United WeaponsTech and Alternatives Inc. hold Odd Invention Exhibition!
Ruthless Slaughter
17-05-2008, 00:30
The two Dominion-based companies of United WeaponsTech, the maker of the DM-32 assault rifle, and Alternatives Incorporated, a burgeoning producer of 'green' products, have joined forces to put out an invitation to the international community to come to the First City Convention Center and show off any odd yet practical inventions!
The submission by United WeaponsTech is an effort to build a better C-ration, noting that the food soldiers abroad miss most is a gold old-fashioned cheeseburger. Thus they have found a way to vacuum seal a cheeseburger into a can, producing the Insta-Burger (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y90/DominionofRS/insta-burger.jpg)!
Alternatives Inc. has given the world a truly unique and portable submission for those wish to be clean while on the go. Recognizing that cleanliness is a luxury while traveling, they have produced the Portable Shower (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y90/DominionofRS/battery-shower.jpg). For 27 USD you get a 5 gallon, battery-powered shower that uses four D-cell batteries.
Both companies encourage a strong response from the international community to attend this lighthearted meeting of the minds.
17-05-2008, 00:42
Life Lovers would like to show off its up-coming survival unit, the Cacoon, which can be attacted to a tree for sleep, creating a 'womb' around the occupant, keeping it warm inside while keeping the cold and wet out.
In addition, they would like to also introduce a new type of fire extinguisher that recently began arriving at stores across ViZion and will soon be available to the international market. Dubbed Balls 4 Life, it offers two things - oxygen to breath while escaping, and small heat-sensitive balls to resist the fire. The user rolls or throws the capsules toward the fire. The capsule, made of a material that reacts to high temperatures, will explode when it reaches the fire. Thus, the user does not need to get close to the fire in order to put it out. The elasticized body of the capsule enables it to absorb shock when it is thrown.
HomeAid, in the mean time, wishes to compliment its lineup of home utilities such as ovens, freezers, and so forth with its new HomePub. Already a hot seller in ViZion, HomeAid is preparing to launch the HomePub into the international market and felt this would be a great place to showcase its keg-and-frig-in-one unit. Available in two sizes, watch for it to go on sale soon!
26-10-2008, 07:47
Bump to attempt to get this exhibition runnin...
26-10-2008, 07:56
I would like to sell some insurance, incase something blows up.
26-10-2008, 07:58
OOC: lol no thank you
Dyelli Beybi
26-10-2008, 09:41
The well respected Dyellian Aeronautics company wishes to display the 'A-20 Camel', the Budget version of the A-10 that any tin pot dictatorship can afford!
The A-20 is powered by the amazing Gnome Monosoupape 9N Rotary Engine (150hp) allowing the aircraft to attain a maximum speed of 125 km/hour.
The hull is constructed of durable paper stretched over a balsa wood frame. It is a biplane and as such can achieve remarkable feats of manouverability.
Armaments consist of an XC1 chaingun mounted above the pilot and a rach of 8 hellfire missiles below the lower wing.
All this and more for a price of only $50,000 US! Wow what a bargain (amunition not included)!
NOTE: Shoeworth does not hold any liability for crashes caused by the polit releasing the controls and standing up to opperate the chaingun. Furthermore we hold no responsibility for the aircraft being unable to take off if the pilot weighs more than 40kg. Shoeworth holds no responsibility for injury caused to the opperator through the use of the XC1 chaingun which may or may not result in the weapon exploding.
We are aware that firing the missiles has a 99.5% chance of causing the plane to ignite and as such the plane has been fitted with an automatic ejection seat in the event of the weapons ever being fired.
26-10-2008, 12:54
Military Designs Niraamaya has created an experimental weapon known as the A1 "Tankbusta". Tankbustas destroy the electrical systems of a tank, and then explode. However, as it is experimental, it has a substantial chance of exploding in the agent's hands. However, it is also quite compact, as seen in this diagram:
From Lol Wut Military Inventors Incorporated, we have the Taser darts, now a standard issue weapon among Niraamayan soldiers. The creator was quoted to say, "Bring the Cassandra mod back!"
From Homilsol Incorporated, we have the Folding M4s and other assorted easily concealable weapons. All of them fold into such inconspicuous shapes as a flashlight, laptop and brick wall. They actually light up!
Finally, from Vaccum Unlimited, we have the Bouncy Unified Liberator Lens/Surrogate Heat Innkeeper Too (B.U.L.L/S.H.I.T), which really is only is a trampoline.