Missile Deals
30-04-2008, 10:21
The Imperium of Hachihyaku wishes to improve there Missile programme, so we are going on the open market.
We are looking for Roughly eighty high power nuclear missiles. Preferably of more than fifty megatons per nuke, we have a large sum of capital but we would like to arrange a "deal" on mass buying Nuclear Missiles.
Also, We are looking for chemical and biological warheads.
We look forward to doing business.
Sulla Aemalia, Right Honourable Consul.
Greetings again from Ziolis,
Because of our compulsory military service we have a large stockpile of weapons. And we do have a rather unusual item in our stockpile, A Bio warhead with a special virus that renders everybody within 2 miles of the target to fall
into a coma. We could sell this weapon but first you will state your price to our liking.
30-04-2008, 14:49
To Ziolis,
RE: Bio Warhead.
We cannot agree to the pruchase of this mystery Bio Warhead without further details. We need the following information
-Contingency plan
-Nature of the Virus
-What the immediate and long term affects of the virus on the environment and victims.
To: Hachihyaku
From: Kingdom of Lynion, Sky Commander Jian
I have being ordered to sell off the last of our nuclear missile's. Even though the world doesn't know this, but we have 20 high powered nuclear warheads that won't be used.
The missile's can be fired from any missile silo and will respond to any commands.
Price, how much are you willing to spend?
If there something I've missed then please tell us.
30-04-2008, 15:00
To: Hachihyaku
From: Kingdom of Lynion, Sky Commander Jian
I have being ordered to sell off the last of our nuclear missile's. Even though the world doesn't know this, but we have 20 high powered nuclear warheads that won't be used.
The missile's can be fired from any missile silo and will respond to any commands.
Price, how much are you willing to spend?
If there something I've missed then please tell us.
To: The Kingdom Of Lynion
RE: Missile Deal.
Give us some specifications for these Nuclear Warheads. Can they be sent to Hachihyaku soil?
As for price ... Depends on the Warheads.
To: Hachihyaku
Re: Missile Deal
The Nuclear Missile's are long range and can fit into any soil. We can transport the nuclear warheads into your country, arm them and fit them into your silo's.
We will see to it they get delivered to your nation.
30-04-2008, 15:19
To: Hachihyaku
Re: Missile Deal
The Nuclear Missile's are long range and can fit into any soil. We can transport the nuclear warheads into your country, arm them and fit them into your silo's.
We will see to it they get delivered to your nation.
OOC: Negatory on that one... when did you get the nkes, did you build them, have you made a post about having them.. as a rule, nations under 100 mil pop can't have nukes..
30-04-2008, 15:29
OOC: Negatory on that one... when did you get the nkes, did you build them, have you made a post about having them.. as a rule, nations under 100 mil pop can't have nukes..
OOC: Since when was that a rule? Oh, wait, it wasn't one.
EDIT: OHSNAP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_weapons_of_mass_destruction)
30-04-2008, 15:38
[OOC: Who knows...maybe all of the old NS players agreed to it, but with the influx of newbs [myself included], it's just not possible. Besides, NS nations are supposed to be customisable.]
30-04-2008, 15:51
The unofficial Guide to war on NS part 7
The costs of a WMD program
The sticky the compass to II
- Basically you can have n00ks if you want but unless you are damn good at rping it, you lose by result of ignore or you get blasted to glass by a rather large nuke holding nation or even region.
Basically the OP can have nukes.. the person trying to sell them could hae nukes but really shouldnt be selling them
To the OP, several storefronts sell nuclear weapons and nuclear material. It is up to them wether they sell it to you but, its probably best to try through them first.
30-04-2008, 16:16
[OOC: Who knows...maybe all of the old NS players agreed to it, but with the influx of newbs [myself included], it's just not possible. Besides, NS nations are supposed to be customisable.]
I was there when they made the rule and it was silly. However the country should have a large defence budget.
I mean the UK with 55 mil, has nukes. So this rule is stupid. On the other hand, the UK would be a "thriving" economy with a moderate defence budget and 40% ish tax rate. It's a good rule for people unable to think things through, but stronger economies and more militaristic nations could have nukes a lot quicker (and conversely if your economy is imploded, basket case, developing, you're gonna struggle even at 200mil). Though testing would be considered an "international incident".
Anyway, my point.
More of a guideline.
After quick check, lynion would be close to reasonably having nukes and close enough to consider it if RPed well IMO. 72 mil, 42% tax, defence is a priority, good economy.
30-04-2008, 16:22
I was there when they made the rule and it was silly. However the country should have a large defence budget.
I mean the UK with 55 mil, has nukes. So this rule is stupid. On the other hand, the UK would be a "thriving" economy with a moderate defence budget and 40% ish tax rate. It's a good rule for people unable to think things through, but stronger economies and more militaristic nations could have nukes a lot quicker (and conversely if your economy is imploded, basket case, developing, you're gonna struggle even at 200mil). Though testing would be considered an "international incident".
Anyway, my point.
More of a guideline.
After quick check, lynion would be close to reasonably having nukes and close enough to consider it if RPed well IMO. 72 mil, 42% tax, defence is a priority, good economy.
OOC: Britain has a population of over 60 million. And your forgetting that the nation may have a large amount of savings in its treasury or be home to PMC/Arms Manufacturing companies and stuff of the like.
30-04-2008, 16:35
60+ is still a LOT closer to 55 than 100. The point is... that a 100 mil rule is good as a guideline at best. What you basically just states was that with good RP the country could, though exceptional circumstances have nukes (and you're right). (france has them too). However good RP would mean explaining it plausibly and playing the testing out. And doing it well. And having enough money or circumstances to do so. Weak economies don't pack large treasuries, they'd have used their savings already. Though nearby arms manufacturers helps, and makes it a lot easier, it won't mean the joke economies could afford nukes.
Page two and it's already an argument?
Guys, really, take a nap.
Imperial isa
30-04-2008, 17:07
Page two and it's already an argument?
Guys, really, take a nap.
look again it's only page One
look again it's only page One
Jolt fuckup, looks like some posts have been et.
30-04-2008, 18:26
What a failure this thread has been :p
Imperial isa
30-04-2008, 18:37
Jolt fuckup, looks like some posts have been et.
nothing new of it doing that and now i can say i see two page
Hachihyaku it be easy to buy them at a store that sell them, then to mess around with deals
I'm withdrawing my offer of selling the nuclear weapons.
The Royal Code
04-05-2008, 22:51
Royal Arms/Explosives Corp can sell your nation missiles and/or upgraded circuitry and software for them. Consult the Roclet link in my sig.
OOC: I would like to point something out. 50 megatons per nuke would mean you would have a warhead the size of a duce and a half. If you would have a MIRV system on their, thats a missile many times larger than the Saturn V rockets used in the Apollo Program. This means that they are easier to destroy in the early launch phase, and that means you just watsed hundreds of millions of dollars to a 500,000 dollar ABM.