International Collage (OOC: International City nations only)
The Federation of Prycuse is proposing that an International College be built. There are already several small colleges in the city, but a massive centeral college would be so much better. In the collage all the cultures of the nations, the food, music, arts, and knowage could be brought together just as the city itself did. But a college would go so much farther.
The buildings, streets, parks, parking lots, and other stuff, would take up between 70-100 Acres in District 9. District 9 is claimed by Prycuse but if this proposal is successful, then the district will be changes to Public.
The downside is the cost. Prycuse will pay for a majority of it but others must help pay. The tax will be low but over a long period.
Carl Rightford
Governor of the International city.
OOC: Just to be clear, we're talking about a COLLEGE as in a place of higher-level learning not a COLLAGE as in a piece of art made up of lots of smaller bits put together, right?
OOC:oops!! Yes as in a place of higher education(I should have made it University not collage)
OOC: Well, you've obviously never been because it's spelled with an E as in College.
OOC:heh, i am a terrible speller. what should i do?
01-05-2008, 00:35
i think this is a great idea...a huge ass university with different cultures...sounds fine to me:D
OOC: Install a spellchecker (I seriously can't believe that PCs still don't have universal ones yet). Also, edit all your posts. To edit the titles, click "Go Advanced" in the edit pane thingy and then edit the title in the new screen. (I can spellcheck stuff and TG you the corrected version if you want too).
OOC: i have a spell checker, but you have to highlight the word and right click to get it to work,(not using Microsoft Word) and since collage is a word it wouldnt have cought it any ways.
OOC: Good point, you do make a lot of other spelling errors though. Also, what browser do you use? I'm pretty sure Firefox has a better spellchecker.
OOC:Fixed, Internet Explorer
OOC: Well there's yer problem. Get Firefox (I would suggest Safari for PC, but I don't think it's as good as the Mac version).
The Atreidond Islands
01-05-2008, 01:54
I support a University. Shouldn't it specialize in arts and culture since they will be unique to nations in the city?
It shouldn't just be a conservatory though. If people want art and culture, they can walk around the city.
01-05-2008, 02:20
The Layartebian Sector shall support this venture as well as provide up to 10% of the funding for it.
I support a University. Shouldn't it specialize in arts and culture since they will be unique to nations in the city?
Yes, but not really unique culture, but a unique mix of cultures
The Layartebian Sector shall support this venture as well as provide up to 10% of the funding for it.
Thank you for the support
01-05-2008, 05:02
Belkaros supports this idea and will cough up an additional 15% of the price as well as establishing a scholarship program to encourage enrolment.
01-05-2008, 16:33
The only thing i am concerned about is the fact that we already have colleges in the city. Not only will admission be lower in those colleges made by the countries, but it would be a waste of money. I think we should link all the campuses together Creating a Super University. Also each campus will have something different there. For example, The Atreidond Islands could have their campus focus on the arts and culture and Zinaire's campus could focus on technology. This plan would save money, lower the tax rate and encourage more people to travel to other districts. District 9 could still be used as a headquarters for all the branches of the International University.
Rep Katie Wrobel
Prycuse International City Representative
The United States of Hisperians
01-05-2008, 20:12
The Dominion delights in this idea and offers a further 10% funding. (I think that our economy and education budget should allow for this easily enough).
We would also like to suggest a strong languages department and a focus on life long learning to encourage all the intigration of imigrants.
The Dominion delights in this idea and offers a further 10% funding. (I think that our economy and education budget should allow for this easily enough).
We would also like to suggest a strong languages department and a focus on life long learning to encourage all the intigration of imigrants.
Thank you for the support. Plus most of your 10% will be sent to the language department.
The only thing i am concerned about is the fact that we already have colleges in the city. Not only will admission be lower in those colleges made by the countries, but it would be a waste of money. I think we should link all the campuses together Creating a Super University. Also each campus will have something different there. For example, The Atreidond Islands could have their campus focus on the arts and culture and Zinaire's campus could focus on technology. This plan would save money, lower the tax rate and encourage more people to travel to other districts. District 9 could still be used as a headquarters for all the branches of the International University.
Rep Katie Wrobel
Prycuse International City Representative
The United States of Hisperians
While i do see your point, hopefully if everything works out, then the college would not take away from others, but attract more from out of the city. Also the smaller colleges would specialize in more specific parts of culture, while the main college would present an entire mix of cultures and thus giving people a broader view of the world.
Belkaros supports this idea and will cough up an additional 15% of the price as well as establishing a scholarship program to encourage enrolment.
Thank you for the support.
Zinairian Foreign Authority: Department of Diplomacy
The Republic of Zinaire
14 National Plaza, Zinaire City
Zinaire would like to commit $10 billion USD and the help of one of our nation's most noted architects, Jean-George Thomas, to aid in the establishment of business, economics and technology programs as well as design and construction of the physical space.
Sir Jackson Miller
Chancellor of Diplomatic Affairs
02-05-2008, 01:00
The United States of Hisperians is also willing to give 10 Billion USD For building costs. We would also like to be recognized on the building design committee by Ralph Hughes. Also 20% of the Medical Department costs are being given.
Rep Katie Wrobel
Prycuse International City Representative
The United States of Hisperians
OOC: How much does it cost to build a university anyway? $20 billion seems like more than enough but I'm no expert. Also, will we have a chance to choose an official name?
Zinairian Foreign Authority: Department of Diplomacy
The Republic of Zinaire
14 National Plaza, Zinaire City
Zinaire would like to commit $10 billion USD and the help of one of our nation's most noted architects, Jean-George Thomas, to aid in the establishment of business, economics and technology programs as well as design and construction of the physical space.
Sir Jackson Miller
Chancellor of Diplomatic Affairs
Thank you; these programs have been much overlooked until now.
The United States of Hisperians is also willing to give 10 Billion USD For building costs. We would also like to be recognized on the building design committee by Ralph Hughes. Also 20% of the Medical Department costs are being given.
Rep Katie Wrobel
Prycuse International City Representative
The United States of Hisperians
Thank you very much for the support
To: All nations of the International City Project
I think the project has enough support to officially start building the College. Also the financial support have far exceeded the estimate. Thus the tax for this project is very low, almost unnoticeable. Thanks to every one for the support.
Carl Rightford
Governor of the International City
02-05-2008, 02:22
ooc: you could use scene casters and create a virtual university. It will take up to a whole weekend but it will look good.
OOC: I don't have one but if someone could that would be cool.
(I would do it but i'm not going to be around this weekend.)
OOC: I don't think being "good" with Facebook (I'm not really sure how one is good or bad at it) is a requirement. I would do it (or at least try) but it doesn't work for Macs.
02-05-2008, 03:04
The only thing i am concerned about is the fact that we already have colleges in the city. Not only will admission be lower in those colleges made by the countries, but it would be a waste of money. I think we should link all the campuses together Creating a Super University. Also each campus will have something different there. For example, The Atreidond Islands could have their campus focus on the arts and culture and Zinaire's campus could focus on technology. This plan would save money, lower the tax rate and encourage more people to travel to other districts. District 9 could still be used as a headquarters for all the branches of the International University.
Rep Katie Wrobel
Prycuse International City Representative
The United States of Hisperians
This is a great idea. This is how it should be done. The money that would be spent on building an entirley new campus can be spent on a bus system to link the campuses.
The Atreidond Islands
02-05-2008, 03:08
Prehaps monorail could link campuses?
Prehaps monorail could link campuses?
we can do that but the construction has already begun.
02-05-2008, 04:22
For bookkeeping purposes how much is our 10% contribution predicted to be?
10% is 2billion
Total Cost:20 Billion (roughly)
Karat supports the College fully and will support it by paying 30% of the construction while also providing crews to help with the construction. Karat will send some of its best and finist teachers once it is complete to teach in the great building of Education.
Geroge Neild:International City rep of the KDL
Kim Archford: KEL Headquarters director
The Kiravian sector will provide professors and Coscivian Language classes/books to the College, but we don't yet have much in the way of funds.
The Kiravian sector will provide professors and Coscivian Language classes/books to the College, but we don't yet have much in the way of funds.
Great; anything can help.
The Atreidond Islands
06-05-2008, 01:51
The Atreidondian Public Education Board (APEB) will send a group of 75 professors to teach the following courses:
-Aerodynamic Engineering
-Nuclear Engineering
-Atreidondian Culture
-Advanced Business
-Business Law
-Computer Science
They will be funded by the APEB. However, the APEB would like to know the condition of the dormitories on the campus to assist in its lodging decisions.
Great, thanks for the professors. that will help a LOT!
The dorms are luxurious but a little short in numbers. many can live in the many apartments in the districts surrounding it, with a huge discount for going to school.
The Atreidond Islands
06-05-2008, 02:22
The APEB will board its professers in the Atreiondian district, to save more dormatories for students.
Since these small districts don't have space for all the buildings needed for demands of different things, the Republic of Avalic supports this idea.
07-05-2008, 22:16
Layartebian professors will, naturally, live in the Layartebian Sector.
Construction is more than half way done!!!!
The Republic of Avalic will donate 5,000 books to the college's library. Most are about history, some poetry, and the last few about physics.
When will registration open? We oughta have a college thread, I think, for this.
By the way, I'll chip in 10 professors, 5 for computing and 5 for a medical school.
And some books (following Avalic's lead). Perhaps 5000 on medical stuff, engineering, and religious texts (Koran, Bible, Torah, etc.). Perhaps 3,000 would be the final number.
well it will be a while; its only 55% done. but I might do that when time comes.
Thank you; btw
The Republic of Avalic will also donate 300 laptops for personnel use and such, 150 desktop computers for a computer lab. The people in the government have also got some of their old well conditioned books totaling up to 500 books to go with the other donations. These books are cookbooks on traditional foreign recipes, a few books on several types of algebra, and the bulk of it an different types of governments. Since we haven't donated to the construction of this site we will send a team of 100 construction workers to help build the remaining parts of the college.
Overmill has announced that they wish to donate 1,000 laptop computers from their new product line– Overmill Lotus which is intended for power home and educational users. In some ways, the university is being used as a test ground for it and more will be available for discounted purchase if they get a positive response.
ZMW has also said that it will donate ten of it's Chariot Class SUVs to the campus police. (The Chariot is a high-performance SUV aimed towards law enforcement and general emergency services).
Finally, Zinaire will donate books on economics, technology, design, English and French.
The President himself would like to donate a few pieces of art. He is willing to donate five paintings (one about 250 years old, three about 50 years old, and the last one is a new painting that was painted a year ago), three ceramic pots (about 100 years old each), and he has a painter who will paint a picture of the finished college when it's finished, we are also trying to persuade the artist to teach art classes in the college.
08-05-2008, 23:53
We Shall Give 30 Professors. 10 Tech, 10 Science and 5 Language, and 5 Medical. 3 Music Directors, College philharmonic symphony director, Choir Director, Marching band director. Also We are willing to Donate 3 300 year old violins and 3 250 year old Violas made by Thomas Wilst, an Highly respected builder of instruments during the Pre-Hisperians era.
OOC: It seems like everyone is trying to top the other in donations. Ha.
The Atreidond Islands
09-05-2008, 00:28
OOC: I figured that out when Zinaire started getting all the contracts for defense of the power plant, etc. This is the only place left to try and top him. No offense Zinaire, or Prycuse, just something I noticed.
OOC: They're not contracts. No money is changing hands, I just volunteered to help. If more nations volunteered I'm sure they'd be accepted too.
We shall donate the services of 10 science/technology professors, 5 Coscivian Language & Literature professors, and 3 Kirology professors, as well as a Librarian.
We shall donate the services of 10 science/technology professors, 5 Coscivian Language & Literature professors, and 3 Kirology professors, as well as a Librarian.
OOC: Zinaire, it's another name for Chiromancy. Aka, palm reading.
09-05-2008, 00:53
Hisperians will ask for the permission to build a Multi Use Stadium on public grounds to be used by the college and during future international city events
I say we do a proposal on this. Reason to get better funding, so build a bigger stadium; Huge. what do you think?
I say we do a proposal on this. Reason to get better funding, so build a bigger stadium; Huge. what do you think?
Zinaire isn't big on sports, so don't expect our funding.
We have convinced the artist and 4 of his friends (each specializing on several types of arts) to help fill the art teaching positions. We also have 2 renown musicians (one specializing in woodwind and the other in brass) to help you start out your music programs. We will donate 30 flutes, 50 trumpets, 10 trombones, 40 clarinets, 5 baritones, 2 sets of drums(with cymbals), 20 violins, 5 cellos, 1 piano, and of course in case you want to combine 2 eras of music, we will provide 10 keyboards, 5 acoustic guitars, and 5 electric guitars. We will also donate any excess statues to the college as well but the amount will probably be around 2-5. Possibly we could give you one fountain and a garden to go with it but it may be a while till we find some people to maintain it. That and the government is considering whether they shall fund anymore projects currently.
OOC: Zinaire, it's another name for Chiromancy. Aka, palm reading.
Not quite. See below.
Egyptology : Ancient Egypt :: Kirology : Kiravia
Basically, it's an interdisciplinary field concerning the Empire as a civilisation.
09-05-2008, 01:04
I was Going to Give 9 Billion dollars to the Stadium This stadium could be used for The Prycuse International City Olympic Games which we are probably going to propose in the next day or so.
09-05-2008, 21:45
wow. should this college be made on a man made island because we certainly have enough money to make one.
09-05-2008, 22:21
The Empire is willing to put $90 billion to be put towards various facilities. We suggest a particle accelerator, nuclear fusion reactor testing facilities, a ground based radio telescope array, medical research centre, electronics research centre, the stadium or other sports facilities as well as a state of the art orbiting telescope to help make an outstanding centre of learning. We can send 400 professors in various fields from art to nuclear physics. The money should also be able to cover a bursury scheme to ensure all who want a place at the university and have the skills to get in our not held back by a lack of money. We suggest the construction of an artifical island to house part of the college as we feel that some of our suggestions will take up a lot of space, especially the particle accelerator and the telescope array and some of the funding we are providing should cover costs. We would also like to donate 15,000 books of Katislovin origin.
General Nevais
Minister for Education
Wow! thats a lot! thank you.
10-05-2008, 20:51
It looks like you could build a second Science and tech university of the coast. The fabulous minds and outlooks of 20 something nations comparing perspectives on research. I mean we all have our specialities right.
Thinking about it the average U.K university boasts over a million books for its library so we will donate a further 40,000 books specific to learning about the Dominion's history, Language, Culture, Society, Psychology, Architecture and Ecological conservation efforts. That should give you a first rate collection.
Zinaire will happily donate one book* on Zinairian history for every student.
* Not so much a book as a ten-page pamphlet which is mostly ads.
Zinaire will happily donate one book* on Zinairian history for every student.
* Not so much a book as a ten-page pamphlet which is mostly ads.
I guess that will hlep :confused: ......
11-05-2008, 00:06
i am willing to give 45,000 books to the university.:ooc also please put the stadium on the map as well if you want. we have enough money to make it and maintain it for a couple hundred years
11-05-2008, 00:07
i am willing to give 45,000 books to the university.:ooc also please put the stadium on the map as well if you want. we have enough money to make it and maintain it for a couple hundred years
I guess that will hlep :confused: ......
It was mostly a joke, but we're all for distributing advertisements to college kids.
It was mostly a joke, but we're all for distributing advertisements to college kids.
Of course.
We know that science supplies are being brought across the nations participating the project. Though you do seem to be lacking in botany. For normal botany we will give you about 10 seeds/nuts of each of the following plants/trees: the Coccoloba, Resurrection Fern (no maintenance needed until you want to use them), Strangler Fig, Epiphytic Orchid, the Venus Fly Trap, and Michelia Champaca.
Now we enter a more restricted types of plants were willing to donate, but we will only be giving 5 seeds. This is the list that will be used for hopefully only highly experienced students. Please do a background check on them. The plants: the black nightshade, the deadly nightshade, monkshood, moonseed, a plant only rarely found near Avalic's declining swamps. The plant is called iuguolo palus flora, it's nickname is the Murdering Eye due to the formation of the petals and how the pollen can cause rashes when in contact and can cause vomiting, diarrhea (vomiting usually does not occur with this symptom), fever, rare cases is slowing heart rate.
We know that science supplies are being brought across the nations participating the project. Though you do seem to be lacking in botany. For normal botany we will give you about 10 seeds/nuts of each of the following plants/trees: the Coccoloba, Resurrection Fern (no maintenance needed until you want to use them), Strangler Fig, Epiphytic Orchid, the Venus Fly Trap, and Michelia Champaca.
Now we enter a more restricted types of plants were willing to donate, but we will only be giving 5 seeds. This is the list that will be used for hopefully only highly experienced students. Please do a background check on them. The plants: the black nightshade, the deadly nightshade, monkshood, moonseed, a plant only rarely found near Avalic's declining swamps. The plant is called iuguolo palus flora, it's nickname is the Murdering Eye due to the formation of the petals and how the pollen can cause rashes when in contact and can cause vomiting, diarrhea (vomiting usually does not occur with this symptom), fever, rare cases is slowing heart rate.
Thank you; we will be sure that these do not get in the wrong hands.
Zinaire will happily donate one book* on Zinairian history for every student.
* Not so much a book as a ten-page pamphlet which is mostly ads.
OOC: For a second there I thought you were going to donate only 1 book and then I read the rest.
OOC: For a second there I thought you were going to donate only 1 book and then I read the rest.
I did the same thing
The Republic of Avalic is trumping Zinaire's offer by giving every student 2 books (or pamphlets), 1 consisting of several cars made by the Avalic Automobile Manufacturing Industry (bulletproof, luxury, speed, etc.) and the other consisting of several 4 to 5 star hotels in Avalic. We will also give a small bar of soap on a rope to every student (from the hotels so they'll get different ones from the sponsors, but they only get 1 soap on a rope so it's random which one they get).
12-05-2008, 20:33
You guys are missing a trick. When I started uni we got a free pad of paper which had adverts printed on the margins. Students actualy carry those around and look at them over the course of the pad's life. What self respecting student throws away a pad of paper when you never know when you might run out.
Also there was a personal term time organiser which had not only adverts but coupons! The adverts and coupons were relevant to students too, though I guess that car and hotel adverts do court them in the long term.
Another good plan for us might be to establish a study abroad program so that students at the INU can visit participating countries.
Another good plan for us might be to establish a study abroad program so that students at the INU can visit participating countries.
Now THAT'S a good idea.
15-05-2008, 01:54
Anyway it looks like we have 165% funding for the district 1 section of the university.
10% Layarteb
15% Belkaras
10% Sarrowquand
50% Zinaire/ 10billion
50% Hisperians/ 10billion (+10% medical department costs)
30% Karat
Which is great because it means that we can use 65% 13,000,000,000 for investment into the university's future management which should essentialy make it self funding.
And of course there is also the proposed artificial island science tech campus.
90billion Katislov
15-05-2008, 02:05
Another good plan for us might be to establish a study abroad program so that students at the INU can visit participating countries.
We could link up this international college with my international university (I gotta dig up the link - it hasn't been active in months). That way, students of mine can go to yours if they want and visa versa for a year or w/e.
We could do that, I guess. Have to see what everyone else says.
The College is Finished!
Any idea bout what to do next?
15-05-2008, 02:12
ViZion University (
There we go. I think I need to bump it. lol