NationStates Jolt Archive

Shades of the Past, Colors of future [Reintro Thread][FT]

14-05-2008, 02:56
OOC: Quick Reintroduction Thread, bringing everything back up to date. That is all.


Newly elected President Jezra Sille stood seven foot, nine inches tall. She had served in the Dragon Knights Special Operations Brigade for over twenty years, and looked it, stunningly beautiful by Burmecian standards, she had a look of strength, intelligence, and unwavering devotion to her cause. She wore the standard uniform of the DK:SOB, matte black long coat jam packed with the most advanced military hardware. She had long black hair, dark blue-green eyes, she was descended from a long line of Dragon Knights, a family long respected, she had won the Burmecian vote by a landslide... The Siesatian population had been dismayed to learn nearly a year previously that their beloved president of over one-thousand years; Jessica Crescent, had disappeared into thin air along with her cabinet and transport vessel. The official reports claimed that the temporal impellers had malfunctioned, but who really knew... Jezra's election was a landslide victory over her competitor, Drachen Tihn, a wiry Raptor scientist, he didn't come close to projecting the sheer personality and charisma Jezra had.

It had been a hard choice for her, but the Dragon Knights had insisted she make a run at office... She had the resources, and the attitude to win... it was considered imperative that a pro-military president win the election; Drachen Tihn was decidedly anti-military, and his idea to slash the DK:SOB Budget, along with the Conventional Space Navy entirely, was not in their interests at all, nor that of the nation. A nation over 120 years in isolationism, no newscasts had gone out to even the ESUS Alliance nations in that time, trade had been conducted in the remote trade stations, but no alien space vessels had come near Siesatian space in that time... The Unified Worlds had faded into the backdrop and many assumed it had collapsed... They were wrong, unparalleled military research had been going on nonstop, using every available resource to further along the Siesatian arsenal, and now it was ready, already the last of the new generation of warships were coming off the Vector Intergalactic Megayards, the massive shipyard complexes that was basically a shell of pure ship manufacturing power that surrounded Gaia, the Siesatian Capitol planet.

The first extra-national transmission from the nation in over 120 years had generated a certain amount of excitement in some national media corporations, and the first ships to come through the Expanse in over a century came from them for the event...

"Decadence... decay... stagnation... That is what this universe has turned to. We have brought it upon ourselves with our misguided practices of a society seeking the unattainable perfection that is utopia." She stated to the assembled audience, "My predecessor chose a false peace and slow demise with her lax foreign policy, choosing to pay off the threats instead of eradicating them. We have spent Trillions to what, give our enemies the resources they need to continue to blackmail us? The same goes for the nations whose policies declare us enemies, we chose to seed territory, give resources and technologies to them so that we might not be forced into a shooting war, but no longer. The line will be drawn here. From the moment I take office, to the day I leave it, the Unified Worlds of Siesatia will be protected by the might of our forces, not the amount we are willing to pay..." She finished, turning to the official to her right, ready to take her oath of office.

“I the new freely elected President of the Unified Worlds of Siesatia do hereby pledge and affirm to protect and defend the many peoples and worlds of our great nation. I pledge to uphold my office in the greatest traditions of our noble state, and when my time in office is up, to pass along my position to the next noble successor.”
14-05-2008, 03:35
It is bad when the familiar becomes the unfamiliar. When friends become strangers. When the allies become lost or forgotten.

The signals broadcast from the darkened corner of the galaxy took many by surprise. They had thought their old ally had decided to leave or figured they had a reason to shut out the rest of the universe. In case they had decided to re-emerge, a single monitoring probe was left decades ago in a nearby system not far from their old borders.

The FTL broadcast, the first for over a century, contained some sort of political acceptance speech. The Kython Shipmind of the probe immediately transmitted it wholesale over the Link back to The Fist, to be received by the Imperial Staff to have its authenticity investigated. Once it was verified, the message would be sent to the appropriate department head. Once the importance was determined, the message was sent directly to Nhur-Galladu. A t he same time, an unedited version was picked up broadcast over the ESUS Battlenet. The codes verified the source so it was without a doubt from Siesatia.

Within an hour, a lone ship was dispatched. It was only a single ship because it was thought no other ship in the known universe would be able to stand against it. It was sent because it was the flagship of the Warlord himself.

Thirty minutes later:

A single ship faded into existence at the old border. The Ta’Nar had no idea if the borders have changed over the years so they used the old maps to determine their emergence from T-Space. The Serendipity floated there in space, it’s ten thousand meter length showing the importance of the occasion for it never went on a diplomatic mission alone.

A singular message was broadcast directly to where the capital would be and sent over the Battlenet simultaneously.

Greetings old friends.

I have heard your message and I wish to reform our old alliances. Both through the ESUS, and even older ones, as one of the Founder of the Triad Alliance.

Please give The Serendipity permission to enter your territory so we can meet once again.
14-05-2008, 04:02
The SSV Renown was one of the new generation of warships. it was undeniably Siesatian, the design and make of it was unmistakable, sleek, long, it pulsed faintly blue, the energy field didn't mask anything, it simply garbled sensor readings, it was a humorous note that during testing, the most advanced sensors of the time determined the hull composition to be made of string cheese, and the power to be perhaps, Coal driven windmills. The sensor disruption field was declared a resounding success. This battleship had been diverted from its patrol to investigate a message sent from an ship belonging to one of the oldest allies of the Unified Worlds...

Piercing blue light split space as the temporal drive moved the ship from its previous location, just outside the Terranova System, to the Red Sector the Balroggan vessel had stumbled into. They were getting dangerously close to one of the Chasms, a section of space so irradiated with temporal energy it would destroy any unshielded vessel.

Captain Witarkey was, of all things, human. He was one of two human officers in the entire Siesatian military, and a descendant of one of the Cherry Ridge Refugees who had fled that mass genocide nearly a thousand years ago. His family had stayed in the Union even as many other humans left for greener pastures, he was a proud member of a dying breed.

"Open a channel to the Balroggan Vessel." He said to the Communication officer, a young burmecian.

"Balroggan vessel, this is the SSV Renown... we received your message but had to dispatch our ship to steer you clear of the various anomalies in this area, you are dangerously close to the Red Zone, you have been clearance to enter our space, we ask you send a representative over to our vessel... Then we will proceed directly to Gaia."
The Fedral Union
14-05-2008, 05:05
“In coming communication… in coming communication….” Droned a female robotic like voice through a large holo monitor floating on the massive command center like bridge, commander James Richardson stood up from his floating leather like chair, his uniform sharp and well ironed, he responded with his voice reverberating yet dwarfed by the noises of various activities and consoles on the bridge.

“Put it thorough”… he trailed off as the screen shimmered from blackness to an older man’s face, it was admiral Alexi from the Warlock, he had aged a bit, but still looked similar to his old self , h placed his gloved hands on the desk in front of him and started to speak .

“James! Good to see you again, we have an important mission for you and the Justice… it’s a, contact mission with an old nation we haven’t seen for many years, and since your ship was in the area, why not send it ? We shall send you the coordinates via QETT now”

The screen cut off james fumed, he sat back on his chair and folded his hands over his lap mumbling gently as he swiveled around, he thought in his head, the Light of justice was a war ship a battle cruiser, not a diplomatic ship, it was fully armed with nearly 100 fighter craft and countless weapons, it was a massive brand new sentinel in the Federation fleet. But alas he had his orders; he stood up from his floating chair and said with a commanding loud voice over to the AI who had a Terran uploaded directly in to the tactical computer.

“Engage hyper warp to those coordinates..”
The AI responded “Affirmative commander prepare for jump”
The ship started reverberating with an energetic noise; it began to fade in to void space. Its massive 2 km body shimmering out in to non existence, the bubble of reinforced normal space collapsing in itself as the ship inside of it disappeared in to nothingness .

Several moments later It appeared in a silent ominous shimmer right next to the Balroggain ship, the bubble collapsing over the smaller ship, inside the bridge officers were nearly sprawled out on the floor, this was the first test of the hyper warp drive, and they were not used to the effects on their biodordic bodies, the ship had suffered a power drain and appeared several million Km premature of their target. The Ship’s was glimmering gently with light, its smooth futures prevalent as it floated in the void of space..

James finally had regained his composure , he started to speak through the general comns to both ships in the area and said, in a semi flustered voice at first then composed one in the middle of his sentence.
“This is the UTS Light of justice, we are here representing Terran Federation interests, we were sent here to make contact with you….”

Now it was time to wait, what would happen here no one knew…
14-05-2008, 08:19
“Sire, we have an incoming ship. It appears to be using a drive based on W-Space manipulation.”

Nhur-Galladu had come down to the Command Bridge. It was where Grand Admiral Rdz’Quix would usually pass on orders to the rest of the fleet. All the command ships possessed a version, it’s size depending upon the number of vessels under its command. This being the Ta’Nar flagship, the place was immense. Elsewhere was the regular bridge where the ship’s captain would issue the commands controlling the ship but those commands would come from this place. While most nations would not be able to properly use a system like this due to delay in orders, the Ta’Nar were able to employ it seeing as they transmitted theirs by thought.

“That sounds about right, Siesatia took the lead in Temporal research after Indra Prime disappeared some years ago. Jessica took it upon herself to fill in the gap Indra left when they went silent. She wanted her nation to take over where they had left off. They were almost apprentices of Indra in a way. Indra took them under their wing and taught them a lot about Temporal Tech. It would seem right Siesatia would inherit the mantle later on.”

“We are getting a message from the ship. Patching it through.”

"Balroggan vessel, this is the SSV Renown... we received your message but had to dispatch our ship to steer you clear of the various anomalies in this area, you are dangerously close to the Red Zone, you have been clearance to enter our space, we ask you send a representative over to our vessel... Then we will proceed directly to Gaia."

“I will head over. You follow The Renown. I will meet up with The Serendipity at Gaia.”

Nhur-Galladu concentrated and willed himself over to the bridge of The Renown. Moments later he vanished from the Command Bridge of The Serendipity and reappeared near Captain Witarkey.

“I am here as you requested. My ship will follow.”
16-05-2008, 04:18
Nhur-Galladu appeared on the bridge as expected, what wasn't expected was the near simultanious arrival of a massive Trade Fedral Union vessel, unannounced, and dangerously close to the two vessels. The captain was quick to respond, placing his hand on the pedestal by his chair, the automated systems brought the ship to full combat readiness.

"Activate shields and charge weapons, bring the main drive online..." he barked out as the crew went to work, academy greenhorns they might have been, but Siesatian Naval Training had prepared them for this.

"Shields are up and the main cannons are online..." The tactical officer announced,

"Crystalize the Hull armor, and put us in between the Fedral Union vessel, and the Balroggan vessel..." He stated.

Outside the ship, the blue-white energy coalesed around the hull, growing brighter and brighter, crystaline structures formed on the hull, growing thicker and thicker, it shown brilliantly... The pinacle of armor technology in the Union... Energy weapons would be deflected, or channeled into the shield generator.

"We're at full combat readiness Captain... They've sent a message, they wish to make contact..."

"Alright..." He turned to the Balroggan, "I appologize, this was not a planned part of the Schedule... Open a hailing frequency on whatever archaeic channels they use..." Moments later, the channel opened.

"Federation vessel, you have tresspassed into UWS Space, you will surrendur your sensor logs, and leave our space or be impounded..."
The Fedral Union
16-05-2008, 04:37
James sighed he said with a stern diplomatic voice through the comns and then looked at his AI that was appearing as a holographic emulation of what the uploaded officer looked like.

“We apoglize for appearing unannounced and so close to your ships, we had a malfunction
testing out our new drive system, we were supposed to appear quite a bit away from you, rest assured, we will now back off and let you have breathing room, we only wish diplomatic talks with your people”

He nodded gently to the AI who made the ship move back, the gravimetric engines letting the ship move backwards , to a set distance of at least half an AU. The weapons and shields of the ship were disarmed, James didn’t want a fight, and he also didn’t want an incident, so he would take every precaution to prevent them.

While the ship was on a peaceful mission, it did have sufficient armament and shielding to stand and fight if need be, however that was an unlikely event…
17-05-2008, 09:21
Nhur-Galladu simply stepped back and allow the Captain to do whatever he had to. While he could have easily destroyed the interloper it was not his place to do so. The Host saw to the safety of their Guests at all times.

Besides, only a fool would put a new drive in a ship without testing it out on something expendable. And then afterwards taking it to a diplomatic function is equally foolish. If it fails to work properly you have just embarassed yourself in front of those you wish to open relations with. Not the smartest thing to do.

Nhur-Galladu smiled to himself as he watched the Siesatian ship jump to action and the intruder back down, almost like a scolded curr.
21-05-2008, 15:06
“Your “accident” has landed your vessel between two advanced, classified, military warships belonging to nations who have never been even on friendly terms with your nation. How are we to know you weren’t attempting espionage, or trickery? Your nation’s track record does not work in your favor… Please surrender your sensor logs, or we will be forced to appropriate them, we will not be held responsibly for any damage done to your computer networks as a result.” The message went across plain and clear…

There were only two-hundred and twenty listed crew and officers onboard the ship, including two exceptionally powerful Sentient Intelligence units who had gotten a fair amount of notoriety in the ‘SIE-bersphere’, the nickname for the Siesatian Information Exchange, the Commercial and Civilian network, as some of the best Security Experts in the nation. They were in the employ of the government now, but in the past, they had been Blackhats, maliciously moving about the SIE, stealing sensitive information and uncovering government projects, they were considered the founders of the Siesatian Free Information Movement, it had been all to common for previously classified government projects to end up on the various hacker community servers, that is, before they got hired by Naval Intelligence…

‘Getting warmer, we’ve got a few avenues, nothing that presents too much of a challenge… find anything?” Sarq said,

‘I have a few open communication protocols they use, a few personal computers, and an onboard network I’m decoding, the moment the captain gives us the command, we can start the process…”

SSV Renown bridge:

”I apologize for the delay…” Witarkey said to the Balroggan representative, “I’ve got some of the best people working on a solution, we were originally out here working on a new military network in conjunction with the new mining colony that was put out here… Shouldn’t be too much longer.”

OOC: Sorry for the delay, work and summer classes…
21-05-2008, 22:28
“Don’t worry about any delays, I am here for you, not myself.”

Nhur-Galladu gestured toward the view screen at the alien vessel.

“It is nice of you to arrange a little entertainment for me.”

After a moment both began to chuckle. It was not really about the lame joke the Ta’Nar leader made but about the situation the enemy vessel was in.

“Well, you could always drag it through that Red Zone you spoke about a few moments ago. That would also be entertaining. You are the Host and I will follow your lead in this.”
The Fedral Union
24-05-2008, 00:38
James rolled his eyes he motioned the holographic AI to engage shields, but he made a note as he stood their looking out of the large holographic viewport in to the dead of space towards the two ships several AU away.
“Leave weapons offline, but engage shields, I’m not giving them classified information..”

The holographic AI said with a soft female robotic voice as she engaged the ships shields.

“Yes commander”

Several glowing fields emanated and formed an invisible shell around the large ship. It was now like a turtle powerful fields of energy protecting its heavily armored hull, if there was one thing about Federal ships, is that they had a track record for being hardy.

James spoke resting his hands over his uniformed and well pressed lap as he peered up to the ships with a stern look over his face. The Xo looked back at him and said

“sir.. we could appease them by sending them non classified logs modifying federation installations systems.. ect out of them.. it would take moments but it would be possible”

James responded “do it and ill send a message over..”

The xo nodded moving his smooth hand over the shimmering floating holographic panel pressing on a button in the center of it, right above his face, the frequency was now open. And it was obvious they could hear almost everything on the ship. James placed a hand over his chin starting to rub it a bit as he paced, thinking up a response, with a look over to his XO, who was standing over the holographic tactical map triangulating positions, he spoke to him his voice reverberating out in a commanding manner.

“We will not surrender anything of sensitive information to you, we have backed off and attempted to explain it was an accident, we are here to make peaceful contact, we are well enough away from your ships space… you should also note neither our weapons nor our sensors are actively online. As such you have no reason to board our ship. Notify us what kind of logs you require, we can prepare general logs… for you” he hoped this would appease the situation… only time will tell.

His voice rang out through the comns, he leaned back upon the floating chair resting his hands on the armrests, he looked up to the utilitarian yet smoothly plated roof of the bridge, and he knew he shouldn’t underestimate these seemingly paranoid ships, as a precaution all of this was being streamed via Cyprian battle net and Federation QEG… to databanks for evidence in case something did go wrong. And it was obvious these nations were older, James knew he could use their arrogance to his advantage the Justice class was meant to take on even the most advanced ships they had encountered. It was heavily armed, heavily shielded, and also its crew veterans from many wars and battles across the galaxy.

But thankfully he hopped he wouldn’t let it get to a shooting match, he assumed they were all reasonably diplomatic nations , but he would not let one foreign solider have access to any federation equipment, nor set foot on his ship unless it was for diplomatic reasons.
29-05-2008, 21:04
As the Union and the Siesatians bickered over who crashed into whom, a Coredian outpost managed to pick up the message from the Siesatians. The message was looked over, encrypted, dispatched to the Diplomatic Corps, and then a young Padawan was sent to give it to the Council, who met to discuss these new events.

"Siesatia? Wasn't that a nation we had some contact with, but was lost ages ago?" I asked the rest of the Council.

'Yes. We don't know much about this nation, only that it is a member of the ESUS. Or perhaps was. Our few sources within the ESUS indicated that even they did not know what became of the nation." Master Elendil replied. "But it appears to have returned, with a strong political statement, it seems."

"I see. You know, if I recall my father's records right, we never did establish formal contact with Siesatia." I mused. "Just a few contacts and traders here and there. I wonder if it would be prudent to grant them an audience and do what my father never managed to do."

"Perhaps. But they seem a bit more belligerent than what our records indicated. We should be cautious." Sarinon rumbled.

"Nevertheless, the fruits we can reap from contact with them..." Tsunade mentioned. "It is a risk we'll have to take."

"Then it is settled? We'll send a diplomatic mission to establish contact and prepare the standard treaties?" Master Elendil asked his colleagues. We nodded in agreement. "Very well. Let it be so."


Two hours later, a Republic-class Diplomatic Cruiser was dispatched, carrying Jedi Master Satoshi Kamiya and his apprentice Katie Derson, Jounin Shinobi Kurenai and the dragon Haylee (she's bored) as the diplomatic team. As the Cruiser entered hyperspace, a hypercomm message was sent to the Siesatians.

"Greetings, President Sille of Siesatia. We are the Imperial Republic of Coredia and we have received your inauguration speech. Congratulations! Our records indicated that we have had a short legacy of informal contact with each other, although you may not know at this time. Would you be interested in establishing formal diplomatic contact with us? One of our Diplomatic Cruisers has been dispatched to meet with you if you agree to receive us. Either way, may the Force be with you."

Message signed by:

Emperor Daniel Alexander Masaki
Hokage Tsunade of Konoha
King Sarinon of Issus
Jedi Master Armas Elendil, Head of the Diplomatic Corps
03-06-2008, 03:54
OOC: I've had an family crisis that has made my life even more difficult, I should have a post up in 48 hours. Apologies to all involved.
05-06-2008, 14:07
OOC: I go and promise a 48 hour response, and then I get hit by a massive fucking thunderstorm and lose power... Just my luck. Anywho...

The message from Coredia went through the standard channels, various intelligence units flagged it, unflagged it, argued over semantics of various phrases, until finally, after a lengthy four nanoseconds, it was forwarded to the desk of President Sille herself...

Emperor Daniel Alexander Masaki,

I have chosen to write you back personally, I would welcome an envoy from your nation, your representatives have been granted diplomatic access, a space has been reserved for your vessel on the Ticonderoga, it is a military dockyard affording the best security and luxury for your ship and crew, if you would prefer another location, I am sure accommodations can be made. I look forward to meeting with your representatives personally.

President Jezra Sille of the Unified Worlds of Siesatia

[Red Zone 112-B, Siesatian Outlands, Diplomatic Convoy]

The SSV Legacy dropped out of the rift, coming up to the two other ships... It had orders to relieve the Renown, and allow her to continue on her mission while the issues with the Federal Union were hammered out. The Assault Cruiser was small when put next to the Renown, but it was just as new, and in a way, even more deadly...

"Captain, we're getting that weird radiation again, the Impellers are causing the crystalline armor to pulse again, its giving off massive energy readings... Currently there's no danger to the ship or crew..." The Science officer said,

"Keep me informed... Alright, the Legacy can take care of the situation here, I know the captain personally, she'll deal with this... prepare to-"

The comm. board lit up, receiving a transmission from an unknown source several light-years away...

"Sir, we're receiving a general distress signal... Definitely one of ours sir... There are some files embedded in the signal..." The Comm. Officer said, "Looks to be personal logs..."

"We have to respond, send message to Fleet HQ... I hope your eminence won't mind yet another distraction... I'm sure its nothing, but we have to respond until a replacement can be sent." He said to the Nhur. "We would welcome the Serendipity's assistance if you are willing to give it..."

"Sir, I'm working on those logs, they originated from the SSV Relentless, a Heavy Assault Carrier we had on a deep space mission... Why it was out here isn't available to my clearance level..."

"Keep working on it, lock in a course and activate the Drive engines..."
05-06-2008, 19:27
The Republic-class Diplomatic Cruiser soon exited hyperspace near the known rendzevous point. Master Jedi Satoshi Kamiya then opened channels to anyone in the area.

"Hello, this is Master Jedi Satoshi Kamiya of the Coredian Diplomatic Corps. Is anyone out here?"
05-06-2008, 21:21
Nhur-Galladu smiled at his Host.

"We would certainly assist you in any way. Give me the coordinants for The Serendipity to meet you and she will be there. IF you permit it, I will remain here with you. My crew can function nicely without my presence, besides it will give me a chance to observe how nicely your own crew aorks together."


Just include my ship somehow meeting yours when you go FTL. It will use it's own drives to get there.
Indra Prime
05-06-2008, 23:10
Just as the Renown and the Serendipity were about to depart for the source of the mysterious transmission, every sensor with .5AU picked up a signal, that reportedly, hadnt been heard or seen for hundreds of years. Seemingly coming from the location that the Federation flagship withdrew to, on closer inspection revealed that it was in-fact three distinct sources appearing within a few meters of the Federation vessel's outer hull, undoubtedly setting off every alarm on board. As quickly as the sensor aberration appeared, all traces vanished, leaving the startled Federation vessel and the three new arrivals that seemed as alien as the Federation ship was small in comparison. The mysterious newcomers immediately bathed the dwarfed Federation ship in sensor energy of such amounts that almost approached lethal radation levels, even with the Federation's most advanced shielding. After collecting and analyzing the data, which took a mere two hundred and fifty femtoseconds, the Federation vessel was classified as a non-threat/amusement and attention was diverted to the larger, more powerful vessels half a system away. Without even appearing to move, the three impossibly graceful newcomers glided around the miniscule Federation ship towards the Renown and her entourage. Each of the vessels had a distictly organic appearance, even despite being made of metallic alloys. Their hulls blended into curves and seamlessly transitioned from one sector to another leaving a very sleek, very evolved, aquatic appearance.

The local star's light shimmered off the vessels' anthracite colored hulls like liquid fire splashing against a polished marble surface as the vessels banked gracefully into a position several million km off the bow of the Renown. With the two smaller cruisers in a loose escort formation for the larger vessel, there was obviously no reason for concern, especially with the vessels present in system, save the Federation vessel, whose people had never been looked upon kindly by the newcomers. A short greeting was sent to the Balroggan Serendipity as pretty much a perfunctory nod to an acquaintance. Out of everyone present in system, only the Balroggans through the Serendipity knew what race the newcomers were, as the vessels that arrived were unlike anything in any vessel's database. Even with no weapons signatures detected, the only thing that could be detected was a suite of powerful sensor sweeps progressing as they ships finally maneuvered into position. A full transmission was sent to the Renown but was copied by the Balroggans and the Coredians. What was said, was the last thing anyone expected.

"Attention Siesatian vessel. This is General Tirara Vinan, commander of the Indran vessel Recedentia Astrum. We are searching for Indran property that is paramount to Indran Security. We detected a signature similar to our property in this system and have come to investigate. We request a dialoge be opened to further facilitate our search so we can be on our way."

A slight pause could be heard over the transmission for what, was unknown. The answer, however, was soon in coming.

"My ship has just informed me that a distress call from a Siesatian vessel has been detected several light-years away. Do you require assistance?"
10-06-2008, 05:05
“Indrans… Where the hell did they come from…” The captain said… “Open a channel…”

”Indran commander… We don’t have any Indran property, none that I know of that is, onboard this vessel… As for the Distress signal, we’re not sure… One of our Battlecarriers has sent it out, its not responding to our attempts at communication. You are welcome to assist if you desire. SSV Renown, out.” He finished, closing the channel.

“Sir… The Crystalline armor is harmonizing again, energy from the Indran vessels is reacting with our own energy within the crystals. There’s a hybrid pattern emerging…” The science officer said, “Its an incredibly powerful signal strength, I’m continually analyzing it…”

“Keep an eye on it… We need to respond to the distress signal, any luck with the logs?”

”Yes sir, I’ve decoded the first entry, I’m prepared to play it for us and our allies…”

“Go ahead…”

The transmission went across to the ships in the local area…

[Crackle, a hoarse voice begins to speak.] I hear them; they smash and bang along the corridors. Visceral screams echo down the passages as they find another one of us… I can feel them; I can feel their icy tendrils leeching into my brain, trying to find me. I resist them, but if I fall asleep they will discover my hiding spot in the arms locker. There are too many to count, too many to fight. I can only sit here and wait, and hope they don’t find me. [Crackle, Static] I have a plan, hopefully one of us managed to get a distress signal out, but chances are we didn’t… I’m working on a transmitter… [Static, then it Fades out]

“This is the Renown… We are moving quickly to the site of the distress signal… I don’t know who attacked our ship, but they have initiated an attack on our vessel, we ask for your assistance as Extra Solar Union of Systems Member States… We are initiating our drive engines now…”

The SSV Renown entered the system where the distress signal originated from, instantly coming across the ship…

The hull was pockmarked and several ragged holes were obvious on the outside, the edges were scorched, the debris field around the ship was thick, and there was a large number of corpses detected by the sensors… A very large number… The Engines were active and it was moving in a straight line out of the system…

“The Relentless, like we thought… What could have done this to her…” The Captain said… “Launch our fighter compliment, and move us towards the ship… We need to begin retrieval, and send in teams of-“

”Sir, we’re detecting lifeforms in the ship, I can’t get good readings, but they’re not Siesatian… or anything I’ve ever seen before…” The Science officer said. “Sir, we’ve also got another part of the logs ready, just clearing it up now…”

“Good, tactical, get a strike team ready, any DK:SOB we have onboard, and a compliment of Orbs… I want the ship under control within the hour.”

[Gaia – Siesatian Homeworld, Siesatian Space]

The SSV Triumph was a Diplomatic Luxury Carrier, it was eight-hundred meters long, sleek and smooth with the lines of the classic Siesatian vessel. It was fast, very fast… It had set quite a few records for her weight class.

The captain was a warm female Burmecian named Syalla Tynn, she was an ex-fighter pilot, one of the rare few whose body rejected the military interface, she was relocated to Command Academy… The Daughter of a Hotel owner and a Restaurant Manager, she knew how to treat guests and dignitaries, and was quickly given the lucrative, non-combat position. She was tall, thin, and very attractive by Burmecian standards, with long pitch black hair and dark green eyes, she had been the lead female actress in a Holodrama a few years ago and had a small cult following for her part as Selyra Windglave in the epic "Mysts of Time", one of the few Siesatian films to succeed on the Intergalactic level... She was in negotiations to play the Burmecian on the new season of "The Brave Sir Robin".

”They are within range m’am.” The communication’s officer said

"Open the channel..."

"Republic Vessel, this is Captain Tynn of the Triumph, we've been ordered out here to pick up the assigned diplomats, a spot for your vessel is prepared on the station... We can take them to the meeting immediately..."
10-06-2008, 15:58
"Republic Vessel, this is Captain Tynn of the Triumph, we've been ordered out here to pick up the assigned diplomats, a spot for your vessel is prepared on the station... We can take them to the meeting immediately..."
"Very good. Let us dock, then." The captain of the diplomatic cruiser replied.
11-06-2008, 00:54
“Damn Sir, whatever hit them, there was not even enough time to shut down the engines. She is still trying to get away at sub-light speeds leaving a trail of corpses and debris. Something hit them hard and fast.”

“Tactical, I want full scans of everything. Make sure there are no ships hiding nearby and try to find an engine trail or something to show where the attackers went. I want to know what happened.”

“Sir, we could do a Remote Viewing.”

“Good idea, send out an observation drone and put it about ten minutes before the attack and watch the whole thing using the light reflected from the ships. We will at least get a visual. If that is not far enough keep stepping further away at ten light-minute intervals.”

“Yes Sir, deploying drone now.”


you can post the results of this
Indra Prime
14-06-2008, 21:17
Despite all the debris from the drifting vessel, the fabric of space/time in the area around the derelict Siesatian vessel was calm and peaceful. As if a giant drain appeared beneath space itself, a very small area started to bend inward upon itself and began to grow rapidly. Within thousandths of a second, it appeared as if a singularity was just getting ready to form within a few hundred thousand kilometers from the Siesatian Renown and Relentless and the Serendipity, which had just jumped into the system. With a flurry of activity, space itself snapped depositing the three Indran vessels in a bath of nth dimensional light. As soon as they arrived, the rupture sealed itself and space/time returned itself back to its pristine condition as it was before.

Like a trio of predators stalking prey, the two smaller vessels arced away from their lead vessel and took up defensive positions around the three flagship vessels which had arrived to assist the Relentless. The Recendia Astrum began easing forward majestically as she approached the wreck of the Relentless. As she approached the position of the other two flagships, her deflectors scattered the bits of debris and bodies like an Icebreaker vessel from Ancient Earth travelling through the Arctic. As the debris impacted her shields, the AI scanned and catalogued the debris, in order to assist the Siesatians in trying to identify the cause of such a horrendous accident. Whenever Cyndi, the Recendia Astrum's AI, detected the frozen remains of one of the Relentless' crew, she transported the body onto one of her vast hangar decks that had been designated as Rescue Retrieval locations for the Siesatian operation. From the number of bodies recovered, and the amount of debris detected, this had been a massacre. As a result, she sent out signals to her sister ships on patrol to increase their alert status and activate all defensive systems.

Immediately, the Talon and the Charybdis followed the commands. The pristine, beautifully organic hulls began to shimmer until, within the blink of an eye, snapped to a void black. This color camoflauge made it virtually impossible to see the two prowling warships, with the only sign of their presence being the occasional star winking out and then returning. These two vessels, both prototypes of the new Indran Fleet, were the first and last lines of defense for the flagship vessels operating in the recovery area. Despite the lack of numbers, they were more than suited for such a task. Each vessel, including the Recendia Astrum, had been designed to replace at least one complete battlegroup each. If any vessel or spaceborn entity decided to attack this rescue mission, they would be in for one hell of a fight.
27-07-2008, 18:19
"Any results from the sensors yet? It seems like it is taking a long time to get the results."
28-07-2008, 03:58
The message from the Siesatians was both shocking and a pleasant surprise. The Federation, only having recently come into its own in the Extra-Solar Union of Systems, had been struggling to find contacts within the alliance. It was not as if they did not have them already; god knows they scrambled around setting up trade lines and whatnot. But they wanted something more personal, more....trusting. And here came the perfect opportunity for the Federation to open up negotiations for such an occasion. The President of the Telrosian Federation, Arthur Kerrington, walked to the comm center in the Administration Building on Telros V. The building had been named a palace, but it was rejected since it could give presidents ideas of dictatorships and they wanted that out of the way. As low that risk was, there was no taking chances.

He walked into the center and keyed a terminal with his password. Full access blared on his screen and then it asked for coordinates. He entered them and sat down. It worked for a bit as it tried to find a signal and it found it. It beeped and waited for him to send a message. Calming himself, he entered the holodrive and watched as his image appeared on it. The record light came on and he began to speak.

"Greetings to the Unified Worlds of Siesatia. I am President Arthur Kerrington, elected leader of the Federation of Telros. I have received your message of coming back into the light and starting again, with a strong foot and no paying people off. I applaud that move, no nation should be beholden to any in such a way. Now, I am calling as since I know little of your nation, or your current situation aside from the message, I wanted to know how it would best be to contact you and come to your space to open relations. I thought it would be best to ask.

Well, I will be waiting for your reply. Oh, also, if you need any help with anything, we are willing to do what we can.

Kerrington out."

He stopped it and downloaded it, watching as the computer accepted it. Then it appeared and asked if he wanted to send. He clicked the icon and it began to send. Now all he could do was wait. His nanonics registered a datavise coming in; he closed his eyes and activated it.

"Mr. President, this is Commander Charleston. Your requested escort group has been readied in orbit and your personal flagship, the Eternal Hope, is ready."

He smiled. All was now in place, all he needed was confirmation from the Siesatians. He datavised back.

"Thank you, Commander. I will notify you when the proper response arrives." Standing up, he walked back out, humming to himself, as he headed for a cafe. He needed some time to kill, so he could wait. That and he had the system set up that a response would be sent to his nanonics.