NationStates Jolt Archive

5 Years of NationStates

The Macabees
13-05-2008, 22:01
[Note: Hey, everyone else has one. >_> ]

13 May, 2008

Greetings International Incidents,

In less than one month, on 12th June, I will have completed five years of role-playing on NationStates. Throughout those twelve years I have met more people worth tallying on this game, and with most of them I have had quite the pleasant experience. I have seen it all and done it all, including good role-plays,^1 bad role-plays, the world at war series, the NSDraftroom (, and much more. In my five years I have gone from writing with little imagination^2 to being a fairly good role-player, and from being a backwater nation to what I consider myself a fairly well-known player. Unfortunately, I did miss out on a lot of things, including the Amerigo-Slave War^3 and other role-plays which were completed before my time. Then again, I was fortunate enough to join when players such as Tahar Joblis,^4 Agnosticium,^5 and others were willing to role-play with newer nations such as myself. In fact, my desire to write long, detailed posts probably was borne from experiences in role-playing with Agnosticium during the 'world war series'. For example, World War XI is probably my 'turning point' in posting quality.

Since then, I have focused more on International Incidents and have had pleasant experiences with a number of role-players. Between 2005 and present I have formed a comfortable role-playing circle with other great writers such as: Stevid, Independent Hitmen, Athiesism,^6 Safehaven2,^7, Damirez, Space Union, Hailandkill, Mekugi and others which I have forgotten temporarily, and will be ashamed of when they speak up. Fortunately, this circle is still growing and may soon incorporate 'new' role-players, such as Vetaka, Yanitaria and Moorington.^8 I have had great experiences with players which may not consider themselves part of this 'circle' and may not want to be part of it, including: Automagfreek,^9 Questers/Hogsweat, Doomingsland, et cetera. All of these players, as indicated, have played their part in making my experience on NationStates so enjoyable. Because of them, I don't consider my five years on these forums as a 'waste of time' - and, for other reasons, as well, which are far more academic.

NationStates, in my humble opinion, has because the best game on the internet due to its versatility, making it enjoyable despite its age. It has outlived other games^10 and has kept its popularity, despite some fowl ups and its age, and will probably continue to do so until it ends its existance. I, personally, plan to remain in the community for quite some time. Regardless, on NationStates I have been able to write, debate, 'design weapons', discuss history and military strategy and draw. It's one of the few games that allows you to do one thing when you get bored of the other and still remain relevant to the game. On that note, it's one of the few games that you can't get bored of. As suggested by my timespan here, I have been playing NationStates through my last two years of high school [16 & 17 years of age], my first (hopefully) two years of university [18 & 19], my year of doing absolutely nothing [20] and will hopefully be around for my near future [perhaps the Spanish Army]. I haven't and have yet to be bored of NationStates and I think many players can share a common experience with me, in this respect. I have aluded to this above - NationStates has been an indisputable aid to my writing ability and my ability to think creatively, apart from Wikipedia.^11

Admittedly, 'older nations' - such as myself - are counterproductive when it comes to guiding 'newer nations' to role-playing well. This comes as a product of elitism, the lack of patience and the lack of care. In my opinion, this is a fault and it must be corrected. It must be noted that there are several role-players which are not like this, including Stevid, who do much to make this forum a much better place. Over the past months I have been attempting to guide myself to helping new players how to write better by actively role-playing with them, and the Fedala Accord was largely created with this in mind. Hopefully, over the next years I will accomplish this with much more success and perhaps persuade fellow colleagues to choose a similar path of thought. I hope to this through both International Incidents and the NSDraftroom, despite the latter's overbearing image as the nexus of elitism on NationStates - a reputation I had no interests in establishing, when I 'founded' the Draftroom.^12 Regardless, I think that the Draftroom has also done quite a bit in helping new members learn and expand creativity. Despite having an overbearing obsession with 'realism' (it is a design critique forum) it also suggests to new players to put more detail in their work. In the end, the effort one might learn to put in their write-ups is translated over to their role-plays; I can speak from personal experience.

These forums influence on my writing has allowed me to achieve partial success as a writer elsewhere, including a number of Draftroom Informatives (, AllEmpires ( and even ARMOR Magazine. Hopefully, continuing writing on here and elsewhere I will be able to publish more in professional magazines on my one true love - history and military technology (specifically, tanks). But, despite my authorship elsewhere, NationStates remains the one true place I really enjoy writing in and I will never stop unless these forums cease to exist, no matter what level of 'success' I can reach in the future. I hope that this is a sense which many other people agree with me on, and hold true for themselves, as well.

In short, I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful experiences and time they have allowed me to have on these forums and in this game. I give my respect to those who have influenced me beyond recognition,

- Jon Catalán, the man behind 'The Macabees'

1. For example, A Passion Play (
2. My original role-plays were huge directives, based on Hitler's directives during the Second World War; see: World War IX, Archives.
3. The Amerigo Slave War was perhaps one of the few large-scale role-plays which was actually completed, other than A Passion Play and others I might not know about.
4. Still present as the moderator 'TJHairball'.
5. Unfortunately, a deceased nation at this point.
6. Deceased.
7. Same situation as above.
8. Despite my categorization of these players as 'new', they have actually been role-playing for quite some time. In fact, I have had prior experience with Moorington in 'A Modern World'.
9. What happened to that role-play we were supposed to have? :confused:
10. Games like Starcraft excluded. :D
11. I no longer write for Wikipedia for a number of reasons, including the fact that the majority of my source material remains in the United States while I live in Madrid, and that I do no like my work edited. Notable articles that I have 'written', or at least contributed the majority of to, include: [url](featured), [url=]Panzer I ( (good article), Ch'onma-ho ( (did you know?) & electrothermal-chemical technology ( (did you know?). I may, at a future date, make an entry for the Verdeja light tank and the Leopard 2E when I have the time and patience, and work until they reach featured status.
12. The original Draftroom was founded by Sarzonia, and so credit for the idea must go to him, and only him.
The Gupta Dynasty
13-05-2008, 22:14
Bah, there you go again, making one when I told you not to, and then going ahead and ignoring me in your post. I'm going to sulk.

(Just kidding, of course. It's been a pleasure to RP with you and it will continue to be such. Been to good to be around you, man. You're a nice guy, which is something I can't say about that many people, to be honest.

Plus, you're one of the few people I rate as a better RP'er than me.)

[How's that for brutally honest praise, eh Mac'?]
Imperial isa
13-05-2008, 22:44
Ch'onma-ho (did you know?)
no i did not
14-05-2008, 08:02
Five years, it won't be long till my anniversary comes along. How do we do it? Congrats though Mac, these forums would be a very different place if you weren't here. Your ideas for role-plays continue to amaze some of us and your willingness to see all of them through to the end is a quality that is somewhat rare on the forums these days.

Thanks for the mention above and i'm very happy to have been a major influence on your time here and hope that I will continue to be one for the time i'm still on NationStates.
The Macabees
14-05-2008, 16:44
no i did not

It wasn't a question. Did you know ( are new additions to Wikipedia, that are put on the main page.
14-05-2008, 17:15
Happy 5th Anniversary or Birthday...what do you call it?

You remember me? About yay high, hair, eyes, moustache?
14-05-2008, 22:59
Congrats Mac, good to see another old timer sticking around.
Imperial isa
14-05-2008, 23:01
It wasn't a question. Did you know ( are new additions to Wikipedia, that are put on the main page.

an i was saying i did not know that tank
14-05-2008, 23:04

congrats Mac
Crimean Republic
14-05-2008, 23:23
Well, congrats on being on here for such a long period.

Would you like to help a new guy wet his feet a little bit, perhaps in some sort of character RP?
The Macabees
14-05-2008, 23:56
Would you like to help a new guy wet his feet a little bit, perhaps in some sort of character RP?

Of course!
15-05-2008, 00:00
Congrats Macabees. Though I stopped RPing here a while back (went NS-inactive at the end of 2005, have just returned) I still remember your presence vividly on the forums, and it is to my regret that I don't believe we ever were part of the same RP - that said, you'd probably have outclassed me without breaking a sweat, and I did have something of a knack for avoiding the larger RPs.

Still, glad you're still around, and I hope you keep going for the foreseeable future. You have my word that, at least as far as I am concerned, you didn't prevent good RPing from newer nations, you simply gave those of us beneath you something to aspire to.

All the best for the future. In the small (and ever-diminishing) chance that I get back into RPing here, maybe I will one day yet meet you IC after all.
Crimean Republic
15-05-2008, 00:05
what is you AIM, because I would like to discuss ideas on the matter before I posted anything.

I have one idea that may be fun, but I just wanted to make sure that you were ok with it.
The Macabees
15-05-2008, 12:10
what is you AIM, because I would like to discuss ideas on the matter before I posted anything.

I actually don't use AIM, any longer. The only chat device I use now is Chatzilla, for IRC, and normally I'm on the #draftroom (which has really turned into the channel for International Incidents). If you're interested in getting that then if you use Firefox you can download Chatzilla, which IMO is one of the best clients, otherwise you can download mIRC for free. They later say you have to pay, but if you wait 30 seconds the client will allow you to log in for free anyways - ultimately, mIRC is free, as well, therefore. Once you have it downloaded you just put in the following commands:

/join #draftroom

You'll learn more complex commands as you go (unless you already know them, and I'm just wasting my time).

If you're not interested in IRC, then just TG me then.
The Macabees
15-05-2008, 12:12

It's great to hear from someone who's known to have interacted with the now-long-gone 'old timers' including Nanakaland and Amerigo. I believe Largent is still around, which is always good. There's not many of the pre-June 2003 role-players left (Automagfreek, aside), and it's a shame. Thank you for your kind words, and if you're ever interested in a role-play just telegram me.
15-05-2008, 13:15
My only experience with you has been a bad one, and I'm truly sorry for that :(
15-05-2008, 16:16
As long as it's IC hate, there's no reason why you can't be best of friends.

I want to apologise to Mac at this point - mainly because my posts have an undying, undefeatable ability to kill threads. Instantly.
Well, Congrats anyway, again.

You're a big name, I really hope to RP with you sometime.
15-05-2008, 22:12

It's great to hear from someone who's known to have interacted with the now-long-gone 'old timers' including Nanakaland and Amerigo. I believe Largent is still around, which is always good. There's not many of the pre-June 2003 role-players left (Automagfreek, aside), and it's a shame. Thank you for your kind words, and if you're ever interested in a role-play just telegram me.

Great to hear too that you remember me :) I know I knew a fair amount of people back in the day, but I always considered myself rather small fry, and not well-known. Shame that so many have gone, but I still see a number of the old names - yourself, Vizion, AMF, Layarteb, and I'm pretty sure saw Praetonia post a few days ago. All the more reason for us to stick around though, eh?

I'd love to do an RP, though I don't have any ideas as yet. I was always better at joining existing threads than starting my own, but I'd be up for just about anything if you have any ideas. Likewise, if you think of anything, do feel free to send me a TG if you want, I'd be honoured to join you.
Pan-Arab Barronia
15-05-2008, 22:19
Well, my roleplays usually end up fizzling out, and I've been away for a few months for personal reasons, but, at any rate, 5 years is a hell of an achievement in my books.

I do salute you, sir - congratulations!
15-05-2008, 22:23
I will have completed five years of role-playing on NationStates. Throughout those twelve years
