2008, 23:48
OOC: Nope, gonna get this goin in a few hrs though, prob 5-7 hrs)
Kyle II,

That is wonderful! I look forward to seeing you and meeting your mother! Enjoy your trip here!
19-05-2008, 23:51
OOC: Feel free to begin your arrival... :)
The island was ready. Food was setup. A firepit in the middle of the island showed promise of a nighttime bonfire, while laser and strobe lights around the island were ready to treat the hand full of guests with a spectacular lightshow.

The island was lacking just one thing: its guests. And they should soon arrive.
Brutland and Norden
20-05-2008, 23:04
"Spette... Ge!" Kyle pushed his feet off the edge of the helicopter's entrance. His mother screamed as they began to freefall down to earth, covering her eyes to avert seeing the sea seemingly rushing to eat them. Thoughts of death filled Charlotte's mind as they plunged freely down to earth. Her whole life flashed before her eyes. Questions nagged at her. What would happen to them? What would happen to Brutland and Norden? Bryce is not of age yet... who will be the regent?

Kyle opened the drogue parachute after a few moments. It slowed down their descent, but they were still hurtling towards the sea at a crazy speed. She spoke up. "Me zapeche tu gli noi sorchece! Tu malo cattiva! Kail, me do della sece mortece..."

He chuckled. "Dai, mama, hoce s'dava," he then pried off his mother's hands off her face. "Oje?" Kyle pulled the cord to deploy the main parachute, slowing their fall further into a leisurely descent towards the island.

Charlotte was torn between fear and awe. She was half-crying, half-smiling as the vista underneath her came into full view when Kyle forcibly pried her hand off her face.

"Hoce s'bonenessa lui viculoce," the King remarked to his mother. His mother did not reply. Skydiving was... well, fun, in some sort of a twisted way. Those morbid frightening thoughts subsided, and now her concern as if they didn't land on the island and instead land at the... sea. Charlotte brushed those thoughts off and focused on enjoying the view of the island, the sea, the horizon, and the sky. This will be the first and the last time I'm doing this, she said to herself. No way can Kyle convince me to do this again.

Though she had to admit, she was enjoying the tandem skydive with her son. As they came close to the island, he started to instruct her. "Do della stendece nostra calpu. Tu do della sece brezecche nostra calpu. Noi oesorcheche on nói gluttu. Caya?"


The Queen Mother and the King landed on the island safely: on their butts, strapped to each other, with Charlotte on Kyle's lap. "Ojece, me mellecce tu, hoce s'dava," Kyle said as he unfastened the harness.

Charlotte stood up, extremely pleased at being on solid ground again, not on thin air. She would have laughed mad and kissed the ground, but they arrived at the party in the most unorthodox way possible, so she wouldn't give the most unorthodox first impression too.

She removed her goggles and looked around. "Hoce esolu s'nizza, il do?"

Kyle nodded in agreement. He was busy folding the parachutes. "Tu fretece. Noi ici bighiesecche," she reminded him. Charlotte wanted to go to the royal yacht to change her clothes before somebody sees them. No way is she meeting the President of ViZion with this attire. Kyle, too, needs to change, wearing the uniform of the Parachute Battalion of the Fifth Airborne Division of the Royal Nord-Brutlandese Army. They might think he's an intruder... and might get shot at.

"S'la yato al la banchino?" He asked as he struggled to put the folded parachute into the bag.

"Sì. Me ojece il."

As soon as the King finished packing up, they walked towards the docks...

OOC: I know I never said anything about a yacht, but I figured they can't leave by parachuting back up again. :D
20-05-2008, 23:21
"Tanner, they came from the Brutland and Norden aircraft." reported a CommOff to President Kilo as he watched the two parashoot to the ground. "Good. Our first guests." Tanner said, nodding.

Before the two could make it down to the docks below, "Welcome!" Tanner Kilo shouted and waving to the two as he hurried to catch up.

"You two must be Kyle II and Charlotte II, yes? I am President Tanner Kilo - but please, first name basis, call me Tanner." he said as he reached the two and offering his hand to the two to shake.
Brutland and Norden
20-05-2008, 23:45
Charlotte heard somebody shout from behind them. She turned around and saw the a man running towards them. It was the President of ViZion, the party's host.

The President then introduced himself. "It's nice to see you again, President Kilo," Kyle took the hand and gave it a vigorous shake. "How is ViZion doing?" He paused for an answer before introducing his companion. "By the way, this is my mother."

"It's my pleasure meeting you, President Kilo," the fifty-year-old former queen said, "I am Charlotte, Queen Mother of Brutland and Norden." She then began to feel conscious about her clothes. "I'm sorry you had to see us dressed like this," she said, blushing a bit. "We were going to the docks to change clothes at our yacht... we don't want to go into the party with an inappropriate attire..."

OOC: Gotta go now. Have to be at the airport within... *checks clock* :eek: one hour! *frets*
21-05-2008, 00:03
Charlotte heard somebody shout from behind them. She turned around and saw the a man running towards them. It was the President of ViZion, the party's host.

The President then introduced himself. "It's nice to see you again, President Kilo," Kyle took the hand and gave it a vigorous shake. "How is ViZion doing?" He paused for an answer before introducing his companion. "By the way, this is my mother."

"It's my pleasure meeting you, President Kilo," the fifty-year-old former queen said, "I am Charlotte, Queen Mother of Brutland and Norden." She then began to feel conscious about her clothes. "I'm sorry you had to see us dressed like this," she said, blushing a bit. "We were going to the docks to change clothes at our yacht... we don't want to go into the party with an inappropriate attire..."

OOC: Gotta go now. Have to be at the airport within... *checks clock* :eek: one hour! *frets*
OOC: I hope you're not leaving our party so soon! Just picking someone up?
"Things have been very well here. Vitalita is on a massive growth spree, and our economy is booming like always. Things are very well. How are things back home?" Tanner asked.

"And, ma'am, you look just fine. You have nothing to worry about." he said, turning to her and smiling, "It is great to meet you. And welcome to ViZion." he finished.
Ruthless Slaughter
21-05-2008, 02:56
"Mr. President, we are coming within visual range of the island now. You may come to the bridge and observe if you like," Captain Benjamin Maxwell said into the intercom from the bridge of the Gold Eagle (

"Very well," a familiar voice replied, "I'll be there shortly."

Indeed, in a few minutes President R.L. was standing beside the Captain and viewing the island through binoculars. One of the mates sent a message over the radio,

"To the party from ViZion, this is the Dominion Presidential Yacht Gold Eagle requesting permission to weigh anchor and come ashore."

"You know, it's been a long time since I've left the country," R.L. mused, "Surely it's a good thing that my first international trip in a while is to have a little fun while meeting a new ally. I'd say that justifies attending a party, right?"

"As long as there's food, sir," the Captain grinned.
21-05-2008, 03:11
"Gold Eagle, permission is granted. Welcome to ViZion." replied a CommOff over the radio.
Brutland and Norden
21-05-2008, 23:35
OOC: I hope you're not leaving our party so soon! Just picking someone up?
OOC. Nope. I'm not leavin'. There's no sense leaving what looks to be a fun party... and yes, I went to the airport to bid a temporary goodbye.

"Things have been very well here. Vitalita is on a massive growth spree, and our economy is booming like always. Things are very well. How are things back home?" Tanner asked.
"Brutland and Norden is doing great, we'll be having elections soon," Kyle answered with a smile. "Though I'm not really too involved in how my government runs the country."

"And, ma'am, you look just fine. You have nothing to worry about." he said, turning to her and smiling, "It is great to meet you. And welcome to ViZion." he finished.
Charlotte blushed further. "Quit joshing me," she said in a friendly tone, laughing rather demurely. It has been quite a while since she received a compliment from a man.

"Still, I don't think I look fabulous right now," she told President Kilo. This is going to be her first high-level party in almost two years - she eschewed attending parties and high-level social gatherings ever since her husband died. She would not attend this party if not for Kyle's funny pleas and relentless persuasive powers.

Charlotte didn't want to look anything less than extraordinary in her first party since Adam's death. Especially with her accompanying the King of Brutland and Norden. "Well, if you'll excuse us," she said, "we'd be changing into a more appropriate attire. We'll be right back."
21-05-2008, 23:53
"Brutland and Norden is doing great, we'll be having elections soon," Kyle answered with a smile. "Though I'm not really too involved in how my government runs the country."
Tanner smiled. "Well we've got the elections in common. In another month I will be out of office, this being my last term. But for my last month, it will be good."

Charlotte blushed further. "Quit joshing me," she said in a friendly tone, laughing rather demurely. It has been quite a while since she received a compliment from a man.

"Still, I don't think I look fabulous right now," she told President Kilo. This is going to be her first high-level party in almost two years - she eschewed attending parties and high-level social gatherings ever since her husband died. She would not attend this party if not for Kyle's funny pleas and relentless persuasive powers.

Charlotte didn't want to look anything less than extraordinary in her first party since Adam's death. Especially with her accompanying the King of Brutland and Norden. "Well, if you'll excuse us," she said, "we'd be changing into a more appropriate attire. We'll be right back."
"Well then, I can't imagine how well you'll look when you change. I will let you go though, I'll see you shortly, ma'am." he said.
22-05-2008, 00:00
OOC: I don't think I qualify as one of President Kilo's friends, can I come anyway?
22-05-2008, 00:07
OOC: I don't think I qualify as one of President Kilo's friends, can I come anyway?
OOC: Umm, I dont think we've ever even met lol so sorry, but this is strictly allies/Tanners personal friends...
22-05-2008, 00:08
OOC: although soon I'll be having my elections and will host a celebration for the winner that all are welcome to come to. ;)
22-05-2008, 00:11
OOC: Umm, I dont think we've ever even met lol so sorry, but this is strictly allies/Tanners personal friends...

That's ok, cool.
22-05-2008, 15:01
The flat-black hull of the HXMS Black Lion slowed as it came around a point of land to the southwest of ViZion's coast.

"Bearings, Mr. Knowles."

"One eighty-two degrees west, sixty-seven east, sir. Four point three miles off the coast."

"Any signs of life, Mr. Knowles?"

A short pause. "None sir. This is a secluded part of the country. The sheer cliffs and rough surf make it virtually uninhabitable. No military presense, stationary or aloft."

Captain Omartian took a long last look thru the binocs. "Very well, Mr. Knowles. Inform the General that we are ready to beam him and the gathering."

"Aye sir."


In the reception area of the Presidential Palace, the party-goers were treated to a seldom-seen view of Xeraphian technology. A fiery blue oval appeared in the middle of the room, and out of it stepped two people. The first was a tall soldier, the only sign of his rank were the double gold loops in his left ear. He was clad in the traditional battle garb of the Empire of Xeraph. Black leather tunic overlaid with a fine mesh of dark grey chainmail, black leather pants tucked into a pair of leather boots. On one hip was a Glock 9mm pistol, on the other a razor-sharp katana. His long brown hair hung about his shoulders, his shocking blue eyes standing out from his chiseled visage. This was Amra, general of the 101st Mountain Legion, 1st Imperial Army.

His companion was a slightly less tall woman, similarly outfitted. It was immediately noted that she was......different. Her stark-white skin and flaming red hair set off her cat-like eyes. Blood-red vertical slits peered around the room in a most feline manner. One guest had already noticed her fangs as she smiled at him.

"Syybele, I'm going to go find Kilo. Try to stay out of trouble." He smiled a knowing smile which was ignored by the Vhammpyrian Warrior. "Just don't wander too far, General. I don't want to have to kill any more people than necessary to get to you should trouble start."

A waiter came over to them with a tray of champaigne. Amra declined, and Syybele put her arm around the waiter's shoulder and said, "Perhaps you can help me. I have a very particular thirst..........."
22-05-2008, 17:56
The flat-black hull of the HXMS Black Lion slowed as it came around a point of land to the southwest of ViZion's coast.

"Bearings, Mr. Knowles."

"One eighty-two degrees west, sixty-seven east, sir. Four point three miles off the coast."

"Any signs of life, Mr. Knowles?"

A short pause. "None sir. This is a secluded part of the country. The sheer cliffs and rough surf make it virtually uninhabitable. No military presense, stationary or aloft."

Captain Omartian took a long last look thru the binocs. "Very well, Mr. Knowles. Inform the General that we are ready to beam him and the gathering."

"Aye sir."


In the reception area of the Presidential Palace, the party-goers were treated to a seldom-seen view of Xeraphian technology. A fiery blue oval appeared in the middle of the room, and out of it stepped two people. The first was a tall soldier, the only sign of his rank were the double gold loops in his left ear. He was clad in the traditional battle garb of the Empire of Xeraph. Black leather tunic overlaid with a fine mesh of dark grey chainmail, black leather pants tucked into a pair of leather boots. On one hip was a Glock 9mm pistol, on the other a razor-sharp katana. His long brown hair hung about his shoulders, his shocking blue eyes standing out from his chiseled visage. This was Amra, general of the 101st Mountain Legion, 1st Imperial Army.

His companion was a slightly less tall woman, similarly outfitted. It was immediately noted that she was......different. Her stark-white skin and flaming red hair set off her cat-like eyes. Blood-red vertical slits peered around the room in a most feline manner. One guest had already noticed her fangs as she smiled at him.

"Syybele, I'm going to go find Kilo. Try to stay out of trouble." He smiled a knowing smile which was ignored by the Vhammpyrian Warrior. "Just don't wander too far, General. I don't want to have to kill any more people than necessary to get to you should trouble start."

A waiter came over to them with a tray of champaigne. Amra declined, and Syybele put her arm around the waiter's shoulder and said, "Perhaps you can help me. I have a very particular thirst..........."
"Yes, ma'am, what can I get you?" the young man asked.
22-05-2008, 18:10
"Yes, ma'am, what can I get you?" the young man asked.

As Syybele described in minute detail what it was she was interested in imbibing,
the waiter lost all color in his face and passed out, glasses of champaign breaking on the marble floor. Syybele continued on her way as if nothing had happened.

Amra wandered over to the banquet table. At least thirty different dishes had been prepared. And he was hungry enough to sample them all. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw President Kilo heading towards him.......
Brutland and Norden
24-05-2008, 05:51
Tanner smiled. "Well we've got the elections in common. In another month I will be out of office, this being my last term. But for my last month, it will be good."
"I guess you have some plans after you finish your turn," Kyle said. "Can we hear about it... later?"

"Well then, I can't imagine how well you'll look when you change. I will let you go though, I'll see you shortly, ma'am." he said.
"See you later too," Charlotte remarked with a slight nod. She turned to her son. "Let's go."

In the yacht, the queen mother changed from her jeans and yellow windbreaker into a knee-length black cocktail dress. The gown was tied at the waist, and its short sleeves were made of black bobbinet and lace. The cut and the design of the dress intended to show as much of her curves and smooth skin as possible without compromising modesty... royal modesty.

The young king also traded his battledress with a black blazer worn over a tight white t-shirt and black cargo pants. It was at the same time stylish, semi-formal, and functional.

Kyle helped Charlotte step off the boat. Stiletto heels can make it hard to maintain balance.

"You're dressed to impress, aren't you, mom?" Kyle said in English.
Charlotte smiled as she started walking gracefully towards the house. "And you my dear, have a great sense of fashion," she then ran her hand through his blond hair, just like she did back when he was a child.
"Hey!" Kyle protested. "My hairstyle!" His mom had totally destroyed his faux mohawk. He tried to fix it as they walked along the footpath towards the house.

They went around the house, looking as to where the party must be......
24-05-2008, 23:00
"Ahh, hello there Syybele." Tanner said, welcoming the young man with a handshake. "How are things going back in Xeraph?" he asked.
24-05-2008, 23:02
"I guess you have some plans after you finish your turn," Kyle said. "Can we hear about it... later?"
"Sure thing, I'll let you go change and relax." he said.

"See you later too," Charlotte remarked with a slight nod. She turned to her son. "Let's go."

In the yacht, the queen mother changed from her jeans and yellow windbreaker into a knee-length black cocktail dress. The gown was tied at the waist, and its short sleeves were made of black bobbinet and lace. The cut and the design of the dress intended to show as much of her curves and smooth skin as possible without compromising modesty... royal modesty.

The young king also traded his battledress with a black blazer worn over a tight white t-shirt and black cargo pants. It was at the same time stylish, semi-formal, and functional.

Kyle helped Charlotte step off the boat. Stiletto heels can make it hard to maintain balance.

"You're dressed to impress, aren't you, mom?" Kyle said in English.
Charlotte smiled as she started walking gracefully towards the house. "And you my dear, have a great sense of fashion," she then ran her hand through his blond hair, just like she did back when he was a child.
"Hey!" Kyle protested. "My hairstyle!" His mom had totally destroyed his faux mohawk. He tried to fix it as they walked along the footpath towards the house.

They went around the house, looking as to where the party must be......
"Welcome back! You two look great!" Tanner exclaimed, "Would you like something to drink?" he asked, waving a server over to them.
Brutland and Norden
27-05-2008, 17:43
"Welcome back! You two look great!" Tanner exclaimed, "Would you like something to drink?" he asked, waving a server over to them.
"Thank you," Charlotte replied, bowing her head slightly. "Just water for me, please."

"Same for me," Kyle added.

"So, President Kilo, what is on our program tonight?" She asked.

(OOC: Sorry for posting only now; been quite busy, and the only time I was up to post, jolt was down. :()
27-05-2008, 23:31
OOC: np, seems like everyone is busy right now lol Myself included to a point
"We have various types of water. Crystal Cave water, sparkling water, the naturally filtered Lake Iceburg water, or the more typical filtered spring water?" asked the server.

After ther server asked his question, Tanner responded to their question, "It's going to be pretty relaxed. We're having some various shows, such as laser light show and a belly dancing show. A grand feast. And a midnight cruise. Beyond that, everyone is else to mingle around, tour the house and the island, or just sit back and sip on any of the thousands of drinks we have avaliable while enjoying the evening." he said.
Brutland and Norden
28-05-2008, 08:33
"We have various types of water. Crystal Cave water, sparkling water, the naturally filtered Lake Iceburg water, or the more typical filtered spring water?" asked the server.
Kyle gave the server a puzzled look. "What's the difference?"

"Just give us your best tasteless water," Charlotte jokingly overrode her son's query.
After ther server asked his question, Tanner responded to their question, "It's going to be pretty relaxed. We're having some various shows, such as laser light show and a belly dancing show. A grand feast. And a midnight cruise. Beyond that, everyone is else to mingle around, tour the house and the island, or just sit back and sip on any of the thousands of drinks we have avaliable while enjoying the evening." he said.
"Sounds great," she remarked, smiling, "Let's go where the fun is."
28-05-2008, 08:39
While Kilo tried to - partly unsuccessful - to hold back a laugh, the server smiled, having had such confused looks and responses before, "Our best water is the water straight from the Crystal Cave. It has been bottled straight from this massive, crystal walled underground cave network without going through any machinary. It is the most expensive water around, and it has this crisp, clean feel to it, even better than that first sip of ice water on a hot summers day.". While saying this, you could see him dreaming of this water before snapping out of it. "Two of these for you?" he inquired.
Brutland and Norden
28-05-2008, 18:14
While Kilo tried to - partly unsuccessful - to hold back a laugh, the server smiled, having had such confused looks and responses before, "Our best water is the water straight from the Crystal Cave. It has been bottled straight from this massive, crystal walled underground cave network without going through any machinary. It is the most expensive water around, and it has this crisp, clean feel to it, even better than that first sip of ice water on a hot summers day.". While saying this, you could see him dreaming of this water before snapping out of it. "Two of these for you?" he inquired.
"Woo, that can be scary. I went spelunking ( in one of those underwater rivers in Trebba and there were numerous bats in the cave, peeing on the water. I think don't want to drink bat pee," Kyle said.

"Perhaps the bat urine... uh, add flavor?" Charlotte offered.
"I thought you want to have tasteless water?"
"How about the sparkling water?"
"Sparkles are bad for the eyes," Kyle joked, and then turned to the server. "We'll have filtered water, just to be safe. Thank you."
28-05-2008, 23:03
"Woo, that can be scary. I went spelunking ( in one of those underwater rivers in Trebba and there were numerous bats in the cave, peeing on the water. I think don't want to drink bat pee," Kyle said.

"Perhaps the bat urine... uh, add flavor?" Charlotte offered.
"I thought you want to have tasteless water?"
"How about the sparkling water?"
"Sparkles are bad for the eyes," Kyle joked, and then turned to the server. "We'll have filtered water, just to be safe. Thank you."
The server was quite amused over their concern for the various waters, and one could see it with the grin he was trying to control. "Would that be the naturally filtered Lake Iceburg water or the typical filtered spring water? The naturally filter Lake Iceburg water never touches a man made filter. There's this strange underwater filtration system that leads to anb underwater reservoir." he said.

"Will you just go get them some water, kid?" Tanner said sternly, clearly not pleased with the way the young man was behaving. He then turned to them, "Sorry about that. I might just have to fire him and send him into the military. His first day on the job, and he acts like that in front of you two." Tanner was clearly displeased at the server.
Brutland and Norden
29-05-2008, 08:14
The server was quite amused over their concern for the various waters, and one could see it with the grin he was trying to control. "Would that be the naturally filtered Lake Iceburg water or the typical filtered spring water? The naturally filter Lake Iceburg water never touches a man made filter. There's this strange underwater filtration system that leads to anb underwater reservoir." he said.
"Well - " Kyle began, but the party's host cut him off.

"Will you just go get them some water, kid?" Tanner said sternly, clearly not pleased with the way the young man was behaving. He then turned to them, "Sorry about that. I might just have to fire him and send him into the military. His first day on the job, and he acts like that in front of you two." Tanner was clearly displeased at the server.
"Poor kid," Charlotte said as the young server went off to get their drink. "Please don't fire him. You know, everyone makes mistakes. He's just overly enthusiastic about his new job... actually, he's quite... amusing."

Now that the discussion over the drink was over, the visitors remembered something.

"Well, speaking of drinks," Kyle began as he presented three boxes wrapped in gold paper and tied with a silver ribbon, "we bring these from Brutland and Norden. For you."

"Rare wines from back home," Charlotte described them, "1908 Sant'Arcangèlo Century Wine, Pannondrian Blue wine, and Misterica Flower wine. We hope you'll like it."
30-05-2008, 05:24
Tanner took a deep breath and sighed, "A little TOO enthusiastic maybe?" he said. "I just dont want him going off and offending my party guests."

The server came over with ice cold filtered spring water for the two of them, as well as one glass of Crystal Cave water for Tanner. His favorite.

At the same time, they presented him with the three cases of wine. "Oh, my, that's to kind! This is very much appreciated!" he exclaimed. "I think I might just have to crack one of these guys open tonight!"
Brutland and Norden
30-05-2008, 18:34
Tanner took a deep breath and sighed, "A little TOO enthusiastic maybe?" he said. "I just dont want him going off and offending my party guests."
"Yup," Charlotte said, shrugging her shoulders, "but not offensive." She winked at President Kilo.

The server came over with ice cold filtered spring water for the two of them, as well as one glass of Crystal Cave water for Tanner. His favorite.
"Thank you," the two said almost in unison.

At the same time, they presented him with the three cases of wine. "Oh, my, that's to kind! This is very much appreciated!" he exclaimed. "I think I might just have to crack one of these guys open tonight!"
"The Pannondrian Blue may be a good start," Charlotte advised him. "You'd be surprised about the color."
30-05-2008, 20:18
The server shuffled off to do some more sidework after the drinks were taken.

"Hmm, I guess that'll be opened tonight." he then looked around, "So... when will the other guests arrive I wonder. They're running a little late." he said, then turning back to them, "Well, would you like to take a look around?"
Brutland and Norden
31-05-2008, 07:48
The server shuffled off to do some more sidework after the drinks were taken.

"Hmm, I guess that'll be opened tonight." he then looked around, "So... when will the other guests arrive I wonder. They're running a little late." he said, then turning back to them, "Well, would you like to take a look around?"
"Why, yes of course," Charlotte answered. "We were excited to see your new home!"
01-06-2008, 05:31
"Well then, follow me!" he says, waving them towards the house. "I know it doesn't look like anything spectacular up here above ground, but wait til you get inside..." he said with a grin.
Brutland and Norden
01-06-2008, 12:39
The King and his mother followed to president into the house. "What could be hiding beneath the ground?" Charlotte wondered.
01-06-2008, 23:10
As they walked upto the building, Tanner began to talk about the house. "We designed this building to look like an older, quaint home - small and very homey." he said.

Looking at the building, it was a small, two floor house made of large stones. The roofing steel painted blue. A covered stone entry way greeted you at the dark stained oak door.

"Come on in..." he said as he opened the front door, which was clearly very heavy.
Brutland and Norden
02-06-2008, 09:46
As they walked upto the building, Tanner began to talk about the house. "We designed this building to look like an older, quaint home - small and very homey." he said.
Charlotte sized up the home, looking at it form the roof to the ground. "Looks like a nice home to me... When did you first start to build this?"

"Come on in..." he said as he opened the front door, which was clearly very heavy.
The two entered after President Kilo opened the heavy door. "Is it hard to open that door?"

OOC: Do you think we should slow down for the other participants? Also, is the President married?
02-06-2008, 17:57
OOC: I'm kinda wondering WHERE the others are... lol I think they may have frogotten? Also, yes, he is married but she's not home right now.. her name is Maria.
"This is one of those places you could see in a lightly forested area or a large plain. And the doors are a little on the hard side, but I'm used to them now."
Brutland and Norden
02-06-2008, 18:10
OOC: I'm kinda wondering WHERE the others are... lol I think they may have frogotten? Also, yes, he is married but she's not home right now.. her name is Maria.OOC: Frequent bumping? TG? I actually have this thread on subscribe, so it's not a problem for me, even if I did not visit NS for more than three days and this thread is buried under tons of threads... :D

"This is one of those places you could see in a lightly forested area or a large plain. And the doors are a little on the hard side, but I'm used to them now."
"Oh, I see," she muttered, looking around the house for something interesting and unique...
02-06-2008, 22:26
The entry was was pretty simple. The flooring was made of large black pebbles a little larger than a quarter. The ceiling was covered by rice paper and outlined by dark oak wood. However, when flipping the first set of lights on, the rice paper offered up a glow that slowly and continually changed colors from blue to yellow to red to orange to green to white and back.

Looking straight ahead was a white wall with a sign that rest Welcome and God Bless with a table under it outlaid in more dark oak, while glass was inlaid. It had four candles posted, one at each corner, and a vase in the center with twenty different fresh flowers in it.

Below that, President Tanner set his shoes that he just took off. While you could go either left or right, he began walking to the right, around the wall, and into a large, open room that covered roughly 75% of the house above ground, the ceiling going all the way upto the top of the building - no second floor above them. In the middle of the room was a large fountain with two waterfalls, one on each side, and filled with fish of all types, sizes, and glorious colors.

The flooring in this room was of black marble, the ceiling made of wood from the Giant Sequoia tree.

Looking to the back of the house, the wall was almost completely glass. At the push of a button on the wall, Tanner was able to frost the windows instantly for privacy, and with a second touch, it was clear once again.
Brutland and Norden
03-06-2008, 19:26
The entry was was pretty simple. The flooring was made of large black pebbles a little larger than a quarter. The ceiling was covered by rice paper and outlined by dark oak wood. However, when flipping the first set of lights on, the rice paper offered up a glow that slowly and continually changed colors from blue to yellow to red to orange to green to white and back.
Charlotte and Kyle followed president Kilo into his house. They looked up as the lights went on and saw the multicolored lights.

"Cool!" Kyle remarked, smiling. "Just like lights on the dance floor... only much slower light transitions."
"Is that rice paper?" Charlotte asked. "If it is, we must be careful about water. Not only will water soften and tear up rice paper, it can also make the colors run off."

Below that, President Tanner set his shoes that he just took off. While you could go either left or right, he began walking to the right, around the wall, and into a large, open room that covered roughly 75% of the house above ground, the ceiling going all the way upto the top of the building - no second floor above them. In the middle of the room was a large fountain with two waterfalls, one on each side, and filled with fish of all types, sizes, and glorious colors.
"Spacious room, and nice indoor fountain too," Charlotte muttered. "What's this room usually used for?"

The flooring in this room was of black marble, the ceiling made of wood from the Giant Sequoia tree.
Charlotte resisted the urge to touch the nice floor. "Black marble... we have sources of black marble, but these seems to be of good quality. Where are these from?"

Looking to the back of the house, the wall was almost completely glass.
"Glass windows," Kyle murmured, "not great for privacy." He had some experience with paparazzi peering through glass windows to take his pictures...
At the push of a button on the wall, Tanner was able to frost the windows instantly for privacy, and with a second touch, it was clear once again.
"Whoa, nice," he said. "I like that technology. How does it work?"
05-06-2008, 02:46
"This room is used for entertainment usage. We'll be having small dances here, and once the bar is setup," he said, jestering to the wall on their left as they face the large window, "We'll be able to serve anything someone wants." he said with a wink and a smile.

When asked about the window, he smiled again. "Well, they told me how it worked, but it was all over my head - something to do with electromegnetic stuff. I just smiled and nodded, and I tell people it's magic." he said with a laugh. "As for the marble, we purchased it through a ViZionarian firm that got it from the western coast of Europe."

He began to lead them out of the room off to the right around the wall. On the other side of the wall was a large spiral staircase made of the deep red Rouge de Rance limestone. It led up and down, and he began to head up the staircase. On each step they touched, the edges lit up in blue. This was due to pressure sensors, so the instant the moved off to the next step, the light would turn off.

Upstairs, it was an open floor in which was also a multifunction guest and gaming room. Four large flatpanel TV's were up on the walls, three computers setup with games, and four of each gaming console out on the market to date. Four twin beds and six large bean sacks capable of holding four people were spread out through the room as well.

And while the floor and ceiling were both of the rare and bright red Zapote wood, the walls were bleach white with multiple large windows on the outside facing walls.
Brutland and Norden
05-06-2008, 11:42
"That's pretty," Charlotte remarked as they left the room and went upstairs along the stairs that light up.

"Are the stairs inspired by those dance music video games?" Kyle began, and then added when he saw the gaming room, "Looks like so..." Kyle walked towards one console, looked at it and turned to President Kilo. "Cool... perhaps we can play... later?"
05-06-2008, 18:07
"The stairs weren't inspired by the game, but now that you mention that, it does remind me alot of that game." Tanner responded as they made their way up the stairs.

After Kyle saw the games and asked about playing later, "Sure, the games are generally for when family or friends are over to entertain their kids - teens these days, they dont seem to know how to have fun without a game to play - but yes, we can play some games later. After all, I find myself playing up here when I have a chance."
Brutland and Norden
05-06-2008, 18:47
"Yes, teens these days..." Charlotte agreed, giving Kyle an ominous look. The nineteen-year-old King of Brutland and Norden sighed. He hated that look.

And he hated being lumped with teenagers addicted to video games. While certainly he knows how to play Fightmaster 2, that isn't the only thing he does or knows how to do...

Those damn stereotypes of teenagers. Teenagers are one of the most maligned and disparaged demographic group, and even being the King of Brutland and Norden hadn't spared Kyle from being slapped with the stereotypes. The dashing rocker King had been labeled almost everything, from the polite "misguided" to the more horrible "monster". Not to mention that all of his indiscretions, however rare, will get headline news. Now there's another thing to be damned: the paparazzi and the Nord-Brutlandese media, immune from the kingdom's weak and unenforced lèse majesté ( law.

Despite what the media says, most Nord-Brutlandese hold him in high regard, particularly his own generation...
06-06-2008, 00:25
Tanner glanced at him and laughed, "Now, when you need to use the john..." he said, heading to the other spiral staircase on the far side of the room, "Come on down."

Going back down to the main level, they were behind the bar, and a room behind them was for the bathroom. "Now, this is a pretty fancy one. Take a look." he said, opening the door.

The entire room was made of white marble. Even the toilet seat and the knobs for the water in the large jacuzzi made to handle six people and at the sink where of this white marble. The only thinks not made of marble was the window by the jacuzzi and the large mirror above the three sink counter, as well as the dark oak door.
Brutland and Norden
06-06-2008, 19:45
"A jacuzzi," Kyle whispered, elbowing her mother discreetly and looking at her mischievously. Will she get on the tub along with the other guests?

Charlotte rolled her eyes slightly. No way is she getting into that tub - or any tub, for that matter. Especially when it seems that she is the only female guest...
07-06-2008, 03:12
"Alright. So you two ready to see the rest of the house?" he asked as he walked out of the bathroom and looked towards the stairs again. "This is the last room of this part of the house." They stood in a room with two large couches and two walls filled with books. The floor and ceiling were made of red wood, the walls painted white.
Brutland and Norden
07-06-2008, 17:40
"This is a nice library," Charlotte said, looking at the titles on the spine of the books. "What books do you have and what is your favorite?"
07-06-2008, 18:36
"Oh, geeze." he said, quickly scanning the books, "I've got all sorts of books. This isn't my whole collection, either. But my favorite? It's got to be The Heartstopper by Robin E. Willis. It's a good story, a real suspense thriller based loosely on the real life 'Good Guy' serial killer that ViZion had to deal with twenty years ago." he decided. "It's a great one, almost 2,000 pages. If you would like, you're welcome to take it with you to read. Just mail it back when you're finished. You may be able to find copies on but beyond that, it's not sold outside of ViZion. Anyway, ready to see the rest of the house?"
Brutland and Norden
07-06-2008, 19:08
"No, thanks. Serial killers and thrillers scare me a bit," Charlotte said, "just a bit."
"Just a bit?" Kyle interrupted, chuckling. "My mother didn't let us watch La Porterreno* because it was gory and bloody... but we did view the film eventually. If you like, President Kilo, we can watch it later; I think I have a file in my laptop in the yacht. But for now, let's look at the rest of the house."

*"La Porterreno" = "The Underground", a 2003 Nord-Brutlandese thriller movie about a serial killer loose in Kingsville's underground Metro system.
07-06-2008, 19:27
"Heh, alright, for now lets continue." he said, waving them on to follow him as he headed towards the stairs again.

"Lets head downstairs where the real fun is." he said with a grin. Heading down to the level below them, the smell of freshly cooked hood hit them. They were in another large room, complete with three more flat panel televisions, two large couches, and more large beanbag sacs. "This is the family room." he announced. "And the kitchen is on the other side of the wall behind us - that's where the smell is coming from. The cooks are busy preparing more food for us for tonight."

At the other end of the room, a young man entered the room. "And there's one of my sons, Josh." he said. "Josh, come on over." he called over. Josh was a 25 year old model. Tall, lean, square jawed, and smooth blonde hair, Josh was exceptionally successful - especially since he was the son of the President. "This is my son, John." he announced. "John, this is Charlotte and Kyle. They're from Brutland and Norden." he said.

John thrust out his hand to shake, "It's nice to meet you two." he said with a confident but warm voice. "John is going to be marrying soon to Anna." he said. He pointed to a picture of John and Anne the day after he proposed.

"They really make a great pair." he said.
Brutland and Norden
08-06-2008, 07:01
"Heh, alright, for now lets continue." he said, waving them on to follow him as he headed towards the stairs again.

"Lets head downstairs where the real fun is." he said with a grin. Heading down to the level below them, the smell of freshly cooked hood hit them. They were in another large room, complete with three more flat panel televisions, two large couches, and more large beanbag sacs. "This is the family room." he announced. "And the kitchen is on the other side of the wall behind us - that's where the smell is coming from. The cooks are busy preparing more food for us for tonight."
Charlotte and her son followed President Kilo downstairs. There were lots of TVs. Not even they have that many TV screens in their castle; King Adam IV, Kyle's father, was a very, very frugal man... and that is an understatement. Not even technically owning the entire country would make the King of Brutland and Norden buy more than what they needed.

Charlotted sniffed the aroma. "That smells nice, but I am not asking what that is lest I spoil tonight's dinner."

At the other end of the room, a young man entered the room. "And there's one of my sons, Josh." he said. "Josh, come on over." he called over. Josh was a 25 year old model. Tall, lean, square jawed, and smooth blonde hair, Josh was exceptionally successful - especially since he was the son of the President. "This is my son, John." he announced. "John, this is Charlotte and Kyle. They're from Brutland and Norden." he said.

John thrust out his hand to shake, "It's nice to meet you two." he said with a confident but warm voice.
Kyle took and hand and gave it a vigorous manly shake. "It's nice to meet you too," he said, and then realized what he just said, "forgive me for the unintended pun."

[OOC: What is his real name? Josh or John?]

"John is going to be marrying soon to Anna." he said. He pointed to a picture of John and Anne the day after he proposed.
"Congratulations," Charlotte said, smiling. "May you have a strong happy marriage... and children." She glanced at Kyle. "Children are such great blessings... are you planning on having offspring?"

"They really make a great pair." he said.
"Of course," she said, looking at the picture. "We Nord-Brutlandese have a term for them - vozzeta - which means something like "more than compatible". By the way, when is the wedding?"
08-06-2008, 07:15
OOC: Sorry, it's John, not Josh... heh my bad
John laughed and gave Kyle a pat on the back, "No problem." he said to Kyle. He then responded to Charlotte, "Eventually, we'd like to have maybe two kids." he then turned back to Kyle, "Say... Kyle, right? How old are you? And have you even thought of maybe modeling or acting? You hold yourself very good and seem very self confident."

Tanner, in the mean time, talked with Charlotte. "Their wedding it set for next summer. July 22nd actually. They'll be wed on Black Beach up north about fifty miles from Vitalita."
Brutland and Norden
08-06-2008, 09:58
John laughed and gave Kyle a pat on the back, "No problem." he said to Kyle. He then responded to Charlotte, "Eventually, we'd like to have maybe two kids." he then turned back to Kyle, "Say... Kyle, right? How old are you? And have you even thought of maybe modeling or acting? You hold yourself very good and seem very self confident."
Kyle nodded. "Thanks. I'm nineteen," he said, "and actually, I'm a reluctant model." Almost every household and business in the kingdom has a picture of the King of Brutland and Norden hanging on some wall. There are also those (racy) paparazzi pics that landed him in a somewhat disreputable magazine (

Tanner, in the mean time, talked with Charlotte. "Their wedding it set for next summer. July 22nd actually. They'll be wed on Black Beach up north about fifty miles from Vitalita."
"I'm sure it would be a grand wedding," Charlotte remarked.
08-06-2008, 20:23
"Well, if you ever want to get involved in acting or modeling - let me know, I can get you connected with some of the top agents. Anyway, nice meeting you Kyle." he said, shaking his hand again.

"I sure hope it will be." Tanner said to Charlotte. "And I'm sure it will be, too."
Brutland and Norden
08-06-2008, 20:46
OOC: Kinda stumped on what to say... writer's block, perhaps? Or perhaps it's because it's almost 4 AM here... anyway, last post before hitting the sack...
"Well, if you ever want to get involved in acting or modeling - let me know, I can get you connected with some of the top agents. Anyway, nice meeting you Kyle." he said, shaking his hand again.
"Same here. Thank you, and best wishes on tying the knot."

"I sure hope it will be." Tanner said to Charlotte. "And I'm sure it will be, too."
She smiled and looked momentarily at Kyle, thinking, When will that boy get married? Hopefully, he'll get a queen before I die...
10-06-2008, 02:35
"Same here. Thank you, and best wishes on tying the knot."
"Thanks." he said before heading off to do a few things.

She smiled and looked momentarily at Kyle, thinking, When will that boy get married? Hopefully, he'll get a queen before I die...
"So, shall we continue?" Tanner asked the two as his son left.
Brutland and Norden
10-06-2008, 13:16
"So, shall we continue?" Tanner asked the two as his son left.
"Of course," she said, "I'm sure we have a lot more to see."

OOC: I must caution you, my classes started earlier today, so I might not be able to check NS everyday, if at all. Definitely not on Thursday - I have an exam on Friday.
10-06-2008, 16:58
They began heading out of the room and into the dining room. "We have two dining rooms." he said. "This is the family one."

The room had a nice glass-top table with steel legs and six sofa-like seats.

OOC: That time of year again, eh?
Brutland and Norden
11-06-2008, 11:43
They began heading out of the room and into the dining room. "We have two dining rooms." he said. "This is the family one."

The room had a nice glass-top table with steel legs and six sofa-like seats.
"This is nice," Charlotte said. "We used to have one of these glass-topped tables... until my children broke it. By the way, if I may ask, how many children do you have?"

OOC: That time of year again, eh?
OOC: Yup. :( And I really should be studying now, but I'm procrastinating. :D
11-06-2008, 18:03
"Thank you... yes they're certainly nice to have, but high maintenance." Tanner said.

"Ahh, kids... I've got four of them. You met my oldest, then I've got a son and daughter who are both 17 years old and in their senior year at high school and then another 14 year old son. They're good kids." he said. "But, like any kid, they have their moments, that's for sure." Tanner said with a laugh.
Brutland and Norden
11-06-2008, 19:57
"Thank you... yes they're certainly nice to have, but high maintenance." Tanner said.

"Ahh, kids... I've got four of them. You met my oldest, then I've got a son and daughter who are both 17 years old and in their senior year at high school and then another 14 year old son. They're good kids." he said. "But, like any kid, they have their moments, that's for sure." Tanner said with a laugh.
"My husband told me not to buy those glass stuff anymore as long as we have young children," Charlotte related. "My youngest is now twelve, and yes, they do have their moments, especially now, during their teenage years. It is extra hard raising royal teenagers."

Kyle looked at his mother and asked half-jokingly, "you aren't going to spill all of my teenage life, are you?"

"Nope," his mother replied, winking at him. "Just half." She turned to President Kilo. "I have many stories to tell 'bout raising children, actually. I can make an encyclopedia out of it."
12-06-2008, 02:33
Tanner laughed pretty hard at that, "Oh yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. And raising kids as a President isn't easy, either. But I've been very lucky that my kids are NORMALLY pretty well behaved." he said proudly.

"Luckily, we've only got one other who's in their young teenage years. The other three are getting older and more mature now." he said with a smile. "Now, down one more floor is the bedrooms, but we'll head down to the floor below that. Lets head over to the elevator." he said, pointing back into the living room next to the stairs.
Brutland and Norden
13-06-2008, 13:38
Tanner laughed pretty hard at that, "Oh yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. And raising kids as a President isn't easy, either. But I've been very lucky that my kids are NORMALLY pretty well behaved." he said proudly.
Kyle had something to say. "Thank you, mom, for making us appear soooo bad..."

Charlotte pulled her child closer and put her arms around his shoulder with difficulty. Kyle, at six-foot-three, towers above his mother. "Nope, you aren't that bad," Charlotte said, "You were pretty well behaved too... most of the time..."

"Luckily, we've only got one other who's in their young teenage years. The other three are getting older and more mature now." he said with a smile. "Now, down one more floor is the bedrooms, but we'll head down to the floor below that. Lets head over to the elevator." he said, pointing back into the living room next to the stairs.
"I had four of them in their turbulent years," Charlotte said. "But it was a very exciting experience." They then followed President Kilo to the elevator...
15-06-2008, 00:04
Tanner laughed watching the two, remembering how his oldest used to get embarrassed when he would talk like that about his sons.

As they walked onto the elevator, Tanner pushed for level two. Holding his finger on it, there was a quiet buzz and then a flash of blue light from the button he was holding on a small touchscreen pad. State Your Name announced a computer-generated voice. "Tanner plus two." he stated, then putting in a code on the touchscreen.

The elevator - probably the least intriguing 'room' in the building was a simple eight-person elevator. The walls and ceiling were of a basic stained oak wood, while the floor was of black carpeting.

A few seconds later, the door opened without a sound. And the elevator did not even feel like it had moved, it was so smooth. As they looked into the room that opened up to them, ones eyes needed to adjust to the dark room in which the only lighting was from multiple brightly light screens, the steel walls and ceiling mixed with a black cement floor offering up a not-so-warm feel. In what they could see immediately in the room, five men wearing white lab coats where writing things down - three of them walking around, and two standing in one place. Those two, after a couple seconds, turned their heads to look at the people in the elevator. "Oh, crap, wrong floor!" Tanner yelled, smashing the Emergency Close button as the doors of the elevator slammed closed with an earth-shaking BANG!

"Ok, I'm kidding." Tanner said, pushing to open button. The doors quickly and quietly slid open again to reveal the same room. The same two men looked at them again, then looked back down at their paperwork and continued writing as they began walking away slowly. "Come in..." Tanner said, walking into the room, which also had a chilled temperature - not enough to see ones breath, but enough to make most shiver if they weren't wearing warm clothing.
Brutland and Norden
15-06-2008, 10:01
As they walked onto the elevator, Tanner pushed for level two. Holding his finger on it, there was a quiet buzz and then a flash of blue light from the button he was holding on a small touchscreen pad. State Your Name announced a computer-generated voice. "Tanner plus two." he stated, then putting in a code on the touchscreen.

The elevator - probably the least intriguing 'room' in the building was a simple eight-person elevator. The walls and ceiling were of a basic stained oak wood, while the floor was of black carpeting.
"So, what if the elevator won't recognize you?" Kyle asked. 'Will it spit you out, or are there laser beams that will blast you into thin air?"

A few seconds later, the door opened without a sound. And the elevator did not even feel like it had moved, it was so smooth. As they looked into the room that opened up to them, ones eyes needed to adjust to the dark room in which the only lighting was from multiple brightly light screens, the steel walls and ceiling mixed with a black cement floor offering up a not-so-warm feel. In what they could see immediately in the room, five men wearing white lab coats where writing things down - three of them walking around, and two standing in one place. Those two, after a couple seconds, turned their heads to look at the people in the elevator. "Oh, crap, wrong floor!" Tanner yelled, smashing the Emergency Close button as the doors of the elevator slammed closed with an earth-shaking BANG!

"Ok, I'm kidding." Tanner said, pushing to open button. The doors quickly and quietly slid open again to reveal the same room. The same two men looked at them again, then looked back down at their paperwork and continued writing as they began walking away slowly. "Come in..." Tanner said, walking into the room, which also had a chilled temperature - not enough to see ones breath, but enough to make most shiver if they weren't wearing warm clothing.
The two looked puzzled. Puzzled about the joke (they didn't get it), and puzzled as to why President Kilo keeps a cold laboratory below his house.

"Is this your personal laboratory or something?" Charlotte asked, starting to feel the chill. "What stuff are produced here?"
16-06-2008, 06:24
"It would send an alert to security and bring me - or any intruder - back to the main floor, where it would be met by guards." Tanner said with a smile.

As the door opened again, it became apparent they were a bit confused and did not get his sense of humor. "Ahhh... alright, well step on our and I'll show you what gones on here." he said. "And sorry it's a bit cold in here, it's the temporary we are required to keep it at to make sure things go... smoothly." he said with a grin.
Brutland and Norden
17-06-2008, 02:43
[As the door opened again, it became apparent they were a bit confused and did not get his sense of humor. "Ahhh... alright, well step on our and I'll show you what gones on here." he said. "And sorry it's a bit cold in here, it's the temporary we are required to keep it at to make sure things go... smoothly." he said with a grin.
Charlotte looked around. What could be done here? Cloning experiments? President Kilo has a slaughterhouse business? Ice Palace?

Kyle noticed her mother was slightly shivering. He took off his black blazer and placed it around his mother's shoulder. She inserted her arms into the sleeves and looked at her son, who was now only wearing a tight-fitting white T-shirt for his top. "Tu s'della colla?" She asked, concerned.

"De," came the curt reply.

They followed President Kilo around...
18-06-2008, 05:12
"So, down here," he began as they made their way through the many rooms attached to a large corridor "We are working on various cures for various diseases. So while the room itself feels and looks cold, it is with warm reasons." he said with a smile.

All the rooms have the same, dark look to it. The black flooring, the metal walls and ceiling, and the only light coming from the many large, bright screens.
Brutland and Norden
18-06-2008, 11:44
"So, down here," he began as they made their way through the many rooms attached to a large corridor "We are working on various cures for various diseases. So while the room itself feels and looks cold, it is with warm reasons." he said with a smile.

All the rooms have the same, dark look to it. The black flooring, the metal walls and ceiling, and the only light coming from the many large, bright screens.
"It's for something good," Kyle remarked. "I thought it was related to something that is the stuff of science fiction."

"So you do research here?" Charlotte asked. "Do you own a pharmaceutical company?"
19-06-2008, 02:53
"Yes," Tanner gave up a small laugh, "It's for something good. And no, I don't run a company. Rather, it's a small, non-profile research organization." he said to Charlotte. "You guys have any questions? Or did you want to head back upstairs to where it's warm?"
Brutland and Norden
20-06-2008, 18:24
"I agree with your philanthropism," Charlotte said, "Any progress? ... well if you can divulge details." She then wrapped Kyle's blazer around herself more tightly. "Yes, let's go upstairs."
22-06-2008, 07:22
"Thank you. And we have made plenty of progress in the few years my small organization has been running. Now, I'm no scientist, so I can't explain things to you. But like I said, progress is being made." he said as they made their way back to the elevator. "What do you two think of the house?" he asked.
Brutland and Norden
22-06-2008, 10:00
"It was pretty," Charlotte said. "Modern technologies and fascinating stuff. We're used to old castles... without laboratories underneath."
23-06-2008, 05:15
"Ahh, but those old buildings and castles have so much charm and are just amazing buildings. I'm a huge fan of castles, personally." he said as the elevator made its way back up to the lower of the three main levels.
Brutland and Norden
23-06-2008, 22:41
"Ahh, but those old buildings and castles have so much charm and are just amazing buildings. I'm a huge fan of castles, personally." he said as the elevator made its way back up to the lower of the three main levels.
"Then perhaps you can come to Brutland and Norden," Charlotte offered. "We'll be your guide."

"Or, there might be castles in our country that are for sale," Kyle added.
24-06-2008, 14:37
"Ahh, hello there Syybele." Tanner said, welcoming the young man with a handshake. "How are things going back in Xeraph?" he asked.

The vampyr looked at Tanner for a long moment. "So, your'e the President." She looked him up and down. "I would have expected you to be taller. And if you want to know how things are in the Empire, go ask the General." She smiled a seductive smile, fangs notwithstanding. "When your'e done with him, come see me. I hear your'e a good dancer. I'll show you some moves I'm sure youv'e never seen."

She turned on her heel and headed for the kitchen......